Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 17, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY. MAT 17, 19li
Whett ii Holding Well is Spite of
Week's Liquidation..
t rarest Demand. Which Waa Sweat
Promises! Pea tare, Lsasrer
bM-Wnltif la Ks
las Market Steady
Opinions very widely In wheat, and ma
market la holding reasonably well con-
aiderlng the amount of loni wheat tnat
lias been liquidated so far this week. .
improved crop new from th wt ana
rojinweei nae oeen an "
tael'mg haa been ao heavy that caution
hould b used In following tha decline
too far and a large element in tha trade
expects to see an early recovery.
The approach of outdoor feeding season
naturally affecta the caah corn situation.
tad tlie uraent demand which waa ao
prominent a feature la no longer evident.
Weather condition, are having eomethlnc
to do in keeplnc the market ateady. aa
the aeaaon la a little lata, a piantinc
l.aa been delayed by recent ralna.
Xewe on wheat waa all bearish today
and the liquidation which baa been (oinc
on was c nllnued. Cash wheat waa
c loaer.
;ora felt the weakness in wheat and
more favorable weather for wplantmg
eaaed the market. Cash coin waa ateady
to lc higher.
Primary wheat receipts were lI.C0
relabels and alilpmnta were Moms butheH
aaainvt recetots last year of mYW bush
els and shipments of W ,M bushels.
Primarv corn receipts were 4X.1K
buhels and shipments were SOiaM bush
els aialnst receipts last year tl !W
bushels and shipments of tla.US bushele.
Ciearancee were W bushela of corn.
Uw bushels of nats. and wheat and
flour equal to aHto bushela.
Liverpool closed Sd hKher to VI lower
on wheat, and 4fSd lower on oorn.
The following cash sales were reported:
Wheat: No. 1 hard, i cara. l 1V 3 as.
tl.lS; 5 cars, t tiJi Corn: No. S white.
I car, 40c: t cars, :. I car. c; No.
color. 1 car. 79c: No. t ysllow. 2 ca
OW. Z cars. SC.
1 car, 77iy; no. I yellow, i car, nc; i
ca-, Mc; 1 cara. ibvr; I car, The: No. 4
yellow. 1 oar 74c: I car. Tie; Ko. Z mixed,
1 car. Tic; No. I mixed, t ears, "&4c; 3
cara. Jc; No. 4 mixed, I car. Tie; no
grade, t ears, luc: t car, 44c; I ear. inc.
Oala: standard, I car. Bsjc; No. I white.
I car, iHtr; cars. SiV: No. 4 white, I
car. He, 1 car, s.'V; car, aAci cr- s-'c.
Oasaka laaai rneea,
wheat-no. i hard. hohi u n.
3 hard. $; No. 4 hard. S14K4K1.
CORN Na S white, Tfll"Hc; No. S
white, t9c; No, 4 white, J44f?4c: No. t
color. HHvTSc: No. I ys'low, ntatJTlc;
No, I yellow, ftVTlc; No. 4 yellow. II V
'. ; No. t, JSi.7c: No. t, 141 :Hc; No.
4. !lf 77c; no grade. 90r.
OATH-No. 1 white. ! 'St: standard.
luja)Tc: No. I white, ucjUHc; Ne. 4
white, .'4.nIr: No. S yellow, aSOolVje;
No. 4 yellow, sJotfV.
HARLKY-Hsltlng Str4i,3: No. i feed.
iC4e; beamier than feed. Si4jao.
ItiE-No. i, SWiiiae No. S, s7Jle.
Cartel Reeelpte.
' Wheat. Corn, Oats
Chliago Tl lit 1
alinneapolls I"
Omaha S3 U H
Liululh 14
Feat area af Ike Traatlagr aad Clealas
Prtrea aa Raarw at Trade.
CHICAGO. May la-Mlnules counted
for daya this afternoon on the Hoard af
Trade, In a single quarter af an hour,
values that had required a fortnight ta
pile up were swept away In a whirl of
stop leas selling. Surprising Improvement
of the crop outlook waa aald to be an
underlying cause. The end of the aeaeion
left tradara In a dale with whsat prices
tr to V. lower than the night before,
, and with the breakdown extending- to
all other (rain and prevlsione as well
corn off He to vofec. oats. V and
parking house products. 1344 to ti4taVc.
Eiillement In the wheat pit came ta
a climax an suddenly that speculators
were bewildered. 1'n loading an the part
af the most conspicuous leaders an the
bull aide had continued beyond any ex
pectations and had apparently exhausted
all tha buying power In the market. The
reeult was to make prices unresponsive
io bullish newa and abnormally eenst
tlva ta advices of the ether sort.
AaMe from a brief period at the atari,
the day waa one of auceseetve wares of
weakness, following; another, but until
the final deluge seeming ta be ne worse
than what again might be weathered.
Just when h appeared that tha crisis
bad paaaed. stop loss orders were reached
wholesale, and then prices crumbled aa
It they had been searched. In an up
roar not equalled tor many a day. brok
ers earn fled property right and left. Aa
they thronged out of the doors of the
big halt, not em dealer In 14 stopped ta
notice that the chalk marks on tha black
boards showed virtually no reaction. May
whrtU waa quoted 4rV down at (1 HSi
1 IIV. aa against I) l laat night. July
fluctuated during tha day from II.4SV
1.HS. with the close at KM a sheer
fall of :S!V
Aside from the effects at the wheat
market corn suffered serene ekrvatera
Viere were turning out remarkable quan
titlea of the contract (rane by e Waring
and ettierwtse treating Inferior recatme
July swung between TeStyieV- and TTH4
. i-c doeittf demoralised, PeeMac lower
at 7Mr7r.. Cash gradee were weak. Ne.
: yellow waa quoted at (IWtrCc.
The eata market went to atecee stmul-
taaeooaly with other grain. Outside limita
touched for July were 44v. with
alee Her net lower at at rents even.
RrallaliHi aalea by owners made park
weak throughout Ih dey. When the PR
waa cleared, pork was Mr to fcVMic leas
e i pensive and lard and rtbe lSVac to Bte
wi i esau in cost.
Caah quotations were as follows:
article) Open. tlign.l Low. I Close.: tea' y.
V. heati I
May ..I UHltl ll(l
S-evt.,1 VV
(jec-ll sVisV:
Corn l I
tli 1
I lISi I 4i
1 etuji
1 at, t an,H
l n i w,
I". 1 II '.V
14V lMt
May.' n 'ti'tH
TlUk iDSiaMa
July.;TrtetS TJV14St W4n nt,
ept-i 7i; isvi jiai a
.vTaw-aiNvv, t-'t. as t
Slay.: M
aWpci Aesrwl
I a
4.i 43,
Uec at
July. h t
u s
Sept.. It 47W-I
Lard-I I
II. ! lS7t tlii
js 'i is m
May. v W tn W ) M 31
Jujv. LI St ill i ( I
I I UWlal MStU Steia: Mem
W-1M ---. ti a I
U S U Ztvjf 11
n wi u is
U at lUtli
..I u m
u t
July.! II KV14 44
' awpt-ii iin
SSM 11 St
PLOCR-eHraaly: winter patents. 17. lad)
l'J; winter straights. Keaaaj.l; eprtna;
uatonta. spring straights, tiu
aiit; bakera. KM. ...
KYE-Ne I Wise.
BARLY-Feed or mlxli.g SVi-. to cheh-e malUnaj. SL11.!T.
SE EDS Timothy, jQM. ' atatar
seed. e?14ssfcal aft.
PROVUiluNd-Pork, mess. ?:
. Lara la Uercea, Sstet; snort rlbe, t, at
Total clearance of wtjeat aad Davr
wer equal to bushels. Primary re
ceipts were il.e bwehete, caenpared With
esA.uat basaeks. Estimated receipts far ta
li or row: Ttbeat. J cars: eoe-.. HS cara;
oata. Its cars: hags 14. SB) head.
