Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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    If a Suit doesn't FIT, and
if my own tailors cannot
let you have the suit at all.
Negative advertising isn't the kind I want! When I
succeed In placing a suit on the back of a new cus
tomer. the suit MlSi FIT: must be LARGE
enough: SMALL enough: TIGHT enough or
LOOSE enough, as the case may require. If the
garment doesn't FIT when vou try it on. I pass it
over to my REAL tailors on the premises, who will
alter it to FIT PROPERLY if it CAN be altered at
$15,$20,$25 for Suits
that fit you in a really genteel way.
1V Massive Colonial Library Table
Knapp Felt Hals Sold Here?
n :i ; im i i , ..n. mmum mi i it vh ut kiiii.
ji Stre nc
I that fit you in a really genteel way. PKM I 'c!ock Vr" ffiisi
I Knapp Felt Hats Sold Here? Ye, Indeed! j I l I Note the low prices for xtl
' 61' I fi3 Saturday only.
Manhattan Shirts Too? Oh to be Sure! flfjP' SfS&f" mmm Zf
I Socety granrf Clothes? Most Certainly! jCST J jflvfijl Adjustable F'PSB
1 r&mmrt Mwm Wss$ window .
I- 11)1 w mjvi 1 ISO Screens ;fl3i
MJJ IkAHIwX My windows are fuU of j TOTg ' fi$H i
JL. Corner Sixteenth and Harney St.. S."" MT J 4 ROOMS FINISHED
y3 WMM- x completely fnrTlu hi
.fduceo Colonial Dresser L& A & ig & jJ 1
S KB:t7W;t fP fc Handle Colonial dealt., large K JO !5SSE?2!!M W
M Lfe French pla., m.rror. 2 iarge and : - U M 1 V
ll w.iwi HI- Maras aW'fl .toaaiii tfc . 4Vj I amall drawers. Comes In American P I --tfrfjmfinfiJ
K "' '" v., l f) ! quartered oak or mahogany nn- " I L. II 1lEf'iCCftv St
i r i n t sxrxsrtid 75 5 He 5ra fiWltS
II V Ti. 5-5v- X. HI ! 1 ' Ml II I lilV-KI HAKinUl f"
rnrn WT.LTCk,"L,- im na at rji ill i wivh jw u
1(PV !M I Sol
S (Q) 0O
VV $1.00 Ch
VJJ' I $1 M.nthly
This table is just as presented
in the illustration. It is a hand
some design and beautiful in its simplicity.
There are no carvings and the entire surface
is brilliantly polished. Has large drawers with
wood pulls and broad shelf. Extra massive
throughout. A piece of furniture that will
beautify any home. Made in American quar
tered oak. The most remarkable value ever
offered for the money. For Saturday only, one
for each customer.
You cannot duplicate
this value elsewhere;
screen measures 24
inches wide and ex
tends from 21 to 33
inches; made of the
best of material and
priced for Saturday
at this exceedingly
low price.
r .-el
1 W i ar
Colonial Chiffonier
Be Proud of Your Table Silver
Wm. Rogers 8c Son Silver is the pride of many a
housewife, and you can have a set of it without cost by
saving coupons and certificates.
Coupons like the one printed below will get you all
the teaspoons. Omaha merchants whose names appear
here will give you certificates with purchases made of
them for all the other pieces.
All coupons must be brought to The Bee to be
Begin saving coupons now!
By Trading With These Merchants and Reading The Bee
to you continually from many
vn mill hv mint certificates coming
ourcea. Thua, under thla co-opcratl e plan. ou will be able to secure the.
tDtlre set and many extra pieces or this nanasonie m.
guaranteed Table Silver within a very short time. Lei i
atart you. Clip the coupon :uw.
Watch the ads of these merchants daily,
Kogers A Son
i good impulse
Visit their stores and get
Cor. nl IfcnigUs Sis.
UnulmarU and Krug Ave.
1312 luugUs, 2d KkKr.
Brandrit Mores.
812 South IHih St.
anil 2IU .. IHth SI.
ClilU Karnam SI.
1 1'JI Karnam Si.
I .No. 7.
Clip This Coupon
Omaha Bee Daily Coupon
Satarday, May is.
URIG CO.. 16th and Karnam Streets.
