Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1912, EDITORIAL, Page 12, Image 12

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y imday B)iiiniinif
Eat for
Dinner Menu
and Tested Eecipes
Cereal. Efge on Tout,
rlattsrcakes, with Syrup
Koast Chlckra. Rtfw. Potatoes.
Lettuce, wdth. Mayonnaise.
Strawberries. Cake. Coffee.
Bread ana Buttv. Stowed Prone.
rff. Hot tejate n.e.
Work one-half cupful of butter ontll
creamy, and add cradaally wall bosttaf
constantly, sae cupful of near; then add
srre-bslf cupful of aula, two and ons
fourth eupfuls of flour, Based and atftod
with thro aad one-half taapoonfule of
baklns-powoer and a tow train of aalt,
add ths wallas ef tour am. boat uatll
stiff. Tnra brto ata well-buttered half-
Bound bakttie-powosr ttf adjust cover.
which should aiae be buttered, and put on
trlTtt ta kottlo esntsinlnc boUInc water.
allowlnc water to aoma only half-way up
round malt. Corcr closely, and eta
one beur. sddlns. ae needed mora boMn
water, never bsvlnf the watar roaeh a
lower .temperature thaa the bottlns petet.
Remove from mold aad ssrvs with hot
ehooolat esuce.
Ret Csioewl Saawe.
Melt one equare of unsweetened ehoeo
teu la a aaocopaa placet la a larger
aaucepaa of botllmt water. Add oao Uble
spoooful of malted butter, and wbea, tnor
swthly blended, soar on sreduslly. while
atlrrlnc ooaetantly. one-third cupful of
boillns water; thea add ana capful of
ausar. Brlas ta the botllnc point aad let
bell faartoea nriautaa. Cool sllf htly. and
flavor wltt sao-kelf tesspoonfui of va
Ula. raatoa pwddlns.
tree ta aao-baif cupfol of buUar ant
add craduallr law ublsspoenfols f
sugar; thea add two ssfa, wall boa lap,
awe cupful of milk, two and one-belt eup
fuls of flour, nixed and lifted with three
tssspoonfuls of bekUuj-powoer, ooo
tounh aupful af Caatan preserved siaper,
cut la email pieces, and ana Ubleapooaul
of the singer syrop. Turn Into a well
buttered aoM, adjast buttered eovar.
place aa trtvet la kettle contain! nf boll.
Ins water, cover closely and let cteam
one aad three-tourthe beure. Reenove
front moid t hot ervtn-dl.h and aarr
with whipped ereeia sweetened ant fla
vored wnh eeme of the glncer syrup. If
yeu do pot, ewa trivet. Improviea one.
The carer of a five-pound lard pall,
through which tuaea or awe he lea
have beea puaohed aacwera the parpeae.
Steamed tawawlate raddlaa, Crwaasy
Stream three tableepoeafale of butter
ad add pradually, while .satin eoa
etsntly. twe-tblrds cupful of sugar; thea
add one ess. well beaten.. Mis ant el ft
two aad oae-foarth cupf ule at flew with
four aad one-half ttaspooafuls af baking
powder and one-fourth toMpoonful of
aalt, and add alternately with one cup
ful ef allk la flret mixture: thea add
two and one-belt euueree of unsweet
eoed chocolate which ha beta malted la
a email aaucepaa floated la a larger
oiic,.i- ef hoUln water. Tura lata a
battered mold, adjaat cover . aad eteera
twe hours. Itemov troai awld and aarv
lib creamy eaue.
fwffe Spaas.
This la a deeaert that you should puta
for wbea amklrg the breakfast coffee,
for It requires ana and one-half cupful
af fresh belled coffee. Mis en and one
self capful ef anttee Infuaten, one-half
cupful af aula, one-third cupful af auger,
aad oa taWespooaful ef sraaetatod
gelatin, aad heal la double boiler. Heal
the yolks of three egg slightly, sat add
ooe-ihtrd aupful ef sugar ant one-fourth
taaapoeafui at aaH. Add gradually, wall
awrrtaf eenstaatly, te flret mUture, and
too uatfl mixture thickens, wbea
eHght euatln - will be fount oa the
epooa. Remove troai rang ant add tb
white of three egg, beatea until stiff,
aad ewe-half teaspoon ful of vanilla.
