Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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leader of French Gang of Despera- '.
does Killed After Battle. j
Late King Frederick of Denmark and His Successor
Steps fr m l)mmr4 rlelldlac a
I-eaTe Mrm to riEht Ortave
Garnler Was Hare
H nave.
PARIS. Miv B --.. nrtf- of the last
of France's note rr3;-. aa
dramatically tau-.t. t'.i .. i -s tvlien.
fir eight ho-jrV rr:r and
troops. lt !eac-r, ne-e ui!aiT. nj
hie contedat. Vi.ifi. re b!.-.n up
by explosives la a eMail i!!a at Xogent-8ur-aiarue.
whfro hev r,aJ taken re r use.
Shattered by shots o drna-nite. their
ecus fell in ni n; The poi re lounl
Dernier dd am". Val'-i uy:n Kiv
poHccmea were wcv.-xt 1 in the battle.
When the bodi-i o.' tr desiiemiloe.-. wer
trigged into t o'-en. the Ihousanus'of
epectators pre?i I r:-nard and tried to
tear them fn.v.i it. tr.-spr. Automobile
war brought i.r. nd the Kwlles thrown
In, but for a tv-v minutes it was found
Impossible to .-jrt the ms-lilnes In
thoaa few minutes the police and troops
had difficulty in testing baik tha en
raced crowd. Plnaih the rars wcr
atarted on tbeir way to Pari?
Wnianii r.. re ntirra.
Ona of tha most dramatic moments of
tha battle was when ounni a lull In th
firing their woman fonipan.on. Vuill
mtn atepped fiotu the building and sur
rendered, leaving the men to tlsht for
their live.
All the forces for the protection or so
elety for tt w hud failed to dislodge
them. Several thousand police. s-Ddarmes
and souaves tri-(l many times to shoot
the bandits or blow up tiie building with
exploelv e.
Vnllke Bonnot. whose refuge was dna
mited at Ch.ilsy La-Kol. Oarnler made ta.s
last stand iu a house hidden by foll.ige
and surrounded closely bj other build
ings, n li Lis an assault difficult and
dangerous. Ronnot and Dubois fuught In
a garage, which could be approached
from all sides.
Bonnot. the "demon chauffeur," was re
markable for his skill with automobiles
by the employment of which the band
committed outrages and made their -caps.
Gamier s specialty was disguises.
Ma went so far as mutlUate his ay lids
te changa his appearance, and by re
sorting to every scheme exploited In de
tective fiction, ha succeeded In evading
tha police dragnet which had been spread
over Paris and tha suburbs.
Leader Makes Mistake.
Garniar's mistake came in trying to
negotiate stolen securities at a branch of
big banking house, whereby he and
his companions, Vallet and Volllemln,
were tracked to Mogent. The three, who
are decided blonde, dyed their hair Jet
black. An indiscretion by the woman
Vulllemln yesterday enabled the pollc
to fix their lair to a certainty. She went
tn a public pump to get drinking water
where aha waa met by a Parisian woman.
Vulllemln. who I of Basque origin, car
ried the Jug of water on her shoulder,
after the custom of the country. The
Tarlatan, struck by the picture, stopped
her and exclaimed: "How beautiful you
are. madam. You should pose for a por
trait." Vulllemln smilingly acknowledged tha
compliment and passed on. Then the
Parisian, with a woman penetration,
derided that her hair wa dyed. Tha
comment and inquiries of the Parisian
put tha po'lo on tha track, kf. Leptne,
prefect of Pans, was notified and deter
mined to capture or kill tha bandit. If
ast Tkrostar iretber.
Agsln. as In tha battle at Choisy-I-e-Rol.
the efforts of the police end military
war greatly h.imperej by the vast crowds
that gathered In the adjoining streets.
Attempts were made to blow up the
building by throwing dynamite cartridge
from tha adjacent viaduct, and a perfect
kali of bullet was thrown Into the house.
All aorta of wild rumors were afloat,
among them that Oarnler had succeeded
In escaping. That tha authorities placed
Ho credence In this waa shown by th
fart that they telephoned for melinite,
and after the arrival of a searchlight, a
quantity of the high explosive was placed
against th lower wall of th villa. At
th concussion more debris was hurled
The explosion left a yawning opening
In tha villa, through which pollc dog
with nvage barks sprang, while pollc
and gendarmes sent volley after volley
into th room.
An armed force holding torches, rushed
Into tha building and discovered tha two
bandits on the floor In a room. Gamier
was naked, aav for a few uttered rags.
(lev Scientific
Corn Remover
Strut, Sanist, Sifist, Qiiokut!
Ey ffood-by to vrjr touchy, torturinc,
crtppiin com and bunion every dtareao
lus din-akccumulattng. foot -enlarging
callous! Tbr's a new ami quik way
at turn and sat: way to completely rid
yourtlt of ail cucn imky. Utmbtoaom
B I NOO" tha In the n marrH '.
