Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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Ci r.,1 at Omaha postoface a second-
vi'uia ..F ai'iiot'MIP.lON
Sanday Be, om year ")
Saturday B. ona yesr
Daily iiee (without Suujiyl. one yaar.Kiw
lastly Hee and Sunday, one year eM
Xndn Km iwuh Sunday), per W..-ac
lajly Baa (Including Sunuay). per mo. be
Jjaily Bra (Without Sundayi. per mo....c
Addreae ail complaints or Irretuiaritles
In delivery n 'lty Clr-ulnliOO L-ept.
Remit M 'ait, express or posln. order,
ps"-i..e o Tie Ike publishing c ipany
On -cenl tsmps received in payment
of (mall aocou. i. F( raonal cnecks, ex
uerd ob Omaha aud eastern exchange, not
Omaha The Bee BinlJing.
Fsuth Omha-3l5 X SU
Council Uiuffs- rVott St.
Unenln- Utile Building.
t'luce;e-li alaruuetle liulin'.ng
Kansas Oll-Ke. lance Pul.iling
.vfT i "r . eet i mi 1 1 j - n,', .
Washington 7tt Fourteen! h tit..
Cammunli atlona relating to news and
editorial mat"" should be addressed
Omehe Bee, Editorial fcpsrtmcnt.
But of Nebraska. County of Ixiuciaa. sa:
I'wlght vliillams, circulating manager
of Trie Ba Publishing ouuipinv. beiiis
duly sworn, aaya that the aeraae dn
circulation, for tha month of April, IMi
waa 4Mu.
Circulation Manager.
Subscribed 1b my nreeence and sworn
ta before ma tal tnd day of May, lU.
iseel-t HOttKRT Hl'NTr.rt,
Notary Public.
tabaerlbera leaving (be ally
temperartlr ehaald have Tka
Baa mailed to them. Addreaa
will be changed as oClea aa rw
Wbat It mora Joyful than a rainy
day on th farm?
Mother alto get la oa "ladles'
day" at tha ball park.
Mea hit tha hard lloea without be
ing told to "bit them hard."
Tha weather man baa gona far
anough along bit present road.
Eras If Oroico falla ba baa enough
Mock la trade to make vaudeville.
Report aay tha toot of enow did
bo damage In Denver. How could It?
I -
Ton do not tea Mr. Common people
taking up five eolumna In a paper
with bl will.
If tba colonel atlll love a fighter,
hie old admiration for the president1
mast ba Increasing.
A patriotic weather man will never
let rain fall except at night when the
home team la winning.
Rcrmany ta fighting tba duel
Pr bably on tha ground that It la
nc : aa sane aa It la eafe.
Jmaha'a baaa ball team la begin
ning to redeem the promise made
before the season opened.
Mother's day la the aecond 8unday
May, but dad's day it tba first
May. as well aa every other old
A Kansaa City woman sue for
fsb.000 damagea for a pin scratch.
Wkat If tha bad been alaahed with a
triad knife?
bna good way to avoid subsisting
on; prison fare la to keep out of
prison. Tha beat way to do thlt It
to: behave yourself.
Mora documents are missing In
the steel trust esse, showing that the
magnates of that great Institution
reslly know their business.
The development of a "gusher"
tn tha Wyoming oil fields renews In
terest la tha projected pipe Una to
Omaha. This dream may come true
acme day.
Nina ceo la a pound for "baby"
beef at South Omaha doasat frighten
tba householder who baa to pay SO
cants for tha same article over the
botcher's counter.
Mr. Bryan haa not yet tiled his
schedule ot expenses at tha primary
election held last month. May ba ha
to waiting vatil ba telle na who he
favor for president
One ot tba high-toned cafes ot St.
Louis had to close up becsose of the
high cost of living. Evidently Its
rich patron have taken to tha ham
aaadwlch stools and counters
Will W. T. Steads spirit come
back? oorullst are asking. Well,
seme adeatlst said not a body ot a
Titanic victim would ever coma to
tba surface, and yet scores of tbem
, That tin canvass of Douglas
county's vote it not yet complete,
although nearly a month has elapsed
aiaea it was cast, indicate tha neces
sity at a better method of collecting
and tabulating election returns.
