Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Tbe Young Man
The Growing Boy
MENT aa expression of Fashloa 't last utterance
in Its nut pleasinc form. Tbe following Itema
will appeal to all who believe la tha Importance
of corrcctae in dress.
A ut assortment of Imperial Hate, in tha popu
lar tan shades and tha correct gray. The ara
. la tha soft shape and the dressy
darbiea; price
Our showing of Capa for sprtngwear la & f(
Talaacopa and Felt Hat f 2.00 J gQ
In grays and tana; price 81.50 "4
Bora Oolf and Eton Capa 21.00
New arrivals la Shirt, with Franca
collars to match; prices L.
to ,
Sort Shirts, with laundered eoUara
many attractive patterns, each,
82.50 82
Our BKNTHOR Special ShlrU,
cuffs aad
and cuffs,
ailk Hosiery, In assorted trays, nary blues,
maroons, blacks and .tana, pair
Similar colors, silk Hale mr
per pair 4 3UC
a large assortment of the celebrated Inter- tyr
woven Hose In all leading eolors, pair faOC
1518-20 Ftnam Street
Serf n Ken Are Killed in Accident at
Iroawood, Kick
Pipe Is Drteen late (tuWr Where
the Men At Ea tea, boa
six af af Them Are
Still Alive. '
IEOJTWOOD. Mich.. May H-Thlrteen
mea who ware burled la a cave-la at the
Norrla mine her. last olgbt, were killed
m the accident. All hope of finding any
alive was abandoned with the finding ef
two todies today.
Sis Mea Reported Alive.
DCLLTH, Minn., May 14,-The Oliver
Mining company here received ward this
afternoon Iran the mine at Iron wood
that a pipe had hem drilled Int. the
fallen earth la the mine and that fix of
the Imprisoned men la the mine are still
alive. Every effort Is being made to
reach tha sua.
Kember of Fintnoe Committed Testi.
fin TJnwilling-ly in Steal Trial
eupxo OKQAjnzz comma
He Traded HI H.ldlese la the Tla
Plate Csbla far Stock la the
NEW TOPJC. May la-Deal el O. Reed,
the railroad financier aad former "Us
plate Slog." a director aad member et
the finance committee ef the Halted
atalee Steel corporation, wss sailed as
a wltneee yesterday at the bearing ef the
government sett I dissolve the corpora
tion, ta tell hew the Americas Tla Plata
compear was organised.
First of the many promtneat defendants
hi tha saw la appear ea the eteae. Mr.
Rdd proved a poor witness far the gov
ernment aad time aad again his answers
to auestlone residing flneaelal phases
ef the Ha Plata oempsny's formation waa
"I don't remember,'' or "I da eat reest
His peer memory seemed Is exasperate
Judge I. M. Dwklneoa. chief aonntal tor
the government, and promoted him to re
n j mi
ZaX An w Oaaiaalsad,
fe-J Mesa rteaacriahle.
. HWh a
oeived for his holdings In the Amarlcaa
iu rtate company. e
Jabor Meurer, aa Independent Ua plats
menuiacturer, who waa tha only ether
witness todsy, told of his Inability to buy
black plata for oonetltuent companies of
the American Tla Plate company after It
waa organised, as a remit he wis obliged
te Import his black plate (rem abroad.
he said, and tbe high tariff caused bin
serious I open.
Pocioo A Breed I'm.
PHILADELPHIA. May K-Counael for
the powder trust and the Valted States
government appeared la tbe United States
district eoart hers today and presented a
form of decree agreed. upon fur tbe dis
solution ef the com bt nation. .
Tha proposed decree dissolves tha com.
Mnetloa, made up of twenty-seven com
panies, and creates three eompaales In
such a way that competition Is expected
le follow.
Toa saa bring a horse te water, but
pea eaa't make him drink: rati oaa sub
peeaa a witness, hut H seams roe aaa't
make hna remember.'
