Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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    the "811 J
If you only knew
Victor-Victrola brings into your
wouldn't be without
home,.you Uldtflf
one for a single day. "125
JT Any Victordealerm :.- p A
ZjkJZS p??w ArilLX Records, ;
f4 hi sv mntii vnn vntn rn nAar 1 . - - - 1
H cessories,
ljLfgCOllStB -.r n T bl nnUoUIJ:
(y-NTOr I 15lh indHiriitySti,Onihi J IJf
You'll always find a complete
line of Vlctrolas and Victrola
Records In our new Victrola
Parlors In connection with Piano
Department, Douglas Street En
trance. Call and See Us.
Omaha's Popular victrola Store
Free Concert Every Noon from
12 1VI. to 1:30 P. M. Hear the
world's greatest artists on the
Victrola. Spend your noon hour
with us. All are cordially invited.
1513-15 Douglas St.
Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
Coniidrbl Lon Will Bmlt to
Oardeu Sod to Orciud.
LOW PUC3 . suiter HOSI
Y.aetabl . Clardea ' ' W.r. Badly
gtrlrkra aa tmmU Traea, 0 raw
er Will real
tar. Atelew Preeslac. . '',
With a tomperetur. ikM touched de
ireee. and a Mill starlit night that pr
MlM Ik eel mlr to gather la mil low
placed, treat ri formal la ths cardan,
anil fruit dtatrtot .round Council Bluffs
arty ywtarday- mornrng that did con
atdrrablt dxmag to (mil faraia and
fvdatu. Tbir temperature waa low
Uarougbeut' th alfM, bat Ih coldest
period ira. between I and I .'clock yester
day aaqrnlng. Great Tu whitened end
erteped vita froat at all M points, but
cm ta. higher level no froat waa vlalbla.
Report, received rwHrtty at Um head
qanners t the Orap Oroware' assoct
don Indicated com. dsmag to .PPto.
cberrtee and plum, and to (rape aad
berrtee. bat lt waa confined entirely to
low-tying plat. Grapes and berrtee suf
fered moot (or th. reason thai . larger
percenta of th acreage at Hani.
low (round.
Th. treet lino waa marked with ua
vaual aiatlMtnaM. almoat a. tlaarly aa
a waur.lrral wooW ba. At o clock
fraat waa (Uatonlnd on th. a"raa ' a
potsta and lw (at .way oo aHrhUr
fctwr lonria th liana waa wat Willi daw,
Tbua in roicyarda tha undrlli of Um
via, near Um aruimd word UlWd aad
thva. a ta. too. ot Uia tantba an ua
towbad. Tha oatUnat mad yaardaf
anwnooit waa tbat cot mora than la twr
cit ot tl 7a. and ot" anuiJl trail
bad ba daaaaad.
VcdabU tarorna la -kWlnna
war. badly aurtcaaa uai thuaada uf
tornat. and onjb Pavi wera cut down.
ad.avtM tt tfertCqr btaa aha,ri Ui
mm fat. -TW daasac lb (araaata
win traairT tor tba raama lh "mat ol
tifaa v t low ground,
ta tha Kavtls and ita ntodrl
lm rlr. PU iwt U(atd. .U f
For a Clear Skin -
' AM BrlUiant Hair
thaa. oroharda ar on high (round, and
th. lowaat lamparatur. Indlcatad by
tti.rmom.tan tuapmdad from to. boucha
of Ui tra waa M.
J. A. Aulablufh. who haa m talrfa trull
and vwaubl (arm a at of Ih. rlty, aald
hla damaa waa coufliwd ratlraly to th
hollowa whor. th. tamparatur droppad
ta U at o ekma.
