THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. MAY 17. lf12. s & ( Nebraska Nebraska RECEIVERSHIP THREATENED Lw, Nebraska Nebraska Equitable Endowment Association Xust Improre Finances. gives uiixiL nasi or mouth State Aedlter Bartaa VmIIIn Offi cers mt Oaee Premtelaia; t m anny Mm 9atlsfaetery Prsagess Reealresl. (From a Stsff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. May It- (Special. -Stat Auditor Barton hai notified the of tl cars of the Equitable Endowment aaaoctatlon of Oinaha that they muat get the affaire of he company in shape by J una 1 or he will apply for a receiver for tha com pany The auditor refused the company a license last year, and it has written no new business since that ttraa. but tte officers were given time to gret affairs In snspe either to go ahead on a aound basis, reinsure anh close up or settle Its affairs without the expense of a receiv crslilp. According to the auditor satisfactory progress alone this line has not been made and ha mill not delay loncer than June 1. W. H. Wlfton u the active offi cial of trie company, snd a number of prominent Nebraskans have been con nected with It. It has net book assets of but the auditor takea ex- ccptiona to many of them, among them some of the notes from policyholders and some luana of company funds. Trte com lany atartej May 4. 1905, to do mu tual life linsoranct business. Ryaa-Plvaaka (aec Set. The Ryan-Plvonka rase has been set by the supreme court for argument lot the sitting of June i. The court asks the rttorneys to discuss this time two legal points, first, whether the law extending the terms of office of Bouth Omaha of ficials was legally adopted. The district court lias declared this section of the c I arter Invalid, but the supreme court has not petard on It. Second If the section stcmllng the terms of office is invalid what effect does the expiration of the terms of office of the defendants hsve on the ouster proceedings brought against them as police commissioners? Briefs In the case are to be served Mar 3. Attorneys Involved In the case brought by Frank lams to test the validity of the s'sllton registration law are bating hard time agreeing on a time for bearing. Assistant Attorney General Ayree, who represents the registration board la ready at any time, but John L. Webster of Omaha, W. A. Prince of Grand Island and T. J. Doyle of this city. who. repre sent the other side, never seem to be able to attend to It at the same time. It probably will be heard, however, some time next week. T. L. Hall of the railway commission will go to Plain view Tuesday of next week to hear tha complaint of Fred H. Free and other residents of ttiat plaos ecslnst the depot facilities afforded by Hie Northwestern and Burllng-ton roads. One thing the Plalnvlew people) want la a union station and the ralltroada chal lenge the right of the commission to make order, Mr. Hall has) found some court decisions which ha thinks sustslna this right, but this, of course, cities not effect the question of tha reason, ahleneas of the present demand, which la a matter to be settled by evidence. Commissioner Clark want to Albion to night and tomorrow will hear the cgonV Ilalnt of George W. Williams and others against the Northwestern road, alleging Insufficient depot faculties. tens-lets Arrive at Kearsey, The two cgonvlcts who went to Kear r.y to work at the tuberculosis hospital arrived at their destination all rlgtlt. even If they did go without any guard. They are reported to be doing good work earing for the grounds and to be liappy and contended. There is about five acres of lawn, some flower beds and six acres of garden to care for and in case this does not keep them bus)-, there Is plenty of other things at which they can be put to work. County Commisslonsr P. E. Elsasser of I'ouglaa county has written Land Com missioner Cowles that ha has visited the tuberculosis hospital at Kearney and found things there In excel lent shape and evidently Mrs. Maddox was niiatakan In the statements on which the commis sioner predicated a previous letter to tha state authorities complaining of condi tions at the hospital. He takes back all the