THE OMAHA DAILY BEE sVH'KPEP BY EDWARD RQ6S. A 1 B.K. VICTOR ROUEWATEB. EWTOR. BEE BCUi'INa FAR..AJI AND 1'TM- t. jr at Ctoana postoffice as aacood- CUM UlTir. 1 1, n jo vj r .it . . Sunday B one year - 3 Saturday Bee, oae yBCj-...-. .- J r-ejiy Bee (without Bun-ay). o J Kajly Hoi ssd Mnaey one fiSta'" UEUVERBD BT CAKH1BR evening ht (with fcundayl. Pr--i Hail Be (loclMdln 6under, " Dux Bee (wuaeutSundaji. P Address ell complaints er lrr"nu fai debvery - atr CTrcyietioti KCMJTTANCEA Remit bv express or pests. "5"i' tMly J-oeet ura reied '""U! at small ecceu. te. Personal CPt OB ODMi ABd Ml" """ t Omaha TtM Bee Blaming. Fouia Omahe-ul I Council Blufre- Beott St Lincola- Uttl Building. Chicago-list Marquette Bw Kiwi Clty-Kuanee Buying. New Tork-M West Talny-thir-Yshlngto-r Fourteenth m- . w. CO K R r-e rv D ENC K . Communlcaileoa relating to w Atrial mai- h"'d 5JJ Omaha Baa, Editorial Department. APRUi CIRCULATION. 50,109 Mete of Nebraska. County of D"; Lrwljkt William, circulating of Tbe Baa Publiebma ewpen. nlf awn. taya that thj average deny etreuleuoo, tor tba ami oC April, ItiX aa sM". dwTOHT WlLi"- Circulation Manager. Butoerlbed In "V.wttST" to Mora too t W day of Mar. ttU iSeaD ROBERT Hl'bTW, " . Maury Pubua, tkva atv .ram la ilea KanHlr akaaU Mw W mailed tacwa, Alssns will key lH tt 70 a (at tha first Crt It to Juat "womea tint" In street car. calidren. Do lot wot your rrsae too much to cold weetber II row whA It to grow, i v Ia Germany's anU-duslllng bill In tended to start another AUaro-Lor-rains! lie Coffee Trust Tba alleged Honey trust seems to have few stupid vltnevjaa tm tkla ooBsraosioaaJ tarasUgatioa. Is tba attempt to dear that tba valorbaUo achona gponaor4 by J. P. Morian ft Co.. tha National City and Pint Na tional bank! of New York, la bahaJt of tba coffee trade, waa aimply a acheme for mosopoUzlng the market, one of the bit coffee oeaiera adnUa enough, it woaM appear, to clinch that point at once. He anya it ia troe that these banka eaterad into thia aehema tor the apecirie parpoae of enabling Bruil to limit the ontpat of coftea nd nainuia prlcea bene ficial to Bruillaa plantera and Amer ican aad Europeaa dealera. Bat ln etead of admitting that thla la wrong, or that tf. proree tba eziaunca of a truat In aotfee, the witneaa declaree it waa an act of pore patriot lam, per formed for the purpoae of building ap commerce between the United Statea and South America. Commerce that ia built u? or patrt otlam that la tnetllled totally at the expenae of the pitrato eoneomer and tor tha agaTaadUameDt of the traita a hardly what we need, or what tha flag euade tor. The fact ia that un der thla beneficent acheme of valorl aatlon tha production and the prioe of oof fee were doubled. The wit nesses admit that before thla patri otic guarantee waa given Braxll, it It turned out I.OOa.000 bad of coffee a year at from H to 1 eenta a poaad, and that now tha production rune to H.OOt.m bga at front II to 14 eenta a. pound. And. as if thla were not enough, it io etlU further admitted that the ralorltatlou acbama ens kite Braill to held back aa much coffee la the warehouses aa la Bcoee aary to control tha market price. Tha aoagreaitoaal eommlttes should be able to prove its case with out calling any but tba Money trust's own wHaeeses, if they are all aa frank aa thla coffee dealer. Omaha la rapidly developing into one of tba moat boaaUful at reetdenoe cities. Fighting el4atly galas on la , Tripoli; a war aocreapoadant baa been killed. Democratic discord manifests ItaeU la tha mint Julep rivalry Wtwoea Kentucky and Teaaa. A Georgia paper aska the question, "la . Wilson a dsmocratt" Well, what li a democrat? "Can the Church Make Ooodt' aaka Charles Btelila, It It keeps close enough to Us leader, yea. Rlchaeoa shall die, tha governor sara. Wall, that b what lUthaaoa a inaoceat ttttla victim had to do. The Now Jersey weal la apparently Joking because WlUeu Wowdrow but cannot. Look out with that brick, there. . Reoaatly tha Houatoa foot emitted a cry for aw famous rtaKore to that eity. And sow Jim Corbett U Ib