'Sg? me yccA SILK HAT HARRY'S DIVORCE SUIT The Pose of Bf WIMFRED r-XACK. She's deer. Iimt Innocent girl-but helpless oh, very helpless. ' Mo utterly Ignorant of the my of the world, m absolutely unable to take care ( of herself. ' She hti a friend such a good, de voted, . unselfish friend-not a thine wrong with him only hot married. And he has writ-' ten to m all about It, Hero la part ot hat the man lay In hla letter: 't "I fear for her inherent weakness,' or let ua say the lnsb.llty to care of herself, aha cannot (tana alone.. I think It was that element. of dependence that attracted my Interest In the first plaoe and also my world's knowledge ot the men whom we both know. Please don't Imagine I ant taking a "halo posi tion. I am trying to be strictly honest I never had designs .on the girl, even If she had evidenced a wish for anything other than what we were, which she did not. I may have .thought' things, but there was no encouragement I know she Is as true a girl aa one could find. R.N. U- Tut tat, my dear sir, la It possible that you can so deceive yourself, and really make yourself think that the thing you want to do I the right thing, no matter who la hurt or forsaken when you do It? Helpless, Indeed! I've seen lots of that sort ot '"helpless" girls, and many, many of the same sort of Helpless' full-grown women. They are never se "helpless that they can't catch their "helpless" hands Into the coat of some good able-bodied man and. make. him. believe that It is his duty la the sight of heaven to take car of them until - they find another man with more money or. a greater knack of pending It- . . . "Helpless'" A girl, like that helpless, Mirahdy on te 1v A -J pOK CHOPS WSIS" VT ISVt DET HAD WTNOe. Ba adder ntght," remarked Klrandy. "Out Alvtcy, whut la one of deee heah long, stingy ole pullets, dat oughter beea aa do fryln' pan ot inatrtmoay long. ago. dropped roua' te my house, an' waast we waa a dlscourain' on de rights ea do wrongs of ear sect, she say: " "Well, thank heaven. 81s Mtrsndy. dat dla m leap year, and Mt gives Women a chaast to up an' pop de goesttloa to de men dat oey would like ta have tor hus bands. "Huh,' 'spans T, for whilst I bsHeves kt do rights of my, sen I ain't got much faith Is ear Beta' abie to foreclose on 'em. lee its eye what men la cooxtt lied. " Tea.' goes oa 81a Ahrlry. 1 d-ia t know notbia' dat ahows want, po down trodden, f email worms of d dust, we wovcen is sa much aa de fact dat we ain't got evea a aay-se about ptckla' out we sua dat we sa got to live wis, aa' . Helplessness Innocent true! Hark ye, my good sir. There never yet lived a woman, old or young, who didn't have sense enough to know lust one thing.. no matter how help leas and Innocent she may be or he pleased to seem to be. And that thing Is that she has no claim, and oaa have no dram whatsoever on any other woman's husband. Divorce the faithful woman who has borne you children and marry this cling ing "Innocent" If you dare and then watch her being "helpless" when you ass another "helpless" person who ap peals to your sense of chivalry. "Helpless:" Shs will soon show you and the ether women, too. how weak and defenseless she was- whea It oame to a question of bar own comfort or pleasure. If she's the sort of girl who will step off over the precipice because yon. a mar ried man, show her that you are too busy at home to concern yourself with her absurd little affairs, do you Imagine for one moment that a plain, evsry-day man like you can keep her In the straight and narrow path? Why? Howf She shows no such great principle where you are concerned; why should yoa think she would behave differently under any other droumstanosaT No. I'm aot a Mt sorry for tha "helpless" girl, nor for yeu, either. You are old enough to have some plsln. every-day common sense. You must be, or you couldn't have grown children. You've earned your own way In the world for years; why don't you use some of the practical principles that have taught you success In business, right here In this absurd cess ot yours t Of course, a clerk might take money from the till at your friend s shop and turn out to be a model of honesty and trustworthiness for you but what are the cbanoes In the esse? The girl la a selfish, calculating young person who has found your weak potm an over-weaning belief In your strength of Influence on others and she's making a plain, every-day goose of you, that's an. t Look at her aa aha la, lor ones. And the Women Proposing an serve, an wash, aa Iron