Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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    Hit lir.b: ujhaiia. t.vt l liiA'. . M.W 1.
Of This Great Alteration Sale
Pianos and Flayer Pianos
At a Fraction of Their Cost
Just one more day and this
great sale will be over. Xf you
tnjss getting one of these sweet
, toned pianos at these prices
vou have overlooked the chance
of a lifetime. Read over tke list
of world-famed piano bargains
below and come early tomor
row. Don't let cash stand in
the way when we offer such
liberal terms.
We Saved the Biggest Bargains
for the Last Day
$300 Groverstein practice
Piano $25
$400 Marshall & Smith Prac-
t.iv? Piano $35
$225 Arion Upright Piano $65
$250 Kimball Upright Piano,
at $75
$250 Hospe Upright Piano,
at. $90
$350 Checkering & Son Up
right Piano $110
$300 J. & C. Fischer Upright
Piano $120
Our ironclad guarantee
stands back of every sale.
Sooner or later you are going
to buy a piano. Why not talk
it over at home today think
of the opportunity to ret a
standard piano at such a low
price consider our terms
30 days' free trial, giving you
a chance to change vour mind
if the piano is not all we claim
for it and more. No money
down a dollar a week 30
days' free trial.
Manufacturers, Wholesalers,
Retailers. Oldest Piano
House in the West.
1311-13 Farman St.
n H A
We would like to "how you The
Herrlck. They are made of solid
oak with spruce, while enamel or
opal glees lined and mineral wool
Innerllnlng. Built so as to main
tain a dry cold air circulation,
which Insures the proper preser
vation or provision Pricea
$14.00 and up
I an Ideal kitchen cabinet.
Saves mile of steps. Ha many
Important feature over the ordi
nary kitchen cabinet.
Carpet Company
Special dtniummlminm of Brtmd
and Coka Baking m Thtimalie
Firalmm Cooker Sotwrday.
Governor Aldrich Commutes Sen
tence of Mm Up for Harder.
Hertlealtwrtste .rrl,e sit Opleloa
Crapi Will Set e Serteeely
Kadaastered by Kr.l
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. May 1". (Special.) Clifton
Hollman, a colored man of Alliance, aaved
his phonograph record, but In doing so
he killed a colored woman with whom he
was living and received a sentence of
twelve years In the penitentiary. The
Board of Pardons recommended bis term
be commuted. Messrs. Butler and Msggl
fixing the teiine at eight years and Telser
at ten. Governor Aldrleh too kthe advice
of the majority and made It eight, which,
with good time, will liberate Hollman
February 25. 1911 '
Hollman, when he came to Alliance,
bora a good reputation, having served
two enlistments In th earmy with credit.
He took up wtih the woman and lived
wtlh her until one night she Insisted
the tempo of one of his phonograph rec
ords was too slow and declared her in
tention of destroying It. Hollman objected
and in th eflght which ensued the woman
was shot and killed, Hollman Insisting he
shot in self-defense and that the woman
was coming at him with a big knife. The
application Tor pardon was signed 1 by
court officers and many dllsens of Al
liance. Frali "Vet aerioaslr Hart.
She State Horticultural society officers
are of the opinion no aerioua Injury has
been done to fruit by tha frosts of this
weak. The frost has been light and, in
fact not noticeable eioept in low places.
It Is said little of the fruit Is located in
places where tha frost was observed and
there is considerable doubt whether it
was heavy enough even here to do serious
damage. U rapes, probably, are In a state
which renders them more llabla to Injury
than other fruits, but as a rule tha vines
ara on hillsides where the frost did not
reach. o.Vthlng haa bajipened, Mr. Mar
shall, sacertarr o fth esoclety, says ' to
change his previous estimate of fruit
prospects. Orchardlsts, especially In the
southern portion of the state, are com
pleting th espraying and conditions gen
erally are favorable.
! Bwth la Three Tears.
