THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. MAY 15. 1912. MANY CHANGESAT CITY HALL Many Offices Are to Be Abolished Under the New Plan. ICONOKT IS TO BE THE RULE Sack' U Ik AufBl 7aae ay tee Sew roMHlad.Mr. Sev eral Offices Are to Be Caaaollaatea. Radical changes looking toward econ omy mill be Inaugurated by the new com mlssloners. Plans are being made, need les of political machine consequence, to abolish and consolidate offices, cut down the number of men employed In depart ments and Install a new dispensation that will decrease the expense of the admin istration without Impairing its efficiency. It is probable the office of license in spector will be abolished and the work now under the license inspector's super vision turned over to the ctty clerk, who now collects many licenses. This would tlo away with the Inspector as well as his assistant. Nurmruu.; applicants for tlie office of building inspector may result in C H. Witnnell, fire protection and water sup ply commissioner, handling that work himself for the remainder of the year. The office of building inspector, the city electrician's office and the office of boiler Inspector will be consolidated and put under the supervision of one com missioner. Inspectors In the city engineer's office will also feel the pinch of an econom ics! administration. Intentions now are to cut down the number to bare neces sity. Other appointees In other depart ments who have been serving principally as a "cog" in the political machine, will l-e Informed that their services are not needed. rtsaasre la Health Depart aaeat- A change may be made In the health department Prominent Omaha physicians have signified a willingness to devote a week of their services occasionally to the city. The city emergency hospital may be taken out of the Jurisdiction of the health commissioner and placed la charge of a competent man. Emergency cases, In event of the change, would b the only cases cared for at the emergency hospital When a physician was needed ha would be called and ar rangements for quick response would be made, so that service would be as effi cient as It would be if a corps of doctors was on the job all the time. The health commissioner would devote bis entire time to the general health of the city and the routine of the office. Commissioners have also derided to strictly enforce the hours of labor rules. Employes must be on the Job at a o'clock and must not leave before t In the afternoon. Janitor Walstrom has been Instructed to thorough clean the city hall and offices are stripped of furniture and the mop and the duster are In use Thomas McGovern. head of the depart ment of public Improvements, will occupy the offices of City Engineer Craig. Mr. Craig moves Into the offices of the assist ant engineer In the north end of the building and Assistant City Engineer Campen has located In the drafting room. Dr. O. R. Toung, city veterinarian, has sent his reslgnstton to the commissioners He explains that his connection "with the Cltisens' union movement and their candidates warrant" the action and that he has no apologies to make nor favors t asky J--f f ? -- - i Deneen Extinguishes Blaze With Lungs That a fireman needs strong lungs as well as nimble legs, la a theory that Assistant Tire Chief Martin Peneen often proves. Sparks from a Northwestern switch engine set the roof of Ferer's Junk shop at 1S Douglas street afire. beneen was one of the first firemen upon the roof. While the others went at the principal blase, he contended him-; irif with extinguishing flames In other j point". Having no chemical tank he blew the fire out In four different places. The crowd witnessed his blowing per formance and cheered him lustily. 'Died of PBeasaamia is never written of those who cure coughs and colds with Dr. King's New Discovery. Guaranteed. SOc and H 00. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. EXTRA VALUE DINING CHAIR (Uke Cut' select quarter-sawed .oak. golden polish finish, full bos frame, slip leather seat, plain lien de sign. An extraordi- fjfl nsrr value at. each . . JlBU OISISTO TABLE Of excellent wortlt. 