18 i EEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. MAY 18, 191::. REAL' ESTATK RtVI H lt)D FOB S4IB 4eeea;ta. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Travai sad bv the ATLANTA. BIRMINGHAM-ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Lands adapted to the widest range of crop. Ail the money crop of the oat plentifully produced. For literature treat ise with tht co ovine country. He (oil. citmata. church and achoot aav&nta4es. writs W. B. LEAFTY. DEPT K. Genera) Paasencer Agent. ATLANTA. OA. TWO Improved quarter secT'on farms, Hamilton county. Kansas. Slat sack cash; tl an acra agent a eonmuaioa. Baa . ... Denver. Colo. ia. let SOI7THEKN MINNESOTA FARMS FOR SALE if yoa want to buy aa Im proved farm in Southern Minnesota write for catalog. Southern Minnesota Land Co., Blue Earth. Faribault Co-. Mine. MaataaMU FIFTEEN Jeers to par task par acre for Montana's choicefl Irrigated fern lands; rf.wv acres now open under taa Carey a-t at Veiier. Mont.: M bushels a( wheat. IIS bushels of oata, mi bushels at flax per acn. Write todav. CilaiM. Hunt A Co.. By S, Vsiler. Mont. ISANCHrlC,) to iWM.Suo. Send for bat. Shown at Ca., hanch Dealers. Omaha, Neb. Una. . THE aaaleat war ta find a yeur tarsi is ta insert a small weal ac ta the Lee M alius Capital. Largest sir CJlaitaa ta the siaia of Iowa, 48, tut dells. Taa Capital ta reed by and baiisvsd la ay the staoopatters af lows, was aaxpty refuse to permit aay outer paper la taau emsa nates, l cent a wora a aay; eu par Una per noma, mint sta erdlaerv ras is w lias. Address was Maikii a.avuu. CHEAPEST FARM INiOWA Contains 11 acres of Una land, generally roiling and the ducat of pasture, with soma good timber. Good improvements and the beat ot woven wire and oak posts for fencing, about twelve miles ti.i-a in a my on a fine roan, ana oiie nuie rrom a taliway ststlon. one of the best stock larrns anywnere. and will o sold at decided bargain If aotd at one. If I tereated get busy aa uma la limited en sale vt this. , . 1. D. JOHNaONr H Bapp Bin. Council Bluffs, la. Jlsbrasaa. . H , Second Bottom Land r u ttc auN c taut uttiy. A tthotok Uim JMf crnt ivbCfd tUid eroM ififO-ti; vv aVor pluwu, v mcrm ptuiur. A-room bouM In lair oonaluun; nw bvrn. Kac. and now bog fiouaa, UaJt, wtin ctxtukont ftoorv; Cftb, cUr nd, eoJekM litMJB and tsamrnupd cava, W milaa from (Jiuana, nulm from railroa4l town. gUMdlng awltcb mlia- Kxtrft good taiv itu Mcr. to ip add to aiiaJfa tma lk.lL ktikity f.mjw .totl; no ovorilow, Ji rica, rr iw re. iSo uadoa. J. H. Dumont & San a HUl i v'Uaa. 4SVw .,rw Pit. 4. at T .V., UdrtSU. inarms If arms Farms iTiuna ui italics i.i uiuaha. rtar,ii.. lt us show you te guoua. ah sissa, an prices, all terms OIll.N . aiKRRILL CO., Booms lin-lMI City as(. Bank Bid g. , AuJUhTMaNT af business Intsresls demands toe unmvdlate aaia at thess properties: leaore lurai. Bo) d county, half eulu- . Tsted, nail hsy. ai acree, lint toll, Psrklna eounly, I nines tram good linn, aa the Burllngtoa. las acres, with cased wail, Lincoln county, one miki (rum town, on Burling. nm i mi i w j . tire-room cot lags, north part ef city. SB-room atodwa home, ut beet resl drnos district. kiignt-ioom eorofortabla hama, oa large lot, apace for i.wa aew houses. Menus rsri dutrici. Mven-ruum cottags hama I Pacific euncuon. as, 'ineaa properties are all well located. For prices and terms Inuiilr of owners. 1117 Farnam Ml., Omsha, Neb. BtJliB KXCLLLKNT NtllKArtKA FAHsi bargaiaa, and lliey will never be bought cheaper than now. Crop prospects are . good and lands will aura advance la Uia very near lutura. V-acre wait Improved valley farm, sjl , choice land, one and on -ha if niliee to county seat towa aa mala una u. r M, H. nc. M am L-acre. eicellent upland farm, good , improvements, good land, govd orchard : sod gruva, six miles to good town, Xmw- aon County. Nabraska. Prloe. Ut aa acre. so-s,-re tano, one and one-half miles ta good Iowa, in Ins Wood Hirer valley, oas half valley, one-half upland, all enslirnt laud, vary good improvements, and one of tu best bargain la las atata, 460 aa ac-a, trS-aora wall Improved Llknora V alley farm, svtry foot gaod land, the land wul pey for Itself lo two years, good grove and mi-hard. HO an acra, any oi Iha above larma can a aaa for about one-half 1 t ash, balance easy terms If la the mar Vet lor a 'aim aak about these. W. IV. litrhell, 411 Bee Bldg., Omaha Neb. I own K quarter sections Nebraska land, S' Stt.Teo. will lake t an sore, ast, carry 4M per quarter t years, per saac BOX 3. 1'tiNVhUt. COLO. atXTIoNg good laud, Liacoia osunty, sSebraaaa. at Is aa auiu aaa cash, aal- yei. s pe.' wu. .winnuseioa to nygnta ti.ew'i. bos Ins. Oeuvtr Colo. "r"tjK aLe Xeya I'itla county, Ke biusaa. w acres M asUes t. w. af dprlng aiea, eHa. d. 1. Case ihresblog Ma. hiue o., hacina. Wis. Nevada,. t )2P-ACRIC north Arkansas Improved farm, near town; about i.aa) bearing t.eea, Istaas. eoba i el surer, usasba, eo. awaih Uskata. t BLTs a raJltiquishsseat la Melietta 4-ounty, South Oakota. m the lamoue Koeebud county, located near White Hlver. the county seal. Jacaaon Bros. Omaha el (ice. lis) city National Bank aiiag. teaaa. TRUCK FARMING. I-et us tell yea of the cheap bring ant ideal climate and the profits they are making la southern Texas; gat started tight away for this summer's crops, caa piaat a per lug crop any lima, call or writs oa, UlLF COAST DEVELOPMENT CO.. 714 Lraodele Bldg. USUAL XUTICKB. CKRTIFICATB OF PIBLICATION. Bis.e, of Nebraska, offka of Auditor or ruu,ic Accounts, Lincoln, Feb. let B. it la hereby certified that the New York Plata Vexes Insurance Company of iora. in tee state or ew Terk, ass oowipaiea witn the Insurance taw ot una state, applicable ta such companies ana is inerelore authorised to continue urn ra o aiate giaaa insurance In this etsie far the current year aadmg January slat. MU. Kununary of report fited for tha year 1NCOMK. " Pwaaurot .sxc flirt Ail other sources .a-4aTLsJl.at r m OleBCRoEMENTSr Paid policyholders. .7.as A'i otner paymenta SX2.sa.il p pq 47 Admitted assets ks;sii " . , UABlUTlEa I- nnatM dslma and ex penses rtJ M.M1A4 X nearned premiuma... txt jai a AH other Hamllties .irt.le-tae n apital stock paid up., m mm tiurrije bevaad eapitsl atock aad ether ha- - ttXs4aJI.4t.al Total k ,, .Si'" and the the auditor of pubhc accouata tha dar aaa ear first stove written. 