Ciilcsgo t'ssk Price as : ?Ca. T
tea. LisjU7: no t red. i.UirLU:
No. 'i hard, SLltSl-17H; Ne. I bard.
1 -,9".-.. No. ! northers, SLiTOl 11,
No. S aorthara. Stetvi.17; No t eej-lna. Ne I epring. B ttHfl M; Na. 4
avntf. r.WM.U, rereat chaff, tLllJ:
s-roai. PjLU. Cam: N. t. ,tc.
o. J wait. I'V: No. S ireliew, Sit
Sac; Ne. I, TTH4)Ttc; No. t wblta. T?S
'Sn-y. No. 4 white. tKejCet: Na. 4 yef
Qw. :2,'4r. Oata; Ns. S white. U
'"c; No. t wane. atdftyK ho. 4. W
sc: re. s wcite. aMiaeVCi
ae; Jta. 4
Timothv seed. Clover seed,
BITTKft-Wcak; cret merles. satxeSc;
dairies. fcajTeic
EGGB-Steady: reywipis. 57.SS7 eaaaa: at
mark, .-eaes included, inc; ordinary
firsts. 1V: fiewts. 16c.
&TH Etc E-Firm: da:iea. ISffltV:
twlna, 14H!M,i ; young America. 149
M tr; long horn". lef$16A,c. -
POTATOES-Steady; reeaipts, M cara:
w Isconsln. I!.M.3: Michigan and Min
nesota. II.26tjl.3l.
POl'LTRY-Aliv. ateady: turkey Ec;
chlckenf. litre.
V LAL3ledy at '913c
iweatatlea of lt.e lr Hrtoli
j rsasaeodllle,
, pvy- yoRK. Mav It KLH'R-ult:
, patents. ti.-S4jir winter straights,
winter patent, to tiavi 40; spring
c)r, H.toemo; wlnwr extras. Ko. U
t HeTajH ae: winter extra. . 2, K W
Kanaaa strsights. fc.lEwaj. Rye flour.
iin. i. Mr to kood. to.uuv4.wj; choice to
faro. ISl.S4jl5.4t.
CORNMEAL-Steady: Una white anil
yellow. SIKHI.K; coarse, 1.7S4l-aw. kiln
dried. K.3.
RYE-tjulet; No. t R I I. Buffalo.
j e b Buffalo.
BAKUtv-yulet; manuuj. u.Mfi".
WHEAT .soot market weak: No. 2,
tl 1 elevator, domestic baste ta arrive:
export. c. 1. I.. Buffalo to arrive.
No. I northern Uuluth, II. t o. h.
afloat, ruiurcs market closed t63c net
lower. May closed $1.30; July, l.S.;
tlrpleinher, U.OS's.
CUUN-Hpot market weak: export, K'.c.
f. o. b. afloat. Future market nominal.
Recelpis. 1.12 bu.; ahipmenta, 9 ba.
OAIS eipoi maret wak: rtandad
white, a)1 la elevator: natural and No.
, 4Sc: No. i, tiK. natural white and
white clipped,. WXieJMHc. on track, r'u-turt-s
market was nominal. Receipts.
al3 bu.; etilpmenu, U.1X bu.
HAY-Easy: prime. No. I
lla: No. ;. Il ii.M: No. 3.
HILlCrl-Hlea.iy: Bocota. MVqCc.
LEATHER Firm: hemlock firsts, 9
Hs seconds, ,MfXe; thirds, ilfetTc; ra
jects, lie.
PROVISIONS Pork, steady: mesa,
M7av'-1-: family, Uouvl uu, short
clears. l'S.X'MJa. ' Ret. firm; mesa,
tllAMKIs; family. Ill OOejlll. V); beef heme.
I? attain. L'ut meats, ateady; pickled
hellias. It to 14 lbs.. sn.ui;.aO; pickled
hama. tl? if. Irrf. aan-: nitridl weat
hsms. Ii:.jt. Lard, easy; middle west
prime. l(k.et1S.7S; refined, barely ateady;
continent. 111.44; South America, U14;
compound. t.WM.
CHEEHg-Bteady; stale, whole milk,
new white or colored, apecial, t4Vc: white.
average, fancy. 14c; skims. 44UVc.
EUG-irregiiiar: receipts, cases;
fresh gathered, extras. !.23V: extra
first. Storags pecked. 30mnrr first, stor
age packed, rtr.'lo extra first, regular
parked K4jtlc; first, regular packed. IM
lfSc: fresh gathered, seconds, I7t4rlftc:
western gathsrsd whtta, S1t4)23Hc.
RI'TTER-Uneettled: receipts 14 7iJ tuns:
creamery extras, euOMo; creamery firsts.
wr3V: stste dairy fineat. VSataV: state
good lo prime, 3s2c; state common to
lair ssor.o.
POULTRY Alive, firm; chickens,
broilers, per lb., eotteoc: western fowls.
14c; turkeys. Uo. Drssssd. steadv ; west
ern fowls. I44II4V:: turkeys, laMa.
St. Leels tMaeral Mark el.
ST. LOflg, Mo.. May 11-WHKAT-Cash.
steady; track. No. 1 red, LSd)
I.tH No. I hard, II.IW1 1.
CORN-Steady; track. No. t, llnV:
No. white, Ctfcc,
OATS-Flrtner; Ua. k. Ne. t, leSic; Ko.
1 white, IJtluHec.
RYR-tlnchanged at S4r. .
Closing prices of futures:
WHKAT-Lower: July, S147V014T4;
Sepumber, II 46.
CORH-lower; juiy iks; oeptsmoar,
tlATo Lowsr; juty, erec.
riJI'R Dull: red winter Detents. IS
.: extra fancy and straights. Ujutt
s.: hard winter atralgMa, S4.B4HSV
SKRn-Tlmothy. H.e.
CO R N M B A L St. IS.
BRAN-Pull and weak: senksd. seat
track, SI J74II.M. ,
It AT bleed: timothy, ira.ewow.iw;
praina W OftHJ.Vo, ,
HAtHilWte 1C.
PROVimOND-Pork. nnahantad; Job
bing. Ilia Lard, onehsneled; prims
steam. sj.Mat14.4a. Dry salt meata, un
changed: hosed, eaet track, snorts, V7t;
clear rihe, 11471; short clean. MLO Ua
con. ttnehanged; boxed, extra shorts.
111 V: dear rlh. SILH; short cleans, tlloa.
POrLTRT-nrm, eave springs: ehicK-
ens. uv; springs, eMswn; turkeys, uo;
ducks lie; geese, to.
Hi TTER Hteady: creamery, syiae,
BOUS-rirm at 17V-
Rarelnta. Shipments.
Flour, eble..... t ots) . . I .'S)
Wheat. bu..e. tMxn H "
Com. bu
Oats. bu....,.. .M-is,M ' 77,M1
Kaaass City Orata and Plailslsas
-Caah. Me lower; No. I hard. IU1H4)
1 14; No. . lt.lo1.s; No. I red. till
1.11: No. I. IUs?LU.
CORN-Market He Mrher; No. S mtieii.
ttVevtlc', No. S, nenSHo; Ne. I white.
liWttuV: No. a. ittyTss.
OATS-Steady: No. S
No. I mined. H4X47V. -
Closing quotattona ere
WHBAT-July. Steita:
thlta. (70";
SevtamOar. s
mbu .a.. Set,, lul Tkrt
her. Wtac: beoember. uiJtisssc
OATS-July. 4JVsr; Baptember. SHa.
HAY-l'nchsnged ta Rot up: choice
timothy, S3s.wN)aV4t; choice prahle. JJtat
RltTTERr-Craamery. Stc; firsts. He;
ascends, ate: Backing stock, Str.
EGOB-Extraa. So; firsts Uc.
ttacslpta. Shipment.