Clip This Coupon
Yearly Subscription Coupon Omaha Bee
Two-Inch Post Brass Beds
Made to match dresser opposite: has
i roomy drawera with wood pulla
and French plate mirror, with Col
onial base and legs, never sold for
less than $22.00;
for Saturday
Plait with
tint ilincc st this lllustratmn. thm read the onWfil offcrlnn. -"
anv cither More In Ornsha offer "-h Induremf nt. Thin elegant br"
hrH ,0niPK In a beautiful Mtm finish In all lze Hvae hevy 5-lncn
pnntsi. hvv .roes l.r nn.l five ',-lni-n riners .Mine
with anifle steel nupportii anil l'1e ratln. Wonderfully
trooc and tnuitisome. For Saturdsy
White Enameled Refrieratir
Thin aWiton'B neMl (llgTn llmv
patent drip cup and manv other
hvffUiili- fAturaa Havrdwoorl C .
britu trlmmlmtn fill with mineral
wool and white en
ameled lined, ext eed-
liiclv econnmit i
for Kaiurnay at
nea wun mine'
1414-1416-1418 DOUGLAS ST
One-Motion Go-Cart
Made In a very pretty design of
best ten.pered steel. Has havy
ruphloii rubber tires with 10-tm-n
wheelii Ail parts of body are metal
lias run recuninK
brk and adlustabl
dh a great bar
gain at
This coupon when presented with the four others
consecutively numbered, and 10 cents to cr.ver the j
CYMt VI . ..
Rogers t Son guaranteed Teaspoi o'. he Necve
saira pattern. Out of town readers will add c extra
for poslago.
Th ceupn when properly slimed and presented at
the office of the I'maha Bee (or mailfd by ituwe rest.l
InaT out ' town) wilt bring to the holder full inform
tion how evr- hon.e n wire a full Jozen Wm Wg
era A Son fuaranteeU Teaspoons at once
Aleo. the aener will leelve a free caialofcue of
M ptecea of this t ioeher with the number of tou
pvn and verttfuates rcMutrvd for each pteva and the
uaines ol Omaha finns Issuing them to tna public
Annual Meeting of Nebrwka Chil
dren's Home Society Held.
Baslaru Meetlaa la HeU Paitoai
Hotel, ooa4ar Laac Preced
! OUpoaal of Boatlne
Flattrnn repute were made and !'
old nfflrera were re-elected at the annual
! meeting of the Nebraska Children's Home
j norlrty. held Wednesday at the I'axion
! hotel. The business session u pre
U-eded by a noonday luncheon,
i President Alfred C. Kennedy
I the rhalr and the routine matters
Interspersed nth music and Interesting
julhs. Mrs. Rudd contributed two mln
land Rev. Mirks of Pes Moines delivered
an address Reports of tne treasurer ai.u
mnerintendeiil were made. Following
are the offlrers
Stale offli-er - President. Alfred I
Kennedy. tmiaha. vice president. F. I
Haller. Omaha, secretary. I'. S. fain.-
I Uncoln: treamrer. J. V. Thoma?, box
'hS. Omaha: auditor. Henry A. 8nw.
Omalia. 5tale superintendent. Rev. E. P
giuve. Omaha, attorney .. Psldrise :
ilBord of Omaha. T. F. A William-.
l Executive Committee-Rev. T J. a1'
ka. F. I. Haller. Alfred C. Kenned:'
K 11. J Klrx'hstein. Rev. B. craw
ford. D. P.: Rev. Frederick T lious-;.
Rv. J S1. Ebersole.
i Board of Trustees H H
T I lli. kiv lr. E. C. Crawford. D. l
I Rev H. J Klrschsteln. Rev. I. P. l-ud
J'den. P. P. Lincoln. F. L. Haller. Rev
I 'Nathaniel McOiffln. P P. Rev. J s
1 Superintendent Graff Sends Out Cir
cular on Know Omaha.
th public Generally, the number of chil
dren e har been able to pUre tn nxd
home, and by so dotna; we have been
able to make r manv happy he.irt?
hv brlnainc toKeiher thr homlcs child
and the childless home, th unpleasant I
part is verv rnii- h -herlshed, for e re-
member that we ha.r teen feM.nR the EXCURSIONS ARE TO BE MADE
hungry and cloinm;
the nkeet " and
have a rtaht to claim the promts or Htm
who haf aald. lf you will gio a i up of
cold water in my name."
