Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1912, Page 13, Image 13

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Sherlocko the Monk
TTPEWkITER8 lor rent 1 mo., la
Central Typewriter exchange. 16K7 Far
l?ef IL our stuck is reduced we will
sejl ,.iRAXI NEW Fox Typewriters at
caeo. . ine oiggeet Bargain in new
t-pewrilera ever oftered on lliw machines.
We handle all makes rebuilt it you dvn t
warn a new one. imjo rumam.
Typewriter inspection and Supply Co.
WOULD you Bhow our wholly visible
typewriter to your menus ana let them
see w herein it excels any Hot) typewriter
made it you could, without coating you
one cent, . have the typewriter to keep
lurever at your own; Then writs us tor
fuii particulars. Kmerson Typewriter
to., pox e, wooastock. ill.'
KfiNT an Oliver lpwinsr from the
unveriypewriter vu- Douglas ZS1-
v JUsceltasieoaei
r0R BALE New and second-hand
carom and pocket billiard tables sod
bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix
tures of all kinds; easy pay meals. The
skruawjcK-oaiK-cuiisnaer co.. Wi-4uu &
1Mb. 81.
POOl tables, etore, restaurant fixtures
pwiKin. eoiu. Kevy. ioiu r, bo. uutaua.
OUi SAFfce. Dj.ltniHT, ll Karnam t
. SVltt A A I . E Tun .,.,. r.h.. 7Z 7ZZ
49maha Commercial college and tone tu
Bo vies college. Uuetnesa utiles. Oiuaue
FOR SALE Bell panorama camera. 3-
41. new. . ii. r-cnis, ,v i'me si, cu
Bell 'pbnne Douglas
SILK gown, sa.niun pink, wltn d, ip em
broidery over slik and lace and wsitt
opera coat, 3S slsu, for mim cheap, huoiie
vteualer Detoro 10 si in.
&AFKe-UverBtbVket wiia secood-haod
Sales; all slssa asd makes; barss;us,
Amencan bupiy i'o.. lut farnam St.
L4TK model Nstlonnl Cash Ketnster,
almost new; a snap. lt Nortti IMio tiu,
fluutn Omaha.
FINE (oat for sale ciieap; will drive.
SM Leaveowortn. liar. iHJ.
iill.'VTjlI. rn B.-ntilna .mm .1...
for sale. Cheap. Leaving city. Tel.
Webster C. '
&tN solid oak. -.hand made suraivsU
eAanuiiiiisT table; used very little; no
sails. LM South wtl Ave. 1'hone Harney
WIT. . -
- roil slALKLarir dairy burn t he
removed at ones. Sixtieth street, m- little
snath . of Pacific. Call today. Thorn
Douglas Tt. -
,. FOP SAa,E 3 Mcoouat, of ouH,ttix(.
clear and pipe oases, Aouc pool tables,
aisotrtc fans and safe for sale cheap.
W7 K 16th. -Telefhone DohkIss Mi.
'. HAZfcl. LEAF , 1'ILB CONKS-ltssl
ranedy (or itcxiiwr, bieediusT or pjotrud
piles. 9W postpaid; saniptes (ree,
Sherman at M oCbaneit UrotT Co, Otnabs.
A New Truss
Does not spread rupture open tuternalir
as convex paus do. Write lur booklet.
m Broadway. K Vork City.
ta DAY mihju hs:meDT.
ahulish t'harmsry. l.'Ui aud !'.
Allen of L'hicasjo. im S 17. xtt. tl. O. Ind.
THE SALVATH)" ARM ssllciu sast
sft ciotninkl in fact. soiyihinM you do hot
need. We collect, repair and sell at 1M
N. Uth for cost of collection, to the
worthy poor, ftaosw Douglas UA and
agons will call ' '.
Massage. Mrs. Rittennome. aw Boston Bid
' TOU.NO wotusn cooung to Omaha as
Strangers are Invited to visit ttte i'oung
Women's Christian association baiiding
st beventsenth tat Bt. Marys Ave,
wkere tbey will be directed to suitable
boarding places, or otherwise assisted,
tibok for ttoj uaveicrs aid at tHa usuoa
gisunn. -
If MliC BLIb sBoesMsal. Apt.
-a gkeM and repair all klaus of sew-
km macbtnee, lad. A-la. Uuuglas Iwl
- .. - tiXKRASKA Cf CbE OU, '
lith aad Hjvro bta.
VACLX'M Bisjaea leniOanrated by
Mrs. Steele, K-32 Bank Bldg..
lith. " IJailr and auiiaay. -
ANNA II. MAliKii, "iSiS TJ-
T.Am- IftVUigtt JalK,, Att. lied 1tv9.
CmiaOimCTllC-ogSJSL.-: "cT
suJlstJun ; examination free. M A. lsut.
1 1 V VT i 1 treatmeuu t. Broil, iw
.UiMli.1V, ,Mh. v.. fl0r.
ud (aatktur tftaUiieiils, Ur. Atuia It.
mtmer. i Ware frit. S. LVh. u. 27x.