Wheat, bu. arm 40t
Corn, bu 4s w 4.4nt
Oata. bu Slot l,4o
Mlaweaawlla slew la Market.
It.uSi July. Sl.ltwtyl.JSH; Spwm
ber. Ilaitl Mi. Cash: No. I hard, H-Ms;
Mo. 1 northern. IVlteM.lMt: No. t north
era. $) ul i: Ka. S. U UOl-llS-
KLAX-fc as
BARLEY-nctl ti.
CoRS-Na. I yellow, t7(KSa.
OATS Na. t white. Sic.
RTtV-No. a tie.
H RAN -la Mt-pound sacks. MatST..
FLOCR-rirst itenta. M.40Cr a; aao
cmd patents. BVWqVifc first clears, Rao
fces; ascoad ciearv w iesys as.
Mllwaeaye 43rwla Marwrl.
' MtLWAl'KKK. May kf. WHEAT Na.
t northern. 11 lrS4)lH: Na. t northern.
SI I4S4JI.IS-.; No. : hard winter. ILlat)
Lis- I ii I v X wm : aaiotamoaai si.eda.
CORN so. t jerow. ,wc: o. s wnne.
ISMKM: So. 4, riatftSc; July, tic; Sep
tember, TISC. . ,
OATSt-Staadard, s4,vi7r.
sUBJJEY-MalUnc. CwdttM.
l.lvaeya! wrola Market.
ateady; Na. S red western winter, Issd;
No. S Manitoba. Ss M Putarss. firm:
May . ts tHd; July. 1e7A4: October. Tstd.
CORN-aoot. fires; Aatertcaa mixed,
new. aomlaal: Amertcan snlxed, aid. 1e:
Aiwertcaa atlxsd. new, klla dried, ts HSd.
futures, easy; July, s4d; Sept aea bar,
ssr-kd. -
Oaiaba Mar Mark.
OMAHA, May 14. HAY Ne. 1. tBJn
KM, Ne. i M aaSKtst: Na. A. iU.lteile;
Na. 1 middling. IM tt.s. Na I low
land. ;!.'; ajta if a. cnotra third aad
fourth cut Unas. SS enasat: Brat aaid
seoand cutunga t4uu.t. Na. i. SUevs)
.; Be. I, liaatajla-ea.
. PaeaHa Market.
PEORIA. May rt CORN Irregular.
u at lower; Jio z yellow, sac; m i yel
low. TJtrsc; Na. 4 yellow. TJc: No I
ansad, Kt. Na. 4 aauwd. So; sample.
standard. Stc
Cetaa Market.
NEW YORK. May 14--COTTON-pot
etoeed quiet, S points lower; mlddlilur up
axeds, ll-'rtc: sniddllnc gulf, 13c aaisa.
Puturee dosed barely steady; Mar.
arc; Jan. 11 V; July. 11 lee; Auguat.
U sac: sastambsr, n av: Octebar. U ate.
Nevswiber. ll-U. December. !!.atc: Jaau
ar, 11 air, February, ll-elr; Maroa, U ire.
. tkry tisede MarVet.
The cextsn voaoa aaarket raaeat very quiet
with some soteams, in prices reported en
a few ceaetractaena af wld cont-ertlSisa.
I stl erdere continue" to came in well
front retatiers. sd'. Unmed'ata ardcrltuj
la alow. .
is u Read, ta
Additional Evidences Shows
Inside Selling.
Canadian Pari fie aad Seal
hark Attala High Reeorde-
. diction af Fnvsr ta Holder
f The atari..
actual bualneaa In bankera' billa at UK
NEW YORK. May it. -Additional erl- j fur aixty-dav bill and at S4.w for d
dence of inaide eet.lng or liquidation watjmand: commercial billa, $4.tOH.
forthcomlnf. apparently. In the etoi; SILVER Mexican doliara. fee.
market today. Tiu tone waa heavy when i BONUS Government, ateady; railroad.
rot distinctly, weati and . pressure a aa
more or less pronounced throughout the
Ail the leading share, such as Read
ing. Leliigh Valley, Cnlon Pacific ana
L'nited mates Steel, tended lower, witn
losses of 1 to z points by midday. On
the other hand, there were galna of aa
much and more in some of the semi
sctlve storks. Including International
Harvester, while the more obscure issues,
among which may be mentioned Ameri
can Malting preferred and Texas com-
I pany, displayed fitful periods of Improve
ment. American can at sv. went to ua
lowest price In a fortnight
Canadian Pacific at 7.4 attained a new
high record. w,th ft similar achievement
for Sears-Roebuek. It la freely predicted
that developments of advantage to the
shareholders of Canadian Pacific and
seacs-Roebuck sre Impending.
II was not until late afternoon that
tl market suddenly turned from
heaviness to acute weaknesa. Practically
every issue on which the list haa built
Its rise of the last two montha then
declined precipitately, with the supply far
In excess or the demand. J ne oemana
was materially assisted by the operatluna
of the short Interest. Reading. Lehlgn
Valley, Union Pacific, American Can and
t'nlted Slates Steal all f-lt the force of
the Impact, while most of the early gains
In the low-priced Issues were speedily
wiped out. In the absence of a more
valid reason "the street." attributed the
reversal chiefly ta the attitude of the
anthracite coal miners and the possibil
ity of awkward complications arising
from the Investigations now proceeding
against the l'nited States Steel and Amer
ican sugar companies.
Tha final hour brought some change for
the better, Reading recovering 3 points
from Its low price of the preceding hour,
with about half aa much for Lehigh Val
ley. Union Pacific, t'nlted States Steel
and Amalgamated Copper.
The metal shares ss a (roup reneeteu
greater etrtngth. their poeitlon being
fortified by technical conditlona. euch as
a reduction in the European supply, a
rise In Rio Tlntoa In London and better
home demand.
Tlie closing was dull, with a large per
centage of substantial net losses.
London's market presented variable
features, with some heaviness In Ameri
cans. Changes In the Bank of England
statement for the week were scarcely
mora than nominal except for the
strengthening of reserve to liabilities.
Parte advices point to a reduotloa of the
bank rate there In the near future.
Greater ease In short-time money was
shown here today, alaty-day accommoda
tions being obtainable at t Per cent
against the recent Its par cent rate. An
other large telegraphic transfer of cur
rency of San Pranotaco waa made.
Bond prices were generally loser, save
for Brooxlyn Rapid Transit 4a. which held
strong. Total aalea. par value, t3.s7t.tuu,
United States govern ntenta ware un
changed on call.
Number of salsa and leading quotations
aa bauds today were:
Saks Hlaa. Law. Close.
