Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1912, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Fair; Warmer
VOL. XLl-XO. 288.
Floyd Allen Held Guilty of Murder
in First Degree and Must
Pay Penalty.
Hillsville Murderer Eas Been Ad
judged Guilty of Crime.
Accused of - Shooting the Carroll
County Prosecutor.
Three Others Implicated Is Mareer
at Ceart Official at HllUvtllr,
W., Will Be Trleel at
WVTHEVILLE. Va.. Mar IT.-Floyd
-Mien, first of the Hlllgvllle moun
taineers tried for the Carroll county court
bonne murders, was adjudged guilty hart
today and will pay tne penalty lor his
" ilme in the electric chair at Richmond.
The jury was out all night.
rioyd Allen waa also charged specific
ally at this time with the murder of
t ommonweallh Attorney Foster, prosecu
tor In the Carroll county court a Hills
vlila last March, when the trial of Floyd
-Allen culminated in the killing of five
m rsuna Presiding Judge Thornton U
Alussie, Prosecutor William M. Foster,
sheriff u F. Webb. Miss Elisabeth Ayers
and Juror Augustus Fowler.
Arrests of several of the Aliens fol
lowed the shooting, but five of the princi
pals escaped to the mountains. Rewards
f"r their arrest resulted In three of them
being taken, but Sldna Allen, lender of
1h clan, and Wesley Edwards, his
nephew, still are at large.
The other prisoner. It is said, will be
tried immediately.
Ranges in Wyoming
Will Be Restored
CHEYENNE. Wyo.. May n.-tspeclal.)
-While suffering the heaviest losses In
dead animals and called upon to spend
millions of dollan the last winter, owing
t the unprecedented storms, to save
what remains of the large herds and
flocks, the Wyoming stockman are ar
ranging to restock the rangea at once.
Two years ago. prior to the awful
storms of 1V10-11, the Wyoming ranges
carried 5.300.000 aeheep and nearly MO.tiOO
cattle. A year ago there were about
4.000.000 sheep and 700.000 cattle. At the
time there are less than 2.OM.OU0 sheep In
the state. Including the lambs now being
bom. and less than IM.0M cattle. A re
duction of M par cent In sheep In two
years, due te winter losses and heavy
shipments from the slate last tall and a
rear ago tuft reduction of per cent
hi cattle, la the story of two yean of
winter storms, drouth and no range feed.
But Wyoming sheepman will ship In
hundreds of thousands of sheep from
Oregon and Washington to restock the
ranges and the cattlemen are already
ordering cattle In Texas. New Mexico and
other states where climatic and range
conditions have been more favorable
than here. It Is predicted that If favor
able conditions prevail for two or three
or four year at the outside Wyoming's
rangea will once again carry the same
number of cattle ass) sheep as In Mn and
Bootleggers Are
Given Year in Prison
EAST ST. IjOIIS, May IT. -Judge
Francis M. Wright of the United States
dtatrict court today sentenced John
Weber and Patrick Smith of Mount Vsr
non to a year In the penitentiary, and
Otto Laswell. also of Mount Vernon, to
six months In Jail, for bootlegging.
Weber and Las well must also pay fines
of S10O each.
At Weber's request Judge Wright
raised his sentence from six months In
the Danville Jail to a year In the Leav
enworth penitentiary. Weber said he
wished to go to the penitentiary, where
he could work and get fresh air. while
If he was sent to Jail he would have to
stay all summer In a stuffy call.
FKZ. Morocco. May 17.-A court-martial
today condemned nine Moors to death
for participating In the massacre In the
middle of April, when fifteen French of
ficers and forty soldiers were killed
and twelve French civilians massacred,
while four French officers and seventy
soldiers wsre wounded and over 100 He
brews were slain and a large number
wounded and mutlllated.
OKLAHOMA C1TT. May K.-The north
ern branch of the BapUst church la to
withdraw Immediately from New Mexico,
according to a report made to the South
ern Baptist convention here today. Settle
ment of Jurisdiction In New Mexico, in
dispute several years, waa reached at
meetings of committees from each branch
of the church.
WASHINGTON. May 17.-To guard
transatlantic steamers from the dangers
of Ice In the lanes. Secretary Meyer today
started a patrol service by ordering the
eoout cruiser Birmingham to the south
ward of the Grand B.nkj to notify steam
ers with its powerful wireless system of
the location of the Icebergs.
