Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 17, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. MAY 17, 1912.
Hew Commissioner View the Work
ing of Commission Form.
reload yelei' vee Hla lifmnni
( Ik Manner la Watra Des
Molntew Headl're Its
Maalelpal affaire.
The newly elected city councilman of
Omaha, returned yesterday from Do
Mo m, where they had (one to get a
flrst-hsnd Idea of the practical working
of methods which have developed out of
the four yeari' experience of the Iowa
city. peeking of Me personal obeerra
t:ona wlille In the Iowa metropolis. Coun
cilman Ryder said:
"We sat through a mo mine seaalon of
the pea Moines council, following an In
terview with the five coundlmen. In
Dee Moines the council has adopted the
Man of - meeting two or three times a
week, on certain specified mornings.
Mayor Hanna told us this plan has
prored quite satisfactory, and the only
sotlce liven of such meetings Is the gen
oral understanding of the community
that on certain days the coundlmen can
be found together at the municipal build
ing, ready to hear from their constituents
on any public matter In which they may
be interested.
Worlclasrsnea Hare Hrariss.
"Wednesday morning a delegation of
workingmen from an outlying section
was given a hearing on their demand for
street lights. It quickly developed that
Peg Moines Is about in the same condi
tion as Omaha In the matter of funds.
The councilman In charge of the street
lighting department saM his funds would
not carry him through the year and pay
for the lights already ordered. The dele,
gafton Insisted It must havs at least ten
lights at street crossings, and the spokes
man offered to secure contributions from
his neighbors to help defray the expense.
A motion to grant the request so far as
roulble brought from Mayor Hanna
the suggestion that various other aeo
tlons were demanding tights and the
whole problem should be handled at
once. This view prevailed, with the accompanying-
auggeetlon of the superln
trndent of finances and accounts that
sums lights could be spared from the
older sections to help out In the new ad
ditions, of which Dee Moines hss a great
"Paving contracts, with an argument
ever the varying kinds of asphalt, wars
up for consideration, and the city en
gineer bad to go Into explanations touch
ing the characteristics of the different
grades of asphalt, but the amard as
tentatively agreed on prevailed when a
vote was taken. They have our system
of allowing property owners to designate
kind of material.
So Nlatht Meetlaa.
"Several 'resolutions of necessity were
presented to provide sidewalks In sped-
The Pure Product of
Nature's Springs. You -will
fed better and do better forming
Glass cms ArtslBfl lor
Neal Cores in 3 Days
The man who drinks to excess little
readies the peril to his health, happi
ness and burlness. Relatives and busi
ness SMOciates are the ones who oom
preh'nd the truth. The excessive drinker
attributes the resistless desire for liquor
to domestic, business or other worries.
Trie thinks he cast gtvs op drink at any
time. He fools himself only. Observing
ones know that liquor hss mastered him.
The "liquor appetite" is the result of
slcoholtc poison. This lurks In the sys
tem of every excessive drinker end can
be eradicated only by medical treat
ment. Three days of the Keal Treat
ment will destroy all appetite and crav
ing for strong drink. It creates Instead
a positive aversion for the taste of liquor.
The man who Is drinking away his
health, happiness and financial resources
will find that the Neal Three Day Treat
ment will make a new man of him and
will he the best Investment be can pos
sibly make.
The treatment consists of harmless
citble medicines, sdminstersd Inter
nally, without the use of hypodermic
injections. The strictest privacy hi
maintained. Satisfsitloa Is positively as
sured In every care. For full particulars
call upon, write to. or phone the Neal
Institute. 153 South Tenth Street.
Omaha, b.
Health -Is
Antiseptic Powder
steeres year ell tat lest far yea. It fj
a amuse bat eswerfsl serakMs. a
ssstelj srrnwug sarectM. as car
tes term Imiin It dasnises av
stsvir Is water, seats. lafiassaMtlea,
! ananas, tss k
as s Sum us. It (J renss-aw.-:-d
by pbyslnasa. and ssr sals by
arnssista ererrwacss.
lead a SoetM.
t t TT1EZ, ami, Tsisftas, D.C
fled places, and as a rule they went
through without much argument. As In
the Omaha law, all the red tap has been
cut out of the Dee Moines law, yet there
seems to be no way to avoid what nay
be called cabinet action on matters in
volving anything In the way of sub
stantial expense. Night meetings of the
council sre not held unless to givs hear
ings on large matters of public concern.