Turn Into Individual amid first dipped
hue ood water, ant chill. Ilemeve from
snout eat serve with or without thin
cream or whipped owsssssti and flavored
wiui vanilla. .
Cossaawt Craaas Fie.
oak ens-half cupful ef ehredded eoene
sat ta ana-fourth cupful of cold milk
eno-balf hour. Heat at douhle boiler and
add ans-bsif UMaasocaful of sold water,
aad cook rtfteea mine tea, stirring coa
ster, Ur until aUxturs Ihlotom. and after
ward eccaatenaily. Scald eno-balf cup
ful af milk sad add ens egg yolk (sr-gbtiy
beaten 1. Bused wtth sa-fourtbj aupful ef
agar, on Ubleapoeatut of Coup aad
aae-tchth teaepoonfiU ef ealt Ceoh la
double boOar rfteea mlautea, sttrrtag
eenstantly until mlxtare thlrkssa, and
afterward occasionally. Add on tablo
cnoonful ef butter, emanut mixture and
aae half tasapoenful ef vanilla; taea ess,
and fold ta the wbHe of ana ecg beatea
until stiff.
Pilled Cabs Me. '
" Cnaa ane-foerth sopftil sf batter aad
add gradually, while besting eoaetantlv,
one cupful of fins (rsaulsted sugar; tbaa
add tow eggs, well beatea, ant sae halt
cupful of milk. Mix set sift en and
tve-thb-ds euprsJs ef flour wife two aad
, one-half teupoontukl of baking powder,
and sdd gradually to first mixture. Beat
vigorously, and tura tale two buttered
and toured Wsihinrtoa pic Una. Bake In
a aioJerete ever thirty minutes.
cmsr Saaee.
Werh sne-loviru capful of euttas antll
very creamy, and add gradually, while
"'' : coaataMly, a cupral ef pow.
ssuaar; thea add one-half tea-
(miiI of vantlla, d fee grains of salt,
ai t vne uvcrtb cupful of heavy craasa.
Umub m.I stilt. iUuatmber la flUlag
K:a lor stesNKns; never ta allow mix
K". FU a.o-4 mors Uiaa twa-third
Un. far too-a am be left te allow for
Ow I 'rt.s. tot caca puffs sever art the
' BsuMl its am thaa one-naif full.
srearb tla-arM friam.
oak see tablasposnful ef gran u la ted
. ccila la three tableepeonfala ef cole
water tea minutes; add te two eupfats
of aulk aad one aauars aaswaeteasd
eascaisss and cook la doable boiler uerUI
acald:n point Is rascbed, amen choco
late win be melted. Beat the yolk ef
tare eras sogntry and add amvhsif cap
ful of ess-sr aad aTavfcurtb tsaspaaatal
of salt: add gradually I first mixture
aad cook, stnrtsg ossataatly, sntP. mix-
add the whttsg ef three eg, beatea I
sat 11 stiff; two-thirds capful sf dried aad j
pswnded er yetted mscsrooas. and sae
ue spoonful of vaoffls. Tura tat a mold
Tour attention for a while
we tell you that this Is where you csn
rely upon getting Be I an groosrlea for
lees aMasy. That means you will
combins sstlefartlon and et-noray if
you mske your grocery purchases here
Best Sugar. It Ik for., Pl-v
beat-'Ein-AII or Swift's Pride 8oas.
j hare ...sfts
Bob Whits, the best white laundry sosp.
bars -Pec
5e Rubnoraore for ISO
6a poll a, te bare for IsS
Argo fa tare h. I boxes for los
tfl boxes Matrhes. 1 for 10s
tloods Urooma for .....PSe
Washboards, insde te sell for Ike, extra
good vslus, while they last lae
Good clean csn goods st low prices.
