Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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Maybe Mutt Thought the Fellow Was Going to Say No
www A
fcVf WMKCu Ut
Griulirt Put Safeti Teg-ether to
Beat Sioux City. . ?
ladlase Defeated la Psarlh aad
Fifth leal- Wilt riajl inx
rira te Tltil. Tea fhree.
Mil. .
8IOUX CITT. U. iUy l-Bultcned
hit eft tleiielle" la th fourth tni fifth
iiiMiigs, g.r Denver I I n I victory,
aJih.'uti. tKoux Lily eul-hlt IS charm
prone. Hear. - t
' a'lui'X CITY. '
AS. H. H.
rTll, cY I
i : i :
J'rHnsnt, lb
lu-my, . ,,,
bmlth, M.. ..
xvjr. zb ,
tstinan. t...
hiauiniet. p.
Olllett ....
.Total! .
M t
I flit
"iay. n t i t
nworlhy. cl I
l.i.iHy, lb 4 1 . 1 . M
ilry, m .' If')
etnr. e 'I . f
KmutII. p I 1 t
tolil l .1 !?
'Hti4 lor ughi In tn tinh.
i vr t t I t . I . I
lilt.: tri Sihllh. Brlwn.
fnirtn. lalnoi. Utolw , baat
Pnr.. Ufl on.UW: Hl0U Oltv,.ti,
aH OB Tbili. lilt llauhtr. 1,,-oft
nin. i. mi ninto.ia i. ntrurK uli
iiiihlr, I; fcr, I; ly Klh.
a.Hk. i. Mil by. pitMM hJll:'. IJ Kirit
Smltn. -ilm. , til. Vmplra:
r. ion
inrkU icmit4
Walartac Tk.ata hit Hkfi MWbi
; Wall '4a Makr. ,v . i
ST. Lbl'li. IUyjiIt. ioipn IM
ll.plkyM mo fWfiv Wlchlla IMV.
f W.ldHni Hit hkro. kuf pltth!
f II' Ift l ha plmlii:aod ractlraa tcl
ln (UpporL trot. . i ,
Vi f y t
X.-arhr. It i i
Hiiha, lb .' t
Callahan, aa...
Hr. JO....
Mark b...,
J. kKll). p
iTrry. ...
' Tolalf
11 It
Aa k
K:i. it
J.lly. Ih.
1-aaHL ft I
Wattail. rf J. I
CwiiHiir f.
rorton. lb
ton. lb I I I I
"r. II 2!
l I
nint, c 4 I I t
tVOKlrlnc. p....
. I
' Toult .
.. n
Hall (or Jaekaon Ik litbth.
t,J.apk t limiiM
Tftraa-naaa bit: Bortol: Tal-NM hlta:
.Tali, Hlddinon tli. Patntr, Kallv.
Kaon ft, hlta: Kally. Poaall. Bon on.
Matntlv Ktstra baaau kla. Korta. fttir
li. Ualnba. Baohant. Lft on , haa:
Wcljlta. II; to. Jaaapk.,T. IIMkk oirt: Hy
Woidnat. ; by Jacaaon. I; ay Parry. 1
Baaat on kalla: tff WUrlnt. i off jar,
aan. I: off Parry, t Hlta: iacbaon. I
hi ara Innlnax lilt by pHrhM hail: fey
Jafkaoa. kally.. baubia plavl: Kally la
Jjrlnka to Bortoa. Tltna: I U. I'mplra:
Omaha Highs Hold :
, r" Elimination Meet
TM (Irat of tbraa llltnlnatioa track
u ef tha Dawba Hit actoal aauad
raa off ik Eaat Omaha Dnvint
park yaatarsay afwraooa. Thaa mMt
ar balnf kald ta pick th lrm of tttut
t raprtaant ta arhoal at UorAlt aattiraay
aftaraoon fa th aaaaal ruu intar
avaulaatle track aat Malt mrU , . , ..
All th aarlnt ata larludhlt lb Y.
t aat 4-yard taaaaa am ran tff.
Jultaa Wllliama. It wka taaoa a ataliar
ahrIK At Ci(l Htch arkoal B rrtvk
aikWUca last year, nad ta aaat-tlavi o
th afiaranom la th caalary taa.
baaMlannt la dlitaae I w atcaat.
Tfclt aftamaaa ta pat ra(, raanlnt
kufli Jam. ht pat. 4lart fhraw aat
rannltit broad kirnp m ba Iwtld at ta
Ktabt t-aauMK. Tomorrow th ,itrdl
a ant tisuac rana will aa fcait tt
tk Eaat OaaaaA park..