The government contends that tbe
Amatleaa Tla Plata company, which
came a part of the United Slates Steel
eOTseretloa. was la Itself a eomblnetlea
In restraint et trade, aad that lu stock
was wstsred. Mr. Held laid how ta UPS ha
and Judge William M. Moore had welded
the company tug el her out ef about thirty
five tla slats concerns, repreaoatlng at
that time earns M per cent ef the In
dustry, hut usee tbe gueetloa ss to what
the properties were worth, Mr. Raid's
memory wss frail. Hs said Mmus la
stock west to the underwriting syndicate,
Which flasnoed lbs company, over and
above t,4ul,eo preferred and eommoa
stock lesued la exchaags for stock at tha
various PUnts taken ever. He was as
able to recall, however, haw much of this
Ue.MC.eia be received himself aa a mam'
her of the syndicate, or whether cask wss
paid for any of the plants Instead of
stock. All efforte ef Judge Dickinson to
refresh the witness memory by read
ing extracts of testimony Mr. Raid gsvs
errors the Induct rial rommlasloa In MM
proved futile. Judge Dickinson pressed
, the wltneee with equal lack ef euooeea for
Information aoacernhvg alleged contracts
by which the Americas Tie Plata com
pany ts said Is hare prevented machinery
for the- manufacture ef tla plate (rem
being osed r competitors.
"My sslnd is a perfect btsak ea that
subject." declared the wltneee.
' Mr. Bald admitted there waa oocaesll
lew amoag the various eoastltueat plants
betes he and Judge Meers brought them
together, but Sealed there was any ta
eaeulea te meaopeusc the Industry or
that there bad beea any efforts te sup.
press coin petition. 'Cora politic was Pair
At the present trma. Mr. Raid mid.
Treadle (rem statistics which hs as
plained were com piled ta the efflee ef the
steel eoreoratloa. eempeutioa had frees
te each aa ex teat that the eaaual ca
pacity of tbe eerperauea'a Ua plats
ptaata was only U.T per eeet et the
sentry's total, as compared with aa
tnlepandeat capacity of CM per cent.
We figured that br eombmatloc era
could buy auppliee cheaper, reduce over
head charges aad mahs the buslaiss mere
profitable." explained Mr. Raid, hut per-
isteM gtieetlealeg by Judge Dtcktaeoa
cllcttad the answer that he "might be re
hag tbs regulatloa of prices la mind.'
Prtcea et Ua puts advaaead after the
ergaalxatlsa of tbe company, but this
was due, hs expieioed. t aevaacas hs
prices ef elect and pig tin. ever which
the Us piste eampaay had ne central
Moreover, he said, prtcea ef He plate
were aneh higher la the years prevtoua
to 1M than after. ' Judge Dtcktnsoe
brought out (rem the witness ta this eon
aectvaa.that the National Steel company,
a xoaauxeatwer ef crude steel, was cast,
trolled br "practically tbe eame tateo
ester that centre:; the txa piau eoss
paay. This armpeay. the 1 menus Sheet
Bteel ccmpsny and tha Amarlcaa steel
Hoop eorjrpaay, were crtmnrsed as cus
tomers cf tbe Nsuoeai Steel company,
Mr. Retg etetrd. aad Judge Moore, chief
nrsanlsor et all tew. aegotialsd their
we te tbe United States Steel corpora.
too through J, p. Morgaa g Ce The
steel wporatlea ealy wonted tbe tla
plate company, he said, bat H was -el
Mr. Betd flatly deciloed te ted the
aaoeat of steel eerperetloa ateek he re-
Freight Handlers at
Dubuque and Quincy
Ordered to Strike
rfBUQlTEk bk. May TnV-Oac bualled
freight handlers employed by four rail
roaos acre wsnt ea strike today, under
Instructions received from President
Plannery at Chicago. Ne disturbances
marked the walkout,
QUINCT, IU, May M.-Tbe strike af
the freight baadlem la the Burllna-tea
freight houes which was called reeterdar
afternoon Is atUI on. with no thence of a
very early settlement About furty men
are euU Burlington freight agents from
nearby lawns arrived this morning and
brought with them acme helpers from
their offices. Thaee mea worked la their
shirtsleeves truck tug freight, but later
mea were hired te take the placea of tha
striken and were given aasuraaes sf
steady cmpicyrneaU aa the company dees
act consider the striking mea aay longer
in the ecmpany's aarrtca. The members
af the nana here aay that they arc aub.
