THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, MAT 17, 1912 S S The Stranger Mt WT A COS FtoUVJS sawing down "nte i$ A VfVf eH- stssl t LIW. ROURKES POUNDOUT ONE RUN Topek Tab the Lait Gama ( the Sorter wlttv Fio Score. . - - - . WASIEB SAYE8 PAY.FOa FA v; t Tilr MIU , ,inbUlt). blt 'tb Ml Moortuo tiiBM lxl for Pa Rowrln't trtt yMterday. Dal Ocar'l buqr Ka taking lh flnal mm of th Mil, I II I Ttw RourkM inaad foetbam. tM laaky Kaaww fUnc. I t un tit kUi. but tfecr aid not follow In uocaatlon. bnr th ratult. I ritrM mwy4 to work, for . th ttaurkw. bat wu bamiMr4 uoowal- lullr duiini th fliro Intilm b bn ln wu roUrad la Uvor Hleka. Tho fctn bad too W a ad aadUM Omaka KuiMh could not iivarcina It,, althouao llcb aro bht.ffp jllntM'rt' our rooiKhi- -bnrtad. Too Topaka wairtod tba w bad aad int for It from biart. rour rula ii U ftm fMf Umlnn did tho kwctaoM. M RoUTkrt to CasnkaM ttfr tk trat four Innlnn. but that waa all. Twtoo i4 baaa'worb flllod asd tha bvy hlttar p, but tha atflncy krl wl tha tmurua wwilnf ooirrwffiwt tlhUo4 an wauni ha pill around tha bailor" aooh. Ha did loi alien wondortul ba. but hJ oupaort ra allt-Mtod.- Ha waa wild at Mm trine fro wai ana atroca rat aion. But (lva Oauwni iaHwra foand tba bait. nd aach on, of tjiom found It for two eh. Corta did tba haarjr work with 1h bat, aotUac two daablo. Thomaaon Jot two trtta and -WW walkad throa tlm To 0 tlma ba faood tha hurlor. Tdaoka rnantcd tholr Una up yaawtw an. (hmd Bartl Kind to aao4 haaa and dha-BMIa follow ' tod aBoount of Clmarlt bdth u tb tld and at tha bat i With two dewa la tha flrai. La tlfud a aleil la aantar for tt Kawa. Ha atolt Seaond. A ( OHd to otr ioand baa, but tba Oardnar waa eamrot t rint atiwtoh hta bit" to a doubla. Dulja. ih flrat P ha 'aoooiid waa aa aaa out. Fantraaa to 'Kana. fr alnclod to right Oa adyanood iim a bad with, a irouadw, canton to lean. CfcapaM douatod, aearliur nnf. r.ntaa wont out Mwhoft to Kan. 7 Rlckart poaod Aha third with a atnala V, nnwr. A hit to Wl br Kind nt 1.1. t. third. La wa aa ay out. rantraaa to Kana. ,Th. qoHO waa thoa auoefuilr Oardnar buntad to wBtroM wWlr Wl wooad. Oodnor Mag throw out at tint Dulln .. vuoN la "Want ' carr. lh flrot aaa np la tha fourth. . -itk tho ball. nar aacrlfloid. hapnMa daUbUd. aoprtnd abaorr. Caoro- K grounded out. raatraat to nana.. mm Thor a m. f Tha Rourto got tholr only rwa t tH ru Waimar walbad. Btbioaovar bawo dor mtrf an Baw out ta .IUehort ailvaaood vtannor wiia (rounder. Coorafcaai Oardnar, Cayla aearad WaaUMT Wjtth Tnomaaoa walked. Kn haat out a bwat ftlllnt tha baaaa. bar ioaaJaa went oat uk a M fly to Mrhatt. : Leo opened th eighth lor th Kawa Jry walking. Gardner saertflced. La went to third oa a wild prtoh. and scared aa DulBi stngl to flghti goarat . - . OMAHA. ' . . . ' ., AB.' ' A 1' 1 tMdaon, lf.i..... 4 , - f-o1. rf. rhornaaon. tr.. ...... Kane, lb., f johnaoa, e ........ I , . -anion. !b .. , Nwlioff. at......-..- 1. tv anner, aa I renues. p......... J . HV. p J , eecbaaaorar ......... 1 ' vi r ri ,: I' 1 I 111 - I , I XVtala M I t . ..TOrTJtA. AB. It H. o. B'ca.rL If :.... King. .... Lee. rf......i.... J Uardnar, lb.......d Dulia. .(.. .......... 4 fcnrrry J. ...... .-.m 1 , iar. af.. ... .... - I 4 napnyatt, c . ... ..." a Cocreaank a... 1 I 4 I 1 .1 1 t M f lt 4 . . I S - fc.4 Totals .........Jg ' 1 a- 1 ttottad for ffentraai la tb fifth tasdagj. ' Omaha i . . ' ' ' Rum): ....... I -l ; Hll -L 1 -'l, 1 I B B T'lyiw" r J V.ra..J I I t 1 Seemed to Be Laboring Under a y I I 11 1-w-us.w wakear- I ;i r - ,i . . . ?W., Standing of Teams- WEaT. LEAOL-F1 I NATL LBAOUB. W.UPot W.UPet. Tkanrtr ..II 1 iMNwYork 1 2 M. Joo.,,1 r .tit-One nail I I Oniaha ..II 13 .UiClilraa U J Topka ..IS II ..vjui Pittab in . u D'MolnM II U .co'M. Laul..11 M .01 dloui Cy 1 It .117! pnoton ... 1 J" Urooln. M .Mjfbila :.... t) Jbo WIrWia ,. I H JWI J AMKH. LKAGL't. W UPei urwxiyn i in . AMKH. AMD. W.L.Pot. Chicago ....It .mro)umhua ..a t .Tt Itoiton li .aw. siin ap ua u .auo Wath gioa II II .) Tolodo I JI .a nau.H, 11 II MhV Ml Paul It 111 JflO Potrolt .... Jl 14 ,tl Kan. City... II 17 .414 Phlla M II Milwaukaa .11 w .in Naw Tork.. U & Loulavtil ..! I k Uuia... It .M lod a bulla M N -W Vaovaro Boralta. WEKTKKN UEAQUK. Tapika. ; Oinahat. . . -Drnvar, t; Hloua fitly, f. Llmnln. I; lxa MoJna,4. Wiobita. I; t Joooph, 11. NATIONAL L5A0UB. Boolan. I: ClnlnnuV. 1 HillatlphlarChlra., rain. ayuoklya.; t. 1-nula, . .. -Yorla 4 Pltlaburah. L AMRRICAN LKAOUB. CIalaKlJ4ow tork, rain. -r-.T"! r f(hloo-lhiom,' rafti. ' ftrtrult-Phlladclphl. rain. djU Loula- V aahinaton, rain. .-- AMERICAN A)?IATI0N. t. Paul-Mllwauhaa. rain. Colurnbua-lnillaiuipolla, rata. tulavlu-Toldo, rain. Jalanaapolh. li Kpnaaa City, li , . i ' itHiawa Today. , Waatara laii-Ifmr at Omaha. Wichita at l Molaoa. St. Joaoph at Tuka, Woua City at Unctgoln. National Loaguo-Hoatoa at Cincinnati, PbuadlpMa at Chloaan, Brooklyn at Bl. Loula. Now Tork at Vtttaburgh. , Ainnlrm Lauo Cleveland at rlw Trk. Chicago at Boalon, lMrolt at Phlla deluhla. 8L Laiula at WaaMnalon. Anwrlcaa AaoHalott-M. Paul at nil waukaa, C'olumbua at Indlanapulla, Ixuia rill at Toledo, Mlnnoapoua at Kanaaa Nrbraaka ata Lngao Tromonf at Hupanor, Oolumbu at York. Orand 1 aland at ward, Koarnoy at Hattlnga. aunt utfiM-raiia tny at Aooum. Humboldt at lloatrtcai Nbraka Oty at Hiawalha. Hit J 11111 -N Two-ba bltai Kan Coy I (1), Chap laa ill. Doubt play; Waiinrr to Kan. ID. WUd pltoh: llk'ka. Struck out: By Hioka li by Corrrbam. (I). Haaa on ball' Oft Hlrka 1: oft Cocraham. 