Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 17, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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erSt-yDED Bf BIWARD ROe.Al a..
.1 bu.nd M Oanaa postottloe aa eaoooe-
....... .t. 'I'Ui 'UID.
saaaisjr Bee. one year
-ieturiay Bee. one year... . ""'iti
(JMly He (without e)unayi. oa rear..
Laulv Hm and Sunday, one ''" '"
. I)EUERKU BT CARKIi-R-9renin-
Bee wiih sunoari. Per mo. . .
lUwiijr Be unrMdint Sunoar). Pv mo . sx.
,Uily Be iwitnout Sundl. Pr m--,
. Address all complaints or trreiienu
delivery n Ctt Ctrvilatloo UP1
Remit br rr.tiu eapreas or porta, order.
p .. to TV Be HuOnsMn- eimpn.
Only t-casu sumi receded In pay meat
of small acrou. it. Fers.ol rhecas, "
apt oa Omaha and eastern eacaiusc not
.mha-The B Building
' Kuth Omiln-Sl! S re
Council BluIrr-'-i 80011 Kt.
1 lUnoolo-M l.lltle hui.oipi
f hicaso 154s Maruuetle Bn1")!"
I Ktnw City Ke. lane Building
' Tiew fork 14 t Thiriy-lhird.
Vahlngtn-I3 Foun-oih w..
' Cnaiaiuaiiwtiona reiaiinf 10
ee 11 anal mat'T should be addn
OroaH Bee. Editorial Department
eraie 01 jforw.. iwmj i 1
1 Liwi-nt Williams, circulating manager
at The Be fuauahlng eoeipany, being
aa'y sworn, says lual the average dally
cHcuiatii'n. for the moo in ol April. uti
k 1 . ilWIGHT WIU-.S.
i Clrculatloa Manager.
? wtifesrvtbwd In my nrsenc and awarn
t before me Una :nd day ol May, btA
toeel) HOliKRT HLNTtai.
I - , Mary Pubua.
r leaele tke eltr
ineanrllr eaeal aae Tn
Be mailed Ikeea. iMrM
will a rkaas a aa r.
a a ear.
J To president's diction gathers
f force with the caotpalga.
j ,
f Dendslloot seem to bar caught
: tba Intensive gplrlt, too. -
? Blind Boat" Burn uld not
know bk dear California todg).
Raporu My "do uxr cbaap cot
fton." WD, why thould cotton be
'cut of atylaf
I tmm Ooldman ballevet ta inar
Jchy eicwpt when It ti prmrtloed a
1 bar and her preea agent.
I Jeha O. Tataar baa aals proVa
J that tha (ovaroor and ona maka a
'majorlly of tba Pardon board.
"Tar (or Aa Aaarcbut," aaya a
haadllDa. Mova to amend by tneort
Ing the word, "good" after tba- word
tar." . . . ...
J. Brace lauay waa treated with
cbeere on landing in Englaed. J.
Bruee probably rank aa a good apert
at borne.
No otea wltb as aya ter tba wau
tlful would really aigarery woman
to remore all bvr.feeeddreea in tbe
theater. . " (
New York baa a taakab merger to
reduce rate. Ye, reduction of
rate ha lwy been the pnrpoaa of
. Tha democratic convention at Bal
timore la aura to be bowling auc
cea. The Clark mea are to nave 100
bound dog there.
Why abould morlng picture ahow
be allowed la circulate eoueenlra for
patronage among tba achool children
oa tha arhoof ground?
Marat Oayaor eayo II per eeat of
tbe aodaliaU do not kaow what they
think they believe. The mayor prob
ably I 101 per rent right.
A photograph ahowe tha president
of tba Chineee republic drinking a
cap of tea during buelneae hour.
Tba aobareet of Chinee will tea op.
Lot tba republican of Iowa com
plete their good record by making
Lafe Toting aenator and moat of
their paat offeneee may be forgiven.
A widow baa been elected mayor
ia a Wyoming town. Tbe flrat que.
tiea win bo bow popular a woman
could remain a widow In Wyoming.
Champ Clark ibould begin to put
dlataaoa between him and tba hound
dog farea, for dog and cat hare a
way of coming homo at tha wrong
Tba conn releasee It bold upon a
father fa Oklahoma who wag
acquitted for killing bla aoa. But
tbe chain of hi eooeeieaoe probably
remain taat.