Kow that Sarah Bernhardt la to enter vaudeville, at least cue more farewell tour la "legitimate" win be necessary. ControIliBf tha Automobile. New York City la Just now i doubling Its efforts to control auto mobile operation and eat down the somber of accidents. Aa tha ase of automobiles Increaeee thla becomes the problem in every city. Happily. it appears that Omaha Is making Im provement la tu control of tha auto. At least Uh number of aoddeata la not what It waa. Possibly one or two notable penal tiee for palpable carol serosal bare had a dealnble effect. Certainly they have aet tended to make chauffeurs leaa cau tioua. Speed laws, of course, are worth lass unless enforced. And yet speed htwa rigidly enforced are not eeoeta- Criminal careleasnesa la not by any maaaa responsible for all each acci dents. Aa the machines been mora numerous, threading their way through crowded taorosga'area. where ether such ald-faabJoaed ve hicle as street can and aoree-drawa wagoaa aad carriages, aa weU aa pe destrians, must share the rlgnfcot way. what U tint of all needed la In dividual vigilance. Every man and woman elttlug at tha wheel of aa aato must know the laws of tha road, must' understand tba eeoeatrlcltlee of the machine, and must have a eeruauioue regard tor the other fel lew. By properly combining these Into strict attention to the business at aand tha buard can be vastly rule! And the redemption is to Im wrought by Mr. Murphy of Tammany hall holding the eighty-three dele gates of the Empire state in the hol low of his hand and delivering them as he sees fit. But, Mr. Bryan would reply, that la not tha party's fault; we do not stand for Murphy. In deed! Since when Blnce 108, when Mr. Bryan, himself, fawned be fore Mr. Murphy for his support? During s lections Mr. Bryan may not consort with the Tammany boss, but In the heat of at least three national eampeigoa he never has spurs sd thla helping hand, in the hollow of which today rests a good deal of what will be done at Baltimore. Dick Croker was a meek, weak beggar of favors aa compared with Charles F. Murphy In the poalUoa of Tammany chief. No more rutbleea, reckless bosshlp baa been displayed In the history of politics than thla that Murphy maintains, by aad with the co-operation of his party, the democratic party, the party of Jefter eon. Jackson and Bryan, as well aa Champ Clark and Hearst. The primary election totals show that while 124,000 voters were in terested In expressing their presi dential preference, only about 14,000 felt sufficiently concerned to vote one way or another on the con stitutional amendments submitted. Thla ought to offer a text for a con siderable sermon on the Indifference or careless n sea of our voters. The Queation of presidential preference Is but Incidental, while the matter of amending the fundamental law of the stats touches tha cltlsens of that state very closely. Oae would nat urally think that tba voter would legialatare did make a mletake whan visions of his state constitution than of the possible choice of a nominating convention for president, but the record Just made In Nebraaka ahowa that the ftve proposed constitutional amendmenla will go on the ballot by virtue of the expression ot a small majority of those voting. Maybe the legialatare did make a mistake whea It tied the state up with the nation at tha primertee. It would be better. If we must have these primary elec tions, to divide tha questions and give the voters opportunity for more Intelligent expreesloa. The impression that Loa Aagetee people Uva high bora set by the face that a baby baa uet salsa a f$.OI draft. Baa Francisco ia to have tha bay spaaaed by a real bridge, aa Its view win aot be ebseured by the Co Idea Gate. Of coerce, yet will not get the daadelioaa eat of pour lawn aa long aa year aelghbor leaves them to btooat la his. A Clad aait young maa baa Juct "steeped late" an Income ot (600,- 00 a rear, says the Inquirer. Knee deep la clover. With 144 candidate la the flel tha Method Wa wfU have a cause to eomphUa that their choice for bishop