A IIP T ITKair Vootf-i ytit tiw
tK'fl Mmf. trayyi, t-iatai ac;.
vi . ih St.
HIBBLtR 8 PARK-Kor rent, tor pic
rJcs; nir shade, tmiy -rhtg to White
people. 43d and Leavenworth.
kl Sil, i-xpert treatment, lira
'H.tJJ-Ul-' 8teete. 29 8Ji M. Hz.
'' liOUr 1IAA(1B. 4 Nev:l.e, I7wi-
Kingls Comb W hits Jt p,aglon gs sad
Barred Rocks. ;s .No. Xs or W'ek. Kli.
6creemngs H per lw. n agger, an .V is.
Buff Orptngion, Orst prise winners,
t- esss, per bi. baby cutcka. W. ita,
AUOHA kittens tor aae. cc,,. Mil.
V. V.. u. Mo-- kiltie ivocs, ia.
FINK ferruUe Boston terrier, reasonable,
well marked and peuigrerd. Tyier La.
- PKM -Hoods leausl Red cnicaene wiU
cockereii. uecp red color, also setung
Cail lrio,vnaent. Tel B-el
i'OH oAJub i.xcevLMnaii- well traica
BcHok terriers, prince and Buster, aged
1 year and 4 months; born And raised at
Smx Crook. Tbey are pre! idem tnck
oss and just ths 'thlrg to work Into
a vaudeville sketch. A few ot tbeir tne
us first call, assembly, practice, march,
canteen, haversack aiid blanket roil;
walla, statue, boxinr. etc. - Sow owned
br retired sarrent. Ch.. Robinson. i;i;
sliasoarl Ave.. bojtJi Omaha, or address
a tss. Be " .
ANGORA kittens for sale, cheap. Jlre.
W. B. H. Morae. Little Rock. la.
' sinktllt T.ll.K.
.' Abstract t,. widest abstnet
TVs w Kebrmska. M Brandeia I beater.
'KALB CAJIPB&IJL. 1U raroass tic
Electric, gas fixtures, Omaha Stlvar Ca.
Ideal Cement Co.. lTtb and Cuming Sta.
Fuchs. Bon gr Blind, painting, decorarlag.
H. Grosa. lum. WTeok'g. plb. U gt Paul.
KCRKFVS trie New Rolling Fly
weincn Fixture Co.. UlT n. th -
. or
Business Man
SfBCRBAN YfOMK of acres hi one
or the choloest Inrations in the city. It
is In a neighborhood that you need liot
make apologies for. has a large frontage
on macadam road and a boulevard the
entire dtstanr down town.
The price Is RIGHT, U.KA and terms
JilORH THAN RIGHT, lift) cash, balance
monthly. If yew wish something that
will make yoil good money, then do not
hesitate on this. Mark what I say an
excellent Investment and a good home In
the meatiwmis. Let ma show yeu the
' 1718-1 City National Bank Bldg
Still Remaining
20 sera near a country rlnb out ot
Omaha; mile from macadam road,
handy to church, school and Interurban
car line; town lots across die rosd seii
tor five times as much money,
improved Vllh good s-roi'm house (cis
tern water in tne nousei; good aita-oam,
ohirknn house, etc: land Kently rolling;
2V acres alfalfa, m acres bearing grapes;
orchard of 3iW good apple trewa and M
cherries. This Is a bargain and will make
good money; can rent other lands, trice,
tr,M; KlOu cash when possession la given.
aaiaace ume. lm not delay on mis.
mn-l2r city Nat. Barm Bldg.'
Orin 8. Merrllk Ul City Nat. Bank Bldg.
TWO cheap acreage tracts dose to
Florence. Neb.: one IVsere trscl for
a 7M and the other W acres for t3.soo.
If you want a good country, home near
rh. piiv hun. .iiiF im tnut m.m Aver
C. Ia Kethswav, Florence, Neb. V
have both phones i
C'll'V silUf tTT onK IA1.B.
Dundee Lots .
t 700-47x121 ft. on 60th St., one block
from the car line; In good netgn
: borhoed. -
ITSv-MxlJs ft, double frontaga on vsh
Ht. and vntt Ave., high, sighuy
location: kood residences Just west
.. of h; will havs all Ul luiprove-i-
mants - wis summer. Including
I 87S otrxlS) ft, fronting north on Web
ster hi., just one mock irom tns
car Una, city water, sewer, gas
and cement walks In and paid for;
paving to be laid this summer.
Reasonable terms.
t I0 evxlX ft., frontage smith on Cum
ing Ml., between Mkh and slat .;
all - specials except paving In
and paid for: a well located sightly
- lot at a reasonable price.