Ktulta of yaatoraajr' at: - taah: Jallta wiiiuurl. ' firat
tM Campbell. aeo4: Kt-I brnnrm.
ar-y- a wai-y.. ax-vaniea. , as a axe! ig as x I win,
tsirt Time: V 4Hug Millard and
ions brexel ties etlalMek
Kfrrar eaan Hugh, xrjiltre. .mal
Kaet Cgairfn. secead: Coeecw Oaldon.
f k rd. Tlaae: tM4
zT-ikrA aW: Hugh MllkkH: meal;
Vergil Rector, eecawt: Jeaal Ctmab-rll.
lira, i lake: tJe,
' ahawa My Bay entaelalff.
sirn. I . crrr. U . Mar li CaL-lr
Orenderff .4 the Cine Katleitkls has
be iiurrnaaa T awas ciif v, aster
kagu (.
Th P nasi ant aaad JacUduUs . t's ef
y.aasaer AiSrertiafng ta th fto4
(MatiM fKlOce a.
- ueo
Standing of Teams
' wioT LEAGl'll'1 AMER. LEAOl E.
Tnv(ir ....M Ht: ....a t .
8(. JOMfth .14 It .11 Roaian IS I
h..H 1 .Ml Bo
Omaha II fl ur Wtshinmon 11 li .h
if Moinea.u n jar i'iviana ..11 u .aao
Topkk ....II II fftroll IJ 14 .4M
Siu City.. I 1 W f-hlla. t 11 A'.t
Wkhlta .... 1 14 .Slj New Tork.. II ..
Llacain 1 14 .M4 L Ixul. ... ( ,rj
Wurt-fc! - W.L.Pr
NwJork..l7 4 IjW rolumbua .11 .700
1nclnnMI II .ty Mltmkpall 17 II .m
Chl-6 .... lj M Ttfladn II 1 .171
Plilbur(h. II W, h. Paul II II jl
Baatin .... II .Ml KinUl Cliytl 1 .4
xt UUi...t l ff' Mllwaukt. II li .n
Brooklyn ,. 1 if X Leulavlll ..MM. Ml
rMk.-...... 1 It .M, tnlaaapjMa W II M
Nfh. City. 4 I MaotlnM .. ll
HJI,m;Uv.i 1 aXk Wwar ..
1 1 .kiw
IWrW .. 1 . (tMuwiy ,
AubUra .,.! 1 . fork
Humboldt .1 4,
Hla(h . 4 .tat BiiBrlr
.Framant .
. raaar4a1 Maaatia.
Tnpba.-Omaha. MIA alhr.
rxnvtr, I: Mioux Oily. I.
I.ini!ftln-li Molnlii. rain:
Wichita, 4; Ht. Joaibn, I.
f Jnlrt. : Cincinnati, 4, llcvtn Inalns.
Phlikdclphla-C'hlrain. 'wrt iround.
Brooklyn, ; i IjOUII. Ml
Nw York. 4: Plitburiih. 1.
tlfolt., I; N Yofk. 1
Chlnitto' l; riillliltlphla, .
k. Loula. I: Botn. 3.
Clivtbtfiil-Waihlnitnn. rain.
flf Pkil). I; Mllaraukar, II.
Cqlumbuii. I; Imlllnlpolla, I: ! Innlnf.
Mlnni-iAMla. I. Kknaaa City. .
bogltvilif.Tnlo. wm arounda. .
rrmont. I; llailltill, 1
OlOmbua, 4; aara, 7. '
Orand Ialan4. I: Tork. t,
Kcarrtcy, I: BUprlfr. I.
Humboldt. 7; Vails CHy, 1
Auburn, II: Batrfc-. 4.
Iliaktha.l. Nabraaka City. .
Nine Students Want
Places on Varsity
Athletic Board
LINCOLN, May U.-(Kpclal.l Nhj ap
plication war fllMl Hh Prof. R. U.
Clapp, aacratary ef th university aili-
lotha boaH. afor th elostnt hour yatlar-
aay to fill flva vaoanclaa en th athletic
board from tha student ranka. Th alec
Uon trill ba held Mast Monday la the
university armory under th Australian
pallet syatem. -For
a tlm It looked Uk ther aould
ba dearth of candid ales, but at the
last tnoment aavaral csndMatea jumped
Inte th field. Those filing for po
sition oa th board are aa followa:
W. C. Becker, If way Harmon. M. O.
Hanaltek, W. 1 MrOowaa. A. II. Hllt
ner, A. A: May, O. W. Miller. J. A. Rod
ma a and C. B. I'nderwood. All of the
eaadlnatas have taken a prominent part
la University athletic and the election
promise t be bitterly contested.
