Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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Buy a Blue or a Gray Suit
O color is more appropriate for sum
mer wear than gray or blue.
ill -yM
6 ritisfs
Buffet, Table
Made In straight
lines, conforming
perfectly to the de
sign of other pieces
In the set ; made of
heavy selertert oak,
in Early English or
fumed finish; extra
strongly made, seats
bolted and braced
In most substantial
Price, each
Burglars Eob Shack
and Ravish Hermit's
Store, of Valuables
Burets came too late to bother peter
Endors, a lowly rarbage hauler, who rtie
of Injuries. His little home, a shack at
the foot of Nicholas street near Fifth,
was desolate and silent Thursday night
for the first time In years when marked
men crawled through the window.
Enders' own ttani had run over and
broken his bark in the afternoon, and
Saves Laundry Bills
This fact ii one of the
strong pointt of Serpentine
Crepe, and appeals to the
average woman of intelli
gence. Just imagine
what a saving of patience
and time this means in
the summer months.
Here is a fabric, hand
some in design, in a
variety of patterns, selling
at a popular price. In
fact, the most economical
housewife can afford to
have several waists or
gowns made from Ser
pentine Oepe, and not he
extravagant And, best
of all, they will never re
quire ironing. Just wash,
shake out and hang out.
and when the garment is
dry it will look fresh an J
bright, and is all ready to
Serpentine Gepe is coo
mandrng the largest sale
of any printed crinkly fab
ric in the world, because
no other fabric gives so
much beauty, wear, and
style for so little money.
A large assortment of pat
terns and colors to suit
the most fastidious are on
exhibit at leading depart
ment stores at surprisingly
low pmes.
Ahrays look (or Uac wordt
"Scrpeatme Crtpe" e'
nse, and thai fmuajmt
II" fffqf IrSl PpiT
In7 mmmmamapmmmmmmmmmmmmnmfmmt The nuieet
Extraordinary W H A A k Vk A Jf Tern,, ,,f Oertlt
Value also in I I Q I II f 1 J I y 1 I -l 1 Reins; Made by
pui 1.
and Chairs in
This tab! is made nf genuine solid iak mot "oak finish-
tr "Imperial" or "American quarter"!' .r any othr
Imitation.) It is of pleasing design, round top." heavy
lens, built along straight lines ami net In the corner of
heavy square, pillar, table extends to 6 feet. Must be
seen to be appreciated.
YfSf4&5& Imitation.) It in of pleasing tie? i an. round top. heavy S?l$o3'"eVf
Tf V IL' fr a leKS built "long straight lines and net In the corner of WVsySVf
H Sf l!l n hiV" "tuare pillar, table extends to 6 feet. Must be IT I EMM U
kr 0nnienl TermS f ,5,m'nl g
as the burglars sroutod his house the
frail old man lay dead In the mrontT
And now no one knows how much th
burglars profited and no on cares, for
no relative nor clot friend had Eiidtr.
A little memorandum says a Woodmen
of the World Insurance policy fur i.0W
was stnratl In the hermlt' shack, anl
neighbors believe there was a large sunt
of money. But none knows nor cares
since (he old man has gone.
Striking Tinsmiths
Keturning to Work
in the Open Shops
Tlier is very little change in the strike
of the Brotherhood of Hhept Metal Work
ers, neither the employe's" union or the
strikers giving In to ea h other' de
mands. The tlnnTH are tttrlking for a
minimum scsle of 4 cents an hour for
all Omaha worker and a half holiday
on Saturday eight months of the year.
About seventy tinners are out and
about fifteen of this number arc working
in ihop not belonging tu thr Master
Sheet Metal Workers aoctatfon. whl h
tins agred to ay iiH tht- m inters uf the
Omaha union 47 cents an hour.
The shop are able to tae car.- of all
the work with the aid uf nonunion men
and outside help. At present there Is not
much tin work to be done. i
The striker an, willing to arbitrate I
with the employers' union and even take j
less than a 3-cent im rcasa.
Stage Folk Decide
to Dance Together
All Through Life1:",:
Arthur J. Miller of New York City ajvl
Ml3 Kthel Simniona of Brooklyn, a. aub-
I urb of Xw Voi k City, who are at th.