for. an' take his back talk for tharty ar forty years. Tasum, we women slot get ae say-ao m cnooejn' ma husbarjda, AH dat wa can da la Jest to set antra an' look wllUo. wtd our fingers crossed for luck, an pat ears lives In da attitude t receive de bleastn la ease any man Is kind enough to come along an' as us to tie ap wut htm.' " DaTS ss.' says I. an' dese days wtd po'k chops a aoarla' up In price lak dey had wings, de men is mighty alow a-com-ln" aioBg.' "1 tail yoo. IDs Xlraady.' pursues ata Alviry, "dat If svy woman could pop de question, an' git her rut her la de way of a basband lasCd of harm' to take what ' she can git dere wouldn't be eo many slack wives la de worr. bee axe many a woman takes eat on e Po". ewfortunate man she did git, her spite a not gettin' THE BEE: OMAHA. 9s " al twe Lecroeen was ih THE: MiPST 0rH,5 506J6CT when a scoriae WAJ HtrAfcP IH j He CtTAE hum SeTTCC KaOuva as OLP DOC Ot?THC AfioACUM 5T00D UP AND WSr07trP aezr points rue BACK SS70HlSH(H6 Tf40U(7 FOt A M0Mir Avaj CMICPe-D, , lrTH5 WA7FE A.T HOnPBrld orl CTDV OH RAPTlOf aaw eaaasssBBy m m -av.i bu a AMO IUN SAaK tOA t JALKI OUT w TOWS' fAPsUki, MTJtOWeH te3 A4 CHGfjl Of TC W, 7NGH FM-fe 'CM AwAy TXCMntgt-C srT JbfTouRNOwv CM OFf-i 6E Saw iu AMERTUnv A6-CM Cy, eer-mete at f m Area IneET tuEl aaaji. Ag-tMHPTOvvV T wT" .s far goodness sake, my friend, look 'at yourself ss you are You are no romantic hlgh-seuled Lancelot, willing to die for an Meal; you are lust a man who's being used by a designing glrl-and you are In lovs with her, that's all. - Fall out ot love as fsst as you can. Run' home and ask that good wire of yours to forgive you. and be a man and not a self-deluded hypocrite, Yeu are at the "dangerous sge" and you were bound to fall In love with some one. Well, you're done IL Now get done with It and be decent That's the only way on, earth, you, can evnr be happy, aud it's the only way you can ever make the woman who has gone down Into the valley of the shadow of death for your sake happy, either, and that's really worth while. Isn't It? 1 Reproduced by Permission da one she had her eye on. Nut her would dere be ao maay fool assrrlagea, hsran a avan picks out a wife lax he does a ehaay dish, by de looks af hit an' de nalot oa "hit. an' den be gsea borne an' raises, a ruction bacase whut he cot ain't a iron pot. But a woman has got more love sense an she chooses a hue band by de use she's got for him. "Bis Ahiry," says I, be yon gvrine to pop de question durln leap year r, -"8s Mwanay,' ehw spoaa, a sse questions an' I'll tell you no lies, box t will say dat de ease ef Brert Kb a, wld dat hoaee foil ef eMlnm wld ne na te nek sften 'era. gsea te my heart, air ef ee don't know a woman dat's dest cut out ta be a good stepma sa' wife, I doea An' de forgiven amrae of dat vsnas Is Alviry.' "Do you balisiia la women poppia' de queetiesr" FRIDAY. MAY 17, 1912. M The Judge Knows a Wren When He Hears It CooTrtiht Bit NUiat Mn Ana. ALL rdCN AEB SOMC ISfcfc? IdCAN&l I WENT FHC Mslc h JtSF ALoyXIUS Q- eO 6rM sT CrAH TM cT "HAtLC EMBAtMCL WITM IB- in mis evtrv jMcrtd CeNTff t Tee KINO lASSOMIHGi A 5 revs fcFTCM pose He poccp a rcjtci0C UAM0oMeT BIVAL Rot -"ovee. oai Hissi WeACV CAASO 'toss ToMaeeow to-oav Out oc eTiiSTfuce (JoKrVtE aaamonA DOC. OOC MAM IS OUT AGAlrV VJ lOTPrY. Ahva HAvaTMOU 0 TisEM wietcviuiAMc tMeTTrrsy,c Are ' wr el Ol s-m. visja rnrtj r The . By CARL VTER.NKR. Go thltkar, sweetest sympathy, where widowed woman weep. Where countless heroes slumber 'neath tha sea; Go sing thy one consoling of tha sorrows of tha deap, Deny 00 heart or home thai ealletb thee. Applaud the gpleadid courAge ot tha captain aud thg mate, Of wire leas heroes dying at the key, Tha chivalry of millionaire, the (lory ot the great, Who fearleea faced the end, nor deigned to flea, . . Go lend thy soothing presence to philanthropist and peer. Pay tribute to the brilliant and the bold; Put ere thine errand endeth, shed thou one single tear 1 For the grim and grimy hero la the hold! Illustrated from th Ua Number of "Good "Well, I ebons, 'women la get de right to propose, but? my lea', a woman Is snoly leckin la probuatlea sd she bag te pop de question- herself. Aay woman whut can't tots a man en to de plat ere he axes her hlssilf ain't get enough sense to lead a blind goose te water. Fhe autflnly la a dumb woman, an she's get so Utile gumpUoa dat She might Just as well beea bewa a man te start wil. 