THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1912. 15 OIL OPERATORS IN A FLURRY i Buy Kern Illinenf Absolutely every hat in the house enormously cut in price Wyoming' Interests Arrange for Big Contention as Casper. BUILD BO AD INTO HEW FIELD Gasher Protectee; Thonaend Barrets a Day Greatly Excites Operators and They Plan to Kneed Their Interests. Oil operators, worked to a high pitch of enthusiasm over the striking of a gusher producing 1.000 barrels a day ir the Casper fields, have called a conven tion to extend operations. The meetiif Pattern Hats WIustGo Regardless of Cost will be held In Camper on May ts and . I r V j ft' Absolutely Pure m. telm Theonly Baking Powdermade fcik Jpj from Royal QraamofTflrtar SkJ SCHOOLS OBSERYE MAY DAY Peace Sty ii Alto Celebrated at the Same Time. FOLD SATS ASS 7LASKXD lliUl teheel ttive urn Interestla rmraa la Honor of May Day Aaalversarr, at Day la Saturday. Mar day was celebrated In the city schools yesterday. Program liad heen prepared and In several school were psr tkieeted In by th entire student body. Peace day ana alae observed, sp proprlate soags, read Inn and sslectlons beln( Included la the exerclaea of the day. The celebration la for the anniver sary of the first Hague tribunal. Al though the anniversary Is not until today Khoola celebrated yesterday Field days are being arranged by the schools. Pacific will have a big program either May SI er the first week la June. Superintendent B. V. Orsif aas been In vited to deliver an address and songs and lames will occupy the day. In celebrating May day Vinton school lave the following program yesterday: Today's the Olsd May Day First grade. A class. The Circus. The Ac of Diamonds Fifth and sixth xrsdea Xorwesisn Mountain Marco. Hunirarlan dance. Stromas Sixth grade. .May Hole Ua nee Seventh grade. Weaving Game fclghth grade. Violin Solo Miss Books. Muele Misa Mason, pianist, and Miss Books, violinist. For class or Field day at Pacific school ths fallowing program has been pre pared: (tones Dower Dance and Battlefield Eighth grade. Welcome Sophie Williams. March tiiath. seventh aad eighth grades. Weaving Game Eighth grade. Tu-of-War Athleue team. Mountain March Hungarian Game Sixth grade. Bean Porridge Ace of Diamonds Fifth f rade. Han Solo Leonora Denleon.' Relay Race Athletic team. Stress tlixth grade. May Pole Dance-Eighth grade. Cradle Bong Elahth grade. GRAND LODGE OF PYTHIANS TO MEET HERE NEXT YEAR The next annual meeting of the Ne braska (rand lodge of the Knights of Prthtas will be held a Omaha next May. according to a decision of the grand lodge at its meeting at Lincoln. Just con cluded. One of the events of the Omaha meeting win be the no veiling of the For est Lawn eesnetery monament to George H. Crager. founder of No. 1 lodge, Omaha, and the father of the Pythian order la tn middle west. The meetings of the grand lodge are at tended by about W delegate aad several hundred ether fyUleaa. Apollo Club Closes Its Concert Season With a concert last evening at the First Methodist Congregational church the Apollo club, of which Dr. Frederic C. Freemantel is conductor, closed the concert season, which has been very suc cessful to the club In every way. A very large audience attended and listened with rapture and pleasure to the well rendered program. "The Battle Hymn." from "Klensl." by Wagner, and the "Discovery." by Grieg, were the most effective and worthy numbers on the program. , Harry ft. Dlsbrow. baritone, sang "Danny Deever," accompanied by the chorus, la such an effective way that he was called on several times to repeat It. The other soloists were Messrs. Ross B. Johnson. Will Prentiss. Herbert D. Dawes. J. Addison Mould. Newman and Arnold. The accompaniments were played by Martin Bush. H. S. Girls to Hike to Seymour Lake Seymour lake will be the destination of the Girls' Hiking club of the Omaha High school when they leave the school build ing Saturday morning at i o'clock. Ths members of ths club will ride to the end of the West ( street line and then walk out the macadam road to the lake. The glrla plsn to spread lunch In the Sey mour lake grove promptly at noon, and after sa hour's rest they will start home ward. The party will be In charge of Miss Mary Herbert and Miss Helen Brandets of the school faculty. LINCOLN FETE DAY ATTRACTS OMAHA STUDENTS A large party of students of the Omaha High school left for Lincoln Friday afternoon to attend the annual "fets" day exercises of the