(KO tux 121 ft., north front on Wehstnr
M., one block from the car Has;
all specials in except paving, which
will be laid this summer. A small
cash payment: balance monthly.
tl.WO-oium ft-, fronting south on Burt
st.. between sist and vn ata; sigh,
sightly lot; terms 1300 cash; 125 per
month; bid for paving this street
has been let.
H.OOO-tftxUS ft. fronting south on Isard
ft., ona or the hlgkest points la
Dundee ; sewer, water ana cement
sidewalk Included at the above
prli-e; this street will be paved this
summer; 1M down and IN par
month wilt aurchasa this lot.
l,0if.For a north front lot m Underwood
Ave., near Happy Hollow club and
. surrounded by first class homes:
' water, aewer, gas and side
Walk in and paid for; street paved
and first Installment paid. A good
lot at a lo orioa.
COtO sOxlft ft. fronting south on Chi-
cago rst., Between swh and 61st Bta,
directly east af two good houses.
Ibis is ths cheapest lot we know
. of In the block and will only be
offered at this price for one week.
K.m-for I lots, ltthtlS ft., located at
the 8. E. corner of 51st and Dav
enport Ht., all specials In and paid
for. subject t unpaid paving In
stallments. This Is on of the eheap
corners left In this neighborhood.
Owner might consider selling these
lots sedrate.
Phonea D .151 or A-I7M.
e-U City Natl. Bank Blag.
Country Home for
Located near Omaha, on pared road: t
acres of fins land, with frult'gnd hrub-
hrv- 7-rrinm new Hfime heeteH with hnt
water beat; private water plant with two
tanks in tns basement; aso good cistern
atui water piped, to house, bsih and
kitchen; gasoline plant piped over house
for light and cooking; good barn or
A very attractive country home for
party owning an automobile. Let ua show
you. tnav as we are ooanoent tt will
nteet fev rejuirernents. -
EU City Natl. Bank RMg.
Phonea . '! or A-L5.
Best Lot Bargain in
Two One south and east front Iota, large
shsde trews, tie beast! fully, three feet
above grade, corner lor t feet wide. In
side lot 5 feet wide: all paving tax paid
la fosL Prlco for two lots, U . Rea
sonable terras.
Benson & Carmichael
4i Paxtou Block.
-Save" oomnuselen. buy from owner.
First lot oast ot Evans. Harney feu).
The Case of
Vacant Lots
Low Prices
WOO-WxlM ft. , fronting north on Mnn
deraon St. East ot anti St . good
neighborhood, close to car line.
S0fcxlX 11. on north tetli Ave.. 10
ft. north of Miami tic, Lucstsd in
Clalrmont Addition; high sightly lot,
close to the car line; some good
houses recently built nsar this lot.
Very easy terms.
t-x I3 ft. East front on the Route
vard between Manderann and laitrd
St. Lots In this immediate neigh
tHjrbnod have recently sold from i&'A
to lyoo, Non-resident owner has In
structed us to closo fills out at
once. Easy terms.
IXn toxiau tt, tronMng north on Kvans
St. nsar JUh St. Adjoining lots In
this neighborhood held at (ram II.IWO
to 1 1.203.
tl,)0v-47iuk ft., fronting north on Evens
fit between list and Sd Sti This
price It KM less than Ms arrens
the street the earns sue. New up-to-date
houses make up this neighbor
hood. n.WO-each for Ii lots. 50x120 ft. each, with
city water, sewer, gas. cement welks
snd paving In and Iaid fur. Located
close to two car lines, near Hans
corn park and the Field Club Dis
trict. Reasonable terms of sale.
CiflO-llftxl ft., facing east on -ih St.
boulevard near Miller park, only one
block from proposed extension ef
ttth St. car line. Will divide and sell
K ft. In width for tl.OM. I
llJOiV-4ilS2 ft., fronting south on Dav
enport 8t. Just west of 24th HI. close
to the high school, Crelghton college
and within c-feiy walking distance of
. the business district. Excellent rent
ing localltv. Prorty of this na
ture Is bound to increase In value.
All specials In and paid for. Reason
able terms ef sale.
Phone V. 75s or A-17M.
M il city Natl. Hank nirig.
$700 Cash
tkUnc vry easy, buys nice (Uroomhou
In flenaon. acr fruit in bearing. One
garden kom with place; halt block to cat ,
batanc wty trntt. Muit b told at one.
Mi Psxton Bloek,
5 Room New
In Nor woad Addition
Opposite Miller Park
Large Let 44x165 ft
New live-room bungalow, exceptionally
well built, thoroughly modern, ail on one
floor. 1 built this place for a home, but
on account of letvlng the ally will soil
for tuuo.
uak and white enamel tlnisn.
Oak fioora throughout
colonnade opening.
Panelled dining room.
Window seat and plate rail.
Shower effect lighting fixtures.
Vwltch for every lighting fixture. .
Largs floored attic.
Pud cemented basement.
Hot knd cold water and laundry sink.
Uood furnace, coal htua.
Full length screens.
Bleeping room.