Orphaum with a (lancing number thu
j week, harr auo ll fo well with thur
fifteen mlnut1-? In on?"' that thry hay
I resolved to dance, through life lOKether.
hand in hand mid foot In foot, aa It wert.
I They aerured a marrlaif llcenv from
j the county court office yeeterday and hied
thfni to the office of Justlre of the Peaiv
i Barker Me tl.-J a good, hart nuptial
j knot. MIm helping by holding :
' her finger.'- Then the Juetice added a !
j few more knota to mak aure. applied a
: lot of red hot sealing wag and acnt the ;
; Millera danrlng out of the office Ilka a i
J pair of '.un;; olte. '
j Arthur ia W nnd Kthel In juet turned
Thal no on. has .,- nn,, , Ia.h ..
: the testimony of a w itness in police court
was what Acting" Magistrate in
I d Ira ted when he threatened to fin C.
Reese of 813 South Kiahteeuth street for
contempt for sum keritig.
Reese was arrested on . 'jir.p;aint of
t Mr. Hkks, 1715 Leavenworth street, that
la cocker spaniel dg belonging to Rer-s
j had bitten her litile ddiighter. hes
mdf fun of M:s. Hlokn and other nit
nessea' testimony, iaughmg sjoud. Judge
AUHadt interruptM bis mtrrtmeTit by in-
quiring what waa funny. Reee made a
flippant reply and the co'irt laid doWn
bil ultimatum.
Ree aag ordered to have the dog
Vre Jrs!t.i!i and j jdielous l of ;
Kewsra;ee Advertlnng U the Rod to i
Bosiness S'
And we can furnish
your home complete
with values like this.
It's a solid oak Buffet,
well made and splendid
ly finished, in the new
rich fumed, the artistic
early English or polish
ed golden oak finish,
has lined drawer for
silverware, large French
bovel mirror, large cup
boards and extra largo linen
drawer. It's a thoroughly
dependable Buffet at a sur
prisingly low price a fair
sample of the better values
that we are giving.
I , -,.
1 Tenty-i
Waterloo Viiiton
Stopped on Pleaiure Jaunt,
Hr l ulls to hiir I n In Pnlpa i.r
d Ural-Si Warrant U laaafd
lor Him Arrrl Olbrr
Sldrra Flaed.
In howlntr seventy-rive members of
the Waterloo Ad club a good time Thura
nay iiigut thirty -five Omaha autoiuu
billsts violated the ftpeed lave, according
to Traffic Offhers WheeUr and Emery.
They arrested three of the drivers ftir
runninc cats from thirty-five to fifty-five
miles an hour on Tliirty-tiBhlh avenue.
W. J Kline of 1613 Elm street, mho
hss teen arrested for speeding before,
was lined M and cotii for driving the
second car of the parade over fifty miles
per hour.
R. II. VVondworth of "Am Itewey avenue
was fined 15 and corts after pleading
guilty, lie then tried to appeal, but
tuuld not after having pleaded guilty.
Olets Palls to Show 1 9.
Gould Diets, lumbermsn and prominent
member uf the romrm-rcteJ club, wan also
srrested. He failed to show up In Doll-
court and
second warrant was lsued
'for his arrest.
Other automobilials to he fined were
K. L. gtolt. Franklin; N. II. Nelson,
$5 and rosta ea-h. and Roy t'ohen, l&
N.irth Klshteenth street. lo and coat.
ine Waterloo visitors arrived at
6 o'clock, an hour late, and to show them
the beautiful boulevardi and parki of
Omaha the drivers were aked tu "speed
up." They dtd . iifer HiipirOHing that
j thr niot .tryclf officers would M'p them.
orth created a laiah tn court
referred to their at reft as a
"dlvfiiPttnt; p,G of buidrtesj'."