7 ' . - BARTOM. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Value Hare Big Setback Following Heavy Advance. RAH CAUSIS DECinrX II COM Seesea af Lighter Peed Beqelre aaewte at Raad aad While Sal ami eaellsa May Oreer, Sews Will Be Bearish. OMAHA. May 17. mi Wheat-values hare had a big setback after a steady advance of six weeks. The markets have been overbought and liqui dation was ataned sa the reports of great Improvement la the growing cross. The trade Is expected to settle down and maiket fluctuations will be governed by the same class of news Wi. i shake out came, unless suits unforeseen leature uevtiope In the nor ;h west. , The decline In corn had to coins when wheat was raided. The season af lighter feed requirements Is at hand and wnlh, ETIJSiS !' L!" "av expected to be bearish until the grow- lng crop has to encounter the usual scares durlna the summer arowiria ner'ad While the liquidation In wheat was not sa heavy today, there was enough to seen tne market' on iha aw lli.e and values sought still lower levels. Cash wheat was Jc lower. Corn was a-eak and lAaer and seHina of the deferred futures continued. Cash earn was as to Mm lower. Primary wheat receipts were CIMt bushels snd shipments wers eTi.O bush eia against receipts last yesr of 4U.oM ousneis and shipments of irs ont bushels. Primary corn receipts were 701 too bueh ele and shipment! wers TOe.ooo bushels, against receipts last year of M.ont bush, els and shipments of esl.uoo bushsls. Clearances were I3 bushels of Cora, I ant bushels or oats and wheat and flour equal to tccn boshels. Uverpool closed 'd to i lower an wheat and unchanged on corn. The following rasn sales wars reported -Wheat: No. I hard. 4 tars. IL!H. No. I herd. I car. ll.sTV Corn: No. I whltr. 1 rars.,:;r. No. 4 whits. I car. 74e. Na 4 color, t car. Tor. No. 1 yellow, I car. I4V- No. I yellow. 1 car, 71' tc; I cars. 7c. No. 4 yellow, 1 car. Tic; 1 car, 70c. No. I ml led. I cars, 74ir. Na. i tnlied. I cars. 7ic: I vara. TlVtc. No. 4 mlied. i cars, 7r; I iwr. av. No grade, I car, die; I car. sfc; 1 car, tie: 1 car, He. Gals: Na I white, t rare, tic 1 car, WSc; car, Mtc No. 4 white, I cars, Hc. Na 4 ysllow, 1 car, IMjc. No grade, 1 car, 41c. Osaaka Caea l-rwee. WHEAT No. t hard. II STtf I t: No. hard. Ii oeflot; No. 4 hard. II dOttl 47. KIRN-Nn. I white, T!t"-: No. white. 777i-; No. 4 white. t:V9'o,No. I yel low, 7lwVTIVec; No. i yellow. TOTtSe; No. 4 yellow. TOtrVie; No. t, 74'4Hc; No. 1 mMlTar; No. 4. trttTSe; no grade. OAT-No. t white, UfMI4c: standard. WVtrtie: No. 4 white, 4tMfMc; No. I jellow, i0Mci No. 4 yellow, ' B A RLKT Malting, Mrtrti a; No. I feed 7tiWc; heavy feed. KgoMc. ft TB-NO. L ajcjfjo. No. a. rMc. Caatat Maaalpta. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago .... Minneapolis , Omaha Duluth 141 lit si CHICAGO GRAIIV A.D PHOVIII0 Peataree at the Trading and rleetag frlews aw Beard af Trade. CltlCAOO. May IT.-Ktrtln In the wheat trade, although uiimlstskeahly evident today, diminished when the fact became elesr that na person or firm would be Obliged lo tuanend. Hlant of a revival f nsur auaineet and of demand for rash wheat cut a figure in oanir reetarlna confidence, but not mil lire market had iii,n more man I cents below l.at nigni a level. The close wst Irregular, ranging from Nov net decline to V ""i-- wn iimineo WfrHC oil to IC up, oats unchanged lo o down, and provisions varying from Kic loss ta ritta gain. A malorily of dealers this evenlna were Inclined to believe that liquidating sales ot unusual anagnituits wsre at aa end for the present, unless somethlna rani. oally different should develop aa to tht crop eutiook. AO vices todsy from the wit and elsewhere continued to ha of the bearish sort. Experts In Ohio, never theless, sent word of mora forbidding nonunion a insn tne original snowing which waa msda when tests wsra first poasibM as to the effect af winter killing. The worst decline In wheel today seamed to result from throwing overboard af weak holdings In ths cases where calls for margins had met no response. nut pig Decreases in stocks at Minneapo lis and Oululh counted In favor of t rally and so did the n.nsblt stability of priors across ths Atlantic. July flue, lusted from ll. ta II (a and wound up at tl.wari an, just MrSO under last night, other options sll showed avea more power ta recuperate... July corn varied from IStac to 7iVo. bul closed rslatlvsly firm In sympathy with wheat, at 7tSo, a loss of ae nee Csah gradea were in poor demand. Cash ysllow wss quoted at 7ic. Outside limits toucntd by July cats ware 4c and aS with last sales ac off at 'e. Commission houses believed to repre sent tht large packers withstood a flood ot orientate in the provision pit. Trans ections In lard particularly reached a re- maraaoie total. At the end of the Ses sion prices averaged tht same as last nlnht, except that pork for dlatanl da livery had sailed Ki?v. Cash quotatlona wete as follswsi AtlicM Open. High. I Low. I Close.Tae y, Wheal! I May.f 1 US Jiily.'l ', eVpt.ll stSSI bec..f 1 0IVl Corn i May.l Ttff'.l July.l7l',-i'J Sept., 7Ji! I II 1 ta 1 t li yu asvi ia3 1 4tj 7S m eiie i mn I T7 c 7W ns in. II Ilea.. 42ut SJ art Oste May.l U. MS aosj a',1 sl July.i4H.hW M 42l4 'a Itli Mai oept.I stir's Decf 4JW Pork-; May.! 1 ti 11 4 It July. 11 to-iaj MM USd aepl.,11 7Uw it Ml 111 Uid t May. It Cl, rT2i MM July. Sept. Oct.. It 7S-7S; ItCIt' MBV, NUI: It aew. It It Aft, It' II II Kit tl M 11 HI lt7W- 11 M M k M4t MB Rita May.l.... July. M at it MS wept. lie it- ! t ! rtat It ?H' M St FLOl'R-Weak: winter natenta aciial 1U: winter elralghta. Mtaita.lt spring patents. aV.Jfeyt 'So. siirlng straights, fc.i bakers, ttautti kt. RVK-No. 3. tat... BARLEY-Feed or mlxlna. aVcatil at: fair to chol os malting', tl laeil 27. HEEl8 Timothy. tLUtUOM. clover. flt.autrMtt. PROVIHIONS Pork. M.ewU.tH. Lard In tierces. tM.79e Mbort ribs, a Idea, loose, title. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal ta 43 tat busheia Espor!a for tha week as shown by Bradstreet'a were equal to ctaUM buahela Primary re ceipts were Jal.tas bushels, compared with NLwaa auancis in corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomor row: WbtaC at cars: com. Vtt cart: oat a. 1M rars: bos a. lt.OOt bead. Chicago Cash Prlcea W heal: No. I red. tl U-Wl.lt; No. I ted Until 12: No. J hard, ll-lytl-H; No. S hard. I! loVSl.ll; No. 1 northern. B 17fl IS: No. 2 northern, gi.lMt lit: No. J northern, tltkei.lt: No. ! taring. U.lMjtl.17: Na t spring, SLlMttJ XVERME-(T X0TICE8 FORT LOGAN. COLORADO. MAT la. MU. Pealed proposal a, in triplicate, wtll be received- here until it a. in. June la. Mil. for the sinking of one t-tix-h tubular deep well at this depot Blank forms far wcdera, specifications and run informa tion may be obtained upon application. The United States reserves the right to accept gay or all proposals or any part thereof. Errrelopea containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Tubular Weil, and addressed ta tha Const ruclM- ?uarterwaster. Fort Logan. Colorado. 1. - Prtasell. Captain and Quartermaster, V. Army. MM--lt-lVV ie I K: No. I spring, t Until 11; velvet chaff, tl 61 14; durum. Com No. 2. 7e: No. 2 white. 7t7tt.c; No. 2 yellow. TOeC; No. J. 7i,74'TC No. 1 white, 7St Ac; No. I yellow. 7eSt)77c; No. 4. 70f71c; No. 4 white. WrTlSe: No. 4 yellow. TastrHic. Oats: No. J white, i43ie: No. 1 white. USD ill:; No. 4 white, s2Mc; standard. il'.ijMc Rve. Na t 2ie. Barley. Straill . Tim othy seed. Il.eatjli.as. clover seed, Vfi 2Aie. BITTER Easy; creameries. fi$2Sc: dairies. 2rJ4c. EGGS Easy; receipts. 2S.KO cases: at mark, cases Included, IT Sc. ordinary firsts. 14"xc; firsts lac. CHEESE-Steady; data tel. 1<,e: twins, UJ.eiiSc; young Americas, Mtj i44c: long horna 142i4tc. POTATOES Weak; receipts. 34 rars: Wisconsin. II MbLS; Michigan and Min nesota. S1.23$l.?7. PorLTRY-Sietdy; turkeys, lie; chick ens. 14xc. YEAL-Sleady; 76 Lc. MEW lOIIK Ca.tEltl MARKET I . . ! - t ewteaadltlea. NEW VORK. Mey 17. FIM'R-Oulet; spring patenta. K ibga.); winter straights lksj.3.: winter patents. jS t-Vai.; spring clean. MitiiKxO; winter extras. No. I, H 4 So; winter eitras. No. 2, RM4.; spnng patents, gs ioQa.10; winter ttralghtt Kansas straights, li.lt3oa. Kye flour. cu't; fair to good. Ii u.-u6.10; choice to fancy, tt.iwt et. CORNME.A L Steady: fine white and yellow. lltCtil.B; coarss. tl.7atyl.lt; kiln dried. 11. 2S. RVE-vulel; No. J, tfic, e. L f. Buffalo BAKLLY -ouiet; malting, tl iKnl-. t o. b. Buffalo WHSAl tot market Irregular: No. 1 red. It.zi. domestic basis, to arrive and export: tl.il. c. I. f , f o. b. afloat, to ar rive: No. 1 northern Iiuluth, II 26, f. o. b. afloat. Futures market broke Iw'V undsr further heavy liquidation and stop loss selling on favorable crop news, but regained part of the loss oa covering and large weekly export figures, cloeilig Httlc net lower. May closed at ll.lt; Jui v. H. list 1 . 14V closed at 11 1! t-lt; September. II Watrl.Oev closed at II OsS Receipts, Ba.oa) bu.; Siilpmenu. n.ttw bu. COHN Spot market easy; export. Ktc. f. o. b. afloat, Futurea market waa nominal. Receipts, e.74 bu.; ahlpmenu. ir.2 bu. OATg Spot market steady: standard white, etc. In elevator; No. I, tic. Fu turea market was nominal. Receipts, si. 171 bu.; shipments. I. bu. HAY Easy; prime. l.tt$l.a; No. 1 NO. Z l.av)1.6t; NO. a, II 391.. HinFn-FIrm: Bogota. UMVir. LEATHER Firm: hemlock flrsta. M t7Hc; seconds. MtKKc; thirds, tugeksi ts- jecit, lor. PROVISIONS -Pork, steady: mass l2t.?M21.00: family, l. Kuril. 00; short r ears, lit Zr70 av Beef firm: mess. Iit naait as; family, iis.tosjit.ev; beer hama. t2taursll.(M. Cut meals, steady; pickled bellies. It ta 14 lbs.. Ill.outiu.oo: Mckled hams, tuts Lard, steady; middle west prime, llOfMlw.Tt; refined; barely steady: continent. 111 to. Bouth America, tUlS; compouna. atiutgt.sv. CHEErJE-ausar: atata. whola milk. new white or colored, special. Il4c: white. average, fancy, ite: skims, arriittc. tHKIgweak; receipts. axt.tM freeb gathered, extrae. TStfilv: sxtra first, atorags packed, lOajdOSr: first, ator- atte parked, aswulc extra first, regular packed, tucrjc: first, regular packed, 19 IMtc: fresh gathered, aeconda. l1wMc; western gatnerea wnita. asoicv. buttkh unsettled: receipts It.ial luhs: creamery extras. mtiPV; creamery flrsta aaeaVV; atata dairy finest. &Mc; suta gooa to prime, javjac; tiate common to (air Z4017C. POULTRT-Allve. firm; chickens, broilers, per lb., aflstfcor: weatern fowls lfc; lurkayt. lie t)reaeed. steady; west ern fowls, IttTlsvefi: turksvs. 114) Sc. Cora aad Wheat Reajlaa Ballalla. I'nlted Htatas Department ef Agrlrul turo Weather bureau's report for tha twenty-four hours ending at a. m.. 7ata meriauu timai rrmay. May ll, lu: , OMAHA DISTRICT,-' Tamp. Ha In flation!. Hub, Low. fall. Aahland, Nab., ta 41 .00 , Sky. Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Auburn, Neb... it !? Broken Bow ... 7t Columbus, Neb. 44 Culbertaon, Nb. Tl .00 .04 .00 Falrbury. Neb. 17 Fairmont. Nab. 44 Ft. cloudy Or. Island. Nb. tl Clear Harttnttoa, Nb 43 Hsstlngs, Neb. Holdrtga, Neb. 71 Lincoln. Nab.. 41 Pt. cloudy clear Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear 41 u 42 40 41 .17 .) .00 ,t .to No. Plalle, Nb M Oskdale, Nab.. Omaha. Neb...i 41 Tekamah, Neb. 44 Valentine, Nb. 70 Alia. la. a Carroll, la j Clarlnda. la.... t Sibley. Is U Wlaox City, la. M .01 .00 Cloudy Minimum irmneraiura tor twtlve-bour period endlm I I a. m. Ulb.v.CT AVKftAOEB. NO. Csntral. gtatloi Temp Rala- Hlgh. Lew. Ull. 44 .' I 44 . M 44 . M 42 .40 W 44 .at 6ft M .00 ft tf .00 S 44 .09 HU M) Columbuo, O II Louisville. Ky... a India'pnlls, Ind. 12 Chicago. Ill 24 BI. Louis. Mo... M Pes Molnee, la. n Minneapolis .... 