's-isch quarter-sawed jat-..rszi.oo OTMXMQ TAIL M An unuauaJ vaju, round top, &4 Inches In I la meter, quarter - smwed oak, tf,trr? $36.50 3TTITS Pretty ew designs In rl:en quarter oak. pol luted finish to tniit.-h chair ard tables, at gUJXl, 23-00. S3OO0 Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet 2q. Fitit Ihermalic FirtUn Cooker VenmutnUum in Batami. E. - Zip -gv t&ri I am -NrrtMvMiiiimr. rt J MX OIL IS GUSfflNGJN WYOMING One Thousand Barrels a Say Flow. in, in Sand Creek Section. IT WILL BE PIPED TO CASPIE Bartaa Faith tL' reals- Praaaet, 1 Northwesters Boa e Preaarlasi Ceaeert Ltwcasotlree late Oil Baraers. The first gusher In the band Creek oi: producing section of Wyoming was struck last Friday at a depth of a little less than U0O feet. The well Is producing LOO barrels of oil per day. While the flow Is not under control the oil Is being saved by being run oft Into a reservoir. The gusher wsa struck by the Mldwrn OH company and Is on a school section leased from the state of Wyoming, forty miles northwest of Casper. Being close to the pipe line already constructed by the Midwest company It will be plpei dowa to Casper and to the refineries there. Tbe flow of the new well Is steady and shows no signs of falling of. . Ope rat era Are laealred. Inspired by the success that has - oompairied the drilling during the last few months and the bringing In of tli" new well, the oil producers of central Wyoming have called a convention of oil men at Casper for May a and 3. at which time ateps will be taken looking to ths extension of the oil Industries. Having- faith In the Wyoming oil for fuel purposes the Northwestern road hns equipped thirty-six of Its engines work ing west of Norfolk with oil burners awl completed the construction of s larc-r quantity .of tsnkage there. It al.-o hi, fifteen new tank cars, with a capacity of W.O0S gallons of oil each, on the way to go Into the service. Of all of the fifty-seven engines ud on the Northwestern west of Omaha not one la burning coal shipped from east ' the Missouri river. Those that are using oil are burning coal from the Wyo ming fields. Plans are now being ma tured for converting the engines east ot Norfolk Into oil burners, snd probsulr within ninety days every engine on in line In Nebraska and Wyoming will be using oil for fuel. City is Asked for . Money it Holds for Hydrant Rentals Omaha may be haied before trie courts and cited Cor contempt. If there come the expect after clap of the litigation between the cMy am! th water works. City Treasurer I re haa oeea notified to pay over the Sl1.0tt) held back by the city when a judgment waa paid. ThU money, collected thua by the city aa oc cupation taxes, la Mill with the city, but the water company has notified the treaa urer, under tlie mnda.raua ianued a yeai So L recti it a levy to pay judgment fo.- hjdram xentala. V. hiie the court and Master In Chan eery TtiummW have upheld the city' ac tion a hoidlns out the amount of th occupation tax from the amount of tlif Judgment, the water company haj ahiwn no Inclination to allow the city to loep the money. HELD FOR FORGING NAME ON POSTAL MONEY ORDER Arraigned before United States Com mlaslooer tianlel yesterday charged with .nrging an endorsement on a posta moner order. Welter Gosrsn pleaded not suilty and was bound over to await a Uon by tbe federal grand jmy la Sep :mber. - Bail was fixed at A Dying Grip BY HAL COFFMAN. Band Concert When New Public Market Department Opens The Public Market, for years one r Omaha's most famous retail Institutions Saturday will open Its grocery depart ment In a section of the store at Hlx teenth and Harney streets which hss been prepared for' the exclusive use of this department This company has nevr rsrrled groceries heretofore, and InstsMs the new line because of the growlist de mand for such a department by the