Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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    fHK BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. MAY 18. 1912.
Xost Optimistic Br port it luued by
the Burlington Boad.
SI I tagi to Be Far la Er af tar
Heretofore fcrm IB This Slate
tges'a Talk with the
With aa acreage that i op to If not in
excess ef tie average everything polmf
to a bumper wheat crop for Nebraska
this areson In many of the counties ,
right tkw the average condition It If
par cant, while In tern- does It fall below TV !
This oytlmittlc report it given out by '
the Burlington read and ! made up from
detailed raportt teat In by the company
acenia alone the several lines I .est wees
theae atenit war tola to make observe-,
ttont of their own. talk with tha farm- '
era and the train buyers, ana oa May 1
ant to headquarters hare tha result of.
their finding!. Tha reports cams on time
and at headquarters the eumoiary was
mad which shows tha small (rain to be
la the beet condition ever, taking tbe
whole state Into consideration.
Tha Burlington touches nore
than anr other road m the etata At a j IVoken lots of Men's Stiuimer t'uderwear, worth up to jOu, at.
"Tttered loU' bT'on'jM's Wash Ties - just right for summer wear; 50c values, at
whole covering about all of the grain
raising area of Nebraska.
teadlttaa la ereat.
On the eondttloa and acreage of winter
wheat the report shows the fallowing.
Count v and Acreage. Condition.
Holt, little grown r
Antelope, very good la
Pierce, lane M
Cedar, verv rood
Dixon, email. !
Dakota, larre
Thurtioo. good MS
Burt, good M
Dodge, large loo
founders, tmall -
Colfax, fair
Sarpy, good
Case, smell
Oloe. very goo 1
Nemaha. Urge
Johnson, goad J
Oage. good.... - -
I. neater, good
Hallne. fair
Kllmore. large
CUr, good -
Adam", good
Buffalo, large K
Keward. felr.
Platte, larga W
Tork. lerg - 5
Polk, good
Hall, large !
lUchardton. fair JJ
Pawnee, goad -
Jefferson, fair JJ
Thayer, good J
Nuckolls, good
Webeter, large. J
Franklin, large
Kearney, good JJ
Harlan, good JJ
Phelpe. large JJ
Fumes, fair
Ootper. large
H-d Willow, targe JJ
Frontier, good JJ
Hitchcock, good JJ
Imady. large J
Chase, good - J"
Uwool. large
Perkins, good M
Data Alee Oeea.
In treating of spring wheat tha report
shows a smaller average over tha state,
when eos-ieered with that of tha winter
variety, but generally thtt acreage la la
excess of last year. Its condition every
where Is placed at V par cant ne locality
falling bek this mark.
Oat are also placed at Ma per cent,
with an aeraact eonslaerabie greater
than last year.
Tha raaortg war made subsequent to
tha recent rains, which wen general
ever tke entire stats.
Meldreare TeeHrree Bepee.
Oenerel Manager Mold rase of tha Bur-,
Ungtoa It back rraea a trip made across
tha SUM fraes tha Mlaeoarl near ta the
Covered Una, la order ta gat aa Idea
o( the era eendlttoBa, ha seat oat ever
ane Una and back ever another. This
cava hlta an opportunity ta obeerve eon
dltlone throughoot the whole of the
country tooth of the Platte. K peeking af
tha winter wheat and Mm general condi
tions on the farms, he said.
"everything looked fine two weak aa
wheg I went dear the Unas and If poe
tbte, crop condition are better now than
than. There ha been an abundance of
iBoistar and tha cor weather of the
last week ha been Juet the thing for
wheat and oat Of course. H has re
tarded the planting of corn, but there la
plenty of time yet. With warm weather
from asw on, tha oorn will be put la In
a hurry. Farmers everywhere are en
thusiastic and Nebraska never looked
than right now."
Attorneys in Water
Case May Come to
Agreement Monday
Tha appeal taken by tha Omaha Water
company trees tha decree handed down
by Judge Hunger Wednesday afternoon
has been forwarded to St. fjoule, where
rt will com before the attention of the
circuit court there next December
No agreement between counsel for the
city or lbs company ha been reached
peacMng the tllhx of a euoerceeee bond
by tha eempany. The whet matter af
tbe upercedeaa bond and appllcctloa of
the ttty to take over the water work
and operate the same awaldryi the decree
of the appellate court will he taken ap
Meadny morning.