A few daya after Mr. Roeeawnld
offered 1 1.000, IDS for Inteuitre
farming; the atock of bia coacera ad
vaaeed I point, (loving that phil
anthropy b tot 1 bear. 1
Jaat to ahow that they appreciate
the privilege of American cltiaon
Ulp (by adoptioa) tbe delegate
from Haweil have already arrived
for tbe CblcaRo convention.
A trainload of anti-Bryan denv
avtraia of Nabraake may open tha era
of emae of the eaatera foika at tba
B Ui more eonTentlom ta the fact that
the "Paerleea' doe lot bare every
thing bla own way In hi bom Mat.
Too "Kaow Omaha" movement ia
beginning to gather headway. . It
oagbt to take a strong hold oa every
Ixxiy, for the aooner ever? body get
aeanaiated with what Omaha really
.. Us aooaer will maeh of tbe et
istiaf mlMaderataadlDg be dose
away wltX
The Pendulum of Politic.
Kaaaas City i realising that poli
tics is largely a pendulum that con
tinue to swing back and forth. The
recent change from a reform repub
lican mayor to a reactionary demo
crat apparently definee a wide sweep.
Tbe former administration wax
characterized by a aumoer of nota
bly progressive policies, ona of which
was the Introduction of a civil serv
ice board to employ all tbe city's noo-
elective officials. Only tbe merit
system, in theory at least, governed
their acceptability. And apparently
this board has given eminent satis
faction, but tbe board goea out of
office only a little while after tbe
new mayor enter and goea at bia
request. He then, according to re
port, revert to the old spoils sys
tem of naming hi own appointee.
And a number of similarly reaction
ary changes have come about under
the new administration.
Yet It was the people who rejected
tbe reform mayor when tbey bad tbe
opportunity of returning bits to of
fice. Evidently, good aa hi admln
tatratloa had been, tbe majority of
the voter did not care to give It
their endorsement for another tens
ol office. Reform, after all, 1 an
uncertain quantity. Tbe same peo
ple who tire or tbe old system also
tire. It I aeea, of tha new and they
get what they vote for. Tba pendu
lum of politics continue to awing
back and forth, and what la progress
today may be rejected aa reactionary
tomorrow. Let the people rule.
The Biihopt and the JUakg.
It aoem remarkable that In tbia
contest over the amusement rata in
tha Metbodlat eonfereoce tbe bishops
should appear as tha progressives
and the rank and (II of laity and
clergy aa tba eta ad patters. Yet the
church, aa compared with Ita fouader,
John Wesley, ha always taken tbe
stand pat position, preferring a hard
and fait rale defining tbe amuse
ments Its members might Indulge in.
Instead of Wesley'a broader plan of
leaving tba matter to tba Individual
conscience. The bishop Insist on
adopting tba Wesley principle, la
which, no doubt, the bishop have the
sympathy of a large part of society
at Urge, church and otherwise.
Not the happiest feeling appar
ently exists between the prelate and
delegates In this conference This
aeema to crop out In the determina
tion to deny extra feea to the bishops
for lecture and sermons tbey may
give outside of their regular office
routlae. Soma good reason are urged
tn support of this objection, too. One
1 that weaker church e might be de
nied the Inspiration of the bishops'
presence If the fee system I te 00A
tain, and another It that a bishop's
sslary of 15.000, In comparison with
tba average pastor' salary, should
be sufficient, anyway.
' On one Issue yet to be threshed
out at Minneapolis, tbe bishop have
taken the reactionary position,
nsmely, In their recommendation to
return to the old rule of limiting a
pistorate to five years. It seemed
like a great step forward whea tha
Methodist church removed tbe time
limit at a previous conference and
now to return to the obsolete and aa
businesslike method would. Indeed,
be reactionary. Efficiency of service
Id other walk of life i not beet
conserved or promoted by frequent
rhsnges, and why and how, la this
particular, Is the ministry any differ
eut from the world? For the devel
opment of carefully-laid plana, a
minister, ordinarily, must bsv more
than five year. But the bishop
might argue this, that the average
minister la most church ee doe not
hold his pastorate much. If aay,
longer than five year.
Tennessee Coal and Int.
