Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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VERY nicely fer
High School Cadet Company Ready for Parade
: ll
r VTa.ft .
"Knapp-Felt" hat a proper
"touch off to any outfit.
1 1 Cor. 16th and Harney SUjy
Too don't ban to have gray hair or
faded hair If yog doa't want te. Why
look old or uoattractlvaT II your hair
to (ray or faded, you can change it
easily, quickly and effectively ky asing
wyetn'e Baca and Sulphur Hair Kemedv.
Apply a Uttla tonight, and la tha morn
ing you will ba agreeably turpi ud at
tha raaulu from a alalia application.
The (ray halra will ba leaa conapicuoua,
aad after a faw mora application will
ba restored to natural color.
Wyeth's Sao and Sulphur alaa .utcejy
rcmoiraa dandruff, laarea tha scalp clean
and healthy, and pramotea tha growth
of tha hair. It la a clean wheleeom
dressing which may he ueed at any time
with perfect lately .
Oat a fifty' cent battla from year drug
gist today, and aee how ejulskly H will
raatora the youthful color and beauty of
your hair and forever end the naaty
dandruff, hot. Itchy aoal aad falllni
hair. All drunlata tell It under (uaran
tee that tha money will ba refunded M
you are not satisfied after fair trial.
Special agent. Bhannaa A MaConaea
Isn't it worth while to
pay $10, or less, for the
extra pleasure and safety
of a perfect signal
&arest tv a. Oe.
QTIft 401
la tha World
liTenaartvaala. Mar J J. 11 AM.
uactamau ....May 15, I K M.
gaunra A ay. Tie.
T7T.'...May 3. 10 AM.
Victoria aValae, June . t AM-
tlrat cabin only.
(Second cabin only.
W1U call at Boulogne.
auat Ouu CtalelB a J" "'
AJIB tal
Opttaaat jl " JSl
in u..r i aan ...
CRl'lSB. ls DeT.
1 . , I . . I r t all seeasaafT eaeeeeee
ue as aka: lallw. Mai.
aaara aratalaaa, eameeae,
ssisee, leee. ait.
Te tha lAVB OF TMM aTX
I0ST VM. Eirht dellgtixul
craieea durm( June. Jaly and
Aagaa. from atamharg- to
VeTerey. Cape. V'?
goa, loelsns. etc. Xmratioa 1
h it daya
att J miln Leant
"tcroaiA vent.- m;
tpinw rBTUf am -rm-
Writ for booalet of any eruioe.
1H W. andoth at.
ChleaM W. ec loeal aft.
iaiO'-at an
Other Vegetables Etcana the Cold of
Monday Right
Home Grawa Variettee Aasmaat
Thaee from Saathera Cllmce.
Making a Goadly lec
tion for Hoaerwlfe.
Cucumbrra were the only vegetable
damaged by th efroat Monday night and
they only altghtly.
Charle Jtuiga. tha moat extensive gar
dener In Eaat Omaha, reported that none
of hla vegetable waa Injured except the
cucumbers. Other vegetable! ware a
good ae before and will be brought to
Omaha, helping to flood tha market,
which already la altnoat satiated.
Large stocks of vegetable from tha
south now are on the local market. Rad
ishes aeem to ba the most abundant.
They are selling six big bunches for a
Wsx and string beans are selling at
UH cents a pound, moat of them coming
from Texas. Asparagus is on the counters
at t bunches for a nickel and rhubarb at
four bunches at the same price.
Texss green peas are down to M cents
a quart, while new potatoes are changing
hands rapidly at t cents a pound.