Falls Four Stories
Into Pile of Debris
of Burned Building
J Charles kinfcman. a houe wrecker,
j employed by Philip Kuns. a contractor.
v -u m uianianuing tne Arnea build
lrg at Sixteenth and Karnam atreeu
fell from a naffold to th eground yeaier
lay morning and receiyed probably fatal
Kinsman ws working on the fourth
flor. in,' of l,.a guy rope, became
jejught agamat a jagged brick and wort
j in ( lueiipltatlng hlm to the ground
j below, lie muck a lot of brick and
I t'mber and waa unronartoua when
"p huTri
Joeeph s hoapital. An operation waa per-
' " "'" n" rccorery la con
l'utll Thuialay light Glett-i Tel ley. a
ear worker for the ("hteago Great West
ern, had all the confidenee in the world In
I i ff i'oe- man. He thought thet he vm.
frut rf,P,i P' V-t or large etimj
nvon' w'h anvene. Now he thirkt
Thureday afternoon Teller waa
busy, and when he saw Arthur Futner
doln,c notB,n be endorsed, a check for
and asked rntner to go am) cash
It for him. That wj the last he aaw f
either Futner or the eheefc He notified
both the rounei! Bioif- ami Omah-. w.
lice of bio naafortune.
P'?tU 14'. 1
From Our Near Neighbors
A. K. dates mni a flying trip to
Omaha Wednesday afternoon.
Miss Quelle Tark was here Tuesday
vlatttng her brother Mendel snd Mrs
Mr. and Mrs. K. H Vlor cume from
Omaha Sunday for a vit with Waterhto
B. Mock left Monday for Relle
Kourche. t". !.. where he will engage In
sharing fthfep.
C. Peabody. who I bookkeeper nt
the Robinson Heed company s office, went
to Omaha Saturday.
Mm. Art Myers wat called tn Kennard
Monday to see her mother, who ban suf
, fered a broken ankle.
J. C. Robinson and E. N. Pike made a
I quick trip to I avid riiv last Friday aft-
ernoon, on seed bustnes.
Mrn. J. A. Wood was here Ist week
visit tug her daughter, Mrn Hottjaniln
fttengletn, and returned tn Hinaha Sun
day morning-
A banquet and social time was given
by "Waterloo lodge No. HC. Anolent Free
and Aciepted Masons. Tuesdsy evening
In Masonic temple.
Mrs. O. A. Undguent nf Bennon. mother
of K 1. Mndquevt. visited hr son and
wife the last week. Mr. and Mrs. tleorne
Johnson were also guests st Sunday 1iu
nr at the Undqueat home.
Mother's day was observed oulte gener
ally In Waterloo Sundsv b the people
Many whlt and pink flowers ere worn
by the men snd Homen specie! services
were held at the Preib terlan chuirh.
Mrs N'elnon J. Rli and Miss Rose Coy
went to Fremont Wdnes-lsv evening io
attend the anitust meeting of the grand
chapter of the Kal"ru Star. Mrs Rell
being a delegate from the local chspler.
Mrs. George John. -on took her doKB to
the kantiel show at Fremont last week
and entered them fur premiums. She was
fortunate In getting the fir-t prize fur
both. In the toy spaniel class, to whl- h
they belong.
Miss Kate Shea was home over tfumlnv
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T W.
Shes This is the first time she hss been
home for nine munthf Miss flbe sus
tained injuties last summer thst kept hf
from work for sonte time.
Tharlle and Pate fompton drove to
Valley Wednesday afternoon to get wire
and other apparatus to us In dynamiting
on the rier Thursday. It is the intention
to blow out sonre of the i-uts south of
town and the work began Thursday This
will, no doubt, help to gel the bends
straightened out.
The drains kc hoard met Tuesday nt
Waterloo and looked after some routine i
hntPdness. as well as making a few
chans ee In work already laid out. and
seeking to have the same rushed along
more rapidly. The contractors were repre
sented at the meeting hv Mr. Pollard
and Engineer Nelson was present, as slso
was Attorney Courtrtght of Fremont. It
seems there are a few of the river cuts
tnat are entirely opened, and a number
have obstructions which will have to be
removed and there is considerable stump
age yet to be cleared.
P Mangold Is on a business trip t
New York this week.