'Shoo, ehlle, dare's leventy-leven wars to make a man propeae. any ev'y one ef 'em wruks caas beah's ail ef we all mar ried woman ta prove bit. Ceaa women lays might tow bout dla. and gives all out dat de men day marry chased 'em up te de altar and eoteh era, bst you batter believe dat we wouldn't hare no call to shake ear feet at many more weddln'a If It was lest left to de man ta pop the question. Taasum, ev'y man dat's safe la de mat- ermonial fold has been helped over de fence by some woman. " 'Honey, did you ever notice the curls way e man acts when be pops de ques tion? He's so surprised to find hlsselt dotrf lilt dat he moat swallows hla Adams apple, an hla eyes pop out lack a skeersd rablt s la ds brush pile. " 'Too see de w are for gn eea of hit Is die wbea a man starts out to galavantln' arena' wld a wosaaa ha ain't got no Idea of man Iu', He lest waat te have a good time, an he goes projollekln' along, teelra' )es aa safe aa ef he had took out Insurance papers, an' dan some day, fust news be knows, he hears hlsselt n ax In' he ef aha will let him wuk aa' support her de balance of hie Ufa. An' he don't know raow hit all com bout, but de wo- Cssa yeu baa to use different ware wtd different men. far men Is own b rud der te de male dor's powerful est to balk befo de a-aunnonial fence, en' some ef 'era baa to be called, an' soma of 'sal sea to he driven, an' seme ef 'en has to be akesred befo' yoe can make 'em take de Jump over hit. ' " Now dere was Bl what kept a hangln savMMt EHaa Jeae'e eatat ha wa out ds rock In' chairs, ao' most et ber folks Into de po house. 81 wsa one of dese fcggety ansa dat waa so sue on hlaaett dat he thought dat folk aut te be willing te pay out money, lest to git a look at him. but law. he didn't have ao more wee of marrrtn' dan Detain'. - "Bug Lisa Jane, aha die. ao whut does she ap an' de when St was a starua' bean one sight? She burets lute tears. agazire p)age NOT &OT HOMELESS TMAM CTWEBj IT WAS AT TM6 BUTTON Mllfc MAaiCeS OANfPOffT THE Wte RAPrl6 rMSMSeH-vtra abovno tms rpe t with at 5 TMf TA7TMA57ee OttMNICK BerfcorAMTZ ABO 85 A& 'n) A VOI Cff , rHATMuoot: thg Hall saio IF VOL CANT &ET cam vou Gerry sbue& up kiiym rue NAPXN3 0ov5f HERE COME S Tff soup. fiFE WOWrteT feOTrwK A 1-iiCewl TO 00 nU. 6vi A tQfo yv-. jj Stoker by E. W. Kemble Housekeeping - ' Magazine. "Whut Is you a cryln' about?" asks 81. 'Tee weepui'," spons EHxa Jane, "ba case you'ss a gwlne sway, an' I won't sse you ontll tomorrow, an' I don't know sr l ee a gwme to stand hit" 'An' dot f otcaed at, beeasa he felt as sorry for anybody dat had te be deprived ef his society dat befo be koowed hit be was a telnn' her dat he wouldn't never leave her ne me. " 'An' dere was Bro Torn Johnsing. dat waa eaa of dsss heah bashful men what gtte right ash colored when dey leeks at a woman, an' loose delr voices when dey apeaks to her. Hew you reckon Bis Marian gut him spunked np enough te pop de qusstloa? She didn't. but sv'ry time he speaka she earners "Yes." an' at last shs guessed right. - 'An' I ain't tsUla' bow I lad Ota up le ds proposln' pint, becaxe Ike hsa done believe for thurty years dat be done bit . Drawn for . Motive Power for BY IVD.VKY "The liner. It's a lady," sang Krpllag of the beautifully lilted oeaaa palace, but Its fair fame and beauty are sullied by the cassettes stream ef waste fuel It Bourse forth from Its funnels. There Is ao beauty In the uneconomical', the true aneanlng of which Is laeffU'teocy. . Its rettutailoa win be fleered only when the eauss of tha blemish has been removed, and the farooua nt this instance will be alt the power which will drive her grate ful form across lha oceans, aatracaed by tha spirits of Ineffkaenry. The winged hosts of hsavea-HMsruntaiiss fed salr en ell, and oould neither soar nor live without it Tterkln would have geniMed wi this laauguratloa af the true sesnmay. la my previous articles I have dwelt mora with the aohlevemewts already af fected In the application of oil tor power purposes, and may wing forth tvrtvntls Ti tles which lie therein. There are maay question bound up m oil s progress, tnany duTVultMs ta be overrents, and I wish, while showing what has already bees sthisvad ea the sea, to suggest a aolutlon ef one difficulty with which ws are faced, . Bo, for the noare, I leave the general for the particular, practice for policy. Our leading marine engineers, among whom Is such a high authority as Sir Fortascue IHennery. are all aow ell ad vocates. Lord Kleher .some little time back assail ail that oil was the future power producer. . Such, experienced and tarsesjna authorities are