"Dee Moines hss a very handsome end
practical municipal building, which rep
resents a total expense of something over
te; the cost of the building Itself was
covered by a bond Issue and out of this
the furnishing waa done. It Is of the
classic type, with the main business of
fices all on one floor. The only parti
tions sre those used to screen the private
offices of the heads of departments, and
the effect Is that of a very large office,
with the working force on two sides of s
great corridor. The council chamber !
small and looks like a directors' room
la some business concern. The river
bank on both sides, fronting- the munic
ipal building. Is being prepared for park
ing. Maernlrteently Masted.
"Dee Moines Is magniflcantly lighted
throughout the business section with
cluster lights on posts placed at short
distances. The property owners pay for
the Installation of the poets and the
tenants pay for the lights. All the ma
terials used for paving are in evidence
on the streets and boulevards, though
asphalt Is mainly used. Parks are nu
merous snd some of them promise to be
exceedingly handsome when sll the
plans made have been carried out. The
city Is spread over a vast area of ground,
covering fifty-four square miles of ter
ritory since North Des Moines and other
sections were taken Into the city proper,
and tha paving of streets haa been pushed
tar out Into even the newer districts.
"Mayor Hanna la an enthusiastic advo
cate of the commission plan. I judge, and
his assorlstes are hardly lees Interested.
but shortage of funds is still ths great
handicap In the departments- The pub
no can be Interested, however, as hss
bans amply proven, when matters are
strongly and effectively brought to their
attention. As one Des aromas councilman
expressed It. "In our homes and la our
business, when we really need things we
go In debt for them, and the asms ruls
must prevail In city business."
As te the Social stvll.
'1 gave some time, naturally, te In
quiries Into polios matters. I found Dm
Moines hss been making changes In ths
head of the department that have not
added anything to Its efficiency, to say
the least. As to the social evil, the sime
differences of opinion exist there as
very where else. There Is no segregsted
district, but ths women concerned have
devised various methods of their own to
sidestep the law, as they do elsewhere.
"This trip convinces me of one thing,
and that Is, the best committee of Inves
tigation Is ons or two men. who will go
away and arrive without announcement
Des Moines business men mot us st the
station and gave us too much attention,
so far as sleep wss concerned,; yet they
sided us quite materially In getting an
Inside view of ths general results of ths
commission form of government like
everything else In life. Its success will
depend largsly en fslthfulnese In tlx td
mlnlstrators and on their ability to nuke
ths very best of the resources st their
Castellar Pupils
Present "Hiawatha"
Pupils of ths fifth B and sixth A of the
Castellar school will present a drsmstl
sstlon of Longfellow's Hiawatha, Friday
afternoon. The program:
Prulogus Msrgsret Hsrrlngton
Nokomls Margaret Bogies
Hiawatha violet Pedersen
Chorus I -Emily Mulflnger. Ethel Mc
Oulre, Agnes Hansen. Lena Na-srle.
Blanche Carroll, Helen Hook. Mahle
Elmqulet. Lillian Kavan. Mabel Michael
sen, Johanna Ekstrand. Adeline tkhoess-
ler, Georgia Tuma, Frieda Funk.
Chorus L
Hiawatha..... Edgar landfren
Nokomia Margaret b"(
Aojiauame t squirrel) Agnes pedersen
Alimeek la beaver) Helen Svojtek
Chorus II Harold Boggs. Oeorge pel
llcsn. Harry Patterson, tJolon Jensen,
George Laager.
Hiawatha Ralph Wilson
Kallabonlka (north wind)
Howard Jourdsn
Shawondasee (south wind) Ray llooen
U'abon (east windL.Marearet HarTinston
Nokorhia Maraaret ttogrs
xiuaieKewM (west wind). .Elmer Anderson
Chorus I.
Chorus m.-Vaslllkie Harvalia. Frances
Shutte. Irene McDonnell. Armands
Brooks. Olive Noble, Dollle Marietta
Lena Lots, Ellen Hort, Kaihertne Swick
ard. Pearl McClaren. Anna Ferryman,
Madge Mcintosh. Marie Maler.
Chorus II.
Oltchs Manllo Louis smith
Excavation Started
for Fine Apartment
Excavation for a Ss?.OM apartment
house at the northeast corner of Thirty-
sixth snd Poppleton avenues has been
started. Edward Johnson of South
Omaha will bs the owner of the strut
ture. the plans for which have Just been
completed by Architect H. A. Raepke
It will be three stories high. sSxtt feel,
and contain twelve apartments of flu
rooms tech. The building will be finished
throughout In oak. The contract calls
for completion by fall.
Nebraska Sections
Visited by Freezes
Sections of Nebraska were visited by
freezing teen peart urea Wednesday. Around
Sargent the lowest temperature was a
degrees. Seward and Clay Center X de
grees, while la Dawes county and In Ihe
Box Butte section the markings were at
low as If) degrees above.