Allts-CMIswre M Mt
Aaslssaatet Cesser ... 11.14 S4 Ha Mw
AaMrlraa Aar1alianl ,, let SB la 10 a
iaurtrea Sen 7414 rt'
aaaeriesa CS t.4et t H4 US
Snaruaa C T est M Ht MS
Aaaarleae OstlM Oil MS MS MS US
ASMrlea H. 4 L sot... l ias Ms S ' n
Saa. lie Saaantlea 414 31 S MS US
Aawrieaa Ueeaes la I4S 14 I4S
AmtW,, Uaaiaatlrs ... l.aa 4S 41 s 411;
Aaaertaajl S 4k R IT.iet MS Ht MS
Aa. 4 4R. set est IMS ms ISS
An. ttast nninSrlM IM M 1S IIS
la aaaar aenatng SMS U1S IM IMS
uaarta T A T , aa HI , ls 144
Law lass Twtaaes pft... ' MS IMS 1S IM
Aerlcaa Waaaea aa MS MS MS
Aaaaaasa Miatag Os..... txaea 41s as
atekieea I.MS IMS IM14 IMS
Ateklsss sf . MS IMS IMS ,141 a
Stlaatki Caast tlae.... IM ls IMS l
tanteaete A Otl I.MS MH IM IMS
letkleaesi Meal an MS H MS
traoSIrs Rasii Tr IT.4M MS MS
raMtan Farina II, lee :i :tt Mas
CSatral Ueiaar MS MS M S
Oatrsl Laalker N M
reatrsl at New Jeesar tM
(Saaaaeake a oat tl.Mt MS W US'
lcas A Sites M
t Sites O. W , aew IM M II 17
Ctloaas O W. SM MS
rttloaaa A H. W 4.MS tM IMS U1
Cktoaee. M. A st ..... I.MS 1ST 1HI4 lS
a, r . c. A st. L. ts
(Slenae P. A I SM tt St M
Calewts A leiitasrs 4)
Oeeeliaau Das I.tM t IM IMS
Care PraaiKM I.OM IIS 1S S
Iwlswsre A Hataaa ls IMS IMS
Daster A HI er.,. K S S S
pwtllleis' Ssrsrllha .... 44 lis C US
sts M sM 4S
Oaaarsl llwena 4M IMS 1Mi IM
fat Ksnlwea N taw lS IMS
Oraat Neelser Ore ua.. 1 aoa 4JS 1S
luteal Ceatral IM 134 IMS tS
lMneafk MM ...... 4M IS I4 MS
later Mat. s I.4M MS MS MS
IMareelleaaJ Harraetae .. t. 1S Wl In
latse-Mann t' " I'S US
Mteraatlaeal rasar 4. MS U MS US
Isteeaeiteaal Psasy MS
tow oaatral IM ITS ltt IIS
kanaaa CVr as. SM MS RS 54
S. C. Ss. M MS
taKleee as IMS
leawaltle Naakellls.. 1.M4 ISMi IMS "
Miss. A St. Laat tt
l.k r. 11 t M... ts ms tes
Mtaaawl. K. A T US
a . K A T M , M
klaeearl Parltle IM MS MS Me
a,iuaal Laws 4M MS at
MS LSI. a sf.. S IIS lS US
Hv Tee. Cam rat 17M llts HS l'S
X. T.. u. ft W Ml MS M M
Kert.u A Waaaera US Ills HIS "S
Nrth AaierMea IM ts M It
Kertksr ISeUla ........ 4.a lt 1s lk
PaeltM Hall 1S KS U
Paem 1 aaa r lus S
raasM'a aa IM Mas IMS l"S
t.C. C. A Bt- U.i.... I. MS sMV. IMS l"S
Slltaawt sl IM -IS -" S
STaa4 Steal ra IM ' MS M
til I IMS Palace rsr 14
I Helta ae atest asrlsg IM tt M M
t SeaeiKt rri ms ri
Sasasllc Steal 1.7M HS MS
KaeaSlle suel S4 .W Tt 1 1
Seek lauas (a IM MS I7S tiS
RerS Waa M I.4M 4IS U MS
kk III M s(4... LUS Ms IS US
Ii. L t M S
Hill' SM 74
suaa-SraineM I A I MS
SMkers Paeieie 14 In lies
sUaw Rallear ' I Sea tt MS S
Sa Itailaaj aw Ma 14 Its S
Taaeeaaea Cassar ttM M its
Taa A fScilia IM M M nt,
1.. a u a w it
r, a u t. si..,. ms
laaaaa eSatrl .aM BIS 14s IM
false Pseifl, 'set. MS MS MS. MH
t altee tuaea Isaatt? MS
fane ataa Rassar... X.IM MS Ms M
I alia hate Steel Ut iea M Ms MS
I, a Meet MS. a ties IMS lies
tU-Caesar ASM SM. ets rs
r.Seahsa CkaaaM' .. SM KS MS Us
Wakaaa, IS
Wasaak pM ' L4M US US tl
Weaaert Man laat 4M - MS MS
Waaatagtaaaa gkaetrls ... M U a US
Wealera Ualee TM M KS MS
Waa4te A L. Bi '
Vakis Vallar r.SM IMS 17'S KIS
- Oasaer a .. I.M . MS MS MS
Bar raaaaliaaial I MS ns M t
aaaertaae -Taeaaes MS SSS T' St
Txsl MkM Mr ta Au. SUMS asaraa
taaeaa Ctaadaa, SLaaaattaaa.
BOSTON, May It.-rioaia- quotaliona
en stocka aere aa fo flows: -
.. s
.. ns
.. ts
.. ns
.. ss
.. US
.. M
- IS
.. 4IS
.. ns
aaaal. Career WMana Caa. ...
A. la A S........ 9 Mplaalag sbas .
xnaaae teas. llaSank SatM
a. a c. c. A a. M i Nans Late
Cat. A Anaaaa..... tl OU
Cat A Heeka
Caeieaaial MSCeatacr ...
O Saaaa C C .. tTHSaaaaas ...........
Raat Sana C H.... ItSSierier
PraaAua 1 llsaaner ASM..
Otraas raw. ...... t-l MTisirark ,.
OeaeSe Coa atsV A S- A M.
Onene Caaaae .... S anl
ha he-, la Cass., avsttah Oaa
Kerr la -....-...a. tsrns Caster OS...
Lake Caspar - M Wlaiaa
ta Salle Caesar.... asWe,ejM ........
.. MS
. S
.. SS
t'ssaUttaHr af Trsaaasy.
WASHINGTON. D. C. Msy St. At tha
beartnr.tng of a 11 ties todav tha ooadi
tioo st the l'nited Scstee treasury waa:
Working balance in treasury offices.
Baj.lti ka. In banks and Philippine
treasury. t33.3M.7a4 Total Balance to,
gtajetal fas. tiaM,sU. Ordiaary ra
Him veaterday ware Sr 75.888. with or.
dlnary dlsbnrsement of fcJlOSi De
ficit to dale thla flacai year la (l3.KO.fn.
aa against a deficit of 977.i at thia tima
last year.- Tbess figure exclude Paa-
ami canal and public debt transaction
s York Meaey Market.
call, ataadv at TfttUA par cent: ruling rata.
per cent; Uosing bid. 1 per cent:
offered at ! per cent Time loan. es
ier; alxty days. W per cant; ninety
days. S'i per cant; all montha. sm,-,
per cent.
per cent. - -
f easier.
Closing quotations ua wonds today ware
ts follows: .
V. A ret. U. rag...lMmster. at M. 4,a... Mt,
se ceusos ....iuesMeeea M MS
tl. A Sa rag l?s 4 4Sa KS
os eause lItK. C. A, let ts:.. ;:s
C. S. ta. rag 114 "U S. see. IHt. ITS
s eeusea 114SL A N sal. ta... M
Allia-Cbal. let M... 41 M. K. A T. let 4a.. MS
Aaaer. At aa. 11 S se sea. 4aa M
AT. A T. ce. ..U4SMa. Pa rifle 73S
lia. Tebscc M Mli"N R R f M 4'ia 11
4a M 1MSK. T. C. g JSa.... ITU,
Ansaer A Ca. 4Sa IIS 4 4ee. u. MS
Atekieea tea. aa MS". Y. N. H AH
e c. 4a llHH er. M IM -
M e. ie 141SN W. let a 4e. . M
A. C. L let 4a MS CT. M .....IHU
anal. A Obaa 4a MSN. Pacific M MS
4s A W. ISs.... M 4e la MS
ao I',a tt 0. I. L rftg. as.. H .