Jeot te tbe orders ef tha higher officers
ef the union la Chicago, aa the wars
ordered cut by them. The demand cf
the meal oakm are similar te theaa at
ether points ea the Burllagtea system hi
minds. Ne trouble has eocarred.
OAAavuRa. rn. Map K-Deeptti the
walkout cf ua freight handlers at the
BurHagtea freight of flees here yesterday,
the company new has ever HS etrtk
breakers at work aad cffMale today aa-
aounce that sy (Might all freight ea
hand weald be deaaed up, Tha statement
i mads thia mstnlag that as Car as tbs
company la annneniid the strike le over
a. Ne disturb aniai have eeoarred eo
tar aad acae ef the etrihara have re
turned te work.
Says Roosevelt is
is Masquerading
BryansOld Clothes
DE8 M0INE& Is.. Msy li-Declarlng
that Colonel Roosevelt has "stolen "po
litical old clothes' which WllRsm J. Brysn
hss used tor yssrs, and, diigulsed In
theaa, seems likely to stampede his
party," the Iowa Bryan league today lb
aued a cell for a mass meeting of Bryan
democrats to be held la Burlington to
morrow, the day before the itaie con
vention. "The etandpattars ssy: 'Nominate Brraa
and ws will vote for him.' " says tbs call
for the meeting, "while the Harmon sup
porters concede the necessity of running
the Nebraikaa against Roosevelt If the
party would wis.
"Bryan le tbe one man who baa been
strengthened by defeats, and If given
a chance will poll from H,0N u LttCOn
more votes than any ether presidential
nominee. He la willing and anxious te
accept the aomlaattoa If It Is offered him
under tha right conditions," concludes
ths call.
LINCOLN. Nib., May ll-When shown
an Atsodatsd Press dispatch regarding
the call cf the Burlington meeting. W.
J. Bryan declared tcdsy that hs had aa
late as yesterday requeeted the officers
oi taa lows Bryan league not te start
any movement la his behalf.
wrote them aaroeatty asking that
the league take ae part in any attempt
to instruct the dslegstes to vote for me.
It I can learn Just who Issued ths call
today, I will wire him to ths earns af
fact," Mr. Bryan said.
m . s - a
State ef Illinois Fire Marshal.
I. Dean Walter T. Sumner of Bt
Peter and Paul cathedral, Chicago, will
spesk at ths mass meeting te be held
Sunday evening. '
Iowa Miners Will
Resume Work Monday
DE MOINES, May It-Next Monday
a tna aate aet tor the resumption of
coal mining In district No. 1) after six
weeks et Idleness due to the atrlke of the
miners pending the adoption of a new
wage scale agreement, rrenk Cameron,
secretary et the Iowa miners, stated this
afternoon that tha mines probably will be
prepared to begin operations again at
that time.
Ths agreement g said to provide tor a
general wage advance of ( M per oent,
hut Its other provisions were not an
aouaoad prior te the meeting. President
Rogers said this would be made known
aa soon aa the delegates had passed upon
tnsro, i
laaaraaee paper PI sere e Oaty Two
Per Ceat Preftt ea Ptra -
Matron of Rescue
Home is Wounded
DKB MOWta. te. May
eteiy falhiwtag early
at BeaedM
teear Mrs. CUaabeth Evaac mtassa
aad eerleudy wcanded by
etna, age , ea- taamte -
Rebblaa then tamed the stetel ea hlav
aelf. bat waa enly ellghtty lafure.