1. Hua: Oft KMraaa, in nve inninia; on nicaa, In four Inalim. aialaa) baaaa: Heart ion. King, Lm. Saenno rtl(: tMr, uaro nor. Laft an bau: maaoa, hi Topaaa, 4. Tuni 1.1. Uwiawa: Knaao. ' Aroaad tha tMrralt. Kana raua-ht Mckwt alMplng aft first In th aavrulh. Bartl King Ptaya aa good a gam la tlx Inflald a la th ouUteld. umbo and St. Jph ara having praity bait la for oond piac. uneoln and Wichita aoam to bo bay ing a aim Una OcaUag fur laat piao. ruMirk'a man bar won ta out of th hwt fouruoa uM pktyod. ' A good gait, ralhr! Dwror'c'daya at th top of th Hat r aunibcrad. Thy como today (or a four aajn lartaa. TMa woalbw la aura gd for.wn thing, but what that oom thing ht. Pa IVwk wrahoa to know. . - Waanar wa atllrod In full baaag rrgaMa and gu a ooupia of nt MngiM. luci.lanuily ha nada Omaha a . jujy Chapman had a cknwr knack of tu- ilnar tor trat la order btg Cocrehan an direr tnstaaee. He got Bert Nlehnrt ard on tally hy making a lump, thre feet off th ground and getting otinann enia urow to ra.em aing puiemna win. With three aua aa base la th fifth Inning and two oat Jobnaon earn to bat. Well, you have heard th oM, old tola of "Caaey at tha bat." Nana of tha Kawa were able to f-etlOrbb. rf.. th ball peat Bartl Nlehoff territory aad a couple of weu meant el forte ontasuueii, id... to part of tb visitor weoA tor Bough. Bergneimer, Th Kw polled off a pretty uea ! STJf; ' in th third- With Rlckert on third and f!roni " King on eaoond they both md a dh eaaim. p for the next bag white Unite tapped in , ball gwtly ta Ventre. - I Tauu " Tbomaaoa -reache-1 the lalttal iaikra I very tun setting a. walk thre urnea and aiammia out weM. p laced rJnslee an th two other occauaon. II I became a laminar ngur en tno oasa, however, aa rwooay aeema aoe IM onnp hua arrosa tb niat. Cocrebam snad the only error for To rek, trcanloa era off econd. Corro heta mad a break ta throw the ban 4 aroond, but Instead sent R wward th shortstop Tb ball went way lugr. renka beat B. but wa eaugkt aa he IM luune. It waa a Buod Chano Jto Uke. though. gggoai IM tNlNTW BEAT IIOCX Dearer Mahuta Three Maaa aad Wtaa by uvea ta Ftv. BIOUX CITY. May M.-DnvT made thre runs; la th ninth Inning aa tw ooetlr trora. defrMIng Sioux City, T tea Ma sexes Jock Hendricks and Captain Uadaay were ordered off tha tie Id In th 1 fourth frama for protattlng exililona. HOCX CITT. AB. ft H. O. A. E.I id 111 lid I i 1 I I till ll i ; i i i 1 TT "i i H O. A. E. Ill .11 1 1 11 lid I 1 . It 1 I 1 I i .' i - 1 i 5. .1 Forrall. of. nWimr, rf. . Mvor. It ... Tnnant. lb. Krlllv. lb. .... Mmllh, a. . Andraaa lb. Orandorff, c. Canipb.ll, p. a Total . n f DENVKR. AB. ft. Uoyd. !, ..... Qulllln, ib. .... trail. It-lb.... Caaaldy. rf. .. Kmwortby. ef. Undary, lb. .. Ooffay. a. .... a