man;' cuatomera of this firm. The grocery department of ths Public Market will be one of the best In ths city. Every precaution has been taken to make it perfectly sanitary, and the very beat lines of groceries will be sold here, snd sold at prices that are consid ered most reasonable. In preparing for the grocery depart ment, which will oceupy an entire flooi of the building, the management of th Public Market made Improvements In the entire store, fitting up the lower floors n It h modern flstures snd giving the en tire estsbllshment a modern, clean ap pearance, and putting it into such shspe thst It will be the pride of Omaha In explaining the reason for adding the grocery department the owners of tbe store said that all their customers had ssked thst they-sell groceries. 80 after long consideration of the matter It wai agreed that the Public Market could add the new department and sell groceries the very best-at prices thst would satisfy all, and that would Increase the business of the estsbllshment. New Ice boxes and all modern equip ment for keeping the foods clean and cool have been installed, so that the new market Is one of the best In the west. During the grand opening on Friday a band will furnish music and an Informs reception will be held. Thousands of visitors sre expected. Record Price Paid to Pender Stockman for Fattened Steers Record smsshlng of prices paid for fat rattle at the South Omaha yards con tinues to hold the serious attention of commission men snd western stock rais ers. Tuesday It was announced that the I highest price ever paid on the local mar ! ket waa commanded by Philip Keller of j Pierre. Neb., who was paid $. for a fine herd of twenty steers. This record la -dtsplsced by the announcement that t.T; has been paid to Frank Glister of Pender. Neb. He brought In a carload of seventeen Whlteface western cattle that averaged 1.2M pounds each, and he now holds the record for the highest price ever re ceived In South Omaha- The cattle were sold by Ingwersen Bros. Undoubtedly s shortage of cattle exists in the west and high prices will obtain lor some time to come. It Is confidently expected that top prices will reach ss titan as p) before long. The average price being psid now ranges ail the way from KM and h ) to STEFEOTYPERS' PRESIDENT NAMES LOCAL CRAFTSMAN L. Flo m see, superintendent of the stereo typing department of The Omaha Bee, .as been selected to serve on the commit tee o laws st the San Francisco con ertioa. Notice of the afputntatent comes a telegram communicated by James J. Freel. president of the International stereotype" snd Eleirotyperr anion. The committee will meet In th Hotel At- S gonaut In Han Frsnclsco on Friday morn ing, June 7. HEBREW YOUNG MEN WANT BASE BALL GAME SUNDAY The Toung Men's Hebrew association Is without a gam for Sunday and would like to hear from any teem In the II year old class. Csll twuglss 30M sfter t p. m. FESTIVAL OF ASCENSION AT TRINITY CATHEDRAL Today being the festival of the Ascen sion there will he celebration of Holy Communion at Trinity rsthedral In the morning st 7 o'clock. Morning prsyei 111 be conducted at o'clock snd the second celebration of the Holy Com munion will be at :W o'clock. Key to th Situation Bee Advertising. te United PASTORS ENTER CAMPAIGN Agree to Exploit Merits of Omaha Made Goods from Pulpits. EXHIBITS TO BE EXTENSIVE Displays Place F.mi to Ka Weal Reark jut, mmt reaatlag U- dew trroataa-e Taey M Extra Threw allies. The general committee in charge of the "Knew Omaha campaign, has most of Its plans figured down to an exactness that mould Interest the man who' does sleight of hand tricks with figures. Tbe window outlays ottered by manu facturers and Jobbers. If stretched out end to end. would reach a mile. And. counting the spaces between iimana made product and wtadvw frontage, they would reach mure than tr.ree miles. Tht-tr height and weight, however, hate not yet been estimated. Plans for the educational part of the campaign are progressing