New luterest Is Injected Into tha
8teel trust investigation by the in
troduction of the Tennessee Coal and
Iroa deal of HOT. Here is a transec
tion Initiated by tha Morgaa Inter
ests and acquiesced In by tbe tbea
president of the United State for tbe
ostensible purpose of stopping a
panic and restoring buslneas to a
firm basis, aad aatll recently It bss
alwsys been held up as this sort of
a panacea. It Is aatural, therefore,
that It should become the central
point of Interest la the congressional
Investigation to determine whether
or not tha United State 8 teal cor
poration ia a trust ia restraint of
No effort has ever been mad to
deny th appeal of Judge Gary and
Mr. Prick toy executive warrant tor
tbe abeorptloa of tha Tennessee com
pany. It Is admitted by both the
steel men aad by Mr. Roosevelt, but
It Is new sternly maintained that tha
Intereeta misrepresented tbe eltua
lion to th president and obtained
hi consent to their deal upon per
fectly rational and legitimate argu
ments, but actually tor aawarraota
ble purposes. It ia urged ia tale
bearing that, Instead of tha transao
Uoa being a measure for the restora
tion of busioesa stability, It waa oaly
means of corporate aggrandise
ment. That la the Issue aad upon It
bangs events of supreme Importance.
Did thee captains of Industry delib
erately set snoot and succeed la trap
ping a president, aniiousor tbe wel
fare of th country. Into a conspir
acy? Thus far evidence haa sot been
adduced In support of tbe claim that
this deal was essential to tbe salva
tioa of tba New York firm whoa
panicky condition waa urged as the
basis aad Justification of tbe USB sac
tion, though evidence to the contrary
has been offered. The part tbe
president played is not at issue: the
issu comes on the action of tbe
Steel trust representatives.
Heaoinsr the Whirlwind.
Emma Goldman, the "queen of the
anirchlit, and her press agent,
have gone np and down tbe land for
years sowing to tba wind and now
they seem to have reaped a little of
tbe whirlwind In San Diego, from
which city both are expelled, the
man Reitman, artistically attired ia
a heavy coat of tar and feathers.
Tarring and feathering is rather a
harsh handling, and yet if It le ap
plicable to anyone It would seem to
be to that mis who presence sub
version of law aad order, who damn
th government and exalts anarchy
all for a price, er for any ether rea
son. Which la tbe more violent after
all, thla treatment of aa anirchlit or
hi treatment of society?
What irony for this looee-tongued
woman aad her unbridled traveling
companion, who mak their living
denouncing government, to cry out
at society for visiting upon them but
a mild sample of tba disorder tbst
would obtain if tbe logic of their in-
cendlsry speeches gslned recognition.
They denounce the perpetrators of
(be deed, a community where saob
things ess be practiced with Impun
ity and tha law officers for coun
tenancing it, yet all of these In turn
pas daily under tbe venomous lash
of their reckless tenguee; Indeed, It
Is their stock In trade.
It I such Incendlarlim that bu
preceded th Haymarket riots, tbe
assassination of a president, tbe
desecration of th nag. Without con
doning wbat haa been done to tbe
Goldman woman'a consort, ona can
but regard it aa tba Just expression
of aa outraged public patience.
Bishop Wlltlama adminiatera a se
vere rebuke to many Eplscopil cler
gymen In bis diocese, who, be says,
scarcslr set settled la a parish until
tbey begin looking for more Ineratlve
aad lesa exacting fields. One dislikes
to think tfala of any ministry and yet
on must appreciate th fore at the
bishop's reproving words. Tbe min
istry is scircely the place for th man
with large material ambitions. it
make exacting demands for self-sac
rifice upoa those who ester It, but
all thla should be so deeply under
stood beforebsnd that there will be
no occasion for regret after.
If tba World-Herald and its co
adjutor bad been a little more at
tentive to tbe law nine jean ago, tbe
acquisition of tha water plant could
probably have been accomplished
with rnuob lees of sxpenss and delay.
But tha case has been a good one
for th lawyers, and tbe end la not
Tha milk in tbe coroanut ia now
leaking out. Tbe sheriff Is threaten
ing suit against tba county to collect
pay tor feedlag prisoners. Maybe If
tb sheriff gets his little bill through.
th uproar sbout tb quality of food
supplied at the Jail will subside.
Wbat baa gone wrong In the sher
iff office? Not a sensational raid or
peetaeular atunt of any sort has
beea pulled oft by thla worthy line
election. Can It be that all tha law
are suddenly being well observed In
The break In price on the Chicago
Board t Trad may affect tbe pri
vets pockets of a few speculators,
but if It find an echo In the retail
pries' list, tb loss of a few will be
tb gain of many.