Ne reasca tar tic-act nr act baa beea
public Whea ths barvtcee ta the
Rocblns and Mrs. Evans
She tcM the pones aha aa
pwted that ha wished her ta prar for
hha. Instead ae drew a revel ver ard
fired three bullets, all at which lodged
la her arm aad eheutder.
Seyen-Pound Tooth
. Found Near Geneva
OENOA. Neb, May' IA-SpecIaL-WhUe
tlahmg la tha Beaver Creek south
cf Genoa Saturday Isss. some boys found
e tooth ef some ssammeth aalmsl at the
prehtstarle age. The tooth weighed aevea
pouada. cad awaautes aevea laches acreas
ths top one way aad three laches the
ether, aad Is aevea laches Icag and has
pcrtiea of the roots aad law boas
atin attached. It M la a perfect etate of
prasarvarje aad tbe to of the teeth
is warm aavaeU aad gUetsns like pdHasd
In an editorial ststsmsnt In Its currant
issue the Spectator, the Iniurance Journal
of New York, denies ths charges recently
mad that the fir Insurance eompaales
sre growing saormeusly rich from exoee-
eively high premiums charged la this city
and elsewhere for protection.
rigurea give by the Spectator ara for
tha tea-year period ending with 1111. and
represent the anderwrtung operations
sixty Ore lasuraaoc companies. Ths tab
ulalloa shows that ths act premiums for
the last decade aggregstsd tl.taKAMS,
the act loeeee tl.Me,M4U. and tbe ex-
in see pm. til. SOI
"Punag this period.' ccntlouea the
writer, "the liabilities Increased te the
extent ef, m. ae that It I
feet that the outcome cf the Insurance
traasaottoa ef tha sixty eempaaiee for
last tea years waa a profit of but
Hv.IS.IM. or M et 1 per oent of pre
miums. Below will he found a sy no pale
af tha underwriting operations, expressed
la Percentages ef premiums:
St. C.n,
Lessee Sb .77
axsensss .U 64
increase la iiawiltlee in
Xotsi M il
It Is apparent that tha vest sum of
C JW.m,lot of premiums earned by tha
eixty com pan lee tabulated exceeded br
lees then fu.aM what was required to
pay lessee end expanses and te make due
provtsloa for the iaorecsed llablliUea,
wtthsut cooatde ration at dlvldeada to
atoekbolders. Assuming aa Ms capital
ths minimum sum required by few ta New
Tork etate to be held la this country by
foreign company (M0,) tor each cf
the foreign companies, sad taking ths
actual cask capital ef each ef the Amer
ican companies, ws find that the capitali
sation sf the sixty eompaales tabulated
was WI,aX,0ia, aad that tha underwriting
earalags as ebewa la the table amouated
la ths tea years te 11.14 per cent, or aa
average of Ltd per cent per annum.
"In addition ta their capital, the com
Penlee voluntsrlty maintain large surplus
unoa tor tbe protection et policy eoldere,
whloh, la efteoc eoaetluu a pan af the
capital of tha companies, upon which tbe
nosh holder should- be entitled to eera
lag, as that the aaderwrlung preftt wee
really less thaa 1 par seat upon the cap
ital acta at nsa ay tna eteckbcldera.
"The last decade waa a so table eac la
the hietery et Ore uaderwrtung, ae It la
eluded the Baltimore aad 8aa rianelsee
sooiagratleaa, aa wall aa ether lees Im
portant eaea, which, of emime, materially
affected the aaderwrltlag racuita of the
period. Saa Frandsoe lass claimants
eiene baring beea paid by the companies
nste ta the table more thaa taU.ouC.ooa.