Gratitude im Kaprrssed.
"In closing 1 wish to express my grati
tude to all who have a?i-itni In making
it possible to
whtch e have the pajti
many friends mho hae
remembered this work in the giving of
ihetr means, to the rlerify of ihe ?tite
o-rin hnf rl-.n ititr unrktrs the rnitrtcsv
was tn , . ... . . .1,, in(rr.J.
or inr nonierpf-s miun ti , in- yi
which lias always been willing to give
both time and spj e. as well at- editorial
endorsement to asUi in raring fr the
homeless children: to the medical profes
sion for afcfiMamv and ,.d U - in th ir
special line?, find to all who have ren
dered the help which has made u pos
sible for the society lo accomplish the
results of the year s work, to ail !liee
we wl?h to eprc? our heartfelt thanks
and gratitude.
"In looking forward to the ear to
come, 1 do so wtih very mu-h encourage-
I ment. for by the genroii! a s. Stance
'endorsement i-f the public we h
icsrect to accomplish a great
practical " hrlMian work in
Omaha t ommerclal ollege Makea i
Trip o Ihe smelting orka -r
reach era to Take t p
the Plan.
Puperintndent Li. I . Uraff his sent
crtmptish the Rrcctt work i circular letter to nil principals of schools.
jean tn our ; urjiiiit them to join with the Commercial
to generously
and architects, will construct the theater.
which will seat more tfan a thousand
people and will be equivalent to a four
story structure.
club in th.; 1 Know umaha Better' cam
paign. Principals ie requested to call the at
tfiitiou of the children to the articles In
the daily press dealing with Omaha. The
nvinner in which the material should be
presenteil is ! ft with the principals
Interest in the campaign has become
mnie aitUe and the promoter.-, of the
protect are securing prompt apfistance.
. a start to th campaign the Omaha
Cnnunerciad college students went Thurs
day afternoon on a tour of the smelter.
EM-orted by the tea hers of the school
and wtih th fupertntendents at the
Miielfer as cice rones they learned some
thing of the greatest metal refinery In the
I'mtfd Htateft.
The home tiade r vurstoiift.of the Com
niennl dub Thursday afternoon also has
Iveen classified in the course of studies
r amount of j jor Knowing Omaha.
the e;ir to j y Kenned?, chairman of the civic
come than in the ear .lust past, bv taking
these homeless children, who. in man
si. n- 1 till...' k I feaH
1t.feole it. i .mhi
Kennedy. Onrge Aidrlch. Fairmont. C
tttfH and No.. .
tf yow Ut u ta
city briaf juwr
coaptii to th
offtca of Tba
Thla offar appllaa
to .T.rjoas.
wbstbsr a praaaat
aubscribar to tha
BSB or aot.
: Mrs M
I lh
.-a arp starina for the love lllC
Bjldngc. Rev I fcster fath(,r anj mother anl flacf
j thsm hr thry shall rccrl- not oniy
Ithat which strcnsthen the body hut that
I lova and cars which blicvc Is the just
1 due to every homeless i hlld. and ly so
I doing co-operate with Hint w!h ha said
-Leave your fatherless children and I will
care for them,' and has promised to he
a Father to the fatherless.
Home circulation brings advertising returns
The Bee reaches twice as many homes as any other Omaha paper.
You can cover Omaha with only one paper
R Arderson. Lincoln; Rev. J. P. Bora.
Waiifa. John Pale. Rev. Frederick T
F. Harpnam. Dr J P. lord.
E. Quivey. superintendent of
he Beatrice district, gave a very inter
line talk, showing conditions from
which .hl'.dren are sometimes ra.elved
and how the society .stable to better j rmdition of
their condition !im Kyle ot tne iiai-i-) , .
talk on te work m her dtawu. hy ,he following notice publif-hed
l Awimlttre ! ppolated. I ln a piou ity paper:
Rv a .,te of the soviet v the chair was! Th sire i of Sioux t'tt art- -leaner
nit.Ariared to aoiotnt a committee on ( than the etect
committee in charge of the campaign, re
ported i!iat ninny letters from preachers
and are coming in eery mail.
