Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 17, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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: I
S; 12 ; THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. MAY 17. 1P12. ---
' ' v . s-eas-e-ees-asai
I. !! 1 il - J
esnssws-m - r. I VI
- -Trfl if l "1 rnS
Extraordinary Bargains
In this Special Sale of
Th special values we offer will mean a saving of
dollars to economical women Friday
A Bargain Special in
Plain and fancy dress and wniotinR silks, also tilksfor
petticoats. Blips, linings, etc i'oulardr, merssalines,
Peau de Keine. pongee silks, silk poplins, worth QEm
69c to 85c a yard all go on bargain square, yd.. . .
Rare Values ta Dress Goods
Beautiful dress good la klrt and
misses' and cb Idrea dress z
piece ii; Inchea wide bargain
tITK.I hl'M i.ll-All wool
costume serges In faahlonablo
street shade o! navy and Ian
PtTl VlltfUTV : 'l ' J mw
i rd Mii l
Strictly all wool Imported. MMncb domestic dreaa gooda. tailor
and mannish suitings, whipcords, diagonals, ate., In very effectlva
colorings, worth $1.50 to 12; special, per yrd...79Q and
Summer Fabrics Specially Priced
Exclusive Kflcure Voiles and Voile Messidor (imported)
Silk Jac)uards, 40-in. Voiles, beautiful Foulards, Piques,
Stripe Dress Linens, etc., well worth 50c to
u'Oc, on Hiirgain Square, at a yard
Scotch and French Ginghams, SO U 50 inches wide, a, yard 250
. Hundrtdg of Sample Places and Remnants
Allovers, Edfes, Medallions, Appliques
Also Bands, Yokes and Festoons-wonderful bargains,
in 3 big lots, at a yard and each 15c, 25c and 50c
75c Embroidered Flouncing tt, yard, 30c
Salsa Nainsook and Cambric. 17 Inch wlda; also 24-Inch allover
embroideries, wide bands and galloons shoic new designs
worth 7 to on bargain square at, yard U9C
Moiiium and wide embroidery
edgings and Insertions, hun
dreds or pretty patterns In ei
eellent needlework; worth Sue
-rat, yard 100
Fancy Linen Bargains
Pure Linen Crash at 60 yard 17 inch wide-splendid
absorbent quality, on Bale, in basement, at per Cm
yard 'C
78e Bath Ruga SOc Beautiful Turkish Ruga la a beautiful rang
f colors and attractive designa limit of two to a customer
at. each
large slse bleached bath towels,
slie 1140, hemmed ends,
worth 15; special Friday, at
each ... 100
Notable Basement Specials in
Men's and Boys' Clothing
Big Wall Paper Bargains
Every Friday during the season we place on sale special bar
gains In spring wall paper. For tomorrow we have four big epe
clals at last half price.
10 patterns of. new spring pa
pers, auitable for most suy
room; worth to 8c; O
Friday, at. roll ..... ww
Beautiful Bed Room papers la
new stripe snd floral effects
cat oat borders to match; reg
ular :0c values, Fri-
day. at, roll ...
BrandeU are showing a complete variety of
beautiful patterns in Serpentine Crepe now
being advertised in the Omaha Daily Bee.
00 beautiful mid-summer Model Hats from the shew rooms of
8usaaae Talbot, Camllle Rogers, Georgette and other noted French
designers, la popular summer styles aad worth f Z, iZi t .
and $30; go oa sale Saturday at the remarkable price of. j
ci lor
to iv jarus --
squsre at. yard,
Imported matched pleres of all
wool dreaa gooda. 3 to 10 or a
k nd sold at a traction or
their worth at. each. ..35c
Odd lota and short ends of
French Val and fancy wash
laces, Insertions and embroid
ery edgings; worth up to So
special at, yard 2t
Mill snds Turkey red damask
very best quality, oil boiled
Hi to Stt-yard lengths, worth
B Sic at, yard 390
suit lengths, also fin P'ecc 'r
Boys $3.50 Summer Suit S 1
Boys' $3.80 Top Coats. . . .