"I hav get the water off my brain, and
ltt going to stay off till Monday.-
dared John U Webster, esumel (or tke
city. "Everything will lay over till the.
when he hope to get together."
Omaha office building owncrt ard man'
ager hav taken alepe kmkii.g to n or
ganisatlaa for mutuai benefits. A mart'
Ing was held at the Commercial club
Friday alternsoa. at which preliminary
action was taken. Another meeting will
be held two watka benoe. at which Urn
it Is expected the organisation will be
The owners and managers will employ
secretary, who win act aa a sort of an
employment agent. He will hav a list
of the buildings and will have to do with
hiring tbe help, such aa elevator men.
window cleaners and scrubbers. H will
sJeo be a purchasing agent to a certain
degree, reeenring all bade for suppuss.
Three federal prisoner, each senteBced
ta thirty days for Bonpayueat of fines.
appeared before United state Coejunl
stsner Daniel and signed Poverty ai
fldavits. Thos we are yeleaetd (rem
custody sr Frank Cailendo. fined CI tor
mailing ebstne language oa a postal
ard: Oeorge Brown and Walter Browa.
fsjrd MM for awetieing" oleomar-
- - .
New lots go on bargain squares in our old itore Saturday, from our purchase of a well known retail stock of men's furnishin
goods. The bargain! will
New styles and pat
tern.s, all sizes for nieu
worth up to 4LQ
$1.25, at UVC
Men's Pure Thread Silk Hose -
70c, at. pair
Men's Neirlijree Shirts new stvles worth up to 75c, at
Utis Mlk ana Lasie tnderslnrts ana i drawers lor men
weight, worth np to $1.50 a garment, at
Special Sale of Men's Hats
Men's $2.50 and $3.00
Famous John B. Stetson soft and stiff hats, 'at $350
Joseph Wilson & Sons Imported Hats, at $2.50
Brandeis Special Soft and Stiff Hats, at $2.00
Young man'a II. 0 English golf can and autoruobll cant at .. 45
Boy' and children g Straw Httg at 25S 49. 98 nd $1.50
Man'a Straw Hat and Panamas all tha latest stylos for men and young
men tow ready for Inspection.
Trunk at
Suit Caaos at . . . .
Trayellng Bags at
Mon'c ln ull calf, tan calf and patent leathers
I ACII B button and blurher lace stylos Uoodi ear welted ania
ui mimtm via mwrm,
OXIOrds par pair
Sickening 7afl Food Drivei Prisoner
to Beak Death.
Obs Mas Taken ta Heeptsal ta Drtag
Condition aad Others More ar
Less Alfeetetf mr lalaaV
las Be.
Sick at heart, a well aa physically.
from tha effects of estlng srrsp and
other foul foods, and believing death far
mora enjoyable ta tke life In the county
alt "bull pan." eleven prisoners formed
a salens pact and attempted to take
their own Uvea yesterday morning. The
course they ehoee wa the gas rout.
One of the prteooerm, James Htgley.
eerrfcg sixty days, waa texts to tha
eetenty hospital at boosj In a dying ooodl-
Uon. HI recovery Is doubtful. Two
ether ei Issuers were Baconsrtoua when
found, but their ooadltieo w not eertoue.
The other eight were only made very
sick by Inhaling the gases.
PHeeaer Makes Ceafeeeloa.
The (ulcld pact was revealed by ens
of the prisoners, who begged the report
ers not to us hit name, because he said
ahouM tt be printed the deputies would
mistreat him.
"The food that baa been given us lately
waa not (K to be fed to a dog." said the
prisoner, "and In my pan I found a
piece of green Ireer, a nail and three
strings. 1 could not eat sny of It. The
other boys suffered about the tame.
After the dishes had been removed we
decided to end our miserable existence.
After the rock pile gang bad left this
morning we turned on three of the gas
Jets, climbed upon tsbles and the tops
of the cells and awaited death. Unfor
tunately the fume entered the office and
Informed Jailor Cshlll of our Intentions."
Jailer Detects Fibm.
At M o'clock aa tbe Jailor waa busy
checking ap his accounts he detected a
strong current of gas. Pallmg to find
the let In the offk open, he started an
Investigation. He entered the "bull pen''
and was stsggered for a moment by the
strong flow of gas. While deputies aliened
every window. Cahlll dashed la and
turned off the three Jet. Upon the din
ing tsbles acd on top of the ceile were
found the eleven "bull pen" prisoner
sll more of leas ra a stupor.