Grand Island takes
Poke at York Club
TOKK. Neb.. May la.-t8padal Tele-
eram. (Vand Island beat Tork today by
bitnehlnt their hlta while Rlchmaa was
effective with mea oa base. Mi-Lear
boosted an over lb rtfht field fence
wllh one man on drat. McKMben mad
a sensational catch ta tha alolh. "core:
Orsm) Island ttltlttll-4 I 1
fork ' tlttttatt-t t I
Hatteiiea: Grand laland. Rlrhtnaa and
Jokerat: Tor. Wllkina and ttpeer. I'ni
pire: McDermott.
HIWAllO, Neb.. May U.-Hpeeil Teav
I rare. I Til feature of the, tfeward
Caiumbu (am bare today was Leonard
hitting. Ma gn three twe-baaa hlta and
aa three-baa hit. Hcora: R.H.B.
wrd 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -l 11 1
Columbus I lltlltt 4V-4 II t
liatterlea: rward. I Kan ley and Camp
field, Columbus. Juatta and Burke.
HI PKRIOR Nell, May UV-ifpeclal
TlfTm.l-Kearney acala took tha bl
end ef a I ta 1 aror wlib Hupertor
today. Each tram drew etfht cafe hits.
Rut tuperlor hits rs aot at In rtfht
Hoi to brtnt In aroree. It seema that
the Cemefit Cliy Colta bav not straa-k !
their taK. tan: R. H. E.
Kearney 3 t t t I t t t I I I I
Superior t t t t t t I I 1 1
Batteries: Keiarnev. Trimble ah! fleta-r
Superior. Vance and Prucha. Two-base
hits: ei v nek. fag lea, Herrotlt and Bech
lotd. Three has hll .-Orr. Tim: I I
t'miTles: K.vans end sterrflL
HAbTINiHI. Nb . ; May IS.- Special
,mia.e-r-aa aire aaa ierr noane '
nia put Ire moot tared la th eighth.
rJJZ.V,..': al"r
cored oa a aunt, tlelng the count. Wnclea
br Broailay and Harm brought winning j
ra lor II art lugs, dcore: R. H . E.
a - . f
2ln 1 t I I l--r-l '
iFiemeni ..t 111113 -i 4 .
l Bttl-rte. Pmr.i Klrutdon. Holm. 1
Ibeit, Kaff, HasUnrs. Kienlr? A ilea, HrZ.
bary, and i.r. .1
Kilbane Outfights ,
Burns in Ten Rounds'
Wl, t. J
r t -im -- v i.Aw mi r vrnrisKA .ananmaw
. a., ia jonaay Ktlbaa
af fawaH. fkaUu-weia-bt dutmphaa.
rblTrn. ko'.'""T "
ta a last teai-raend bout at the ta. Nlch-
tat At led crab her tonight,
' r-,.
' . r
ledt Come Out Ahead by Score of
Four to Three.
la Plaal laala Pitcher Hlta Eaaa
aad ' Allawa Base aa Balls
HaaapkHea tlaclee aad
Brlaera Home Naa.
tMiNciiONATl. - May ll-It required
eleven Innings for Cincinnati to defeat
Boston today. Tka were was 4 to I
Brown pitched well In pinches uaul th
final Innlnt when ba'hlt Eon and after
retiring tha next two men allowed Clark
a base on ball. Humphries singled,
bringing Kgan home with the winning
run. Kcore:
A H O A K in a a
aerber. II I I I e eieMr Ikl I I I t
Balaa. a ..,4 111 c bell. ill I I I I
Hoaliu'l. 14 I I I DMlller, rf... t I
wiioaeu. n. a a z a antrae, IT.... list
Ksaa. .... 4 Ikl DDavlla, m. .. I III
raelan. ... I I I Sllmmr. Ik.. 4 111
Rnoa4. a.. I I I I aUiII all. I I I I
MrtMa, a.. I I I I annua. I I I I I
' lit! aaraea, ....! Ill
Katie. I I I I I
Haai'rM. ,11111 Tatala. UB II I
C.khD'al . 1 I
Teuia is n it
Two out when winning run scored
Ran foe Mclean In seventh.