i Prambot, 0. .., Ffaflor. p Channall. It .. Harrla, p. .... bpahr Schralbar, p. . Total .ballad for llarrt la tha ninth. Mm. v riiw .a t i Ida IWavar 1 I 1 .Twavbaaa hit: . Broaa. Uad. Kan. worthy. CTlflc'lt: Amtraa. Blolrn .aaa: - I.lnaay. Mail, louay txi, vuh Un III. Krnworthy. Caaatdy, Frambaa. HIU: Off Ffaffar. la four Inning' ; ol Harria. t In four Inning. Uaaa on balla. Off ( ampball. I; off rtrffar, I. o(f Harrla. 9. Hinu:k out: Ha tainba L I: by Flvlfar, by Harrla. Ii by iMbrainar, i vnu pltoh: Campball. Faaaad bail: rrambra. lUt b piLcnaa oau: m n. aiyaia. I mat UmWra; Joanatoo, movr blow v-.-cvc!th I. doMgh Baata Wlehtta by Blrraa ta Oa . ST. JOdBTH. May M.-wtohlta fought at. Jaaaok bard today until tha aavanth inning, whan Haul blaw up and waa hit ail ovar too nam. sour; W1CH.TA. AM. H. H. O. t I 1 1 1 1 i ! it i I 4 : , Crlf. If 1 Middloton. cf Davla, rf 4 Hoarmr, ID. ........ a Hugh lb I 1 (kulahan. a I Ma, lb mark. 1 1A aoo. 0...M,,..., I Doyia. p...., 1 FVrry. p 1 Paillraw 1 Rout, p Totala n 1 7 34 . at. jua&ria. AB. K. H. KaUy. lb.,. m4 1 I rvrntU. If . t t 1 Wataon, rf 1.1, awullng, of 1 - I Borton, lb d I I Rrllly. lb. 1 1 Malnka. aa ... . 1 1 A. Ooaarlt, o.. ........... 4 1 I CTutehar. P ... I Total D 11 M It 11 Balled for Perry In eevanth. WlehHa 4 1 - 1 Ht. Jaeepb 1 1 1 I -l Two-baaa htu: Me I). Borton. Wat aon. Three-base hlta: Uoaoett. sacrifice hits: Walaon. Crutcncr. ntolea mm: Kelly U). Kellly Hi. Left on baaaa: WtthtUk I: ft. Joaerh. 1. rMrurk but: By Crutcbw, I; by Doyle. 1: by Perry. I: by iwii. a run oaae on eaua. .iutunr, I: off Doyle. 1: ff IHrry. I; off Rout. 1 Hit by pitched kail: By Crutcher, Craig. Hlta: Off Doyle, ht three Inning; otf Perry. 1 In three Innlnca. Double play: Poyl to Hughe. Hughe to Koernor I Waoob to klaei Paaaed ball: Goaaetu Time: l.Otl, Umpire. Durham and rra- LXMCOL.t. BLANK! Pit . MOlNCt Vtatta-a Plad re fad teeea HIU aad Tew Pteoe, DM MOINrt. la.. May lt-Uncoia found Paaer for aevaa nit today and hut out tb bK-al. I to . tVore. . UNCOLN. . AB. It. It. O. A. t. I I I lit 1111 If I ,.......1 1 11 1 a. 4 .- Ill 1 Miller, cf Cole. lb. J McCorrmck. 41111, 1 7 S ..J I T DE MOINBa AB. R. H. A. E. IHahn. ef. 4 jourtla, if.. coiiuua. 2b. ciaira. th. Thosaaa. lb .4 Korea, 4 Be idea, rf I MrGraw. c I Fa bar, p I labeU 1 '- Totl S I r IT 1 Batted for Mctiraw In th ninth. Lincoln 1 1 a-i Dee Boinea. -o Two-biu hlta: Belden. Miller, gam flc hlia: Millar. Cobb. - lMabte pij-i Kaber to Thornaa to Claire; rsher i Korea to Thomas. Base on balls: Oft Faber, I; ff smith. A Struck out: Hy Faber, '.: by . Hit by pitched bail: MeCormlch. iseolen baae: Cole. Tnomaa. Weft oa base: De Mouses, t, Llncoaa. I Tlma; 1 L Laplr. Uaa-kett