These suits and top oouts come in
smart, snappy styles and are broken
' sizes from our $3.50 and $4
lines good materials in
popular shades and pat
terns that are extraordi
nary values at this fr (JO
special price vlsi70
' SUITS $8.50
Smart, practical suits mado
of an excellent weight,
dark blue Herge hand fin
ished and well worth $15,
on sale at $8.50
Boys All Wool .Knlcker-
borker I'anta, various colon
and patterns, $1.00 values.
at 40
Boys' Base Ball Suits, blue aud
white and grey and red, com
plete, at 500
Beautiful light and dark papers
for dining rooms, parlors, etc..
worth to 18c, Friday,
at, roll
New Gold Papers, a big selec
tion of the new spring styles
worth up to 20c, while they
last, special, at, per f 1
roll leC
-operlr requires both sxpe-'
"ce and great care. Tiny a
.1 Dry Cleaned first and t'nos
--itauilr.g grate or perspirsti'
alna or are otherwise tlao!
:rd muet be wt rieansd.
But Wet Cleaning
As We Do It
ik not Injure the ffooda. It i
. in impoMiblft aftr a girnie
fint?h?J to tU whUh mtl.u
A. t)Cl lUHKl.
- k(u sec th dry clean in c; It,
it, en out all f the moi and ut-,
;d the wet rtaiiuer, who lsa,.
ti h icarmiit by hand,, doe u
tv to use the harsh fiiet!K.
' . the laundry or wash woman
Just enough finlh met starch .
i added to Rive It the feel at
k ot new .jroods. And vu
renera hnow well how to pa
n the flniehtne; touch.
Oh, we know the cleaning bual
.033! ' .
UoodGuanersand Dyer
1515-17 JONES ST.'
PnoNis toucus963lND.Ar3168
When you
irucu JUU rj
consider that n
is the dairy bread
of milBom you'll
admit the loaf
must lira up to
Hs naino and bo
really "Tip-Top."
In the opinion of
al who have tried
'- Tip-Top, it has
do equal
Try it and test this
100 Cherries
100 Apples
100 Plums
faaawsaaawawaaaS wawaaBaBwaaBBBBBBwaaaBBaBBaaBB)
On Saturday While
15c, 2 for 25c
A few Currants and
Strawberry Plants, Dunlaps,
100 for 50c
To Close Out Bulbs.
Tuberoses, per dos....25c
Gladiolias, per doz....25c
Dahlias, per doz. ... .$1.00
Honeysuckles,- 10c; 3 for 25c
'e Carry Everything for
the Garden.
Don't buy any Rubber
Hose until vou have seen our
hose and prices.
Seeds That Grow
Need Any?
The Nebriska Seed Co.
Phone 1) 1'Jfll. 1613 Howard 84.
It la easier te arenrvt the eater of the
hair thaa te rwtere It, altaeuch It la pas
sible te ee both. Our grandmother! un
derstood the secret. They made a "seat
' tea." and their 4ark. gloaay hair toaa
I after middle Ufa waa due te thai fact,
i Our mot ben have gray ham beten they
, are fifty, bat they are Wcltmlnc te ap
pnetots the wledoai ot ear crmadmethere
ia onf"eaw tea" for their hair aad
!are fan foUowtnc suU.
The present I'umllw baa the advaa
' face ef the seat in that tt caa set a
I rea'jr-ta-iiee srapararloa called ffyeth'a
ISae aad aulphar Hair Reaied). Aa a
scalp tonic aad color restorer this pree
I aratlea la vastly uporlor te the erdlnary
aa tea made ky our grandmothera.
The growth aad beamy of tho hair Oe
eada oa a healtby eeadidoa of the scalp.
Wxtk gwo aad Starshvr Hair Kenedy
guickiy knit the dandrarr geraia which
rob the hair of He Ufa, color and lostra.
makow the scalp aleaa and healthy, glvee
the hair atrength, color and boaitty. aad
makes It grow.
Cot a SA cent bottle from your drusdat
today. Ho win give year oMney back at
you are a satlafled after a fair trUV
II I 1
Light Lancheoas a Specialty at tiur 8oda Foun
tain. .. Also. aU Klmls
If We Had Paid Full
Price for These Suits
They Would Have Been
$19.50 to $25 Instead
We urge you to aee these suits early Friday, it
possible, before the choicest in the lot are snapped op.
They are new and smart looking down to the last de
tail; the materials are ot the best quality in weave
and coloring and the tailoring and finish could not
be Improved upon even by your own
The most ef them are in plain
made of tropical weight tan and
and striped cloths In both light and
All sizes In the aasortment.