ea h promising to tart the week at hif
chun-h with , 5 rni'-n or discourse on
Omaha. I'robab'y none will talk on
Omaha-made good. or elucidate the work
ins of lactone? and the like, but prac
tically all wilt talk on Omaha from edu-c-atlonai.
governmental and sociological
5tanilpoit at Wast.
legiflatien. ln -omg his report State
!iiipTintndcnt Qui,cy aid.
ln look;ng back over the work of the
lai year I do -o ith ery much ptea-;
ure. for while it ha?, in many as. been
a ftrenuo'-jji 1 ear work. r--iving ?o
many children and looking after and as
sisting many rae where we did not re- i
reive ihm. and the fact of the very se- j
vcre winter, which iiKrcased the ork ;
and maale the .onditJns very unpleasant,
tn thin particular part of the work. Yet
when I consider what ha been ac-m- j
pUtbot fey la htargr co-operatioa of
of o-nai a -nd f
iimihi dei-laree t'ounctlman K.
lev had of the street department
hais returned fron. th-w-
h went with Oitv
Smith to inspect paMna
Thf Pouth Omaha re-ts Mr.
said, look like they had not pe-n
this Trine Omaha Mteefs
but do not come
standard, he asserted.
Kvaineer Krcd t
r leaned
leaner, i
up to the Siojh City
firadin of the new outer boulevard.
through the property donated by J. E.
lieorse. has btn started by O. V. Con
don TI tr.-t mil be graded from
Ueavenw on1- -trcct, m-ar Ulmood park,
t... a point norrh of Harpy Hollow club
This ork i.- to be ftn'shed by October
i t necesiitat'- the removal of W.OO
cub!.- ya'ds of earth The bouleard lll
f-m i- : fet wide, a'l .tdltl in
cxc-CJ- of '.' f.-ft to be parked
Calendar Complete
for H. S. Graduates
The calendar of a tivttles for th
Omaha High school senior class for th
remainder of the present school year wa
dided upon Friday afternoon at a meet
ing of the upper classmen held In the a
embly room at the school. Commence
ment exercises will be. held Friday even
inf. June 14, at the Brandels theater, when
about .35 students will be given diploma.
In addition to arranging dates for thr
different activities for the rest of the
school term, tickets were glen out for
the class play, " Royal Famtb," which
will be presented at the Brandels theater
on Friday evening. May 31. Rex Houltoo
will act as manager of tha dramatic of
fering and Oharls Shook will assume tna
duties of chairman of the ticket selling
Following is the complete class calen
dar: Monday Afternoon. May 20'omroence
ment esay tryouta tn assembly room 3t
the school.
Friday Evening. May 31-"A Royal
Famtlr, class play, at Brandels theater.
Thursday. June Visitors day at th
cadet encampment at Glenwod.
Sunday Morning. June 9 Baccalaureat
ermon. (Speakrr and place to be ar
ranged later, i
Thursday Evening. June 13 Class ban
quet. Friday Evening. June 14 Commence
ment exercises at Brandels theater.
ataMtlwK Sr-raste
with both parties wounded, demand?
Bucklen s Arnica salve. Heals wounds,
or-, burn, boils, cuts or pile, only
For tale b Beaton L-rug io-
nans f-r tne cn?tructton ol an taV.w
brick theater J- L. Brandels & Sons
on Pou'a street have ben approved
bmldinc inspector and a permit
i.iL II. U Stetii v Co., binders
W. B. Hammond's $l,flnf) personal In
jury damage suit against C. 1. Ramsdei:
for assault and batten, alleged to have
been committed two years ago. ts on trial
before Judge Willis G. Sears in the law
division o ft he district coort. Hammond
is a larger man than Ramadell. Ramsdeli
says he could not have assaulted hire
and Hammond was the aggressor. Rams
dell represented a film renting concern
and Hammond, a dissatisfied customer
quarreled w ith him. Ramsdeli tele
phoiwd for a policeman, who stopped tht
To extra floors ar to be added t
the five-story building oreupled by the
Expressmen a Delivery company. :i. 13
and North Eleventh street.
Work on the addition has began. Th
company's business has grown ss In th
last year that it as found necessary t
make the addition for atrrage purpose
The addition t!l coat JISOJS. It a ill bt
j completed by July la.