waa restrieted. Tha hound dog song has been translated Uto Chinee. Whtah proves that Champ Clark la aa Inter- national character. Mr. Bryaa la ale Commoner Dg- area eat four ways by which It would be impossible or a reactionary demo crat to get there. It railroad reports from Ne braska wheat fietde are based oa facta, now Is a good Urn for the farmers to lay la a supply ot harvest hands. Aatbraeite miasrs aad operate n are about to agree oa a aew wage acele. The consumer will tad eat later in, the summer Just hew much it wtu cost nua. Senator Tillmaa pleads far other eiactioe to the eeaato that he may die there. From the standpoint of real Influence, the senator has al ready passed away. - Taking Us climate, business advan tages aad baH team lata considera tion, it it strings how Omaha can keep sll the people la the country Ireca coulag here to live. - Ontimlrtio Crop 1 porta. Nebraakaaa turn from ths news that Fattea vaatputatea tha specula tive wheat market to that better reading that county after county la i slate la showing prospects at 10 per cent la wheat. Railroad ofllciala who have made personal tours ot their lines for the special purpose ot Informing themselves so that they may begin to plaa for fa cilities needed and revenues expected report conditions which totally dis count all previous forecasts and In dicate aa unprecedented harvest Thia la In sharp contrast with aa early report of the government. which gave Nebraska aa average ot about 0 per cent. But tlnce then conditions have been very propitious tor wheat. We suggested at that time that It was not advisable to beak too heavily oa Usee pessimistic reports. And perhapa tha counter acting aewa should be heM la abey ance until the weather has ftniahed Ita work. There la time even yet for harm. But la tha Judgmeat of very competent erttlce conditions at present point to one ot the largest crops at wheat thia auto has ever had. aad It has had some big ones. COMPILED FROM BB FILM lav Thirty Teen Ago A trad excursion of 81 Louij buatneas ton came h over the Missouri Paolfle end ware entertained by Haver Boyd end a eommitte of etOawas. A none the familiar names sr those of K. E. Sim mons of tbe Simmons Hardware com pear. R. C. Karena. Oovomer B. O. Stan- art and Colonel Pat Dyer. The Kalfhts Tempter celebrate- A eaten day. It was bMenses to have a parade, but bad weather put a atop to dtepiey. OwVt-twa commaed iis wars puetnt from Council Oluffk, Red Oak. Lincoln and Fremont. The Cnioa Bcwkur etrel save s nauscal and elocutionary entertainment at Stan dard ban. Ths floor suaasers wars Mr. Georg 8. Stuart and Mr. Charia & Weav. To prepare for a Fourth of July picnic br the Lead leacu this committee was appointed: F. W. Fry, ebairmaa; I. 1. Nichols. Jobs Rush. M. M. Donorae, Jamas Htnfcaa. J. A. Bresaee, O. U. O'Brien. J. L. Donohoe, Charles Mo- Donald, M. Lehy. Patrick Ford, Thomas Bwttt and Patrick McArdle. Freak Mayo is earning to pier "Davy Crockett." Mr. j. jonnsoa win probably be ap pointed Sosndsaevlaa vice consul st this point to succeed Mr. Tlndquest. Mrs. Musaar, rwsldlna on Capitol ave nue between Twkfteanth and Fuertaenth streets, was the rcetptas of a eurprts party last eveolnsV John L Rcdtek has art contracts for a three story stick en Farsea ef Berkar'e bulldlnf. It will b I! sad coat tsXOBX The brick was MM to WlthtMil, carpenter work to V. Knock. Iran work to Richards' Ana dry, tin work to Neat sad ssrvamsad Iron work to Spacht tww WMdkw ere ehiwateled. that of Flaming sod Miss Mscsts Hanoer. The facility with which business may be transacted under tbe com mission plaa of government is Illus trated by the visit of the park com missioner to tbe police commissioner. In which less than fifteen minutes were consumed In getting an order to the police department. Under the old regime It would have taken at least two weeha. "the strike ot a bate ball team be cause oae of Ita members wss sus pended for assaulting a Spectator Is a protest or usee atnietee against tbe slsvery to which they have been reduced. If a player le not to be