City new democratic
mayor haa suspended the civil ser
vtet board, which failed to hire men
tba mayor approved. Evidently the
young mayor la a disciple ot the
Jackaonian school ot politics.
The somas may be relied on to de
feat tba amendment to tba immigra
tion bill, which tend to make Cncl
8am a big detaetiv to nan down the
political prmoaers of foreign coun
tries, who have soaght terngs In the
United States.
The Boys! Straphanger.
The people of Denmark have had
much cause for' pride In their rulers.
The simplicity of sturdy manhood has
penetrated the armor of royalty, both
in the life of (he late King Frederick
VIII and hi illustrious father and
predecessor. Christian IX. They lived
near their people, ruled weft and left
noble examples to Inspire, not only
Denmark, but other European na
tions. It is regrettable that we in
America seem to swalt the death of
such men to get our belt view, to
karn most of them.
King Frederick, who hss just
pasted away, died as democratically
as be bad lived. And while it waa not
his to elect the manner of his death, :
undoubtedly he would hav chosen noj
greater ostentstlon at tha laat- Pass-j
Ing along the street of a foreign city.
incognito, ne rails stricken witn wnat
proves to be hla fatal illness, is rsr
ried to an ordinary hospital and dies
unattended and unknown to any
about him, while hi good wife, un
eonscloua of what haa happened,
awaits bis coming at a hotel. Dramas
and romances have been weaved
about lees ornate human Interest fea
tures. It ia an Impressive lesson to
Jesve a aturdy race.
It la said that as a prince In the
royal bouse of Denmark, tha young
man used to go to and fro from hla
university and borne In tba street
car and take hi place at hanging on
the straps when the seat were all
occupied. No doubt, many times ba
aroa to let a woman ba Beatatr, or an
elderly man, or, perhaps, a crippled
child. It Is so seldom tbs world
finds royalty leaning heavily for sup
port upon a street car strap that It
baa to pause even at tha recalling of
tuch an Incident and pay ita respect
to tba man. But this royal strap
hanger waa democratic by birth and
tradition, and ha never lost hla place
In tha ranka of the common people by
being exalted to a throne. Hit father
and mother had reared a large family
and when hla lira was appointed king
of Denmark tha family continued to
live within tba circle described by
their former station and resources,
practicing old-faahloned frugality and
Wbat a fine thing It would ba for
royalty, If now and than a break In
tha Una of kingly succession might
coma, aa It did In the ease of Chris
tian' exaltation, that would make It
necessary to go out and gst a king
from among the men nearer tba yeo
manry, even though they, too, might
have a dash of royalty In their vain.
The California Primary.
Woman of California evidently did
not ask tba francbtsa purely as an
ornament. They outvoted tha men
In numbers In proportion to tba regis
tration at the presidential preference
primary. Of tbem It may not ba said.
Women refuse to vot when per
mitted." It would be of additional
Interest to know bow Independently
of their men folks' views they voted.
But, then, the result, democratic at
well a republican, seem to Indicate
very little disparity In views. Tbs
distinction ot being the first women
to vote, indirectly, on tha presidency
belongs to California women.
Roosevelt's victory la hardly to ba
wondered at in view of California
political tread In tha laat two years.
Tha Roosevelt forces had put In tbelr
hardest licks to build np formidable
organisation and they were urged on
by tha persistent effort of Senator La
Pollette, In person, and President
Taft, through friends, to csptura the
national convention delegation. The
Roosevelt stronghold, of course, cen
tered about Loa Angeles, yet tba
colonel carried Han Francisco by a
small margin.- Hera la something In
teresting;, tor tha correspondent of
aa strong a Roosevelt organ aa the
Chicago Tribune last fall wrote to
bis paper that "There are not enough
antl-Taft men In San Francisco to
man an election booth." Evidently
ba forgot to count the women.
Champ Clark'a J-lo-1 victory over
Wilson Indicates that Mr. Hearst
holds the democrats ot his native
atata In tha hollow of bis band, Juit
aa ha Intimated. It would naturally
seem that a atata with ao much
Roosevelt sentiment in It, might have
more Wilson votes, yet Roosevelt
snd Clark trotted pretty evenly in
California. This throws tha scales
very far in favor of Champ Clark and
adda to tba growing Improbability ot
WlUofi's nomination ?.t Baltimore.
