THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1912. 1318-20 Tvnum Street New arrivals in theLillipu- tian section this week of fetching little dresses and long slips, adding new interest to anmatchable assortments of all the cute things for little folks' wardrobe. Simple little slips of fine nainsook with clus ters of fine tucks, and a touch of embroid ery or lace, at $1.00, 75c and 50c Dainty lace or embroidery trimmed dresses, others with ."hand feather stitching, . fine , i m tacks and hand embroid Kxl. erv with Diain hem" or rut-' fie. in soft nainsooks at $1.25, $1.50, $155, etc. Strictly band Bid dresses and Hps of Franca nainsook, vita - leather ditching, French kaota, Haagarlaa crochet stitch, or hand embroidery. aet together with dainty oeam beading, aome have real Val. or Irlah lace, at (1.73 . to $13.50 Our Infants' Couplet Outfit are of great Interest to mothers, at SlO, 915 and $25 Elaborate assortments of Blbe, Vesta, Bands, Stockings, Bootees. Basques, Pillow Covers, Bonnets, etc., at moderate prices. WRITE FOB I1LCSTBATED CATALOGl'K. SEYEN EN BURN TO DEATH Two Lofgiag Camp Are Destroyed" 1 flea Hamilton, Wash. OX JTJIX8 BU1S1D 0YE1 II La ra Add! ti ess la Ttmbe Cease sesd Will Arseest Oae Headred 'ttliml ' ,1 . BtUJNOHAK. Wh, May sms wr hunnd to death, att sousr all of Umber sad two camps of a log fine company mw Hemlltoa were de stroyed by a forest fir that swept ikasll eeunty, Waerilngteo, Ut sight. Tb property loes In addition to tb Umber ra iw.wul STUDENT DROWNED IN ' BIVEB NEAR MITCHELL MITCHKLL, S. t. May tt.-Kpw-Ul -Two hundred and fifty student of Ds bote Wnleyaa university attended th funeral service this morning ovor tin remains of Tracer Jsaney, tb young inaa b was drowned la tb jsmes rlvsr vsstsrday, wbxn a group of studtnta wnt to the river tot a picnic. J an nay and en otner young mas. WJ out In a cano. which wae ovartumod and Jenney wa drowned. Jannay bodr wad recov eted after being In lb water tblrty minute. After iba aarvioM tha students wiarrhad In a body to tb Mttwaiik depot and the body was taken to Dol men 1. B. D.. for interment, being acoom land by the father and taa etudrnt f Uw university. SOUTH DAKOTA ODD FELLOWS ' ELECT GRAND OFFICERS ABERDCKN. & t., Iday IWftnectan The (rand eaeempment ef tbe Odd PaUow started officer yaatarday friar aaen a follow: Orand aatrtarb. W. K I"evenjart, Cotumbtat trend Tie patri arch, Ai T. Adam. Bpaarflah; grand senior wtwn. Fred Oarber. Wortblns; rang Junior warden. A. J. Maeby, Dall Maples; grand am be, Harvey J. RJoa. Heresy graad treaeiirer. Oaeree W. Snow, waalaafietd; gtaad rarr iilaUra. jeha J. poster, naadraau; grand marshal. It M. BasUnsaeas, Watartewej grand tfattds esatlnas. J. a Permt. Da taMi graad enrtatde matte!. J. ft. Chu. rredark. J. H. Carleton Makes : Bequests to Colleges IOWA P ALIA' la., slay BWBpartel.) Wldespread lauraat I taken m tb will of k law Joha H. Cnrleten ef thta'etty, whkh wee eaad nublss today. Mr. Carls ton atad si will but November, and a hie reel aatet Is etlmated te he worth rw,T, hi bequest ere naturally many and large A aumber of Inatltutlon an uraainbstsd by btc. Carlaten. among tha being fM.nM te Cornell college at Mount Varna, lie) to th Chrtetlao Home orpheaasa, located at Council Bluffs. Bllsworth oolles ef thl etty I glvan fis.fst, eondliloned upon tb souring of aa equal sum from eocne ether eouroe One-half of thl bequest hi to be repre anted by to Carletoa homaitead, toceted In tbe earns block a the college build- Insa The bom I to be known a "Car- Men homa." Tbe Domeetlo Or hoot of Arts, being ooro plated In this flty by Mia. s Mmplol, Is given ffaS. jama P Carleton of St. Paul. John J. Carlatoa of thl city, eon of th deceased. nd A. M. Vchanks ef Masa -City, are earned a asecutor of the will and each I re quired to give a bond of COOS. The bulk e fth eetate goe to th thro ehfldren of Mr. Carleton: Jamea r. Carleton. Jthn J. Carleton and Mrs. Elvira K. ljtufnlln of Hubtierd. The eatele I mad up ef mortgage, beak stocks, ete.7'ftd 'In clude holding In th Flret Nafaueiil end Security Kavinc ef thl elty, Stat blhk of Dowa and bank at Led yard. I.; dlt and concern at Maaon City' and St. Paul. IIOWA DEMOCRATS LINING UP Clerk and Wilsos Forces Claiming Control of State Convention. FIRST SESSIOV - TOKOKiOW kaaen tea Deheamttaw May Be la atrwre4 far Bryaa la Caa ef PeadlaeSi Oalaawtee Are Plecklag te ertlagVea. BURLINGTON, la.. May U.