MisappreKehsion 0211 07 TUX DBJVIBS EH THE BIO DEC0RATI05 SAT EACH TarMbf' Toddy" Tlff In th Pat racing car, which ha -will drlva In tha o ond annual MO-dtll International Swoap- takaa rac at tba Indianapolis Motor Spaadway aat Memorial day. Tetilaff dror a Loalr la tho flrat rac and met with aa accident whan about half way through. o that although h waa well In the lead at that Urn ha wa unable to flntfh. In bia nat car he I expetd t be on of th chief contendere In th field of thirty startari oa MeawrMI day Caleb Bragg will be lallef drlvw for Totllkff. BLUES HIT BALL SAVAGE! Xxuu Oity Oeta Serenteen Buu and SeTcnteea Safe Hit. . fmixuft TJSE THREE TIXCHEES Olaaatead. Yauat Bad gaaj ' An Treated larwaritalty -hr- iMala, Nana Beta ffe-rtWe Cor- ' rtdoet Lai ad a Hean. KANSAS CITY. Mo.-, May BV-Kansas City beat their hlt-.nd-rua record of Monday la th game with Mlnmmpells her today, getting srwnlssa bit and aa many run. Olmateed. Young and Bag pitched for th visitor and all war treated Impartially by tha lecais, aon bung effectiv. Boor: MINNBArOUa. KANSAS CITT. AS H O A t U H rtrser. at,. I a I Bart-sa, It. 4 I 1 Altltar. ... tilt lavuliar. ST.. 4 4 1 Klnuer. .. 4- 4 t 4 icaaiass. It. 4 1 I willauaa, 1H 4 4 1 ararr. la..... 4 III f l rt I I 4 erarruea. al I I Ma a.... till eo-o-aate. e. 4 I 4 aiua. 1 4 4 4 utemsre, ll t 4 r'kt.eir, Illll twa-alar, dill em. la 4 I J i 4feu. ... l t . OtMead. p. 111 Teas, p. 1 Tattle.....) IT I. sen a.., isttt rerrW J I 4 4 -f. .... N U I Halted for Owen In fifth. Minneapolis 1I1-T Kanaaa City...... Mltltll -lT Two-base hit: Brhaller. Ctymer. O'Con ' nor. Wheel. Barb. Kama run: Corel, i don. Marrtftce bits: Altlser. Corridon ill. Socrtflre fly. Coulaoa. Mulea baei Bar tau 2i. Schaller. Coulaon,- Corridon (SI, O'Connor. Altixer. Hit by rlched balla: CorrMan and Coulaoa. by Young. Hlta: Off Olmstead. I la tour Ibmucs. off Taun. 1 In ame and one-third Inning: off Saa. 7 la two and one-thlrda Inning. Double play: Backatid to Carr to Corridoa ia rvrnrww. Baae on balla: Otf Olm stead. t: off Young. 1 oft tse. 1: off PoIL 4. Struck out: By Olmstead. I; by Young. L br dag, t; by Powell. 1 Wild Dttrhrs: PowelL iag. Left a baea Mlnaeapaltav N KaJiaaa City. 14. First bas on error: Kaaes"Clty. a Tim: 1:1. Vnplrea: Hay and, Erwio, Beatrice Releaeelt Shrlver. BEATRICE. Neb.. May l-1 Special. V- Jack Shriver. who cam here a row weeks ago from Dea - Molnee, la., . Tr , . . " ' i. His work has not baea saMefeotory (. nu, nMan and h waa.ia(orsned re- . . 