Food (or Prisoner.
Tba fuss tbat la being made over
tha food eerved to the prisoners at
the county jail U a continuation of
the scandal that baa prevailed In
Douglas county for many years. Tba
Bee has persistently fought tha prac
tice of feeding to the social derelict
temporarily confined In the county
Jail tor the purpose of making a
profit A few years ago tbia paper
unearthed a very munificent graft
enjoyed by the sheriff. At tbat time
tba county board shifted tba respon
sibility from the sheriff to private
individual. This operated only to
Changs tha current of tba graft and
did not atop the scandal. Tha pres
ent hullabaloo Is not so much because
ths prisoners are not getting proper
food aa because tha contract "or
feeding tbem was kM to two repub
lican at tbe time when tba demo
cratic sheriff wanted it for himself,
or ona of bis supporters. No matter
wbat sort of fare la provided, some
on can easily ba found to make
complaint aufficient to give par-
tUan orsans an opportunity to beat
the air with frantic clamor against
the treatment afforded prisoner.
Tba county commissioners should
recognise this fact, and should pro
vide without delay for such method
of feeding prisoners aa will insure s
proper supply of wholesome food,
properly cooked and served, snd
under such conditions as will prevent
a continuation of the scandal. It can
be done.
Dairying ia Nebraska.
When a milch cow sells for $!50.
as some Holstelns recently did st
Fremont, It Is a fair Indication that
there la bis; money in dairying. Xe
braskans scarcely have begun to
realka just what big money there 1
In tbia Industry, which Is so rapidly
advancing In this state. The bustnes
la In It Infsncy, hardly its prime, snd
yet Nebraska ia ona of the eleven
leading atates already In dairying
Omaha, Ita metropolis, Is making ap
proximately $5,000,000 worth of but
ter a year.
v' course, all this means much to
tha farming community, but it mean
much also to the Industriallam of the
stste. For Instsnce, In 10, the
manufactures from milk amounted
to nearly $8,000,000, which repre
sented an Increase of 130.9 per cent
over that ot five years prsvlous, or
1904. When it is remembered thst sn
Incressingly large number of men
and women Is being employed as
this Industry grows, it will come to u
forcibly that dairying la ao lnduatry
aa well as farming occupation. Sev
eral thousand people In ona way and
another are given employment as a
result of It
Chsmp Clark haa tba lnld track
at present but It should ba under
stood that this Is only Jockeying that
I going on now. Ths blue-ribbon
horse Is Just being groomed In the
Falrvlew stsbles.
Nebraska democrats ar Jangling
over which road to take when going
to Baltimore. It la not so much ths
msnner of their going, ns of their
coming, thst will ba of real Interest
Those Loulalsna Ifood victims
probably would count themselves In
luck to bava a few Ararat on which
to light.
People Talked About
Arthur D. BrandeJa. recently elected
a aucaaaaor to his brother Kmtl oa tha
board ef Ak-Mar-Ben governors, brlnx
to this poalUoo aa experience that will
valuable In making Ak-Sar-Ben a
greater Inatitutloa.
A St. Louis thief with a record of M
sartl(ht buritartea In five month, dia
led of the atolen goods, worth S.0,
for SMi AaM from tha rlaks of the bua-
neaa. an average ot tl a haul la not a
taaclnatlng lure for misdirected nerve.
The man who set out to auk diamond!
struck something mora valuable In car
borundum, tha fllntllke abrutve. and h
Is coining mllllona. Quite s number oC our
people who atari out to wear diamond
as bank president arrive at a soft thing
Peter relay, whose death at his horn
la Chicago is announced, was a veteran
ef the Hay market riot In that city, hav.
lag been one of the first comiwty of
police to charge the mob of anarchist
when the bomb that killed snd Injured
many people wss thrown.
Thinly youna wemea la Craeley. Cole.,
organised a club and hung on the wall
ef tbe den this curious motto: "What la
man. that thou art mindful of htm, and
the son of bum. that thoa vlatteih himr
Fraternal obturation fvrbtda giving th
deal red Information ta tn Ureelty glrla.