4 S W. ISs.... tt ress. ca. Ilea UU.. I7S
Break. Tr. tr.. ta... KS 4a eea. M MIS
aoaa.. sf 0. ta.:...lMV;Rea4las gen 4a MS
caa. Leather ka MSI. L A 4 F. f. 4a 7
C. at N. J. I ta..UIS 4 tan- M 17
Cite A Okie tSa. lMStt L I W e. 4a US
4o ref la. MS 4 let psM 4s ... tl
rales A A. ISs.. ft g. A. L 4s 7S
C B. ft Q . 4a.... MSt. Par. eel ta IIS
4e gas. 4a M e t,. 4a H
r. M. A . P. 4. M M aa let ref. 4s tS
C. R. I S P. e 4 tisto. Ballear t 117 n
rfc 4a Mt. se sen 4a 71 s
Cale. Int. i TltUalen Pacific M. ...ISIS
role. II14. 4a. 41 4e ca. M let
C. A A r. A a ss MS -a let A if. 4... MS
P A H. er. 4a aesc A Rubber 4a....iais
D. A R. O. la...... M It. A Steel Id b ...1ST
so ref. ae M Cheat ta.. MS
nlllllV a : 71 Waaaih lat la IS7S
Erie s. L 4s. I4S se la A ea. ta... MS
Me sen 4a TSSAeatern Us. 4a. 17 S
e re. 4a, ear. A rswaat. Plae. er. la.. S
4 varta B TISW'ta. Central 4a..... K
uan. glee er aa ..lIsMe. Pae er. la.... IT
111. Ce la re'. 4. M apauiu 1, t,,,
later. Met. 4 Ha KS
B14. ewieret. . . .
' Sew Vaek Mlalwa Stock.
NEW YORK. May lA-ClosIng quota
liona on mining Mocks:
A lire ITiai.lttle Ckiet I
Peasawtek Csa tMetlees rn
Cem. Tunnel stock..., teootarle ,...1H
a sesaa iatiehlr
Tea. r.l V letuiulsrl
Ira Sllew ;.1Yelle Jacket
eM4llie Cee, II
Raak f'leartaata.
OMAHA, May IS Bank clearings for
today were t-.TJT JJl.M and for the corre
sponding day laat year IZ.M,t91.1l.
BL'TTER No. 1, Mb. cartons. Sc; No.
1 Irf aVlb. tubs, tic; No. & 3Vc; packing,
CHEESB Importer; Swiss, ; Ameri
can Swiss. 3ec; block Swiss. Mc; twins,
ate; daisies, tnr, trlplsts, -Joe; young
Americas, tie; blue label brick, lie; Urn
berger, j-lb. Sc; I-lb. ..
PUh (fresh froen)-l1ckerl, Ac: white,
11c; pike, lsc: trout, lie: large crapples,
1 JO 14c; Spenlsh mackerel, lie; eel. Ito;
haddocks, lie; flounders, lie; green cat
fish. 14r; roe shad. iw each: shad rue. per
pair, 84c; salmon, 10c: halibut. 4Vsc; yel
low perch, sc; buffalo, tr; bullheeis, 11a
POCLTRY-Mruliers, etVffiet.OU per doe.;
springs. trtfc; hens. Ittflfcc; coxks, lie;
ducks, lotjauc: geosa, Uc; turkeys. teQ-AVi;
pigeons, per dos.; 110. Alive: Hen, ltd)
UVtc: old rooeure. Ac; old ducks, full
feathered. lt,ac; geese, full feathered, 4c;
turkeys, lltilsc: pigeons, par doa., 76c;
homers, per doa., -u; squaba. No. L, Al sU;
No. 1 Sue.
BEKP CLTa Rlbt: ' No, 1, lc Na J,
Mc; No. t, lie. llns: No. L Jlc; No. S.
ime; Ne. S, U'ec Chucks: Ns. 1, lc;
No.. J. u: No. I. tVirC- Rounds: No. L
No. X Uc; No. J, 1114c. Plates: No,
I, uc; No. 1 Tvru; No. I. Jo,
VEOaTTARUaeV-ltasia, sK crop, per k
SVac. Cabbage, Wisconsin, per lb.. 4Sc;
new California, per lb. 4s. Celery. Ca
Kumla Jumbo, per doa.. S1.44; PiorMa, la
the rough, to aom., par caa. U J6. Cu
eumsars hot bouse, per sax, Egg
Plant, fancy Florida, par doa., Gar
Uc, axua fancy, whit, par doa., lac,
Latlucs, extra tancy leaf, par aoa.. 4su.
Osaooa. CalUotala. white, boiling, per IU,
ta; v iaouusia, jreilow Globe, per lev, sol
red Globe, per lo . to; Bpaniaia, per crata,
JS.AV Parsk-y, fancy southern, per dos,
buBOhes, stajlte. faranipa, fancy aouua.
sm, per dot bunches. svtMui raxanlpa,
par lb., SS PuUttMS, MituMaota Md
fuvar- Early Obto seed, per bu., LBi
Mtanaaota Early Roes eeed. pee bu , SLaij
aUa 'triumph aaed. per be, .; Wkw
eonsla white stock, per bu., H.bD. Ruu
batraa, la ascks. par la., IS Turns toea,
I lac id a. par 4-bak. erata, et-Tt. Cuban,
per S-bak. aajrler. UM. Turnips, Bar uV,
"FIltJlTB. ETC-Appeet- 5atrn fancy
Bob Devia. Bar bbl., St. a: Wiaeaaaa. pat
bbl.j It: fancy Mlsauurl Plpoln. par bbt
I.S; Idaho Jonathan, extra fancy, par
box.; WaaMngtsa sMtaanaern, pee
box, CU; Waahinaiioa H. steauty, par
bun, 13 el, Waanl agios styatan Wiaeaapa,
per box. Si su. Bananas: Fancy aeieci.
per bunco, At SVaHaSi Jusnbo, per aeinob. awava. oraoo, Bw,
W l ib. page, la box, per ae. St.tii Oroas-
ednry arana, aew, v i-ia.
per boa, SS. Fuj: Caiifneaiav. per seas
it ii No. U okga, SlSi par aaae of SS his.
a pkas . 1"il".cT1 Na, s aketa,
M, aula, ia and stt-IB. baxea, per as,
we; new Tuf kask, t-orawa ta Jt-ls. aaass.
e lha Uc: S-oroW B In JS-lk. kaaaa n
fb, lac; I-orowa la SMU boxa. pea- )J
lia WBVW arwaa, aaaiaa, a waa, Bar
crata, St. waa, per crate, laje, a-ee-ai
tisea. pec crate, Grapes: Malaga
in tela., N.astl-aw Lemona: Llmonlera
belastaa braao. auttra taucy. ana-eae atace.
Larr boa. te; Losna Unanoeiru, faocy, ase
M tlsea, per Bus, M-J. MS-4U slaes, isa
per box .aes; Ca.UuriuA Msson. avt-A
glass, par box. HstaATe-us, Omngas: caji
toraia canteitta biano, Aiavaaa, antra
lansy, M-ill-a-weiiaAW aaaea, par
boa. J ;, eatia Cno.ce, ail aiaea, aiea- baa.
k: aVeptraht tuana.' l--la-l.-Aj-a aaas.
per but, -e. jM-jta-434 staa, vr kvx.
jj.C rmsappeea a-VM Maes, nor crate,
aa, Strawpcrtaea, aa.aieiarta, sear am au
a4 BU-ta, Sa.SV. .
M16cs;l4-ANEOLS Aiaacmaa, tarra
guaia. pair iv.. taiw.'. Jt saek lots, la aaaa
Cocaaauta, par aawa. sum. tutverta, par
lb, leu; in eaark wit, lu tees. Peaautr,
vavateu. ta eaoa iota. Bar Ik.. iSC; rwaaua
ieea Uaa aaua, kite, tear lb., ac, raw. par
ala, ec tsuaua, iafaa leer lb., le; la swea
tuia. lo Ms, aeaanuaa, bow ero, leu.
t alitor!, per 'a, lie; la aack lets is
esse. CMer. new rlebnerska, per la-gst.
ubt . ta.eS; per t-al baa, $M; taw
erk Moil's, par la-sal. S aai.. Aass Bar
a-aei. boi.. Sa-ev. Musvay. new. J4 frsisns,
.7.M. Avrsut. pea- aVgnL. aatfc AJ-Jai Bat
Metal Market.