Tbe commissioners learned quite
IIUl about tba Dee Moines way or
doing thing. Wbat tha people ex
eat of them ia that tblnii will be
doae In a new aad Improved Omaha
Another trainload of bablee from
a New York foundling hospital have
beea furnished borne In Nebraska.
Tb state ia certainly a good place
for th little folks.
VMal Uel raaskt.
Pittsburgh Dispatch.
Wean S leading railroad fit hM s
seeofid time by a tine for relating:, tbe
faith of the People tn that profeealon
that rebating I wholly abolished get
into a shaky statue.
Ksrltlaai 1 Avail.
Mw York World. -Another
nee of ) per cent within th
last year la tke coat of living le the cent
comfort th consumer seta (or all the
cemalaiata he bee register and vote
be baa caac But be will have another
cbanee eeea. '
Tall-EB la nrtauf He.
St. Paul pioneer press.
The Carted atates. s tar si can be
learned. Is the proud pomeeor eg five
aeroplanes, but this DraitaUon la not
chart table to the War depart went.
which haa urged development la thti
direction. laoamueh aa It waa the hv
vmtlv senrea of Americans watch ltd
the world to aerial science and exploi
tation. It seems te be an American
pottry to permit the rest of th world
I lead In the practical eanpbpyavant of
th knowledge acquired.
Tb leant Ctatewm.
New Tork Sua.
The dispute betweea th assailants of
tbe present method et Inspecting parkin
house products and th Department ot
AgrlcultuTe hinges oa the euestiea
whether there can be any wholesome
it la a rcaas pane ef which at
found t be elssssid. Tba decmrtmer
melatala that many portions of such
cereaas era fit for roe. Whatever the
autresna ef th dunyute may be. th public
at rally prepared t hear that It wih
sacassltaM another Increase la the pels
ta ultimate
ThisDqy .nOmata
MAY 17.
Thirty Years Ago
The finest room in the new Millar
hotel, fronting en both Douglas an
Thirteenth etreeta, has fust been taken
poosrs'ilon of by Dr. 1. C. Panter. with
hie lars storm of drags removed from
tha oM stand at Twelfth and Oouflai.
A handsome eelte of rooms at the oortn
end le eoetrnted by Dr. H. W. Hyde.
The annual council of th Episcopal
caareh for th diocese of Nebraska la
In session at Trinity cathedral. Those
who responded te th roil of derrymen
were: H. R. Burgees. Plettsroouth; M.
P. Cary. Falls City; Thomas E. Dtokey,
Nebraska City: Robert Doherty. Omaha:
r. C. Eld red. N erf oil; G. A. Encland.
Fen Omaha: Samuel Oeedala, Colombo:
W. A. Greene. Omaha; J. W. Oreenwaod.
Hastings; C. C. Harris, Lincoln: William
O. Hawkins, Lincoln: Matthew Henry.
Nemaha City; W. Jacob. Decatur;
Prank E. Mlltepaugh. Omaha: Dr. Me.
N'amara. Nebraska City; PL W. Ottrer.
Nebraska City; Tunethr O'Conaell. Fre
mont: Rev. Jamas Patterson. Omaha:
George Thorp, mesdvlUe; W. V. Wltten.
Plum Creek: John Williams, Omaha: F.
vr. Wood, Lincoln.
The contract for fradtn th north halt
of Farnam street ha beea awarded te
Stephen Robinson at 14 oeeti par cubte
Iron for the porches and baicoalae ot
th Paxtoa hotel has arrived end la being
Mrs. Alice Cuttle ealertaieed at her
niw residence on Dodge street
Twenty Year Ago
Th Methodist general conference re
elected Dr. Sajiford Hunt and Dr. Homer
Eaton, agents for th New York Book
Concern, aa Institution with a capital of
nee.oan. It also elected Earl Cranaten
aa aa agent for the Cincinnati Book Con.
earn end re-elected Chaplain McCab. Dr.
J. O. Pack and Dr. A. B. Leonard aa
missionary secretaries.
Omaha waa hemmed ia by washouts,
landslides and Mgh water. Th Union
Pacific bridge waa temporarily aban
doned. The approeeh te the lewa side
was under tew feet of water and mud.