Strawberries are unusually plentiful. A
King, manager of Hayden Bros.' grocery
department, said a great amount of ths
fruit hi being shipped Into Omaha. Two
carloads are here today, he said. Oreen
onions and spinach are having the usual
demand, ths onions selling at six bunches
for I cents, and spinach at TH cents a
Crop Prospects
Boosting Salei
of Farm Lands
B. P. Howell and Roy O. Huffmeyer,
traveling overland In an automobile from
Shenadoah. Ia., arrived In Omaha yes
terday. Jubilant over the proa pacta of
grain products and land values. Howell
and Huffmeyer are reel estate man of
Bloux City and have traveled over the
eastern part of Nebraska aad th west
ern part of Iowa, making a two weeks In
spection trip and selling land on their
"Farm value are coming up aa th re
sult of erop prospects," said Howell,
"and I have never seen the chances bet
ter for crops. We have gone overland
in aa automobile with buyers aad have
found very little land going at a bar
gain figure. Three months sgo It was
bard to find a buyer. Now It's Just ths
other way. Most fanners do not care to
part with their land, with the good pros
pects for crops1 and the present high
prices for grain. I am (lad to see con
ditions as they are.
"Wheat Is up from eight to fifteen
Inches and the ground la right tor other
grain. Considerable planting of corn has
already been done m western Iowa and
the turning over the soil hsa shown
plenty of moisture la the ground. I
dont know of a section that needs rain.
The farm have bad an abundance of
moisture from the but rains, enough to
do for three of four weeks to com."
Four Persons Hurt
by Falls on Street
Accidents of small consequence kept
the police surgeon and ambulance drivers
busy for a eouple of hour early last
alght. Fsur persona were hurt within
half aa hour of each other, at different
places; none eerloualy. At IJ6 o'cloct
p. au. James E. Swanaoo, a teamster em
ployed by a local lumber company, was
knocked from hla wagon at Sixteenth and
Howard streets by a street car and badly
bruised and shaken up. and abortly after
C. Deter. Be South axteenta street,
was hurt by a ear a black away on Jack
son aad Sxteenth. At 1 11 o'clock, Carl
Wad urn, a laborer, living at mi Decatur
street, was knocked do a at Thirty -ix
aad rarnam streets by aa automobile
owned by Mr. Ella Squires. SM Harney
street Ha was given medical attention
aad taken home by Mrs. Squire. Ha I
aet Mrtoaaty tainted.
The but accatient happened at t at
o'clock at th Union station, aad this
wsa th meat serious. Mrs. Emtly G rip
per of Chadron was going down th Map
at th depot when (he slipped aad tall
the eatlr flight, hurting herself Inter
nally and bruising bar tag aad arm,
nha was carried to police headquarter
and deo medical attention and sooa
after was able to return to tha station
aad catch a tram to bar ham.
Tea can any goodsy to constipation
with a dear coaod ear If you an Cham
tMvUis'a Tahlata. Manr have bean serwaa-
aently cured by their use. Par sale by all
Marrtaare Laremaea.
Tha following marriage nceases have
heea granted:
mmjt ITMaiaam Mm
Hmmm. W Hiimmr ijm AimJe ft
Mabel F. Gay. Corning. Ia- tt
FeUks Dobrewelsky. South Omaha.... 3
Magdalena Pletryga, South Omaha ... 21
Duraa Hopkins. Omaha ZS
laajr Dumbauid. Omaha. tx
(Verge Wlchmann, Charter Oak. Ia.. S
EuaaaetB aaaaw, urtr jmm ia.... a?
. -lu Rhm. limit, n i ii , ll . . ar
Lasmm Prbai. couth Omaha.
Inspector for the Board of Health
Seizes Tainted Ken.
Action lay Be Taken to Compel the
Coatrarters to Provide Meat
that la at Leaat Pit te
Br Eaten.
Essu Fleihman, Inspector for the board
of health, seised several pounds of meat
at the county Jail yesterday which he
examined and pronounced unlit for food.
The mrat was tainted and urh a fetid
meas that those who examined it de
clared they would not "feed It to dogs."
Complaints have been corning from pris
oners In the county and city Jail alleg
ing that "rotten stuff" was being given
them for food. This led to Investigations
which have generally supported the con
tentions of the prisoners.
Boms action may ba taken to fare th
county commtsslonsrs to action compell
ing the two firm who furnish ths meat
for the prisoners to supply meat that Is
not putrid aad Is otherwise fit for food.