A small lot of Junior tailor
ed suits tn black and white
shepherd checked designs
and plain colors, sizes 13
and 15. $10 values. Friday.
they last.
Dress Skirts
100 wool drees skirts
in several of the lat
est models; . plain
colors, fancy mix
tures, etc., worth tip
to I7.bO.CC7 QO
Friday . .LmZO
Women's and
plainly tailored and
novelty coals In tans f
and navies, a broken'
lot, to close, Frl-
$1.50 Lingerie Waists. 95c
A great variety of high and low neck
styles with open fronts or backs; some
finished with peplum; lace and embroid
ery trimmed; regular $1.50 values, Fri
day, 95c each.
- House Dresses
One lot of house dresses of striped
and figured percales tn square and
high neck styles; sixes 40, 42 and
light and medium colors;
11.25 values
$10.00 Maternity Skirts at $4.95
About two doxen wool panama maternity skirts In black and navy
shades of the latest and best patented fine-form styles; actual fiu.oo
values at If you purchaae Friday.
18c Serpentine Crepes at 121c
These are mill ends ot the genuine Serpentine crepe and you can
find their trade mark -stamped on the selvage of every yard. All
are this season's best patterns and colorings In lengths varying from
two to ten yards. ' The price ot 12 He (s for Friday's selling only.
Buy Lawn Mowers Here
Before you purchaae
lawn mower . we want to
show you a new Una w
now bav on sale. Built on
entirely new principles,
san be oaatly adjusted by
child. Is guaranteed for two
years. S4.& to 48.00.
A good 14-Inch lawn
mower, guaranteed for one
year; on sale Friday at..
Are CutPricaDausinThe
Big Pure rood Grocery
ajoal for
Three large cans Cot
taa-e milk and IS
atampa S&e
Larce bottle Blue Label
catsup and ID et'pe. lea
x-lh. can Bennett'a Cap
ital baking powder aixi
100 atampa $-00
ioautt't'Copltot flour,
tack gl JO
Branett's Beet coffee
end IS atampa. lb. Wo
t Ibe. Bennett's Beet cof-
. fee and S etanipa. gi
Flat oaa
olive oil
Onion aalt and 1 at'pa.
Jar see
Full cream cheeee and
l atampa. lb. . . asp
t-lh. roll rromlaat hat
toriae for die
IT lOo. gnaalatod SJgar
fee iJ
A ..or ted toe
stamps, lb.
Tea atftlngl
etampo. lb.
Bennett's Capitol extract
and t damp. boL Its
It-lb. aark guei of
the - Pantry" poetry
flour and
Butter and
Beaaett'a Oaotsol
oroaaMry btaTtho
finest butter made
anywhere in l-lb.
brlrka of guaranteed
full weight. Friday
1 32c lb.
Freshly laid aeaa
try ogl. eperi.lty
srlrod for Frlday'e
veiling at
20c Doz.
Baby Halibut 10c
Fresh Herring 10c
Pork Chops .... ..12Vic
"DENT your vacant " house. ' Why' let it
. remain empty , and nan-producing?
Find a tenant through the "Houses for
- - a . . - . ,
Rent column of The Bee. - See today's
. - - -
Want ads. '
Latcst'News! ; Best Features!
The Omaha Bee
ot Ice and Ire tYeara.
custom tailor.
tailored styles,
gray mixtures
dark effects.
misses' I
New Wrappers
These come In extra sites 4 g to
( bust measure and were made
especially for the very large wo
man. Medium and dark colored
percales in stripes
and figures
It V l I
at i
1 1 i '
i f ii j ii ii
S-quart. good qual
ity t a I van I as d
aprinklers, like cut
1 ft-qiiart Kite, tfw
white sera
g lbs. haad-pieko aery
i or aeo
pkga Toaato corn
flakoa and 1 at'pa, tos
Large can Benoett'a Cap
itol pears and SO
atampa for ....... .Soo
Soillard'a pare
rodaeod e eoa
Boneleaa sardines and
10, ran ....15e
10 bars "Swt Sax AU'
aoap for So
cana Eagle
and 1 atampa ...