Wadding coat money.
Th peaJter ef the house of rrprorata
tlvas recently explained to a member that
the word "aliunde" was not th name of
an Individual, a city or a dtaoaa. How
eld Father Tim iih th duet oa wordy
fame. During the Tllden-Hayes contest ta
th winter of IS-1 tba supreme court
wove a poMUrsi chaplet aruwid aliunde,
making It a byword and ntc am for a
federal Judge.
Th Meet marcher la th - ran 41rl
Ion ot ths evffraci parade la New
York was James T. B. Ives ef Aodorer.
X H. Mr. Ive Is 71 jreer od. sad hi
declared by Ms fellows la tha saoremmt
so be tha avast eatBuataatie of them alL
Thar are aaid t be more than Lost aftea
a the 8tiftraaw era ta New Hampahlr.
Qjooldnc Backward
HilsHav fnOmalia
i iJ ST. i. i-e-s-A
Thirty Years Ago
The broom drill st Trinity eh arch wss
s most sueeesefiri affair. Th sale ot the
brooms netted IK, snd th strawberry
festival added to the receipt.
Janauachek presented "Mary Stuart'
at the Boyd te a larg audience.
The telescope man Is IB town, snd tha
people are investigating the sua spot
snd th approaching comet at ss mwca
per bead.
The Bee reporter paid a vast te th
Batatorlum, earner Ninth sad Fsrnam
streets, which th gentlemanly proerte-
to ra, Dick man ft Witt, bare mads at
the old Tlvoll garden.
W. T. Mount, who come her from
Virginia, has opened up a frist -class More
t 111 Sixteenth etreet.
Mrs. C. H. Carrier has returned from
the east.
Martin Langdoa of Paplllion la at th
Governor Hoyt of Wyoming waa in the
dty today.
A. Benson. O. A. Lindqulat and O.
Colin will leave for Europe Saturday,
being Joined at Burlington by Mr. A.
Bon man.
M. C. Wet more of Lisgett A Meyers
tobacco bouse of St. Louis waa in th
Mia Nettle Hendee, formerly s ladies'
aaleawoman In the New York dry goods
tore, ha accepted s similar position In
the new house of Oerrabrant Cole.
The Millard hotel will probably be
opened tn about four week. Th car
pets for the upped floors hav arrived,
snd will be put down at once.
Secretary Conoyer ot th school beard
haa depoaltited th school alnklng fund
of r.Ota) with Treasurer Buck.
Twenty Years Ago
County Superintendent Kill ef tbe public
schools returned from Unosm, where he
attended a meeting o tth county upruv
Mr. and Mrs Henry Swarta of Msa
aeim. Pa., were th guest ot their
nephews, eOorre snd Jacob QUO.
Colonel O. O. Kenney, formerly ot Lin
coln, later of Rochester, N. T was visit
ing hi old frtend Colonel E. P. Roggen
of Th Bee Bureau of Claims.
Carl 8nyder ot the New Tork World,
formerly of the Council Bluffs Nonpareil,
stopped In Omaha to pay bis respect to
The Bee on his wsy to ths Pacific coast.
Messrs, Martin. Coryell snd Olbb.
members of th Board of Education, with
Architect Latansar, left for Boston, New
Tork. Brooklyn snd Washington to In
vestigate th public schools with a view
of getting Idea on heating and ventila
ting. The city council repealed the ordinance
suthorlstng the Nebraska Central railway
bonds, and a new ordinance wa Intro
duced to take It place. Th change wa
made for curative purpose.
Henry T. Clark has as his guaat. Col
onel Klllott F. Shepard. editor and owner
of th New York Msll snd 1 Express.
Colonel Hhepsrd, wfco la on of New
York's famous editor, had com to
Omaha for th special purpose of mak
ing an adrrsa at th exposition hall mass
meeting on tha nuaday previous, under
the auspices of the American Hebbeth
union. Aa the auest ot Mr. Clark he was
hown ever the campus of tlx Univer
sity of Omaha at llellevu.