Know Omaha Better
Club is Formed at
To "Know Omaha Better." an organi
sation will be formed this week st the
Young Men' Christian association. Di
rector E. P. Denlsoa has announced the
first meeting to be held at the T audi
torium neat Monday night. Addresses on
Omaha will be made before th gather
ing. Th association is the first to organ
ise a Know Omaha club, although other
have been proposed. Organisation of simi
lar club about th city I being plan
ned by a general committee representing
the clvlo and business organisations.
Word ha been received from General
Frederick A. Smith stating his wife had
taken a rally tor tha better. The letter
addressed to Major Evana, adjutant gen
eral of the department. Is from Hot
Springs, where Mrs. Smith is taking
treatment for her malady. The letter says
those In attendance are holding out hopes
for her recovery.
Prtgattal Pales
In the stomach, torpid liver, lame bark
and weak kidneys are soon relieved by
Electric Bitter. Ournteed. HK. For
ssle by Beaton Drug Co.
Wil Ask the Board of Education for
an Increase.
Are secrlna Data from Other ritlee
Before Making Their Reqarat
Prtaclpala Not laeladrd
la the Plaa.
Will Study the Workin? There of
the Casaaelaaloa Plaa.
Grade and kindergarten teacher of
Omaha will ark the board of Education
fur Increase of salaries before this term
of school expires. A committee of twelve
teacher from various schools bald a
meeting Monday night and decided toj ek
that the maximum salary of KM be In
creased to 11.4)0.
Before going to th board with the re
queet the teachers will secure informa
tion from other cltlea When Ihe ce Is
presented th committee will attempt to
show that owing to tha high out of
living teachers are not being paid a llv.
lng wage.
Minimum salaries for a grade teacher
ar new UN. which Is Increased gradually
until it reaches a maximum of KX aftsr
ten years of service.
Principals are taking no part in the
plans for an Incrsass of salaries. Grade
teachers appointed the committee of
twelve and this committee bss named a
committee to ask ths board for the de
sired increase.
Msny of the grade teachara have small
famllle to upport and they maintain it
cannot be done on a year. Aa at
tempt to how that higher wag ar be
ing paid elsewhere will be made when
the case Is laid before the board.
Retiring teachers who havs taught tor
forty years are being paid UN now, and
under ths nilaa of the board no higher
aagea can b given any teacher below
lb eighth grade who I not a principal.
Tim O'Reilly, victim of an eastern rail
road wreck. In which he loot both legs
at the hip and on arm at th shoulder.
was brought Into polios headquarter
last night for th second time within two
day for abusing pasaersby who refused
him alma
O'Reilly was formerly a railroad maa
and a doten years ago waa so bsdly
hurt thaat he hsd to have both legs and
an arm amputated In order to save his
life. He recovered and since hsa been
unsble to earn a living except by beg
ging, and his condition hss so soured his
disposition that be ha formed the habit
of cursing everyone who passes him with
out giving slms.
When srreeted Sunday night he was
released by Captain Dempsey, who wsa
touched by hla condition.
Will Be I blef EscrntKr Officer Der-
Trls rw Official! Be
ing Located.
All city commlselonrm. with the excep
tion of lan B. Butler of Iho department
of finances and accounts, left at I
yesterday afternoon over the Rock Is-
Isnd railroad for Des Molnea, to study
t -a c mmtsslon plan ol government be
fore actively entering upon their duties
City Clerk Tom riynn. Fire Chief
Baiter and the chief clerk In the comp
troller' office will accompany the com-
mlMlonsrs. th comptroller's clerk going
ss Mr. Butler representative, Butler be
lng usable to leave the city when the
mayor I absent, aa hf becomes acting
C. II. Wlthnell, commissioner of fire
protection and watsr supply, hss an
nounced that Pred Schamel will be made
head clerk of the building Inspection de
partment. Schamel hes been collector un
der the city and county treasurer for sev
eral year.
At th men'ng o the inimtsloner
Thursday area lng. several resolutions di
recting minor change la the personnel
of the depsj-TKnt of city government
may be Intr I "I, but n ehniigu will be
mads among the haad of departments
and chief :lo-ks. Th new conitn sslonsrs
are now devoting th ptlnOpal part of
their time to getting located.