-Every train arriving today brought hundred of delegates and poiitictana to attend the Iowa democratic convention, which will be held here tomorrow to (elect twenty Iz delegate to tha Baltimore convention and adopt a party platform. Tba contest I between the Champ Clark force and th friend of Woodrow Wilson. Of the 1.034 delegate the Clark men claim MI are Instructed for tfadr candidate and 18 for Wliaon. The Wilton men, however, deny tb accuracy ef the flgurca and amy that Clark a instructed delegate number 94. while Wileoa baa Bl Both aide admit that th control of tbe convention 1 in tb hand of th nnlnatructed delegate. Bryaa I th (bote of the dx dele gate from Luce county and there I mm Harmon eentlmrat la a few coun ties. . Th Indication are that the field will combine In aa effort to prevent the tn Structkm of th national delegate for Clark, la tb event of a deadlock then Is e pooelbtllty that Bryan may be taken up as a eom prorata candidate, a be ha many friend among tha .delegate. M. r. Healy of Fort Dodse. who will be temporary chairman of the conven tion, and fit Bcbormaa ef Decorah, temporary aaoretsir. are Clark men. Bennett Clark., eon of the apeaker of th houe ef rprntstls. and enthue ktstieally gratd a "Champ Junior," ar rived early In the day, erooupanled br United Mate Senator Janes A. Reed of Missouri. la th afternoon be wa given a reception. Th Clark manager have advertised for M hound dog for u st tha convention. The Clark slat far delegat-sl-larg eon tain the name ef Emmet Tlnley, Ceendl Bluff: Claude ft. Porter, Center iy: ML P. Healy. Port Dodge; Wilbur W. Marsh. Waterloo. The Wileoa men have prepared no slat Threw Demeerett Ceaveatteaa. CinCAOO. May U. Democrat of Mice Igaa. Tenaeeaee and South Carolina met m etau and district oofiveatlena today to elect deles tee te Baltimore. Clark and Wliaon war peeled te battle at Bay City for Michigan's twenty-four district delegate and sis dlgates-et-larg, while a faction apparently favor an aala e true ted delegation. Th fourteen dutrtet deles tee end four at large from South CaroHaa may be an matrueted. It ha been eoncedad that th Wlloon and Underwood faction win be the trongt at th Columbia convention. With four presidential candidates In tbe field and I than M per cent of the LMI delegates litatrucxed. Tenneem a twenty. four delegate, wlaaecrea predicted, aleo win be unlnet meted. All th candidate will have aome representation on the del egation, it I paid. - Republican convention will be held In Igbt Minnesota , congreaslonal dtatrtott today, at each of which two delegate to th national convention will he elected. Tb platform otrere th only feature ef fnl Mlealmlppl democratic convention to day, the atat primary having gins tb twenty delegates te Underwood, BOOT OF GIRL FOUND ' IN LAKE W00NS0CKET MITCHELL, & DK May hV-Otpeclal ) Th artificial Ukt at Wooaaocket ataliued It flret victim in tb person of MMs Hannah Bollman. aged 0 yeare She twd worked as a domeetlo la the family ef E. R. Wolur fr a couple ef years, sad leaving th heua tea any aget an a rainy evening h disappeared completely from eight. When the girl failed te te tura th neat day., star was Instituted for her, but not the ttghteet chie could be found leedlng to her disappearance. After ten days had mill a body wa found floating la th lake, and when It waa recover It wa found to be that of Ml Bellman. Th young woman raft nothing that would Indicate the oaua ef bar deetruotlon. Persistent Advertising I th Road t Big Returns. 