rem ark a be made and elves tha hospital much praise. The supreme court this morning gave the attorney general permission to file the mandamus suit to compel the Omaha Xtreet Railway company to submit to a physical valuation of its property by the Railway commission. Under the rules o ft he court answer day Is June 17. Republican Suite Chairman John L i.ennedy has written to members of the state committee that a meeting; will be held with the state candidates on June 2, which la Immediately following the na tional convention. ' Tue National Guard authorities are wondering Is there Is any way In which they can be reimbursed for the J6M.M paid as per diem to guar dame n and ta for train lo take them to the prison at the time Gray. Dowd and M or Icy made their break for liberty. Owing- to the loss by fire of equipment of the four Omaha companies the guard funds sra decidedly low and this amount would come handy. Governor Aldiich will be a busy man during May as the following dates will show: May IS, Dunbar; 17, Table Bock, it and 1, WalthlU; a, st Paul; An, ley; 3. Alliance: ft Grafton: 21. Sterling: June 1 Omaha, all tor commencement addresses; May M, Memorial day. at Tel mad ge, and June an address before the State eLague of Building and Loan as sodstlons. Measra. Reed and Hum of the engineer. Ing department of the railway commission are out along tne I'nlon Pacific railway checking over terminal values. Tha com pany requested this, owing to tho differ ences between the original ftg-jm of the commission and those of the assessor. The Douglas county returns of ths re sults of the primary of April were re ceived this morning by the secretary of sute. The state tabulation was com pleted with this exception, snd clerks In the oKlee set to work to complete the task, and it Is expected certificates of nomination will be is line within a few days. Alexander Matthews, a druggist of Cal laway, has appealed to the supreme court from a verdict ef II jet damages awarded David E. Moses. The suit was based on the charge that Etta U Mosea. wife of lbs plaintiff, sent to file druaj store for v some cream of tarter and John Chrts tofcreoa. who is sot a registered phar mectsc sold tartar emetic Instead. Mrs. Moses took some of the drug and died enty hours thereafter. Matthews de nied that Chrlstoferaoa was his agent In the aale and a'so that the tartar emetc was a poison and the cause of the death of Mrs, Moses. This was May festival day for the public schools and they celebrated it with ex ercises at the ball park. There were ex hibition of folk dancing, drills and athletic stunts by the pupils of the school and in addition to the children there were a large number of parents and other Interested ones at ths exercises. Louts H. Stelger of Fall-mount was to day fined S0C or thirty days Imprisonment for sending obscene matter through the mails, lie pleaded guilty to the charge, which consisted of sending a letter to a young woman, the letter containing ob jectionable matter. The county attorney iiaa commenced suit to recover form Julius Schlff the sum of n.ont. Schiff went on tlie bond of Grant Hurah. accused of the shooting of Mra Rys and failed to appear for trial. Huron Is the brother of Pessa Hursh. caused the arreat of Dr. Townaend on the charge of performing an Illegal operation and during the trial of the doctor created a sensation by shooting at Tom Hawkins. the alleged betrayer of Deesie. He was tried and acquitted for this. CENTRAL CITY WILL HAVE SCHOOL BOND ELECTION CENTRAL CITT. Neb.. May IsWSoe clal.r Shall the Central City school dis trict Issue fco.000 in bonds to provide funds for the building of a new high school and a new ward school? This is a queatlon that has been subjected to much discussion during the last few months and the members of the school district hsve decided to put It up to the people at a special election. At a meet ing of the board Tuesday night the date of such election was set for June . 