Corn or Hominy, t cane for 15a
Ksrao Household fees, can ise
i'er dosen fl.7
Gallon cans peeled peaches for ....Joe
totneetle oil aaroines, I cans loe
Crises or tinowdrlft, csn SBC
Marks' Milk, four ise case see
Pet or Csrnetlon Milk. I cans for ..too
Calumet Baking Powder for .......toe
Fancy Dried Poachea, I lbs. for.... ass
No. lilt fancy California Prunes, worth
lie, while they last, lb lis
Jello or Bromsngelon, 1 pkgs las
Post Toaatlse, two lie pkge see
Puffed Hire or Alcrsln. J pkgs toe
Orspe-Nuts or Bhredded Wheal, pkg..lOC
Beat Freeh Crackers I lbs. for lbs
Cklnner's or Minnesota Macaroni, Hires
pkgs ass
Box Purs Lard, I lb pall for tec
Hundreds of women buy their flour
here The reason Is becsuee ws savs
them tec to 2 be on every each they buy.
World" a Pride. Blue Ball er MuBklet
at l.a
XXXX Flour, ssrk fl-Se
W deliver to nearly all parts of the
elty. Phone ua pour order
first dipped la cold water, ant ehltl; re
move from molt ta serving dish ant sur
round with whippet sresra. flavored with
vanilla aad iwsslsned, forced through
p pastry bag aad tubs; garnish with
baby macaroons or macaroon drops,
which can be bought of any flret-olaeo
Taplseei Craaam.
In a double boiler cook one pint of
granulated tapioca until the Isttsr Is clear;
add four tabiaspoonfula of sugar aad the
yelk sf one egg well beaten; cook till It
eoats the spooa. Remove from the fire.
add one teaspoon ful of vanilla aad half
ss much lemon aad ths stiffly beaten
white of the art; best It Into the sua-
lard, pour lata gleam for serving and
sst aside to bosoms coM.
o. K. Ulaawrbrsat.
Into a mixing bowl put aae and a half
cupful! of lifted flour, one-half cupful
of brown sugar, three-fourths sf a tsa-
spoonful each ef powdered cinnamon and
nutmeg, one-fourth tssspeoafut sack ef
powdered cloves and sslt snd one-half
cupful at New Orlesas mu lassie; mix
thoroughly; add ons-hsif cupful st pour
milk ant one-half teaspoon ful eg pods
dissolved In hot water. Wbea well
mixed add twa tables poontula ef lard
sad the same of Sutter, melted aftsr
measuring; best well aad pour tat twe
pan x tncnee. If aa extra touch It
wished, cover lb top of the loaf Wtth
caadled orange peel er with Bultan
Prslt Paawabea.
These pancakes are fine for aa emer
gency desasrv Tsks half a toesa apricot
halves that have been stewst till Under
Snd prsay them through a slave er not.
preferred. Break aa egg la with the
fruit and best till light Add ons-fourth
teaspoon of salt, ths ssm f grated put
meg, one tablaepoonful of sugar, one sup.
ful af the water la which the aprtcota
were slewed, and ene-balt teaspoon ful
of aoda. Add flour to make a stiff pour
batter. Pry Hi so large cake. Wbea
nicely browned, tura carefully, ant wnea
almost ten drop bus sf butter ever the
top snd spread carefully; thea oover wtth
orang marmalade aad roll ever and
ever. 14ft to a warm platter and aid
powdered fugar ant grated lemon tint or
a Ml of dnaaiaoa sver the lop. tarv la
rvwit whip.
neptrst the yolk and whit of one egg.
