Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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Council Bluffs
Council Sustains Action by Majority
of Tilt.
7s a roe Deelares He Will Have aay
Caasbltag Hoasew that May
Be (that ap at
Oaee ar pallre.
Mayor Maloner vetoed th barbers' Sun
day closing ordinance last 'night ana tbe
council sustained tan nisvors "to by a
vote of live.
. Harding, lu author, Bos.r and Flood
were the only members who voted to
overlde the veto. On. the Drat ballot.
Bee be. Fisher and Stone voted to sustain
the official condemnation. . Kvans and
Huber passed, but on second call at the
demand of the mayor lined up with the
majority. The readlnf of the veto was
about the first business transacted. Be
fore the last words had been pronounced
Alderman Hardlnc was on bis feet with
a motion, that the ordinance pass.
' "The motion before ths house Is, shall
the mar or s veto be sustained. Clerk will
call the roll.' said the majror. There was
so chance for debate, and In a minute
It was all over. ' T mlnmes later a
dosra barbers stalked out of the room,
with no noticeable delicacy of tread.
The major asolfned these reasons for
his veto:
I cannot find anything In the statutes
that gives specifically to cities the right
nr sutnurtty to rerulste the businra of
bartering. This specific authority to
require various matters Is given In such
tares as cemeteries, pawnbrokers, hotels,
restaurant, eating houses, transient marl-hems,
billiard parlors, saloons,. second
hand dealers, drcuKes. theatsrs and vari
ous other enterprise.
. It must be conceded, then, that the
lesl.latura of the stale haa not seen fit
to sinei. out the trade of barherlng as
one calling for specific or extraordinary
regulation The business of bsrbrrlng Is
usually conducted In a very quiet and
orderly manner, and barber shops are
places ordinarily neat and clean In their
atfoinimeiits, ana it w very ran inai a
l 1st urbane of any kino eases piece in
one. 11 la safe say that no oilier business
is conducted In a more orderly, decant
and quiet manner than the business of
barbering. For this reason it seems to ma
unfair that this particular trade should
he singled out for regulatloa and restric
tion b the city.
tn uol.v ground upon which this action
an be taken Is the authority conferred
b section eu or the code, wmeh gives
to cities the right to pass ordinances
piovKiing fur the safety and la preserve
i lie health, promote the prosperity, Im
prove the morals, order, comfort and convenience-
of such corporatlona and the
inhabitants thereof. It does not seem fair
to dsss sn ordinance interfering with
the arrangements and business of men
enssged In this particular trade by re
quiring them to close their shops on Run
days unless llks restrictions are thrown
around all the other trades ana oust
rises of ths city. With equal propriety
the city euld uses aa ordinance requir
ing tiutt sil shoe poitsning stands, candy
stores, ctgsr stores, soda fountains and
other businesses too numerous to be
mentioned here, should likewise ' be re
quired to desist from operatioa on tun'
it the city undertakes regulations of
.this character at all there la no certain
limit that can b" placed on Its
action, as each restriction furnishes
In itself aa argument for further
ones If the city shall start Into this
matter sad carry It out to lis logical
conclusion the puniie of Council bluffs
will, in tnv Judgment,, bo subjected to
great ssnoyenue and Inconvenient
Furthermore. I en not believe that It
should se me policy or in city to at
tempt tu regulata every petty detail of
lite, 0M0 burden our eltlsena with count
lees annoying and unnecessary rsstrls-
Another matter to bs eonsldsred Is (hat
a regulation? ot mis character will ser
iously Inture a large business institu
tion of the. city 'that haa been carried
n by a number uf our rltlsrns, who
hsvs advanced large gums of money from
Council Bluffs
Geld Dust Is more than
soap does more than
soap. Soap merely
cleans; Gold Dust gets
under the surface, kills
every germ, washes out
every impurity and ster
ilizes everything it
touches. f i '
It is a sanitary cleanser
which cleans quicker and
better than anything else, and
saves the housewife the toil
of rubbing and scrubbing.
Gold Dost does til the hard
part of the workyou merely
assist it
Cold Dust to
eld ia 60 aba
and Urge peck
ages. Tbe Urge
greater Pesos as.
