Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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Some Cadet Officer Present Young
! XnmH to Eeoiment.
pretty Spectacle Hnrsae by Kw
tire .leajlaaeat, as Well as tk
Tnrtm aaa Stadewt Body
" - f tke Hiak Sckoal.
. With everything favorsbie for the sui--reee
of the oecaalon. the annual rrrsen
Nation of aponeora to the ca.'et refluent
of the Omaha High school wee lie d at
the Br hoot yesterday mominF, In addition
to the 4S0 uniformed oanta wire S ktu
dents attended the cuvm'mlfs.
"'The glrla choith for military honora
were aa follows:
'. Miss Kate Uavrnp- i t. 'li relmnal
sponsor; Malcolm IlaidriKr. lieutenant
Miu I'lah Itenner. 'II, aponnor of eee- j
and battalion: Oeorge Orlmcs. major. I
Mlaa Adelyn Wood, '12, swiieor ot thud
.battalion: Severs Busniar.n, major. I
' Mlaa Claire Patteiacn. 'U. aponaor ot
Company I; tv-ryl I'locUer, captain.
Miss Helen Pogue. '11 si.wiser ot eom
pank O; Dave Bowman, captain.
Every one of the five sponsors pre
sented was garbed In da nty spring togs
nd wore a strictly military mien ss she
made ker Speech at acceptance to the
waiting cadets. Two of the girls, gave
snappy " command to snow their effi
ciency for military honor.
After tae speech of acceptance each
' ralutary maiden vas preaeatrd with a
andsome .bosquet of American Beauty
roses tied with dainty boss ot ribbons.
Llr!or to the prtetntatlon eeremonlee
Ae rrglmenf assembled on Dodge -street,
gtretrhlng oat from Twentieth to Twenly
aerend strict. Every private was at lila
seat In white belt, white gluves, polished
rifle and brass buckles, every non-commissioned
officer wore his chevrons spot
less, and all the lleiitenints. captains and
majors flashed tlielr swords nd sabers
Without hitch In ths proceedings.
wonsoe foe ftealmeat.
Wrjen Miss Davenport ae presented
i II the osmmlssloned off cere formed a
alutexy line In front of ths south steps
if the school building. In speaking to ths
if fleers alio Davenport lave a little talk
i rust what sponsorship meant.
Ths cadets cannot se themselves aa
them net them." ssld ths rtglmental
panior. "It always Sends a thrill ot do
1 cht through . every high school girl
rhen she sees the uniformed eadeta
narehmg along In straight, orderly hnes,
nd on publto occasions las appearance
f the sjldirr boy la always a signal for
n outburst at general approval. .
"We want to make the annual spring
i . ncsmpment this rear one Ot the stellar
vents of our school calendar. The sen.
rs want to keep their records clear and
a underclaastaea must uphold the honor
the regiment through their manly and
derly conduct. Respect tor dlaeipHn
Is aure to make the 1)11 snrasnwmsnt a
ecesaful one." ' - ' I
Allot ths presentation of ths regimen
tal sponsor ths battalions and companies
at mare had off and ths oilier mJUtary
jnatdena presented Willi duo acfat.
Ths "bachelors ol rat drill corps who
Eld not pick a aponaor were as. follows;
'argil Rector, 'major of tlreU batlaJlos;
itdney Meyer, ,'taptatn ot UUmpany A;
teg Houlton, captain bt Company B;
toraos Blake, captain of Cetiipany C;
Kvilllam riobte, septals of 5urmiany E;
lleorgt Hetcs!' captain of Company V;
eyo Crane, captain of Company 11. and
frlnley Jenkins, captain ot Company 1.
At the Country Club-
There will be a table d bote dlrmee and
tanct at the Country club each Weflnss,
ay, surtlng today. Ths ml 0-week daness
tt ths clubs last year wars a popular
Mture. ' " "
Mr. and Mra 'Caspar . Tost wilt satar.