amps JaUfl oatloa for our faith In . oil, but praotlcal results speak with evea mure authority than they.. Aa estimate that was made some ttttle time since , by Mr. Kermode of bendoa skewed that In a evexwel like tha Uist tanw,. running on all, tha total savmg would amount to A1U, while the net savings and additional earning asaausty fer the trip would amount to tha largl total of (hUH. New. a certain amount at confirma tion ef the economise sriown In tha abovs estimate has beea proved In actual prac tice. In a Japanese liner, the Tenyo Mare, having a alt equipment capable of pro ducing lAWH shaft horse-power, the con umntlon ef oil per horss-powsr ainsuuted te l.Ot pounds, which 001 pare By all hla Ions self, - en' dat whut brought matters te A head waa along ef me falntln' aa' tallln in hla arms becass I was so sheered of a seeks dat ws come across wbea he wss takla a walk, aa' dat by de. lime I dona come te he dons tele me dat he loved me an' axed me to marry him. 'Iks say dat lust for de accident of dat snake we might never hsve gotten saemed. an' ooa't arglfy da pint wld Mm but I specs I knewe who put dat dead garter snaks at dat pertleler spot la de road. " IHaw'm. I ain't got ne eptnlen of a woman whut Is got to pop de question tg a man. She shs do aeed a guar dees. " 'An' htt wouldn't do her ne good ef she del. becass all de men would say, "No," for die reason a maa dent never think wen of nethtn sales be thinks hs 1 ' J V AI!tW AND rALUX INTO HIS ARM4 - , 11 The Bee bv Tad 11 W J Hw Ships of the Future j It NORTH. with a eea! ooasampooei ef UI pounds, so that oil consumption In proportion as onaJ la approxlrnktely In ratio ef t to S. It Is net dirticult te calculate what sav ing would be effected over a long dis tance, and .In addition to this there Is as be added tha extra Income derivable from the greater touaaus of -cargo and number of passengers capable of being carried. Another Instance, la smaller vessel In use tor certain services In con nection with the American navy, it was found that ay the uss af oil fuel the annual saving amounted tt H.Se, which was made up by gue saving aa fuel eal t,"0 en the saving ef labor. This brtnga me to the chief argument of this article. The efficiency and economy ot the oil engine, aa well ss those ef the ell fuel ' burner, are ad mitted and proved, aad tag shipping Unss have recognised these facts, . but their difficulty has been, and la. that of ob taining sufficient and continuous sup pllee of oil. Is thla aa Insuperable diffi culty? 1 contend that it Is not,, and I also euggeet that the rational way . out of the difficulty la the addition of one or mora afl tankart te their existing fleets.' With such an oil tanker at their draaoaalt they would be enabled to buy ell In the eheepest market, which. Is, ot course, ths only baslness-llke way of SMMgemejit. The eetietrwstloa of an ell tanker would speedily as paid for by the saving effected, and the extra Income whleh would be earned by tha asa of ell fuel, rurtnermore. It la the crux ef the enualtoa at ths present time. It would banish forever the question of supply, aad It would place every shipping company above the contingencies which arlsa from the fact of Oraat Britain be ing a non-producer of oil. . Tht oil, will besoms the great propel -hng power m the navy- there Is aot a shadow of a doubt; tor It not only enables a greater speed te be obtained, but It provldra a far greater radius of action. In addition to this, a vast sav ing of time is effected In leading up the fuel, and the time taken for steam ralelag kt vary much shorter than that when coal la used , . Dorothy Dix thought ef It first. Dat's de reason dat . sf a woman waa ta pop de qusstloa te e man he'd be dat contrary dat be wouldn't have her, no matter how much be wanted her, secaxa he didn't think ot her fust. -Men aholy la curls critters, end bit aut tlnly does rub de fur de wrong way wld '. 'em for e women to git de start Idea wld . 'em, an de woods would be fun of ole maids at women took te dolo' de eourtln'. ' " 'But she, daughter,' I says te Mary Jane, 'don't you worry none, Whut does ', a woman wld a tongue la her bead an' a eookln' stove to her band, to tola a man Into matrimony wld. need wld de right to pop ds question. Shs dost bare to. And woman dat don't know ne more dan dat 'bout bow to git roun' a man an' manage him ain't got ne call to git mar ried. Whar she belongs ain't In de holy -estate. 8hs waa predestinated an' tore- , ordained for ds Spinsters' Retreat' " ' tT.