t'nlversity of Ne braska and the state Interscholastie tree and field meet which will be held at tne Capital City today. About forty were included In the party that left yes terday and mors will go down tins morn ing. The track squad of the adaool which win enter the big athletic meet will leave this morning at I o'clock over the I Rock Island la charge of f . E. Read, ' athletic director. Fred fly pin, manager j of the BU team, will glee accompany Di- j tec toe Roee). u. H. s. at Wakes, The Omaha High school have ball squad will leave for Wshoo today for a game with the Waboo Hlsa school, the first diamond contest between tne two schools In the last six yeara Twelve lads will make the tnp In charge of Charles Klinanr stuaent manaaer. Permits to smoke, i cents. All dealers. HUPP DEVICE ATTRACTS EAST Poitoffice Committee Show Great Concern. G0VE&NME5T KE5 IMPRESSED Inventor Proves Diversity of laves tloa at Washington, Astonish lag Oeversaesl Officials Wha Wltaees It. WASHINGTON. D. C, Msy 17. -While official and congressional Interest seem ingly appears to be centered on postal reforms, such as rural parcels poet, steel msll cars and other hard fought re forms, a mall exchange device known as the Hupp System Is gTettlng censlder sble attention and Is being clsoely watched by poetofflee and congressional officials. The 'Hupp Automatic Mail Exchange company, which owns and conrota this system, haa Its own specially equipped msll car and Is demonstrating Its suto matlc system for delivering and collect ing mall sacks on the Chesapeske Beech railroad outside of the city limits. Sev eral runs were made yestsrday before government officials snd members of the house committee on post roads, and their sstonlshment and commendation wss very much In evidence. What seemed to impress them most was the marvelous accuracy and expedition with which the Hupp system handled mall pouches and sacks. Diversity le Prwvea. To prove the diversity of the system, ths Inventor hung man pouebes on the cranes and msde a delivery without touching the pouches while the train travelled fifty miles an hour, and on the next run at the same speed made a col lection scooping the pouches wtth light ning rapidity and precision from the rrsnea into the mall car without delivery. To futther demonstrate the automstic features of the system he requested that no one outade of two members ride In the mail car on the next run. J. J. Gardner and James T. Lloyd, members of the pootroed committee, volunteered snd on leaving the car after the n their amazement could plainly be seen. They seemed highly elated that such a good thing was tn store for the service. Mae PerrVet fleas Made. Yesterday nine perfect runs were made In the phenomenal time of thtrty-ftve minutes, averaging less thaa few min ute to the run. snd these connected with the operation clstm thst the record has not yet been attained. Out of nine runs, curat deliveries were made aggre gating In weight. 1.S4 pounds, and seven collections were made aggregating la weight. U pounds. Standard pouches were need. The heaviest pooch caught weighed e pounds, one peach to ths crane, six cranes being need. Those la authority claim that the Hupp system for handling mail la a century In advance of anything slse of this eharaoier. and unquestionably marks an epoch In ths development of railway msll service. Members of Congress Plan Big Fight Upon Amy Post Changes (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, May 17.-(Spsclal Tele, gram.) Secretary Rttmson's recommenda tions for ths abandonment of nearly twenty military posts, including Forts D. A. Russell. Meads and Robinson, will be fought to a finish by representatives of states In which their posts are located. An amendment to the army bill now In conference It Is expected will be offered creating a board of Inspection to report back to congress within a specified time as to Ihe advlssblllty of abandoning posts Included In Secretary Stlmson's report. This board will be nsmed In the con ference report and In personnel will proh sbly be es follows: Senators Warren and Foster, representatives Slayden and An thony and from ths retired Met of Ihe army lieutenants General S. B. M. Young and Arthur McArthur snd Majors General Jess M. Le. Charles . Humph rey snd Oeorge M. Randsll. This com mission will be rhsrged to visit all the poets Included In the Stimson report with a view of determining their availability as military posts slid the money realisa tion which ought to result If sold. Iowa Student Sued For $10,000 Damages IOWA CITY Is.. May l7.