Ten Years Ago
Kmll Brandel. who Just returned from
a Kuropean trip, told ot a audience he
had with Pupe Leo XI 11. Ha said, "the
benediction of th pope will never b
effaced from my memory."
Th On) a ha poultry market continue
to soar, ills pries of hens being I to IS
cents a pound.
Announcements wa made at th Union
Pacific headuartcrs tbat tha double
tracking of the line from Council Bluff
to Valley to be completed In th near
A meeting of th Fifth ward republican
olub In Young hall. Sixteenth and Corby
streets, waa addreaied by Nelson C Pratt
candidate for congress, Edward Rose-
water, c. W. Deiemater and W. A. D-
At a meeting of the board of directors
of the Auditorium the laying ef the
cornerstone w aa discussed. This commit
tee waa aprolnted to lay th corneraton.
Alfred Millard. F. T. Hamilton, M. F.
Funkhouser, J. H Lehmar, C U. Pearc.
C. H. Plcken. W. 8. Wright nd F. E.
Gardners, who paid for site In the
Capitol Avenue market house were trying
to figure out how they could get aatlsfac
tton as long aa their sites were not in
Tee Mark ef a sieved Thin.
Baltimore American.
With so many elections forced upon
the American people It will be necessary
for business men either to let tbelr wives
run the business or let tbem do tbs vot
ing for the family.
Towrhlas the owwah Ba.
New York World.
As If batlleahipa and armies snd pea-
lions were not enough war burden tn
time of peace, the Rod Cm now pro
poses to take up subscriptions for a fund
for the relief of prisoners ef war and
tors it for future us. Next!
Vt nrh Slaaa I Pardonable.
Brooklyn Eagle.
Clever Chlcaso surgeon restored
memory to Ueorge A. Kirnmat, and he
remembers that the girl be loved Jilted
him. Say. wouldn't that aire ysa a
pain? There are occasion wbea dang
la pardonable, even tnevitable-
ew Ideas In Asrtewltar.
Boston Transcript
Cms million dollar to help edscate the
farmers of the country Is a gift reported
from Chleauro. The old-fashioned farmer
who used to think ba knew something
about lands and crops must begta to woaw
der where he flu Into the saw Mess ef
nasMsra at the CsUBwataTSU
Philadelphia Reeora.
One of the humors ot th essipslgn Is
reported from Mlchtssn. Rooeevell men
controlled ths eonvrnooo tn Kent esonty
sad named the delegates to tbe state
venitoa, but neglected to name delegates
te the dtotrtrt convention. Another county
eonventlea had to be held, and th sober
second thought of the Michigan repub
licans resulted ta an overwhelming Taft
majority, and thai change in the county
will stva th ptmcnt th Fifth district
snd dtrld the stats delegation: Taft SX
Roosevelt A la a goad many other parts
at th country there woU be a like re
versal tt there were a chance.
New Pension Law
rrevielavas wf the Hew Ceas
proas taw Maaesase Fasasd sr
I ssmai aad Stgaed hr Tart.
The compromise seustpn Mil passed by
congress sad apprsvsd fey President Taft
laat Hat unlay, ready as follows.
Bs tt enacted, etc.
That any person whs served ninety day
or mora in tha military or naval service
of toe United Stale durtm the late civil
war. who has seen honorably discharged
therefrom, snd who haa re coed tha agw
at Ct years or ever, shall, apoa making
proas' of suck facta, according to such
rules and ngularJOBS ss the secretary of
tbe Interior may provide, be placed upon
th peaaloa roll and be entitled to re
ceive a pension aa follow:
la csas such person has reached th
ass of tl years and served ninety days,
git per month: sis? months, tits per
month; oa year, tl per month: two
years, til per month: two and a half
years, per month; three years or
over, 11 per moo th
in caa such paraea has reached ths
sg ef tl years snd eerved ninety days.
HI par month; six months. Ilia per
month; one year, lt per month; one snd
s half years, till per month; two year.
117 per month: two and a half years, (11
per month; three year and ever, V per
Ia eass such persos has reached th sgs
of It yaere and eerved ninety days, :l per
month: sis months, $1 per month; on
year, gsj per month; one and a half years.
