Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1912, Page 16, Image 16

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Brandeis Stores
P.esent tie Ultra Fukwnible
Mil-summer Models
W'omni who eaerrlsev die
crtmlnatioB la their attire
urallr prcfrr Braadela millin
ery because of It perfect etjle
Among the later eaodels to
he sera at BraudHs are the
white felt hati fared wtth white)
Irghnru and trimmed with
mall white sUck-ups. faroreit
hjr tienrgette and Bussaane
Wtmu'i TiCofti SiiU
Wartk $18 ui $20, at...
All new, im models practical-,
up-to-date all sites great ' var
iety of styles
L'nen AbU CoiU at $3.98
Coats that will give splendid
service for all' kinds .of ' outdoor
wear theae are new arrivals.
Women'. Wish Dresses at $3.98
Clever and pretty atylea for Bum
mer near. Tbey launder beautifully.
saea'iNtv Liaca Norfolk QQ
ui bluer SiiU-Si. VV.70
The new aeaaon'a favorite nov
elty. They are smart and totally
different from ordinary auita.
Wraen's Silk MticoaU at U98
Black and all eolora all site.
and flan
i Pure Thread Silk Boot Hosiery
60c Quality at 20c Pair
Wide Utile garter tops, double lisle heels and toes black,
white, thn and light shades; also men's pure thread,
silk, lisle double heels and toes in black, tan and 4Qj
fancy colors-a 50o quality-at, per pair. aWl
Women's Fine Lisle No-Shape Union Slits
Low neck, sleeveless, cuff knee and umbrella style laca
trimmed a most comfortable and nice fitting CQa
garment, regularly worth 75o at, a suit C
Wtmen'i fine Lace Dress and Coat Collars at 59c
Guimpes, yokes, Dutch and sailor collars, collar and cuff
sets and embroidered f icbus in crochet, enlse, macrame
and shadow laces worth up to $ IMb at,
Hi.h Quality Laces Worth U25 at 50c Tard
Fine lat insertions, bands, appliques aad .festoons, also
allovers and bands, up to 10 inches wide, in oriental,
crochet, Vemse and macrame eltects many4
worth up to $1.25 at, yard
We secured 200 genuine Frtjnch Model Hats from the
6how room of Cnmille Rogers, Carlier, Suraanne Talbot
and other noted designers. They are beautifully trim
med and come in the popular mid-summer styler$ )50
values up to $30 on sale at'.
Men's I
Classy I
.!'''" "rra
Tba kind the well drtwd
roung men who know shoe
r ! ire m . turn v.iviw
that ha an appearance, and
stylo nevar found la tba ordi
nary oxford.
Wa are particularly proud of
Dur oxford Una this season
nd know you will b lust aa
proud attar yon bare a pair of
J hem. Wa bate them In Rus
fcta aad Gun lletal Calf, Vld
wild aad Patent Colt, lace, but
ton and blocker. At tba seme
bid popular prloe.
ee taesu la omr windows.
1419 rarnam
1 , -m
mastm araaxTWT
aobust cuuiui.
mm r An rwy wuv
9m, Belleloae. Sntrrcuraa.
main o uiu n.
Keek tar tfca Laeal At All Otaaeis
-f 4
. A
ire you
daffy too
haoouu. I
Ilarht Luncheons a Specialty at Our Soda Foun
tain. Also aU Kinds of Ices and Ice Cream.
To Quickly Dispose of a Number of
We Will Pla.ce on Sale Thursday
Some Regular
$5.00 Suits at
Tbia lan't a "Job lot'' or a lot of odda and
end;, but tome of the cbolreat aulta from our
regular $5.00 line. There are all sixes In the
assortment and patterns, fabrlra and coloring
to please both the boy and bis pareota. One of
the moat Important features of the aale la that
One lot of odda and ends of boys
suits worth up to $4.00, in two
lots,Thursday, at
$2.95 and .
Cfcildrva'af. xtra ajtuvlltj tuh arulta in Sailor and Ru-i-ttiau
tiloiiaTa ntyUrt, Kpoclaliy prtteM for ThunuJay's
twlltnir t 4 arul 999. other w&ah an Its that cn
rti b matrhed In Hie city at lha nam prices, up
to 11 Mi th Mtitt
oya' aad cbUdra'a hata in all to lor a, up to
valti. Thuraday, 49a.