Tha Capitol Automobile club, composed
of auto owners who office at the state
house, are contemplating tha presentation
of a petition to Treasurer George re
questing that official to take a day off
and give his automobile a bath In clear
water. Tba last one It had was a mud
bath, and George win not ear whether
H was given for rheumatism. Mr. George
ears that be has owned the machine three
years and K has gone that long without
a bath and ha has every reason to be
tleva tt can get through the present sea
son, at any rat It -rays runs when
he wants It to.
Trimble Sweceede Seathor.
Captain A. M. Trimble of this city has
been appointed adjutant general of the
Grand Army of the Republic department
of Nebraska by th new command er.
This places Mm in charge of Ihe office
of assistant adputant general of the state.
In eharge of the Grand Army and vet
eran records at the capllol. He succeed
L. M. ricothorn.
- Granite la Place.
Th granite work for the pedestal of the
IJncoln monument on th eapltol grounds
is now all In place and makes an Im
posing Impression. Its proportions, how
ever, will appear to much batter ad
vantage when th granite railings and
approaches are In place. The stone for
this work has not yet arrived, though
It was shipped from the quarries some
time ago and has been expected dslly
for a week. Last night one of the Jani
tors caught a small boy with a board
trying to knock the beak off the granite
eagle on th pedestal.
Hasjsea Cesses Back.
Food Commissioner Hansen hss re
turned from Chicago, where h had con
ferences with th head of mall order
houses. He says so far a he could see
these houses were complying with the
regulations of th federal pure food law
and this, with slight exceptions, .Is a
compliance with tb Nebraska law. They
promised to make any changes neces
sary to meet the local law and grave him
permission to open tip any of their goods
he found In transit and ascertain If th
law was eompited with.
Sew Baak at Ore.
The Nebraska State bank of Ord. with
a capital of $26,000 has been authorised
to commence business. Th Incorporators
are O. Grotban. C. Bradley and H. B.
the Best
at Each
Omaha s Only Modem Clothing Store
The Home of Quality Clothes
Make a note of this
You can get a better suit for
$15 at this store than at any
other store in town.
Bold, boastful stattMiienl, yot iilisolutcly true ami otoily proven. "We
sell more of Mich priced garments, perhaps, limn auy two Omaha
stores. With such an outlet we are alile to buy a fur lietter suit to soil
for $15.00 than any store in town.
At rule, we don t emphaslte any one
price at the expense of any other; they're
all so low and bo satisfactory - but these
Spring Stilts at ,15. 00 call for special
mention. Kvery style In every color and
fabric including True Ulue. the guaranteed
serge all haml tailored throughout. If
you want the best fl :. suit you ever
wore, come right in and get li
Perhaps you'd like to see our entire
line of Spring Suits at $10 to 940
Just walk right in and say "suit" to one of our careful salesmen. He'll
show ytni in a few minutes, what a really gigantic clothing store can
do for a fellow, regardless of the price he wishes to pay. Better suits
than other stores sell and more of them than other stores show.
Lord t'licsterfield was considered
sou.e smart dresser in hte day.
He was up on styles and he knew
the value of a well dressed sp-pcaran.-e.
lie left lots of sage
alvie on the subject of dressing,
of elilcli this is a ssmple: "Dress
urself fine where ethers are
fine, and plain where others are
plain, but take i-are slways that
your clothes are well trade and
fit you. for otherwise they will
give you an awkward air." If
tills store bad been in existence
In t'tiesterfield'e time be would
probably have included that
rhoughtftil men should buy their
' here.
H 5
Come, gentlemen,
to our hat dept.
There look over the new
blocks that have been created
by the style masters and re
member please, every one is a
quality hat, sure to give you
service worth fully twice what
you pay for it.
Stetsons $3.50 up.
Others $1.50 to $10.00.
Boys' spring suits
Made in every style, of every
worthy fabric sold at
prices thai mean true econ
oniv. $2.00 to $10.00
Washable Suits $1 to $3.00
Play Suits 50c up.