4 f ' ' it m V, ; ! tcrday that Wa service war n locrfof Hchmidt ad a ane-hended cateo iT Pitcher Preesoa ha been ap pointed soauager tcmporartly of th Drawn MARQUARD BEATS O'TOOLE Oianti This Winning End of Foot to One Score, XASIT PASSES SEVEN PLAYERS Mwrrwy Dei Oa Th Merkl geeare Tw-Bart Oa laortflea HI Tera aairla rilea. WTTSBUBOH, May It-Wlth Marauard prithlog great ball and O Toole eery un tMdy New Turk defeated PlrUburgh to day, Is I O'Tuole paaard van mea. NEW TORK. WTTSBI-hflH. All 11.0 A E AB.H.O.A.E Fevere. If... Jits rr. ... 4 1 I S lierW, r,..4 1 1 I C.iee. B.-. 4 1.1 4 4 iiurniy. rt.. Ill w.i, a,l I u-eu.. l..t t 4 I-HU1UU .. 4 4 4 lrM ... I I MIUr. rww. al I M iwhm i ii 1 1 rf . . I I 4 4 Itrm. ... I 4 -Wl .144 Barteaidi - TsU. .a im Batted for Wagner In ninth. Watted for Wilson In ninth. Batted for O Toole In eighth. Pittsburgh ?!"! New York 1 M Tso-MM hit: Merkl. Th-e-l nit: Murray. Hacrlftc liu: Bnodgraw f;"' flo rilea: matcher. Htoien oaaea: neiij. levore. Merkle. uoudio piay: ,...w-. M-ehi nrat oti balls: Off OToole. 7i off LetOeld, 1; off Mar,,urd. I. Struck out: By O Toole. 4: by Marquard. I. Left on baae: Pittsburgh, a; New York. 1. nrat on error: mi""i j Hlta: Off OToale, 1 In eight Innings; ff IelflM. via on itmmg. iime. -"- Llnvliine 11. mJ ' : won from Hoaton her today, I to The day waa cold, the grounds In bad ..,-... mA ri.1,11 nw errora were fre quent. Both Perdu and Orlffln wen hit hard, while errors peninu r mnw i""--- oostly. Score: AB H O A.I AB.H 0.A.g If.. 4 I 4 4venr za. a , i '....! 114 Onall..eII 14 4 4 Moiui'L lbl 4 14 1 suillT. rf.... 4 lie; a aai. H....I I a s Zf..- . I !. lb .. I 1 I I I V . M. 1 I 1U1TIM. M..... , -a. a M t 1 s lMtDea'e. Bl 4 1 14 MciaeZ .!t r ii SKira. 4 ttri " ZL I-..U.. .... I 4 4 S nrlina. a... 4 4 4 4 4 M 14 H 14 SapiaU 1 4 4 4 k llll I ft-,td far Perdue In tffhth. rSSTnaM I 1 ! J ' V t 1-hJbi- hits: Devlin. Hoblltiel. Kllng. McLean. HI la: Off Perdu, 11 In seven Innlnaa: otf Orirnn. in one um"- mninsv 1 wi.w, - ... - Sacrtrlna nil: Mlltar. Sacrlflc fly: Bea- cher. Double playa: Kllng to - Mcuonaia. Pbelaa to Kg an re HobUtsel. Left on haea: Boston, t. Cincinnati. 1 Plrst base on balls: Off Perdue. 3: off Fromme. t Hit by pitched bull. By Fromme. Sweeney. a,-,wk out: Bv Perdu. I: by Fromme. 1 Wild pitches: Griffin, I Time: l:4 Cni plres. Johnatone nd Eaaon. PX. LAt,iO. lay W. 1 ' llTK II'IUKI, i,w sensational fleldlBg gave ?t. Ixwls Its third straight victory over Brooklyn. BUss spilt a finger In the sixth and re tired In favor of Wing. Bcor: , sr. umjitv BROOKt-TW. AI R 0.1.1 AB H O A kV rMa lb. 4 III Msfaa. If... 4 144 I miH M 4 4 t l sn.irt. .lllli Hnewrer. 4 t I I J J J I K'neteby, 1 wi.ort.-. .... . , - - . It-.. 14 4WMai. B....4 ll fecT.::! i i I ViXl ,Biaa I I I IB.. t...t IU f lersillk. n 4 0Ra-ker. ...! 1 1 wrnss. i t 4 4(vuba ... I 4 4 4 4 Raaaa. .... I ; .41 M It 11 I I ratals ... Batted for Rucker In aighth. St. Lonia Breoktyw . - r 1 Two-baae - hits: rNorthen. 