-"In torn plara whera lhar waa no
cbanc of alr-dralnas. th. tammratur
fall U 91 da(raa." aald Ur. Autabuuh
yaatarday. "I waa Impraaaad mor. than
evr ihla mornhi( with tlx aacaaalty for
pravldlni proper alr-draiaas. whr tt ta
poaalbl. Alr-dralnat. at aa mraaaary on
trait and. vafataMa tarma aa la watar
dralnafa. On atlll nlht aurh a. IMt
Blrhf, th. cold air ftowi tnto low placaa
and raaaalaa tlaar. U It haa a chaaoa to
flow oft. In many piaoa. a ditch out In
th rim ol th baaln would hav pravmrad
all mlacMat laat ni(ht Tha cold air col-
lactod Tar rapidly la tha lew plac. At
'owok It waa M damaa, at It waa
n and at ( M U waa down to N la aoiri
of th. lowaat ptaoaa, Tba . th wind
ana. aad can-ted It away. Tha but ap
proach to th froat point la the orcbarda
may oaua. th apple ta drop after tan
day, but aaoapt la tha low laada I found
a bitihttd bud. thla njoralix."
Many orchard owaara. war n(awd
yaatarday la ray ln. Ther. ara a doaaa
aarayliuT awtflta ta thai .trinity tbia rear
Whara .tbara waa on . mat haaoa, a
althamb raany af th. treaa ar but
atty lacked with bloaaoena tko axtra
oar will lassara a tars apc4 eroa.
awl Bstato tnHlm, .
RaaJ aaiM trrfr r.pwtwt ta Th.
Ba. May M by Ih Pottawattamie County
Abatravt eompany of Council Bluff.:
Ella both L Touaa- to - nobert T.
Ivatl. part w aw o !-,
w. d ......4 . I
II. a McOe aad- wife ta Petar P.
Faback, Ma N and II. aa oca m
Howard' addition ta CouacU aMutta.
Council Bluffs
. d 1M
Troaaurar lo H. 0. McOm undivided
out lot I of Jackaoa addition lo
Council Htuifa. L d
William Arm! and wife to R O. Mo-
(I, eame, q. c d I
Holre of C Alma Uravaa, doowawl. ta
('. D. Dlllln, lota ana si. in diock
M In Central auhd , and lot !, In
block n. In Mulllna aubd., and lot
7, In blork It, In alullln'a aubd. to
Council Mluffa. la., q. c. d 10
A ww manufactur'nf mtarsiiaa haa
bean orlflnateJ In Council Blufra that
promlaea to becom on el th moat im
portant . la the city. It to th mult
of th InvanUoa of R. V. and J. R. Ehla.
two young men who have apent the
greater part of thtlr Uvea In Council
Bluff ratting all of their education In
th local aohoola. Within the laat two
yean they have perfected aa Inner aho
fur automobile tire that expert pro
nounce to be the moat efficient device
ret produatd ta the eatery and
durability ot tha tire. A eompany haa
beat lanarparaud with Eraeat K. Hart
aa pmident and George a. Wright aa
eecratary aad A oapitaliaatloa of IM.M0
ta carry forward th manufacture.
Th young men have bwn conducting
aa aatowwbile ttr. rep It ehop ta th.
Odd Fellow' temp), building, and their
lavaatloa haa kwan perfected daieag 1Mb
proeaeaa af their regular baaineea. It
conalate of an Inner oaalng. or puncture-
proof ahoo. that add only a few pound
to th weight of the ttr. It la mad ot
a ebeet at heavy eorda running traaa.
Twrly vulcanised betweea abeta of
touch fabric. Teat made In old outer
oaalnga that were full of hole and blow
out a have given mora than 10M mil, af
aerrtce without A puncture. The roung
men hav. equipped their Utile abop for
prod ud ng thirty to forty af the etjoea
Council Bluffs
day. bat have bwn falling -behind tbh
ordera wnttl new they ar more than m
ahort Thay have deollaed offer from
aaetMit factorla. to tnak. the oaalag
upon a royalty but, deiar mined to main
tain control of their owe Invention. The
formation of th. eompany, which waa
announced yeaterday, will provide euffl
rlent facilities to meet tha mcreaalag
demanda nf th traA. . '
A factory bulldrng wfh he drectad o
Broadway la th vicinity of th Qronaweg
A Sheentgen wholeaale liuw) plant aad
quipped with maoblaenr that will ta.