In fact everything that goes to make a
modem home. Waika and lmprovemeiHa
are all in, yard sodded. Not a cent could
be spent to improve the place. The street
car will be extended to Miller park Im
mediately, greatly Increasing the value ot
this property. Come out and see this
home today. Don t let it let away from
bwi North zttn. Tel. weoster siie
. . .. .
Twa. Mid-Week
No. 1 A nearly new s-room, stiicily mod
ern house on a large, csjk iruni
lot, with garage In ths rear. Nice
lawn, fine basement Oak finish
In living rooms. rtose PJ well
built throughout Fine location,
near corner fettt and Popplstoa SUk
On Daved slroet
No. 2-A nifty i-room cottage, entirelf
modern and nearly new. uw nn
ish and nicely papered throughout.
Mplendld basement and attic. Only
11 blocks from lstn and Chicago.
Tel. D. loot or A-l.U. McCague Bldg.
Nice atore building and 4-roum cottage
adioinlng: best feuair. water, toilet a as,
.aise cellar, ham. full int. waias. etc
Excellent location for family grocery or
oU.rr business; no competition near. You
can operate tufas and continue your po
sition or other business. A bargain at
452 Hsmge Bldg. lith and Harney.
Only a tew Lett
- Our noueea m unar construe iioa te
Dean Pi at are all oid and a nuniir
of people are ftgurina; on having us build
for ihem ou tn at luia we nave lefu
W e confidential 7 betteve there will not
be a on teft inside of thirty oaya. If
you are really In earneet about getting
a first ctasa home. In an total Ifje&tton,
at a reasonable price and on aay terdia,
look Into this proposition of ours. It wit
pay you to lnTet.gai It. Qo and see tne
Louses under conatruction. They are on
haxna be tuns aioea aurth ot l"oppi
ton Ave.) between Park Ave. and Mb
Ave. An nomination of them will con
vince you that they are well built to every
Nspec4, we Kate a -large? hsi Qf satis
fied buyer 01 rmea b-Jilt by ua.
D. A-17X. . Mt-rague Bid.
would be an everlasting income; onir
blocks south of court house. Price ,a
Real Estate. Insurance.
831 Braodels Theater Bldg. Doug. L
the Abstracted Letters
lp yN V
OITV PHUi'KJll't Kilt
Owner Must Leave
Lrooh at M4 ,tt at. tday. Ownr
mw leave h city thli aek. 5 lar-
riMima. cementtxl cellar with fur
nac. UrK fioorvd attic, modern
Humbligg throutfhau, medtcirie cabi
net In bath room. ' Hons baa oak
and manlft floor and ia equliiped with
storrw tank and smwi comtl. There
ia a ainall barn on the premiaae. UxlA.
Hhleh can be ut tor a aaraae. barn or
chicken houne. llottae faea eaat on paved
treet; cement waika tn front of houae
Ririi around aame; yard todded, and. tn
tmcA, everythtnc Hi comniete, ready to
mve Into. lrio Itt.oiiOk reaaoaabl caeii
laymenr. bmaixre hk rent, liouaa aoaa
I to i and i to a, every daj-,
Payne k Slater Ca
- Role AfrSnta.
tyt Floor, Omaho Nat L Bank Bldg.
Just helng flnlnned with rereptlon hall,
parlor, dining room and kitchen on first
floor; oiHn stairway 10 second floor,
wlik'h contains two bedrooms and bath,
elegant finish; bath room finished In
white enamel i modern plumbing, com
bination electric and gaa fixtures; ce
ment cellars with floor drains; full
lots, 44x140 It., sll east fronts, being lo
cated on 43d just south of Grand Ave.,
half block to ear. 1 bloek tn new Central
Park school. Prices: No. tsit p.KW;
N UTK tl.W: Nil. 4XM. corner. 12.400.
These are absolutely the, best snaps In
the north end. Terms, 1400 cash, balance
easy termff.
Sole Agent.
310-111 Hrenoels Thester.
West Farnam
Five Rooms Modern
This It a f-itory south front house, on
paved street; psvlug all paJd. It la lo
cated In one of the very beef residence
districts In Omsha. Only i years old and
la In perfect repair. One block from West
Farnam car Una, You will buy It on
Armstrong-Walsh Ca
Tyler li BO ft. 17th SL
Northwest Hill
Hill .
Near Cathedral, hall, parlor, dining
room with mantel and gas grate, kitchen
and bed room on llrst floor; three bed
rooms and alcove upstalra. New house,
strictly modern, maple floors, 40oD; Slow
cash, bslsiiie g.t monthly. .
O'Keefe Real Estate Co.,
K". Omaha Nat. Doug, or A -list.
Kvenlngs, H. BMS or H. ilM.a
A Block of Ground
Fronting On' throe streets, two blocks
from car and school; located in an en
terprising neighborhood. Just a lltlls
north of Fort m, Price only n.rnt. One
lot worth st least half ot What asking
tor all. . - .