Wo its fns3 tl, sorest proof
-- fall UJ,. Csrahvilw
Til M If nasi il
. Ask year gear Sss. Ms aawai. a
X TOM tgog, a, laeaaas. a J
X "TWrv ml4i T -m M
a, , -
whieh-they have never received any re
turns, for tne purpose of Keeping in oper,
stlon a modern hotel. Access to a bar.
ber shop is a great convenience to sll ot
the traveling public and a practical
necessity to a portion thereof. To take
saay from the Grand hotel, or any other
notel of this vht, ' this convenience for
the benefit of Its patrons, will cause.
many of ita customers to go to hotels
In Omaha, where, they can have this von,
Alderman Harding asked that ths chief
of polio be Instructed Immediately to
close up all gambling nouses and crap
joints and atop all (ambling games, but
before he had time to receive a second,
Mayor sfaloney Informed him that such
Instructions were not necessary, that all
that wag required was to furnish the
names and locathma' and ha would see
that the rest happened. The First ward
alderman said It was not Ms duty to
furnish names; It was the duty of the
chief ta find such places.
If there art any such places in this
town, I'll find them and see that they srs
closed, toa." rslned the mayor warmly.
A communication was received from
secretary R. A. Leussier of ths street
railway company relative to the culverts
to be constructed In ths car line grade
west of Thlrty-atventh street, sprinkling;
tbe it rests In tbe central portion sf ths
city and hooding the are headlights on
the cars for a portion of ths Journey
through town.
The First National bank and Its stock
holders filed notice of a suit appealing
from tna assessment made of capital
stock and surplus, approved by tbe coun
cil as a board of review, and claiming
that pOOS of ths assessment was ex
empt. The city solicitor wss directed
to vigorously defend ths suit
An Improvement resolution authorising
the pavement of several streets la the
vicinity of the Christian home, asked
for by residents; was approved. The
iremen at No. I and Mo. 4 hose hawses
asses to have paint and paper furnished
tliem for improving their quarters, agree
ing ta da the work, and the request Was
referred to the proper committee with
Power to act A request front the fire
men at No. I and No. 4 for use of the
granite paving block for desired Im
proveraents was given the asm consid
eration. Iteatoents on Commercial street
ssksd to have the old grade established
flva year ago changed, and the request
wa agreed to provided waivers wars se
cured- A request for ths pro par drain-
Ing or Twenty-fifth av.nus between
Fourth and Mxta streets was referred
to the committee of ths whole. It was
agreed that street laborer engaged In
working out poll tax assessment .hould
be permitted to do one-half a day' work
for tna fi pay.
twee, ywa are ascneuiiy invited 10
sss ths big display of N.w Idee, gas
range at our store this week. Free
cook book if yen ask for It P, c. Ds Vol
rtarawar company.
.. Minor Mention '
' Davis, drug.
Tic trots, lis. A. Hasp C. ' ,
H. Borwlck tor wall paper.
, Wood ring t'ndertskiig Co., TsL M.
Corrtgea. andenakera. 'Phonal 141.
NBW YORK Plumbing Co. 'Phone MM.
Lswl Cutlsr, funeral director. 'Phone 17.
laagasjn. bound. Morehouse Co. -
JiFAJ '""'' delivered. TsL
til. a K. jtinnick.
OredutMO cards tnleara in lnn
prists gifts. Faubls Art .hop.
Bluff City laundry, pry Cleaning and
Dy work Mow 'phone Kc ail
Mutual BMg. a Loaa Ass a., LU TearL
Jewel Court, Tribe, of Ben Hur. will
meet this svenlng. All numbers arc rs
'roT staff" """ "ctll the de-
Investment: For sale, a fine two-story
brick on Broadway In the eentar of Coun
cil Bluff., la. AAArmmm -a" u
Council Bluffs. Ia. .
BRING In your disabled watrk to sot
watchmaksrs, they will, put It in as good
condition as new. Kvsry piece of work
guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Lsftsrt a.
VtotMJBURT (next to Grand hotel),
which haa been temporarly closed for
the last week. Is now full refitted and
refurnished and Dr. Woodbury is pleased
to Mats tist It la now one of the most
modern and sanitary office in ma west.
m 1'sarl nt.. Mast to Grand Hotel.