.nr. so'i .m;f. . nn '"-'
tlves between trains Wedneediv
Mr. and Mrs H Ims h of Wash-'
inston were visiting inends here Wednes-
Miss Myrtle I .each has gone to Fre
mont agsin to tske up her work st the
Mrs. A. laorensen and daughter of
TUden were visiting hoi motti'-r, Mrs.
Glkndt, (his week. ;
Fred Peteese t has been called on to I The senior-junior re- il n of the V
pltch for tne Farrell ball team of Omaha 1 ksmati Ifiirh school i...k pia. e u..m.
fatuiday. . dv evenfi g at Hchferier's hail and from
' j r p-rts of those who r.ave .tttri'll tl
fclbbor. I "a '"e of th r holiest eutenHinnientM of
Hfri t Mickey was a Uncoin visitor I
Monday .
Mrs H .V Homann aile.l nn friends
her Thureday.
Mrs V. O. Ifofeldt entertained the
&,. club Tbursda).
Mra J. K. Tate went tu Wabo Monday
10 v.sit her parenta.
Ira Kigg was up from Gretna Thursday
011 a new motoreycle
Mr? 3. W Hmtsiey was at nmaha
Tuesday for the day.
rVrvlee-i were held at the t 'at nolle
church Thursday morning.
Mr. Ort was visiting hie daughter. Mis.
J. E. Kate, two davit this Weeg.
Mrs Baurngerdrter and Miss Kreda
Grimm were at Ometha Welnesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis N'eimsnn nre the
parenta of a baby girl born Wfdnesdav.
Arthur Nolte went to umatia W ednes
day and brought out a new automobile.
German bu t here n aerv ices r e he ( d
K the Methodist Epiaeopal church Hm
day. Mrt Fred Martens vinted hr parents.)
Mr. and Mrs Edward ie ha. on Thur
oay. I
Mr. and Mrs. Vrvoral went to 6ctiuvier !
Thureday evening to vielt friends overj
Mr and Mrm. H. A. Nolte went to their
ranch near Bridgeport. Neb . Mopomv
Miss Anna Lea oft and Mrs Henry John
soa gave a surplice shower for Mrs. Rob
ert Baldwio ftaturdav at ths heme of
Mre. Johnson A good time waa had by
gll and many ueWui preeenta recetvsd.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ofobotta went to
We call your particular attention to these colors in clothes lor men and young men,
because we want ou to he tl strictly up to the minute. We always advise
you correctly ; tlint 's why our patrons alw ays tome hack, and a! o hrinst their
friends here. Our ran-e of stay suit-: N without ;i donlit the prcatc-t in Omaha
Gray Worsteds Serue. I'lilinisln d Woi -ic.l-. 1 1 1 1 1 1 . Suit Weave-. Taney
(Jrays in all t lie dilYrivnt si.a.ic- ;nui ail ilit- n-'w model-, naif lined or lull lined
coats. 'J piece or "
years for stout mm
vou all at
Fadeless Blue Serge Suits
The kind that are absolutely fast color. We unai-aiilee
every one. Ask to see the silk lii'ctl hlne -ersro suit that
others ask $'J and $2.)
, lt n o!n
I ventinu
Mnndto . returning Wednesday
Mr taiuhon attended the coti
( tne wianil IimIkc Ktt'KhtM of
ss tepresentatlve .f the local
Tw hall testns selected from the mem
bers of th local aeiii of K;t It . the
Fats and the f.eans. pla d a Hosely
cunteMte,! game in llsns-'ii iHxtiue last
Bunin I'he Fain were declared vi
torlou) with s s ore uf M lo Ki
Fifty orphan children passed throush
here on the total passeiiKer train from
New York (tt. They are frum a Catho
lic Inst ttul ion to b- distributed In new
homes through the west. Tim Keefe
and family took one into their home, a
gtrl Ii-ks titan years uf age
Mis t H. Mr hois sn. Mav spent Mon
day in maha shopping.
m ibs Minna i.oenry or i imatia istted i
her sister, Miss Msttna hehr. Saturday
and Hunday.
The freshmau Isss will have a Hits
paity Friday evening at the home of Ke
tlier Anderson.
Mhs Olive Calduell has accepted a io
sllion st clerk In N. . Johnson's bakery
and confrctkmery.