Rasp Bros. -
Ms MoOague Bldg.
Douglas 1M
Splendid 4-room and bath; new, hist
finished: on large lot, KralM; nice shade;
permanent walks: paving all In and paid:
on ear line, 11 minutes' rids down town,
house hi full f-story, built bungalow ef
fect, very arrtstlev front room BHsU!;
brained r-elllnga in front and dining room
of selected oak. with quarter-sawed oaa
floors; bed rooms second floor, with
oak floors, enameled, tile bath-room and
tile vestibule: stairs to attic and nice
Bleeping porch. This property was built
for a particular party arrd csn not be
duplicated for the price asked. I guarantee
construction, located north aide, ad
Jolalng Kountae Place.
Phone Owner. Web. Ctt .
$500 Cash
balance tike rent, for a J-etory bouse, all
modern except heat; nice lot; in fine
condition; near Sherman Ave. and Ohio
H. A. Wolf,
CB Brandela Bldg. Phone Douglas am
New House West
Corner 34ih ami Cass ftts.: bouse lust
onmivletsd, haa six large rooms, soajde
oBKn air sleeping porch. This ia an up-to-date,
well fintt-hetl house In k goo-1
and grtrwtng location. Pries Haft); terrc
to suit; noose open.
Harrison & Morton
Five rooms, modern except furnace,
very conveniently arranged, bath room
complete, cement cellar under the whole
souse; nor or am oown. balance gs a
month, ten minutes' rid from 14th and
Doagiae on the Omaha, car line said one
block from car ths. In West Council
Bluffs; nice location,- cannot bwst Mem
for the money. iS4.
Rooms 1. J, i. 1st Natl Bank Bldg.
Phone an. . Council Bluff., Ia.
Never Been Occupied
steven-roora modern houee, all oka fin
ish downstairs; full basement: large
lawn: close ft m-Kool and churches.
(si Brandei Bldg. Omaha.' .
Copyright. 1J1S, National News. Ass'n.
Big Bargain
I.AROK 10-room houee at Krnnklln
St., ana and eletrtc light, water and on
paved vtreeti Lot .VIT5 feet, hnuee la
newly painted and In khh) xndltton; buy
from owmr and aave dealer'a conitn(.-ion
I will aril tbia pla fw VMM rah
and balance an eaay tm. Vatl owner.
Bed 4301
Mailed Tree on application, fhas. K Wll.
Iianuion Co. Keal Kxtate, Insurance,
Itentals. Car of property. Onialia
rT'll I lMl 'ii' 8ik rooms strictly moiu
'Ulul lv-" ern. beautiful shsds,
full bL hll No. Xki. 1 block to oar.
Pureed sails Call owner, Web. toss ot
Doug. I
BAHteAIN-Must be sold at one. Ootid
lot in Heinle Park dlatrlit Heady to
build utxin. Brack to oar. Paved street.
Owner. l.'JS N. atth Htreel.
"TiMAFTl FtTfTncw "house li.itt. worth
gt.wu. paysble Pi down and 4 a month,
larger and sntsiler houses In proportion
Buy direct from owner. Krnest L. Squire,
Ul Omaha National Hank Building. Ka
tsbllshed HAS.
Nearly new 4-rnitm, thuroughly rmtdern,
HMare hnuae, full basement, nloely ar
rbnked and k-uaiod on laiKo tnn-r tot.
with paving in ami paid (or; handy to
l-ih Wth And lwie oar llnca. Pric. r
doced to tS.iM). Act qim-h, aa anon tnat-n
as thia don t bluy on the mai ket. smiO
oash, balance UKe rent
Phippen Real Etitato Co..
noston Htore Htdg Phone foug t2.
Big Bargain
On West Par nam hill handsome modern
ten-room house on one of Ida lineal
residence streets Just oft farnam.
Owner going away. Must be sold.
HIOKw. il Board ot laUe Building.
MlJbT aell sxlra wall built home, Semis
Park: not advertised before: east front
buusalow style; three large full alsed
sleeping rooms; ens on fust floor; two
have large alcoves, taking full also beds;
living rooms ail iaigs, lull cemented dry
ha semen b laundry, two toilets, hlgli,
sightly looatiun.. This Blare is a bniaaln
and must be eeen Inside to be appreciated.
nan ceen reuuirea; no irauu, call any
time. IMS .V. I4lh gt.
TMK beat lot In t'malis for G.dut, (4x124,
to l-It. si ley, aaiuiau paved street and
cement walk; lot lays nice and Just right
for double flats; walking distance; be
tween 13d knd win on Howard Hi., paving
paid for. lnqujregt yujKarnsm Bt
FOR tdilfcK Al.ijnr kas reduced
the price of hut modern. 7-roora home In
most beautiful Itaailun la Hernia Pare.
latrge tow fine garden. Meal surrouadiug.
'Cel. llainer IBat.
OOOD lot in Kountse Place, between
and J4lh. on Kvana St., 11.071, good
l-rootii huuse, modsrn; Kuuntss district.