Henry Bancroft, Jr., baa returned from
wner n waa called by tlie
sudd.n death of his eldest son, Robert
M. Beecroft, who was killed at Carroll
He was struck on the head with a heavy
timber whlla helping to unload heavy
tee. Tha funeral . wss held Sunday
from his boms at Pes Molnss. lie wss
years of ag and was a native of
(otincU Bluffs. Ha I survived by his
wlf and seven children; also by bis
father, six sister and throe brother.
Dr. Daniel Jackson, one of the veteran
physicians of the city, died yesterday
morning at his home. 141 Olea avsnue.
after tour years' Illness from a com
plication of diaeases associated with
asthma He waa at veara id 11- 1.
survived by his widow. The funeral will
ee held at the residence Tuesday after
noon at o'clock and tha body will be
taksn to Plsasantvllla, la., for burial.
Oeorg A. Hay of the. Second Prea
sytanan ohurch will conduct tha service.
A tele cram fmm tha traia fH.naii.u--
offlre at Fort Dodge Informed the polios
w Miieiiv mm ovwung inst a gang of
hoboes had matured a bos ear
Incoming train and Jwd Intimidated the
crvw, 1 no train waa stopped near nig
lake and a squad of officers was sent
there la the patrol wagon. They found
the ear In tmaaiaeliiii at flva bin
of whom bad any kind of weapon! Ths
were orougni to tne station and
locked up. They will bs la poiic court
this morning.
Joseph K. PrVs, who waa tscently ap
pointed assistant division superintendent
of the Great Western railroad, with
headquarters at Clarion, died nnivtav
evening at the Edmuudson hospital after
an Illness of four weeks from acuta
stomach trouble. Mr. Price was 44 years
old. Hs had been a resident of this city
Si , .I1 sxorpt for the
brief period of residence at Clarion. The
body waa taken to tbe residence of hie
brother-in-law. J. F. Hughes. M3 West
Broadway, where funeral services will
be held this afternoon at i n aw.k
conducted by Rev. J. H. William of the !
nro""ir aieiiKioisf ruurcn. nr. Price
is survived by his wlf. and on daugh
ter, Helen; two brother, W. R. Price of
Bloomlngtoo, -ilL, and J. W. Price of
Beacon, la,, srnl owe sister, Mrs. George
Bowmaa of Chicago, Hs waa a mw
of the Ancient Free and Accepted Maaona
at Red field, la., and of the Loyal Order
of Moose. The Great Western will rua
a special train Sown from Clarloa tw.
day morning, bringtrig about 3bt employes
a uw rwe woe will eiwn th funeral
la a body.
MsMwsaaw I
Marriage Itcenees war Isausd yestsrday
to the toliowtng asms parsons;
Name and Address. a-.
Charles McDowell. Cwancfl Brtiff. 31
Dolly Wsoer. CouneS BIffs...T"; a
O. W. CmHk, Nashvill, Teoa.. y
Grace Hunt. Omaha J
wax Aoeirnan, vmeaa yj
Council Bluffs
Property Held by Dtcessed it to Be
Held by the Family.
Edarattaa at the Children aad Their
- Esaplaysseat la the Baal
news Is Left tw tbe
Th will of th lat I. V. Wilcox ass
filed for probate yesterday. No Inventory
of th aetata Is filed and lu value Is not
stated. The widow, Emma E. Wilcox,
and tha eldest son, Roy E.. are made
Jointly .executrix and executor, with full
exemption from any form of bond. In
th ' event of the death of either, ths
other la mad sot executor subject to
oondlUon that follow. Th will la dsted
December U. IM, and at witnessed by
J. "J.' Stewart th attorney who drew
It, and Dorm Wright, hi stenographer.
It green th widow one-third ot all th
property and provide for tha equal dis
tribution of th balance among th five
Tha will la lengthy, abounding In wins
counsel that may bs followed In the fu
ture conduct of th business, indicating
that It continued success and the happi-
and welfare of hi family were Mr.
Wilcox constant thought. . Ths only re-
st fictions, and the ars suggested a a
wish, relate to ths parting wirh ths
homestead and central greenhouse plant.
but hs advises that there be no sale of
property that will materially Interfere
with the operation of th business, and
that it be continued a long a It I
profitable. That he long ago contemplated
the formation ot a stock company, which
was accomplished last winter. Is Indi
cated In the opening paragraphs. Ia tiie
vent of th formation of a corporaUoa
before hi death. Mr. Wilcox advised that
th business bs conducted aa provided In
th articles of Incorporation, and that all
stock be retained by member of th
family. The will sdvise against the
final distribution of the property until
all of tha son hsvs attained their ma
jority. .