4t Ksn. City. Kan. Omaha. Neb 17 nllghlly warmer weather prevails throughout tha com and wheat region. Freeslna weather waa reported at one station In North lkula. and light froata occurred in northweatern Missouri and northeaatam Kansss. Rains occurred In all except the weatern districts and were heavy at polnta In Indiana; inntsnapoiia had 1.00; Columbus, 1 ), Blooming ton aad Farmland, LPJ Inches. . L. A. WIWH, Local Forecaster, Weather Bursas, St, l.eala Oeaeral Market. T. IXlL'Id. May 17.-WIIEAT-lxwer; track. No, a red, tl.l01.a; No. t hard, tl. 141 17. coKN-lwtr: track, pro. I, totc; no. White, nKk'. OATS-Lower; track. N'o. t. aM,c; No. white, tic Closing prices of futurea: WHEAT-l.ower: May.. H.U4: July. M.t74: Heptember. tl 03S. COItN-Weak; May, tlc; July, 7M itliO; neptember, tltc. OATS Lower; May. t4jc; auiy, sw, RYE Unchanged at tec FLOt'R-Dull and weak; red winter paienu. r'tn.7i. extra fancy and atraights, pj.auva.2o; hard winter clears, 3 7tM. li. HKEie-Timothy. liom BRAN-Dull; 11.27 trl.tt, sacked eaat Irai-k. HAT-Weak: timothy. n.Mt): pral- rla t22.0hfl2f. 0t. PROV18ION8Pbr. unchanged: lob bing. i4Mt Lard, nnohansed; prima tleam. aitflt (W. Dry salt meats, un changed : boxed extra ehone. I1t.it. Clear rise. tltTt: short clears, Ui-0. Bacon, unchanged; boxed extra shorts. 111,); olear ribs. ttl.Tt: short clears, tiZ.M. POCLTRT-Weaker: chickens. Mr: springs, KoMc: turkeys, 11 V; ducks, lie; geeee, uc. Hi i i tK iiwer: creamery, sajac EGO-Btsad': nvc Kacelpta. Bhlpmenta. Flour, bblt A) . . to.MW Wheal, bu I.l 17 tO) Corn, bu..... C2 S.'W Oats, bu 17 .Out & Kanaaa City Cntla aad Pravlalaas, KANSAS CITT. May T7.-WHKAT- la-Jc lower; No. i hard, tl loni.ll-; Na t. tl I-LT4: No. t red. U.Uetl.17; Na a ll.ltwl 14 Closing prlcas of futures: July. tl.eas4li.tH; Beptemner. 7r. tvitn-y tower: no. j mixed. TtoTtii.-: No. t, 747tc: No. 1 white. Ttvarx: Na t, 77c Futurea. close: May. 7V; July. 74.' : September. &&c. De cember. f,Ke. OATS-rtjlc lower; No. S white, SoH4 j ostc; .u. mixeo. aotvaosc. ruturas. Close: July. 41c; September, RYK-tlbS. HAT Steady: ehokw timothy, fn mm M: choice prslrte, maotrtl-ta. BITTER Creamery, aV; firsts, J7C: second a. Mc: packing stock. 30c K(Wd-xtraa, IMac: firsts. 17Hc. RaoelDia Bhipments. Wheat, bu.; 3.ta r oot Cora, bu a aAtut io,4 Oats, bu .4it . a.w Mllwaakew eralw Market. MILWAUKEE. May 17. W H EAT Na 1 northern. ILKHhl u.: Na t northern. tl.liejl.M: Na. t hard winter, tl-Utyl.ll. July. n.t; September, tl.ur. CORN Xa I yellow. 7aer7lc: Na t white. 7c: Na 1, 734174c: July. 74V hid: September. 7xe. OATS Mandard. s3Htrec. P.T-5 No. 1. tsve. BARLET-MsJtUnl. Ctbtji H. NEW YORK jjTOCK MARKET Heary Selling' of American Securi ties in London Eat Influence. COFFER KETA1 FSICE RAISES trerage Level of Itaexatteas at MlaV way Better Than at Prevlewe Daya etwee, bat Market Tbea e aamea Sareww. NCW TORK. Msy 17.-Heavr selling of American securities in London, pro ducing unaetllement at the opening here, another advance, foreign and domestic, in the nrlcv of coooer metal were some of the more Important factora connected with the slock market today. Ths un loading of out stocks In London seemed to result primarily liom a lack of sup port. I ' khhdiaa Pacific, which fell I points m London, opened liere at a decline of 14 points, with concurrent weakness In In- temaiional Harvcaier snd St. Paul, the movement later spreading lo tha Wabash issue on publication of adverse earnings. Ht. Paul's reactionary trend was probably oue to tne asms cause. Tha average level of prices at midday waa ailghtly batter than at yesterday s close, but the msrket after that be came exceedingly dull and narrow. For the remainder of the session business was liabt, with practically no import ant price changes. American Woolen moved up. presumably In connection with the announcement that tha United States finance committee is aeon to lake up tha house wool scheduls. 8tigar shares were unresponsive for the action of the same committee, which voted to eliminate tha old Outch standard from tha raw product. Texas compsny, which was brought forward yesterday, after a long period of Inactivity, added almost I polnta to its gsin and a few other epecial ilea of equal speculative movement of the shared in tha listless movement of the last hour. Aproisj the copper situation, the Calu met and Heels, one of the largest pro ducers of high-grade metal, today de clared a quarterly dividend of lltf com pared with ft and p respectively three and six months ago. local banks are credited witn a gain Of eKttav.O on ths weekly cssh movement, moat of which wss derived from the in terior, despite large direct shipmrgits to varioua points. Another export ot gold to ttouth America for French or German account waa made by a local banking house London followed Its home ope ratio na with further telling of our storks in this market, principally steeL Reduction of the French bank rate waa foreshad owed some weeks ago, the greater esse of money In that country showing in striking contrast to the tention prevail ing there at the time ot the Moroccan imbroglio. Tha bond market wat Irregular.. Wa bash 4s making up much of their early loea. while Brooklyn Kapld Tranoit con vertibles followed the rise In the etuvk. Total aales. par value, (4,422.000. lilted Htataa sTovernmenta wtrs unchanged on call. Number of salss and leading quotatkma an bonds todsy wsrs: - Balsa Hie. Law. Chaa allle-Oalreara aM 4 AmaltaisaiaS topper ... M.tet AsMrlrss Atrlealtural ... IS AaMtlcea best Suetr.... Mai Asttrtcae Caa It. Areerh-aa C. A f MS Amaricas Cat lea oil a Awerhaa H a L eft... ttt Aw. Ire Bererltlee l.SM Awerlras Ueaaea let Awrliaa Leeeawtlve Awenrea I a R a, est Aw. 1 at K pfa Aw. Steal Kaenaitea..., Aw. aaaer Manama...... as km tit a US MS n ii w a lS Hit te M 17 aa't Hit it lent '.'... n Ilea, -a Aierrlraa T. A T ttt M m i Aaiertrae TataoM aft - M Aawnrea Weelea ts) tl lti AaaiweSs Mlslag Ca ll.ew 41 -a u Atcfclaue l.Tut h'e tens Atohlsoe Sta Allantia Caast Uaa... taltlstera A utile setblehaal Staal braeklts Rasit Tf Me mw wit MS l4 141 wa Wti lea lotu, pas at aa aaa ll aaa aa m ir, ll.lt taia Mt tMt let w u a Caaadias Pacifta Ceatrsl Lealsar twatral Laathar aft..... Casual si Na Jaraar.. Cbeaeeaefce a Okie...... Chloaaa Altaa........ a.wt ttw nil ns a ttraxe u. w., aaw Olraaa O W. art Okas. A N. W aw lav, mva iu Ctleato, M. a It. r ... c , . c at. i Cakra4s P. A I ,. l.iaa ux m xa :::::: ::::: ::::.' S H eat lllw Ilia ltlw 4at It US , a nm ll-a tfia aa K wv aw tit, nta mt xt-4 at a I.TSt M t( US taa t4 u, u Mt lata, lat iwia tea in lsiH ui, laaot aa v w oa litw Ua 1I4- t. jaw "4 taw et m Ht Liaa ln4 una ui , i"a l.tat lit lit lit - Ceieraae BaetlMrt.,.. Ceaaeliealet Oaa Cra ProturU Dalaarare A elMaea Uaarar A Mia Uraata... D. a R. o. ttt planners' BetariUaa ... krte trie 1st s'4 CrM M art Uaearal KlaMrta Ureal Nortaera aft Oraat Had Sera Ore tils. Illlaete t 'astral Intarsoroask Mat later. Met. prJ laursatlaoal Harvaatat ., latar-Marlse sia ....... iBtaraatieBal rssar .... ISMraallaeal Pasts .... leva Uaatral kaaaea vUy taatbem.. K. C. la. pM Laclede Oaa Leaisvllle as Naatllla. Ulaa at t Loele. , at. P. a t. II.., Hliaaert. K. a T. ...... H . K- a T pM Illaaaart Pwllir NalMBSl PlacaH National LeeS N. K. k. et M M aid- lit t oat hat ui 11 H luv at at at ut Mt Ut Mt ' toe lus "t t.Nt at "'iei tiit t ii-t rat lit Mt 11 llt Nee Terk reatral Lata iia'a lit N. V.. a St X" aa m m Nartelk A Weeure..:.... I.IW 1124 IUV, Uli Nartk AaMi tit tlx, 41 ait NonssTB Pscuie i.wa m iu nan rarltlo Mall Panwlvaals l.Mt la UHt at 1U Paeela'a Uas P., C. O. A tl. SiltaburaS t'eel . last a) Ita a) lit lot lit Piiml Steel car Put I Bias Panvre Car Railway Steal tsrla.... M a kn4la( IS.a H4H at las It ' ITIt Hl-t at at it 71 i;t M . Mt 17 U at KaeuMla steel HavaWK i.l pM sp S iu.1 lauaa oa aia at ItecS lalasd Ca tH a Mt St. L at a. P. M pM... na tit Lsala s. w tt. u a w. ft , at 11 el Hw HIS Ul Hit t at at Mt 74 14 4lt -Ut 41t at 4t t it it u at in isrt irat at SMe-RBsfTMM 4 1. .. seathaea raclfla taataars Railsay ....... ta. Kallaar sta Tean 1 1 1 ib Oaeear Taaaa A l-etlflc T au L. A W T. k L I W, eM.i.. lalae Parltla tin Partita Bf4 lalies Stalae KeaHy..,. Ttt, lat lallad atatea Raaaw.... BW tat M t i-bs Bietaa steal Tl.aoa nt at V a tiMi eta tea mt mt mt tl.k Caawer l "-a t!t as Va-srsuae OsaUaal .. 1 aa lit ut 41 1 Waaaak LWS I Jt I a.u era l at t lt a" WeMers Marjlast . WaMlaakeaaa KkKtrk .- I.ket 74 1 7tt I4t WMer. lalea Mt 13 at t wk.iu a L. B It Leant Valler M oat I7a IMt . Hat Okise Caeear Ilea . r . a aar Caaaeuaelat t,4M 1st 11 . 114 Amerkea Toteere Mlt Tetal aalea tar laa aay, ta,at assraa. Maataw Closing 4)aatatlaaa. BOSTON. May 11 Closing quota tioos on stocaa were at lollows: AllavBX M aaaavt awal. Oaeser .. atNa.aa Oa. ... A 1 L. A t atNlslaalss Mbaas Arltaaa Csst taNortt Htu ... A C. C. A a M. t Kant Lake ... Cat A Artaaaa TtM Oaaualaa . Cel. A Berts. 4M oaraala CSntasatal taalwa raa. Raasa C. C ... M tsaaeao .... - at .. 7t .. at ... it .. M ...III - at gan BMts C. HSsaParter M ' rraaklla Iltanped A , tu Olraaa Caa. 1 7-iaTasurack -41 arusr Caa. aa u. a a x. a k.H at .. IS ta srt aat. law Rerale Caster.. l'ut its lit kerr Late INI tab Caatat Ca..... art Lalra Cessar aWtsaea 4t La salie t. ippii iv.wiai .MI Cesser w . "lew fork Mlalasj Stacks. . NEW TORK. Msy 77. Closing quota ttaaa oa mining ttocks: Ara m-Ltttle Chief I Biaaaana Cea IMaatcea tft Cbw. Taneal ststk.... WOatarie ta "4 taeaa Anabn lat Cm t'sl. A Vs. "anaBaanl tree tilrar lVallaw .'ackaa ........ a BLaat. llle Cea. m Ottarae. Lss4aa Stack Market. T.ONtO.S". Msy 17 Americaa occur It ia ware quiet during the first boor today, pneas etpowed a fraction lower, but rater tha market recovered and at bhhq values ranged from V above to S below yesterday a w Tork closing. Cacsdiaa Pacific declined pointa oa telling or ders rrom uermany. BEPOBT OF tlltallG MOIPB Traaaaartloaa at Aaaeriated Baaka far the Week. NEW TORK Mar I7.-Bradstreet'a bank clearinga report for the week ending May K ehowa an aggregate of avea.k.tnt as a fa mat tLtsaoatut fast week and 3.t77.- S7S.I n the corresponding week kut year. ina toiiowing la a list of tne cities: CITIES. Anaouat Inc New York 42,lj.2O5.'XI0i ao.iw. Jfit.740ra Kw.lU.ftK 0 51B.0 tn.si.ati) . sl.SHOOO 4a.88S.0Olr. 33.87.tu 3..0U! l.236.t0l I7.aO.ulK. S2.J7t.0ut' 72. 152.900-. ll.4tl.om. K877.0OO, U.t6000 lt.wa.iwo 1S.I3.000 11.11. ' L. t.4; 12.1 1.4 I.7-..... Chicago Boston Philadelphia St. Louis Kanasa City Pittsburgh 4.2... I 4 4.. li t . It,.. r 'it'.'. i .. .7 1J.7,.. .7-'... San Francisco Baltimore Cincinnati Mlnneapoiie New Orleans Clevclsnd Detroit Lot Angeiea OMAHA Milwaukee Louisville Atlanta Portland. Ore Seattle. St. Paul Buffalo Denver Indianapolis Providence Richmond Washington. D. C. Memphis St. Joseph Salt Lake City Fort Worth Albany Columbuo Savannah Toledo Nashville . ..... Hartford Spokane, Wash Tacoma Dea Moines Rochester S.J , L7.4i7.00l, L..4ai.iaa, s. HS.4M.00b It. J.4-.. 11.8W.OO0.I 15. a3a.0W U.SM.tOO It.l,.. M.2.. 8M6.9 tStuOtt-.. 11 7W.00O' It1 7.7u4.0O0i 7.2UT..OOO' 7.2-li.OOOi SiS::::: 1K.4.... t.Kw.)l .t... 4.7al.Oi' M.7 43M.O0OI 4 Wei OOOf I HflOOOi t,"!l0.00l! t.sw.eo 4. 200.0001 4. 741. top' lit'. .7, 11 1 .. 21.Ii.. t.S:. 7.1'., 121I-. 4.531.000 ' &77e.(lj" S3. II Duluth Ms. -on J.atii.tltaii 41. Oakland Cel., I.;&0.000' A4.000l l.M.Ott) 1. Mt..0"Or J.0M.0W 1.173, un( 1012, 000. t.i4i.ooo ijta.tiwj 1,110.000; 1, 742.0001 1 (aa, ono; J.571.0O0 2. U4 0HO; t.ll8.000 Norfolk Wichita Peoria New Haven 1.4. i.e.. is . .!. K.r. lii. I lit . 29.81. Jacksonville. Fit,. Scranton Urand Rapids Birmingham Sioux City.... Augusta, Oa Syracuse Evsnavllle. .' Worcester' rtprltigtlcld,' Mass., Dayton : , .. ll.t 1.1 4,..'.. .l.... 11.11.... toK.onot.. l.2.000t.. IS no Oklahoma City...., Portland. Me 1.447.00OI tltt.OWj l.cM.Wt l.w.onoj 2.000( !,!,-. (Ifi t447.OW lM.Oi'Ol 1.8.0Pj 1.57t,Otli 1.744.Wt 1.2K4.O0OI l.txs.im Chattanooga u.i Little Rock , 4.0. Charleston, S. C... 1.1' .7! a.'ti ::::: ta.71...... Wheeling, W. va Konxvllls Han DlegO, Cal..., Lincoln ...., Reading, Pa Topeka , Wllmlnfftoa, Del.., Davenport M. , Sacramento, Cal... Mobile Wllkeabarre 1.24O.00OI... 11.7 13.4 ","77.000. Cedar Rapids, la.., 1.570.004I 1S.4.... Akron- iStl.OuOl 11841.... Voungstown 1.461.00 my 41. 4.... Waterloo, ia , Fall River 1.414I.O0U l.ltl.ouot 1. 