2,tt0 Several houses for rant.
McEACllEON It E. 00.,
TO BUI, Bf.H.OM HivM'l, HIVST gkg
JOHN W. Holiul.vk uu VAHP.AU sr.
SMALL payment down, balance tike
rent, for good modern home in attractive
addition. Phone Wab. S7. .
Price tl.KO.
FOR 8ALK By owner a It-room houae,
modern. Rents for Mi per month. Two
blocks from car lute. Paved streets, ce
ment walks. Take a look at this place.
Key at H14 Franklin 8t.
FOR HA LK Attractive s-room house,
modern, except heat; desirable netghbor
bood: nice lawn, trees, porches, isment
walks; near good school. Two block! from
car. Phone Red (10.
atMH ladu rag Htm
flKH at
to doctors and other professional men,
also farmers, and all who have that
yearning for a place to retire, now or
later. Is bearing now. Why wait? Fruit
and almonds. Pays for Itself. Only I
per cent cash, 1 per cent monthly or sn
nually. Money back" If not pleased.
By beet town north of Sacramento. You
deal with the owners. Kara paid. t;e
with us next trip wtule tbey lost. Write
or call at once lor attractive literature.
iBank and busm.-as house references.)
IF Toy are Interested In California
land for fruit or cnicken raising, call oa
Klxa A Weetberf, UL Bee BKlg. Ouaba.
4Ss acres rich, blsck loam soil. One mile
from town of Bruce on Orand Trunk i'a
clfia railway In Alberta; 2Z& acres under
crop. A beautiful farm, well located, at a
bargain. The Phililps-Latlnwr Co..
Whyte Ave., Ilmonton, douth Alberta,
ACRBSgiv'il farm land near Urover.
Wild county, at fl an acre. Time on II, Ml
DOS. arnver. oio.
lost acres Kiowa county. C'al.ral,. .11
levsl; water at 30 feet, lb an acre: to
settle an estate. Will contract to reta.l
In one year fur 17 an acre net, or buy all
land not sold. Box P6, Denver, Colo.
Traversed by the
Lands adapted tn the widest range of
crops. All the money crops of the soutn
Plentifully produced. For literature treat
ing with thia coming country. Its soli,
climate, chsrcli aad school advantagea,
Oeneral Passenger Agent.
, Xaosas.
TWO Improved quarter soctlon farms,
Hamilton county, Kansas. 11,4(0 each
cash; Ii an acre agent's eommieeiou. Box
. lienver, coto.
FOR fALK if yeu want to buy an im
proved farm in Southern Minnesota write
for catalog. Southern Minnesota Land
Co,' Blue Earth. Faribault Ca, Mum.
TI4K easiest way te flnA buyer fee
your farm la to insert a small srsnt ad
In ths Dee Moines Capital. Largest lr
cuiatlon in tbe state of Iowa, SAvus daily.
Ths Capital la read by and believed ia
by the a land patters of Iowa, who simply
refuse to permit ear other paper ia Uieir
Lome. Hates, I cent a word a day; li-ie
per line per mouth; eeuat ala ei dinars
words to tn line. A Uareae Use atousas
capital. Us 14 Mines, la.
I AM lite owner of an Ideal stuck and
grain farm; other business compels mm
to sell, t an give possession at onue, if
mweaary. It interesird write Lock Box
13. Clearfield, la
Farms FaTms Farms
ortving distance ot omahs. Itargaius.
Let us ettow you the goods. Ail siaws,
ail prices, all terms.
Itixime Cliy Nst. Bang Bldg
HOMKSTKAU-J acres rich (ana Uva4
for (lis. (illim toss and all. Mo Sana
hills. J. A. nauy, Kimball, Neb,
I own HI quarter sections Nebraska land,
sesltsred, will take e an acre. net.
Carry !J per quarter s years, per omul
i ilX'TIONr) good land, Lincoln count r,
N'ebraaka, at Is an aur; halt cash, bal
ance s years, s per coni, v ouitniaeion la
skeins, 'll.niw. Box tsn. Denver Colo.
KoK bALK Keys Paha county, Ne
braska. Ml acres M miles N, W. ot Mprllig
visw, 44(iu. J, I. Cass ikresliuia blaaiouie
Co., Harine. Wla. .
UOVr.RNMBNT homesteads and desert
land wltn abundance of water; grain,
altalfa, fruit aud vegetable laud; send
addressed envelope fur tree lufutmauou.
li iH. lleno, Nsv.
UO-ACB north Arkansas imprxived
farm, near town; about 1.0O4 bearing
tiees, ieu.l. John L, Alaurer, Omaha,
FOR fALK by owner. Ideal Iwlry and
trull ranch. C. II. Oalnes. dates, Ore.
Orange and Fig
Five, ten or i.iure acres In south eaaa
rstn belt, near Houston, us per acre; saw
cash, li ve per moiitbi no Intnresi; laaea
cut insurance. Ail roaas aonatoo.