Out through the South Platte country
and in the Missouri valley section! of
ths ttate the range of temperature was
from X to W degrees above.
General Manager Sllfer of the Great
Western has notified all employes that
in the future they must be courteous Is
then- dealings with the public
He gives notice to ticket agents thai
while it may seem strange to them to have
a patron rush in and ask, "Whet tlmt
does the t o'clock train leave?" ere Is
nothing wrong about It.. The patron
says. Is perhaps excited and does
understand the real Import of the ques
tion. To tell this passenger Its the future
that this train leaves at "S:a o'clock
will no longer to tolerated. .
A Life Sesjtewe
of suffering with throat and lung trouble
is quickly commuted by Dr. King's New
Discovery. Joe and ft.. For sals by
Anniversary of First Hague Tribunal
to Be Observed in Schools.
It Will Be Shews that Money I'sed
to Maintain Armies sad "levies
Cawld Be reed la Advancing-
Universal peace will be preached In the
city schools today, as It will be In
the majority of the schools where 10,000.008
of the natlon't children are being taught
It is the anniversary of ths first Hague
tribunal and a special call haa been sent
to all superintendents from the bureau
of education at Washington, asking ob
servance of the day.
Preparations to celebrate "Peace day"
In Omaha are confined exclusively to the
schools, where the significance of the
day wtll be told by the teachers. Pstriotlc
songs will bs sung snd recitations from
world-renowned International advocates
read. Superintendent Graff haa received
printed material tor programs from the
federal bureau of education.
Thla material Is mailed by Hon. Phil
ander P. Claxton and consists of poems.
resdlngs and songs appropriate to ths
occasion. President Taft'a address. "The
Dawn of World Peace." Is among the
material received. Ths schools have been
ssked to celebrate Friday because ths
first Hague tribunal waa held on May
U, 1KW. and Msy IS this years falls on
Sweclal Moraine; Esereleee.
For a brief period In the forenoon spe
cial exercises will be held. The children
will be taught that war consumes 71
per cent of sll taxes that ths cost of
srmtee and navies of the world hi time of
pesce Is estimated at SSJes.0gn.eN a year.
Dr. Claxton has suggested that they bs
told what this money could sccompllsh If
diverted Into more useful chennele.
For example, he says ths money could
be used ss follows:
For a national university with an an
nual Income of tl0.eo.W, which Is three
times as much as ths wealthiest uni
versity now.
A university to each state with an an
nual income of $1.000, 0(0.
Provide Many Sekools.
An average of KM new high schools for
esch stats, each school having an annual
Income of ISO..
Five new normal schools In each stals.
each having an annual Income of Slot,.
Thirty agricultural schools for each
stste, each school having an annual In-
corns of 11&.SQ0.
After this wis done, there would still
be available from ths war fund enough
to give each stale a million dollars a
year for com moo school purposes, enough
to purchase sll text books In all public
snd private schools In ths nation, and
enough left to give sacb state annually a
quarter of a million dollars for libraries.
Dr. Claxton believes the doctrines of
the future cllltens are gathered during
the formative period of school life and
thai Ihe most effective manner of spread
Ing the peace gospel Is by teaching It to
the young.
Tearklasj the Veoasj.
The federal bureau of education has
committed Itself to ths cause of arbitra
tion and la urging school superintendents
everywhere to drive horns the fact that
In the nineteenth century 14.000 noo able-
bodied men wars sacrificed In war. Thsss
men were the most fit of all ths nations
from which they came.
In the literature distributed Uncle
Sam's educational bureau compares war
to a base hall game without an umplra
Every time a dispute arises fighting
begins. , '
Since Ihe Mohonk conference of ISnt,
2T colleges and universities havs begun
the observance of pesos day. In a few
cities Instructions from ths superinten
dent makes observance compulsory, but
In Omsha ths observance Is not eompul
eory. but has been left wholly with the
Ahy He Waa ute.
'What made you so later
'1 met mlthson."
Well, that Is no reason why you
should be sn hour Iste getting home
to supper."
I know, but I ssked him how he
wss feeling, snd hs Insisted on telling
ms shout bis stomach trouble."
"Did you tell htm to' take Chamber
lain s Tablets!"'
Sure, that is what he needs' Sold
by all dealers.