3 M 8 Theater OPENS TOHIGtlT 26th and Farnam Streets ' , . A handsome, specially designed, cheerful, ' healthful, sanitary theatre, planned and built , at an expense of thousands of dollars. ' Only moving picture theatre in Omaha prop- erly ventilated. The only one that is fumigated weekly, also cleaned daily by a vacuum cleaner. Best and snappiest pictures that money can buy. Perfectly dean from start to finish. A safe , place for the womtjn and children., The auditorium is constructed on a slant so . - that there will be a straight sight line from every ' seat io the picture. The chairs are roomy, and . "comfortable. ' -Ther will be aongs by singers who ''know ' how", and music by an orchestra of admitted :" ability.. GLUNE'STHEATER 2Gth ADD FARilAr. ROOSEVELT AT NOR WALK, . O. Celeael fare Parker Demeerat Are Aldlaa) Teft. SANDIIRKT. 0 May l.-"I Intend to take Bathing that not mine." said Colonel Rooeevelt In speech at Bellevu today, "but If anybody trie to teke what la mine, there win be a lively tiro.'' Th colonel mad thl -remark In say. Ing thnt he was content with the verdict of the people, but that If the people were for him he would not ubrnlt to being cheated eut ef that support. ' "Th powers of privilege In tb derao erstle party are helping our -opponent In every way." said the colonel at Nor walk. "In New Tor and Massachusetts the great democratic paper which repra ent th reactionary, stand pat democratic element, tb papers that helped Parker In IS, are practically all tbe organ of Mr. Ten. They ere democrat le only nominally. They do the bidding ef Wall tract, with the dmocnUe leaders In ongreee. They are working to prevent my nomination, partly bwoauee they are a fluid I will win if I am nominated and partly because they do net like my style anyhow.- Hoskinson Says Acid Bombs Were Used at Muscatine DAVENPORT. la.. Mny lL-Thomas Hoakln. aelf-confeeeed alsver of Of ficer Oertecher at Muscatine, wbe to erring a life term in tbe penltettary, continued his testimony in th trial today of O. C. Wilson, labor leader, charged nth ccasytracy against eoa-union mark er la th recent bettoa factory strifes. Hoklno testified concerning th Im portation of add bomb Into Muacetin and confessed to being a party te th alleged conspiracy. He wee the flret wR. aea following the completion ef the Jury lete yesterday and hi evidence I ex pected by the rate te have aa Impor tant bearing aa th ease. Despite a gruelling cross-examination Hoskinson refused te admit that a prom Is of Immunity had been extended te blm. in consideration of his .testimony en behalf ef the atat. Little nrograss wa mad because of frequeat las bee between eppodng eeunaaL lees Sewe Males. PORT DODOB-Edward Dan or. IT yeare oM. died auddenly her, today when he waa wit Bin three weeks ef realisation of ambition to seem a diploma (reea Toeta I ouiieg. alter year of studious appUoa tJon. Overarork had weakened hie con ! etitutloa and sudden iilaese eeuid net b I withstood. I PORT DODGE Th Port Dodg Light and Power company ha ubm!tted to tha : city council a tentative ordinance govera- Ing a central heating plant tha company I propose installing here. They expect , te have the aystem (upptylng VM build. ling within six months after th ordla aic k psmiid. ; PORT DOPGB Dcirg honor te e fel low Great Waatera official, aver 10 district officiate of th road passed I through her oa a special train te Coun i ell Bluffs end return to Ctertoa, to ee- cert th body ef J. O. Pnca, wbe died . m a Council BhirT hospital. . The train ptcaoe up every man along tne Ilea who oeuld poeaSMy Jota la Una mark at respect tar Mr. Prtoa. COMMAMCHE-Mra. U Snalth. sged 71 years, wae Instantly killed seat evening wbea an) was street br e train while croastnet the tmcaa at a street Paula CXDAR RAM Ud Tba saawtessah a nwai aesetlB; f the lew State Bar aaeav cxathm will hi bssi c the M entree he- Striking Freight Handlers Get Pay; Milwaukee Men Quit CR1UOO, May H. Striking freight handlers, strong, today marched from a meeting In a West Side hall te various freight office and received their wage. Felines an who ware auxtunoned te guard against possible trouble had nothing to do. The men took their wages and de parted peecably. QUINCT. HI., May 16-Th freight handlers of the