nicely. j. A. C Kennedy, chairman of the civic com mittee, ha snnunced that most of the ministers of the city hare sgreed to start the we, k of Junt' 3 with sermons on Omaha. Bishop Scannell has approved Rheumatism Is due to an ere ass of urio add. an irritating. Inflammatory aeeamulauon, which get into ths circulation because of weak kidneys, constipation, indigestion, and other physical Irregularities which an usually considered of no importance. Nothing applied externally can ever reach the seat of this trouble; the most such treatment can do is soothe the pains temporarily; while potash and other mineral medicines really add to the acidity of the blood, and this fluid therefore continually grows more acrid and Tit la ted. Then instead of nourishing the different muscle and Joints, keeping them In a normally supple and eliutio condition, it gradually hardens and stiffens them by drying up the natural oils and fluids. Rheumatism can never be oured until the blood is purified. 8. 8. 8. thoroughly cleanses and renovate the circulation by neutralizing the acids and driving the causa from the system. It atrengthens and Invigorata th blood so that Instead of a sour, weak stream, depositing acrid and painful oorroslT matter In the muscles, joints and bones. It nourishes th entire body with pure, rich blood and permanently cures Rheumatism. 8. 8. 8. contains no potash, alkali or other harmful mineral, but 1 made entirely of roots, herbs and bark of great purifying and tonic oroDerties. Book on Rhaumatiam eni liny medical edrka free to all who write. You can't get beyond the domain of "The Winged Pyramid." The world over you'll find Ford lervice sta tions near at hand a distinct Ford advantage. And a rea son why you should place an early order for one of the seventy-five thousand new Fords to be sold this season. All Ford are Modal T all alike except the bodies. The two passeDfer runabout cost 5U th flv passenger touring car $690 the delivery rsr $700 the town car $900 f. o. b. Detroit, completely equipped. Get latest catalogue from Ford Motor Company. 116 Harney St.. Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas 4600. J. H. Coltman, PitUburgh, Pcu "Without any expense excepting fuel" is the service record of this owner. When you buy a Maxwell you can figure with high degree of certainty just what your operating expense will be. Maxwell "Mascotte" $980 It a roomy family car that th family man can afford to buy and main tain. It has plenty of powerfor bills and heavy roads. It is handsome, ( equaling th style of expensive cars. And it has a reputation back of It assuring long service through proved merits of construction. You owe it to yourself to investigate the Maxwell "Mascotte". Examine its up-to-date design and y ride in it. Let at take yon out now. It yo caa- not caji, write tor catalogue ae L-uze actcriDiag n. a. Factory. (Tttiiit) Motor OmihtCo., 2115 mee4 sVato Co, OsssaO BlarTs, la, Kan st STsasss. Walaas, Iowa, a. 7s. essoa. Aaaabon, Iowa. Demises Ante Co-. Zftsalsaa, tows, art "Talipot, Weeplag Wsssr, sTek. Welch Bretaeia, Teaasnaa, h. Halloa a sTaasom. Warns, area, awe at mtolaalea, Insaaat, aTeh. Doty atotor Oe, BavM Otty, Wsa. MAXWELL WOU THE GLU)XN the plans and recommends the topic for the Catholic pastors. K. T. B. Martin. Robert Smith end A. 8. Borglum held a meeting to decide on pictures to be used In Illustrating lec tures on Omaha which will be given at the various motion picture theaters. The committee Is yet undecided on motion pictures, but will go ahead obtaining slides of things and Institutions of In terest. ASSOCIATION CLASSES WILL BE REORGANIZED A rHricmBatton of th Tonne Men's Chiiitian fKoclatkm PustneM Efficiency Huh. talNmanhli and advrtlslna: cltwi will be effected Mon.iny evening;, at which time a varied prog-rum will be preewnted. The me-rttn- will be opened at 15 o'rlo-k at the association building and Immediately following there will be a Putch treat. C. P, Seareon will preside. After the