484.0001 l.(02,ttl 1.0B4.rt 1.I4S.0OH Canton. O., Springfield. Ill Ull .7 Ml Fort wayne New Bedford., Helena Lexington. ;. York. Pa Columbia. 8. C Erie. Pa Stockton Cal Boise. Idaho Rock ford. HI Muskogee. Okl 7H6.0ia I M. 74.XBI....,. 18. S44.00OI .1' ia. a tKOOOf .ti lCMtOI .l 840, 0U , B.Ol e.0H'... 7l.0i'0(... , daj7.ii... . 787. 000-'... Kslamaaoo, .Mich... 7W.if0i 77. 7i 669 nt St.4 Qulncy. Ill Hloomlngtoo. III., Tulsa, Okl tgden, I tab owell Chester. Pa Springfield, O Snath Bend, lnd.. Blnghamton Slotu Falls, a D. Jackson, Miss Deaalur. Ill Mansflrld. O Fargo. N. V Fremont. Neb...,, Vlcksburg. Mies.. Jacksonville, III... Houston OaJveaton W.I8 11: t7.0"0 I.I t2.IMl 127.0001 s.;;.(i u.i 4W.0WI tn.oool 9. 74 001.0011 tl.ti ri.inxi! SM.OUUi Ml 414.01101 6.8 ftaS.OlUI Mil 243.0OI. SW.OISH. tS.0lt.OWll 4t.ll M.32u,oooi w.ai l.Mie.ooo,. K I Trenton Vvi. iihAmI in totals because contain. wa other llama than cleaJinae. Tack Hesey Market. NEW TOUK. May 17,-MONKT-Ot. call, steadyi I'Wl per cent; ruling rate, Jk. per cent: aloslnb bid. 14 par cent; of fered at t per aent. Time leant, steady; sixty daya. 1 par cent; ninety days, l4 per cent: six months, IWiS P' ffnt PRIME MERCANTILE PAPEH-rt)4W rtKKUNO KXCHANOB-Steady: wltti actual business In bankers' bills at KILO for slxly-dsy bills and at tea for de mand. Commercal blia M W. SILVER-Mexcan dollara. . BONDS-Oovernment, steady; railroad, Irregular. Cloalng quotations un bands today wart aa follows: II. s. raf. ta, rag...l"t Jassa 4a Mt a. a last ta Ite " v. a ..Mtt'K. C. sa, lat ta.... tit ..ItltL t. tab 4a IH1... '' ..114 LAN. aaL ta Mt ..U4tM. K. A T. lat 4a. a .. at es taa. 4ta 17 ..ieihMB. Pariric 4a Ttt i..!UtN R a al M Ita Mt .. M ,V. T. C g. Ita.... Mt ..tt ae tea. 4a Mt 0. I. 4a. rag tllla-Ckal. lat m Aaiar- At- aa A. T. A T. a. Aa. Tabsoea 4a., Arsmr A IV 4ta.. . T. . U. A H. Airklaaa pa ta.. .- at er. ta rat, W 4a ias-N A W. lat a. 4a. a 4. eai aa left aa a. 4a. It: ACL. let aa MfNa. rsalfle at tat Bat. A Okie 4s Mt aa M at Ap jtas f-,0 4 L. rids 4a ... Kt e A W. 141 1 Paaa ev. Ita UU.. ttt t'aa. at Oa. Is..,.. lettReealat faa. 4a a a t L I I. F. (i a M lilt as sta la 87 Ml k L 1 t. t 4a.. at a "ee la paM M... tt M ag. 4 l. 4a Tit. Hta. Pea. eel. 4s.... tit M 4a rv . 4a a faa. Laathar ta ... C. af N. J. I- aa.. Csaa. A Okie 4ts... rat. aa CkkwsB A A. 8ia.. c. a a q. i. as.... H a t. r. . 4a a ea 1st rat. 4a a C. P. I. A P. a 4a. tltta. Railway la leTU, ea rtt- 4s.......... at ea taa. 4a ..-It Cola. lot. ta M tales Padfle 4a.... MI raia. MIA as. , . w. m C. a t. r. a a 4Va Mt 4e lat A rat. 4a... as D 18. ir. 4a Mtr. a Russar te....ie4 0. A IC O. 4a...... rtl' A tua M ta....1alt ea raf. sa MtVa-Oar. CVa. is.. aaDletinera a Wabaak IM la kvr agrla P I- 4a Mt Sa lat ex. ... M ate tea 4a WeMera M4. 4s I7t Sa aa. ta. aar. A.. KtWaat. glar. aa. is.. t aa aartaa B 71HWM. Oaatral 4a Ill; Dea. Blac ...lastMa. Pae. ca. aa..... 87 IH. Caa. Mt nat. 4a. Mtrasssw m Wl Inter. Mat 4Sa Kt tie. "-orhwa. readtteaw eff Teewearv. WASHINGTON, May 17 At the bertn nlng of business today tha condition of the United Stales treasury was: Work ing balance In treasury office. St 717.el4; In banks and Philippine treasury. t34.470. 713: total balance In general fund, tis. 217.480. Ordinary rerelnta yesterday were t! J84.77J: ordinary disbursements, tl.M?. svi. Dettdt to dste this fiscal year Is tl2.xSl.7to. aa against a surplus of 194.717 at this time last year. These flarures ex clude Panama canal and public debt tranaactiona. Baak CIsxartBss OMAHA. May 17 -Bank clean mca for today wera l.k?2 tlcll and for the - cor responding day last year t2jl3.a78.ai. l.laarpeel lira fa Martlet. LIVERPOOL. May n.-WHEAT-Spot. steady; Na t red wetttern winter, mid; Na I Manitoba, as. Futures, easy Hat 7sSd: July. 7s7d: October. 7sa4ad CORN Spot, firm; American mixci new, kiln dried, at JIM: Asaertcan K.:-.0. old. 7s. Ftitures. steady, July. Si4t!. September, iaiad. rewrta Marrket. PKORIA. 111. May H.-CtOC Lower : No. I yellow, 7Btt;ac: Na 4 yellow. TvS tTTlSc: Na 2 mued. TVac: Na 1 mixed. 74c: Na 4 mixed, "vc. sample. MeMSc. OATS Lower: Na 2 white, aafyMSc; Na 4 white. CV:, OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET Cattle Snsineta Light and Trade - Slow and TJaintereating. HOGS . SZLLKG FITE LOWXB arecalpta af Sharp and lasba Vary Llahl. wlik PHcwo ateady with Tharsday and Laaaba 4aar- ter H laker far Wetx. OMAHA. Mar 17. 12. Raveipta were. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday Of filial Tuesday ... Official WednesilBy. Official Thursday... Letiruate Friday 1.MI 2Ai ii m t0::i7 U.2M S.40J 4.S14 1JI J.0 . 3.131 . :.re . d Five dan t.ili week. II . "Si jO.eto 12-31 Same dais last week.lS.151 42.vtS K.ill Same days 1 w ka. so.LC at.aM C,t21 Same dayt 9 w'ka, auo.14 .i ia la 17.i7 tame days 4 w as. ago.19.W3 .7i 17.148 tame days last veer...l.4t2 4?.. 22AB - 'tna fullOA-ina lahlA . )m it,. receiDIS t of cattle, boga and sheep at South Omaha tor ins year lo date at omparou witu Uftyear: liu. mi. Inc. Dec. Cattle a,tail JS1.-31 la."4) riois 1.4ID.M2 St..' ijH.ta Sheep 7S4U07 aoO.IO: 134.1 Iha foUoning table nhowa Lie Mhtfe of pricea paid for hogs at South Omaha for the last few days, with comparisons: Date. lm. ill.ll. laj.its.,iii i Sta. May 1 I..I i ..7 1 4fV a 1 t lai 4 ai. a 11 a T7l I li May- 7 i 7a! a 37 t U I S- 4 21 slay ay. i 77, t U I i Jr t A I a May It. 7 -, t ii C S, 24 T 4e'.i, iKjl 4 i 41 m & May 11 May U.j i Kl 33, 7 ! i t; - I f May li.; I 43i a ., V 7 ,4, iy Je May 14.1 I S4M a I a, J u, 24j SO 11 May li.j 7 ; i 5 ! I 7 lit I 22; 4 Ml I may i. I ; t 2; - i a 34, t If t ra May 17. i Mi :' 7 a i 4 21 1 1 18 Sunday. Raveipta and disposition of lira stock at tha Union Stock lard a. boulh omsha, for twenty-four hours ending al a p. aa, yesterday: RECEIPTS-CAJta , Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'f'a C. M. d 81. P..... Wabash Missouri Pacific .... i'nlou Pacific C. A N. W., east.. C. A N. W . west .. C. St. P. M. O... C.ad: Q.. east.. C. B. J.. west .. C. R. I. A P., et.. C. R. 1. a? P., west Illinois Centrsl .... c. o. w t 21 4 JO a s 17 t 1 1 Total receipts .. It 123 DISPOSITION-HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. yimia i-acxing v.o.... sz tit ewiit aud company 1.1 1.470 1.M7 241 curtany racking Co. at M Armour a Company Schwann A Co swift from K. C. .. Cudahy fiom K. C. Hill A Ron .. II 1 .. 