Do your walking in
King-Swanson shoes
And your feet will lie iMmifortablc, and jour shoe expense will
be light. Style and service wrapped up with every pair.
$2.50, $3.50. $4.50. $5.00
Great Values in Boys' Shoes, $1.50 Up.
Good furnishings like our's
are worth making an effort to et.
1W.MM.1 line of plain and fancy stripe,
f I. (Ml, $ I. .to up to IO.OO.
,AT HlllltTS
Plain or pleated, ruffs attached, guar
anteed fast colors.
$1.00, VI.AO and up.
Silk 4-iu-band. narrow or flowing ends.
flOo; 7.V. I.OO.
The moat beautiful you ever saw.
J.V. nor, el.OO.
All colors, fine and gauty.
8.V and nor.
Two for ll.V.
ITTl .!
marts- Vear
Jewels and Prlrate
Papers la a Kate Depoelt Bex.
For the man or woman who
forma this bsbtt there's abso
lute SAFBTT tor all Talnables
s place for everything, aae
ererythiiig in Its plaoa."
Inspect the Safe Deposit Beies
w offer today at a yearly ren
tai el" leas than a cent a day.
(hubs Sale 9tfmA Cantuy.
Ml 4
TECVMBEH. Neb.. Mar 17. (Special. -indf
J. B. Raper adjourned district
court her last evenlnf until June M.
The court had been In session since
Monday. Naturalisation papers wer
(ranted to about a doxen Johnson county
Considerable time of the session was
devoted to a trial of a combination of
the two esses of Islle D. 8 pence, guar
dian of William I. Toung vs. H. V.
Miner, sheriff, and Charles C. Reynolds,
and the seme planntlff against 8heriff
Miner and James A. Boggs. In these
cases Mr. Spenr. as guardian of Mr.
Toung. an alleged spendthrift, enjoined
the slierttf from levying executions on
Judgments upon Ihe property of Toung.
In the first rase mentioned the court
denied the application of the plaintiff,
giving Judgment to the defendants. In
th second case the Injunction was sus
tained and was made permanent. A
finding was made for Boggs In the sum
of P.
In the use of William Kneeuuid vs.
Caasie Beeman. William Wagner, et aL.
on foreclosure of mortgage, the sale was
confirmed and deed ordered.
The same finding prevailed In the fore
oJoeure case of C. H. Pickering vs. Gant
et al.
Charles Claseon was given a divorce
from DoMIc Otassoa. i
Scandinavian Mutual
Aid Association
unanges Its Rates
MIN'DBN, Neb.. May 17.-fSp,aU-The
Scai.u.-.avlnn Mutual JUd ann-' UHon
of Ncbra)1ia hld tit adjourn-M annual
m-wtlng Thurwlay afternoon, Thii nwt
1ns waa adjourned from th regular an
nual February meeting to auh ac
tion aa nilKht b iwetamry fr the. better
ment of the. condition of the aitaocUthn.
whirl, whs reported to have been In bad
condition laat February.
The officer of the aaoc!attn ent
report to the February meeting ralltnf
attention to tlie fart that tue i-onditilon
"I a result of a fatal mistake mad In
the organization, which wan common to
all orcaniiatlonti of ihlft kind, to give
omethlng fur nothing." The report railed
attention to the fact that on January 1.
1912. out of 1.W. members there were forty
members over seventy ear old carry
tnjr Insurance In the sum of M.i00, and
that there were out of l.W7 member. T4
from ages fifty to seventh . carrlnK In
surance in the sum of Tne of
ficers' report states that the off t er
shift the "great responsibtlity of reliev
ing the bad condition that now exist
from their shoulders" to thttt of the mem
berahlp. "It mould have been a pl-aaut
duty," continues the report, "to report .1
fine condition, but as a bad condition
exists we could only point out and tc l
you the truth, unpopular and disagree
able as It may be."