"Bingo, tho fruit f roaster arieotlfic
mind a. tfrelera laboratory research and
xpef-lenr Put Bingo" n't and tay!
pain i gone jum like that! Corn die,
dries up and you pick out the whol
biamed thing b--dy. ed. root, and all
ao easily, painlessly, you can t help
aborting "Olonr to Bingo"" No entttng
no bleeding no blood poisoning' No In
Jury to nemithy flht No sticky stork
ing? No bothprwome traps no lumpy
couoa balls! Nona of the usual annoy-
Rosewater Talks
With Many Men at
j National Capital
l From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. May I..-8pclal Telegram.)--Victor
Roneaattr has been the
mot sought after man In Washington
s nc Ms arrival yeteniay He has boeu
In consultation with polltlcisns. newspaper
men and tose who have scheme for ad
vr:tls!rt to boost the fortunes of the
nominee at the fhtcago convention. As
sctlng chairman of the nstioiwl repuh
llcsn ccniinltl."-. Mr. Roeevuter will have
conMrab) to do with the preliminary
arrangements of th convention and he
ha.4 alrtaly reached the conclusion that
the lite of even an acting chairman is
not floaer-etrewn by any manner of
T"day Mr. Kosrwstar confirmed the re
port that ex hVnator Dick of Ohio would
hwe rharxe of the contests for Teft.
ahlle Otmsby McHarg would look after
the Kousevelt contests It would not be
at all kurprl.ilng If tha nomine at Cht
caito would l datermlned by tha decision
of the Ttctional committee on contested
case. If such should be th ess it
r tmrrmr a-w v I dvA T JmJi I
A i Ad.
would he the flrsi tim in tha history
-f in re)nibllrj:i irty.
Ex-Senmor Dick la especially equipped
for the flpM and ie will he there to dc
yeoman service for Prcftdent Taft, foi
whom he lias profound respect-
Mr. Ritsewafer was conferring with tha
standing committee, of Washington news
l'a,er cor impend n t regarding the seat
ins arrangements at tha republican na
tinna! convention. ,
M'-re llan iVW applicants for tha avail
abV tftt !- ;it tn the Chicago coH
seum liav o been tereivI. Mr. Roawata)
paid It ra.fiH be rxssHit' to add a few
more at bt the number would
Mr. r.oscwarer ad he would opal
Ir-jL.uAr:' tn htcagr on June .
acc.Mi:,i ,..f th com5.;s before the con
mUtee. sct.eilultd to start on J una .
Mnrr(at I. Ice uses.
Marring llrense were Issued yesterUaj
to the follow m;; titmed persona:
Nam r.' ur--. Ag.
r. P. ilint. I'o.tncll Bluffs ?
IsotUe M. i.lynn. t'ouiiitl Muffs
Sanuif! p AdRw. I?;in '1 Bluffs. ..... ?4
Alice A- t'lark. fo-jncil Bbffs X
i.eorpti B. nnfli. I.tninln 5
ktl.el rmkei-. Vw-ping Water. Nob.... 11
Cleveland Miller, t'.vtnrll Phiff
(label l. McKotgan. Council Bluffs... II
. J. farr. Stih irr.ha Si
Eva Sllfr. Auburn, Neb !l
Housework Drudgery
asri. tai - a .
(Continued from Page One.
Bsr at TW 4rngxm -?e-r If a
WmTI tt m pr t Dwihm PWrwil O-.
Hi ttm. Ivtm St.. hrri. HI M la tkM
cr r SfcintiM MwhmII Onw Mi a
aal Doetgja. ivk aad HarMY. K b ) rarssJa.
aiaa Laml Ptamacr Ka. Kla tt-
Denmark under tha name of Cbriatlan
IX. His lather's accession to th throne
of Denmark waa arranged bv the powers
of Europe, to avoid the perils of a dis
puted throne after the death of Freder
ick VII, of tha Oldenburg line, who left
no children.
When hi father became king. Prince
Frederick, then a youth of twenty, wa
In the midst of his studies at the Univer
sity of Copenhagen. These were not Inter
rupted by the change of clrcumstancea
and. In fart, th only Chang In th life
of th young student was. that on Sat
urdays, Instead of walking to the modes;
home of hla parents in one of th quiet
streets of Copenhagen, he took a street
car at th Uothrsgade to visit th royal
family at th Amallcnborg palace. Un
assumingly and unoatentatiously th
young prince mingled with hi lutur sub
jects and frequently be bad to stand up
and hang to a strap when the car wax
lertes rrivate.