Our New York Buyer Sent Us
e voats
That Are Extraordinary
$18.50 Values
to Sell at . . .
Five dollars is a large saving
on serge coats of the aualitr of
these. Mostly plain tailored stvles with
wide revers and collars finished with
checked wool materials or novelty but
tons. They come in two shades-tan and
navy-and are quite the thing for street
and travel wear.
Cream Wool Coat. In r!n tail.
ored i and novelty styles. $14.95 .
to $24.75. Cream Wool Suits.
plain and fancy styles.
$14.95 to $19.50.
Waists to Go With Summer Suits '
One lot or neaaallne silk valuta, worth up to
It.oo, to close Thursday, S2.0S. All of our
chiffon waista now specially priced at S4.SW.
I.lnaerte waisU In all of the new atylea. In
cluding peplum and caaaqua variations, 11.31
to $3.00. . .
Norfolk-middy blouses. 18c each.
Silk walata In aallor atylea, f ..
811k shirts, $l.t to I3.S each -Tan
linen Norfolk waista, $1.23.
Fresh Country Eggs, Doz., 20c
IT lbs. franulatto: etiaar
ror Sl.oo
Bcmwtt's nxsalsinr
near, aaek S4. SO
S-poun1 nan Rsnnstt'B
uraaarast eoriea ana
4 stampa aae
AasArtra traa and so
lamps, lb. Me
Tea alttlnaa ana 1
tarn pa. lb. las
Snlder's pork and butns
ana 1 stamps, can in
le-lb. sack white corn
meal aos
Ttira lam cans Col-
tsa milk and 10
tanjpn fnr Me
s-lb. roll Pramlum btit-
tartna for as
Full craam rhesaa and
IS stamps, lb tas
Kaufrhatal choeaa. at
each 4s
Pint can Halliard's pur
olive oil reduced to SOa
na. hand nh-kad navv
- beans for ..M I
,1-lb. ran OhlradellCa
choeolala. I at pa. Ma
Flower and Tsaot&ble
aeeda, pkc. SVa
Seeded ralalns and 111
I -Ha
Sailor brand plums snd
a Biampa, can loo
Pint bottle srapa iul-
and IS atan.Tta
Three cans Eaa-la
and 10 stamps ....Ms
Hand rnoees. each Se
snd 90
Maple butter
stamps, can ,
Olaaa tumbler of mun-
tard and ft atamna. lOa
One doien boxes safety
maicnsa as
Peanut butter and It
stamps. Jar laa
Lea A Perkin s Worcei-
tershlra aauc. Kai ssa
Mb. pk(. Bennett a Cap-
Itnl oats 10 at Da. laa
Onion salt, t st'pa, laa
Faurrs audi
r resn, fancy cucumbers, tbres lor 10c
Fancy, crisp string beans, lb tse
t large beads plain lettuce .Ac
bunches fresh radishes Ac
lre bunches rhubarb He
New solid cabbages, lb 4c
l-snry new potatoea, lb be
o bunches spring onions . . , 5c
Meat Bargains For Thursday Only
Pork Chops 13ljC I Veal Chops 15c
S't-Ib. pkg. Leaf Lard..$l Veal Stew jytK
M a a aw rnoae uoaa itbb
Misalng Teeth supplied
Ithoaft. Flatas or Bridg.
nark. Kenee raaaoeetl
w it boat pels. Work guar
M Tsata .,. . otttee Merd tea years.
I sos)
Plat ... ....SS-OOIp
EitracUcg 20c l p
rulings .... ....BOs tp
Crowns... ...SXSOtp
Brldgswork . . .S2.M lp
Free Land Information
The Twentieth C5entury Farmer, to meet the demand
of its readers for land information, haa gathered and
compiled data on soil, climate snd farming conditions
in all parts of the oountry. It is willing to give out this
information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry.
Do You Want to Know
About government land laws, location of land of
fices, eto.
. How to get irrigation lavds, location'' of projects,
laws governing same, etc.
Best sections for fruit growing, general farming,
stock raising or dairying.
Yonr questions will get prompt attention! "State
plainly and specifically what yon want to know. Write,
Land Information Bureau '
The Twentieth Century Farmer
Omaha, Nebraska
KST 113 HAITI Tl iuTntt 1X9 CHM.
Mas. WiamoWt Sootkivo Inn aw brra
MOTHERS far tarn- CHliSm .ml.
a the beel Malr tor DLaaaatZA. K m ao.
oMetr kanilraa Be am aad ak far - u.