Worn ra who btw ehUdraa ud r-
tnalk (Malta kro thOM who pre)pr
tr sTsUmg la kdTaac, ot bbT"i
lag. Ckksa. tlx moUur aldi
itars) la tu prsHMUt work tit erUto
nil' atr lyiUa tuteqiui to ths ds-
d mad npoa It, act no la ottta
aft with, vsaksns hsaltk ar earoal
lataata. No iwtoedr It so truly a
bslp to aauro. aa jaothar Frltad.
pJii M oxpactaht awtaar ghoul A tad
to w It It relit tht pala an4
Jaiscomfort canted by the atrala oa
kho UfkmsoU, vakea pi last aaf aJaa
tie ttoto Kree an4 aascloa' wakU
Inkturo la txpsvsdlnc prertnt aumb
fceaa.t limbs, tod soothu the torlam.
laatlaa ot brtjagt flanna. Jao systent
fcinf tkg prepared ' by Kotherla
Cntal dtopaJa Ua tev that to orltbi
Ibmt aot bo tafsly, ntL MotattM
rrtsnd aaauraa a f patd ud couplet
recovery for the Bother, and ah la
Sett a aeono wemaa to enjoy the
rearlDt ot her
ErtVfeTVr'fr, FrlCEad
oa tor expert-. , . . , ,
aat mothers which eoatala kiaca
foJatUo UJonnaUoa, and maay aua
aostloct at a helpful aatur.
JlACfOLa UCUUT01 Ca, Aiiasss, U
ar rounTAiNg.Kor(xa,a mvaiiii
se. - , Go tho . . ., ;
! OrinolaaW Genuine r
il Oil LICK'S
fThe Food Drink for All A iet
vdi ma, auu sum tnxtcx. bt revsa
J,ot ia.aiij"Bink Trust
- latjooi
; t a ,.
I Sponsors for Omaha High School Cadets
i - . . ; :
I ssggggggsaaaaaagggggaMsssssssssM
. a
W f
.0 ,...-.,
Standing, teft to Wifht-Mles Adalvn Wood, sponsor ot Third battsllon: Mies Ulah rtenner, sponsor of Second battaUon; Miss Kathertns Uavenport. regi
mental spoaeuri Miss Helen r-ogue, sponsor of Company O; Miss Claire Fatter eon. sponsor of Company D.
4 a. xfc.y.
y - I Aief -'I.V -
tain at one ot ths Isrger dinner partlss
tt tht Country club Saturday evening,
whom they will have forty guests.
Garden Bug Has Them
It gets them sH. Ths garden germ In
fests tht sntire coarm witty from tht wo
man whg depends on Iht backyard plot
for her "green stuff" to the society ma
tron who esa have all the asparagus, cu
cumbers and tomatoes slit wants without
ratal ag them herself.
But nevarthalwa the society matron hat
tkt garden bug, . ' "".
Osj wast' Harney street twt atatrons
art making as ot a near fey vacant lot
which la twnsd by tht husband of one
ef them.- On Ukea the north Ud of
tht garden and tht other the south aids.
At the sod ot ths aetata, the on having
raised ths most successful garden will bs
the honor guest at k dinner party given
at tat ot tht country club by tht other
matron. ...
On one ef tht chilly' mornings tarty
this monh, a pretty brunette, Weat Far
nam matron was observed fey her neigh
bor .acting In a mast unusual manner.
Wrapped warmly la her teal skin coat,
aht was out tn ths backyard, trowtl la
hand justly marking off regular rows of
lltti Hitches and sowing them luu ot
'aether , femimn gardcostt tn the
aunt neighborhood gett out early each
stamina. Clad la the daintiest ( morning
(owns, big hat with veil to protect her
complextan and with her hands protect ad
with whit glove, she weeds and p."unea
ttut works about her garden until ths
sua -as well up la the heavens.
Aeroes the street, three families, that
at a raptsna ot the department, a proeo
went lawyer and a merchant art la keaa
comfwtttlon at tt tht progress of their
radishes, lettuce and onions and watch
with tsatous eye Iht sltghtsst change la
sack thee (ardent.