112. and the amount of bonds to be voted for at S&OOO. The plan provides for the erec tion of a new brick ward school house on the north side grounds and a high school building on tha south side to cost approximately 136,000. The extra JMO0 would be authorised to be used If neces sary for the purohase of ground adjoin ing tha present high school tract. The plan to be submitted provides that none of the bonds shall be taken up nor any tax levied to take them up until ths year 1K1, when a tax la to be levied to create sinking fund for the redemption of the bonds. The bonds mature In 1M7, but may be redeemed st the option of the school district any time after ten years from ths dste of Issue. TWO MARRIAGES AND ONE j DIVORCE AT BEATRICE BEATRICE, Neb.. Msy If. t Special.) Henry Herman and Miss Anna Schuette of Hanover, Kan., were married Tuesday evening by Rev. R. M. Badger. They will make their home at Bherbum. Minn. Henry Sharer, who had been employed with tha local gas company for the last three years, died last night st s local hospital, where he recently underwent an operation for appendicitis. Hs waa years of see. The body will be taken to his old home at Highland, Kan., for In terment. v William G. Hass of Milwaukee and Miss Clara Locker of La Crosse. Wis. were married hers yesterday by County Judge WaMen. Mrs. Mary Schultx and daughter Berths and Mr. and Mrs. John Quapp departed yesterday for West Prussia, where thev will spend the summer. Mrs. Mas Blckett of Liberty, thla county, was granted a decree of divorce yesterday by Judge Pemberton from A. R, Blckett on ths grounds of cruelty and desertion. She waa allowed (MA alimony and ths defendant was ordered to pay the costs of the suit. Governor and Bishop to Lay Cornerstone at Central City CENTRAL CITT. Neb.. May IS (Spe cial. V Extensive preparations are being made for the celebration attending the laying of the cornerstone of the new Merrick county court house, which occurs Wednesday afternoon. May E. The cere monies will be in charge of the offlcera of the grand lodge of the Ancient. Free and Accepted Masons, upon the Invitation of the board of supervisors. Promptly at 3 o'clock In the afternoon the proces sion will form at the Masonic hall under the direction of the grand marshal. The procession will be headed by the Second regiment baind. Nebraska National guard. Then will follow the cltisens and mem bers of civic societies and organisations desiring to take part In the parade, mem bers of the Masonic fraternity, grand lodge. Ancient Kree and Accepted Masons, with Knights Templar as es corts. At the high school grounds, teach ers and pupils of the schools will Join the procession. The procession will move through the principal streets of Central City snd will arrive at the high school grounds st about 3 o'clock, where the fol lowing program will be carried out: Music, by the band. Laying the cornerstone. Address, Governor i H. Alrtri, h. Oration. Bishop George Beecher of Kearney. Benediction. Humboldt Man Dies of Lockjaw HUMBOLDT, Neb.. Mae ..-pei'laD John Meimer. who was seriously hurt in a runaway accident on May 5. was taken suddenly with lockjaw Saturday and gradually grew worse until yesterday, when he pa.-sed out of this life. In the accident Mr. Mrtster was dragged by tu team about half a mile when his head struck with such force against the ground as to render him un j conscious. Mr. Meister was taken 'to his home and tenderly cared for. but without avail. Dei-eased wa about M years old. a pioneer and respected cltis:i of Richardson county and leaves eight children, five boys and three girls. Mr. Meister was born In Swltxcrland ,'nly It. ISf, came to Ohio in UTi and to Hum boldt In Its:. In IVocnibcr. IRS?, he wae married to Mrs. Mary tiunsenhauser. wto Idled In September. 