After he had graduated from the uni
versity the young prince entered th
crack regiment of the guard as a private,
lie waa th only man among the sover
eigns and heirs apparent of Europe who
served as a simple soldier In ths ranks
without th slightest distinction from his
humbler comrades. He wore the same
clothe, lived In th same quarters, ate
the same simple and coarse food, used
th same rude utensils, tin Plata and
cup. Iron fork and knife, which he
cleaned with hla own hanat. shouldered
the same heavy rifle and went through
the asm routine and training like all the
rest. Only after he had received a
thorough training he accepted promotion
to the rank of sergeant.
In bis father s house the young prince
bad become used to the simplest snd
most frugal life. Christian was poor and
had married a princess equally Impecuni
ous. The famtly waa large and th strict
est economy waa necessary to make both
ends meet. Toung Frederick, like his
younger brothers, had no valet and was
compelled even to polish hla own ahoes.
Even after his father ascended the throne
In 1&3 the plain and simple life of the
family was changed but little. Ferderick'a
sisters, Alexandra, later queen of Eng
land, and Marie Pagmar. who married
Alexander HI of Russia, used to make
their own dresses before they were mar
ried and. when two of them went out
driving In the solitary family carriage,
the other members of tha family bad to
remain home.
Pnpalar Aeeeaslaa.
Frederick VII modeled his life and
habits after th Illustrious example of his
father. Christian IX and when h suc
ceeded to th thron on January ). 190s,
upon the death of his fathet. his pop
ularity was merely a degree less than
that of hla beloved predecessor. I'nder
f'hriatisn ther wa never any ostentation
or display at court and th roval audience
were ordinarily as open and simple as
tb sverage White Hoe reception. This
waa nut changed after Frederick ascended
the throne. Even the fart that Fred
erick's wife. Prlncces Louise, daughter of
King Charles XV of Sweden and Norway.
Inherited a fortune of about n'J.wO.iW). did
not materially influence the simplicity of ;
life at the royal court. i
It waa Frederick's curious fate to see ;
hla younger brother and his own son be- i
come reigning monarchs before he him- j
self ascended the throne of Denmark. His j
brother William waa elected king of i
Greece In 1963 end Frederick's second son. !
Prince Charle. waa elected king of Nor- j
way, under the nam of Haakon Vlt. i
after the separation of Norway from !
Sweden in IMS. j
aareted Ith May Haaera.
Through hla brother and tuners and
hla own children. Frederick waa con-
nected with most of the royal houses of ;
Europe. One of bis slstets herein queen ;
of Great Britain, another the wife of the
1st Cxar Alexander III, and the third
th wife of the duk of Cumberland.
Of his two brothers. William became
king of Greece, while Prince Waldemar
allied th family wltn th dethroned
Bvorbona of Franc by marrying Mrle
d Orleans, eldest daughter of the Dae da i
Chartre. j
With bis wife, tb Swedish Princess (
Louise. King Frederick bad eight chil
dren, four of them sons, foui daughter :
The eldest. Prince Chrl'tlan. now be
comes king. Me Is married to Princes
Alexandrine of Mecklenburg and has two j
children. HI second son. who became i
king of Norway, married Princess Maud,
daughter of King Edward VII. One of
hla daughters. Princess Louise, bees me
ths wlf of Prince Frederick of Schaum-burg-LIpp,
and another. Princes Inge
borg. th wlf of Prince Charle of
King Frederick was not a brilliant man,
but Invariably displayed sound common
sense in all political 'and financial mat
ter and, by his simple and democrat lo
habits, endeared himself to hi people.
otrd for altare.
King Frederick was noted for his cul
tur and possessed msny foreign distinc
tions. While seldom openly Identifying
himself with polltlcsl questlona, he took
an active part In all public movements.
He waa at one time chancellor of Copen
hagen university and head of the Free
Masons of Penmark. He was well known
as a promoter of philanthropic objects.
Ills Interest In the srmy. of which he
was once inspector general, waa kefn
and he introduced msny reforms, which
Improved th lot of th soldiers.
8. vers I months sgo King Frederick
suffered a serious Illness. While taking
his customary walk ha had a sudden sell
ure and waa compelled to return to the
palace. Later It was announced that he
had suffered a chill, but the real nature
of hla malady waa not disclosed.
While he showed Tapld recovery, he
suffered a ralapse two weeks later and
considerable anxiety was exprersed by
members of th court a to his condition.
Postal Chiefs Will
Pay Visit to Omaha
(From a Staff Correnpoudei.t.)
WASHINGTON. May li.(.speiial Tel
egram.) Postmaster John 0. Wnrtn had
a buay dav with heads of the Pom office
department, explaining his case for a
bigger and better post of flea In (Jumna
than exists at present. He outlined hi
ldas and ahowed familiarity with his
subject, which greatly pleased those who
are In charge of the special brum hs
with which a postmaster of a fl rut
class office must deal.