Beat the yoke till thick, sot halt a cupful
of milk, one tahlsopuontul ef sugar, and
a speck ef salt. Ceok till creamy. Flavor
1 est aside te pat oeM. Beat ta whit
ef tb est UU stiff. Felt la carefully
from two to four tsblsspooatuls of fruit
palp, a few drops ef lemsa Jukes, aad
twe wbteapooaful of sugar. Prase, er
saaned fruit wm to. but It must be
prsaiet through a sieve. Apricots er
prunes are eepeCslly good. The whip
should be inads Just before serving- Pot
some of the custard amend the whip.
Steam a sup ef rice, arrange ta
pig dish, and surround with halved
osnaed pinches that have beta cooked
a few minute m a sugar ayrwp, flavored
with lemon Jules. AJraoads are placet la
seek half where the Stan has bean re
moved, aad. Just bet ore ssrvtns. the syrap
should be poured ever the rtaa
either feet r eol.
Cut thin puff
atrip. Shape
form of double I
put Jelly ea ea.
paste rate one-half-inch
basing paa lota the
w knots. Whoa baked,
h loop af the bow snd
Pemarereoa Sarwery
ta the abdominal regisa la oftea pre
vented by ths was of Dr. King's New
Ufe Pills, the pstnJsas purifiers. 3k. far
sals by lleaton lu-ug Cs.
Try This Dun y Lunch
at Our '
Soda Fountain
Cap f OeailB Datcb Hot
Cherwiace wtth Wbtppod
Grwam aad aVdueater Toeat-
UAKJB8, ETC to baksry diparuasat.
a sssia Hoot,
(gourtngya go
Grand Opening
10:30 A. H.
and 3 P. U
Flowers for
ths Ladles
For a number of year the Public Market bat beta giving to the people of Omaha the best of every
:blBg In the line of eatables, the beat service and at prices that hsve helped to reduce the cost of living.
Our business has grown to rapidly that w bare found It necessary to sdd aaotter floor to our now
large store In order to Improve the service to our mmy pstroes.
. This new room Is modernly equipped for an np-tdat Grocery Department Every thought has been
given to the sanitary arrangement of the new department, where wa will carry in stock first class line
of everything for your table.
Our prices In ths future will compare with the wonderfully low prices we rave been sble to give eyea hereto
fore, and we extend s cordial Invitation to everyone to visit our store, especially on thla opening day. so that we
can prove to you that we ere at your service at all times with the best eetebles. lowest prices, honest weight
and prompt service.
We have doubled our delivery service and during tn warm weather each wagon will carry a refrigerator so
that v "r meats and provlatons win strive st your home la the asms sanitary condition they are kept by as.
Sixteen ounces, to every pound. High quality snd low prices
Pig Pork Loin .....
Steer Pot Roast .....
Jteer Steak
Pig Pork Roast
Pork Butts
Lamb Chop ,
Lamb Legs
Lamb Stew, 7 lbt. for
sugar Cured Bacon
Vo. 1 Bacon
So. 1 Ham
Fresh Dreaasd Chicken
7 P. Ml to 1:10 P. M Lamb Chop
t:Sv P. M. to 10 P. M... Pork Chops
rwrf DSPaJtrMgaTT
Extra Freeh Texas Strswbarriss, quart box
Two quart boxes
Fresh Tomatoes, per basket
Home grown Radishes, per dotsn .
Ieef Iettuos, I bunches ,
Heed Letturs, per head
Green Onions, per dosen ,
rYssb Boone. Peaa and Cauliflower
See our big display of fresh fruit and Vegetable of
sll kinds.
Branch located In Public Market. Will furnish yea
the best quality sf bread, pastry, etc, at sll
1C3 Cherries
ICO Apples
100 Plums
On Saturday Vhib
15c, 2 for 25c
A few Ourrant. and
Striwberry Plant, DunLaps,
100 for ........... ..50c
. To Close Out Bulbi
Tuberoses, per doi....25c
Qladiolias, per do.,..25c
Dahlias, per dor, $1.00
Honeysuckles, lOo; 3 for 25c
We Carry Everything for
the Garden.
Don't buy any Rubber
Hose until you have seen our
hose and prices.
Seeda That Grow
Need einy?