Mr. bVhusnsr began picking strawberries
January 7 and quit May a4, sold U,Jut
Hum two acres.
N K. Kt..wl sold his e-acre orap of
He ta uina oranges from a, I and a-year aid
trrea lor aii.sw.74.
r!u(iL lilacaley raised TJ.000 bu. corn on
kuis scree, cultivated for fifty years
continuously, without an ounce ot fer
tiliser, .others too numerous tw msnuun.
The advance in real estate haa made
more fortunes in the United Ola lee than
all other business combined.
ofilce In Lenver, where wa sold many
people, well pleased. Come and see our
truus, pictures, products and soil, or
phone Independent A-Msl for engagement
and lime.
Let us tell you ef the ciieap living and
Ideal climate and the profits Uiey are
making Ki souUiaru Texas; get started
rlglil away fur this summer's arops; sen
pieut a paying urup any time. Call or
write us. i
Tt4 Brandets Bldg.
If vou want to secure a free home
stead In the forest reserve anywhere la
the United Stales and free legal advice,
send fee for one years subscription
to the DENVER WKEKLT Pool and
full information. Including gaapa and Il
lustrated prospectus, etc, will be Im
mediately sent to you. The Oo barely
pays for the map, etc, and the postage.
Return thia ad Kith Ac to fcttuor Vieeaiy
post. Room IMI Post Bldg, Denver Colo.
OaiAliA ptupergr aad Neoraeaai laade.
UkkKis KtAL a-)fAll!, CO.,
Wis New Omaha Nat l Bank Building.
kiONkY u loan on busi issa or reel
dence piopsrUos. Il.ouu to SMS, W. H.
TltoMAb. 4UI First Nafl Bank Bldg
WANTrlD Cliy loans and warreaia,
W. farnam Smith Co.. UJt Farnam at.
VVshteil farm loans. Kluke Inv. C, Oms.'
kiss to liswu made ptoinptiy, F. D. Weed i'lds . Itb and Farnam.
LOA.Nrl-Parm aad city property, i.
. . .. .eno Slit
IS, utmvn cm.., .
WANTKD City loans, peters 1 ruat Co.
an CITY LOANS. Bemls-Csrlberg Co.,
u6al0-M brandela Theater Bldg.
WANTED To trade for equity In or
-mnm residence a 4-cyilnder s-paseenger
t auto in good condition, h. sli. Bee.
W fc, have buyers ror an classes oi pros'
erty. if you are anxious to seii and
vour price Ii rlkht. list your property
with O'Nell's Ileal Katata and Insurance
A.-ixy fbones lyier not. A-Mis.
rlKLL your properly quli-kly for cash,
no nislter wheio liKted: particulara free.
Real ttata Salesman Co, Lvpt eu, Lin
coln; Neb.
Montreal, Mavis, Plymouth. London.
The Picturesque &L Leereooe Moute.
sour days ou lite eaei, tnree days
In river aao gulf, epieauid new Turome
nteaunra. aaluva, aeooaia-canin and UUrd
ciass. buperior one-caaas cabin service
Cuisine unexcelled. Courteous attention,
aeuo lo- reiea. plan, ai-
AUaa . Co.. . i.ear -m f... ..Iva.
Aiiclior iaine bteuuiblups
New York. Londonderry and Olaagew
New York, paletots and Naples.
Attractive taiea lor ucksts between Nets
York end ait Scotch. English. Irish,
Continental and Mediterranean peiau.
bupexlor aocouiraouaiioua, exceuent tae
sine, efficient service. Apply promptly
tar reservation to local agent ot Aaoher
Line or Henderson Brauara, Uaaeial
Aeats, Chicago, lit
Gus Magei
WILL taks Omaha house or clear tat
on my hvf-aectlon; 7 miles tw V. P. mxrrt
line, western Nebresks; black aoti. Jto -sand:
requires H2.eS per acre cash. In
a annual Inalallmenta. describe your
house or lot Address F toe, care Bee.
engine, tents, gas engine, dvnsmo, mail
oriter mfg. bueiness: went blllisrd tsbisy
diamonits, automobile or oflers. Tot?
Black It!. Psrent, out Prank St., Co,
Bluffs, "
vouipment first-class and np-to-dnte ca?t
tore, will sell for rash, with terma, tap
exchange for good Iowa, Illinois, eaatera
Kansas, Nebraska or Bouth Dakota land
or good tncmte at cash value; no mflkled
prices considered. Address Lock. Box L,
Sethert. Colo.
i;.-::.- sv i... . I.jv.. . v. I
rvri r. .v. u,ur, -i, w r" m Lin
coln Cbj0- wn' Omaha Income prstw
Adair, la.
wimtud to nrv
Household ids, clothes Aihocs.rian Ill'al
id-hand gooda Kelser. I WIS Cental . p. ieta.