Hatted for Krefe In the seventh.
Boston tit 31 I till t t
Cincinnati ...ttlttOlttt 1-4
Two-twee- hlta: Houae. Phelan (31'. Three
baaa hit. Hohlltiel. tills: tirf Krefe. In
seven Innlnga; off Hutnphrtee. I In four
Innings. Kscrlflos hlta: fweeney. Ilmiaer.
pheian. Bwlen bases: Reerher. Bates
Tlouble play: Brown. K. Melmnald arid
llouser. Left on bases: Roeton, 11; Cin
cinnati, . first bene on balla: Off Brown.
3: off Keefe. S. Hit by pitched ball: By
Hrown. Kgan. Struck out: By Brown. 1;
by Kaef I: by Humphries. 1 Tim: IK,
llmiilren:' Klem and Hush.
PITTSBlUim. May Ik-New York to.
day defeated Pittsburgh. 4 to I, In a hotly
contested, game. Long hits fealurud.
ne-w yosk pirrsavRiiH.
Ak H O A t AH.H.O.A t.
ttaraia. H .. I t 4 rme. lb... 4 III
Ta.te. .... I III ereret. U....4 ll
Kaaaira), at 4 1 1 I Pnalla. rl... 111
Mun-u, rf.. 4 1 I I aWasaer. m.i I I 1 I I
Merklf. Ik.. I, III I Miller. 14 ... 4 111
llarMt, 3k . 4 I I I IWIIiaa. rt . 4 I I I I
yielrkar, m. 4 I 4 ll lr, Ik I I I I
Mran, c 114 1 ataark I I I I e
asms, a I f I I Kellr a I I I
-.(awaits, p.. I I 1 t
Total! II I n II Hrett 1 I I I I
'' Talala . ..M llll I
Ran for McCarthy In ninth.
Hailed tor Cam nil a In ninth.
Pittsburgh lltlllllM
Twohss hits: fonlln. Pevore. Inod.
grass. Thres-bass hlta: Murray. Mark la.
Home runs: Wilson. Meyers. Hiolen
Kally. Hnodgraaa. double plays: atyere
to Mitrrsy. to Fletcher to Imvle. Hersog
ta tvyle. Baas on balla: Off Camnlia.
3: off Ames, I. Struck out: By Camnlia,
ft; by Amea, 4. Psssed ball: Myere.
Klrat on errora: plttatiurah. I: New nrk,
I. Time: I UK I'mplrea: Brennan tnd
IT. IXil'IS. May IL-Ttiough he walked I
eight. Willi held Brooklyn to four scat
tared hits, while his teammates hit the
ball hard In the first two Inning. IH.
Loula winning. Hcore:
sr. lii is. anciKl.TM.
At H O A I At H O A t
Hasslss. J I a I SMaras, rl... 4 I I
Riiia. H I I I ai-a.i-.rt, lk I I I
Ha-srey. aa. f 1 a i an. aaiiiB. aa a i a i
K aatkr. III IH I SNanuaa. d.l I I I l
WIIW. if.... I III aMel. If 4 I
iiasaer, aa... w a a anaraaaai. re. a a I a
nakaa. CI....I III a-TD-Mar. aa... I llll
lr a.... llll iritalea. a.... I I t
Willi 11 (Slack p.... I 111
karat. ...
TataJs u HIIU
Talaia .. . 4 H H 1
it. Louis I I I I t I I t -lt
Brookln I I II I t II l-l
Two-base hlte: Kbnetrhy. Willis. Mnw
,rv. Kills, Mtolen bases: Daubert. Onakea,
Hugglna Baees on ball: Off Willis, t;
off fiack. I; off Hcbsrdt, L Hlrurk out:
Bv buck. I. by Willis, 3: by Schardl. I.
Hits: Off Stack. In on Inning, three
on, none out In second; off rlehardt. I
In seven Inning. Time: 3:00. empires:
Eaeon and Johnstone.