"Fire Insure nee eempenlea at looked
w la suca emergendsa to supply the
funds wbsrewlth burned sltiee may he re
built, aad they must be prepared for
such times of stress. Tbe only way la
which they caa place themaelvea la thta
pesiuee and afford policy holder the aa-
suraacc cf ralmbursemeat tor their losses
ay funding ap strong toraiua funds
during normal years.
la theory, five Insurance cramluma
abeald yield sack company enough to
pay Its losses and expanses, te reasonably
compensate the stock beldere for the risks
mey asame. aad te an to surplus fund
ee tbst each company will be able te
stsad tbe strata whea abnormal tosses eo
OOi but this dees act appear te have
beea the result la the last lea years. -
DAVENPORT, ta.. May 14. -A suftra-
sss Mshep ef the Presaetaat Epieeoeel
esse at lewa wUl be celecesd at the
avaralnc seeetoa et the dlersma caavea-
la Daveaport Taeaday, May to. ac
cording to the program which was Issued
by Bishop T. M. Morrttsa af Davenport
The ceavewtsoa wUl see aeat Sunday.
Rt. Rev. Charles a. OtaMtaad. bttaap r
OHeveaa. wta piaauk the niang ar
lewa News Notes,
BOONK Dwleht Mellnrv
f"1"' Iowa, sged SS years, died here
last night sfter a sickness that IsimI
onlf two day. Although past w years
or age. ha bad only twenty-two blrth
daya, he having beea bora on February a.
of the African Methodist church, wss
oere yeoieraey ensrged with
"""'ja ir.. iieKfie siessica. an In
rirm snd crippled woman 1 years of se.
Mrs. Ucsslck is still in a serious condi
tion. WEBSTER CITr-Webeter City Catho
lics expect this eesson to erect a psrochlsl
school. Probably about $la,00 mil be
spent. -
WEnrTTER CITT-Edltor Bohnenkamp
Or the Duncomhe Trlhi i n- .
Judiment in the district oourt In this
ciiy-sgslnet ths oral nags osntrastrhg
firm of Brysn dt Wlloox for Hi. He
sued for two for daaisgs to his "o
moblla Bohnenkamp, with a part ah ts
returning In his sutc from Eagle 'C va
after mldntrht. li- n ima - -
ditch that Bryan A Wilcox ware dlgsln
rremoat towashlpk
"On my trip I hid ths cxpertsnec of
hunting alligators," said B, u. Woodrew
of Indianapolis, stopping at the Paxton
on a pleasure trip weat "I was ca the
St Mary's river, the boundary line of
uoorgia and Florida, early this sprint
wnsa I tool a week et two off purpoaaly
te go fishing. Before I had gone tar I
was la (or alligator hunting aad left
the channel cat te become acquainted
with some one elee'e apooa than mine,
"Boys M and II years old. ro rurht
down Into the water after tbe bady al
ligators asm three te four feet Ions
but the giants that re nit from flftaea to
twenty feet hi length are caught m traps
ana then Rilled. It's a business down
there for ths skin aell at good mi ceo.
msy construct boxes which lay oa the
bank something similar to the drop-door
traps used In catching game. Beet
haunch of liver te need a bait The
alligator swims up te ths box, a
up ths about raising ths trap doer with
him. By ths time be gets te tha bait the
aoor hag cloaed ea bha aad eat oft his
retreat. I have eaea twe end three
acugnt ta the larger boxes at eac ttmc.
-There ta a earwig down la that aai
tlon that aa alligator will not bite eac
cader water. That ta tha reason why
ins eoys nacn oncer the surface for baby
alligators with ne fear et the mother. I
do know that ths full grown reptile la
powerful enough to kill a man or turn
ever a boat with the wink cf tbe eye. It
M great sport and I hope I caa go there
agaia some day for s more extended
Browiing,fting & Qq
It's Warming Up
Athletic Cut Underwear Is In Order
Th one cool, comfortable sort of onderwear every fellow should wear; cut full and
roomy, no binding, knee length, sleeveless or with quarter Bleeve; shown in barred and
striped nainsook and plain or corned soisette.