INDIANAPOLIS. May 17. Suffragists
scored la the national socialists' conven
tion here today, when they amended the
section of the cooatltutWm pertaining to
membership In the party to read "and
unrestricted political rights for both
Darrow Defense
Will Challenge
Homer Laughlin
LOS ANGELES. Cat.. May IT Homer
Laughlin. jr., millionaire clubman, who
with ten other prospective juror panned
the night locked up In custody of deputy
sheriffs. ms expected to be the object
of the first peremptory challenges of the
defense today at the resumption of the
I trial of Clarence tf. l:trrow, the Chicago
attorney. Indicted on a charge of bribery
j The state, with only five peremptory
j challenges, practically asserted after two
j hours of argument over the eligibility of
j Laughlin. that the only way the defense
j could proceed with the trial of Darrow
j without the wealthy clubman was to us
one of Its ten peremptories.
Laughlin would not alter his opinion
as to his ability to give a fair verdict if
he were retained as a Juror, lie stated
that he felt, despite his experience as an
employer with union labor that he could
render an unbiased verdict.
The prtrcipal objection of the defense
was that Laughlin had had some dlf-
i fkulttes with union labor,
j The challenging of Laughlin if not rx
, pec ted. however, until after the twelfth
I taJesman has been selected. It was be
I lieved that would be accomplished by
noon and that early In the afternoon the
ue of the peremptories would begin.
The jury will be obtained this week.
In the belief of attorneys for both sides
and tbe heating of testimony probably
begin Monday.
Laughlin saved the defense a peremp
tory challenge by modifying his reply to
a question as to his qualifications and
was excused.
He realised, he said today, that he hatf
stronger prejudices against union labor
leaders than ha had supposed yesterday.
County Judge
Owen is Fined for
Contempt of Court
CHICAGO, May 17.-Counly Judge John
E. Owens waa fined ITU) todav by Su
perior Court Judge M. r. McKlnley for
contempt of court In violating the su
perior court Injunction restraining te
county Judge from interfering with the
Cook county democratic convention April
16. Chief of Police SsVBweeney, Assistant
Chief Hchuetler. Sheriff Michael Zlmmer
and Election Commissioner Cxarncckl
each were fined the same amount.
Some days before the democratic run
ventlon Judge Owens directed that Cixr
neckl, the republican member of the
eleotlon commission, organise the con.
ventlon and call the roll of delegates.
Superior Judge McKlnley, on the petition
of County Chairman MeOlllen, issued an
Injunction restraining Interference by the
county Judge or his aids, but Ju1r.i
Owens Ignored the injunction, and at his
orders the doors of the armory were bet
tered down and those delegates allied
with the Hearst-H srrleon fa i Ion entered.
Cited for contempt of the superior
court the county Judge declared that he
regarded the county court as having ex
clusive Jurisdiction In election matters
and lied therefore Ignored the superior
Court Injunction. Immediate steps to an
peal the case to the supreme court for i
final ruling on the Jurisdictional potn
were expected.
Bodies of Missing
Cincinnati Boys Are
Found in Feed Box
CINCINNATI, O.. May IT. -The country
wide search for Robert and I'rban
Nlrhola, brother, aged respectively ( and
4 years, who mysteriously disappeared on
April 2s, came to an end mlten their
bodies were found tn a stable near their
homa here today.
The bodies were found In a feed box in
the stables of which their father was tn
charge. It Is believed the boys were play
ing around the stable, fell into the feed
box head first, and sinking In the feed,
perished. Their bodies were found by
their father, who mdae the discovery
while doing his usual duties around the
There has been wild rumors that the
children had been kidnaped and detec
tives ran down clues that ted to different
One of the places rial ted was one of tho
been sugar fields of Michigan. The
rumor bad reached the police that the
children -fcas been kidnaped by Hun
garians who had gone from this city to
Michigan. Detectives who were sent to
Michigan visited beet districts In several
Great Northern Ore
Suit Goes to Trial
8T. PAl'L. May 17.-The state supreme
court today affirmed a lower court In
overruling a demurrer filed by the Great
Northern Railway company In an action
brought by Clarence It. Venner. a stock
holder, against the railway company and
others to compel the restoration of prop
erties alued ml $34.000 000 to the railroad
company for the other defendants.
