13 r THE BEE: OMAITA. SATURDAY. MAY 18. W12. The Men We Clothe All Have That "Well Groomed" Look The man who must make the most of $15, $20 or $25 will find in our great specialized lines at these prices ex ceptional values and at a saving of from $5 to $10 on each suit. The young man or the middle-aged man who wishes to dress young will find in our enor mous stocks snappy up-to-date and correct fitting garments. Whether in the new blueish gray, tan or brown, or in the more conservative neat effects we show u large variety in any number of new weaves. Tailoring, so important in a garment, ia uppermost in the minds of the wholesale tailors who make our clothes. Fit and style take no second place and to be well dressed means to wear a suit of our clothes. Our clothiug inspires con fidence because it is invariably correct. Our garments this season are modeled bo closely on the lines of the clothing pro duced by the most correct custom tailors that it is impossible to detect the difference in many instances. The well dressed young man is not necessarily the one who buys the most expensive clothes, but the one who uses good judgment when buying. The splendid assortment of suits we show at above prices proves a man can dress well without going beyond these modest figures. Just sit down and think it over for a minute. We offer exceptional opportunity to secure fine hand tailored suits for little money. Ours are made in worsteds, serges, cassimcres and homespuns, all cut iu the latest, most up-to-date styles. Extraordinary Boys9 Suits Not the ordinary kind thrown together without regard to style or fit, but the extraordinary kind. The kind that will outwear all others is the kind of boys' clothing we sell. Tailored properly from new and handsome fabrics, our boys clothing stands in a class by itself. The saving in price will almost en able you to buy two of our suits for the price of one, for Saturday we offer special at $3.95 suits that are usually sold at $5.00 and $5.50. 25c Satin Pad Merra-ixed Web Gar ten, all colore, made to aell at 25c, at lit "Crown Make" Lisle Web Suspend er. Cantab and Kid ends, 5w and Tac'grades -ZHt "tne Mercerized Tubular Tub Ttee, beautiful new styles, the and 35c qualities, ITc; 3 (or 50? Negligee Summer Soisette Coll blue, tan and white, site II Mtt. lac qualities ... I Mn' Kin Quality MmvwU! Thm ami whit. Koft collar and 4fiC N n- tc Men a Flue quality Silk and Mrccr Ued Half Hose, 25c and 35o qual ity, all colors, 17c; S (or . ---501 lien's Fine Tubular Cord and Frisco 811k Four-ln-Hand Ties, 60 qual ity 25 Men's Furnishing Goods Sale Saturday Well known brands of high grade Underwear, Shirta and Furnishings at great reductions. ? Men's Fine Quality Plain Wbite and i.ii v ! ed lioriiir Japam-fte Handkerchiefs. 10c .quality at 5 B. V. D. Underwear TWc are Wimm ' Sampl On Sale Saturday at the Lowest Prices Ever Offered B. V. D. mercerized Batin striped union suits $3.00 grades, Saturday -$1.35 B. V. D. mercerized nainsook union suits $2.50 grades $1.15 B. V. D. nainsook union suits $2.00 grades '. .. . .95c B. V. D. nainsook union suits, $1 and $1.50 grades 69c B. V. D. Shirts or Drawers, athletic or short sleeve styles, knee length drawers, standard quality nainsook the 60c grade 29? Superior, Vassar and Ritesize Union Suits, finest lisles, every proportion, $2, $2.50 grades $1.35 Shawknit Sox 25c gradt 12Hc $1.15 for Men's $2 and $1.50 Shirts A special purchase of the celebrated "York" and "Faultless" shirts, one of the cleverest and best national advertised brands, in beautiful per cales and madras cloths, in starched or soft French cuffsperfectly tailored $1.15. XEJ'S $1.50, J2.00, $2..0 NEGLIGEE .HIRIS, 79c A purchase of 1,200 fine Bummer negligee shirts, soft collars und cuffs Attached. Beautiful mer cerized Noisettes Crystal cloths, etc., $1.50, $2 and $2.50 grades 79c BRIEF CITY NEWS Save Boot Mat n. Bleetrio wsas Burgss-Grndn. n. M. Clark, dgna, lih and Douglas Chauffeur WaaM Six BoUsrs 'Walter 8. Jtrdin was sued (or It (or wifii by . Pew V. Hand, a 1-, ear-old chauffeur, in county court. Hand was employed at 19 a month. He worked a few day. more than a month. Then he and his employer terminated their contract Hand says he received only P and has as coming. Sutoaer aaae Stele gome time during the last month a banner belong Inc to