Pa Rourke Invites '
Kids to Ball Game
Every e-'hool boy and girt In Omaha
will have a chance te wttneee th Rourke
play at least one gam of ball thla season
without the iM-ceoary Tour bit" admkf
alon fee. May 34 baa been Pet aside as
'-school bide'' day. Tht doe net mean
Just th grade schools, bat every a-hoot
Including Brownetl Hall and the bigk
Msy :i fall oa Friday and In order
that ladle' day will not conflict, tt ba
bee called oft. Teachers will be admitted
to th park oa thla day free of charge,
th earns a the students. Rourke thinks
has ball should be a part of th school
curriculum and Is taking thla opportualty
to carry out bis beliefs. If every child In
tk nefcoot la a enthustaatlc ever the
plan aa th t cache re are, the aland at
Rt.urke park oa ibis day will be taxed te
rapacity. )
Fir tvtmppy mtclM plavrH off
! BjllalJ at 1 "Tl TJ Itt IWW PI 1 gUPBaJT
th . ..JiL. 71 ,Z
' ftllZ agla ta the
' " " iw rowr-
"T - Uamt of the lads playad erf their
tches at Happy Hollow, where tha
retrrta ar la excellent iwadltio for a
eRaults at yeatardafa asay:
read Buraota derated J
- B-X.
Harry Menold defeated HareM
1 Hth KMrtdga detateal Harold Ham-
"" rfW E-mcd Booth,
t-3. t-t
! .Harold Hurteoetk . aefttrd : Uortoa
.Rikoad, t-J, -.
v -7- . .j
AR.e YOV THE )3e
ARE you?
y -
Jump Into Grandttand and Gett
Even for Hard Hamei.
Perry, Wka Takes f sbb'a Place la
FAarth laalag Strikes Oat tar
' Third, Leaving Three Mea
aa Bases.
KKW YORK, May It -Detroit defeated
New York today, I to i making It thr
out of four. Just as Detroit went to bat
In th fourth Cobb Jumped Into the grand
stand and thrashed a spectator. Manager
Jennings laid after the game tha man had
applied opprobrious epithets to th player
Cobb was Immediately put out of the
game. Perry, who look Cobb's place In
thla Inning, struck out for tht third out.
leaving three men on bases. Boore:
H O A C 7.1... 1 t lie
bask, m 4 14 1 Walter, rf... 44
Joeei, If.... 4 114 aHartatll Ik. I I I I
Oat, ef., .1 II raa. If I IS
Parrr, rf . . . I 4 I tSlmanaa, Ik 4 It I
Oaalaea, rf I I I I anal.., Sk ... I 1 I t
Da'Uair, Ikl I I oll-utla. aa.. I I I I I
storlarlr. Ik 4 III 1 iMIaaui, e. I I I
UtaHtaa. tk.. I I I I larb.f. ...! Ill
Ulaiuisa. C..4 III oHMt, p I lata
Wlllell. ...l I I I aMrCaaaall .!
Tal If II TT II TWala 117 U 1
Hatted lor Hoff In ninth.
Oetroii t I t I I t I I tH
New York .IHIIIItH
First on errors: New York. I: Detroit.
1 Two-bane hlta: glmmon ill. Lortartv.
Hacrlflce hita: Mnrlarly, Martin. Wll
llama, Dnlan, Mudrn. stolen bases: Wn.
lei a. t.-ree. I nhb, Htanage, Louden. Left
on bases: New Vork. I: ivtrolt, lo.
touble plays: lelehanty to Rush to Mo
riarty. Hush to Mnrlarlv. Unlsn to V II.
Ilnina to Hlmmona to Williams. Bases on
bsllx: Off War lion. J; off Hoff. I; oft
Wllletl. 1 Btrai'k out. Hv Wsrhnn 1:
by Hoff. 1; by WlllHt, I. Hit by pitched
bell: lielehanly. Ktanage by Warhop.
Wild Pitches: Warhoo. 1: Hoff. 1 Tlta:
Off Warhop. In four and one-third In
nings; off Hoff. I In four two-thirds In-
nlnaa. Time: 1:3. Umpire: V. eater-
veil and O lAnighlln.'IIIA Mav li In a Inna
drawn out game which was marked bv
poor pitching on both sldea Philadelphia
defeated Chlcauo today, I to I Kcore:
AB.H.O.A t AB H O A t
t. lor. R. I sftatk. It . I llll
Old, Ing. cl. t K. Ur. Ik. I I I I
ll'alllsa. II I I I ea-allalias. If. I I I
taltar. Ik. ..I I I 1 IKoole. ef.... I
slarsli,. rf .l I I I 1 Oalllsa rllllll
Mrlsnsa. Ik 4 I t 4Mtar. la... I I I
karrr, aa ... I I I 4 leaar. aa.. I I I I I
Us, a 4 11 .markka,, aKaka. a ISIS
Kieiiae. I a ILaaea. p....! 1 I
Plaak. 1 I tPMara. I
-----Wie-rllae, il I I I I
-nw. i a a a a
, . Talala ! I 4 It I
Raited for Weaver In eighth.