This report was slgnrd by J. 8. Jo'w
on. president: Ed Peterson, John Young
blut. Peter Carlson. Oscar Bloom, f. 1.
Johnson. J. . Jensen. J. U McPhetr
and C. Hove, directors. Responding to
this report and to relieve the bad cona
tion reported the February session of
tha meeting authorised double assess
ments, or "double headers," whenever
iseceaary. At the adjoUrned meeting
Thursday all efforts to make a substan
tia) raise In ratea failed to paaa. A new
rate was adopted lowering the rate fro'ii
ige 22 down 10 cents per thousand, and
from up increasing 10 cents per thou
sand. Tha by-laws were so changed tha
policies hereafter lsaued will not exce
trict and ah delegates are expected from
all of these the members of the Central
City lodge will have a laige number of
visitors to entertain. The degree train
from rd wilt be here to. put on tumif of
the work. Grand Master Workman A.
M Walling of Ivid City. Orand Chief
of Honor Mrs Mary Cleaver of Lincoln
and other off Ida la will be here. Mem
bers of the local lodge are 'niuking t-xtt-n-siva
preparations for the event.
KKEMoNT. Neo., May 17.--tSieciat.i-The
grand lotln of Ihe ICastrrn Htnr
closed an Interesting session here yester
day afternoon with Installation of uir
oers lh:it were rhnppii yesterday. lite
total number of registered delegates aaa
33. There wrrv many visitors prcsmt
from low. Vesterday the memorial
services fur members who died timing th
last year was held. Among the lit deaths
wss that ..f Past (iraml Mali. .11 Mrs.
MiiKsleman of Norfolk Ijim erenlnir
Adah chapter of Womh Omaha fiit on Ihe
War Crond fross and Arborviatc rhan
ter of rYemont the floral work. The
order has had A permanent ami sul,slan
tisl growth during tli,. jcur.
PAI'IIJ.IUN. Neb. May U (Hpe.lal.l
Tiie district court fur Harpy county has
heen tn sfeeiryi sinrc Mnv . This Is an
sdjtiijm'd session of the Frhritary term.
The CKHe of the Hnbel Kuinttnre com
nany iigaliiat Minnie Hnillh was de.-tlrd
In favor of the defendant. The Rilbcl
Furniture company sold IlKs worth of
furniture to lty Nmlth 011 the Install
ment plan. The llnhel ("umlture com
pany did nut file 'he contract In Ihe
clerk s office al paptlllon. Hay Hmlth.
sftrr P.ivIiik tl le. left his wife and anld
Ihe furniture to his wife, who the Jury
declared an Inmicent purchaser because
Hie contract s- not filed and gava Mrs.
Ka tSuilth Ihe decision.
The case of Mrs. Koclicrans against
the Modern Woodmen of America waa
de ldeil for the plaintiff Mr. ttoaan-
! rrans left his wife eight years sgn. No
J word lias been heard from him sines, so
I Ihe Jury pronounced him leaally dead
and awanled Hie amount of the policy
I to his widow. 1
i The case of Ihe Slate against Krlggs '
comes up next Tued.iy, alien arguments
will b. made fur and .its ln 1 a change
of verjue.
J. It. Wilson, clerk uf the district court.
cam home Tuesday from North la
kota, ahiTo he went for his health, lie
Is much improed.
Judge furnish of Lincoln was In Pa
pillion Thursday attending to business.
KIMJAft. Neb., Msy 17.- (Special. t-The
twenty-third annual commencement of
Ihe llgar High school was held In the
niiera house the evening of the IMh. Th
house was densely packed with the pa
Irons of the school The following de
livered orations on Ihe Panama csnsi:
rttuart ;iilt, "Hie I'snal and Us r.
fects;'' Kstherine liwrey. "l-'ornier At
tempts:" Mabel ilnsiks. "tleoaraphlcal
SHUstlon,," Opal Brookley, "Making Con
ditions Xanltary:" otto Northrop. Engl
neerlng. ' Maurice Oall. "Financing the
Pro.le'"l.' Kflie iifinan, "Clue Proph
ecy;" Hnrliare Itiston. "VaJedictory."