the Omaha Butchers' union was tolen from the lodge room In Weahlng ton ball. The disappearance of the ban ner valued at fia was not learned until nursdsy by F. V. Kunct, W4 South Tldrteenth street, one of the lodge direct ore. Inanact Is Abandons The Inquest which was to hare been held over the body uf Peter Ender. accidentally killed Tuesday night, has been abandoned by Coroner Willis C Crosby, a. there exists no doubt but what Enders was hurt by accident. The funeral will be held mm time Sunday from Leo A. Hoffman's par lors, with Interment in Forest Lawn cem etery. Waaaertast Overoosaa Boys Wander lust appears to have overtaken the youths of Omaha, according" to reports received by the police. Louis Kneeter of (U South Nineteenth street reports that Philip, hta 14-year-old son, had run away Monday night Barnard, the -year-old son of Mrs. Carter. TA3 Davenport street, was also reported missing. . ...- About Theft After having Philip Smith, a waiter In the Nagasaki restaurant arrested for stealing H from his clothes. Gilbert Do Ian of Met Califor nia street toM Judge Altstadt that possibly he was mistaken. He admitted being In a saloon and upon bis own recom mendation Smith was discharged. Objeete't Wife atsaokiag David Card has given tip trying to make his wtf quit amoklng and drinking, according te a petition for divorce, which he filed in district court today. He saya his wife has become so addicted to the habits that be can do nothing with her and divorce Is the only solution of the problem, Wsenss Oaiisaey Befmr C. T. Mc Orew, president of the Live Stock Na tional bank of South Omaha, will deliver an address before the state convention of Nebraska building and loan associations In Omaha June a. Mr MeOrew will discuss banking and currency reform, explaining briefly the provision of the proponed national reserve aasociatloa. Cartai s la Amiga Carl Cortere. who en May 1 tried to kill a sua aad accidentally shot and seriously wounded Frank Crola. a freight handler, was ar raigned before Magistrate Altstadt for hooting with Intent to kllL He pleaded not guilty and bis hearing was Indef initely postponed, so that Crola may ap pear te testify against him. Crola as resting easily at 8t Joseph's hospital. GREAT DRESSMAKERS' SALE Brudtii Stores Bought the Entire Ward Dreum&jung Stock of Hew York. . SALE BEODTS KOI MONDAY The High Grade Laees, Trias- aalags. Partly Made aad I'm saade Rob, SI Ike, Drees Fabrics, Etc, at Wa derfal Fries Cea eesslaas. Through our New Tork buyer Brandeta secured at a big sacrifice the entire Ward dressmaking stock of It East Forty eighth street. New Tork. an establlaa ment known In New Tork and the east for the elegance and exelusivs character of Its merchandise. We have never shown such a wonder ful variety of exquisite material, espec ially In laces and trimmings, aa we pre sent In this sale Monday. Many exclusive elaborately embroidered robes m lace, net chiffon. Such rich laces as Irish Crochet real CTuny. Prtn oaas Applique, Duchess, Venice, Ratine. etc. In edges bands, galloon, and al lovers. Trimmings In Jet garnitures, gold and stiver and crystal fringe. Iridescent crys tal beads, eta Beatiful stlks, dross fabric, high grade linens and exclusive French cotton novel ties In robes aad pattern, on sale next Monday. I. U BRANDEIS SONS. Nature Works Hard For a Bumper Crop AFFAIRS ATJOUTH OMAHA School Patron. Visit Exhibition of Manual Traininf Work. The Standard Grain company baa x nraaaed lia oolnlon of tba Dresent cron condition. In the following bulletin, which CABPEHTRY DIVISION ATTBACTS It has sent out to th trade: Crop Expert what foolishness Is com mined In thy name. Nature la breaking every beam In the Crop Killer's attic, and the aplder which ml. led will soon weave a web fur the purpose of covering hie mlarepreeentatlons or faulty judgment. At the same time his web will aervie s. s trap for those ah choose to anter hie parlor at another time. New crop condition is Improving each day and thers is no occasion for alarm. We feel the earlier grain moves to mar ket the more happy tne snipper win V.i.i Eaell Tsar Severely la. larva Wkea faaaht leintes Wheel of Baxar la a ttaaaway. ' School patrons and people of the city generally crowded the hall at IH North Twenty-fourth street last ntgnt when the fifteen schools of th city made