The Burlington tracks towards Olheen
waa hurled under ten feet of water.
T. W. Blackburn resigned from the edi
torial staff of The Bee and accepted a
position with the R, O. Dunn Mercantile
The Board of Trade subscribe I.M
toaard tb maintenance ot a freight
bureau for Omaha...
A. C. Raymer took out a building per
mit for a 13.000 frame dwelling at US
South Thirty-eighth evenue.
Contractor Dick Smith's gang put In the
day building up th wall ot the wrecked
county hospital building. The heavy rain
had contributed te the Insecure condition.
Ten Years Ago
Edward Reeewster accepted the chal
lenge of W. F. Ourley to debate tha
fcecond congressional district question.
Mrs. O. . Watson, wed K died at her
home. Mil Canter street.
Th Continental Clothing company
mad an assignment to it creditors.
Samuel Gamble, its president, said he
simply found th load toe heavy to carry.
The unterrtfled Jackeonlana ordered
that rh four bolters be sevarely repri
manded for refusing to support John
Loschnar, the regular democratic nomi
nee for mayor of Kouth Omaha. The
bolters Were T. J. Nolan, John Fits
lloberts, D. 8. Parkhurst and John ile
al 11 Ian, and the order for thetr caatlra
tlon was aigned by Will Herdman, Ed
P. Kmltn and Dr. A. H. Hippie. Th
action was vigorously opposed by Jim
Dahlmart. who declared that theaa man
had a right to vote against Loechner, be
cause Leechner had bolted Mr. Bryan In
IK Ignatius J. Dunn opposed taking
any action until th accused could be
heard in their own behalf.
Cherlff John Power submitted a letter
te th county board by A. C. Troup of
tha Board of Insanity commissioners set
ting forth the principle that th county
te not liable for the expense Incurred
la taking an insane person back to the
state asylum when such s person has
been released from the asylum before
being cured at th request of relatives
who have promised to care for him.
People Talked About
There le a yarn to the effect that
lAither Drake, president of the Merchants
National bank, makes money talk. Pome
of his friends declare, beea as he knoal
so much about financial affairs, that In
nlexeis. dimes and dollar must bold a
regular weekly meeting with him and
give htm all of the details, of their ea
pertence. However that Is, Presy Drake
S op to the last minute on benklng.
Gasoline le advancing in sympathy with
the advance in hay and oats. Walking
prowdees te become a fashionable neces
sity before long.
A Philadelphia hank president who
started a peasioa fund for his sera em
ployes and their families with a gift of
glBMOt. did net patent hie Mas, preferring
te head K dowa to his prefeestonal broth
ers aa an example worth copying, i
Nerve specialists sr trying to figure
eut what happened la th New York
wemaa wee exposed of this com bt nation
breakfast in a local restaurs at: Grape
fruit with tw poniea of brandy; oatmeal
with a pint of champagrie
dernitaaae I
late which she put a soae atpannva
r -
lTj awT .- I
'. .. . t-
Army Gossip
tiers ef latere. o as
Back el rtrtaa LlM (Ueawed
tress Army aad Mary Restates.
Uallatmeat Pertael.
The praapsct that the niM merit period
In the army will b eetahliahcd en the
basis of four years. Instead of three years
which Is th present term of enlistment
end instead of five years which waa
the period contemplated by lb legisla
tion Incorporated In the army appropria
tion bin as It passed the house possesses
an interest to the marine corps as well
as the military establishment. At present
tn the marine corps th term ot enlist
mot Is four years, sa It is in the navy,
but the enlistment period which govern
tha pay of enlisted men In the marine
corps Is three years, the same as It Is
In th army. This apparent Inconsistency
is due to th fact that th marine corps
Is entitled under the law ta the benefit
ot all the statutes relating te the pay of
tha army. The difference In the term ot
enlistment between the army and the
marine corps under some circumstances
can operate te the detriment ot a marie.
For exams), aa enlisted man ot the
marine corps, who completes his four-
year term of enlistment, on discharge is
la the second nllstmst period. If he re-
anttats la the marine eorpe he would hsve
but tws years mere to serve bet or enur
ing the third enlistment period; whereas.
If be enlisted In th army after discharge
from the meriaa corps, he wo Id have to
serve three yean to get into the third
enlistment period. L'ader the change in
tbe law astabliahlng four years as th
term eg eahStment la the army, there
will be ne ehano of thla discrimination.