Hlgley was unconscious. He we the
cloeeet of the eleven to the lets, and
cerved the full effect of the fumes. After
working over aim far aa hour Hlgley was
ordered to the hospital. The other two,
who were uncantcioua when found, were
soob revh-od.
Beteee to Mvalae Same.
Tbe ten prisoners stolidly refused to tell
Jailer Cahlll or any of tbe depuoea which
one or the eleven turned oa tbe gas left.
but later one of the prisoners told a re
porter why the Jets were turned on.
"The food has been growing rottener
and rottener each day." eontlnaed the
prisoner. "Many of as have not eaten In
days, and last night when they fed
green meats we decided that the end had
coma, Death was far more Inviting than
a living hen In this "bull pen.- -
Oeerg Steven, another prisoner, said
that all of the eleven had agreed before
hand that at their sect waa traauaud set
be more wonderful than
Men's Shirts
Scores and scores of the
smartest, newest patterns
many pleated coat front
shirts, worth up to AQ
$2.CH, at
Black and colors, all sizes
Hats at $1.00 Each.
All the broken lines of
men's soft and stiff
hats; also high grade
sample hats $
$2.50 and $3
values, at ....
Men's $2 Hats at 50c
Odd and enrla of man'a soft
oats and automobile bats,
that haea bora gelling up
S.V: 50c
ft."; fUl t Kn sin 11 n to -:
1.50 2.50. 85 u to 27.50
83.50. 85 up to
Basement Specials
Men's Shoe Odds and and, about
100 pair, worth II, nt. per
T 81J55
Men's Fine Sample ftboea Oood
tyles, aervlreabls leathers, worth
fJ and 13.60. at, a pair .-82.45
to betray the one who turned en the Jets.
Prisoner Will Mel "I'eecb."
'They will sure punish the msn. and
wa wlU not "peach' on him, come what
may." declared Mtevens. "I found a long
strip of green liver, a long string and
other refuse In my stew yesterday and
tke looks of tt mads me sick.
Barney Kemmerllng. another prisoner,
wa hitter In tile denunciation of the
subcontractor who furnlthe the food
to I he prisoners.
"That contractor should be prosecuted
to the fullest extent of the law whether
any of u die or not. He Is the man wb
sends u filth and bad meals."
Aa el fort waa made lo talk to other
prlsonera. but they appeared frightened
by tha pretence of deputies, whom they
thought would punish them for talking.
Jailor Cahlll Is conducting an Investi
gation to ascertain the ring leader of Uie
pact. II Is slso arranging to have all
gaa Jets placed ao that the prisoners can
not reach them.
Ure Would Change
System of Getting
In All the Taxes
O. I've, city and county treasurer.
Us office Is credited with
ssaaiBg sll kinds of mistakes and parpo
lialkeg er1uB sad arsetrmry sctlona la
oslWetkBS of DTil taxes. Tats la because
the BU etty aaaea are baasd ea tbe sU
coonty asai annuls, the trvaumrer says.
"When the asawsscassrt for esonty taxes
Is aaade In BU. few people seemed te
by aikej of law. betas for the atty
taxes of nax.
The eMquattj Is that the a t
hi boo far mooted frees the roll osf toe
pertod. OoUecdcew) are sot made oatll
many paopat have Bsoeed away aad we
Musikverein Fund
Gets a Good Start
Over kVOS" waa subscribed oa the open
ing day for the Musikverein to buy th
Weolworth home at Twenty-eecond street
snd St. Mary's avenue. It will take
tm OS to buy thla property, but th
society experts to raise that much within
rooary has been paid ta at W. H- BeEfcoJa.
Ties ptuaiaiut of the Osaeha Katie,
bank, who te trustee for tbe fuaa. He
report this evening;
A mens the first day' doner were C B.
Lreer. Leo Beonlngboven, A. J.
Dr. K. at ttvmta aad O. B Diem,
have data tali it ties sutstal have cast
a Warn that thaw.
-Wast Oavaka needs, tt a i am latin I
ety aad csaaxy tax vssrh herkra Beads aad
Jtr. ere tea ben srwjag the atiipcloo
at tats can aad taw aware ha area at
nomas- Imia ads atVl Omg a cJawsge
the Beat Sea or Btteea days.