a public display of the Industrial and manual Ws are not expecting a "Titanic' die-' y-. k . ,hi, flMV K. aster." but the sea of high prices fn.y wor ,B hu-n tily b,n leav a few wreck on the speculative engaged during the last year, shore. We do not feel It too late to con-1 Of all the exhibits those ef the car. sign, but believe that to obtain these ntrr 4iyUlion of ,h, manu, training high prices, the busy man has much th. . . . be.1 of th. argument department engaged most attention and for the Work of the teachers and the management Drawings, paintings, pot tery, clay work and wood carving, baak.try and a thousand other things were there to show ths parents that their children were making progress In ths use ful aa well aa th ornaments! accomplish ments of school life Irate as teed. In on corner of the room Superintend ent N. M. Urahara hovered about the ex hibit, of the phyalcal geography and commercial map departments. Prof. Graham Is sbovs all Interested In making the children acquainted with the products raw and finished of the United States. On th maps of th states every product was attached to that division of ths coun try or state from which It came. Little The new crop wheat will be on the southern markets within thirty daya. Harvest works north st the rate of twenty mile per day and new arrivals are aura to exercise a bearish Influence ssrvlce. eker to Taa Old tj learn that th sure way te cure a cough, cold or sor longs is with Dr. King's New Discovery. SSc and SI S- For aale by Beaton Drag Co. ;""-'Kiated taste prefer fermita, ec Season is Retarded, But Crops Are Fine Though the season I the latest I have knawa In eight year of farming In Ne braska, th ground Is ia perfect condi tion and proapacta were never better for a bumper yield la grain,' ssid T. C Car tar ef Lancaster county, who Is stopping at ths Merchant. "It always seem to me that corn and hogs go pretty wall together. I stick to those two things particularly. So far aa I can e at present there Is nothing that will hurt corn unless w have sever drouth In th summer months. The ground now le wet enough and a rain will be needed for two or three waeka. Wheat as much as I have seen of it looks fine. This weather Is not helping It. but the yield ahouM be en f the best Nebraska haa had la years. " Teachers Plan to Get More Salary A committee of teachers met at the city hall last night and planned for an active campaign to secure a raise in salarlee tor th grade and kindergarten depart nienta. Each school la th city was rep resented. While the Board of Education is Inves tigating salaries in other cities and haa reachd the conclusion that Omaha Is paying lower than many of them the teacher will also Investigate and when they have secured sufficient data, lay It before ths members. BURGLARS TAKE VALUABLES WHILE MINISTER PREACHES Burglars, who entered the home of Rev. F. Ostertsg. Ul North Eighteenth at reel, last night mad away with a lady'a gold watch, two locket, three rings, a suit case and SL Rev. Mr. Oetertag was lead ing church services. vials of oil from th wells of the Stand ard Oil war In vldnc In all their dif ferent changes from the raw sticky mees thst gushes from the spout when the well comes In to the refined article that la burned In the hall lamp. P-cducta of ths packing houses wsrs pointed out by the children with all th familiarly of chem lata or parking house experts. Altogether the exhibition won much favorable comment for the teachers of the grade, snd especially for Prof. W. H. Clark of the boys' manual training and Miss Anna Meyers of ths clay mod eling and fine arte department Mlaa Lilian Ruderadorf, also, of th wood carving and kindred branches cams la tor much prslas. Ths eihiblt will continue until Satur day Bight Emll Tourek, the 7-year-old son of Joe Tourek of Thirty-eighth and Monroe tract, was thrown from a buggy and seriously Injured yesterday evening at Thtrty-slxth and R streets. The young lad, together with another older boy, was sitting In th buggy at Thirty-third and Q atreet. when the horse attached to the vehicle became' frightened and daehed away at full speed. Th older boy was abl to Jump off, but young Tourek we caught between the wheela and the body of the vehicle and severely crushed about the bead, hips and shoulders. City Phyalclsn ET J. Hharwhan was