'Kooetcny. Howrer. JTauser. Oake, pneipe. uau- berk Three-baae hft: oaxea. oacruice ru. Smith. "LatKtermlllt Sacrifice nies: Hum mel. Kouanr. etalen bases: dnritb, Moran. Doable plays: Kin to mis ta jeorey. Huggtbs to Konetchy. WBd plth-. R goh., Hit by pitched tall: By Rucker. Konetehy. Re on balls: Off Rucker. 4: off Leiidermltk. 4: Reeon. t Struck out: By Lauder milk. I; by Rucker. t Hits: Otf Rucker. I lh seven innings: oft Ragon. 1 in on Inning Left en baaes: St. Lula. r; Brswkixa. h Lmplra. Klem and Busfa. Watrh Osaaha. Th Lincoln Dally Nw soya. "Jfran time, watch Omaha. The Rourkes lam. med th Topekaa 4 to 1 yesterday. Pitcher Hall bottling me t.ajieus to lour auusr 11 -ts 'rte Roiirkes have won aecen out of their last nln gamea and threaten to be leading th league before th end of the next two weeks.- t . to I ; Ahrtsh Rsuablera W la. I t. athrurht Ramblers defeated the Jhool rterdy. 17 to a Te I feature of the gam were the pitching Swoboda. - Rauerte: Albfisht Rasnblers, Schmidt and Beiding: Madias school. Newvill and Hay. eawtieew. . - Lioubl plT: MWaro, i, neii to .n-o K,lir t I 4 It, a Grand hrand, S. Hiirgts to Kol- ..! I tT 14 to-reete. P- J ,,r. Tbroa-baaa , nw: Lallum. t ! - 2' n 'i ! I I J Two-biso. hits: ' 'SjcKn.b.'- Brwian, , UllleM, p.. ,--, : Rirueb out: P.V Judnon. IV b for The Bee by SEWARD KEEPS OH WINNING Givei Drubbing to Grand Island in 7 to 2 Ball Festival YORK KEEPS TIP ITS GAIT Calaaaaaa Seta Aaolher Trlmmlas by goo af Klaht ta roar Maattaaa lawra Plra Time, Da ta -re Lata. SEWARD 1 . . . . . 8BWARD. Nb.. Ma4-M.-pMlai Telegram-) Seward defeaud Orand Ialaad today In an interesting game. to i, bo-, for a big crowd. After the flrat 'tnniug Wheeler pitched gllt-edaed ball, allowing but three hits In eight Inning. nd one of the, -wore mad by Orand Jsland .wat.du to two batsmen being hit by pitched balls. In th first laning by Wbler. -Be or. ' S.ard 40S,-7I Orand Island IMMlMWII Innnt ' Struck out : Mr u.t,h i: bv Wheelar. 1 Ttatterles: Saward Wheeler and Campfiekt; Orana , .i , i li u rt .ii. m Ana Jukerat. m,.. cef l.irtw,n 9 In tea Inrilnirsi off Hart man, 4 in six timings. Bcorea: off J eaaon. In tour Innings; off Hartman, a a ili inn Inua tuarneu ruosi t; Orand island, 1. . , ' Anprrlur Not' la Poem. SUPERIOR; Neb May .-Specll Telegram.) Fremont took " th first from Superior today "by th one-sided cor of I to 1, Some one has stolen Superior's rabbit foot and whit the taun has the hard hitters, the base run nera and good fielders. It can't get horn with enough of th kind that ' count. Score: ft. H. R. Fremont .... 