The decision, it Is said, may mean the
ultimate dissolution of the Lake Hu
penor company, limited, owned by James
J. Hilt. L. W. Hill and other.
The opinion says the railroad com
pany's action Investing the title to cer
tain Iron properties In trustees was illegal
and that the plaintiff ts entitled to a
decree of restoration. The case will now
be tried on Its merits.
NEW YORK, May IT -Daniel Wllljrd.
president of the Baltimore a: Ohio rail
road, and k H. Morrli9ey. president of
the KaJway Employes and Investors' so
ciety, two members of tbe arbitration
board to settle the dentands of the loco
motive engineers In the eastern territory,
have been unable to agree on the five
other members of the arbitration board.
I'n'.eea they do so by neit T lesday. Chief
Justice White of the United States su
preme court. Judge Knapp of the com-
I merce court, and I'nlted Pastes Labor
Commissioner Nelll will select the fie
members In accordance with the agree
ment made between the engineers and
the railroad management
Chicago Packers Accused of Viola
tion of United States Meat
Inspection Laws.
Form counts in bill
Indictment Charges Shipping of Un
inspected Heat to Indiana.
Evasion of Usual Shipment Regula
tions is Alleged.
la Charged with Illegal Rhlpsaeate
te Araaoar Braarh Plaat at
Dsveaaert. lswa.
CHIOAtJO, May 17. Armour ft Co.
Indicted by the federal grand Jury today
charged with criminal violation of the j
meat inspection laws in alleged Interstate
shipment of mats without Inspection b; j
government agents. The Indictments
returned hefirc I'nlted States llntrlct
Judge Lanrtls.
The Indictment charges that the p.vk
Inp firm made a shipment of forty calves
to South Hend. Ind., without the meat
being Inspected and stamped by inspvtor.
of the bureau of animal industry under
the federal laws and In evasion of the
usual process required by the meat ship
ment regulations.
The Indictment contains four count
The maximum penalty for such viola
tions as are charged In the indictment Is
Imprisonment for two years or a fine ot
$10,000 or both.
A similar indictment was
against Fred Oppenhelmer. a Smii.
Water street commission merchant, wlr
Is charged with having shipped meat not
slaughtered under government Inspection
to the branch plant of Armour Co. In
Iavenport. Is. last March.
Heart on Ariwowr tradition.
TKENToN, N. J., May 17. -Governor
Wood row Wilson gave a hearing this
afternoon on the application of Prose
cutor Onrvrn of Hudson county for the
extradition from Illinois of J. Ogden Ar
mour and Edward Morris. The governor
took the matter under adviaement and
will announce his decision later.
Indictment were secured against the
accused In Hudson county In 1910 for con
spiracy to raise artificially the price ot
beef and poultry. They are also charged
with being fugitives from Justice.
Counsel for the packers contended to
day that they were not in the state at
the time of the alleged offenses, which
cover a period from March 1, 1908, to Feb
ruary JO, id, except to take paaaag
a ship sailing for Kurope.
Prosecutor Oarren claimed that their
presence In New Jersey at that time war
ranted their extradition And thai they
were fugitives from Justice.
Million Dollars for
Improvements on
Mississippi Levees
ST. LOUS. Mo., May H.-The Missis
sippi river commission met this morning
to complete arrangements for bank and
levee Improvements to cost $1.0T.M). A
telegram was sent to the chief of en
gineers at Washington last night asking
for that amount, following a special
treating at which. plans were made to
combat the unusual flood conditions in
the Mississippi valley.
Work on the levee will commence as
soon as the allotment Is granted by the
government, which Is expected In a few
days. The money will come out of an
emergency appropriation made U con
gress April S.
The first work, according to announce
ments this morning, will be around Cairo,
I1L. and the Keeifoot lake district. Levee
reinforcement at Hickman. Ky . and
New Madrid, Mo., will be taken up next.
The work will extend from Cape Glrar
dau. Mo., to the gulf of Mexico.
Block of Terra Cotta
Crashes Through the
Roof of a Street Car
NEW TORK. May I. A solid block of
terra cotta coping fell from a holding :
tackle near the roof of a twenty-five .
story hotel structure at Broadaay arid
Thirty-fourth street today and rras:u J
through the roof of a passing street car
on Broadway. One woman passeng
waa struck by a fragment of Ihe block
and probably will die from her Injurtet.
Several other persona were struck hv
splinters forced Into the ear by tbe Im
pact, but were not seriously hurt.