Travelers Return
Mr. ahd ' Mra. Charles Mets and their
daughter; Mist (Vrtruds. rwtornod tht
morning from a tour months' lour ot
Bumps. Oa the trip they were accompaa
lea by Mra. Uray of Chicago, a cousin ot
Mrs. .Met. - -
There were a large number of people
at Cbo I'aiost station 'to greet 'Mr. and
Mra. Mets upon -thb return, aavd a
N'ertbwwstem No. I pulled onto Iks 1'ntoa
PaeaTI brtda. lb aires whistle tt tht
Mets brewery commented tt' blow loud
and loss blasts. This, to those who did
not know, waa taken as the signal tor
a fire and there era a (rand ruth to
ward tht nver bank.
Tret trip' of Mr. Mots, hit wife and
daughter was most eajoyabla. Having
plenty of time, they toured esatral
Europe, motoring extensively and flatting
Several countries. A greater portlasi of
the Urn was spent ha Germany, where
saury of tat cities were visited.
Mr. Mets was tn Berl'.a at ths Urn
whoa the' first sews of the sink lag ot
tba Tnanac was received ana on ovary
hand there wars hwd denunciation ot
tk steeunabhs company orr.cla e oa ac
count of tkeir failure to provide tkt see
essary a ember at lite boats, their fall are
- a T . ' - I I T'kiS ..-4'
l 1'
to give tht Information concerning tht
dlaastsr to lbs public and what was keaU-
paled as criminal uegllgenc In running
at such a high rats ot speed In a local
ity where It waa known that Icebergs
were likely to be met.
While Mr. and Mrs. Mett enjoyed their
trip through kurupe, they were glad to
get hums and expressed the opinion that
Omaha looked better to them than ever
Mr. Jo Mlk has gone to Chicago to
meet bit daughter. Miss Mary Mlk. who
has been studying In Parts and who It
now en route horn. Mrs. Mlk went oa e
New Torn to moot hsr daughter.
Pleasures Past
Mrs. P. E. MeCullry entertained at her
horns Tuesday afternoon at bridge la
honor ot Mra. Hubert Hlcka and Mrs.
John Harvey. The decoratlona were In
pink and white tweet peaa, and seven
tablet wort placed for ths gam.
Mrs. Alex Fick entertained at her home
Tuesday afternoon at tea. Tht rooms
were bright with daisies and Mra. Kick
was assisted by Mrs. W. W. Turner, Mrs.
Herbert Howell. Miss I.ulu Hew-k and
Miss Katharine Perrlns. Invitation war
sxteadsd tt thirty guests.
Mrs. Paul Themansoa entertained the
Sermo club at lunobsoa at her basse
Tuesday. Table decoration were of rsd
and whit, and carnations wer used In
the dscorsUona throughout th room.
Those prsseot were:
Mesdamet Meadame
I- A. 'ihompson. J. B. Goodrli-k,
Oeorgo Dsnn. H. D. Bergen.
J. P. Bernhardt. B. R. Hawley,
Kobert Hmlth. U. T. Landley,
Miss Lillian Clwln.
Mra. r. J. Norton and Mr. C. C. Belden
ntertalned at th kerne at Mr. BMn
Tuesday afternoon al an Informal bea
st ngt on tor a number ot their neighbors.
Mr. and Mrs. It. Steinberg entertained
at dinner Sunday for Mrs. Fannie Herts- 1
man of 8t. Loula The evening was spent
with ' music and tarda. Those preasnt
Mr. and Mrs. A. Steinberg.
Mr. and UraA. Silverman. '
Ml. and Hire. S Kavlts.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Orosamsn.
Mr a nd Mra. U Whitebook.
Mr. arxl Mrs. H. Steinberg.
a Ravita. ar.
Fannie Hartlrnaa
M trees
Minnie Dewsan.
Hem Steinberg.
F. Ptetnberg, .
Jack bteinberc
Personal Gossip j
Mr. J. J. rrcennor and daughter. Mis
Mary O'Connor, left today for an ex
tended trip through Colorado.
Mrs. J. E. Summers and Mrs. J. K.