$21.1 per month; twe year. 123 per month;
three years and over, g per month.
In case auch person haa reached the
sgs of TS years aad served ninety day.
$a par month; six months. UTtO per
month; one year, IS per month: oas and
half ysa re. $n par month; two years
or sver, $) per month.
That any person who served in the mill-
tary or naval service ef the United
States during the civil war and received
honorable discharge, and who was
wounded m battle or tn Una of duty snd
Is new unfit for manual labor by reason
thereof, or who from disease or ether
causes Incurred In line of duty resulting '
ta his disability Is now unable to per
form manual labor, shall bs paid the
maximum pension under thla act towtt
tst per month, without regard to length
ef rvtc
Tbat any person who served sixty days
or mors tn ths military service ot the
United states In tha war with Mexico and
has baas honorably discharged therefrom
hall, upon making like proof of such
errlee. bs snUtled to a pension of W
per month.
Ail of ths sforessld psndon shall com-
menc from ths data ef filling of the ap-
ptlration In the bursas ot pension after
th pass ale and approval of this set:
Provided, thst pensioner who ar J
years of sg or over and who ar now re
ceiving pensions under existing lsws. or
those whose claim ar pending In the
bureau ef pension, may. by application
to tha commissioner of pension. In iuoh
form as he may presort be, receive th
benefit of this act; and nothing herein
contained shall prevent say pensioner or
person Milled to s pension from prose
cuting hi claim and receiving a pension
under ny other general or pedal act:
Provided, that a person hell receive
a pension under any other law at th
same tints er for th sun period thst
he Is receiving a pension under ths pro
visions ef this set: Provided, further, thst
no person whs Is sow receiving or shall
hereafter receive a greater pension, under
sny other general or special law, than he
wsuld he entitled to receive unuer the
provisions herein ahall be penslonsbl
under thla act
Section t Tbat rank In the aervtoe shall
not be considered la application mea
Section I That no pension attorney.
claim agent, or ether parson shsll be en
titled to receive sny compensation for
service rendered In presenting sny claim
te tbe Bureau of pensions or securing sny
peaalon. under this act, ssespt la applica
tions for original pension by person who
hav not heretofore received a pension.
BeetJoa A Thst ths benefit of this act
hall Includ any person who served dur-
ir I th late civil war, or In tbs war with
Mxk. snd who Is now or may here
after become entitled to pens! en under th
sets of June 17. U90; February Is. US,
and th Joint resolution of July t 1M2.
and Juna BV IK, or the sets ot January
Its;; March g, 181, nd February 7,
1SV7. 1
flection t Thst it shsll bs the duty ot
th commissioner of pensions, ss ssch
sspUeatlon tor pension under tbl act !
Is adjudicated, to cause to be kept a '
record showing ths name and length of j
serrtoe e each claimant, the monthly
rsts of payment granted te er received by
htm, snd ths oounty and stste ef his resi
dence: and shsll at the end of the fiscal
year ltll tabulate th record o obtained
by states and counties, snd shall furnish
cert tried eoptee therof upon demand and
tha payment of auch fee therefore as Is
provided by law for certified copies of
records la the executive departmects.
St Lou la Oloba-IJemoerat: Dr. Wiley
deal that Mr. Roosevelt when president.
sver co-operated with him In the enforce
ment of the pure food laws. Wbat a
commotion there would he In the Ananias
club if th colonel himself should sud
denly be hurled In.
Beetoa Transcript: Tha Bryan charge
that friend of Harmon sought to buy
Brysa delegates to the 1KB convention Is
aa early Indication of the merry times
epproachla for Baltimore. But how
could the friend ef the retries On be
suspected of double dsallng?
Pittsburg Despatch: Down tn Panama
they prepare for a presidential election
by orderiag a supply ef Krag-Jeigenaons
and ammanltlon. There Is eas consola
tion about the kmd ef campaign miss! lea
need tn tbe battle n hers that the
shorter and ugly. K disfiguring Is seldom
New York World: Mr. Bryan Is oppos
ing Harmon aad Underwood aad nomin
ally supporting Wilson and Clark. But
If he succeeds In eliminating Harmon
and Underwood from tbe contest bow
long before he will turn noon Wlleoe and
Clark? Harmon's "heart Is wrsag;" but
Is aay heart right except the faithful
heart of William Jennings Bryan?