Wabash joined those of th Burlington today and want oa a strike. The Wabash force consist Hd of ten trucker, two ptckcrs end en check clerk. At the Burlington freight bwe new men have been employed and freight Is being moved a usual. MILWAUKEE. Wf., May tt-Fsur hundred freight ' handlere and railway clerks of tb Chicago, Milwaukee 9t Paul railway struck today in aympthy with the Chicago freight handler. It ' reported that fifty freight handlers on- ployed by th Chicago Northwestern road also struck. Tb atrtlter picketed th steamboat dock tM afternoon and expect to indvo others te Join their ranks STANDARD OIL COMPANY PAYS FIFTY THOUSAND FINE JEFTERSON CITT. Mo., May UV-Th Standard Oil company paid a fine ef tM.W to th clerk of th Supreme ooart today as a result ef being prosecuted as a treat. There t ft motion pending before the supreme court on behalf of th Standard OU company asking that it may be per mitted te pay the fine tmpoaed apen It, together will all the costs of th prose cution and that th order ousting it from the state be wtthbheld. o long ss It hey th la and the orders of tbe aourta Tb Republic OU company, which was ale touad 'guilty M expected now te pay its fine. PEARLSTINE AND BREMEN DECLARED NOT GUILTY CHKTXNN'E. Wye.. May' !.- Special Telegram.-la the ease ef tbe United State government against . A, Pearl tln nod George Bremen of this city, after Iwtening to the evidence Judge Joha A. Rlnr, United States district Judge this morning Instructed th Jury to return a verdict of acquittal. DEATH RECORD. Mr. Frank A, Brewa. ABERDEEN, S. D, May M.-SpscUI.) Mrs. Prank X. Brown, wit ef an Aber deen bankar and capitalist, died yester day at Rivortda, Cat,, where she had been for several months la hope of bene fiting her health. The body will be brought here, and th funeral win be ootid noted by the peat matron ef the local Order of tha Eastern Star. She was U years ef age. Men. t, M. Jaekeea. BEATRICE. Neb., May tt.-8poial.-Mrs, M. Jackson, who recently cam here from Iowa, passed away yesterday afternoon nt the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. P. riannery In Wrat Beatrice. She was M Veers af age. and la Survived bv-e .family of five efeUdrta.. bar- hus band havtrot passed away years ago. Tba body was taken to St. Francle, Kan., this afternoon for bortai. ' ' .Allen D. Settley. ' In the death early yesterday of Allen p. Buttlay, aged, eg years, Omaha lost Its eldest expressman. Puapley had redded In Omaha for forty-five years and has conducted as express business II that time. He had been IU only a brief time. He I survived by a widow, four sons, Jaa, Allen, 'jr.: Charles and Walter, sad on daughter, Clara, Suttley. Jamea Pllek. J erne Flick, aged J year, wbe ha a red In Omaha many yeare. died early yesterday in a local haapitaL , Messrs Cols Mackay,' undertaker, are try ing to find relatives la Iowa and arrange for tbe funeral. EPISCOPAL COUNCIL ' OPCNS Fertr-rtfth Aenaal Meetlag Ope as at Jaewhe atemeetal Halt. The ferty-flfth annual council of the Episcopal dweess ol Nebraska got hits full w1ng yesterday morning for a tw days' eeetna. Commanwa wss celebrated In Trinity oat bed re! and Rev. Charles Ro lltt, secretary of the Sixth mlsetonary district, gave an addnae there, after which the council met In Jacobs Memor ial hall to formally organise. In hi ad drees Rev. Mr. Rolltt mad an earnest appeal for the parishes and mis sions ef th small towns and village, that they be . not forgotten and ailowsa te perish from discourage raent la the march which the great centers are mak ing in th world-wide contest for Chris tianity. Right Rev. A. L. Williams, blah op of tha diocese, wa assisted a celebrant of the communion by Dean J. A. Taacock of Trinity and Rev. John Williams of St. Barnabas. The bishop, clad In his purple robe, presided at th business session. Rev. w. U. Moor was Unanimously re-elected secretary of th council. His iMmlnatloa of Rev. John Albert William ef St Philip hi assistant was confirmed with much Interest. This I Mr. Wil liams twenty-first year . ef service m thia position and he was declared by some of tbe pioneers of tba council to bs of sg.