Wilbur of Omaha are tn New York for a
few day and ar staying at the Hotel
Mrs. William Brooks at Chicago ar
rival Moaday to be the guest mt her sis
ter. Mrs. A. V. Shot well, and Mrs. w.
L. Lambert.
Mr. and Mra, William BoeenblaU will
leave today fee Los Angele. Cad. Mrs.
J. Margulla ssuettalasd at a tarwwaU dlav
- 1 1 r k ' i '1'. V': !i, JAW , . - ' 5
",'v . : 1 1 -v. -."f - '.t. ;
Vl.r57 .1 '.tJ h'
.sl 5-sskssssssrm ga ' "" Tgg?OL W tkaf kgaT
' '. vV'-.X ... 1
t V
ner party Sunday la bwoar at Mr. and
Mrs. Hosenblatt. ' 1- .,
For the Future
Mrs. H. N. Wood wlU (Ivt aa Informal
brldgs party Thursday sttemeon at her
horn, when her giaesta will be til wteses
of the Uarmotiy alufe. .
V11 -
'" 7 . V
By Trading With These Merchants and Reading The Bee
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Cor. lsKh aad Ikswgiaa Bta.
1O07 Jackson rK. .
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Clip This Conpoa
Omaha Bee Daily
.no, s.
Thtacoapaai rba
cost mt hinilllnx. ewMLeea tka
Wneaes a Baai a sai flats! TaaawoCSl mi Ia
snttrw Dsaaarn. Oat ad toarn ritssrs
j atr and
16, 1912.
.. . .
s t - c t
At the Field Club
The rteld tlufe formal opening Satur
day svesing gives promlss of being ons
of the largest ever given by ths dub.
Last year Ovtr M dined tt tht club. This
year there ar mora then W reservations
mad and by Friday It la txpsctsd that
than will be nearly 7.
Save the coupons.
You can have a beautiful set of
silver 65 pieces of the famous
William Roger & Son make.
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and four others consecutively
numbered, will be exchanged at
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You must get all teaspoons of The Bee
with these coupons. Omaha merchants,
. whose names appear below, will give
you all the other elegant pieces of this set
with certificates and coupons which come
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Haw u, mi.
I wfta tfta roar ctkar I
lsldar k Wax '
wtt asvl c extra
ashy krlag year
latyssi we tho
Social Affairs Today i
Mrs. J. M. Vetealf entertaned ...
'bridge th: afternoon at ter attra . tr
borne on South Teolh street In oomp.-
ment to J'i. . i" .! oi pr!itt.J.
O.. who 1 t.r h! narenia. JtuUr 1
an4 Mm r. ..k;jr. 1'oa.- o"
p!r W' !r--iai- .
One v.' tli lerx-r o-iI a.iiirt of t-:--
dy will be i-.' wiit .v tr Mw
'and Mra. A. W.'Hiaji tt' t-sn-nx tn
'honor at Ue T.a;to. who are tre n -t-
Jtend Hie. Uiooeeun coar.rti zf "
.ot the Women's ausiliary ! Ihe T
'copu". chiith. A large nomJtr- ' ! .: - -
,i.r. ure r.'.sn;:ig to atttrn-j
lr. and Mrs. tdw'n T. Swol r wi,; n
I tortatn taforma!!? el lilnner this evr.'. -
1 at their heme tn honor of Mm I '-er.
' of Chicago. Covers -ii: b placed f"i .
) allaaee )1ix
. Irene hverotl. :i 'cred V.apit.-.
!i!:srs. Messrs. -
A. R. Warren. IV. 1-eRo Cr-r
ilr. tsd Mre. E. T. SwoUe.
Xr. end Mrs. William K Gutji 1 '
entertain al dtnntr this ever..: X no-."-
or Mr. and Mrs. Brant Iucera. lo- r.
wtll bo placed for:
Mr. and Mrs. Brysnt Rogtrs.
lr. snd Mrs. Charles Poweil.
Mr. and Mre. WHism E. Outht.e.
Mrs. A. C. PoweH.
Ulte Margaret Ovthne,
Mr. Dosne Powell.