WK pay most tor old clothing, vsttiaa
levan Ofilce, Wb Wo Wh,
Chicago buvera, M-band clnthee, ehoesv
bats; best PTlcea; will call. Tyler 110b. "
"lavrTnot ever kv; south or wear skies
preferred : gas and sewer available. . Ad
dress r art, Bee. ... - ;
WA"NT Kl-Ten tons shelled and fanned.
White Rlee l-onourn. KOU'TOHK. Pj
f-uuth Illinois Kt , Indianapolis, Ind.
WANTKD To rent, lease or buy, hotel
town. No agents need apply. , Addrasg
WANTtD Uooia with board for two tit
Kountse Place, near oar Una, tk, PW
Omaha Be.
LACK curtain specially work.
Homey Mkl
"Family sun,., or bv.ndie wotm
work; house cleaning. Webster IMS.
btra Usruiide Utarinan ciaaua sii kifl'll
eurtslns, I pr. 11. Call evrnlnis. D. Blr
LAIiMHti worn tsuen noras. v.. i-n
WASlilNll and ironlns done. T- H. Ha
Oarey L'ndry, out rates. Trier Had. A-Hsl
BrNIiLK washing, so reals a dotent
roukh dryt It rente a dosen. Webaler iilk
MAN waaia position as lutei-vreiepl)?
some other position. Can speak dtfs
reran! languages Itistsntly. Herman,
Krench, Anierii-an, Hieek. Italian and
Ylduish. Call Doug. tn. . .
Family 4V bundle laundry; guar. W. yA
WAdillNil and Iroiung, by'tiie da,nf
while, reliable woman. Pkn Web.
A LADY would like position In dtwiurA
office; owns and uses typewriter- a Dm
assist with mtlentA Oood retereacea. A
dress x 14, care nee.
FIRST class practical nurse, Uartwa'
ttlO. .
LADY warns day work. Call Red Xv
VVAJs'Ttl) work by tlrst-ciana laun
dress, by day, phone Webster M44.
LADY teacher desires position during
summer months, male particulars h
first letter. Address Y-it. cars lv. , "
WANfEI-Poslllon as . ashler bov
keeper or olher responsible position
middle aged married man. flood habRa;
a-1 earaeenAML SdrlraHa U taa tw-s.
let class laundress, Mary Hunter. W OtL
Ship .- stock to Mouth Omaha. bab
mileage and abrlnkage. Your consigns
menu resolve pre dipt and. careful wteaa
UOB. .V"
Live ftaeK Coanwlaalea Merekaalai
Byers Hroa. A Co. fitr g and responstbls.
WOOD tlKua , tn alxciutngs Bldg. .
uire wnu v.oin. v.u.. vnuiia ae iearsr.
' 1 - V III,. ........ , A S.l b .. "jT
Oteai Wist. Com. Cu., Omatig A Dearer.
"'clIftON Com. Co, Au kxonangs Bldg.
Cox Jones Com Co, bunch of, hwsrere.
L. kl Hootnl a Co . xafcxeh. bidg.
sterna toros, A Co., ati-4 k-xch. Bidg.. .
TAiali BROti. handle Celtic, nogs, snee
Depoalt t---aa of stupnienta ia bM-mk
Ysrua t'l Sank, imy bank at yarua.
Uit-Sealed proposals, ra tripaoate. ia
be received here until h) a. tu. a una is.
lull, lor the sinking of one s-tath tubular
deep well at tins depot. Blank farms lur
Dtuuers, speciucauuns and tuii-intorma-tloa
may be obtained upon application.
The L'uited States . reserves the right, to
aocept any or all proposals or any part
thereof. Knvelopee containing prvpossja
should be niaiked "Proposals lor Tuiiuw
Well." and addressed to tile Contrucliuif
Ouartertnastcr. Port Logan. Colorsdo.'
1. PtiMielt, captain and Quattei master.
U. b. Army. Mle-L-U-uuia-eu
Omaha Bedding : X:
Company has Fire
Fire of unknown origin dertroyed part
of the building at Twelfth and NK-hr-s't
streets occupied by the Omaha Bedlftig
company early last night, and,' caused
toes of approximately KWh. . V.
The blaxa was first discovered "by tJa
Jensen, A. I. T. wutchmaa for the
Adams-Kelly company. the tire
departmeit arrived the bulldliul, ' wluch
la a two-atory one, was enveloped ,'it
flames. After en hour's hard fiiJit, tt
was under control, but not before (he
building had bent damaged to toe extent
at about 110 and about KM worth ef
stock spoiled. Tbe gVeatest fosb staa
occasioned to A stock ot execbrtor aju
feathers which was ruined by smoke ssA
water. The kolkUng at owned . by. Uw
Harbauxh .estate. -""
L. C. Huntington. Who wfth hla father,
M. R. Huntington, controls the beddfntr
company, said hast night that everything
la covered by Insurance, - " ;
Persmeat Advertising at te Road eg
Bit Re tarns. , - - - - t ,