-(gpedel Tel egram. -W. w. Walker of Iowa City, a student In ths Homeopathic Medical col lege. University of Iowa. Is msde defend ant In a suit for llt.tya here according to I notice filed today by Fred Jensen of j Spencer, la., who alleges thst Walker as ! court reporter copied and presented to a court martial tales notes of Jensen's ; court-martial eendix-ted here May U, Mil. la which Jensen wss eonvksed of conduct unbecoming a soldier and wss summarily 'discharged without honor from Company pi of the Fifty-fourth regiment, Iowa Na tional guards Something Is expected to be done to In terest adldtloral capital to develop new fields in the Sand and Salt Creek coun tries Already there Is talk of a new line of road Into the fields. If It Is built It will be from Casper and t ure Is an Intima tion that it will b hacked by either the Northewestsrn or tlie Burlington. It Is sstd that up to this time the pipe line from the fields Into t'usixr has been taking care of the oil from the wells In operation, but the Sand Creek atrlke Is toe much for this line to handle. It it also 'figured that, as the country Is level between Casper and the fields, a road could be constructed at a cost that would be but little more than thst of n pipe j line and It would handle business both ways, whereas ths pipe line csn only carry oil from the wells to ths refineries. Industrial rial Booetlea. The Cssper Industrial club hss taksn a hand In boosting for ths oil convention and ths secretary urges s Isrge attend- a nee at the meeting, sddlng: "Tlx re are several kinds of oil here, considerable of which Is fit to drink. "The city msrshal Is s good church man who sheds his socks at I o'clock, and earlier If requested. He will provide sll visitors with beds, but It Is not sup posed that thsy will be used." Formsr Governor Brooks of Wyoming will be In attendance st ths convention and will be one of the ipesksrs. At the Theaters DEFENSE MAKES ATTACK ON STATE'S WITNESSES DAVENPORT. la.. May la -That the defense will seek to discredit testimony Introduced by witnesses for the state by attacking the reputation ef those who turned state's evidence, developed at to day' session of the trial ef a C. Wil son, the Muscatine labor leader. Many llussss presented by defease sttacked the reputation of Thomas Hos klnson sad Kufus Jones, star alius sass for the state. . . Travel Festival at the Boyd. To ass all that an aviator sses and yst run none ef the risk that hs doss Is a treat that Lyman E. Hows Is furnish ing at the Boyd theater for three days. He began It yesterday In his picture or travel festival. The aeroplane pictures were taken by a machine operated by Lincoln Beechey. They show the views of the ground as the aviator rises and then follow his course over a wide stretch ef country and city. Ths audlsncs Is abls to ses how the mschlns dips, bark and thsn takss a long shoot to ths ground. It Is an extremely Interesting entertainment. The pictures are very clear. One of the Interesting series of views shows the ceremonies at ths burial ef the Maine heroes from ths V. S. 8. North Csrollna. This reel Is Impressive. Ons of the most humorous motion pic tures ever created le shown b Mr. Howe. It Is entitled "The Leopard." An animal of this nature Is turned loose In a large house and raises all kinds of trouble. If you ean Imagine how your household would be stlrrsd up by a leopard you nut get a small Idea of the tun that took plate In this particular house. The patrons of ths Boyd last night screamed and yelled at the leopard and the people whom he chased. The How series Includes excellent views of Japan, and the Royal Gorge of Colorado. There ere also some Instructive pictures of flowers, England and Bwlttsr land, with many funny reals added for those people who are essklng good laughs. Jew Pros re m at Ueyeir. The Osyety offered Its mid-week change of vaudeville yestsrday to oontinusl'y changing and satisfied crowds. Ths pro gram Is pleasantly put together and numbers among other offerings Her VonDell In a novel protean musical act. lis Is announced as "ths Mastar Musi- dsn" and his work does not 'lle his title. He haa selected the master's of ths violin, saxophone, cornet and 'cello, namely Kuebllk. Le Febre. Kryl and Von I'lene, respectively, and by means of hur ried though clever changes ef makeup. la enabled to present himself