summoned and after dress ing ths wounded lad'p hurts sent the child home. Key to the Situation Be Advertising. comment Wooden table. Mania chairs, settees, flower stand, and Stools of every variety were there bafor th vlaltora as material proof of the success of W. H. Clark's department of manual training Ths work wss not ths usual slip shod excuse turned out by half grown boys rather such as might be favorably be compared with that turned out from th craft shops of Elbert Hubbard or John Morris. Every piece waa wrought of hard wood and (tained to a beautiful brown oak. Mootly of the mission style th pieces of boy-wrought furniture are at one useful and ornamental and at th end of th public exhibition may wall be come a fixture la th homes of the young craftsmen. To show that the boys war not merely an narad a worksbep had been fitted up In on corner of th hall and white th high school ore beet ra rendered melodies and school songs a number ef th boys busily piled the hammer and the saw. Th miniature houss constructed by the boy of the Brow Park school department won much notice. Among the girls' sewing and othai work of th less strenuous sort at tracted the attention of th crowd. From th klodargartaa to th last grade la th high school each class showed om article or aocoxnpllahment thst said much Th PenlMent and Judidou Ca of Newspaper Advertising Is th Road la Bustne Haw Men Mlad faaase. Th late Guy Major, a former mayor at Toledo, had a knack of ill uatra ting homely truths aptly. At a banquet Mr. Major, desiring to point out that the people were -fickle ana often wearied of their political favorites, said: "Alaa, friend, many a young man who grumble at sitting np half aa hour with the baby would gladly have sst up all night with hie wife befor marriage." ieirou r re rres. THE CUBE FOR SCROFULA Th usual symptoms of 8crofuln are enlarged glands of th sack, ores and ulcrs on th body, akin affections, catarrhal troublaa. weak : ay, and general poor health. Th inherited poison, transmitted through ua duoo, pollutes ana wajcns una nuia, ana in pine OX its natritlT qualities fills th circulation with gcrofolous matter, which sap th vitality of th ntlr srstam. Thousands of children, born with s scrofulous taint, hav spent their childhood in constant physical suffering, snd grown to manhood or womanhood handicapped by ill health snd stunted growth, snd perhaps later soma dlsaass of th bona or Joints developed. 8. 8. 8, given ia their early life, would hav prTntd this. It would hav cleansed and purified th blood of th taint, nourished snd stngthnd thetr systems, snd assisted ach to grow into strong, halthful manhood or womanhood. 8. S. 8. la th Tery best remedy for Scrofula. It goes (town to th bottom of th trouble, snd cleanses th circulation of all scrofulous matter. It supplies th weak, diseased blood with strength snd health-building qualities, and under th purifying effect of this gnat remedy all symptom of Scrofula pass sway. 8. S. 8. contains no mineral in any form, snd Is as absolutely aaf treatment for children, even infants, or persons of any age. Literature about Scrofula and any medical advio It. IH 5 WITT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, CA. 1 r JTTT 02 OSS Hundreds of delightful places to spend a RimrDer vacation. Includini fascinating New York and his toric ola Boston. The Sea Shore and the picturesque New Enjziand mountain retcrta. All "back east" ssennions at greatlT reduced I Sea that your ticket, which arc on sals at your koms ticket atnc ounsg ns sn , read via NefyYorkGbiitialLiiies "TBI WATSM4SYEL BOUTt f skis, slip i ir pri-"-j -s--- n !- Vayesa, t-slailis. t-laalsaa. Tees. ladiaaaa.Ha.rTl War. Prt rttlaharga, Barffala, irtatara rail, Chard aaass Laaw, Km I r. Syracawe. Dttea. Albaay. Medraal. SrisfisM. Usee . aad swry star aeiats ef nil, aad. The cotavenient snd comfortahle tram arrvice snd microti r cenery maks the trip a most enjoyable part of your vacation. Lest as Plan Your "Bck Essf" Trip Tei as Is s geaersl wy what yea rsssnaa. 7s rssssbsr fct yew asrty. and the sasoaat of saaoey so wsat as apaad. sad sas will propose on or two tripe lot yeor li.atia.Mia. waken pels ailiiiis.i.a ad smd re a Sea lain, fairaw OrjaahaOfSoa. 323 City National Bank Bldg. Or per 1 year faeal sgest few taaail ul. tseeat term. I aTSSrSSS? i. , -.-