- The halt was crowded yesterday morn ing wRh delegates and spectators. There are ministers and dee cone from Blair, Central City. Columbus. Fremont, Lin coln, Nebraska City. Ashland. Reno-tee. Schuyler. Plattaraowth. Omaha. Many of the womea wbe attended th twenty sixth annual meeting of the Women's auxiliary of th diocese Twesdny are re maining for the council meeting. Notabls la the eeuncfl is Jssses W. Van N oat rend ef M. Barnabas who was pres ent at tb ergasisaUoB f the council forty-five years age and has never missed a ejecting since. His wtfs, who as aa ac tive worker in the Woman's aaxiuiary. Is also receiving congratulation today, it being her eeveaty-nlnth birthday. Rev. W. J, White of St. Lukes at Platlamoutk la tb ether delegate at the mestlnc who wa present at tb first meeting and he ha misesd but a few meeting in hetwsaa. Among th priests who have esses a long way to attend the meeting at Rev. James Wlas whs tha bishop designated ae one ef the -eld boys" of the dloces. He started his nunlstartaj career at thv Marks. South Osavalas, and Is now rector of the Church of the Haty Censmamloa la IN. Leuka A li sssalsllis of the prtsstliva Amstl- Hetsaea who Is ses wdth the ladl of Has Next Saturday Brandeis Stores offer the greatest varieties of fine muslin under wear at the most notable bargains ever known in Omaha. This is Brandeis Stores Annual May Sale of Muslin Underwear Hundreds of Omaha women wait for it in order that they may buy their supply of undermuslins for the season, selecting from immense varieties and profit ing by the most remarkable bargains of the year. This year our stock is larger, our undermuslins are . of higher quality and our values are positively greater than we have ever before offered to the women of Omaha. By all means see our great window displays. Sale begins Saturday, May 18th. Brandeis Stores POLK HIRESJAX FERRETS Iow&nj Wae Have Ooae to Cali fornia Hut Pay D LOOK FOft sTUJ.TOH DOLLARS Ralph MeMUsaa, TesusaT Ovavtar, Who pelt at Perry Frees. Asreplaae WIU Probably Reoavar Preaa Hto I alert ae, fpmm a Staff Corrsepondant) DKS MOINBS. la. May U.-( Special Telegram.) A contract for enUeetloa of delinquent tsxes due thl oousty was entered Into today that R M promleed will yield the county tl.,oe In the next two year. Tha contract Is with former tag ferret for collection of the back taxes on a percentage basts. It Is claimed that PJM.OM la due en personal property taxes from former residents of th city who have gone to California, Parry Aviate te Recover. It was announced at tb hospital today that Ralph McMillan, th young aviator who fell a hundred feet at Prry will re cover. II wss brought here for treat ment with five or Ma fractured bones Tb machine waa also s complete wreck. Least Teres tee Robbery, H. H. Haste and Roy Brafford, two young men convicted in court of robbery of a man on th street, from whom they enured eighteen dollars, war seatsnosd to twenty years each In prison. pep A REA eTLei Lf TREAT 7 Year Old Whiskey i M vi nsrear taste a whisker like It at the orioe. Thl -aneem offer elmelv made to further lntroduc th "HllUr Brand of Pine Whlh1ee" Think f . It A FULL QUART FOR 80c 4 PTfU QVAJhTB fWIFPfjB PBBPAIB ' Kqual to most brand that aell for twice as much. "Hlller' Straight" I mellow and palatable, and o pur It Is roemmnded by many aoctor ror tne sks room. Phono, ! as wrrle as P-wHILLER LIQUOR Six Miners Rescued Alive; Five Missing ' t no V WOOD. Mien.:' Mar hV-Aftar nearly twenty-four hour. 1 of ht thirteen miner who war Impnoonee ia h Vnrrta mlna of the Oltvsr Iroa Mut ing company late Monday asgbt, were rescued but night, tb kast ansa neang taken from th (haft about U o'clock. Tho rescued are. Prank Jaascsak. Jaosh Anderson, Oaoar Ksrt. Oeorg Kronkln, Prank Eaav hrowns and August Clys. Tbs bodlee of tw miners whs were ainwi mmr reci eared. Prve men still are mlastng and believed s have been killed. Key to the BtlaoUon Bee Advrtllna, Seven Bodies Found in Ruins of a House ' Near Lund, S.D. nsrvtuA a n. liaw la.