The sophomore, class of the high school
will etiterislii the senior class Friday
evening st the home of John Foster.
The girls' bucket ball team were de
feated in a wiiiie aiih the tiretnn girls'
team at flretna Tuesday after school.
Mrs 1". M Butts aceompsuted her sis
ler and children, a ho have heen visiting
here several da vs. (u omalia Vdued.
Winter ( 'ow Us returned Wednesda
from Idaho, wher he haa been staying
with hih uncle. Lewis (dwles. attending
Mrs iVell Moore snd children eame up
from W a t erloi Ma t ui da j and Were t he
guests of Mrs. K. K. Steele until Sundsy
Mi , and Mrs. W. K etkly and Mr.
and Mrs. Frsnk Whltmore attend lite
Kastern Ptar tunvenium in Fremont
WediKMla y.
The Woman's 'hi it-1 Ian Tenipeiauce
union held the regular monthly ineelkng
Wednewlav afternoon st the home of
Mrs. funis. A muslcil program wss fol
lowed hv a domestic science demonstra
tion. Mrs. W Tavlur. Mrs. 8 l.utton sod
Mia II A Tsvh.r were receded as new
inemheiB The net tiicrlinu will le held
at the home of Mrs. H. P. Ferris.
The Young People's Sni-lelv of t'hris
tlan Kndeavor of ihe fresb teriati church
held it third annual niet-ting and lec
tion of officer Wednentav v ning at
the home of liisdvs t'ondron. The f-iliow-tng
ere the. newly elected of flee re: Miaul
I'hllornt n. i V Hlitt..f in. pi .'H.H nt . f ,hm
Mav Mrh"l. t. e president , Miw .the
Ingram secreran and tr awnier.
Mr. Kinjr jf Terre He tile. )rni . ha
been visiting his son. A. King, the last
Mr and Mrs Alvln 'ornehus were
Omatia vi.-ttor or. Weltusdav and Thurs
day uf tlit ueek.
Ford Hou.-rs came in Mnnds v after
noon from los AhK-les fur a two weeks'
visit with bli pireii's at lekimmh
Fret M,i. f..rntfilv or T'kinati h'it
now "f l:-iffa)... ,. t Tekaroah
visitor t!.ls k, srteti.(. old friend
H M tii.i..wel nn'l Frtd Ml hael u..i
,u m
j v(a a
j stot in
hihs iat r'Tldax and returned h-,in'
to aii-1 the rainstorm In the after -'I
h v reailxe it Is to liv t'i
Mm. .it mnddv reads and in a jairi
Harry Isrk. formerly deputv eountv
ler k of Hurt "Kit v . whs a Tekan.ah ;
visitor mrr the l.t,t)( He waa 'm his j
iy to f .rants f'ass. t re . ufier h K.nnU
of weeks visit with his urents at fa-nz.
m7 rnat nas sTtven in the local
high x h'M.l
Misa Hearl Met arty mas agreeably ,ur.
prised lael funis v eenlrir by a ihlt
from a numlM-r or her cehool mate
Mis I'eart s home is about a mile we!
uf ton end the young folks spent a
moxr rues. sent evening at the Mrm. Tn
1pr.s.nlrt n.r iirpilM-1 with a "lrt !
rlnli in 1 ommeinnrali'in uf th.-lr vtm.
j i "ajili Parr..., f l ining. Mom.. l-
im nvi r Suniat n T.kainuh, a wen ;
t rtf lha I 'liriM 1 r . n I ak. a..ll i- ..
of th hn Jf. p And the ill h
Mr. HnrioHs h1 com- t. ( tmnhJ mh
hi mnth.-r wri-i n her way eMt
for a visit, ar.d he chnv rp to Teifsrnah i
lo viett friends and relative. Year mk-i ;
he i tn the general m rchandise husj- ,
ness here. j
Mr. Charley Gilbert Is ouite I
Mism Beth kratz ill.d fr.m Frlda
till Sunday nh Misn Hae iwiti-r.
Will B-e -ttar. r HI rtart Tuesday f -r
a three mnthi' vlut in 'iv. mai-iv .