Standard copper, firm; spot. IISTtHsS
14i. May. tl.;a4l.: June. tlAOaap
U. I7H; Juiy. lla.S7sii . August, ll-'i
14 TS: 8eptmber. llVtstrlAvTH. Bales
were reported of fifty tuna of June at
llt-t-V fifty tons of July at SISITHS and
twenty -five tone of August at IIS JO. Lsn
aon market waa firm, with spot quoted
at i'.i and luree at CTJ Ss td. Ns im
ports " Were 'resorted et New York today.
Customs nous returns show exaoru of tons so for this tncnth. Lake cap
per. hVS-issr: . electrolytic, l sr1c:
csettng. laqller. Tin. f.rni; spot, I44.JI
s Ta. May, t4AS7s4HAA; June, SMAVM
M.43S: Julv. e4e.a7sdrl.;ui: Aueuat, tavS
aatAW: September. SMMSAtCH. Sajea,
twenty-five tone sf Mav at S4A4: twenty
five tons of September at StASa, and
twenty-five tone of September at
iMdon market strong: spot, ftlt Ma; fu
ture, OUT Ms. Latad. firm: S4.t3V-
New York and M4Sa4.1tH la East St.
Louts', salee. lie 4ns pound lai East St.
Louis for May deHvere at M ITH: Ixattdon,
M ts td. Startler firm: Mau.M tn New
York and SAatA.7a aa East St. Lwuis.
Sales, at ms Ibe, Ea St. Lsuta, for May
deliverv at SLTS Antimony, quiet: Cook
son a. ttfta. Iron, Crsrvetand warrawta.
Ma lSd in -Lotados. Locally Irva waa
steady. Na. 1 foun-ry nortttem. tli.We
I.:; Na. S. SIiS4!4iS: No. t soathsra
and No, I eouthem soft, Usatli.7a.
- - later Mae.,
.steady: muatwvaato, St teat, Strtc; ce-n-
awt, iTc,
I. tt teat Itcc; sac lasses sugar, at
KaSned, ataadj.
kattle Values Generally Steady at
Wednesday's Quotations.
Deaaaad ta Slack aad Advance la Laat
Before Market (lose Desir
able Leasee re Firm ts
' SOUTH OMAHA. May IS. ltll
RaceiiWa a.M 1 .m. uKu.n
Official UnnAa, r .1 : i:! 1
Official Ttassday .' 3. lit! liSbS ' 4.114
Official Wednesday.... 4.M 1U.-47 1,,'ut)
estimate t nursday.... 2.1UW Ji.iui l .uu
Pour day thia week. I 4.-7 4i',14 '.ti.'JET
name days last,ti 41. 3.1 )itl
&ame days 3 w'ka. ago.ui.2-ci j4t;
xame days j v'aua. 4e,Aal ii.s
same days 4 W'ka. agu.le.ri io.iii
same uays laat year..ui,svi . o,as 11.1
The folaowitu. , ble shows tha recsiots
ex osbAa, nogs ana eneep at aoutn Limine
tor ana yeaar .to date aa uOiuparoa with
lastoar. . uiz. 1311. mc, uec.
cam. m,m toiao 3t,tn
nogs Jau.lM s,ajl tatii ......
boeep ;th.H tcoAiS 1JH.447
Ihe followinc table shows tba ranife oi
prices paid for jioga at douth Omaha for
the last few uia. with com par una:
Date. I OLi. jmi.;lalf. U-OJ.,U.Jii.imrt.Ua.
ilsy S..I 1 !! lxi : k i a. I a li
May 4.. J 44XI e KM I t)i 4 Ml Aa7l 4 24J
r 4 acts; 1 s l U a sa. s aa IS a
stay a.. I 1 bs, e.,4, 1 Ki I4 4 2- a 11
Stay .. i a ,i 1 1st e , , .ii 4 Til I d
stay e l ae-ni -ie. - 1 i 1 a 2,
aiay u.. a bs . as; t 2 : t ii t aai 31
iay 12. 1 - : sa 1 si 421 - M
May u.i 7 ICS, a. tn I An 1 U4i a M S i
May 111 7 e4tai I All 7 ; ill Jul 4 il
May is. 1 1 as j t, Tit, 1 1 il a i si
Stay -H. t .W VeV je24!iZ
'Sunday. t
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
the Union acock tar as, bouin omens, for
twsnty-lour bouas endiDK at e p. m.
, , KBCttm-GAHA. r
crnttle. Mugs. Bheep. H'r'a.
C, M. A 8t: P. 4 S .....
Wabash Railroad ..I t .. ..
Sllneourl faciflc-.. A 2
' linon Pacific II SI 1
C. at N. vv., east..,. 15 10
C. st N. W., Ml U 44 J
C, tat. P. M. At U... U 11 1
C. d. at 4 , , east.... 1.4 I 4
C. tt. ft j.. west.. ID 37 i
C. R 1. t P., east.. 11
miuuls Central. .. .. s
C. U. W .... 2 i
Total receipts .. 111 S 1
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co.... a
bwirt and Company.... ti
Cuuahy packing Co.... st
Armour at c ss
Sinclair lie
Cuuahy from country.. . an
K. Packing uo ia ....
Mill Hon (tt .... ..e.
K. B. Lewis
J. h. Root ft Co 7 ....
J. a Hulls U
Lre Rothecnlid t
Mo. at Karc-Calf. Co.. HI ....
c-line at Cnrlatie S
Other buyeta IDS
Totaia Ut 1LS11 Lts
C A 1 1 ca Itscciut were oc very tear
proportion aa compared with a weeuaagu,
taut the quautty ot in uttering waa very
destraitM a a ruie. 'in luaravi ure
ssntanl lew new features aa eosnaard with
yeaterday a treoe. tiemand tor una guuu
ui cuotua beeves was actlvs trom nil
sources and prioes ruled steaady tu sarong.
MeM cattle- are senilis auily Sav signer
than tnsy were at in ulos of laat wwea.
Oil the utber nana tne oetnnnu for tne
unllnary lutnt aiau macudiu wignt ateei
lias not beam very keen ot lata, and trade
wss rather ' stow uu thia cuts ot stuaa
tuoay wtui prtcea in about the earn
liutcnes as yssteruay anu not materially
outwent from tne close ot laat wee,
'ins time ot tne year is heia wnea tne
spread in prices baatwesn In uboic oorn
led and ordinary jfiaae ami curn cali.e
wul become wmer anu tns latter nave
beam very uneven seller so tar una week.
Market tor coats and nelfers waa jut
about steauy wltu Aedneeuaj'. and not
uverty se lava, ciouiaija uus not a-em tu
0 particularly acilv from nny auurce
and atiila tue mure u extra ua naavy cuw
anu prim iieilcr are aaiuns about aa
uign a at any tiui lataty, ce ordinal 1
cannars anra nutter ar clmliDg a re
BilHileal outlet and in sums aiae-e pi leva
are mora men aoauy. val calves war 111
auuve taenaami ana iuily staa-uy at piic-aa
ail 01 tee bignar tuan a wees ago, wmle
iiier uaa laaeu a broad uemevuu aim a
etrot.g uiarket for bulla, atasja, etc,
stuaintaas in atockera ana aa-euers was
wry quieu notii ta supply and tb de
mand was vry limit-, but tafica vat
wall stiatsinad for suitaM otiring oa
ail weight and ladkauoua are favorable
tor a vetuplvt rivaraiace tor toe ween.
auotntluiaa on cattle, flood to oaoic
beet Mrs. fair to good oka
alee re, etqy a wu, common to lair bi
steer, eoou to choice OeUara,
a av'.'rv. -.oa ,0 ciioloa cows, ae iu-uw.we,
.air ,0 good cow a, M.a.4; evmroea tu
air tows,; auvu tu uneice stuck
-la and t asoet e. aa.ajaSi.Sa: Lavir to XCHl
stockers and ftwidsrs, au.-I - .; cuniuauu
,u lair stookera anu teaeaaaa, , auve.t,;
t ucx hellers, l.eUB.s. veau asaavee, e"
,.i. buns, suuis, etc, ....