Mr. ri.ur.ey Powe '.
George Bohman and Oortfon Ksllsy wll
give a i!lnnr this even ne at tht Hotc
Loyal, followwt by a the Mer party at the
Bran Jc: In U n r of Mis Horence to
ur of f.rft ..ayne. ind. tfiioas p oient
will be:
Cbarlain acJ Mra .'olm Cheaowetl. o!
Fort Cruok. .
Mis 'jiince ister ot Torty A ayne.
Miss Mar- Klngaalt.
tieorft. Bohman.
Crtlon Keiley. -
U. oT . Notes
Miss Laura Watsrman anlertalned at
dinner last night Tor some of the young
women of the University of Omaha. In
the center of tl.e table was a Isrge bou-
ouet of lilies of the valley and violet
Ptaoa cards had a design ot hand-painted
violets. Those present were:
Mlases Misses
tella Bhsw. ' Clsra Barn.
Mary Alice showoii, untit uroram,
gvbll Woodruff,
eras Nlceles.
Pansy WliMama,
l.anra Waterman.
The girls of tht domestic science d
partment will give two luncheons, when
the mothers ot ths young women will, r-
the honor guests. Men Tuesday. May N.
the freshmen class will entertain, and
on the following Thursday. May A th
sophomore class will serve luncheon fo
the mothers.
iJ hVatti 10th 8C
3315 Lenveawortli and 21a 5. 16th St.
1309 r arnan Ot.
1421 Fanum Hu
10th aad Faraaaa. Strecta.
Clip This Coupon
Yearly Sabicriptien Cob pea Omaha Baa
Thlt coupon whew properly ngnad and presented at
tht office ot the utnaha Beo (or mailed by those resid
ing out of town) will brag to the solder full informa
tion how tvory hon.a can secure a full aoasn Wnv Hog
art a aoti guaranteed Taaspoona at toco.
iso, th MRdar win-receive a free catalogue of
an pieces of thlt sot taaetber with ths noiwbse efeow
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t everyeaa.
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e 1
Mr. E. H. Flitton announ
rt the purchase cf the Hute
Eon Optical Company, III
South Sixteenth s;reet.
uhlch he 1 now operating
at that place und-r the name
of Flitton Optical Company.
Mr. Flitton has 'ncea Iden
tified with the optical butt
nts in Omaha (or the past
citrht year, and has h!ome
well lenown throughout thla
retton of the country as an
expert rofractionlst. He bat
had marked aucrese with a
number of complicated
case, and he brine to hit
new company a reputation
well fortified by both r iper
lencn and ability.
Those who deelre consul
tation regarding the needs
of their eye may make ap
pointment!) with .Mr. Flitton
now, at hit new. addreea.
The company cmbrarea an
able and thoroughly equip
ped itaff of aaeistanU.
Patrons will find the
prices charged by thte new
organization reasonable and
uniform; with the highest
quality of work assured.
Appointments may be
made by telephone Doug
las 1055.
rHUm Dutlcrl Co,
Owrleal Oa.)
Interest in
saiings department at
3 per annum . . .
The United States
National Bank of
Omaha gives prompt
and courteous service,
affords absolute secur
ttv and has a most con
venlent location.
Fsadaa Tw
tea ejlllea.
- Jewels and Private
Paaort In a Sets Deposit Box.
For th msa or woman who
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lute aAfETT for all valuables
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laapect the Safe Deposit Boies
ws offer todsy at a yearly ren
tal f lata than a cent a day.
waUaa Safe Depwit Ctmpaiy.
atiws Level Bkrtsaaea to T salts
Ml Psrsaaa Street.
ahxrald know abontthe
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ClMiues instivotly.
If rf droefi-t catmot opply ttf
UVeUOtUMdj to laVdMA.
Nrv Ytk
vwg oa. auul awasra sallsHaS
mmrmy ' will pay yosi to nay
W or stiff hat
for 92 aad an. frwtar
; Schmarut' Hat Factory
let aad California. Old hat
eaeaaed aad remodeled tike new.