O. B. flbakirt waul the axibmjautlea
with tL0x. A tike aiaount waa aab
enaSad sr k C Btreaww. Theae ra
bag aiBiaali were followed by seaea rsssf
aur tram $W a Bea. A larss nasi of
Stores Big Sales
Men's Ribbed and Lisle
All sizes, actually
worth as high as
S1.25, go at
Men's Summer weight
Lisle and Balbrigrmn
Undershirts and Draw
ers. worth uj
ti 75e, at . . .
29 '
AH the Men's Belts many are samples, worth up to $1.25, at 35o
Men's Pajamas excellent quality pongee and madras, worth $2J0
a suit, at $1.4
Men's Silk Xeckwear New four-in-hands hundreds of patterns
worth up to 50c, at . 15c
Men's Suspenders-good quality, worth up to 50c, at 190
Men's Night Shirts made to sell np to $1.50, at ..49c and 75c
Business Suits
Wool Suits
Main Dept. Old Store Second Floor
Sample line of non-fading Manhattan Wash
Suits for Boys in Russian and Blouse
styles the most serviceable materials
worth $i50 and $3.00, at $1.50
Boys' Handsome Blue Serge Suits guaran
teed true blue all wool serge, at ... .$8.50
Boys' $5.00 Knickerbocker Suits remarkable
values Saturday, at $3.45
Choice of Site for Drill Maneuren
, Made by Commandant
Wkes Kb at Drill Hib school
Cadets Will ladals la Base
Ball Tearaey far the Itesl
eseaisl Cbsmploashlp.
Olenwood will be the tile of the 1M)
encampment of the Omaha High school
cadet regiment, the choio of a place
for the Big dys of drill maneuvers hav
Ing been made yesterday by Captain
Arthur 8. Cowan, commandant The
camp will be located about four Mocks
from the town and has plenty of ground
for drill purpose and the layout of
The eacampnwnt will be held front
June I to I. Inclusive, the to lads ta
The Kiddies' Supper i
lW JmsU bs abtple. spcfinn, sod ssayhs chacst M
Lfc pj A efSsTaaBf dUl af ah awW food I yfjT
t Post Tavern Special E
U I ' VlV5 9 BWb he iTAwituai mi aies food hjhtcp for Ma jj V t) )
' Silk U rwwnvP o. Vi Z.
I I lh Trii food xwBbsts oSe cfeacafe beH fisvon of wfeat, com R VA ""U3
fi 3 Mil aad ekd aad k hJ of nci. wholnorae ncmSnrea. h
JyMm Hnifaral . a. M&2
jy fUM ft pcrndfe aod B srrred wttii crean (og raft) '
Z J Tomorrow' Brmxkftat iB s
J , Sdd bf srocm ia 1 Jc psxs. t Vi-
Men's Imported
Silk and Lisle Hose
Black nd colors -worth
3oc a pair -
and Wash Suits for Boys
leave Omaha early Monday morning snd
return Saturday afternoon. Thursday.
June s, hat - been et aalde aa visitor
day, when a special train will be run to
Olsnwood at M o'clock in the morning
and returning late In the evening.
Among the many features of tha camp,
In addition to ths routine drill, will be
a baas ball tournament for the champion
ship of the regiment. In which team
representing the nine cadet companies
snd the bend will take part. The annual
regimental track meet will be held Fri
day afternoon. June f.
The cadet camped at Olenwood one
before, the Iowa town being the seen ol
the week' outing In June. '.Ms.
Vt revere Mat Badly Hart.
BEATRICE. Neb., May l7.-t8oet1al.r-Charles
Burgess, who I employed by th
Burlington company In Wytnore, had hi
right leg crushed and the ligament torn
Thursday by being struck by a push car
while at work In the Burlington yards
at that place. It will be some time before
he recovers from the accident.