Baited for Hogrldga In ninth.
Chicago t t I t t t t t-t
Philadelphia I I I I I I I M
Two-base hlta: Callahan, Baker. K.
Collins Three-base hit: Berry, clacrlflc
fly: told. Mtolen haae: H. Lord. HtriK-k
out: By latnge, ; by Peters. I: by Hourk.
S',.p,,"': Double plsys: Weaver
to Kelder. Weaver to Rath. Zelder to R.
Lord to K. Collins, Barry to klclnne to
Baker, Btrry lo Mrlnnrs. First on
holla: Off tjing. I; off Peters. 3; off
Hoiick, I: off Krause. I: off Plink. L
Hit by pitched hell: By Peters. Murphy.
Left on bases: Chicago. I; Philadelphia, t
Hits: Off Hou. k, I in six and one-third
"TfUd Bob Burma, monarch ef tee
realm of spaed, baa pinned bt faith to
an America car to wla the erosed -
aval Sat-mll InternatlofieJ sweepetal
ract at the Indiana polks Motor Speedway
next Memorial day. Burma baa bee
aetnlaated by tb Clark-Carter Airtorn-
btl nsnuastty of Jackson. Mie ta drtva
a Catting car la tb nv-oeutury grtad.
Tb moter will b built ngtit ap t th
Itmlt of M cable laches, aad tb Med
king believe that be baa on of th fast
set car ever created ta a American fac
tory. His Judgment ta thta matter sboaild
ba good, as Burma drove one ef th
feat eel Americans ear ever built before.
be want to driving foreign can, and aaav
eeeded In Unletting third t the Wit grant
tnaa nee with aa Aasmeaa ear. feat
which had never before been anuaai
pUaoed. Buraaan aot oely ewn thla dis
tinction, but la tb bolder f tb world's
tajUat saa4(Mavaz record, . i
aV" V
16, 1912.
Copyright by Star Company.
1 1 i.
Innings; off 'Krause. I In two-thirds In
ning (none out In seventh): off Plank, no
hits In two Innings; off Lange. K In six
and one-third Innings: oft Peters, I In
three and one-third Innings; off Hog.
ridge, no hits In one-third Inning. Time:
1 JO empires: Hart and Connolly.
BOSTON. May li.-Boaton won In th
ninth from Rt Loula. Bradley double
and Wagner' alngle (cored the winning
run. Hcore:
; aOeroN. sr. Irun.
' At H O I I AB.H.O.A.C
Hanaar. rf... 114 Skatlaa. ef.. S I 4
Easla. IK... I 111 "Auttla. Ib .. I 111
eaakar. ef.. 4 111 4Bi-vall lk.. 4 II 1
Uala. If . I I arrall. Ik.... 4 4 14 1
'Mm, lb. 11 a Hasan. If ... I I I
BreaM?. lb.. 4 I f 4 ILaaarte. rf.. I S
Vasaar. aa. I I I 4 IHalllaaa. si 1 I I '
Na'aukar. a I I I 1 Steskaaa. a. I I I I I
Was. I I I I apallj. p I 4 I
Tila.... a I It 14 a Tatala.. ...M 1M II
To out whan winning ran scored.
Bocton 1 I I I I I I I 1-3
St. Louis I I I I I I I I M
Two-baa hits: Speaker. Hooper. Brad
ley, aaertflr hit: Austin. Double plays:
Wood to Wagner. Halllnan to Pratt to
Ktovsll, Btephana to Pratt. Bases on
balls: Off Woods. 1; off Petty. 4. Struck
out: By Wood. 4; by Pelty, t Time: 1:40l
I mplres: Evans and Kgan.
Timely Home Ran for Saintt Bring
Four Scores.
Ma eager Daffy of Milwaukee Team
Aaaoaaeea Parrkaa af Oat
fielder Daa Haaae ires Ot
laraera. Fear Twa-Bagajera.
MILWAUKEE, May IS, Milwaukee de
feated Mt. Paul though Karger, batting
for Ooodman In the right, made a home
run with three men on bases. Manager
Duffy of the Milwaukee team announced
th purchase of Outfielder Don Haua
from Ottumwa. la. Score:
MlbWAirKBt it. PAUL.