1 I .... .. at ,. Ml - 1.721 J. R Root a Ca .... J. H. Bulla Other Buyers Tata la I.0KS came CA'i'TLal-TLday'i receipts of amounted to ouiy elgiitorti cart, maoing a total tor tne vera to date l: JfZ bato. a very heavy fsllltis off as oompared with recent weeks and a decr-taae of 1.0AI neao an compared witn the orrc'ponuing week of laal year. There ware really not enough cattle In sight this moriiilitf tl. mak. market. and the trade 'tooK en the usual Fiiday't auunesa etui prices did not show any material change, being nominally stes'ly witn yaxtentsy. Tius meuiiK that the best beef steers am an.und 2Tc hlaher than last week. On tha other hand year lings and half-fat cattl ranic Mnvwliarai irom ataaay to at much aa Sx higher than last week, tne amount of the ad vance depending upon tha auaillv of the cauie. there ware not enouah cows and half era here to produce any change In the market. For Iha weak fleshy cows are strong, . but the medium and common kinds are not more than steady at the beat, with the leas desirable ktnda some. lower than last week. The cause for the wesKneaa on -the medium aradea of cow stuff la directly traceable to the Influx of Texas came at southern market bolnts. , .i . ... rw mn lai ii ina niBuia oi ins ma. dlurn gradea of cowa There were no feeders here of anv con sequence, neither fresh reoeints nnr aiale stoca, out ins reeling waa fully steady and tha market has been atrona all tne week. UUOtatlonB On Cattle. nwwi In eKalea beef steers, a.K4i.7s; fair to good beef steers, I7.fdinx.au: common in fair haaf ateora, kt.aaa,7.a; good to choice hellere, M o4jl.70. good to choice cows. Is.iStat.ia, fair lo good oowt, t4.7idfo.7e; common lo lair cowa, ta.Ufti4.MI; good to choice Mock ers and feeders, tt 4o4r7.t.; lair to good atocaera ana leeaera, K.&V7.: common to fair Blockers and feedeaa. M. Sun.. Si: stock heifers, t".SO04.SU; veal caives, 14.4 u ' ,u- ouii. Bias, etc., ta.euire.eu, Repreaeautlve sslea: BEEP STCERS. Kb. Av. Pr. Na At. Pr, 1 817 7 It U 1IM I Tt M Ml f M I IM I u STEERS AND HEIFERS. I at 1 a I IU IN II Nl It COWS. - i 4 ta 4 a i Mt i a 1 ta l 71 I tw 4 71 1 tt ifl I.... lat t UN I W HEIFERS. I It It I 7 M I tat I a ta I a a TH I BULLS. t Mt 4 a i ism i 1 ita i a l ..ita IM CALVES. I m I a i ia I w I at i a i im i a i lit 7 m i ... ia i a 1 1M I m t ut i a i lie t ii HOGS Yesterday a advance In bogs waa entirely lost on a market that held a moderate supply. Bulk of the receipts sold at figures a nickel lower and move ment at the decline was anything but active. Killing droves were, put up In leisurely fashion and it required the greater part of tha morning to make a complete clearance. Bearish advices from eastern polnta were at least partly responsible for the lower trend to values. Tna run waa estimated at 8.400 bead and quality of offerings was about the usual, butcher giadea belnt: mora plentiful than either llghla or hear- tea. Shippers bought about one-eixhth ot tha total supply on orders, usually giving Z2S4 250-pound weights tha prefer. enca. Bpraada went normal and fairly well denned. Beat heavy heat on sale brought 17.71 as compared with yesterday's top of I7 82H. while bulk found an outlet within 17 S0a,T.7. Bacon offerings moved at 17 AS ana less. At. sa. Pr. Na At. ta. Pr. ..itt ... t r. ai aa 7 cu ..im a t 48 ti rtt at t art ..iti hi la h jm a im ..in ut it a ut a ftti, ... t a a ..m: a 11. itl a in at Mt ... ; a ..1(4 M IS2i 71..: aa MS 11 ..IM ... 1 U U Ml LV 11 ..IM ... 7 71 Tit M 7 ..111 a t 74 srt ut 7 a ..Mt a 7 it a ni a 7 a ..218 ... 7 U a, Mt 1 J ti ,.i P IB a ra a it ,.U7 is 7 a a. ai ... im ,.ju a IH 4 ...si ... 7 ..at a li ii ,..M4 mi ia ,.22t 1 18 44 za ... 7 4 . set M 1 11 it a 1 a ..im a t it a is mm Kt lit as ... 1 a M a ta c -.na a ia caa ... ia xi at ? ,.eti n 7 us a ... ta ;;t ;i ...ai ia 7 a ..iai a ir.'t tt r.t a 7 a .:4 n ta a........tr is lu ..2SI m m ...38 . . ia .it ... '. a a tu at t a ..a a la a ut ... in taa tt It . m at M 7 Ta .221 t It M 2at ... T M a a a...... n.r.. 7 a at .l 1 Tt la ta1 7 Tt 7 7t 7 a 7 Jt I 71 7 Tt 7 a 7 71 7 71 Til 1 a 1 a 1 a ra 1 a f a 7 a 7 a ..... XH 48 at f 871 a' at u ii. M......2X7 ti at a it ia a... .,..." tl.. .-SM 4f 238 77 :r aa ...7M 5s 2J8 M SO M...-..Et tat a a 7 S T 71 T 3 I7J- 7 a h tn ta I at a....... n m 7 ttt M -. Mi ... a. ia ... 1 et SHEEfa No quotable market existed for sheep and lambs aa supplies ware too llg-nt to lest valuea and the trade re- mained nominal. Only three or four load J of stock arrived, but nothing much or standard quality appeared ia tha vartotia shipments. Lambs and ewes mads up tna bCompard with last week s erase, good shorn lambs are cioetns; about a nuartei higher but this advance has been sus tained on vary small receipts aad tlw element of uncertainty haa been more leaa pronounced. Other branches of tht general market show no actual changes, as most soipmenis lately consisted ot shorn lambs. Best gradea are closing' a 88 aO with medium and common ciassei slow and very uneven. ' Wooled stock haa practically qui' coming ard the supply of sheep has also tapered off considerably. Strictly prims ewes minus fleece, sold up as high al M SO this week and attractive shorn weth ers landed In tha same notch. Oa moat days sheep trade bad a package appear ance. Country demand for shearers and feed era had almost entirely vanished during the past two or three weeks and this week's r-'Jrchase does aot anvntnt ' to much. According to packers' tab less than tot head of stock were bought tor shipment since a week ago. Shorn sheep and lambs; Lambs, goad In choice. !8.1S.i"S: lambs, fair to good. t7.754Jft.25; yearlings. PI 654J7.2S; wethert, S 8fae; ewes C54"i 50. . - Itenreaenutlve sales: Na v. Pr. M. thorn lambs , K tea 68 wooled ewes 12 t 7a tt spring lambs 4! IN tl wooled labs at CHICAGO LIVE , STOCK MARKET Draaaad far Cattle aad Sheep Steady Hogs Weaxk. CHICAOC. Msy 17.