Thi Ne.rtska Seid Co.
Vhom D 1811. ISIS Howard nK.
you nan get better most at Bath's for
leee money Is eeotly explslned. Bath
kss slwsys maintained s high stsnd
ard of Quelliy. Whan he ebangsd his
entire buatnaes to e cash basla he
found that be could stilt maintain
the high quality at lower prtnee ta
hleeaetomere, bUCCAl'SB Inas sn bad
aoreunu la eliminated, delivery es
sence saved, aa well a a big aavlng
Is tins snd expense ef bookkeeaisg
and collection chsrgss. ALL of these
Items kelp to red u re prices te custom
ers WITHOCT affecting ths margin
of profit These are oaly a FbTW
reeeons, but they ought to be suf
ficient to Indues a trial order this
week Stop on ymir wey home.
. Mil. ; $ Xi i
m r. a',
BUY Youa
Schmar9 Hat Factory
At WbolessJ Prices, jjj Hs(a Mr
sprriaity. Ibth aad t.'ailtonita.
fU AttlCrT
9Hd and HHf
9 t
Jello. all flavors,
Orspe-Nuts, per
Shredded Wheat, per pkg.
Cora Flskss, per pkg.
Fancy Drlsd Peaches, per lb.
Fancy Prunes, per lb.
Rslslns, per lb.
Gold Dust, lie pkgs for
Argo Btsreh, t pkgs for
Best-'Em-All or Diamond C Soap, 19 bars for.,
Laundry Sosp, 11 bars for
large bar Family soap, bars for
Takoma Biscuits, f pkgs. tor
Strictly Fresh Eggs, per dossn ....
Best Creamery Paokag Butter, per lb.
No. 1 Creamery Tub Butter, per lb. ,
No. 1 Dairy Tub Battsr, per lb.
Pieties doYour
tt us Uk tbis kack-braklss
wrlnkl-proluolii task off your bands.'
J-aca day many PouMwlve ara seeing Ua
HHKAO cost less toad th booie-mada
article and la veryttilnc that tap most
particular worn cap ssk.
Th Bnad without a fault
Par 'Dtliciout-Nutritiou
Ths best mousy can buy and Is
lusrsDteed absolutely purs sad
Look for ths Butternut'
label oa ths loaf. Insist oa bay.
Ins It, At all grocers.
i r7r-rTF-
g I 1 S II
ovci een
W II ' C- J II .aafBS.
Is sttrardvs la sppearsnre and sapeiior tor alt kinds of
(looking. Bunding free and clear of ths floor permits you
to wp aader and around it. It has th appearance of a
table rather thaa a cooking appliance). - It ta sanitary, and
est of ail. It pj ecoaosnhral.
. SV
Fraaework is made strong and substactlsi, with graceful
castlroa legs, Thaa ar firmly bolted to th framework
and wiu not work loose. All stage of Its construction are
aonductad under the critical y of sa Inspector. Special
care Is exercised la assembling the parts, tasting th valves
snd regulating tb burners.
is ss nar perfect as Ingenuity and huaaa skill can ataks
Ask ns about our term Brmot plaa.
Omaha Gas Company
1539 Howard Street
Comic Section
The Sunday Bee
Grocery Oe-
partment .
Band Concert
Sugar best granulated It Iba for pl.M
Fancy Sugar Cora, regular lvc; per cau., be
Early June Peas, 15c grade, per csn los
Tomatoes, 1-lb. can. regular lie: t cans fsr abe
Peas, regulsr 10c csn, t cans for fiSc
Fancy Table Peaches, lOo can for ...lOo
Fancy Table Pears le can for loo
Carnation or Pot Milk, large six, t oans for lbs
Carnation or Pet Milk, Ic else, I cans for 3c
Plymoth Baked Beana, 1 cans for lie
Fancy Olives, tn Mason Jars, regular !H; sjpscUI fcrlso
Sweet or Sour Oerklna, tec sum, Saturday, per Jar. .IPs
Navy Beana, f lb for S3
Fancy Head Rica I lba. for loo
Fancy Jap Rice, per lb so
t pkgs for lbs
. loo
. lbo
e-ej o . loVO
With Happy Hooligan. Liftis
Nermo, th Katxmiammtr Kid
and thi whole intartMtmg family
as aw
"A3 9StOOrt A3 Vilfr
There's Satisfaction
In knowlnj that the ice cream yon eat is pure ard healthful
containing nothing that in any way could be declared
anything bnt absolutely perfect.