AlH.O.A.g. AB.H.O.A. a
Ueball. l . I I I I aRutWr rf lb I 114
Raoaall. rt.. I I 1 CKIirart. I ll I I I I I
CVaHe.. Xk.v4 114 SHaaarl. II I I I I I
Lawla, aa ...l III HIK-m k. aa I I I 1 1
Usaeee. If... I I I I Metre. II I II I
Jmaa, k.u. 4 ill sqeedeaas. l I I I I
Clerk. Jk,... 141 ILaela, Ik.... 41141
Marakall. a. I I I sniark. a 1111
Neal. llll IHaaaa. p.... 1141
Weaver, a . I llll
Tattla a tt W IHeffeiaa. ef. I I
Karer .... 1 I I
' M ' Teiala a 1 4 14 1
Batted for Goodman in th eighth.
Milwaukee. t t I 3 1 I '11
Bt. Paul, n IIIMIIk-l
Two-base hlu: Randall. Capron. Oood
man. Llebold. Three-haaa hit: Charles.
Home rum: Karger. Charles. Hlta: Off
Dauss, t in five Innlnga: off Weaver, i
In thcea Innlnga. Double plays: Clark
lo Charles. Bases on balls: Off Dauss.
4; off Weaver. I; off Noel. a. Struck
out : By Pause, I; by w eaver, I ; by
Noel. I. rim; 1:6. Umpires: Chill and
KASHAS PITT. Msy le.-Kansaa City
players were unable to hit th ball today
when "Ingles might have scored runs.
Minneapolis, however, hit hard and at
opportune times, winning etiiy. Hcore:
' At H.0.A g At H 0.A a
Oiwer. ef., I 3 I S SBarbase. Ib. I I 4 1 I
linear, aa... 4 I ftkbaHat, ( . 4 III
Klllllec. klll acealaoa. rf.. I 1 t
Wllllaau, mill ecarr. Ik 4 I I I I
Reeemea. it I I I I rarrtSaa. aa 41 11
ereae. a.... I IIS lOTaeDar. ,41111
""r. I I I I "R- ar4, Tk. I J I
'in lk I I U t SWkaeMr. af.. 114 11
rwtenae. Mill eriaae 1114
Heraakr. p.. I
- , I. 5-jamea 1 1 I e I
Withers, p.. I I t t
So wall. p... Il(
Tetabj U in II 1
Batted for Horneby in Mrnnd . I
-KattM. for wither In seventh.
Minneapolis) 3 31 I t 1 t I
Kansaa Clty..... t I I I I I l
Two-baa hits: Williams i nwk...
field, - Killlfer. Three-base hit: I'lymer,
Roasman. Bacrlfk-e hlta: Altxer, Wheeler.
carriiii-w iiiea. , leeienanty. Patterson.
Stolen bales: Clymer Altlxer. Williams.
uwens, iieienty. Hit: Off piene 3
In one mnlng: off Hnrnshy. 3 In on In
ning: off Withers. I In five Inning; off
i-owen. i in two innings, ptrurk out: By
Patterson. 1; by Flene. I; by Withers. I;
r rowan, a pases on. na it. - larr van.
X Tlrat on trrors: Minneapolis. 3: Kan. I
ss City, t lft on base: Minneapolis.
.. maneaa i nr. lime: I k. Lmpln
Hayes and CrWIn.
Falls City Leads
By a Single Run
FALLS CITT. Neb.. May la.-t8Declal
Telegram 1-Kalls City won the third of
a aerie la an eleven-inning- game. Mrore:
a u i
Fl"" " 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I ?-l 14
Humboldt i 1 1 t a 3 I 1 1 1-7 I 4
Batteries: Chrlstenanei aiuf VantWkin-
Thomo.eVi nneck and Diet I'mptre! L
ncAinii.11. web. May U.-Spec1al
Telegram. V-Aubum won from Beatrice
today. . bunching hlu I tour limine.
Beatrle took good lead, but could aot
and Snyder after tb second, rree.
Auburn, short nop. secured four. tw.
baggers. Humboldt plays bar tomorrow.
Tb core: R H. E.
Auburn ....... t t I t 1 t liiis4
ymunn , e 4-1 a
Batteries. Aaborn. Snyder and Kranlter;
MmMwvm. , 1 aaaun, uia an LaaiTOW.
CRtTE. Nee.. ar aW Special Tel
egram. 1-r Peru defeated Dnane bere te-
aay m n . fast gam by tb score of
1 to a A three-bagger m th third
etretcbed late a heme ma counted the
only tally ef the game.