Mr. and Mrs. It. II. SkeM.U v of Hkair
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. spring
Bert and rjirvc Harm of Omaha )s.
Ited their K. K. HUhard. Sunday.
Mr. Norton 'A"aton of Lincoln Is
Ifpendmg the week with her father. Mi
r ran mob id.
Mrs. Fred Pa ilsen of Kenntnrt'n vt;t.(
Saturday with her parent. Mr. and Mrs.
!a Hasmiiapen.
Mr. and Mrs X. S. Thompson and cl il
dren spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
.Wtsen f I-eboit.
Mis Kate Peter n, Miss Nellie Ja. ob
n, Mr. Morria Kramer and Jim and
nice suits i.n- uiiiiu' Uici'. ' ..dd!e
or slim men --we can l i!
lor, which we will sell at
. . OA j
alter Madtren of lienaon siea. Sunuay
st tits A. IV teln home
Mr. lieorKe Thompfon returned to his
home in l,lr.ej , Neli . W ednetav. he
beiiin here to attend the funeral of his
brother. John Thompsen.
Mr. and Mm II F. Kuril sen of Hsnson,
: Mr snd Mrs Krkerseti of Omahii and
Mr snd Mr Alfred Hssmuasen from
near Hennlngton, spent Sunday at the
( Nels ItttrliuiMt'ii home,
j Friends nf Mrs. S K Urewster sur
i prised hsr Tneslsv In honor f her
!blrthda . very pleasant day was spent,
those present hetnn Mrs. K K. Mrewster.
j Mis. i ltrwster snd Mrs. W L Hton
i sker of Omaha. Mrs r. F Mibbard of
'South Omaha and Mrs. Norton Watson
'of Uncoln and Miss Fannie Andersen,
Mrs. John Klton and Mrs. Arthur
1 K n if hi
Mr and Mrs ('larencr Wheeler autoed
to Omaha Monday
Mi s rmu ford visited In Omaha Sun
dsv with f i tends.
The Misses Mines und t'ronk rpent
Snlunlav and Suiatay In tmaha.
Mr and Mrs Westphalen of Omaha
visited Tuesday with their daughter, Mis,
Mrs William Von hnhren. jr.. and Miss
Miiyine Von Dtthi'mit were (mm ha visitors
Mish Frieda MnlHteIn tt Omaha came
out Saturday evening and spent minday
with her (arats
Mis. Vnn iHihien, si . and her niece.
Fern Fallon, visited with relatives in
Paptlllon Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. tleorge Fallon and chil
dren. Hutli and I,u lie. visited with
f i lends in Omaha Sundsy
Mrs. Herbert Armniesd nf omela and
Mls I. net I 'onnui of i )r-ltm were
gueets Smolnv sfteinuon of Mr and Mrs.
lieoigc I'laiulrei k
Contests Are to Be
Started for Places
on County Tickets
i ontests for the last place aniong th
democratic nomination for state senator
will la Marled hv Richard i. Morton an I
James o Hnrn Saturday. F. Haarmann
pndiubH will start a contest for last
plsee on the republican ticks against
F. S Tucker.
Canvass of the Douglas county vote
uill he cotnpletfd isle thin afternoon.
j The total will put ft. Liver In th-
last place on the democratic tt ket with
a lead of about five over llortun- Hon on
have a bad of between twenty and
thirty over Mara Tu-her wilt have a
small lead over llaanuann. who has teen
! suprKed t. iie lieMttn Tucker for ih
I last plat e.
I Hr lolallv 1strovr the horn of Mr.
j;ind Mr. Frank rur.l(. on In offln
'Hi-iinPH load. In Parjiy i-fujnlv. al J:3fl
t It., k Tliirify aftrnifion- Thre. amall
'htMi-ii Hey If. th- hom at Ih tlm of
tl a fir". ( ii:aijrii(1 pi vsn th flamra.