creaaa the output to 1.W tlraa a day and
employ a large force of workmen. Th
poaalbllltt Ot th trad are Indicated
by the experience that haa completely
ovwrwhehard the yeung aren. Their
hooka ahow that every order that bag
beoa filled haa called for uooeeaiv dupli
cation, and fo thla way order amounting
to more than $3,000 have been received In
tha laat fifteen day. The paraooaal af
tha new company abow K. B. Hart,
prwldeat: R. V. Ehle. Tic prealdenti
Oeorg S. Wright, eeeretary. and J. R.
Ehla. They expect to have the new
tory equipped and la operation by the
middle of July.
Council Bluff s . :
that Ma retreat waa cat off, and be waa
aot got out until a few minute, before the
ftreaaea arrived. MeMana waa takes to
the poNe etatlon la the patrol wagon
where City PhysMian Tubba dreaeed Ma
wound and then tent him to the Edmund
em tionpital. He had been in town only
abowt three week, and eay hla former
bom. waa at Toledo. O. The tlremea ea
tmgTilshed the fir before any damaaw
waa-dona to adjoining banding.
Jo Mcblana. a Junk dealer, waa pain
fully burned and had a narrow eecap
from death to a fir laat night that
destroyed three old abeda In th rear of
WCT-0 WhI Broadway. His right arm
and hand, waa literally cooked, even tha
finger naUa being burned oft aad b
waa painfully burned on other parts ot
the body.
The unfurtunat man was using one of
the sheds as a receptacle for Junk and
occupying a small vacant apace for real
denee purpoaee, The fire la suppoecd to
baiw been Marled from a small g snot Ins
Minor Mention
The Oouacll aiaffa Office f
Che Ossaha Be la at 1
oott Street, Telephone 4.
Davis, drags.
Victrola. ali. A. Hospe Co.
H. Berwick for wall paper.
Wood ring Undertaking Co.. TeL .
tteFvsaraeset VweVYVttelvaBeW PIsHpshHsbT' qVS
MBW YORK PluaWac Go. 'Pnon BSA
rATjrr bkbr at Rogers- buffet, j
Lswls Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone .
Macastaas bound. Marehouae tt Co,
COLFAX mineral water delivered. Tel.
fit. B. K. attniaok.
wired for lights a specialty.
Graduation cards, folders and appro
priate glfta. FeuM Aft Shop.
Biuff city laundry. Ury Cleaning and
Dye were. Mw -phoa . avii. ,
Mutual Bldg. A Loan Ass' aw IH Vearl.
Exceptlonsl piano bargains thla week
at A. Hoop Co.. m Weet Broadway,
Council Bluffs, la. Gaay paymehis.
Bluff City lodae No. 1. Ancient Free
and Accepted Maeons, will saeet -Wednea-day
evenlaa at 7 o'clock for . work ta
the third degree.
Investment: For aale. a fine two-arory
brick on Broadway ta the center bf Coun
cil Bluffa. la. Addreea "A" Omaha be.
CouacU Bretfs, la.
All membera of the Order ot Moose
are requested to srset art their hall thai
evening. There will be a Important
meeting with InrtUlorv work.
NUira 'to yur dlaahtod' wasok to eur
wetchmakera, they will put tt In as good
eondltlon aa near. Every pleas of work
guaranteed. Prices naaonabla, Latfirt's.
WOUOBURT (aeat ta Oraad boteti,
wbtea ha bee teaaperarqr eloaed for
tha last week, la now tuU rafltted and
refurnished and Dr. Woodbury Is plaaaad
to stat that It to new ene of th meet
modern and sanitary cftteaa la rue axes.
H rari ML, Meat to Grand Hotel.