Beside, there win be a anltormlty ia th
term of enlistment for the amy. navy
and marine eorpe.
Army Paat Cassamtesla.
Tb ermlneaoa of coaaresa to d
rive from aa authoritative source Us II
formation pertaining te a policy of army
peat abandonment and troop distribution
creates Interest la th personnel of each
an Important commission as bss been
proposed. The military members sr
destined te be Lieutenant Oeneral a. B.
M. Toung. retired, now en duty es gov
ernor of the SeMlere' Home In Washing
ten; Lieutenant Oeneral Arthur MaeAr-
thurf retired, who live In Milwaukee,
Wis.; Major Oeneral George Jf. Kendall,
retired, who ttvse In Denver. Col.: Major
General Jesse M. Lee. retired, who live
In San Antonio, Tex., and Major General
Charles F. Humphrey, rettred, formerly
quartermaster general of the army. All
of these officer posses sn Intimate
knon ledge Of the subject which Is
destined to engage their attention. Their
congressional associates will not be
definitely known until It Is settled by
the house and senate that such s com
miction shall be organised: but It Is pre
sumed that the senators will be Messrs.
Warren of Wyoming end Foster of Louis
iana, republican and democratic mem
bers, respectively, of the senate military
committee, while the house represents
lion Will be Messrs. Slayden of Texas
and Anthony of Kansas, democratic snd
republican members, respectively, i,f the
hous military committee. The commis
sion will probably be authorised to travel
aa may be required Snd will be afforded
every facility to obtain useful Informa
Hon, so as tb hive Its report ready by
th end of the year and tn time for whit
ever legislation may be considered Utl-
rted at th next session, i
read Making Reformer.
"Economy and efficiency promise to be
extended 10 the food of the army, this
time not from the commission which
masts a specialty of bestowing thost
blessings on things governmental, but
from an alien, but no lesa positive, seurca.
A wssum man has written te the com
m usury general of th army that he h is
discovered a prooeae whlcn U rrgards
aa secret aad with which he wuuld part
for a substantial consideration, which
process will aaabi the army commissar
lrs to make more bread out of a barrel
of flour than they are now able to ac
complish. The Increase la seventy-fit e
pounds of bread for every barrel of flour.
The Irmy subsistence textbooks presreme
recipes which enable WO pounds of bread
to be mad from every 100 pounds of
flour. The man with the secret process
says he Is shle to make Ko pounds of
dough out of s barrel of flour, aa against
the army's SM pounds. I ft the first plat.,
the War department haa ne fund out at
which It could purchase a secret pruors
of this character, and. In the second
place, the Subsistence officers whs have
specialised n bread making know that
there Is ne secret er other sort of prorr'j
which will Increase the product of brea-J
out ot the given quantity of flour.- except
by the introduction of water, which, of
cours. doea not add to the nutritive
value of bread. This Is only another case
of a man who believes that the govern
ment la In a position te buy somelhtnK
which he has to sell. He else entertalnr
tba toe prevalent o put Ion that almost any
new fad sen be tried en tbe soldier.
Typhoid Redaction.
The army medical offloers have ovary
reason lo entertain satisfaction over the
results revealed by the reports recently
received by tb surgeon general concern
Ing the redaction In typhoid fever caars
during the year Ifll aa compared with
previous years. Thla le attributable, of
course, to entl-typhofd vaccination. Ia
tnt la the tinted Statea there were H
cases, ss compared with 142 In ItlD snd
m In IMS, th ratio per thousand beinv
:. i.S and .M, respectively. Among
American troops in .the Phitlpplnea In
1911 there were W ease; to lie. a eases:
a ratio st ,T aad respectively, tn
Porto Rico among native troops the ratio
per thousand has dropped from iM to
l it Among native trees la tbe Philip
pines there haa beea little difference,
there being U cats m tie and 12 case
in MIL which Is due te tha fact that
none of Ins native troops were Immunise!
until the order took effect en January I
of thla year. On the transports In ma
ther were t cases sad 1 death, as against
I ease sod ewe death Vs Hit, Tbe total
for the army for pit was M cases, with
I deaths, as against IK cases in 1M1 the
difference being about one-third, which
may be considered en admiraMe showing,
since la tn there were so many troops
oa duty ia Texas aad also considering
ta fact that eovapulsory vaexinattoa.
aew reeulred ay th War department
did net go Into effect Until some time le
October, previous te which date snti
typaesl vaccination was entirely volun
tary. Pay W irheat arV.