CS Carey's L an dry
' . . Aliens Tyler 1804
Shirts, .V swd 10c st
I V office smd 10c bsmI iac
-j eWireevvd.
I '4
422 Sdl Hi Strtsi
r.ushvil Recorder: Talk about letting
the people rule. In the late primary Run
ning Water precinct was restored as s
voting precinct snd the magnificent total
of six votes were cast. Oeorge & Pet era.
John Peters and W. H. Peters, aa elec
tion officers filed claims which together
with the cost of election supplies, makes
ssch f those votes cost s little ever s
piece. It pay to let the people rule, but
tt costs lute thunder.
Nebraska City Praa: Th mother-in-law
of "Shorty" Gray blames Governor
AJdrteh for the prison eexbresk snd the
death ef the prison oRKxala. Of eoura;
Governor A Id rich haa been blamed for
about everythlBg else, snd before long
he will probably ss charted with the
Titanic disaster snd ths success ef the
sufrrsgettee of England In breaking piste
glsas windows, ihere Is nothing like
beeping tt en a man when ha Is In the
Nebraska City Press: Morley, let off
with a life sentence by a Jury ef sane,
safe men. I returned to the state prison
to mingle with M of hi fellows snd
glory in the deeds ot March U What an
swful exsmpls to lniprslonbl youth
snd hardened criminals ll is to turn
loos on society, even prison society, a
man who murdered three Mate officials
In order le (ln hi liberty, and who wa
the Indirect cause of having brought
about the death ot a young man. Inno
cent of wrongdoing, and who hss brought
about estrangement between life-long
Frlaml Telegraph: We ars In receipt of
a part of tbe Congressional Record giv
ing the speech of Hon. Cbstiss H. Sloan
on free meats snd cereals. We regret that
this article I of such great length that
we are unable to spar room sufficient to
print, it In these columns. In this speech
Mr. Sloaa uses a whole lot of common
sense, together wtlh quit a sprinkling of
wit snd humor, and this speech is a very
enjoyable one Indeed. Congressman 8 loan
Is getting to ths front down at Washing
ton snd the people are beginning to
realise thst there Is a Fourth district in
Nebraska and that It Is being sbly rep
resented. .
Springfield Republican: The United
States steel corporation has won aa ap
peal In an Injunction proceeding hrousht
to restrain tt from horning books which
might be used aa evidence, what objec
tion could an honest corporation have to
an Injunction of that kind?
St Louis Republic! A federal Judge
hss refused to issue sn Injunction against
the steel trut to prevent It from burn
ing th remainder of th evidence. Hla
reason for denying th Injunction wa
that no svtdencs was produced chowlng
any auch Intention on the part of the
trust The burning of documentary evi
dence last October may ba In Itself no
proof ot whst th trust contemplates lei
tha future, but It certainly affords s
basis for a r ' thty good guess.
Washington Milt: There appears to be
no doubt that the paper were actually
destroyed or that the destruction wa
ordered by some person more or lees In
suthorlty In ths corporation. But whether
the employe who put them Into the furnace
had his order from thoee who were In
terested In covering the records cf trsns
actlona la order to defeat the end ot
Justice Is s matter now for determination.
The Incident may not prove of vital Im
portance In the present connection, but
It will serve to Illustrate the difficulty
ot the regulation of corpora Hon. Aa long
ss th government lacks perfect access
A Delightful Beverage .Aid Digestion
and Wonderful for the Throat
Tbs nam of this nsw bevarafa is Dols's Pineapple Jaiea, And short trial
will prove that tt doe all tbat is claimed of it
Ton 11 like Dole 'a Pineapple Jniea because it tastes good and you'll eon
tins naing it because it doe you good.
It ll at pur as nature can make it, being simply tba purs juice of choice
piaeapplss, bottled aad sterilized right where ths fruit It grown, thug preserv
ing the natural and pleasing flavor.
Start naiag it to-day. Dole 'a Pineapple Juice ia sold by grocers and drug
gists everywhere.