Bert a Raveunt M mn old, son of
Mr. and Mr. Henry Ravelin, (Tied hue.
nlirht at their bom. H Beat Broadway,
after ata snentha nineaa from a eoaa
pMvatlaa ef hmg treoeie. He was un
married and ta survived by hts parents,
on brother and two oiater. The body
waa removed to Woodrlnae preperatory to
arrangement for the funeral.
The five tramp, whose determined on
pealtton to the appeals ef aa Illinois Cen
tral train crew to vatrate a box ear. led
to a call from Fort Dodge for the serv
ice of a maroon at local potk-a wra
arraigned In ponce court yetere- morn
ing. All wan young meet, ewe a wry or
IT. Not one of them had even a lack
knife, and they were a Very docile set ot
yeuagatoT. They were given A emtestve
' Cadet Band of Omaha High School Student Regiment:
saatonee ef tea day la jail with aa arddr
for its sua pension t permit than t vet
out of town. All were from the eouU. .
'The Council Bluffi, ICgh.Mhool will
boht the reet of their field meet thla
Iterance) at ' Tweaty-flrat sfre(and
First avenue at I o'clock. Only five
vent were pulled off becanee of the
rain. The shot put. dlaeoa throw, broad
lump, pole vault, tK-yard dash, 4yaid
run and th IJU-yard high hurdles ar yet
ta be pulled off. To siandlnlg at preeant
la: Senior 17; Junior, li ephomorsa,
i Frvehavan, A Th erhoote will let au
at I o 'dock In order that the klde Mr
attend. The freshmen eighth (red. re
lay I calculated to draw them. The
meet win wind ap with the tntarelesa
The funeral of Dr. D. Jackson yester
day afternoon was largely attended. The
aei Uea were held at the realdenjoaj 14
(Hen avenue, conducted by .Kb v. Dr,
Kay of the Seoond Preebyteiian church.
Many flower were cent by th membera
of the local medical fraternity and wthar
friends. The pallbearera war Dr. Mac
rae, Jennlnga, Treynor and Waterrpan of
thla aty and Dr. Brook of Asduborf.
The honorary pallbearers war. Oeem
H. Nlrell. Ovid -rn, Jo W. Bmtth. . X.
W. Kynett. F. T. Evereet and Ralph If.
Williams. The services were held at fM
o'clock and at I K the caeket wa. token
to the train tor PhutsantvlUa, la far
luldtii'nt. . . .
lm d tan d:aupear a at k
track alter a fee ai.pufatlon. of a ptaia
sit&rtnax tetaiek Tale oaa ha maparsd
at bom tor a truaiac eaot tf.yeai wUl
set oence of spurmax and di.l
iu'y, plat witch baaet Jor bet watarl. to
afcen la aadad X leaapanefusi tuyeerua.
T1 dalnOist cempleaica will be bew.
Cated by this kdtoa, aad aklne that an
rough, blotchy or oy win grew eaoooth.
V qalch drtfr d estreirjeiy satisfy.
' teC arm be enjoyed by ustng
cWOhrox.j- A tacsaoonful ot this dla
autved in. A ue ef bet water s emogt
tjr tbscwegh rlraristng af hair and
TUs shaaipoe !s denrhtfully re
U&nc and tf eecartaaal ase protect
Uut hair from atrwakusg ar (roving brit
tle Whan exposed to th eua and winds
CH' O CD CZ) C3 , '-i.J C ) C)
-- - . . (
',iW aaaaa a a a aaw a wa mm - -
ff: Hie sturdy Germans' idea of Foot! and -
tirink the wholesome, umple road to
bealthU today being followed, more and
more, in the typical American Home.' '
Those who know good beer and
observe its value in dietetics, accord their
best praise to Blatz and include a case
in their household supplies as a matter
of course.
802-8 lO Douglas St, Omaha, Neb.
ftoel IWgfa esti
eatsw-Ad-. r a -.."rf).-r