Men 'a and Toaag
New paltcrne.
tops tl-M,
for Business Men
There are hundreds of Omaha meu who want to pay
somewhere between $12.50 and $17.50. They expect
a good suit for that rnouey and they have a right to
expect it. They WIIJj get a suit, if they come to
Brandeis, and they 11 choose from a wider variety of
strictly up to date, well tailored suits for spring and
summer,' at
$12.50, S15 and S17.50
See the high class men's suits in the new greys,
blues and browns, imported J, fi
worsteds and cheviots, special values. . wJ9eei
Best Hand Tailored Men's Suits in America
Here they are: The Hirah-Wickwire, the Rogers-Peet
and the Society Brand Clothes perfection in style
and tailoring, at
S20. $25?S35
Short lota of Boys' Suits and Top Coats that
are better values than have ever been offered
at the price, Saturday at $1.98
Boys' It Wool Knickerbocker Pants full peg top with
belt loops and watch pocket, at 49
Boys' Base Ball Suits blue and whits or grey and red
. complete suit at 50?
Base BaU and a a Free With arewry Weel fata
Ames Building is
to Be Rebuilt Six
Stories in Height
I'lans are to be mads for a six-story
building to take the place of the Ames
properly at Sixteenth and Farnam
streets, which was destroyed by fire a
month ago.
Ftsoer A Laarle. architects, are now
drawing these plana. They will be corn-
pleted soon snd sent esat for the approval
of the owners.
Francis C. Welch and Phillip Dexter,
trustees for Mrs. Lothrop Brown snd
May Helen Hooper, heir of th Ame
estate, will pass upon th drawing.
W. Famam Smith, the Omaha repre
sentative of th trustees snd owners, an
nounces that the building mar not all be
new. It depends, he said, upon ths de
cision of the building Inspector whether
or not ths foundations and lower Doors
of the burned structure will hav to be
In Our
Douglas Su.
Basement Special
Men's All Wool Worsted
Suits dark blue and fully
worth $15 splendid
weights basement
at $8.50
01 sal 1 J -4 '"Vtee
torn out. Should th building inspector
find that they ere abls to hold a six-story
building as they stand, ths raxing will
be done away with and work on the re
building begun Immediately.
Permit to a moke, i cents. All dealer.
Mat. WiniLow-t Soormxo Svatr hat bera
eaed for over SIXTY TSAR by MILLIONS of
Muinr.ns lor tacir im l,iKK.N
i&r.iiimu. van rcsfKCT eucCB&s. it
Al.ljt,VM.n eat hi . rrn9i.-u uiivh ,n ?
j u the beet remedy' D14XSH(EA. tt It aS
wretely bareness Be tare sad uk for '
wtnaww-s seetsisg evTMp,
lsd. Tetslr Svsceau b
Who may at any tint be placed in
position where they can save a human,
life, n reprint from recent press dis
patches ths following.
With Our Suggestions aad Ad rice i
"Refused a drink of liquor by ths bar.
tender on the ground that he already
had enough. Mr. . a dgarmaker,
dropped dead on the floor of tbe Sham,
rock saloon. He leave a wife."
Undoubtedly th stored up snd sc.
cumulated poison of alcohol in the sys
tem arising from his long continue!
or excessive use of intoxicating liquor,
was the cause of this man's death. It is
this poison and Its effects which cause
men to hare the "craving snd gnawing
for l.w-'or." tl.s "aubearabl nervous.
nest." which they all tell about
Th unfortunate man in thi condi
tion would like to ettspe: he triee to,
but finds his ooly relief from his suf
ferings In liuuor more and more every
dsy. each drink adding to the poison in
the erstem. until the system beconee
so filled, "clogged up" with It until
very nerve center snd cell get in that
awful condition where It I simply a
q'lestinn of more liquor or the penalty
of death demanded by outraged nature.
Th person In this condition may be
likened to one who hs taken carbolic
cid if th poiaon Is antldoted and
elinilr.sted In time NATVRB CURES
snd restores health. The great success
of the Neel Three Day treatment for
a.conol!sni la that after a pending many
years in study, mv -titration and ex
perience, w. b. E. Neal found the anti
dote for the poison of alcohol (the same
as other physicians and scientists found
the antidote for other poisons), aad
originated the now world-famous Neal
treatment, which quickly antidote, neu
traliaea and eliminates the poison from
ths system when NATURE, the greet
and only physician that cures disease."
eided by the restorative medicines which
fort. a part of the Neal treatment,
qaickljr res! ora the patient to a normal
healthy condition.
The next time you have a relative as
friend, or find an acquaintance or othel
person suffering from alcoholism, me
duce them te try the Neal treatment.
U.i?2" r.2dr Nl Institute, IMS
South Tenth Street. Telephone DooglaJ
Vat, Omahs.
53 h S. W. Cor
Uin or peg iWi'-t. ,A