bas time after time proven Its worth ss a clean, and tasteful
table delicacy. And time after time bsve careful chats
snd discriminating 'housewives Insisted npoa PelicU Ice
cream because of Its unequalled quality.
ft has
E.ayden's Meat Dept.
To save money, come to
Hayden's Meat Department and
we will show thtt our prices are
right. .
Sirloin Steak, per pcund ,15c
Pot Boast, per pound 12ViQ, 10c, 8c
Boiling Beef, per pound ,70
Pork Roast, per pound , ....QVJc
Bulk Sausage, per pound -7HC
Veal Roast, per pound Qq
Veal Chops, per pound '. . lQf
Veal Stew, per pound ; Jq
No. 1 Hams, per pound J5c
Bacon, per pound .,.....: 12VSC, 15c, 20c
Ground Bone, 10 pounds 25c
Hayden's r.leat Dept.
QsEi QpB
O Mass's Pars Psod Cease
Saturday's Specials
raasx Tcrrs An TsoarrABi,Bs
FSncy Redlsad brsnsvs, per dosen.... .SOS. Pee
Fresn Celery " Jj
Freeh tocoaJiuts eack
Xiadlehes snd Onions, per dosen bunches ins
Fresh Mushrooms. Cauliflower, Mint, wax aad Oraas'BeaJT
Peas, New Potsloea, etc " '"-
HalMon's Health Flour 15 ssd 24-lb nvka SB snd SI as
Itsiston Antt-Oyipepuc Grsnam Hour, per nek 7m
tic can Trojan Whole Wheat Crackers 'Ia
Tall Jar "Lotus" Extracted chaser " ' ,C
Sic Jxi ported CssUle Soap """JJ
Cvaforaied Cranberries, per peg. law
bluffed olives escorted- per Jar ....."!II!'sse
i&o In.ported Sard: nee tn oil ..................... " aa
lc Jams. Jelllee or Preservee .......
lMrt ar "Lotus" Olive Relisb
ic kv Miliar s Chin Pauce ..
rYesh Crisp Oincer Snips snd 1
! cake "laic Meaner ' Sosp do
une sosp
etnctiy rreen tcTrs irorn us I
;4-tf can "Scow Drift" the no
Domestic Swiss Cheese, per lb.
canty Easm vneeee, caca
.i , - - - . iirn,
Oottap Cbetse, pec lb
ateloa bfansoea. per easen
Cnow Cbow. Celery Belish ar 8wet Plrkiea, per quart
.. UQtJOP, SBPSJlTltXjry
Port Wtns full quart ..ic value
Cherry Wine fall quart 7c value
. s.i.
Aprlrot Cordial full quart lie
Apncet ctrany. per caiioa
B!sckbrry Cardial foil quart Tec value
pwaeb Brandy, per railoa
port Wiaw tl.M vslut per re I ion
Old Claret ILU value par saJloa ,
Vinrtnia fare, per bwtti
brick for your Sunday dinner,
yet to tall to pleas. - At all
drug stores. .
made in Omaha by the
35 35 354,
nine ................ .
Qi cji
sad (K
aad Ise atsk
rtels!"nerVtL' a. afift
e. all the work J..'twe ,
brsnoels rami per Soaen so VH
w ahortenlnj: better tbsn butter; See Zl
SO fir i
w is
10 aad Sea A7l .
...SSJ Tj.
so 2!
...-a 5
...S1.SS El
Tss fjti
aad aae