Representnllv salee:
BntK clCEKrJ.
ka. - Aa. Pr. Re. Av. Pr.
11X3 I
tees t M
..... aaa 1 M
....Ml 1 M
01M IM
aaa tl la
latl s IS
is aia 1 aa
J... lsaa SM
IU1 I aa
aa..... 1311 s aa
M lit s ta
1 ties 4a
at la,J laa
14m IS
,. ia-1 I IB
lni t
aea I av
MS t
14 Me 1 M
3k ka I v
at ....1IM i m
I -...IM la
feibskk AN
laa e'
lit s la 4
1-4 s .a 14
I 1 ka 4
tea 1 a . . e.-.
a .4 t ia I
I.I 4 ,a s
.. m 1 tt
. . ua a
...Lee M
..uw 1 la
..a-i t w
(...-. leU IM S
i ...t. Ut IM
.. m 1 Tt
... ar a
... 7,' 1 la t as
M tM I ae - S
1 ii a .a
t. I'a a i
M TM I M -
01, -ya-ta.
1 SM 4 34 t,..;...:...llM IU
I SM- IS' I.... MM l.
I Mill . ... Mil I U
..14M I M 1 lew I M
L. ...leas I 14 V 1 17M 4 11
L SM 4 It 1...." leM S a
- CALVs-B.
I Bt 4 M I JM I M '
1. MS I M I t S 7 t
I Ill Is ' t U
I ne i" I....: tee is
BlOC tk.H!i A.N LI fct-d-t-rCb-
4 M 4 I SIS I M
7 Ml I M . 44 3 M
U TM t 34 - 1 M ! M . .
HOCJct-Hog trad opened ta kood snap.
but the demand waa apparent! Ma than
tu euptrty and mora or Mas wcaaueaa
ri-waAfknaal faaanl Ih cloaa of tne Ses-
sloo, Hecetpta amounted to 11 head
and buy tug had a tea anna bis 4 area va
rreedsm dun tut earty rounsa at iiasa
a nlcasl higher; bulk aetlina nt this ad-
vsnca. Aftsr twa or tnrea Billing sruve
bad been put as the 4tsint tai-eeeo au
and vnlvwa reaksnsd. tilaal aai ruling
just about steady. Clearance waa not
comptat until afttr II o'clock. "
Shippers turn -shed a tair outlet tor at
tractive butcher grade and purchased
aotsethUis; Hka M per cent af the receipt.
Heavy 1 Isseis claimed tn atyn aprean.
as usual, and the range tn values newed
little change, snvsnntlnn to noaut r.
Beat lard weagnts an se brought
t7 tfHv sn eren pared with ytrday s top
uf ta while fwoet- sate were fairly
well Bunched within, Light
bat on affertngs tssually aotd at ST.St and
kesa, but there was prwctJcaXlj ae buai
ness tnsaaaeled below tha f7-4d kneL
Bepisssnttttvs aalss:
pr. t. 34 Mil
ITS IM 7 43,
IS Til M It
14. na ... ta
tt na a la
73 -TM MS t
at 3SS M It
0......T4I M ta "
...-.J- . . 7 el
tu ta tt)
M 143
aa 1 aa
... tM .
M 171
a . ua
....u a tM
TL.m tt Ik
m 7 u
:u it 7 a
Tee 141 V i
:4t M t 45
Tf4 M 7 ti
33 tM t 41
323 ... 1 to
!3 M 1 ti
IT7 ... 7 41S
3M ... 7 US
. ..
44 ..
M 1 71
.. 7 7
M 7 7
.4 ITS t 74
.Ms IM t 74
.111 M 7 M
.TM ... 7 74
-TI3 ... f M
.37S IM 7 IS
.371 TM T TS
j ai. TS 7 4
j 49 Tit IT -7 M
at Tia a 1 a
4! CI ! IN
Til as T a
77 :17 ... T M
a -'54 IM 7 M
71 Sfi M I M
TT.......T2I M 7 M
13 Ma CS J M
Tt TM M 7 IS
... 7 TS
M " 74
M I 74
7 71
M -K'.a
,. t Ti
U ill .
ti 114 ... I 74
M 373 ... 7 ii
1 Ml ... t 7i
M M3 M 7 71
M.......M ... 1 71
M TS4 M 7 71
3M ... I n
a tu lu 7 71
71 tu ... 7 ari,
M 7 43S
70 Ill
44 TaS
... 7iS
M I Ii
U TM US 7 45
M 117 ... 7 ta -
a m n ic
44 Ttl H lli
43 TM M 7 44
U Til IM T M
r 3TS ... 7G
M 750 IM 7 I,
74 TTS IM 7
M Ttl ITS 7 a
44 til K ill
M 211 ... 7 43
fa M t 71",
..mi a is
fS .OS ... 7 M
34T ... 7 M
a? 371 ... 7 M
M Ml ... tM
41 MX M T M
M tit .1 1C,
SHEEP Another very light run of
lam be sold on a market that watt not ma
terially different from yesterday'a trade.
The main point of difference appeared in
A more active prejudi. against the com
mon offerings. Good kinds of lamb were
very t,ar.-e and sold readily st firm
prices, while the poor to fair strings were
hardly saleable, .even at figures that
looked decidedly cheap. It was an un
eventful and unsatisfactory session
throughout, with several sets ot quota
tions untested.
Supply was limited to sbsul seven loads
of stock, practically all ahorn lambs.
The beet on ssle brought, which was
alao yenerday's high price. Other offer
ings were sorted more or leas snd usually
sold in small bunches on an uneven basis.
t'oin pared with last week's close good
shorn lambs are closing about SiiMc
higher, with sheep iwrnlnallv ataadv.
Wooled stuff has practically quit coming
and only a handful of ewes and wethers
Arrived In the run. The demand on all
days haa been rather Indifferent, owing
to heavy eastern euppllea and a slug
glah dressed mutton trade, 00 that the
advance scored locally have been lim
ited and untenable. Practically nothing
haa been selling on country account, the
three days buy amounting to leas than
TTat head.
Shorn sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to
choir. tt.S4K.nTi; lambs, fair to good.
r.HaSt.; yearlings, ts 4MJ7.JS; wethers,
K.stVtps .; ewe. A..2f-64.60.
Representatlva aalea:
Ii ahorn lambs
3S ahorn lambs
73 shorn lambs
IS shorn lamb, culls..
.:. ss
... va
... 47
I 00
Deaaaad far Cattle Weak Hog
Higher Hheep Slow.
4..W heed. Market weak to RV higher;
beeves M.00ti.(U; Texas steers, tnB7.7S;
western steers. .10bi.7t: stockers and
feeders, ta cowa and heifers, c auul
IM: calves, ts ;. 10.
rt' !.- Receipts, B.m heed. Market M
to MV higher: light. r.4tn.7i,; mixed,
17 4g.; hesvy, t7.4MSI.4S; rough. 7 V
770; pigs. bulk af aalea. 17 Ms
8HBEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 11.0HS
head. Market slow; native. tSTraWS;
western, M-oStfS.tS: yearlings. So.tutiC.To.
taimbs: Native. H.tMH.SH: wstern. M.7M1
St. Laals Sleek Market.
ST. LOITIS. Mav l.CATTI.irn(n,.
tsoj head. Including 400 Texeno; market
steady, 10c lower: native ahlpplng snd ex
port steers, dressed and butchers
steers. tA.7Wm.flr); steers under 1.0O) pounds,
C MtewTt: stockers and feeders. S4 7e4.:
cows snd heifer. M.7tvfjtVe: canner. 14 71
?S.7A; bulla. K.otta.2t: calves. StoufJAOt:
exaa and Indian steers, S&OO07.OV; cows
and heifers. 14 H7 no.