permitted to punch the head of an offending tan, what haa become ot our boasted liberties? The high-priced attorney ef the Water board says he la perfectly will ing to let tba case go aver a tew day longer, inasmuch as the ast a to tbe city oa Interest on the bonds la only $500 a day, why should tha board or itc attorneys worry! People Talked About jmLCSTTOUrKS LETS MOT !ff J SooklnBacWrd la tha Bellow of Ibrpbyg Hani. The New York World aad Timet said of the Rochester eoaventioa that aoatlnatad DU for governor that It waa absolutely dominated by Boas Murphy; that tha dalegatea simply went to Murphy's room aad stood. hat la hand, while the Tammany chleftata Issued his orders. No Uaa then that may be said of the New York state delegation to the Baltimore convention. Aa attempt to flad out whom Boca Marphy Pre fers tor tbe democratic presides tlal nomination results only la this: "Mr. Marphy haa aa candidate tor president. Whea be goes to Ue convention he will look over the field to find Ue maa who can win and j cast New York's entire delegate vote for that maa." Hurrah for the democratic party,, which, this year, Mr. Bryaa says, la from bees Mr. In Other Lands Uffeta sm Waat aad 1-er STatloma of the Bsrtt. The Mewest Keawblse. The new (evenunect of the Chinese re public la moving forward deliberately and ceuuoaelx. Th oattoeal assembly has astUed sow to business at Faking and Is tT in mi el co nai iteration to the many problems of government developed by th revolution. Tha financial prob lem, most urgent of ail. is near solution. the Interested powers hsvtag screed to a loaa ef B6.000.f00 tor Immediate aeeda. empty treasury, unpaid troop snd revenue source disrupted by revolution menaced the orderly devaloptaant of the republican form of government. Borne ef the power, while favoring a loan to China, setwbt to Impos real net wis which would bav placed th nation on plane with Egypt, Persia and ether de- andsactesv euMeot t alien fiscal con trol. Both executive snd fcgtsuttiv laekaa leseaud the suggestion ot Gscal control aa bamUlating. The compromise sarsed ansa arevidaa for a loan of the sum named for one year, with nominal supervUloa of Chinese fiscal affaire dur ing that period. Th republican taadera are confident of demonatrsUng their ability to put the eustaess of ths empire on a secure foundation within a year, reunite all ptuvlnoes under republican rule and iw-eetAbtith the national credit sufnctantly to refund this snd other loans without th assistance of outalde nations, .. ee A stemsrlteM Trsasforsaatleav A notable featur of the recent debate on tbe second reading ef th Irish bom son. which took place st th ml dance of Mr. Charles Cheney, sad that of Mr. W. A. Morrison snd Miss Mary Qotro mann at tbe reaidmec ot th prlda'a par- anta. ait aoutb srintk Tweeny Years Ago Ths eommitte Cbtaase sseraskra ef the Methodist eoufefaua, met at the Dalloee hotel and drafted a memorial to President HsrrlsM unfavcrsbl to the ex clusion aot. Reports reached Omaha that t,M people nd bean driven from thatr fcom In and about Sioux City by the sigh water. H. g. tally and family left for Ban Frandaco. their future borne, where Mr. Lally was to tak charge ef the Crane oompenye new hsadeuartar there. . Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Thayer snd Mrs. C. F. Catlln arrived from the west with the body of an Infant daughter of th lata Mra. J. Wallace ON of Bands. Cole. The body wss burled at Prospect Hill cemetery, services being conducted by the Rev, John William. A son wss born to Mr. snd Mrs. J. M. Steel, fill Chicago street. Mrs. H. B. Gray arrived from Gelvwsten. Tex., much Improved In health. Sh aald Mr. Oray, who had son there with her would return la ten days B. K. Cram. MOt Booth Thirty-third at reel, waa sandbagged In his own yard at night. He want ut to th hydaat to drew aoTO water and whlts his back waa taiawd soma en Ml Mm la las head and knocked him down. Before hs eeuld re cover bis assailant bad fled, The thirty-fifth annual conference of the Episcopal diocese of Nebraaka convened at