Mr. Wharton said tonight fhat he hart
assurances from Fourth Assistant ! -maater
General P. V. PeGraw and Chief
Clerk Thompson that they would anfnd
a oar In Omaha during their vUtt to the
postmaster's convention to be held In
Lincoln June 13 and 15.
Colonel i. 41. Hasten of ths fourtnth
postofflce division with headquarters in
Omaha was in conference today with
representatives-of tha Chicago and HI,
LouU divisions In relation to the carry
ing of mails.
Seven-Pound Tooth
Found Near Geneva
GKNOA. Ntt). May 16.-48pac.aL-While
1 1 Piling In the Beaver Creek south
of Genoa Saturday last, some boye found
a ii-oth of some mammoth animal of tha
..ifhlMoiif age. The tooth weighed seven
pounds, ard measures seven Inches across
the top one way and three Inches ths
other, and Is seven Inches long and hss
a portion of the roots snd jaw bona
still attached. It la In a perfect it ate of
preservation and the top of tha tooth
ia worn smooth and glistens Ilka polished
A Tob) ef "old
could buy nothing better for female weak
neuen. lame back and kidney t rouble
than Kleetrlc Hitters. Only ;-.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WA.slllNOTON. P. C. May li. Sp"
clal Telegram.) Senator Brown today
reported the bill providing for tha dis
tribution of th trust fund of th Wlnne
baao Indisns In Nebraska. The measure
,is Introduced by Representative Steph
ens and passed the house savsral weeks
ago. If the act goes Into law It give
to each Nebraska Winnebago, It Is es-
tlmsle.d about 1,JH
Homework W dredgery tor th weak wnmaa. &b b?ub?
, auw bciuot, or is on ier teer ell oaf arteodiog re
the meay details of (lie household, bar back iwbiof, her ,
tmplo throbbing, eerre q iiveri trader the tis of
pain, possibly dixay toehns. Sometime net in bod i f
aot refreshing; bc-.-u the poor lived nerve dc KM per I
it l refrahinf sleep. Ike real need of west, nerve us !
weara is settled by Dr. Pieree's Favorite Preecnptio.
It Make Weak Women St-oni
ana Sick Women Well.
TSIm "VesviWeo" renters tt
mi areas).- . IntUm
asares) et lcrl, awe) cures raose
s ! re women. It
tramQullitt fe aerre. isnarsilM fee
PIH mm Jwafiiceg rUml .
Dr. Piro is perfectly witliof to l.t every on knew wkea)
M " FiToril Prescription " o reins, eoaiplet list ml i
ie(rdirti o tb bottl-wrapr. De not let sire awsorua.
ie drutfSi! nmaeU nw lUat kU - J i
r es taw as gM ia eroer that ks msy
t biffer profit. Just mil nd iheke ywur keed I
ur. riro- riMnsat rUts ear kver ilia.
Iced or Hot
Unexcelled In Delicate Flavor and
Refreshing Quality
Published by lh Growers ol India T.
Live wires smoke Permits. I rente.
?ieT tiM,itiinauii4 esei
m i.uaiaimu
The Pipe Smoke
For Gentlemen
of the finest Burley leaf ever grown
prepared for the pipe by the
famous Patterson Process that
for 50 years has defied all imita
tion. Li the green tin 10 cents.
"The Pipe Smoke for Gtnilcmcn"
. l,tL ,.. . A. .
AWl I'l I AW P :
Fast daily train service from Omaha and
Council Bluffs to Chicago, via the
Chicago & North-Western Ry.
connecting at the latter point with all
, lines for all points Last.
The vest of Everything.
Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars, composite
.observation, buffet and library cars Booklovers
library free reclining chair cars, standard day
, coacbes ana supero aimng cars service a ia
CartC TkktU ui lull lefonostloa es cplicauoa to
onv ticket orrtcia,
1401 an 140 rsrai aers
sn4 ill,
Council sM-urra, ML
A Trip You Will Never Forget
or Regret-Dallas
This is rour last chance to join the "Ou to Dallas" party leaving (iinaha
Saturday morniDg at 9:13 via the Q. (Jo at once and i-ecure your reservation.
Sleepers and Dining Car all the way.
The Dallas Convention of Advertising Men will lie the givalest schoul of
sales promotion ideas, every known in the history of the world. At Boston last
year there were twenty -one representatives from ireat Britain alone, and
there's a "reason why" for you, in every moment of the convention. You can't
afford to stav awav.
Victor White
J. A. C. Kennedy
Chas. C. Rosewater
R. B. Wallace
Base Ball Extras
Owing to reconstruction work at present going on
at the 16th itreet viaduct extra street cars to Bourke
Park will be routed as follows:
Starting at 14th and Douglas, south to Howard,
east to 13th and south to Vinton street.
Returning Leave Rourke Park, east to 13th,
north to Howard, west to 15th and north to Capitol
Omaha & Council Bluffs
Street Railway Co.