Maple butter and
atampa. can See
X pksa. Star and Cres
cent macaroni and IS
stamps SSe
Pesnut butter anC II
49 at pa, 1 JS
atampa. Jar lSe
muiTs and
Fresh, fancy cue urn be re, i lor Kc
Fancy, erlap string beans, lb. ........... ISc
Two large beads plain lettuce . .v Sc
Six bunches fresh radishes 5c
Three large bunches rhubarb for . . .' Sc
New solid cabbages, per lb 4c
Fancy new potatoes, the lb ...5c
Five bunches spring onions for Sc
Spinach no phone orders taken and none de-livered-per
peck ,0c
5-lb. Can Lard 65c
Hamburger, 3 pounds . . .25c
Country Sausage, 3 lbs. 25c
Wool Dress Goods
Spring Weight Serges,
Panamas, Mohairs, Gran
ite Cloths and . Novelty
Suitings, values to 75c
yard, Friday
at 48c and 38c
$1.00 All Wool Serges, full
42-in. wide, sponged and
shrunk, new spring
shades, on sale at 68C
$1.00 Cream Serges with
black hair line stripes,
40-iu. wide, special Fri
day, at, yard 78c
$1.50 Tailored Suitings,
ae 54 and 56 in. wide, in
fancy Scotch mixtures
and striped effects, at,
per yard .98c
The greatest line ot Wash Goods and White Goods In Omaha;
prices away below the general market quotations.
Katines, white and colors, 11.50 grades at $1.00
11.25 grades at Hot
Voiles, all colors, single faced 15
Voiles, all colors and stripes, double fold iog?
Voiles, silk striped, most beautiful shades 25c
Voiles,, bordered, all colors ..50ft
Voiles, bordered, drswnwork, worth S1.00 69c
Voiles, Dresden border, very new ; 50c
silk mixed goods, dots, jacquards, stripes and an endless variety
of patterns in dark, light and white colors, also 40-ln. bordered
' mixed silk and mercerised cloth, at, yard 18 25 391 50i
59t "d 75
Glngluuiis, Tissues and Zephyr, the largest, the best assorted, the
greatest variety and the lowest price in town, yard 12 Vig 15
18e 25 350 .. 38e
Drapery Dept.
$3.00 Brusselctte Curtains
for $ 2.25
$2.25 Lace Curtains $1.50
$2.50 Colored Scrim Cur
tains, also striped Madras
at $1.85
25c Colored Etamines, 18c
12V3c Curtain Swiss, at 9c
Remnants of 27-in. Glngharas, 7Hc value, la checks or stripes, all
colors, on sale at, yard ..,.5
Remnants of 12He Percales, SK-ln. wide. In light and dark colors,
' on sale at, yard 7H
Remnants of Iaiwns and Batiste that sold to 15c yard, good pat
terns and colors, while they last, yard 7Vf)
Remnants of Wash foods of all kinds, to ISc yard values, big as
sortment for selection, while they last, yard 5s
50c Ready Made Hheeta, 71x90
site, on sale .35
Ready Made Pillow Cases, It He
values, 42x36 site . ....9He
.nfJenmar and Furnishinji
la m bobhin moomt
Women's aad diildrea's Canst
Vests, value, to 20c garment,
at 12Vt and 94
Women's and C hildren's I'niua
Suits, value to 75c, on sal
at 35 h 25
Children's "M" Waists, worth
2oc, slightly soiled, .ln Fri
day's sale at 9g
Women's Mnalla Gowns, Chens
liiee and I'aderaUrts, regular
values to $1. at 69 49
Boys' UalbrigRaa aad Poroa
knit I'aderwear. including
union suits, values to 76c
garment, at 45g 35 25c
Mea's Balbriggaa aad Poroa
knit CBioa Salts, worth to S3,
at ....980 690 nd 490
Negligee Over Eihlrta, valuea to
11.00, with or without collars,
good colors, all style, choice,
t 490
On the Domestic
Bras Non-Rustable Hooka and
Eyes, card If
Good Cotton Tapes, all sixes.