Widow tbe Trasiee.
Th widow I appointed trust se to hold
(11 property until th children become of
age. She is empower .d to aril and con
vey any of the property' other than tha
greenhouse plant and th homestead
without any order of court or by any
other authority than I conveyed In the
will, retaining from such sale one-third
for herself and invsstlng th remainder
for th children, la th management of
th business she Is givsn th widest lati
tude. Mr. Wilcox particularly advise
that aha may advance th children any
part of their portion that may be due
them upon tha event ot their marriage
or coming to majority, "taking Into con-
etderatioa tha Industrious and economical
habits, or th lack thereof of each, and
Phi ability to bold and manage such prop-
arty to his own best Intsrest, and If any
of them In th good Judgment ot their
mother are unable to car for such prop
rty that she may hold It for th benefit of
such child and la authorised to place
such restriction around It as will pre-
snt It awing squandered."
Tha mother I urged to be ltbersl tn
th advanos msds to tha Children upon
reaching mslprlly or getting mar
ried, and ah I trn powered to advance
any part ot th eststs other than ths
greenhouse plsnt that aha may think
proper from tims to time end not sx-
Council Bluffs
ceedtng the share of such' child based
upon a fair estimate of the value of th
estate, and tnis estimate la to be deter
mined by herself.
If upon the final division any child
ahould have received more than his share
he shsll account for It and refund th
excess to she mother for redistribution.
The will provides for tbe accounting
of all the affair ot the estate and the
cum-taiit division of one-third to be ret
aside as the widow's dower. The re
mainder It to go in equal shares to tit
children with the restrictions noted. She
shall keep a strict account, and at her
death, whatever balance remains ot this
one third shall be equally divided among
the children.
ia Case at Remarriage.
Th appointment of the wife continues
until - the estat is fully dlstributsd. If
such distribution 1 accomplished during
th time ah remains the widow. In
case of bar remarriage, th son. Roy
E. Wilcox, becomes sol trustee, or on
of th other sons, after arriving at th
age of B. may be appointed by the mother
to act with him.
In tha event ot th death of both
mother aad son before the final distri
bution, then such of the son aa hsvs
arrived at th age of 8 years, shall act
as trustees, and In such event, as each
child arrives at the age of tl years, he
shall by reason ot that tact b on ot
the trustees.
Th will provide tor ths Income ot
the est a is being used for ths advance
ment ot the business snd th mainten
ance of th family, with especial refer
enc to rh liberal education of th chil
dren. The entire matter uf the education
ot the children is left to the mother. In
the event ot ber death, then the education
of the minor children will be agreed upon
by a majority in number of tbe children
business must be who havs attained the
age ot li year. 8uch of th adult chil
dren aa are employed tn the conduct of
tha business must he aHowed a reason
able compensation, ths amount to be de
termined by tbelr mother. If she Is not
living, the children who continue to be
actively engaged In working are to be
paid a reaaonabls salary, considering age,
until n years old. From that time on
the salary ot the adult children shall bs
equal. When all th children have ar
rived at tl years, they may determine tb
matter of salary to be psld for their serv
ice. That the comfort and happiness of bis
wife, coupled with the preservation of
ths beautiful horn he had built tor her
and tha malntensnce Intact ot th horn
plant, was Ihc central Ids of Mr. Wli.
cox. Is indicated by this paragraph:
"No provision of this will shall be con
strued to require the ssle of th home
lead during th time th widow act
aa trustee, but sha'may retain posses
sion of ths homestead without accounting
for rent to th end that shs may be bet
ter able to car for the ehlMrsn, who re
side with her and conduce to her owt
All th household good and furniture
I bequeathed to the widow a her own.
Including th family carriage, and automobile.
Council Bluffs
Methodists Will
Try to Raise Debt
This Is anniversary week at the Broad
way Methodist ehurefc"" Ans orgs id sad
canvas I being mad to liquidate th re
mainder of th old church debt. A :
luncheon will be served st th church
each evening to 'the team or workers,
who wiU be sent out by the steering com
mittee two and two, AJ1 men of the
church who are interested la this work
are urged to attend these luncheon be
ginning with Monday evening.