-Tha charred bodle ef seven persons war found today la th ruins ef to some ot inn reiw son, near the tows of Uind. In Lyman county. The bodies are supposed to be thoss of Peterson, hi wife and five chil dren. Whether th seven person were murdered and their bodies burned or lost their Uvea In a rir la set known. An In vestigation la being made. , . aMseMe ' tC'lavkj ttrrtee Nevada. ' RENO, Nov., May. JL-Cbamp Clark carried the demecratio primaries la Ne vada by more than I to L over Woodrow Wileoa yeeterday on th f of th re, rums received up to noon today. .Out of a total of tM delegate to the Mat con veatiaa, which wDI esse noble at .Falloa. June t, Clark has 147 sad Wllsoa 17. Clark leader claim their candidate wilt cap lure the entire twenty-two remaining dele gates. Wliaon oa triad hut twe counties In th state. Herman did not figure to any noticeable anient la the voting. Persistent Advertising is th Road, t Big Returns. ? - Co To Your Doctor l(.ir (sllwut met? Troubled with eUlsdrufn Wnt snors nah-7 M elegant arteiingr Hair Falling a aa . tf t - ' liismaal Ayers nair vigor EZ-iAi Ws sesstv sVKtors avdorst tha, or we would ant pat it op. DOCS NOT COLOR THE HAIR t. O. Aree Censy. Sewell. STeee. Brandeis Stores Place on Sale NEXT MONDAY Mi7 THE ENTIRE Ward Dressmaking Stock From 16 East 48th St, New York ' This establishment maintained a high reputation in New Terk and throughout the eeet fee tb elegecce and sxciustve character ef Ite aaerchsusdis. On account ef the remarkable concession, ws secured en thle otoca. Omaha women will find the moot notable bargalna In high cktsa laces, trimmings, eats, partly made and unmade robe, party and evening eoata, oils, dress fabrics) elaborately so, wrel dared chiffons, rib bona, wash foods in patterns, tnolud- 1 Ing away Importations that era xtrm novel tie. Jet gar alturea. gold and silver and cryetal fringe, iridescent crystal beads Embroidered and ttlummated reuses arid ehrffoa rtotha Charmuesa aatia, al lover printed vol Lee, mareuiaettea. beauti ful bordered aad allever patteraa, aU wool French chailiee, etc. SEE THE GREAT WINDOW DISPLAYS, Sale Begins MONDAY Brandeis Stores riT(b Eplleper or falling Sickneee. ri I d A reliable remedy for thl awful disease. Not a fit after the first do. Fred Russell af Cripple Creek, Colo., write: "My wife waa af flicted for over six years After first do he never had a spasm. She al ways had from t to to tits a month, but now she is n wen woman.'' Send for our booklet ano get the moat amaslpg and convincing proof of what our ren.edy has done for hundred of suffering epileptic. - We can convince you ebsolutely If you will but glvs ua the opportunity. Free sample upon re auaat. Addrees towsi axrariPT oo, 70 W. Baltunere St, Baltimore, Md. WATCH REPAIRING All Work aaarsnteeeV v Prloss Msaaofisblo, ' gDHOLM AMUSEMENTS. Brandeis Theater Friday Night May 17th ' Bocital rjTM by The 100 Pupils of Mctropolitaa School of Clsasics under the dlrectioa of . , W. E. Chambers and Mary F. Cooper Aesthetic, National, Folk, Paa tomlme and Cbaraetor Dance. AdmliunoB 8Sc to 91 JM). Beats now ott sale at Box Office. BRANDEIS THEATER THE LITTLE PRINCESS (SARA CREWE) . ' Saturday Matinee and Night MAY 18, 1912 for the benefit of Tho Visiting Nurae Association, lie see seal scats oa sale at bos office oa aad after Thursday. l'rk-ee: $1.00, 700, ftor and 23c. Base Ball OMAHA VS. TOPEU R0URKE PARK MAY 13, 14, 15, 16. Today la Ladles' Day. Cars leave ISth and rantaat I;la,. Gaaea called atat. a" very Day. S:ls. atvary aTigkt, SUS I Asvaacas TatrDBTn.i,a I Louise Dresser; Waiter Hampden t Co.: Cblako; Tha Marveloue Miltera: Brown Nevarro: Moa. a. R Laefc: . Minnie Kaarmann; Kiaetoeoope: Or i pheum Osncart Ore beet re. Price: Night, ' 10. ite. Me. Tie; Matinee, lc beat eels sac. except aataroay and Sunday. BOYD'S ,1rtl nre, Tvrle, O Dti,, aa aad (io rxasaat ight, see. SOe; Slav, Seat CklMrwa, taa. artel ef Stataa, BTert W land, sTawaa,aT tee lead. Pan. BWttre Oasuurs o Ftaeram tat. Ua est, son af asm 3a 1.1 . ,