election of officers there will be twelve-minute ta'ks by tbe following persons: "AdvertMna." A. A. RemtnK ton; -Selling Want Ait." O. O. rVsnKr: "Know Omaha Better. ' K V. Parrlsh; "Havings and Inveetmenfs." J. H. Mc Millan. "Buslnees In the Tar East." John Hay Kuhna. Cultivated tastes prefer permits. Sc. DRIVES OUT RHEUMATISM THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATUUTTA. GA. OtW MesJala Maswefl "Special (-sessengsr Toerusx Car, huly equips, isctaais seltotartef. $1490. MssweO "lenrr" Roadster, S hersepower. til'. M saweS "M sscette" Roadster JMt, MaiieeS "Messeager Roaasssr, ssii. AUrum UM. XsrSvv Farnam St Bessa. Aakwn, Bsk. TO0 The Real Secret of Rejuvenating the Fac tr'rom The Clubwoman.) 8he hold the true secret f facial re juvenation who has learned how to re move (lie desd akin particiea aa fast a they appear, it's a ecnt anyone may poM-w. The aged, faded or discolored surface skin may be gradually absorbed. In an entirely aafe snd rational manner, by the nlgi.tly appl catlxn of ordinary mercollsed was Within a week or two the underlying 5k In. youthful and beaut; ful to behold, hat taken the place of the discarded cuUcle. So tittle of the eld kil ls absorbed scli day. there Is no Incotv veulemv at alt. and no one suspects yuti are putting n thing on your face. The mercoltStHl wax, procurable at any drug store, tan ounce L? ?uifkntt. Is applied Uke cold cream. In the morning It Is erased wltli soap ami mater. It's the beM. thlus known fur fYctkle. blackheatls, I'linplea. mot a i-Htclu, Uvrr spots and fine surface wrinkles. For th det-iHT wrlnkk-s an exccllm iccljv- in: ruwiicnd aohte, 1 os.. dle siletl In Vj ptnt wltrh hsael. Rathmi the lace tn the solution prnluces uick and wonderful results. Adv. A i'ian reels badly a 11 is motor alalia, it's Wurhf Mill for u woman. To be sure of your tunlue, you must bo aura of your luuikaiion. Ait in any garaga and you will flr.d a ,.ts pel iivu tani of motor troubles tau be tiaceti to faulty lubrication POl.AitlNK UlLgtte full, uniform lubrlcauou under all conditions. It learea no carbon de posits. It save you all the trouble of foul salvo and spark-plugs. rOI.AHlNE Is th best oil for all makes of motors. It I specially recom mended to women motorist because It if so reliable. aa for the Polaris Wokleti free. pest-peM; say agsaey, Standard Oil Company, Mssrsska. On ska. N IK I TH ITtl m imi in m Buy the Car that SHOWS The Greatest Value That la' our advice to you buy tbe ear that show you the. most for your money. Th most In reputation Th most In site. Tbe mot In power. The most la riding ess. Tbe most In wheelbase. We ask you to Judge the Jack sons ou this basis snd to an- " ply same judgment to other 1 car. ' We have no fear as to what '' your derision will be. PIONEER IMPLEMENT CO. C.nll llaffs, la. Riroless Remedy Eetotifies tid Darkens Hair Wat wtty n Is to see s sssa pe with this, wtaar hair, laaed er streakeA Will) gray, aa reallss that asast at tltes peectl fnteM have sen. glessy. atmasa hair e aeawtifal eeler sad tasts st the; wewhl bat see (he pre per ireatsassaw There Is a aimssity 1st gray aasr was taty-Ctv years ot ss. aa there Is a sease fee aayevia yewnt er el. vlas ala strasajltag aalr. eilaar fall eT saaa. wtf r aaay aa raws ataslll with ear sasse sa. Ye eaa beta bash th aataral asea f peer aalr ss (aw 0ay aa 1st sees stf yewraetf eg say aaMragf assl leas aalrs, asst asah yen hair are sjwsj an seauttfal tsy us'sg Wyettrs la a4 tulphwr ataar Ussasay. Far sea states as lief ne garwaa Base kas bee awe ls isaesrtM east essssribi Iks eater s tha hair; aw tntpkav ss nsagalasi aw Bea gsws talis la aa kaaag saisHiat Ssr a est fawa or katr test ssalp treaMaa. . It yea are erwakl wttk tasaliwaT e rtawtag seal, er st yese katr la irlg its tsr er camta swl, gwt a tUty aj twut ei Wyeta t a en Sirtstwj aw as rear aTsssj-gi, aaa atsuas ta lsfi aetst sap eei ease at yaaw sarav afuJ 1 saw aayar tuaaajaaL islal swra sTarsssst -tf rjJ Oa. . , aawnatasssastj (guv. , . iVf ' i