'"" aoeiaiat bynto.- aad sua ae ana
Una. Twau.-Sv.onu. betua..g
May Sales Offer Exceptional Opportunities for Economical Buying
Greatest bargains
this week ever
shown in the city.
0 fjP
If lit iREUABLEn STORE.. j
A tremendous sale
of Imported
Gowns and Dresses
A Clean Sweeo Sale of All Sorinsr Suits and Dresses
To make room (or the moat complete showing of garments for summer wear ever shown in any
Omaha StOrtL Th UraHa-V im trill V mnot nnrmw i iMA a. ha onaitlola
w wwok wjipvi tuuv lllllO K VUJ. OTJTJ lUCO wtr. lam.
Tailored Salts
rallies up to $20,
Serges, Whipcords
and fancies, Terr
newest spring
styles, all sixes,
175 of them for
s e 1 e c t lo n, your
choice ...$8.95
Tailored Huita,
worth $2S to $3A,
in English Whip
cords, plain tailor
ed serges and fan
cy mixtures, de- '
lightful assort
ment of best
styles for your ae
lection, your
choice ..J12.50
Long 811k Klmo
oe, worth $5 00
and 16.00, all col
ors. In Thursday's
" 2.85
A magnificent
showing of the
itiicii most
beautiful designs
in fine Lingerie
and Lines Mum
mer Dresses. Su
perior assort
ments, correct
styles at most
moderate pricings.
Silk Suit, Talnes
up to $35.00
25 beautiful sam
ple Taffeta suits.
ne w e s t colorings
and styles, noth
ing to equal them
ever before offer
ed at sale
price .. $19.50
Long Spring Coata
Talnes up to $25,
nearly all samples,
over 100 for selec
tion, tans, blues
and fancies, on
sale to close
t $11.95
Silk or Wool
Ureases, made to
sell to $25, Chif
fon, Taffetas, Mea
salines and Serges,
In newest style
t $10.00
Women's Silk Vs
denkirts, values
up to 17.50, in all
colors, delightful
bargains, Thu r
V $2.95
Talk About Muslin Underwear Bargains
WeU here's some for Thursday that talk louder for themselves than any
amount of newspaper space could do. See displays in windows. Ton can't
afford to mlM these matchless Thursday bargains.
Beautiful Mualia I nderakirts Wimples and odd lots, values up to $6.00,
ch0'c $2.93
rull 18 and 20-ln. Flounces of fine lace, lace Insertions, headings and fine
Swiss embroideries, doiens of styles for selection, slightly soiled, values
up to $6.00, sale price Thursday $2.98
i-naceaa Blips, maae to sen up to ft, yokes trimmed with three rows of
lace of fine embroidery, skirts with deep flounce of lace and Insertion,
Swiss embroidery, matchless bargains In Thursday's sale, choice $1 oa
Ladles' Gowns made of fine quality nainsook with deep lace or allover
embroidery yoke and sleeves, cut full and long, values to $3. SO, in
mursoay t sale, cnoice . ij
Ladles' Princess Slips and Skirts, beautifully trimmed and worth to .l Oil
on sale, choice
Ladiea' Night tiowna, doiens of
styles to select from, values up to
$3.00, in nainsook, cambrics and
crepes, crepe gown comes In both
plain and fancy eolora, others have
deep yokes and sleeve of lace and
insertion, also Swiss embroidered
yokes and slMves, greatest snaps
ever, choice B&4
r -91.45
Gowns, Princess Slips and Skirts,
Also combination suits, beautifully
trimmed wtth lace, embroidery and
dainty ribbons, matchless bargains
Thursday, choice 45?
Corset Covers, values to 75c, in
splendid assortment of dainty de
signs 19
Italian Silk Vesta, hand embroidered.
values to $5, on sale, choice $1.93
May Clearance Sale of Millinery
Values in Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats That Were Never
Before Duplicated in Any Omaha Store.
S2.KO la trimmed Hata
$12.00 Trimmed Hata
Chip, Hair. Milan and Hemp
braids, large or small shapes,
very newest styles, 1,000 to se
lect from, are values up to $2.50,
choice ...... 69t
Almost endless variety of abso
lutely correct style for Mlee
tion. Thursday at 98 $1.98
$2.50 S3.95 "d 5.0O
You can readily save half on your hat by taking advantage
of these Special Thursday Sales.