Epwortlt League chapter and business
meeting at tbe church on Tuesday .-en-ing.
The president. Mr. Tnarp, requests
iuii axierasanca.
Prayer meeting at tbe church w
day evening at 'clock . with special
them, led bv the r.a T1.1- .Hit w
Msy ia. and 'the actual ttrMitia
veraary of th dedlr arloe of the r..mi
ii-i memoera are urged ta be present.
Wheel No. . will with u
J. Champion. IX Glen avenue. m-i.u
day afternoon. Wheel No. 7. wl.l meet
who airs. MulhoEand. 104 Grace street,
on Tuesday afienxx.r.
a races and PhUatheaa win nu a
uiuan r Intel, i west Washington ave
nue, r Doay evening.
Juouee thanksgiving service . will be
held at tb church on next Sunday morn
ing, nev. cnarlea Boewell ot Phllsdel
phla will preach th asrmon.
50,000 Trial Dottles
of Zemo for Eczema
Absolutely ' Guaranteed the Greatest Discovery
for Any and All Skin Afflictions from Scalp
to Toes. Pimples, Blotches, Hives,
Dandruff No Hatter What,
Zemo Will-Core It,
Get a Trial Botils Today Sura Don't Miss It.
Op Till Midnight.
.itom, .nfflffiil If...... .tffn
1 lURS ,?f 'i)
I ' i'i J
1 X. J,
. 'Wllil
, ywis.1
tf ....
CsB M and have a Vaceuat Cleaner
eat s eur basse; ta a day. will all
year bouse cleaning. Complete eoulpeaeot
at tools for ditfersnt wss. Peterson H
achoenfaig Cm.
Pianos In ail tha attest fancy veneers
ot th very peat make SfweenM at A.
Mosp Ca, H West Broadway. CowacO
Bluffs. U. Easy saymeata, .
JV -
On Trial of Zctm for AH kln Trow blew
WiU Prove How low ( an (rrt Kid of The
IMMftoafvavMsala Pmwintlv. n PwrShor K.
J', case Uc Trial rarkaga Today. . .
, .in1 '
ZEMft. the Wonderful remedy tar all Th It-cent trtsl bottle I nut un as
skin afllctlona. Is ber. The proofs of sn absolute proof. And If you cannot
care are aiarveloua Photographs ot admit before yuu have uatrl up 11ns Sc
worst case showing their awful eon- bottle ot ZEMO that It la tn moat cx
dltioa aad the wonderful transforms- traordtnary skin remedy yoa have ever
tlon ta complete restoratloa by this tried or heard of, we want you to say
akin treatment are making so and ths S cents will be as ahaertuilv
1LMO tb meet talked about remedy refunded aa It was received.
svar sold far akin affliction All you XMO ia sold at tl.M for th reralar-
Bav to do I to apply a little of lit tlsed bottle, but w .re supplying yoa
liquid EKMO to the affected part of with th liberal trial alas bottle, a enly
the akin awd I aad behold, la a few U cents, so that you may have no ex-
deya lime every trace of the ugly cuse for not first giving ft a trial. U
eruption baa disappeared; the blotches aossn't matter what your skin trouble
gone: leaving tbe skin clear, firm and may be, r bo long voa hsv bad it.
beautiful. Tin ami with dandruff. We want you to try ZRMO and you will
ZMO a absolutely safe. Yeu can t not be disappointed. Get a J-cet bot-
appiy too macM of it. The man or wo- tie of ZKMii today: lie It tonight. Look
n so who woo t beltev thi will be loo- in (j mirror a few davs after and yoa
lag ta greatest opportunity evar offer- win bless the day yoa first heard of
ed to skin sufferers. To make It ay ZEMO. . The SS-cent trial also, as well
for every woe to try It. end experienc u the dollar aue. can be obtained at
triawtlaar wvea MM ubeawl-sue trial will be sent upow receipt of price by the
bottle aaly seat aeh a aft was K w Rose Metildn Ca. 8L Unite. Mo.