"Cooling Drinks and Desserts," telling how ta make pleasant, cooling
drinks, matted free.
112 Marks Stress. Sea FrasKiscs, CaL
eawtiful flam
T. svUVERY woman mav
iZ gloSBV hair, and she
m iiusi ustvtuau wftur, vy
Q-Ban Hair
TS ."-1 V-B?Hi' R
"ZZ ZVZ f1L'a
; beahhyand full of vigor, and aatus
l a ik. . .
O-Bas Mr fteskmr mStrmfn asssss's
IsjBeaaxs. Vh cesSs are LU
SPECIAL NOTICB- A postal card is each sadtsse esittk.
VTZlli!SfLuii!?,rthrtM reisad
to the books snd papers of large com
panies vmcn mini I taw umnun I
ot the constitution are subject to federal
Jurisdiction, It will be Impossible to guard
against hnporper practice. A system of
examinations such ss those conducted
Into the affairs of national banks might
check the activities of the payer burners
snd make for a more certain sdmlnis
tratlon of the anti-trust law.
"You got your start la politics by burn
ing midnight oil!"
"Yes." replied Senator Sorghum. "I
as one of the busiest boys you ever taw
n a torchlight procession." Washington
Indignant Housewife A healthy man
like yon begging for s living. Did you
ever do s ilsy's work in your life
Ruffon Wrats Yes'm: s little while ago
I dona th' biggest September day s work
ye ever beard of. I swatted a fly an'
killed a bilUon. Chicago Tribune.
"Why did you rafuss to encase tbat
woman, and shs such a splendid worker.
Just because she was deaf and dumb?"
"How do you suppose. If I took her, I
wss going to get sny of the newo' of the
neighborhood r' Baltimore American.
"Maud says aha had her audience in
tears last night '
"I believe It. They were crying for their
money hack, poor things." Life.
Lady Customer I'm afraid none of
these hose will suit my husband. Are
you cite euro you've shown me every
thing? Weary Clerk Absolutely, madam: ex
cept the er pair I have on. Chlcaco
"Please, err. can I gst off te go to my
grandmother' funeral tomorrow T"
"I suppose you went to go te her fu
neral because there's a gams tomorrow,
"No. sir: It s because an' dead."
Boston Transcript
"My doctor say I ought te ride a
horse," said th Indolent man.
"I don't know. Msybe he's tired of
treating me for dyspepsia and wants a
broken collarbone for a change." Chi
cago Post
"So you found a poker chip la your
husband' pocket."
"Yes," replied Mrs. Pllmgllt.
"And you reproved bunT"
"Indeed I did. A man who l that
careless about cashing In should not be
allowed to play cards" Washington Star.
New Tork World.
SSys Mrs. Georgians Chinn,
Her anger rising st a touch;
"I hear a man ot medicine
Asserts that woman talk too much
Why the Idea! I haven't said
A slngls word this blessed day
Except, of course, whan Newtywed
Came ataggsrlng along the way
And she ran out without a hat
And yanked the fellow off th walk
But mantlonlng a thing Ilka thst
I'm certain doesn't mean I talk
About my neighbors though I'm sure
There muat be lot of gossip here
For Dr. Wagg says he can't cure
Ths ache In Mrs. Buxser's ear
And oars If he would get relief
Te quit the church society
But shs was never mad so deaf
By hearing sny talk from me
And anyway th doctor might
Look home before he talk of blab
For Mrs Wagg Is such a fright
8he'd make s marble statue gsb
About that ugly looking dress
That might have been a parlor mat
And cost three thlrty-etx or leaa
And dearie did you see her hat
Its style la noaltlvely Dutc h
But how Borne nervy people find
A causs to ssy we talk toe much
Is something thst' beyond my mind,
Unleae, of course, s person think
Thst when s man like Mr. Brown
Become abusive when ha drinks
It should bs tolk around the town
But not by me! I'd not be seen
Repeating common talk and such
And that la why I aay It' mean
To say w hull talk toe much!"
have ru-ori -t K.....r..i
can seen it or .-
"aidMT ,hM brr ,oil prepa.
wtJ M AMCM BaUT. Hnl to a'
rtsetf wiUbriiw
. .