1S9X. The funeral will be held from the home Krtday. Bellevae Notes. Rev. Q. W. Wadsworth of Denver, former president of Bellevue college, was at Bellevue Wednesday morning on his way to the meeting of the general a sembty at Louisville, Ky., and addressed the students In charge, where he was warmly welcomed. Dr. Wadsworth 1 now traveling In the Interests of Ibe Presbyterian Temperance society. Mnm Jessie M. McCleen of the depart ment of English at Ames college Is 1n Bellevue visiting st the home of Mrs. W. B. Leonard. Miss McClean was for a long time assistant In the English de partment at Bellevue. The Peru Normalites won from the Bellevue nine tn a loose game at Belli: vue Monday afternoon by ths score of t to L The base ball and track teams will o to T ark to Friday night, where a double athletic event track meet In the morning and base ball game In the afternoon will be held against the Misiourians. MAN STRUCK BY TRAIN NEAR WEEPING WATER WEBPI.NO WATKR. Neb. May 11 (Sperlsl.r Abe Branson, a laboring man. was knocked off the railroad track and seriously Injured this morning. Rranson waa coming In to work and waa In v deep cut southeast of town. He stepped oft one track to avoid a freight train going east and stepped over on another track as the morning passenger pulled In. It was within six feet o fhlm before he noticed. He was pitched headlong to one side, striking on his forehead. The ribs on his left side were fractured and he had deep euta on his head and bruises over the body. He will recover. Mayer Bros, of Ashland. O.. were her this week closing up a deal tor the old Reed stone quarry and lands adjacent The company securing the land will op erate a quarry with modern machlnarv and will have same here as soon as pos sible. It Is said to Include a large plant for making lime ami other products from the stone. I Awfemeblle flab at Palrker. FAIRBI KY. Neb.. May M.-Hpeclal.)- A large number of automobile owners In Fairbury and Jefferson county held a meeting In the Commercial club rooms snd orgsnlsed the Jrffcnton County Au tomobile club. The officers elected are: President, W. T. Cratnb; secretary -treasurer, Arthur Weyer: general road ovor seer, J. W. McDonnell. The object of the club Is to bring about better roads In this county. A number of road drigs will be built at once and placed In serv ice. The club will supersede thi good roads committee of the Falrbury Commercial club and which did so much good In this county. Geneva Man Named Department Head BKATIUCE. Neb.. May ic.-i8ircril Telegram.) At the closing fwvslun of the Grand Army emumpment thi.i ftomoi.n J Fremont was selected as the plac lw j hording; the next encampment. Resolutions were paMed endorsing j tell it C. E. Adams of Pupertorfor com- I ma nder-ln -chief of the Grand Army i-i I.91S. Resolutions were nasurd extendi iv-! a vote of thanks to BeatrUc eltlie-ns fw the manner tn which the riologatcs entertained while In the city. The following Grand Armv officer were elected: Department commander, M. V. Kins;. Geneva: senior vice commander. George O. Humphrey, Grand Inland; Junior vice I commander. S. A. Isaacs. Teeumseh; m.dlcal director. Fred Brother. Beatrice: chaplain. P. C. Johnson. Teeumseh. Officers of the ladiea of the Grand Army of the Republic: Department counsellor, Mrs. Caroline H. Putnam. IJncoln: president. Mrs. Nora Kidder, iScribner; senior vice president, Mra. Masraie Hopper, Omaha: Junior vie president. Mrs. Louisa Fisher, Greenwood; treasurer Mrs. or fMener. hyracu; chaplain. Mrs. Minerva Putnam. Uncoln: council of administration. Miss Jennie Ijosey, Uncoln: Mrs. Flora A. Nelson, Ord: Mrs. I-ottle Faion. Llmoln. Woman's Relief corps officers. Depart ment president. Miss Plea nor Ackerman. AalitHWorth; senior vice president. Miss Msry Klramerly, Beatrice; junior vice president. Mrs. Cameron, Falls City treasurer. Miss Josie Bennett. Harvard; chaplain. Mrs. Nettle Johnson. Fullerton. Board of administration. Mrs. Addle Hough. Omaha: Mrs. Margaret Picker ing, Ashland: Mrs. Nancy Sanders. Falr bury; Mrs. Ohlhelser, (laMlncs; Mrs.. Anna F. Church. North Platte. The officers were Installed this rven'nr brfora the encampment closed: Delegates to the national Grand Army of tha Republic encampment: J. H. IIosk land. North Platte: Judson Hurwell. Junlatta; Andy Traynor, Omaha: J. '. Fletcher. Beatrice; Louis lsleur, Papll llon; II. W. George, Broken Bow; James rtt even son. Lincoln; P.. J. Adams. (Su perior: W. F. Ware. Plymouth. W. R. C. delegates: Mra. Belle Young, Hupertor. deegateat-large; Mrs. Matlle Rhoades. Buskett; Mrs. Minerva Burhuell, Fremont; Mrs. Ada Heine. Hooper; Mrs. Jennie Traynor. Omaha; Miss Ruby Mar- rlman, Hastings. Delegates for tha ladles of ihe Grand Army of the Republic: Mrs. Ora Hart man. Kearney: Mrs. Minnie Kinder, Scribner; Mrs. Lot Or Faxon. Lincoln: Mrs. Mary Kamher, lUucoliv Beatrice Takes Opener of Series Ml M BOLDT, Neb.. May Ifc -(Special Telecram.f Humb-'ldt opened a series of three games with Beat rice this afternoon and won by the score of 3 t 1 An error in the first tuning K-tvc Humboldt a ! a J which Beatrice could nl overcome. Tliu score; R. 11. Humboldt .. A H 4 tt 0 1--3 6 1 Restrict ... v O 0 0 I 0 o t I 10 i Batteries: Humboldt. 