-Chieag Waeord-Herald.
It is feared that eeagrees will not be
sbia te sdjeura before the Ktk ef July.
The trouble Is that mos. ef the canartse
vrhe have business st home can get
away whenever the? wis t look after
JwUfcaal beds docked.
Sura." said Mike. "I knew a man
wanst and one eye waa bum. but t'other
was stronger. "
-That ! so." answered Pat, "en sere I
knew a maa wtd a short leg. snd. faith,
tl other wan waa longer." iUltimor
"People say of a small eater. eats
like a bird, yet a bird hi an caormoue
"How so you mak ltr
"Doesn a bird take a peck at ever
mouthful?" Chicago Post.
"Posterity will build s monument to
that man." said th admiring eonstuaeni
"I'll tell you wbat would pleas him
more." replied Senator Sorghum. "Build
something now, and give him a leok-ta
oa the contract" Washington Star.
Sunday School Teacher-Willie, can you
repeat the shortest commandment? It
haa but four words.
Willie-Tea. mis: "Keep Off the
Grass. " Beaton Transcript.
"So. you young Jackanapes, you want
to marry my daughter. You want to ask
me about it. do naf
"I did. air. but I guess I'll go now. I
see there s a kick conurig." Baltimore
"Investigations are not ahat they used
to be."
"No,' replied Mr. Grafton Grabb: "In
the good old days Invevtiratloo were fre
quently held for the purpose ot convinc
ing tbe public that something It had dis
covered wasn't so.' Washington Star.
"You're a two faced man!" exclaimed
tha disappointed offloeaeaaer. "In not
afraid to tell you so!"
"Two faced r' smiled the eminent states
man; my deer friend, I am worse than
that. The papers bsv priated fifty dif
V Q ' : f ,
When going after business put your best foot fore
most and make sure it is in THE STETSON
SHOE the shoe that is worn by progressive men
the men of big affairs the men who know the
good things and insist on the best
Some shoes look well only until the cold, gray dawn
of the morning after the purchase." THE STETSON
SHOE, after months of wear, still looks like a gen
tleman's shoe.
Look forth RED DIAMOND mblem of QUAUTY
Hay den Bros.
16th and Dodge Sts.. Omaha.
"Sttt$ont cat mor by th pair bat 4Vm bythytar"
Electric Lighting Spells
Danger from the use of matches
is avoided.
Exploiiona frequent with other it
luminants are impossible.
Burglars flee in terror before a
flood of light released by pressing a
As much light or as little light as
you need any hour or all hours.
Omaha Electric Light & Power Go.
Unequalled for Iced Tea
- '
Published by the Growers of India Tea
ferent portraits ef me. and no two of
them see siUa" Chicago Tribeme.
Gink Wht waa that unruly crowd ef
hoboee doing at Skmem's?
DtBg-n. authia' much. Only be mad
his advertisement too attreetive and
asked for a rsrloei- with attfe saoaej-
Philadelphia Record. -
Ote BreY Wehm sta at tjeuB'.
Wstca yer business, nun dat wnaai.
Can't you" ar decent fo' Jus one seaeav.
can t you' gie th' fruit trees oa
square deal ,
Col' a Greenian" ano etrry mornln ,
Col' aa Iceland as' every night,
.No chance (ar garden truck if Jack Free
seee it.
lies snoopin" room' here leekiu' far a
a bite.
O'e' Bre'r Welsh. yr very tantaltsla.
Shakln an dem Mossome under Jack
Fast thing ye' know yeu'B wake eocae
mornin'. ,
An' fin' yer fruit crop ell stiff an frese:
But taint no use. they caa't tell ye'
Same 4 smart, always Un' mean.
Ye' must think limp leevee an" nipped
buds and bmssosss
An' (rest slighted garden make a
justly soon.
Ol Bre'r Welsh, yer awful sggrsvathV
With yer ot black skle sod yer eoid
winds ia May, . .
Don't yu' knuw all the pretty dud a
To be worn sod wondered at first fatr
Course you' kaow, but yer wind keep
on teerln'
An Wowln' my best hst all roon' my
But what's the use a ranttn', when you'
win's go galllvtntaln'.
To'll go on ectln up fer all the seewls
aa tears.