per roll''
Sc Pearl Buttons, card ..20
10c card Ironing Wax ...... 5c
Trade at Haydaa's and Fight
i msnrsr r.8si:UTFn
SUGAR ... ll.SS
IS bars Beat 'Em All, Lenox or Dia
mond C soap Sic
t Iba. beat rolled breakfast oaUneai
at -
4 lua. fancy Japaa rice ...ISc
ba. bast bulk iaaadrr starch . .lie
lSa caaa condensed a.1lk ..e
H -ox. peg. beat domestic macaroni
at ,.Je
Jellycoa sr Jeil-U. pkg. 7Sc
t-lh. cans assorted eaupa 7Hc
atcLaren'a Peanut butter, lb. ....lie
Patera Braaktaat cocoa, lb. ....:ic
fts-lb. boxaa baat aalected soda
crackara. box :.4c
l-la, cans faacy awaet sugar corn
&t - '"--e
g-lb. oau fancy apricota or pears, la
baavy syrup lie
t-lh. cana Booths' presetntad atraw-
berriea " lee
1 cana Booth Baited beaaa iwo
Teast Koam. pkg- - 3
I caaa Star scruabtng Ire ISo
Im Ls scouring soap, it beata ws all.
can .c
cakes gillco scouring soap . : . . :ic
a naga- Glllette'a washing crystal K
tS. C. corn f lakes, paf, .....Ho
3rap Nuta. pkg. ,'
The beat tea sittings. . .:..I!H
Uiart boxaa fancy npe strawberries
at ....Uw
Try HAYDEN'S First
Silk Dress Fabrics
28c YAED for Remnants
of Silks, worth to $1.00
a yard: Messalines, Taf
fetas, Foulards, Printed
Pongees, etc., 20 and 24
in. wide, 3 to 15 yard
lengths, unusual assort
ment for selection.
75c Wash Silks, 45c-In
pretty stripes, also plain
white Jap silks, just the
thing for waists and
Natural Silk Pongees
All 36-in. wide, firm qual
ity, laundry splendidly,
values to 75c, at
yard ....48c and 38c
$1.00 Black Silk, 78c
Messalines, Peau de Soies
and Satin Duchess, just
15 pieces, ou sale at v
per yard 78c
Specials Friday
Couch Covers, big special
lots, regular values to $4,
at . .98c $1.50 $2.98
Plain Scrim in white, ecrue
and cream to 25c values,
at ...... 12HC and 18c
10c YARD for Drapery
remnants, worth up to
75c a yard.
OHC anthracite Hlue Prints
t 3
SHe Htm pens Prints 5k
Remnants of 12 He white goods
Friday at, yard 7t
Tailored Suit, la good style,
well made, worth to $11.60.
at, choice $5.00
One Piece Wash Dresses, to S3
values, good spring style and
eolor $1.50
SSe Dressing; Saeqnes . . . 250
1 1. OO Percale House Dreaaee,
good styles and colors, 690
ll.OO Children's Dreesea, la
percale and lawns, all sizes
6 to U yrs.. at 690
$iJti Percale Dree Skirts,
black and white or blues, on
sale, choice , 980
Men's and Roys' Clothing In
Domestic Room.
The Major, regulation Kbakt
play suit for boys, all sites,
Friday at 790
Boys' SBc Overalls 250
values ta fts hi
assortments, en sale Ma as put
Room Notion Counter
6c Invisible Collar Supports,, per
card . 24a
10c Metal Back Com ha "Hu.Z.
25e Needle Books 3 5
.5 Clonal... I
-".'" iorsei Lov
er Embroideries, at .-12 HO
Ibe Trust and Combination Prices
iia corree. lb.
. X" Uncy ,lp ,r "berries
Watch" the ' pa'psrs' ' for ' ano'theV 'fej
Geranium aale Saturday. "
.J" creamery butter, carton
bulk. lb.
No. i country creamery' butter) "p.?
"o. I dai'buttVrrib.""" .'"""'iaS
The best strictly trash eges, doa. lsc
lenejr Bros.- brick cheeseTi.rT.sIe
Veufchatsl cheese, each Jc
PrUCKo. ,
Hayden'a make Uie prlcea, and
break the prlcea.
Fresh spinach, per peck ......Hie
I buncbes fresh onions ..........ic
S bunches fresh radishes ....
4 bunchoa fresh pieplant -
X banchea freah leaf lettuce Sc
New potatoes, per fb. ic
Larse riKumhtn eajrh . JSc. TVte. ic
v'anry npe tomatoes, lb. tee
ITeab peaa. eaart , 10c
Paruy caulitiowrr, lb. .......Tic
Camry cabbage, lb. ic
raney wax or green beana, lb. liv-c
romato or cabbaee plaota,. la ero. le
ery dept., per dosen ISc
13 pkga. flower or vegetable aeeda. .
Vyou are
Shsrsiaa McCeaasu Drag Ca