Shriners Will See
Display at Swift's
Swift A rwnMnv haa Invited about ISO
members of the Aoea shrlns of Richmond,
Vs. to visit its plant today. They
are returning to their homes from the
Imperial council at Los Angslea An in
teresting and attractive display haa been
prepared for this special occasion, snd
the general public is slso cordially Invited
to visit ths plan! today. The hours will
be from to i
Scsrchiflg, Fiery,
Raw Eczema
Zeme Cares Worst Case and Is
Wonder for tvery Fores of
rtkln Afflictions.
Get the 85-ceat Trial Bottle Today.
Tha aosltlvs proofs that ZEMO cures
any and all ftrrr.a of skin afflictions
have aroused the entire community.
The wonderful way In whh-h raw, fiery
ecsema quickly heats by the mafic loucb
of ZEMO la marvelous
You almply apply It to the afflicted
parta It doean't smart. It Is .not a
nssty. creasy paste or ointment, but a
wonderfni dlsappeann liquid that elnke
rtsht In. quickly sllayinc all pain, all
Itch, all distress It does tbe work and
does It In a way that Is astonishing.
The resrular price of ZEMO to II. for
the laree bottle, but yeu can now ret a
liberal trial bottle of ZEMO for only ii
.ems wbich H Is fully eusranteed.
ZEHO Is sold by most druggists, or Is
sent direct by F. W. Rose Medicine Com
pany, ft- Louie. Mo., upon receipt ef
price. ZEMO is sold and highly recom
r. ended by leading druggists through
out Anertce and la On. ana by Sherman
a Mcconnell Irug Co IttH and Dodge;
?4th and Farnam 8ta: Owl Drua Co.
Business Men View
New Freight Depot i
of Burlington Road !
The seventh home trade excursion of
the Commercial club waa made at I
yesterday afternoon to the new Bur
lington freight house and freight termi
nals at Eighth and Farnam streeta
More thsn 90S members of the Commer
cial dub. Manufacturers' association. Real
Estate exchange and the Ad club formed
a Una four abreast attending two Mocks
long that moved front the club rooms to
ths freight depot.
A trip of inspection was mads through
ths offices and storage rooms of the two
Mg depots and a general Inspection was
made of the twenty -three acres of freight
Headed by W. W, Johnston, assistant
general freight agent of the Burlington,
the following railroad officials escorted
the excursionists: George W. Loomls. as
sistant general manager; A. O, Smart.
superintendent: J. L. Hsrrlngton. local
agent: C. J. Ernst, treasurer: G. E. Bre
men, auditor of expenditures. W. 8.
Thompson, freight snd ticket auditor: C
W. Covert, superintendent of transporta
tion; A. B. Smith, aaslstsnt general
freight agent: J. J. Cox. division freight
agent, and R. C. Hsyes and R. E. Hay
ward, contracting freight agenta
Leading the Commercial club band were
President O. E. Haverstick. Vice Presi
dent George If. Kelly, Commissioner J.
If. Guild. Asslstsnt Commissioner Wsrd
C. Clifford. A. U Gsle. president of the
Ad club, snd Isvld Cols, president of the
Msnufacturers' association.
Two years sgo Patrolman Barta wat
accosted by a soldier from Fort Crook
who . admitted thst he needed another
nickel to get bark te the post In time to
avoid being thrown Into tiie guard house
for missing check. Tlie rvliccmsn pro
duced the necessary funds from the trans
action was dismissed from his mind.
Testerdsy Barta was sgsln ssluted by
a soldier who said his name ass Robert
Wright and who refreshed tha police
man' mind about ths nickel. Barta did
not remember the soldier, hut the latter
recognised Ihn copper and relumed the
nickel with a l-eent riser ss Interest.
Boon sfler borrowing the nlrkle Wright
wss sent to the Philippines, hut wss
Istely detailed to Fort Crook for duly.
At the first opportunity he paid ths long
standing debt.
Nervous? Excitable?
Irritable? Exhausted?
Has living become a
; ' Do you know what is
If not, do you want to
know what is wrong?
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
is recommended as a powerful, invigorating tonic, imparting strength
to the whole system and to the organs distinctly feminine. For over- . 1
worked housewives and business women it is a blessing. It induces
. calm, refreshing sleep, and banishes mental worry and despondency.
And all this without the use
of alcohol or harmful, habit
f ormlng drugs as Ingredients
Every woman ought to potsesg Dr. Pierce's great book, the People's
- ConuTMn StM Mediced AdviM
ted volume. It teaches mot hen how to car for their children and
themselves. , It Is the best doctor to have in the house in case of
.. emergency. Over half a million copies were sold at $1.50 each, but
one frae copy in cloth covers will be sent on receipt of 31 one-cent
tamps to pay the cost of wrapping and mailing only. Address ...
Book Dept, World's Dispertsa '
Brandeis Stores Annual May Sale!