Body of the Late
King of Demark is
T jii i Bishops Henry White Warren. David H.
Lying in Otatei100' ,nd Thomas B. Neely. Ul.lnp
I Warren has been the marvel of the Epls-
COPENHAGKX. Denmark Vav 17
The Danish royal yacht Dannebrog ,r. . the frl.nd. Ooee,! t hln. OKIF.VK xliv ,- P . J.
rived at noon tday a, the Toldboden . ' r i , OMA,W1M" ' ?'
wharf in the inner harbor, near Amallen-! "k"' "" ' n such unl- "Itrctlves urlne loarer MiritsMPi I In
borg palace, brinpng the body of the'""1 ''' " sn admlMstrat..r ' U-ndlts who look sums of;
late King Frederick VIII from Trave-jln ,nt church and Ms public addrewA ! money variously e.-tlrr.oted at from to".- !
mundr. King i hrtit an X of Denmark. nd 'rTm nive lw been of men lo e" from a yu.-en & t,re:-.T. ;
King Haakon of Norway and many other ; n,n or,!T ,h nrW peculiar, al- i ,rmln Wednesday nvirnlns were n-Jt cl.e :
royal personages followed the hearse on motl ed. place In tin aff etlons of.on "'! t"diy. f.r.e tr:.ll pi k.d u;. ;
foot to the cjiapel of Chrietianborg raa- ' " church But. In tbe ni:nd , f many. I J'oterday lmUated tint t' b.-in'lil.i ' '
tie, where the coffin waa placed on a bis hour had struck and iathr tlian -mp:oyed a mitor boat lr. the (4)oua for j
catafalque. have hlra continue the trylnx a ki of tbe f.rst Mitfe ut tlielr flixht. j
' I ' 1 Kl a.. I ft. 1A 1
Friday, Mar IT, ISIS.
11 j
The Scute. I
Met at neon and resumed eimaMeraUoD '
of the metal tariff rwruloa MIL
tnanc cemmttLee ordered favorable
report on Idge substitute far bouse
sugar Mil and unfavorable report en
house excise tax MIL
Tbe Home.
Met at U a. m. and resumed eonstdera
tka sc PanaM canal administration MIL
IneeatlgatM sate charges against Jsdgc
ArrnesJd was eenUnued ky Jwudary cssa-satUes.
FVoni the New York World.
Missionary Secretary is Promoted by
Methodist Conference.
tecretarr ot tasdar Rrhaol Hoar
Prebable Will lie Klrrtrd ea ,tkildmsn dvclsred today they were pre
Tklral Balleri ' u ahen ' l,ttr,n slrlke bsck st "the beaftly
ara el klraao Mrroae.
sleet ion resulted from the second ballot
of the general con, re nee of the Metho
dist Episcopal church on bishops, result
of which was announced today. ! O.
Downey, New York, wis first with U;
W. O. Hhepard. Chicago, recond with ITS.
and M. 8. Hughes, I'asadena. I'al.. third
with as. Necessary to elect, u;.
With the ereoUon jnn the first batlut of
Homer C. Mlunta of New York, secretary
of the foreign mission board, as bishop of
the Methodist Bplsoopal church, and with
four of the others who received more
then M votes In the first hsllol yes
terday holding church offices, general
conference "politics" has been given an
impetus In another direction.
The other members among the eight
highest yesterday who huld positions
which It Is In the power of the conference
to fill, or who hate places which It Is
considered sn hunor to utialn ate:
lavld C liowney. New York, corre
sponding secretary board of Hunday
schools; R. J. Cooke, New York, book
editor; It K. Jones, tnegro). New Or
leans, editor; F. J. MrConnell, (Irerncas
lle, Ind., president hupauw university.
Other candidates who received !t ot
more votes on the first ballot are:
Matt S. H uk lies, pastor, Pasadena. Cal ,
whose brother, Kdward II. Hughes, Is a
bishop: W. O. Hheppard. district superin
tendent, Chicago; N. Luccock. pastor.
Kansas City, Mo., and Andrew milieu,
pastor. Minneapolis.