1 t I M I Mil I Superior .... ' 1-' T ' batteries: TRIaasen na rjii auuer, and ttpellnian. Uuuiir: Uugal. . Maetlnaa' Meat Defeat. HA3TlNoa, Neb.. May W-fSpeclal Telegram.) IlasUngs lost for the first tlma today. Kearney winning, I to a Lots kept the three hits scattered. Her- riots' home run. Scoring Trimble, wa a feature. Score:- R.H.B. Kearney ....1 S 1 1 - Haatlnea .... -t Batterlea: Lota aad Or ay; Haley, ThrailklU and Coe. Defeat for Calasabaa. YORK. Neb., May lt-ISpectal Tele gram.) York ' defeated Columbus this afternoon, I to i Th Yeatura of the game waa th playing of Malmqutet. Score: B H.B. York 1 IIM1I1MI Coiumhus I 1 -4 t V.rrnrm- York. 1: ColumbUS. 3: Bt terlea: York. Jobst aad Kclley; Columbus, Cams and. Burg. . - tkeckrra Eshibitlsa. v..n w Ranka at Detroit. ' Mich. th American checker champion, will give a simultaneous checker and rheaa exhibition at the mas of, th Omaha Checker and cnaas cuu, iu naiaer block, tonight and Friday evening. Rot loatk OaaaM Came. St. Brtdaet' baa bsH ream win play Ht. Francis' base ball team Haturiay afternoon at Thlrty-Uth and r streets. South Omaha. Game will be called at t o'clock. ;' : J Smoke Mfld, Fragrant i""v"" . GIGAR5 of Delicious Flavor Tssa wriO fuad spcial aajiijraaal sa "ESPINA" Clesur Havana The faeorfU braad of hankers, . asrr,hnra, tlalitaiia ana thrs waa want ha saka the best. 70c Straight end 2 for 25c Tanma. tram dear Havana Inbaros the at teasnioa at a canaos I3.l Labaa crap, Made a UOPOLP rWEU. 4k CO. MewYarkaarf aaaa, Fia. O. XX aTXPUSTOSa. MS3 Paraam Street. SUTBJBTTtOB "Bud" Fisher (?) foot Ball Lads to Form Social Ulub A tnrlng revival of Omaha High achool gridiron, huskies win be held FYldaV evening. Iy 1. t tlia horn of Joseph Wookiry. :iil spaldlng street, wnen tna members of the second 1911 foot ball squad of the Capitol hill school ' will gather for general good tlm and r foreshments. The erond team went through laat season with a very cre4itatle record and the In,!-, who were on the squad have decided to organise a foot ball club which will continue liereafter as the "second eleven" of the school. Sixteen ld ur H)Cludd on th roster from last (AIL lorslatnt AilverUatrqr 1 the. Road to Big Return. ' - - - - - . 'A fTieSofl Collar ef CaHlema.1 CORRECTLY styled of apprfX priate color-faat fabrics. Youl can always look neat, freshj cool and comfortable, Blue, helioJ tan, white, gray. All sizes X for a quarter, 25c and Soc eacb at the leading shops. Send to-day for the CothanJ Book de Luxe. TYoa.Ctiy Morts CLOTHES SHOP Th really good dreamer, the man. you mitice as being correct garb-, ed. wears neat appearing clothes . that seem to belong" to him. . Thoo are the-klna of clothe I ; oil. I cult your tndlviuallty. i Her yon will find aa abundant array of patterns la all the latest weave and cloths, at ISO and tSa, 10T Boath lgth Btraet . Baccesaor to ollmar. . Tkt Identifaatio Mark cf i" I ih A 1 ! 1.,