Defective Memory
Lands Him in Jail
A retentive memory is one faculty that
Charles Ferrel. colorwl. does not pos
sess. Hs ass srrested Wednesday for
dsy for creating a disturbance upon the
street with Effis Burt, white.
. "How many limes havs you been sr
rested r- Inquired Prosecutor C. T. Dick
inson. "Oh. so many times thst I don't re
member." answered Ferret, 1th a
Judge Altetadt spoke up, "Tea days
Chamberlain's Couga Remedy has won
Its great reputation sad extensive sale
by Its remarkable cures of coughs, eoldt
and croup. It can bs depended upon. Try
IL told by all dealers..
Permits to amoks, V rema All dealsrs.
Addressed to Women
Have Your Summer Vacation
Include a Teur
of Yellowstone National Park
The Park comprises the greatest region of natural won
ders in the World. Few have any idea of its htupendous
grandeur. Many people spend their vacation here each
summerand they find new attractions with every visit.
Many are the advantages of a visit to the Park by way
of the Natural entrance at Yellowstone Station, Wyoming.
Remember, when planning your vacation trip, that
you can stop over at Denver and Salt Lake City both
famous summer resorts when traveling via .
' . . .
Union Pacific
Standard Road of the West
Protected by Automatic Electric Block Safety Signals.
, . . Excellent Dining Can on ALL TraiM.
. ' '
For literature and information relative to . fares,
routes, side trips, etc., call on or address
L. Beindorff, C. P. & T. A.
1324 Farnam St Omaha, Neb.
Fttonss: Don. 1828; Ltd. A 3231
Maggie LittrelTs Case
Strangest on Record
' Although' m a precarious reindldilon
with a compound fracture of ths skull,
Msggts Llttrell, colored.- hss s. food
chance of recevertng. Dr T. T. Hsrrfs,
police surgeon, says that should shs get
well her rsse will be unprecedented In
the history of western surgery. '
At no time rlnrs she was Injured Men
dsy night hss the womsn been uncon
scious and ths seemingly suffers little
pain from the Injury which would have
k'lled msnv stronger persona 8he per
sists In sitting up In bed snd becomes
angry when refused permission te lesvs
t. Joseph's hoepltsl and go hems.
Pr. Harris says that ths woman's con
dition Is one of the oddest that he has
ever heard of. He says thst shs hss
never sppesred dlsay, though shs hss
lost considerable blood and brain matter.
Such symptoms, as well
as many others equally
distressing, are common
ly attendant upon func
tional and organic disease
of a distinctly feminine
character. , ; -
Begins I
MAY 18th J
The bargains will be the .
most remarkable ever offered I
in a Sale of Undermuslins in !
America. ' , f
See the Great Window Displays
Brandeis Stores
I ttT4Tt-rTt tr
llMttH titrjr Msaasaft hhI mprtiasUlf ,
coastortabta). 2 tot cvtita 1
Ctartt, NhnftT Own puny, Trny, Nw Twrfr 1
(TV sW
Miller's Bungalows
hir pitlonal reputation. Many
of tl"Mt hnu.a that cn rn butit
from It, ' up ar ahuwif la
our new- book - (
. "BoBftlows and
Other Things"
vtilch Is new rse4y fnr delivery.
This boos remains pnntnsrsphs
sns floor plans of houses sctuslly
Dull! here In 1mhe arte suburbs
' Manr ' vslusbltr SU((Sstlons ' to
the home builder.
Plant and bpeelflcatloas
$5.00 to $15.00
If ordered fron- this boos,
prtK.B of mxK Sl.09. '
Get the book new before order.
Ins; plsns elsewhere. It Is worth
many tlmss Its prks is the MlM-'
Bard F. Miller Co.
SSf Brandeis Theater "Ids. .
Tyler 1111.
An 'Immsnss - 8pciaJ Nsw
York Purchassof '
Beautiful Inporled
. Almost endless assort-,
ment of exquisite designs
for afternoon and evening
Witch for further nnouncs
. mtnt. Sale Satordsr .
AS a world-wide KpntatSoa travelers is np-eo-evtrv
teaflire always well
furaished Jus every comfort and
ceamteec esiple tafia. benVe. per
k.tDbar.lissilaiieii SHesstsmHilnatat
easoaable tales afe
f 1 aate ia
II - - asasjaal uxe-ra , tbe I n
I I ' cessler of the leeatreaad
I ""V--- v ft to all car nsea east bs
.Betel Is at.
Ktb and Harney: Loyal Pharmacy, 27-1
Beaton Dreg Co..
itoria lata eme