-CATTLE-Recelpts. l.Out head; market, steady: beeves, 14.00(8 a: Texas ateers. ts.sutT7.7i: western steers. K.h7.8i: stockers -and feeders. t4 at7.0tl: cows and heifers. 13,0098.00; calves. ia.3lVl8.75. - .. HOGS-Receipt a. lt.0u head market, weak to ic lower; light. f7.407.; mixed. t7e0aT4.a: heavy. t7.iaffS.4Xl: rough. f7.An 7.74); pigs. ta-lOv'-M: bulk of tales, 17.9MT 7.V SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts. 1,00ft head: market steady to a shade lower; native, t3.7iw4.ff; western. HOOtjti.lO: year lings. It.i0tr7."a: lambs, native, ti.Ofcje.ffi; western, ti-TSiva1 " Kansas City l.lvc Stack Market. K ANSAS CITT. Mc. May 17. CATTLE Receipts, 1.200 head: Including 700 south erns: market, steady: dressed beef and export steers, t8.1MiT.ta; fair to good. I8.90 18.10 western steers. P"."io.75; stock ers. and feed era, t OfiaJT.lS: southern ateers. IS.40tik.2i: soulharn cowa. t4.tr ": native cows. KOOfrl.si: native heifers. K m : b'Jlla, t4-7Sjr7.0; calves, toMV 8.2S. HO02J Recelpta, 4.90 head: market tc to VS.- lower: bulk of as lea. t7.10e'!.8i; . heavy. l7.74)f7.t7H: packers and bufhem. r.t7.S; JJxhts. t7.M-l7.tS: plgl. taiOfidTS. SHEEP AND IMItoRaoelpta IStM head: market strong: lambs. pVsOtM.IO; ysarllngs. li.OO0V.Ot: wethers. t4.Str7 00: rwes. 14 laM SO: stockers and feeders. t2-M tit-ot Texas goats. f3.0Otti.75. SL I.oata Live Stack Market. ST. LOUIS. May 17. CATTLE Re ceipt!. S.40I head. Including xOO Texans; market, steady: native ahipptng' and ex port ateers. t7.t : dressed beef and butcher steers tt.7S4jd.eT; ateert under LOM pounds. tJ.50ttai.7i ttocktrt and feed ers. it.lHii.OI; cowi and heifers. t4.7o4M.: canners, t:.7.7t; bulla, 16. 0074. tt: calves. R.oojjS.O"; Texas and Indian steers, t3..'w 47.00: cowa and heifers. tiOOaJ-i.OO. H(X)S Beoelpts, 4.200 hesd: market steady; pigs and llgttts, r.6oo-7: mixed and butchers, 7.eitj8.ta; good heavy, $7.i tjeOO. SHEEP AXD I. AM Bft Receipts. 400 head: markcL strong: native muttons. 8S.0Ho8.it: lamba. r00fl."x: culls and buokB..Ktjo'; ttockara. tli0t40a St.'Josrph Mva Stack Market. 8T. JOFEPH. Mo.. May 17. CATTLE Receipt , 401 head; market eteady; steers. It.7rfc8.75; coat and htlfsra, t33&4jr7.7S: valves. H VH18.OO. , HOOrV-Kecripta, 1,000 head; market ttrndy; top, r.a; bulk of aalea. 17 7ry7 0. SHEF.P AND tJk MBS Receipts. 800 head: market eteady; lamba, H.H&M. stack la aiaht. Reclptt of Nve stock at the five prin cipal western markets yesterday: ' Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omsha St. Joseph .., Kanaaa City .... St. Louis Chicago Totals . .8, 800 38. Ml 1 901 Metal Market. NEW TORK. May 17.-MBTALS Standard copper, firm, but quiet: snot. tiS.tuji 14.06: Mavt llS.at&aiO; June. I1S.SOW14 ll-: juiy. 8l4.3oiils.lt: August. li.W'it)l-l.it; September, tlLHiwiaM. London market firm; tpot, A74; futurea, 74 ta Sd. lake copper. I14S0: electroly tic. M.!7H4ltJ SO; casUng. IIS S7H1S.Ut. Arrivala at New Tork were 4M tons. Ex ports so far this month are 14,480 tone. Tin. quiet; spot, t44.2S4i4a: May. 146.11 4440: June, t48.40e44.00: July, t4i.8oeH8.lv: lot atOD . 1 40 aoro MM ....l.lOt 4.300 ISOn 1.480 t.M 400 1.00 14.000 a 0110 August. 14s.Sta314e.OO: September. ttLUvrlp ' 4610. London market steady; spot, Zu lus: futurea. carl 7a Lead, steady: 14-M P4.26. New Tork; t4.07M 12H. East St. Louis. London msrket quoted at CM 10s. Spelter, steady: K.80t.ttL New Tork: t tfiw4.7i. East St. Loula. London msr ket quoted at 24 ISs. Antimony, quiet; Cookson's, 18.00. Iron quiet: Cleveland warrants, its l'td In London. Locally Iron waa steady; No. X. tli.2SolS.iO. No. 1 southern and Na 1 southern, soft. tlS.5) 47 li, 74. Mlaneapolls Grata Market. - MINNEAPOLIS. May 17. WHEAT May. 81.12V. July. U.lSVa: September. tl.trrtil.04; cash. No. 1 bard, I1.16S: No. I northern. ll.I4Stil.lS; No. 2 northern. 11.12S4J1 U": Na X, n.MSwUlii, . . FLAX-I2.17tl2.ai. BARLEY-Ticvtl.K. OORN-Na t yellow, 7737tc. OATS NO. t white, Mijc RYE Na 2. 17c. BRAN In I0t-l).. sacks, tains 24 00. FLOL'R First patents. ti.tOiii.ai; sec ond patenU. ta.lOai.1; first clears, ta.taj wt-Ot: second clears, t2.7t.4i3.Oa. Cottow Markrt. NEW TORK. May 17.-t70TTOX-8aot cloaed quiet and It pointa lower: mid dling uplands. U.tSe: middling gulf. lLSOc. ! SmIcs. 2.3U0 bales. Futurea closed verv steady: closing bids. May. 11.17c; June, hl.2Sc: July. ll.Mc: August. lL40c: Seotem- I ber. 11.40c; October, 11,47c: - November. 11.50c; December, ll.tse; January, 11. Sic; February, iLsac; Marco, 11. ale. 1 Osaaka Hay Market. OMAHA, Msy 17 -HAY No. 1. t4Ma 22.-4) Na 2. . 00321. 10; No. 1, llSJasjltOO: Na 1 middling. tIt.Mt'Sl.oi: Na 1 low land. t2Sar21.0t: alfalfa, c'nolce third and fourth rutting, S2? .tntaLvP: first and second cuttings. t20 0(vr,21.tw; Na t, IlLPy t".0; Na a tla-Oi 18.00. , Imparts at ear 1 ark. NEW TORK, May 17.-1 mporu of iner e handles and dry gods at tha port of New Tork for tha week ending May 11 were valued al t2J.4t,10. Imports ot spe cie tor this port tor the week ending today were ttM.tll tiiver, and ps7.ir7 gold; exports, tat,, sliver aad tljOt gold. rrr Cirndi "Market. NEW TORK. May 17. DRT OOODS The Jobbing markets wera a tittle more active during the day. Cotton goods rule steady but quiet Foreign wools are higher and domestic wools firm. s-wajtr Market. JTEVT YORK. May 17-SrOAR-Rsw steady: muscovado. teat. 142c; centrif ugal. M test, aiac; moittsei. ft) tett, X.r7c ReCned. quiet. Waal Market. ST. LOOTS, Ma. May T7.-WOOLV-Steady; territory aad western med.'uma ttsflac: fins oedluma. UayHe: rina, Mtjiic' A Baekelar-a Beneclaaaa. . Tonsorrow is better than todaa -- - kt haa possibilities. Stick to thef straight and narrow nam and avoid the rush. "Tn A ciun ran Beat more Ideas ma anma heads than reaaon can. m A boy needs to be whsled pretty often to as aot to seed It oftener. " Married Ufa becomes fairly mm t . for a womaa when she acts t. tl- widow. New Tork Press. Bee West Ad Produce Reanuta 1 i xteiiri