Wick bam and KrctMnger bath Bitebet
eteUar ball, th Par man getting a Utile
better f a. otaly alsswtas one bit. The
" wa ctbaracterlsed by frequent klt
"" and by the excellent fMdlnc ef
aot team Kept tk bKa dow.
J 7V
... R-H B.
.tte-i 1
J p I punch waft a
TL .
Two Hundred High
School Boys Entered
in Fete Day Meet
LINCOLN. May 14. (Special. -T wo
hundred high school athlete ar entered
In the fete meet day which will be held
In Lincoln next Saturday under the aus
pices of the university authorities. -The
entrtea closed Monday with th following
schools participating In th meet:
Ashland, Auburn, Beatrice, Beaver
Crossing. Clay Center, Fall City, Hast
ing. Kearney Military Academy, Lin
coln. Nebraska City, Nebraska Military
Academy. Omaha, Pawnee, Pierce and
Tork. Th event Include KD, 330, and
440-yard daahea, the half and mile runs,
120 and 331-yard hurdles, running broad
Jump, high Jump, twelve-pound shot put,
twelve-pound hammer throw, the discus
and th half-mil relay.
Th meet will start at I o'clock Satur
day afternoon tt th university athletic
field, in past year tha meet ha been
held Friday, but It waa put a day later
thl year In order that th high school
visitors might have a day In which to
Inspect the university buildings
Omaha-Topeka Game
YesterdayCalled Off
The cold and dismal weather neceeirl-
tated the calling off tha third gain of
th series between Omaha and Topeka at
Rourke park yesterday afternoon. Th
fourth and last game will be played thl
afternoon, weather permitting. The two
gsrne the Rourke hve played with To
peks have been fought In a chilly atmos
phere which was hard on both the play
er and spectators. Yesterday's game will
be played off later In the season.
In what probably will ba th last bom
game of th 113 season the Omaha High
school has ball team will meet the Fort
Omaha soldier diamond squad at the Fort
Omaha diamond thla afternoon.
Th game will begin at 1 o'clock and
Brur Badger
A Omtinxnd Story In Pictcrr by Fanan"ffo. IS
old Bacw hai
otH tigreaM-.
TO a
tOTTi,; Or
( V- -X. -,mm. .Cel 0J1VV1
a r y. 7 '3r vj vr..7i
' ffl j Vjl; . J lvvy
B TkltV rVWT i-Jlm-l srvUl I Itt 1 tvUkail t.iiNM'Y VIMft II
I HtCPYoUftttlS I I 1
V j VifHAT?
y j mow, 1 ) y
II v' JT I I rtXMiJ ? waif
A curious bird like the ostrich is quite apt to
make mmaroa Any person, boweesr.who appreciate
food beer wul mmvr make a mistake in orderinc
ZundlPccrless ftcer
Brewing audi good beer as Peerless nat-
rmfty requir th use of the finest Malting Barhry
and Pea ler Hops. They give th parity, but tb
knack ef bringing out th distinct v flavor i the
result of our 60 years of brewing experience. Order
a caae delivered to ywrr hem today. Brewed, g
and bottled only by tha
carl Fuarm
By "Bud" Fisher
larga numuers of student are planning
to be on hand and cheer the efforts of
the Capitol Hill school hopefuls.
On Saturday afternoon the purple and
whit lads will Journey to Waboo for a
game with th Waboo High school. Lo
gan High school at Logan will be the
opponent on Saturday, May 3b.
A Pleaeant karprlee
follow the first dose of Dr. King's New
Life Pills, the painless regulators that
strengthen you. Guaranteed. 3Sc For
sale by Beaton Drug Co.
S The Patented "Link-On"
2 is for men who won't
put up with shirts that
3 wrinkle and bulge good
dresser! who want tha snappy
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3 smart shirt. jas
Th "Unk-On" holdt your
aaa thlrt tmooth glvct it a dreaty 2
effect you limply can't get JJJ
2 without it. Fasten the thlrt
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S both comfortably in place. ,
Link-On" it an exclusive
feature of the f.moua hirts that
mm emMa atvle, contort aad wear M
mm Ask your haberdasher If ba ceooet mm
mm eupeiy you write t as,
ZZ United SMr ColterCe, Mak.aa.TW
TO SIT TM41 run.
FlAVO. o auticf 5
fHwAvg OP6N
-rne eo-rTt,Bw
tolm Gand Brewing Co.
larMu. W.
Patented J IVyS
MBMsaaasnaW laaaaaaaml : tCB
fO fNOknoH! Wb.
f" Mw CaTOCMS. "