Yes we guarantee willow plumes and everything else. See
our exceptionally fine showing of the new Summer
Headwear. Everything that's newest and correct
Thursday in the Domestic Room
-ln. bleached Mualin. either
Lonsdale or Fruit of the Loom,
at 7t
SO-iat half blear hed Mualia.
rarmara choice, at yard ft
Threw Furnishing Goods Specials
1,'omea's liause testa, regular ic
v.Iiim 'at f)a
Mra'a Vadrrshlrta or Prawere, In
balbrlggaa or porosknit, to im
values, choice . .35 and 25
Men's Poroakolt or iMbrlgga
Vnion Suits, vslues to $1.00. on
sale at 69 49
1214c White Goods, checks and
stripes or plain, for dresses or
waists, at 7 to
7 He Amoakeag Ginghams, la
browns, blues or greens, on
sale 5H
Silk Finished Foulards, l&e val
ues, good patterna 12
JMMa. Imported Ginghams, regu
lar lkc yard values, at ..10
Bed Sheets Thursday
High Qrsd Linen Department
Full slia. well made French 8cam
Bed Sheets, worth Mc earn ....
Full aiie. well made beavr. stronc
and durable Bed Sheets, worth ti:
each as
Ti Invlalble seam strong Red
Hheeta, worth 7&c each Soe
Hotel Hheets. regulatloa Indira.
worth tic earh
Full alia 8heeta. seamless, worth 'V.
each sm
A full line of Hotel retaliation aire
Bed Bheeta In all the atandard brands
st prtrea below present coat to manufacture.
Vash Goods
Lorraine Tissues, worth 2 Sc. !
40-la. bordered Batiste, regular
3c Talue 25
18-ln. French Batiste ..12 to
17-tn. Domestic Batiste 10
32-ln. Scotch Ginghams 15
40-ut. Voiles 25
40-ln. Ratine 85
12-ia. Scotch Madras 15c, 18c,
aWc and .'....39
811k striped Voiles, Stc values,
Ite French Organdie. Rays
tripe 25
ZSe Domestic Organdie ...13
Read Hay den's Big Grocery Specials for Thursday. It Pays.
Ml'UAK i e
IS-lh. aai'ka beat high grade Diamond
H family flour, nothing like It. per
ak Il.ii
lo bars Urat tn All. Lenox or Wa
rn ood C aoap tie
Advo Jell, all nature, X pka. for Ire
I mould free with every I pkse.)
Oallno cans atiaeowrt apples, for
plea, etc -Sc
" I be. beat bulk laundry atarch ..Ire
C C. corn flakea. pa. (
"".rape Nuta. pkg ISc
ISml rana condenaed n.llk . . "xC
14-oa. pktt. beat domestic macaroni
at 7 He
Irtt or mustard asrdlnea, can ..3e
t-la. cans fancy sweet susar corn
at ISc
t-u. cans assorted soups 7 So
l-lb.rana Cal. table, peaches, pears
or plums
cans Booth baked beans tee
I rana Star ire te
I-lb. rana solid parked tomatoes ..ISc
X-lb. rans ituscalcl grapes lfte
The beat tea iftina. lb. ....ltte
OoMen Saatoe r-rfee. lb. 2ir
Peters' Breakfast roroa. ebeaper and
batter tbaa coffee, lb. ..Xes
The beat creamery batter, carton or
"-lb. ,,e
No. 1 country creamery butter., per
' see
"o. I dairy butter, lb. .,c
rhe beat atrkrtly freah esgs, doa iac
Jenny Bros.- brick cheese, lb. ..lie
Veufrhstel rhrnw. eaj-h 1,
break the prices.
Fresh aplnarh. per peck .....jt.
I bunches rresh onions ...... IT
s bunrhes freah radishes .... " '
t biinrhes fresh asparagus ,."ie
4 bonchea fresh pieplant ...'...""jc
1 busrhea fresh leaf lettuce . "sr.
New potatoes, per lb. "ie
Lars caromhers, each ..lsc, 7UjJic
Hancy rips tomatoes, lb.
rresh peas, quart "j
Fancy rauliriower, lb. jv,c
ranry rabbage. In. ' jj,
r'aary waa ar greea bearaj. lb. 'lSHc
tomato or cabbace puuita, la cnxk
rr dent.. Der doaen -1
k 13 pkgs. flower or rrcrtabi' .1