HontJ-Recelpts, Slot head: market 10c
hlgher: piga and lights l.'MrTlea: mired
and butchers, i.aEjx.0S; uod heavy, IJ.H
SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipt. 1.400
head: market steady: native muttona.
K.tnftlM: Ismhs, rtilla and
bucks, H-oja.7e; stockers, 13.009..
Kaaaas I'lty Me Stack Market.
ceipts, SOTS head, Including 7t aoutherna;
market ateady: dressed beef and export
steers. HclfctiClOO; fair to good. t6.Sin4.IO:
western leers. 7.0iWi.tff: sttHrkers and
feeders. So.otltF7.3S: southern steers. It.
S.4S: southern cows. 14 .t1t.2S: nsttvs cows.; nstive neiiers. .ietis.zi; bulls,
ta.0f74; rslves tf 3iai.
HOOS Receipts, a am bead: market lJj
lie hlsher: bulk of sales. r.tsVuet at- heavy
17 10477 16; packrv-t and bub her. K.Xht)
7.t; lights, r 4IJ.7: pig. Si.Sfaji-.KI.
SHEEP AND LAM BS Reoelrits, 4.03
head; market totjllc lower: lambs k.M
ltd; yeartlnga. o.j.i; wethers, M.Wft
M tn ...
71 M 1 at
M n ; i
M. .14 its 7 k
71 laa 131 I ii
a IM STa
41 - ... I ia
el :i ... t
e: :si t ;,
K tit te ; eo
7t :a ao 7 as
7a aos ; a
7j...7...a4 laa 7 c
77 Ml its ; aa
M IM ... T (9
Se. At. Sk. Pr.
74 TM IT t U
7! TM ... I te
72 -.4 HM 1 aa
Ask tenants who have been
in the building five, ten,, fifteen
even twenty ysars ask them why
' f a
' ' . ' " ""
sen-ice and the janitor service is just a little better
than anywhere else; the building is always warm in
winter; always cool in summer, and that everybody
knows where the building is, and that there is a beauty
and cheerfulness about the building which they could
find nowhere else. If you want a permanent office,
it would be well to 6ee what the building has to offer.
Rooms :is-lt-14 A large suit of office, on tha second floor. '
l aving a total ot 1-41 square feet. Von.a of these offices heva
been partitioned so aa to make a suite of shout five noma.
Thia spec will be rented either in single offices or Is suite.
Prtc per month for sll ASO.fSS
Eossa HI Reception room, privets office, twa Urge closet, larxs
workroom with two north windows Ideal for engineer, archi
tect, doctor or c titer professional men. Rental per n-onth, S4SjM
Kavtn J This Is a south front office facing sn f amem street, cJoea
to tha elevators. It ts partitioned so aa te afford a private of
fice and racepttea rooen. 1 ary desirable- Rant per n.eoth. faS-s)
ctsosa 414 Haa a euota and west exposure and la alwavs a vary coot
room in summer una Slaa. IS butts snd rants for. per
month - wisest)
Room 471 Is !5xltH feet In s1e: has two north windows and a
private office partitioned sff Inside thla space. This raosa
would ba particularly weU aaitsd for aa architect er studio.
Rental SaaJaa
Koom tie This ts a well located office faring; ram am street ea tha
fifth floor, near tha levators. Six of office, 14x11", bavins
a partition dividing this nasal Into threw offices. Thia v-uld
b particularly deatraM aa aa attorney's office, on acccsant ot
other attorneya betas located an title fleer snd Saving larva
libraries. Jaet th pier for tw young, ambttloaia attorneya.
Rental price per n-wntfe... STJIUaS
Bee Business Office,
;.0S: ewea. K34I4.3S: stockers and feedertv
ti3Dtii.(iO; Texas goats. t3.tMtA.J-
. St. Joeaeah !.! Stack Market.
Receipts. Lot) head: market stesdy t
strong: steers. St-TSi: and heif
er, tiivifi:.:;; calves. MJaqritR. "
HOci.- Receipts. t.Stt iiead; W"
higher: top, r.l; bulk sf salee, r
head; market alow: tombs, tT.sOeiS oa
Stork In Slitht.
Receipts of live stock at the five prin
cipal western tnajkets yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sneep-
South Omaha.
St. Joseph
Kansas City...
2.1W . LUW 1..W.
l.itw so) !."
.. xw
... 2. t hai "1-4
4 JiA I-.
Sl l.ouis
Chicago t.
Totals ....
.U.7W m
ETapaarated Apple, and Orlcd Fr-lla.
a . . C ansdll Ala I ft I
APPLEK ouii ana uncn,v.
spot fancy are unoted at ljltec; cholct,
WLY":.Za!i ,.-nv. with
tjjvrjona range irom y - .
jubhiiul demana. cnouc -'
choice. lc'. fajKy. Wl c RAW"';
dull ana eay. ".'-u.U
choice to fancy, seeded. rjle;.elles8'
SUgaV:; London tyra.
t'efte atsrket.
tures msrket closed steady at a ttetad
vance of itrt points, tales. 46.70 bags
May. lS.4c; June, is.c; July. 'Ja-'c. Aug
ust. 1163c; September. IS.. 2c: cVtobcr.
lXTOc: November. Hit; December. Ie.4.c.
January. 13.': Februsry. -5c: March.
13.68c : April. lltSc. "Spot coffee.
Bio No. 7. 14'ac: Ssntos Na 4, 15.s?tc.
Mild, quiet; Cortloca. itSlSfrc, nominal.
' Wsaal Market,
ST. LOl'tS, Mo.. May !l-WOOL-steadv:
territory and western mediums,
164jlc; fine mediums. lMfllci fine, 101 lie.
Pueblo Man Kills
Japanese Eobber .
PUEBLO. Colo., May It-Held up by
two -Tartan, aa he was going home from '
his saloon early today. John Sweeney
fought with his assailants and snot ana
killed one of them. Th other escaped.
Sweeney was carrying considerable
money. The holdup secured within ha I.
a block of Ilia eeloon.
nTKVItNNE. Wvo.. May ll-fSpeclal 1
PKara, ia no loneer doubt In the minds
of tha authorities as to the whereabout
of the Whitney brothers, who are wsntea
. Koidine? as tha Cokevtlle National
bank and killing a cltlxen hut October.
Tha outlaws, accompanied by Jeff Cald
.eii noted handIL left tha Blc Horn
basin country during the latter part of
April and are now en tha high seas rn 10 South America, where they will
Join Hsrvsy Logan,: Butch Cassldy and
Jim McCloud, old Wyoming outlaws wni
eecaned from tha country several years
ago. Logan and Cassldy sre wanted for
many train and bank robberies, wnn
Ur io.ut ta wanted for tha murder or
Re. Minnlck. a aheeDtnan. who was killed
on Black mountain In the Big Horn coun
try seven years ago. The W ttllney Brum-
era were piloted out of th country by
Caldwell, who Joined them at their ren
desvoug on the headwaters ot Wind river
In Fremont county early In April.
STCROIS, S. tx! May H -(Special
Telegram. Frank Hanna, general pris
oner at Fort Meads, mads his escape
last evening. He had been working under
guard. Hanna struck th guard on ths
head, rendering him. unconscious and
badly cutting him. Hanna had enaXlee
on at th time of escape and took tlie
guard's pistol and rifle. No trace of him
haa been found. Hanna escaped from ths
guard house In March, but was captured.
they office in The Bee
Building. They will
tell you- that the
building is never al
' lowed to be out of re
pair; a window cord
broken is repaired at
oiieej . a broken win- "
dow pane ia taken
enre of immediately; ,
lie owners are more '
anxious, to re-deco-.
rate a room than the
tenant: the elevator
17th and Faniam stx
Peratalent AdtaAlAUf
if aUtnrag
-) v.. I