Of the ?l candldatea voted upon on
the first ballot lt-s ripected that scores
will be dropped, as their complimentary
votes go to what la termed "real candi
dates" for the seven remaining appoint
ments as bishops
Numerous candidates. It Is nald. are
out for the var.ous positions, which prob-
ably will be made by the election of
aome of the present holders to the post-
f tlon of bishops or "general auperintrn
dents." which title waa create. I t th ;
lialtimore conference when the term
"presiding eWcr" waa changed to that of j
"district Buperlnlcndent." Thie latter title
may be abolished before the conference
Trs-e Mosawta a Fla-ar hrs Vate
Im Rein Takes.
MINNEAPOLIS. Minn. May 14.-4 Spe-
Jcial Correepond'nce.X It waa an intenan ;
; moment today wh. n the general confer-
enoe of the Method.rt church voted by a j
lanto majr.rtty In earh rase to
enpal board. Past IC he still ts a-tlve snd
but high office another
Qua!r nnlum. t
with the I1,. ,.1 . , . ..
I In the full glory of r,!s rplinrt.d career. !
i He haa a beautiful home In I-nver .-ind
another one at lent Beach. Cal.. and
because of a most hippy matrimonial al-
I lance of some yean ago. will be ahl t .
spend his declining years surroun led by
every comfort.
Bishop Moore, though still vigotous. !
hss been giving evidence for several
years that physically and mentally the
strain was telling on him. Having been'
a soldier In the union army during the'
rebellion, he natural ty suffers tbe results
Continued on Second Page.)
:tching Up
Miss Goldman and
Reitman Say They
Will Strike Back
I.OS ANOKXKK. CI., May K.-Dr. Urn
Kcitman. alio was tarred by Kan IHe:i
t vigilantes several (lays aso. and Kmms
i mob" which drove thi-m from Ihe souih
I ern cltv.
I Mis. Uoldmsn. KKin for herself and
Raitman, said that a inovomeni '
In arisnlMd by leaders of the Industrial
Workers of thu World and Ihe militant
direct arllon branch of the socialists to
create a national sentiment wnirh wkfW
corhpe! Ban Diego to respect ennslliu
tlonal rtylils and suppress lawless vlav
Miss Goldman declared she was going
bark to 8au llego after a trip to Kan
General Strike of
Freight Handlers is
Set for Saturday
CHICAGO. May IT - A general atrlke of
railroad freight hanJIera tNroughout the
country will ttr declared lnrnt.rrfw, fol
lowing a conference of International of
ficials. ac or ding to a statement made
by Prealdtnt I'. J. Ktannery of the local
uniun t"da .
The Chicago raflroudj ma na Kern def late
that a full force of freight handler la Ht
Work In piftctlrally every freight house
and thit the movement of merrhandla
la gradually apprnarhtng the normal con
dition. in their opinlmi a atrlke no longer ex
ist although It haa not formally been
declared off.
La Follette is on
His Way to Ohio
I ..'"l"rA'S'i 111 - '
l7.-."iiatr Im
through OitcMgo
I roiieite. wno aftkeu
today on his way
from California t
(hio to take part In the primary cam
paign. Is declared to have told hla Trlends
ttiat he would e k enllghteninent regard
ing the sourre of funde being nuned by
1 th P-ntlal candidates.
Senator J a Kolh tte. It Is de lared. la
determined to call on Colonel Rooaevelt
to publish a list of contributors to his
I ram, Jan fund. Keporta have reach d
1 the Wisconsin senator that a l..uuu
fund, largely vontrlbuted by tieorge .V.
1 I'erklne. K II. Uary and Ian H Hanna
ta firmehli.g the means for the Boose- j
veil campaign. )
Bandits Probably
Escaped m Boat
Back Again
U Will M&keyouLetvugh
. v
Dr. Mark A. Matthewi, New Moder
ator, U Presiding.
illegea llrrrey In Urmle4 antler
ftrhnol Leeeowe lrlnleJ by Fab
llrallim Hor4 Will Be
UOt'19 UeLC. Ky., May U.-leflnite
procreaa toward reaurnption of former re
lauona bet wean the Preahytertan church
in the t'nlted Htatea of A aw lea and
fha Vntoa Theoloiriral acmioarf of New
Tortt waa reported today ( tufaneral
wemhly here, by tho apeclnl Ooiftmlttae
deleirated a year aito fur that purpttae.
Fuch reiwiona were aoven-d aeveral yeara
aao when lrof. Charlea HiIkkm wta ex
pelled fir hereby. The committee w.ia
contlnud another year wtlh Inatructlona
to report to the next aaembly.
Itev. lir. Mark A. Mutthewa of Prattle.