, Wl.-ti 1u fr. lTk. i-.ii Mr, Tijrlc
4, In lli- ft '.I. v;t m' ,lahl of Ihe hotifta
Hii'l di'l ti"t V.ii'-w thiit h.r li'rin ha1 ln
,'lMt.'d mi' I nfMnii.d of !h. farf by
; li-i ii- ik-nl" : lilwika Mr Turek
For Tender Faces
fi Jdlpnable forthotelubj
I "2 n. rouahno;. and oiher 1
El ol the akin. Ashavintlulun
U. 4 no aoccy snap, no tana, r.i
TJIa,!.. m.
bjert to red-
ury. Nomof.
no w aste of
tlmeor money lnmke)Mbox.2V.,at
storeaor by mail. Liberal sample free.
Addraae "Cuticura." Urpt . If. hostoo.
French Line
astir ha nmmmmMlmtri ttafa-. P-nmmt a
ailaipeBjaiippad ella wlr-atM 'aucrapS vd4
(via Su kmeHr met'. AvlttOMl yaltlac
IriajaWttdM SJ MirtarMNSeUe1
all. .V-f. aeaaHaSBBaaa-e-sBBBBBBi
i mum
I LZff aaw naiarr ia mwi
m I "arte. All ataait
.a 17
I aian hartalHwT tt.rif. fopaatf arHaa.a M
ailaaJovaippl vitawlraaM'auarapar ao4 avarr aaaaw W
aged men ami liioe of senior
$10 to $35
is saaii.Mj.kl iWJfj
i I is
wss in douth omana. ah ij.ntu"iui
house and furniture were destroyed by the
fiamcs and the family Is left destitute.
The unfnrtonatn p.trents and children
were cared for by neighbors last night.
The "ftsg" contest which was tn have
been a feature of the opening nf th
Country club Inst Saturday afternoon
and w hh'h was postponed, due to th
rain, will be plaed this afternoon,
Several of the t'ountrv cluh golfers have
entered for this event nhlcti Mil proe to
be very Interesting.
Our bland PoMeuion'i Gift
to the Nation in a
National Drink.
Tka American paople know littl nf
tba great batfU that would com to
thn if thr would make piutapplt juice
their table drink.
The pure juice of the Hawaiian pine
apple ia one 0 the greatest beverage
ever brought to the attention of man
triad. It bailde up the eyttem, aide di
goetioa and ia a deeided relief ia caeea
of throat trouble.
Dolo'i PiieappJe Juice ie the abn
Intel; pure juice of choice pineapple.
Order aorno to-daj. Sold by druggieta
and groeen everrwhere.
"Cooling Drinki and DetMrte," aa
intereating little book telling how to
make many pleasant, cooling drinks,
tent free.
Hawaiian Pineapple Product Co, Ltd.
112 Market 8V, San rraneUca
Dominion Canadian Xmrvim
"Lasa-ie. June I, J. Jm 27
Mr'antic. Js. a. ..;. J
'Tceewtlc J. t. Jy. 10
.Ti scvafkj tWJ.75
"Owl tout sea 1 1 Am ISS
' Wil vteas UlJi U2S
arrange Hoottinrt with LecaUgeot
r 'omrant'i Oiftct. Lhtcago, III
m mimi siwBPsspini Jwvi m
CAaTDnrATlAjr Amertcaa Isliie
Llfej mtim Ik
O. r. Tletgea, Kay IS
Dai ted Statea, May S3
MeUtg Olav. Jane
Oscar XI, Jaae 30
C. r. Ttstffsa, Juoe 87
United States, July i
HIM In ?ICaJ nt
ls requinriMnt
tMsOcrif Cwii
Ne Bt:Dn:c ?
rirat claee, f770 mp
A- g JOHN SOX . . Ui Wm kliM au.
Uk. mt ear ami urn
Newest and Finest
Continental Steamer
0 TT
qtiirMliSstwTsisi a-iiraflsss. TsissteaMr Ims
mmd rnai wrth prmlw Wtk. Teriuai. bate. frasMna,
Isllsrtsa tety yeer, bMsry. fcesry timumw
a eavielr UIbifal waae. riW Ywra a
All steamers take southerly couree
Fsr saitlcslsra speh
W g sock. 124 Fsr
aast ft . L. Nera. tst
Ksc'l Bsk: J g Ray-
ah;i a