Trinity cathedral. Dean Gardner celebrated th Holy Bucbsrlst. Prayer was said by Rev. Dr. Qulnn of Fremont aad th lessen wss read by F. O. Jswdoa of Columbus snd th litany by Rev. P. McKIm of Norfolk. The Right Bav. George Worthlngton, bishop ef the die cese, celebrated holy eomnranlon st It:) a. m. Tea Yean Ago Toe Much Johnson" did s bouss full of business st ths Trocadero. The Rev. J. E. Conley preached en th "tptrtt of Forgiveness" st the First Pres byterian church. "Forget It." h said, "was a good spirit." He took' bis text from Paul's expression: "Forgetting the thing that are behind." Rarpk J. Johnson, son of W. A. John son, engineer st the Faxteu hotel, died of typhoid fever st th family bom. MM South Seventeenth street. Henry Bruntng, tea) Booth Seventeenth street, father of Fred Bruntng, while re turning from South Omaha, lumped from a motor car at Sixteenth street and Poppleton avenue, and was bsdly bruised bout th face end body, though his In juries were not serious. Charles Aull. buyer tor the Cudahy Packing company, had hit right leg broken by a horse, which he was driv ing. The animal became frightened and ran away, near Thirteenth and PactfVt streets. As It dashed Into th yard ef Folic Commissioner Collins. Mr. Anil Jumped from th buggr snd In attempting to hold the horse st the same time, broks his leg. Charles C Uewellyn left for Denver t confer with W. B. Annln. as to the estab lishment for free delivery carries ta Cass county. Sumner Ash of Akron. O., treasurer of the Akros Belting works, srrtved In th city and become th guest of hi nephew, H. D. Plereoa, M North Thirtieth street He wss on his way to California. This portrays th return ef Ralph C Sunderland from the exdtaasM st pol itics Is th pt oasis occupation ef saUing brick. Ralph, th organiser snd head st th Ctttssna vmlea movweaent, waa oa of the first to ongratulat Mayor Jim snd his ssaoolata upon their election aad pledge support to tbe new adminsv ttattoa to building up Omaha. N better sport la Omaha than Ralph. As a precautionary measure traffic en the famous Brooklyn bride, la being re stricted by th authorities and sxtensivs repairs ordered. The tamoue structure Is aeariy thirty yeara eld aad ass car ried vastly greater burden than th sulldero piss sad for. Mrs. Lucy W. Pes boor of Bevrr. . is la (aver ot a newspaper for child re that shall contain caeca humor, current events. soUUoai snd scotsl nsws.' wtu th va aid of Ufa prmatad to 10 h a etaaos If siciaasry. ah says Hum eosh a newspaper ssnld be talced tor a gartta vrttk tbe that M used to buy en warship. Bwwrmewe Wast Property. New Tork Tribune. The firs toss la to United State snd Canada for the first four avert h ef thai year was DfTJOuSd. At that rats th lo for th year win be ini.KA.06 brathlng aO record. Defecttv buUdtng lew are the chief cause of this so mo us waste, which would be tolerated awhr else la th world. II Is Urns that Americans abated their eueeslee Indulgence la th luxury of "running to Keep Mwed Nw Tark Tribe no. In spits f tbe fact that th skyrocket teadiariea ef foodstuffs are m a degree abated, Chi mem Consumer should not lese hop. Relief I coming frees una sected sources. Th fader! vrnnssat prams extra cheep terrsnta presently, snd a dlittng-ulstied scientist aver that th common English sparrow, buttered aad broiled, le ss Oa aa reed bird aualL Few, awgs see f Chicago News. It would be terrible It th suit ssint fa wag paser truat aaouM drive that as laged somMnstioB tele th nvlaachoty bet plethoric Stat reached by the Staaaexd Oil Integers. BBEEZY TEIFIXS. ITeITenen euxht to hV BOm xpr- atoe in their dresa. w look gown yonder: it hJt.Wt of point tone iy oeer nwa. i. - yard f It: BalUiaore American. . . , .. m i.tauiMM waa handed by aa actor to a manage, which describe tne presenter aa muck merit and eonetuded: He playa Macbeth. Richelieu. Hsmet. Shylock snd billiards. He plays billiards beat." San Francisco Argonaut. She-I thought Prise fights were vary exciting. ne rney usually are. v Oh. uaII am am resunnsT about could not have been very