N ah.. elected m'deratir ynterday affi
noon, opem-d the aenaion. The at a ted
clerk. Hev. Dr. William Henry Roberta,
wai ex peried to lay on the table tre
ii mial report of the board, committor),
and the Hat of overturva.
Among mattem which are expected n
be acted nn are the re-etabllhment of
cordtt, I reltttlniia between the ataemblv
and the rnlmi Theoloiclca: aemlnary of
New York, broken when Prof, t'harlea
Hrtaaa wa expelled for herey; the on
entidatlon of tbe boHrd of iiiteptatln and
the board of ministerial relation, and the
alleKd hereby of the, Kraded funday
chi-ol leanona published by the rreaby
terlan hoard of publication.
Among the overture from synod a and
preibyterlee are; Krom the ay nod of
U'eat Virginia, a kin atlon calilnv upon
cellefre preehhiitH lo runvlder the Influ
ence of intercollffclate fiot ball on atu
dent a.
From the Portland presbytery on the
aubjert of union among Presbyterian.
ConKrcgatlonal and Meihdiat rhurches.
From the Hellefontuine pre.bytery auk
inn the awmbty t. lncorprate tH dl-y
the latest metrhal veraioii of the pttaima
In the Prenbyteiian hymnal.
From the pirehyfry ul Kansaa City
Mti king the aaM-mbly to iv for lminellate
tiurpoeea nme of t he Hubt-rt K onely
iega y to the church extt-nHon board
Krom the prefbytery of Ctuater a skin i
for the exclusive uee uf the l.oly acrip
ture an the t-xt in all iSabliath FchooU
Instruction, and that all ciinimente and
explanation thereon be In harmony wlln
the standards of the church ami tho wori
of God.
fir. Watthewe Klertetf Moderator.
The moderatorahlp. the highest gift of
the l.'4tn gr-neral assembly of the Pres
byterian church In the I'nlted HtaUa ot
America. In aeaaton here, went on the
flrsi ballot latit yesterday to th lUv. i
It. Mark Matthews, pastor of the First
I M-lyt"tlan church of Heat tie. of a total of 6 votes cast, Pr. '
Matthews rece:vd 41. 4u8 betng neceaaary
lo elf-rt. It. Matthews, who waa a can j
didate lnit May at the Atlantic riiy as- !
wmbly, waa ncm nated by the Re. Dr. i
DaMd J. Wyiie, pastor of the New York
! oich PrtM-yterian church- The other
n-im-iwi and tho vutes cast for them
wore the Rev. Dr. James G. McClurt.
I -rhi b'ltt of the Mc' Theolucic
-iTi nary. t hicaso. UT; Rev Dr. Frank I
A. Sned of Plttaburgh. Pa.. U2. and
n-w J. Frank Smith of DalUis. Texas. W.
Ir M&tthe -vs waa bom at Calhoun. Oa.,
In l-7- He as ordaineil in l&x.. held pa
mrates In Ualton, (i.. and Jackson,
cnn.. removing to Washington tn JSwi
Ills Seattle congregation la said to be
the Iftigeat Presbyterian congregation In
the world. Dr. Matthews, who la known
a the "Tail p'-ne of the Sierras." la six
ftet four Inches in height and weighs less
than I? pound'.
Cleftlon of the m-drator overshadowed
in inter n nly the simun of the retlr
:g moderator. Hev. John F. Carson of
Krooklyn. who deciarvd that the church
. t he Kvlnjf. r 1 tl rorce It ha a been
through the ages, warnti.g that danger
lea not tn too practical Christianity, but
la neglect of the "spiritual function."
Betumei Speech-Making Tsar of
Ohio More Determined Than
Ever to Stay Till Last.
nroicixD Mza support t. r.
) Perkins Unable to Prevent Suit in
j This Administration.
Asserts Progressivei Are the Real
Former Treeldrat for Resreaewta
flee t.orrnuieat Only t Lows
as I'eeale Really Hare
l ealrelllea I aire.
PRLIJCVLK. O. May 1?. In a speecn
here tooty Prealdrnt Tftft declared that
much of the mjpport now cng five
Colon-! Roftiietell In his fluM for a i
I nomination it com I re from mm Indicted
by the Vaft iulnilnietration.