LM IIWUHT-Of lagarss
All Work Guaranteed.
Prloee RsaaenaM.
alt January W. 191 1. was given to the
jury this afternoon. The defendant was
Minified by three witnesses. The de
fense of feted evidence that he was at
Ihe Republican Valley Medical society
banquet at the time the prosecution
charged he arcuated Miss Hyatt and was
looking for his alleged stolen automobile
al the tune a man riding In his cae
attacked her soma minutes later.
IIASTIMi.J. Nel,.. May IT. -(especial
Telegram. 1 -Til ess of In. p. If. Harlliolu I
iii of lllu mil. accused of attempting j
telonloua assault 011 Unnlet Elnlne Hy
I'uwimerelal Travelers Jfeet,
BKATRHK. Neb.. May IT. (Rpeclal
Telegram.) Tha grand council of the
I'nlled ( 'ommerelal Travelers of Ne
braska convened hers today with 9 dele,
gates In sttendsnca. No business see-,
slftis will he held until tomorrow when
officers will be eW.trd. A banquet ad
dn sMd by many of the visiting menine
was held tonight at the Christian church.
Key to the situation bee Advertising
Italian Laborers
at Tecumseh Strike I
TEtTMSBH. Neb . May U.-8peclal.-Some
thirty or more Italian laborers,
members of a special construction crew
working on the Burlington tracks mar
this city, went on strike yesterday. The
entire gang numbered about fifty, a part
of the men remaining at work. The
laborers, who were receiving. per
day and bunk cars tn which to live, did
not think their par enough, hence Die
strike. It happened that the pay car
runted Tecum-eh that afternoon. Just a
short time before the northbound passen
ger train arrived. The Italians desired to
go te Omaha on the northbound train.
and. with the limit of time and the usual
confusion of tne foreigners la Identifying
themselves and getting their par checks,
there was s lively sputter at the depot
for thirty minutes or more. As soon r.s
tba men would receive their checks they
would start up town on the run to resell
a bank and cash the paper and return
to the depot in. time to catch the train.
wew Mtere I. BJ.kbed .
AUBURN. Neb.. May 17.-Opecial.)-The
hardware store of Jnhn rr a .
'Son was broken la last night and about
W worth of revolver and knives stolen
Entrance waa nude at the side door and
the parties that entered evidently took
I plenty of time as only the best knives
1 were taken. From the charred matches
I scattered about the burglar took time te
1 select on'y good articles.
CENTRAL. CITV. Neb.. May LT. f Spe
cial. I The district convention of the De
gree of Honor. Ancient Order of United
Workmen, will be held in Central City j
HVC. Mar "Z. and concluding Friday even
ing. The first meeting on Wednesday
evening is to be an open meeting. There
are tMrtv lour kal lodg-.-s in this dls-j
Orkin Brothers
318-320 South 16th. St.'
Opens Saturday Morning at 8 o'clock
800 Stylish Coats
worth from $25 to 39.50 at
This remarkable sale will be a great surprise to every customer
Beautiful and practical coats right in the season's height at such an aston
ishing low price.
The offer embraces a prominent New York manufacturer's entire stock All hih class
garments which we purchased at a great sacrifice and wc consider ourselves very fortunate in
being able to make this wonderful offer.
JlTvT.T? J" S ? tbHl iS TrU 0 1 hink f a Hiylc tl,1', eanuot fouud " All are
liertertJy tailored gainifuts and rnad of finewt material.,.
French Serges, Bedford Cord, Diagonals, Whipcords,
Mannish Worsteds, and fancy novelty weaves.
Coats made to sell at
$25, $27.50, $29.75
$35, $39.50 ....