1-ark and Dh'U; Heat rice. Boa hay and Danow. HIAWATHA. hii. May K-iSpeciu. Telegram.r-Nbrasl-.a 1'itv won another game from Hiawathft toda . Hiawatha had strengthened their team contderablc for this game. Score; Nebraska City .. 1 o o 0 : 1--I Hiawatha o 0 o ' o 0 0 0-3 Batteries: Nebraska City. R;iode and Goldwaith; Hlnwatlia. Smith su i Hui mony. At Bl'RN. Neb.. May 1. - tSvil Tele gram., Falls Citv defeated t!te Amnttn tram In a lis id foUKht K8m- Store: Falls CUy u n i1 0 a Q-i Auburn 0 li V !( V V o-l BhtterU: Falls ctly. Waller and Slue lok; Auburn, Vole and K rui lunger. i kadrw) CuiMuirrrlnl i Int. Fleets. CHADIto.N. Neb., May Hi.- iSpecuil.) The Cltadion Commercial club elected th following ofilcers for the ensuing year: President. O. J. Scbwciger; secretary, W. P, Uooncy; tre.isuir. J. Kaas; executive committer, W illiam Chisholm. W. A. Co mean. L. W. Gorton. VY. S. Glllam, U . A. Hirdsall. NERVOUS, DEBILITATED and RUN-DOWN A Break for l.llerty from stomach, liver and kidney trouble if made when a 2c box of Dr. Kings New Life Pills Is bought. Why suffer? For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Outings iHV 3a "DAISE the cover from a I A -l-V steaming dish of FAUST fli Y ;M SPAGHETTI and watch the KMX ) smile run 'round the table. To keep the family smiling, repeat $N' I In e ssHMe issesasas 1 1 ll 1 ttt rSwv 0es0VrSa I Bit SsT. MAUU. BBOS. SI. Lsmla. Ma. l y ALMOST FRANTIC WITH Began with Itching. Spread TaiL fingflrt Fairly Bled. Cried Night and Day. Tried Cuticura Soap and Ointment and Was Entirely Cured. Cel. "Bight Tears age I get eesscaa all ersr my heeds, efj fingers tairtr Med aaa it Hcaea nets II alsaost arm aw rreatte. Tne erusnoa began with tsassag under the sida. It spread last frees between ths nagera erased the seas and all srer the whole sands, t get a pets el rubber stores la order to wean duties. Then It spread all ersr the left ties el air cheat. I ensd sight sad dar. Then I derided to trr Cuusure Boas and Otntaest. hut without Bach hops as I had goes so long. There was a seertted ehsnes the second day. asd so ea eaoa I was entirely" eared. TheCua surs aoss we hare slwsrs kswt ia sur some, aad we dsdded sler that lesson that k a a rwees sneo !a eras aad the Terr hast fa ousntr. Mr husband snB use as ether soap ta his shsnag swg. " t hses atwert uses Cuttema Soap asd as afha? tar err beer, and he has aeeer had a tare of ear kind. Be doss not wees chafe as ssesl babies do. 1 test that it is all owing to Caateara Sees (or he tne aad health. sssalas aid wea a snss a It make, ery heart aroe W r d see s sweet tseed soy with ths whols lop st tu head a esild eases at sftsn. sshsss by toe ass as soar sson. I ttwses laimsssnsil Catlrota, and Bass lutes out at tea the aeil rhse I see the atothsr she ears 'Obi f asa so gjad yea MM no of CwU eura. (faaned) Mis O. aeibf . Job. Is. 'II. Cntieats, tea aad Oia ent era soid hem. gaapis of e . lasM Iras. WW SVp. bet, address. Ass. T. IHe saa. Tender-teeee Boys Require Well Made Shoes They fire their ghon tne haraest wear tad! thouU be provided tbe kind that will stand the severest strain. Nine O'Clock School Shoes for Boys and Girls re made el the hifhest quality leather and sewed by the re-inforced McKay process, which meant t kner life and more wear than yon can et dom other shoe. All children should wear 9 O'Clock School Sheet and save the coupons to help get Baft for their school. Ask your shoe dealer about our flaf plan. Free A History of Our Flag A beautifully illustrated htthTke History of Our Flag, by Francis Scott Key ird, will be mailed free to every child sending 2 cents for postage Send for your . ,' fofiy today and state name of your dealer. 