"To eay that btcauw man support
you. you are bcun-1 t:p with him. ts m
I wiy eomethtiia; not Juttfifit by to ineie
i fai't of hi support. If it were JustlflfJ
thun I .ou;d sav that Mr. Hooneve't
"ukM not tn get your vote becaute aM
the lntltrte1 ople ate supporting him
as t!:ey are. or moet of them.
Mr. l erkina. a dtiector In the iteel
and Harveater frusta, na tnfhientlal
enough in the latt elmhiUlration to pre
vent au'.t affeint Ihom ' he raid. ' 'lie
la noi Influential nuuith now, ll la i
rontrlbutor to Mr. Kco$ev!t'a poll tic a!
Talk of Dark Mora- Dlarrllted.
C UKVKLAND, O., Ma K.-RefrealM d
by a comparatively nuh't dav here and
preparrd to keep up tl..; tijrht aalnat
the renoniinntlon of t oioiu l Hooave't
until the end. treeirirnt Tafl left Clevr
land early today to tale. n. again hla
Mpeerh-maklnK tour of the atate.
Krinda ot tho pi cald lit were confident
today that he waa more determined than
ever to make tho atrujtale. for Oh'n'a
forty-ciaht delegatta to the repubtlran
national convention a areuuoua at pe
Although Mr. Taft decMnrd to dteruw
reports publlahed her that he might
hbandon the fight for a re nomination If
he should loae in the Ohio pit marten.
men close to him place no errdence In
audi a report. They point to the fart
that hundreds of delegate, to (he con
vention are Instructed and pledged to
Mr. Taft and that the Taft worker
throughout the country hava put up thei"
best fight for him. They rlRiire also on
the bitter reaantment ths president haa
shown toward Colonel RoosvveH and
few af than would concede that he woold
ever withdraw In favarof his predecessor.
Talk of Mr. Taft a retlrameiit from the
raea for a dark horaa In oaae lie loses
Ohio Is also djaeredtted by hla frlenda.
Advtaera with him on hla Ohio trip aay
he 'Will eUck In the fight to the and.
The president's schedule for today called
for speeches at Lorain. Bellevus, Pre
mont. Poatorla, Tiffin. Cnray, t ier e)an
dusky. Kenton, Find lay. Howling Ursen
and n night address st Toledo.
Nonaerrlt mt Cnrumsatk.
IttRTKMoCTII. O.. May !7.-"Our oppo
nent a ara not the real republicans wa are,'
aald Colonel Rotpevelt today In his
speech at Purtamouth to civil war vet
erans. "Wa progressive, of whom our oppon
ents apeak aa If we were not the regular
republicans, ara the men who are now
true to the principles of Abraham Un
coln." he aald. "We are the men who
hava the right to appfnl to you veterans
aa our spiritual fathers. We ara your
heirs. We are trying to carry through
your work. There never waa a man who
trusted the people more Implicitly fnan
Abraham Uncoiti. There never waa a
man whoae trust waa ao Justified.
"Mr. Taft has trie 4 the dangerous ex
periment of Improving on the words of
Lincoln. Lincoln said that this Is to be
'a government of the peeople for the
people and by the people.' Mr. Taft said
that this la to be 'a government of the
people by a representative part of the
"In practice we know exactly what that
representative part of the people con
sists of. tl onsltTts of Mr. Lorlmer In
Illlfu.U. (tltere ta a littie of the gilt off
him jui,t at the moment) of Mr. Penrose
uf Pennsylvania we took the (ill off
him . o! li- Southern Pacific railroad
crowd In California, iwe took a Uttla
gilt ff them the other day).
"In short. In actual practice, govern'
nient uf the people by a representative
part of the people, always means and
always will m- an government of the
people by tho bosses for the special Inter
ests. "1 am for a representative government
absolutely; so far aa It represents, but
when the representative government does
not represent, then I want tho people to
nave a chance themaelves.
Oil Company INrlaree Dtvldead.
IXDEPENDKNCE. Kan.. May 17. -The
board f directon of the Prairie oil and
Oaa com;eny. at a meeting held here
today, declared a dividend of 96 per
share on the capital tock of that com
pany pay ble June i. 1913, to stockhold
ers ot record as uf V.ay M, 1912.
Young men seeking
positions for the sum
mer will be able to se
cure what they want
through the use of Bee
want ads. This paper
carries a large number
of opportunities for
young men.
If you don't see what
you want in the classi
fied, place a small ad
in The Bee and you will
get excellent results. -
Tyler 1000