Mt"Ws.wu.,wr,ut isl ZBMO. Is sold by leading druggists
throughout America and In Omaha by
Bbernan A lirConnell rteuw Cn- ttth
tha and mdga, ilth and Farnam, Owl Trug
Tou have T aaotnar ex cos. - tn tl
world now for having ptmpiea. Motches. Co. lth and Hareey. Loyal PharmacV
spottedosnpiexisn. senses, daanitt or ;7-t .No. ULh '
au e''aaaa as scsii, trouble " U1 el
racks gs at Ready Caak Kept
Tawer ta riaaaee few
Oaya at War.
In th city of Spandau there stands a
seaiously guarded tower where Germany
seeps its war . treasure.
In the days ot political unrest and
rumor ot war trier. Is no spot In th
whol of th empire mors curiously looked
upoa than thi. . .
Tor la th dark red. looming tower there
reposes a vast board of 1XI,W.00S marks
(ftn.K)), which I kept for th sol Dur-
pos of helping Germany should It be
called upon to take a part In any great
Th first of tks treasure was placed In
the tower tn th reign ot Frederick Wll-
helra I ot Prussia. The exact sum ths
tower contained at that tlm Is not known
but It did not amount to a very great deal.
After th Franco-Prussian war, when
Ucrtriany became an empire. It was de
cided to tak KOM.OM from the Indemnity
paid by th French and lock it away for
ever a a war treasure.
At the same time a law waa passed
ruling that "th Imperial war treasure
must only be used for mobilisation pur
poses, and then only by consent of both
the emperor snd th Parliament."
Th I sat provision tn this law Is Impor
tant, for tha German constitution gives
th emperor th right to declare a war
without first consulting bis war staff, but
he cannot, on hi own Initiative, mak
iisa of th war treasure.
Ia ths ease of a colonial expedition or
on of th "Httl wars" which great pow
er are continually fighting In soms por
tion of th globe Germany, of course,
would not find It necessary to mak uss
ot Its war treasure; a money for object
such aa these can always b obtained by
When th treasure Is spent It must, ac
cording tn this law, b Imroedlstely replen
ished tn th original amount
Th money In th Julius tow I all In
gold coins, add is placed la boxes con
taining &. each.
It Is almost impossible to Imagine what
a vast number ot coins ia contained In
K,0(n,Q(n, and when for some reason or
oioer too treasure nas to b removed, iris
literally-dug up by th spadeful.
But It would be difficult for any on to
make off with any of tbe Spandan treas
ure The tower is euarded hv Hnuo. of
sentries night and day. and there are
three masalv steel doors between the
outside of th tower and th gold.
Certain members, ul ths imperial de
partment commission of Germany make
formal visits to Btandau twice a year,
solemnly overhaul the treasure and re
turn to Berlin satisfied that the treasure
Is still la the sam place.
Should one ot th guard or commandants
at th tower be chanced, a special visit
hi mad by th commissioners. The public,
ot course., re under no circumstance al
lowed access to th tower Pearson I
Council Approves -'
Bond of McDonald
Bond of Charles B. McDonald, tb sew
deputy commissioner ot finsnces and ac
counts under Dan B. Butler, was ap
proved at a special meeting ot tha direc
tory of seven yesterday afternoon- Th
bond Is for f3,a and the Lion Bonding
company Is surety. Bonds ot the other
officials were approved at a meeting In
the morning when the commission organized.
Key to th Situation Be Advertising.
P !! III! lllli I II ill!!!- Vii Thousands re wearing I
! j I ill i i; f wjpj ,Porotlnit-lhe cool,
'$0WMW& 1 1 gitmeni. StAinkm or your ;,"
fjP0$'Mm P sTKsjeybacL Hat ' proof enough of value. !'
, i fT!M8 ' 7 Csiesia, Ao, tikis
I jj 111 icl '
IB j :'
i -foijpi, -4, Everybody ;
yr .Saving
" ; Coupons '
Five Coupons Mean a
Beautiful Teaspoon......
- Five coupons, like the onev below and ten cents will entitle yoa to
one of the fine Wm. Bogers & Son handsome teaspoons. Save this cou
pon now, and get four others, consecutively numbered.
Omaha merchants whose names are listed here will supply all the
other pieces to a 65-piece silver set With purchases made of them
certificates and coupons for the silverware are given. They'll tell you
about the number of coupons needed. Send in the information coupon,v
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