lively, for it teems from this account the fight ended Because one of them went to sieeev m- dtaaapoua fews. I ndrstand Brown at making a lot of money nowaday "How Old vou set that Met "He's Started in telhn everVbodV abOUt the atruggles he had when he wasn't." Detroit Free frees PrasBecrtve Kmolover (rjerustn refer ence) Have you any knowledge of th silk and sett denartmcnt? Applicant spent all my Ule among em. air Prospective Employer Aad snets an DiaaKeUT Applicant rfoTdhlTV-Bora among em. sir- Town ana country. " HmD TnmmU -van ain't any. body, four papa ain't get an erty mobile like my papa has. Maybe ne ata t. retort en hiiiic, out we've aot a caiuohor-cheat upstairs In our attic that smalls uks one."-Har par's Weekly. It's a cartons Ufa," said the lawyer," wearily. "What's the trouble 7" "Two women came Into my office today. On wanted a divorce because her hus band wouldn't stsv at home and the other because her husband sat around the house sll th time. wasnington otsr. "When a man eslibevately sells his vote - , . - lh,,ivl mil ror money aim m www the campaign orator, "how can ha ever nolo up mm w we" munltyT" , Let him wear Chokum'a Never bend shirt collar!" yelled a natty, well- dressed. ousinesa-UKe youns hack next of the crowded hau.-Chlcago Tribune- THE PEISILESTIAl BUS. W. D. Nesbtt In Chicago Post Hew doth Th Presidential Be Improve the abioing hour? He ledgettl In His victim's bat To "Bus-s-s-s!" Witt an Hie power. His honeyed "Bus--s-s!" Is sweet to bear; It drewneth Other sounds: It maketh glad The victim's heart When In his hat "Tie fosnd. It soometh Wildly sll the while: It hummeth In his ear: And. strangely. Too, Its melody Oft no oae else Can hear. It buiaeth gaily atl day long And when tbe night Doth eeme The victim sleepetb In his hat That he may hear the Hum-m-m. But, suddenly the lovely bee Will give It wings A flip, Then poise Its stinger Properly and flniah with a "Zip!" In memory be bold the bee But does not bear his "Buj-l-l-ir Ah, no. Tbe warm spot he retains Is where its stinger Was. rule bill waa the alisanc of public in terest ea th measure. The traditional "eorsoral's s-asrd" of saurer list soar waa barely exceeded when lsadiag srstors held ths floor, while the small rry wastes their efforts oa emotv bench. Except ing ea the day ef tbe dtvlsioa whea sec ond reading carried by a majority of WL Interest in th debate scarcely extended beyond Westminster. Party (rasas ana nartv aratnr ODrjoaed to utterly failed to awaken a tithe of th public Interest which th Gladstone hem run bills aroused In KM aad VSL 8 many legislative reforms denounced as "destructive to tha emptr" have been enacted Into law la the last ten years that Bhlearmatle John Bun refused to he si armed ever a grant ef legislative power to Ireland less complete wan tna warded the Doer In South Africa. The j changs In British public sentiment Is a less remarkable than th nog in insn nuMia sentiment Th separated Idea, complete bvlependsnc. and ths tevertto theme, "lresaad a Nation," apestropniseo hv Irish avDaa In all lands In years gone um ... tela the discard, and ths planning periods they causa form ar consumed te th scrap booh. Thirty y re. tsrentv or vn ttt ago. BO One could dream that Irish nationalists would approve and applaud thee sentiments or .itv and anod will utttand y Jonn Badmoat, th Irish leader, In closing ta horn rule debet: "Th moment boas rule wsa greeted It would become the kMai intereat the Irish nstioa to eafe-guard th constitution, to uUlite it n ssoBin mo, to cultivate tne ssost friendly relation wHh Oreal Britain aad for the first time rn Its history teetw in neeer ta rarotnoto the unity, the prosperity and the welfare ef th empire." ... ess Island t mdee, ' u..i. fna smrth of Its battle riut the Italian nav I amusing Itself plucking haaad Jewel frem ths bosom ot Turkey In th Aegean sea. Ths stlsur of ths Island of Rhodes Is a 1m danger ous operation than attempting to fo the Dardanelles. Rhode end adjacent Islands srs of little value to Turkey, sw ! annulate InOMtlV OV Ofk. SUt th transfer to Itsiy may disturb the equa nimity ef powers which dislike lanagrao hine in tha aaat and hasten tbe mediation which Italy anxiously hope for. Rhodes Is th most easterly of ths Aegesa group. It la shout forty-Ova miles long by twen iv.i.a wide. Its BooulsUon ecsstists of about tl.00t Chnstlana. T. MshxmMdsn snd tOW Jew It, with six other irianas. . . ft..