'i i i i i i in i i i . . i i Do you enjoy O ) Clintting mountains JJ Fishing -for "trout II Hunting li g&me Camping out O Getting a coat of tan Two weeks, or longer, in the cool, invigorating air of the Colorado Rockies will give you a new lease of life. Low-fare Excursions on the Santa Fe all summer. Fast trains. Fred Harvey meals. Double tracks. One hundred miles' view of the Rockies. After teeing Colorado, go down to the old city of Santa FiS, New Mexico, and then on to the Grand Canyon of Arizona. Ask for aur Summer outing folders "A Colorado Summer," "Old-New Santa ft," and "Titan of Chasnia.'i bjmiirt frlncr. Oe. tfft.. 3 1 5 ;ih St.. 1. tfAiftiv. os. Tsau, Wilsut Jil. Either the Kt Cure or Tona Vita Will Build You Cp Again. If you are nervous, debilitated, and run down In health, there are two things you can do to bring back jour s'.rength snd vitality. Ton can go to a sanitarium and take the it-.t . jre or vou in secun the great modem tonic "Tona Vita" and let It build you up and furnish new nourish ment for your shsttered nerves. If you knew what wonderful resuKa hsve J' -u oir.uilshed b "Tona Vita" since physicians first Introduced U !r this country jou would mueh rather take this tonic thsn to go to any sanitarium on earth. Here Is a statament from Mr. J. B. House of 1 Twentieth Ave.. Mil waukee. Wis. who has tried "Tona Vita." "I was all run down. Intensely nervous ami suffered with the most violent headaches. I felt tired and d'lll all day. mv hody seemed benumbed at times, and I did not sleep well. My di gestion waa Imperfect and 1 was contin ually constipated. As soon as I ate any thing my atomach filed with gas and I waa distressed ir a half hour or more. I My mind was dull and my memory verr) poor. I contracted a cold ttslly and suf-j fered with severe coughs. Sometime ago I talked with a physician who advised me! to take 'Tons Vila.' I did It and ami I i.d for the trrdldne wss wonder-; fui in m- case. I feel as though I hadi j a new learn on life. Mr ambition has re-; ' turned as well as mjr strength andj I energy. I now sleep ws'l and get up in the! ! n orning feeling cheerful and ready for! f vv.-S. ' i"Vy wife was also run down and nerv ous, .'he started taking the medicine I !.-n It began to help ma He Improve ment baa leen fine and so is now In good health." If you are run down and haven't snsuss. strength It la wur own fault If yew feeA miserable a dsy longer, when you rasa get auch a preparation as "Ton Yltw." Sherman M."onnell Drug Co, Ktsj and lodge: Owl Drug To.. Ith and Har ney: Harvard Pharmacy. J4th and Far" nam Sta.. and I-oyel Pharmacy. - North Wth St.. la the agent tor Tonal Vita In Omaha and will refund the por-i chase prt e If It Is not entirely -satis-) factory. The pin,ed Formula Co., Peyton. O. I Friday r 'jcTi rrniiv All Millinery Just Hall! Your Unrestricted Choice of All Trimmed Was-A Unlrimmed Hats Just Half Regular Price And you have thi host stock of all desirable millinery you ever aeon for wolt'ction. No Hat Reserved. Selecet the one you Want and Pay Just Half Marked Price. One lot of Untrimmed Hats 500 to select from, 7 n Values up to $1.60, go at, choice JjC iz: YOUR UNRESTRICTED CHOICE OF ANY Woman's In our store Skirts worth up to $15.00 See our windows . ,.... y- The broom that weep cleanest. cars longest aad i easiest to ate is bs IXE. Full, firm ip, strong stitching, .roper balance, tandsorae finish, no .limping of broom straw these are some of its superior features. THE LEC BROOM is soid by four dealer. When you order, jay "Send me a UZ broom." Yoa caa get the right kind for soy asa aad your weeping tasks will be vastly easier. LET BROOM et OUSTER COMPIW Boston. Mass. fjaveapert. Is L-ecola.Xeh. mmm old? I it put up in Amber bott'ea so the raya of the auo cannot de stroy its purity or give tt a disagreeable taete. Old Age la made from the rOKt Unit TTl . tmri. I- i. . . - " I L is DOl simply a beer of quality, but a beer of double quality. Family Trade Supplied by: South Omaha VYM. JETTK1L I'hoae So. sea. Omaha HTGO V. BILZ. 1321 DoIb St, Phone Doug. J542. Jetter Brewing Go. SOITH OH.IHA. XEB. "! .'! :'i sm, nh Oitsaira