a ths master musicians of ths vsflsd Initru. msnts In a most convincing manner. Richard Burton, whose baritone voice Is really phenomenal la winning many plsu dlts with his pleasing rendition of Where the Itlver Shannon Flows" and "I'd Love ts Live in Lovetand." Arling ton and Helstrom pressnt an eccentric denclng act that 'contelns many Intri cate steps. The four reels of daylight moving pictures are Intersstlng. show ing much cars In selection. New pictures will be shown each day. the vaudeville changing again next Sunday. Chambers' IMaeere Teala-bt. The snnusl recital of . a. Chambers dancing school pupils will be given this evening at ths Brandels theater under ths direction of Mr. Chambers and Mis Mary Cooper. On hundred persons from wee little tots to grown ups will take psrt in Ihe entertainment. The performance will consist of senthetle nstlonal, folk, pantomime and character dances. Ths pupils have been practicing hard during the last month under the careful supervision of Mr. Chambers and Miss Cooper, and promise lo give a rare treat of graceful and Intelligent denclng Beautiful srenery, glittering costume and graceful dances have been specially selected for the occasion. Among the dances Is the Rosary which Is well dsnced by Mies Mildred House, who also does a toe dance. The Dawn Is one of the most beautiful and touching dances. In which little Mis Elasnor Keating takes the part of dawn. Scarcely i years of ags shs shows great ability as a toe dancer and Is ably assisted by several other young girls of about the same age. A little tot of tender age. leading a dog sings the late "Houn Dawg' song in a very serious but hunorous wsy. The program consists of all kinds ut danree: the Spanleh and Orien'. dances as well a the mere classical and modern. Thousands of beautiful mid summer hats to select from. 1508 DOUGLAS ST. It DOES seem as though you would have to pay CASH to secure garments at prices like THESE, but you DON'T, for each item here is offered you On Easy Credit Payments in other words $1 a Week rnnv .rivm I Me a "V I lfs 1 I ujv Yfwau .sr.! if t LADIES' il'ITS. Just now you are offsrsd ths vary cream of thl spring' (tylsa; sxqulsitsly modsled garment that would command S2S. II to 3I regularly, at, g j g LADIES' VOILE SKIRTI. faturday you will he treated to a special that cornea hut rarely In ths sarly part of the ssaeon; Voile ahlris worth up to lit. and fiffsred a a rial- C AO urday Flyer, at 9Wi30 SPECIAL HALF. OF MKNS SCIT8. 6ome of the snspnirst thlnts ts ue secured lu eastern ins-Hen; suits that wouldn t ordinarily bt eonslder sd high at lit. will go fl QC Saturday at oul) NBCKWE.VR HPECIAU Saturday w offer men s nMiv nes- wash ' four-In-hsntf ' ties, the sort thst uaimt'.y costs you lit each, at TWO 2Q NOTE. ThU it th am "PeopU$"' Star, formerly tituaUd at 16th and Farnam Strut. FORMAL OPENING SATURDAY, MAY 18 Merchant's Drug Co. Sh-towstors to J. H. Merehgnt COR. 16TH AND HOWARD STREETS Announcimint Ths same eeart eoss treatment aad servloe will prevail a tn the pest, Wi s 1 1 s 1 1 year patronsgs aad toarantee sst f actios. FREE Ts Ertry Cmtomer Ittsrit Oil, i, Armour's Top Notch Grips Juics er Flowers et eae ef eat f r aeapeaa. They are reed for 10 eia oooat a any thing euros se es doling the month of May after the open. tag y- Tr Oar fare rrolt risvor fee Oream Soda had oadasa, "Thsy'rs ths t la Tews." for. Iflth Howard tii gvum sav sroavar MERCHANT'S DRUG CO. for. 10th Howard Floral Vmtmr tmw Orphean riMlM(. In orttor to afford tho Orphvum patron a ipeclal treat Saturriar night, which will ba tba closing prfortnanr. Lon Whit man will firm avrat cM. wlrctlona. I 9 Theaa axpaetlns to attend ahouM bvy thatr aetata at one a thar haa already been a very heavy demarttj at the bos oftVa. I Department 1. 1 1 ""TJ1 With any purchase,. regard- I JV tj li",le8s ' amoun we will give " 5 Bee Silver Coupons. Saturday Floral Special 5fff Homo grown Rosea, all colors, regulsr erj dw eUUU fl value. Special Saturday, per dot. O m We have also a full Una or budding plants which will be on sals Saturday at Special Prices. Ask for Coupons When flaking Your Purchase j The Rome Summer garden will open fur the season oa Saturday night of this week with a sperlal program of music, vaude ville and pictures. As last year. In event of rain, the show will be transferred te the Hotel Ron aadltortttm. . Fortune or success have often come through a little want ad. Have you read the want ads yet today?