City Clerk Plynn I located In his nsw
office and Commissioner Butler hss moved
out and I comfortably Initsiled In ths
former office of ths comptroller. Jack
Ryder, commissioner of police, sanitation
and aubllo safaty. I having offices fitted
up Immediately south of the health com
mslonera office.
C H. Wlthnell and Thomas MoOovern
have not yet secured office. A. C. Kugel
will occupy th Street commissioner's
office and J. Hummel will locate In th
nark board oflcea. All offices will be
plainly furalshd and a faw of th com
missioners hav decided that not even a
rug will be placed on the floor of their
Balldla Psraalt.
Ttandall K. Brown, 111 South Pour-
teenth street, extension. ps; C. H.
Rehechlln. Iim MOUfn iwemr-urwt aireei,
- . 1 1 t'ifVM. i W Vmrllr
iramn owl"". - -
Twenty-fifth nd Javne. frame dwelling.
B1.HJD; jonn . IJi-inrn-wii.i. n ' -'
avenue, brlrk apartment building, ll.oue:
dwelling. .": Mrs Catherine Nash re-
pairs to winning ai wemiam '--ney,
3 U)
Hotel Food for the Home
Guest at the Poet Tavern, Battle Creek, have been enjoying; a delicious
new food
Post Tavern Special
It is made of the bebt parts of wheat, corn and rice. The combination
of these field grains produces a smooth, creamy food of delicate flavour and
rich, substantial nourishment
This hotel food is now made for home use. To be cooked as a porridge
and nerved hot with sugar and cream or milk.
Your grocer has it , (15c pkg.)
Tomorrow's Breakfast
Made by Pottom Cereal Company, limited, Pare food Factories, Battle Creek, Mich.
M&ke Faust Spaghetti the chief
dinner dish one night each week
Do thi3 for the pleasure it will give the
whole family. Do it for the wholesome
nourishment contained in a dish of'
And for economy's sake, for Faust Spaghetti
most perfectly takes the place of expensive
meats. Faust Spaghetti is made from Durum
wheatrichest in the elements that build up
the body and supply energy. It is made in
kitchens that are spotlessly clean and
carefully packed in oaor-proof , damp-proof
and dust-proof packages.
It comes to you delightfully fresh and dean,
Write for our free book of recipes.
5c and 10c packages.
MAULL BROS. St Louis, Mo.
r W Bjl
v What Kind of a Guarantee
Do You Want. Mr. Automobile Bayer?
iws"ir n i. t '
tosne tt am um pedum guarantee their cars for M dare.
All right; that's better than nothing ana fooa enough for
scan neopl wha aca't care. It 1 even a quarter as good a.
Mm ekwkaakar uasUs.
Tata there I snoaW kiad af guaraot. A fuaxasitaa
shamed of itself, w. call It. because all the seaurenr jrott
hav I. th car's "raeorda." That ia about ss food a
that ataaat sn.rai T4 Ammlr knowa him CMT hettaaT
you oo and tf b wont t(a a (uarantss, be careful.
Thin b waera Mm fcsMfcbakar fuarantee cone te th
It ia a good a iod----a signed warranty bond of Thsj
aVadsbaasr Corporation. And it's good for a year booauaa
very Irudefaaker B M P S0" ar riaaaer"M'rii worth tha
price you pay for It, W know what our cars will do and wa
Ramambor thlsi In gaareatee and put arica Taa
Studr baker Corporation take better car. of Its owner thesn
any other automobile company In th world.
tetfltoreterl yea
J The Studebaker Corporation
Detroit, lattaWgaa
Oaaaka ateaaaa, tot raraaaa atreea. &. A. Setter, Mgr.
w. m. wnaom AVTOMoanva oo,
Xjosal aVgasts, aoio-ls-t-i aUreay I treat.
If ycKTwaivt Quality Purify
and Service order
Tel. Douglas 15H
Bear 1313 Doug! St
Ioca Retailer. Omaha, N.
la tie Leading Airkultnral Journal of the went. Iti columns are flll.4
with tha beat thought of the day to matter pertaining to tie farm. U.
raacb and tbo orchard, aad it is factor in the development of th. great
western country.