-avaaBa. aanlah mslrriinlsit Pakv aCriiia at tui w s , va Uv Blstrtot. It le about ton mil frem th coast of Asia Minor. Th Island ne been famous lor IU beautiful climate from th earliest as- On ef the most famous monjroents of aadeat Umae waa ,h noinssna ex Rhode. It was a greet statu of th sua god. Mi 'set high, bunt by Charls of Undue to Sw B. C It laatad for flxtv-ttx rears antn aa sartn- aiuke rmnblad It down III hi B C Th gigsntle pieces remained where they fen and were a matter ef wonder la tne days of Pliny. Whea the Beracens conquered the island In b4 A. D.. thy sold th pieces as sld metal to a dealer, who em ployed M camel to tak them away, ees Sutetd Meaka 1st Jaseus. Hara-kiri, with its atmosphsre ef per aenal valor, la net wholly cut of data la Japes, but aeif-dee-tractloei Is eoouaoa. Ten thousand persona In the emptr esm nk sulelds every year, and the ausnber Is aot dimlnlahlna. Ia last year's raoord of suicide only one Instance of nare-kirl M noted, that of th stau em master at MoB, wh. beoauM of a mishap to th im serial train, which saad K aacsasary for the emperor to adjourn for half aa hour to a waiting room, showed his re pentance by throwtng himself under th whels of th express. Tne sianon-eaatar-o devotion havlne oked a wave nf aoenlar admiration, which took etwp ra a proposal to erect a mocumeat to hm meeaory, th ast tow ass seen reeuaew ey th president of the Kyushu university foe thsm ilarlfymaT aa act of aait-deetsuc- tlon: and th latter, find tog hlassrtf set of tun with public opinion, ass resigneu tits posMSos, Bals-are Bsddtaa Their Oww. i. odd fact revealed by tbe recent easus of Bulgaria ia that tee population I deeujsat wbere the soil le th taast fertile. Thus th mountain districts shew a great and growing srepssasrsno, who th rich valiwr are aetaany saatng population. Th mptoaatiea ties ia the raped eaoigratlon of th Turkkm rssl oants Coining ta with the Turtles eoev ousst they aatscd the lewlajida sad drove tk Buhyar hack to the kiUa. New, when Balgari Is fns. the Turks ar euttttag ta awk tbey ae bawd and the Bui amrlaae are lowly reausnrng poesseeao of ths districts wfctoh far tasauriss her been held by their oosgeeror. racer fj Clivslard Pbaln Dealer. There sr those vrne ptthap fesrmg the worst are bazlaaisg to talk of the poasiMilty ef tbe two col one hi th rough rkBac one aad the peerless sue being the apposing presidential candidate. V. ell, tney eouMa't both be elected. Might as wsll ss aa eptknlstie aa poaMbi. i' fl 'i lit 1 f.B'Jj U1 ,i f si ff fit ' -5 .r .a rtt t-v f-rtitlfi , r HOTEL GOTHAM Jtf Hotel ofrefTnfxl elegance, located in New Yxks social centre Easily accessible to tlieatre and eicnl districts 5art. .ramnttosas tdWagv3g Swigl. nwM tmh be J tv0& PMtsawaha-3gog gPCOAL mSCOONTI 1Q MAY re OCTOBER. Wetherbee tyWood aaVBsnaaBaaas Fifrb Avn. U Fffir4ir?ri St NEW YORK. CITY LiMtkUiv4Wul Reduced Rate Bulletin. Round trip to Vancouver Seattle Portland Spokane $5522 through f A Canadian Rockies "Fifty Switrclanas m Onn and tali in Banfl Lake Louise Field Glacier K erpeeeive aide trips Kxcslteat Hotel Service. Por sale detee snd details apply S BO. A. WAATOsT, Ossant Agest gad Se. Csark Street. Caleage. X" miuiiuuiiu'iuiiiiiimiiiit swssayB Get theWeUKnowa Roond Pecka,e CAUTION- A.ainst A.aitist Substitutes Imitations HALTED T.1ILK Made In the targett, best equipped and svraitary Malted Milk plant In the world We do not makt"milk prnducttZ Skim Milk Condensed Milk, etce it tw Oriffinal-Genuine HORLICK'S MALTED MILK ilad rotm pare, faH-rcini milk mad ta extraot f aeiect naltcd faia, retlneed to forao, aoinblo ia water. Beet food-drink for ail ajea. PXASK FOR H0RUCKS Used all ever the Globe S- M . i J c wax "