Separate Garments 50c and 75c; Union Saits, $1.00 and $1.50
Shirts You'll Enjoy Wearing
That's the kind this store sells; shirts that fit right, that are made well; shirts in
which the colorings are rich and patterns the newest. They are just the sort that all good
dressers enjoy wearingplaited or negUgee-assortments are immense. Botter see
these shirts at your earliest convenience.
$1.00 to $6.00
It's the Hat That Tops Off a Man's Dress
An ill-fitting hat Bpoils the appearance of every man, no matter how much he ex
pends for his dress. Our hats possess stylo, character and wearing qualities. "VVe are
experts at hat fitting, and you can be assured of having just the right hat if you wear
a Browning, King & Co. hat We are the largest distributors of Stetson hats in America.
Good News From Our Boys9 Clothing Store
Second Floor
The main attraction in our great clothing section for boys centers on 3 lines of
boys' double-breasted all wool suits.
Values of the rarest type. Each type represents a saving of from $1.50 to $5.00.
The suits are models of perfect clothes making newest Btj-les-desirable patterns; sizes"
are somewhat broken, thus the unusual prices. May we have the pleasure of fitting ont '
your boy tomorrows
Owaer af a Skyer rater Pleas aa
Elegeet Heme ea the
Tap Plea.
et these
Dr. Thomas Addis Emmet, the acted
aurgaca aad one of the greatest collectors
A men can and early New Tork ma
terial hi tela oouairy. Is about ta have
tha moat unusual, and la some cases ths
most Interest rne acme la the dry. at.
though he will celebrate hts eighty,
fourth birthday next awtith. he has shown
reealveaeee Is residential select toa
tar outstrips the ambttlaua efforts
was have expended imi
aums of money upon bug
called homes. Or.' Emmara
will be worthy of the aamo. aitaeearh M
wOl be ca the top Boar af the aew
bulldlag he le
tor buMaess parpasm aa
of Medmoa a venae and Tweaur-
ntnts street.
t'nllke other dwellers In aid reetdeatlei
parts ef the city. Dr. aasnaat. although
aweuag tna changing esndltloaa ta
spirit of the present age, baa refused te
sacrtflce sentiment aad will aet lea tha
ity which has beea his home for
practically half a century.
Purely aa a natter af asattracat Dr.
te have hi aew aoase ca
the aid alt, aad hi architects have d
bxnahle est atigiaal a
ealte cf iecaa aa the dsteaata Door es
are to be feund he tbe any. rift.ea Oeers
ef the structure will be sotoiy coveted te
basiasss. but with the aacaptloa et the
JaaHora quarters, else ca the top floor,
the sixteenth story wia be wholly atlUsed
for Dr. Emmet's ass.
The architects state that thta ks ths
Bret time at the history ef cNy arrbi-
tectur that ptavhuwa for each aa etebe
rate heme has beea made ca tap of a
purely buslaess sedMIag. Janitors' asart
ment are coiamma ta an et the towermg
erBce bafMtoga,
betiding Sapai'toiant
what Slight b
apartment in a business struoture.
raised a somewhat novel point before the
building department, but, aa there will
not be more thaa two families la ths
building, ths apartment house regula
tions were not exceeded, and Superin
tendent Miller of the building department
gave his assent te the novel arrangement
Dr. Emmet has chosen for his suits the
Madison and Twenty-ninth street sides
of tha building, giving Mm all outetde
rooms. Space will be icsatved at ths
eastern end tor the yanttofs quarters, and
the remainder of the sixteenth story will
be a roof garden, oeatainlng a pergola on
one end and a sua parlor or solarium at
another snd. Ia the center of the garden
will be a fountain, surrounded by flower
ing plants, marble seals and other at
tractive features.
Dr. Emmet's rooms will consist of a
study, library, dining and breakfast
rooms, drawing room, conservatory.
sleeping apartments with bath rooms. In
one of the latter being placed a deep
swimming plunge. A kitchen and ear.
vaate' quarter are also provided. New
Tork Tlmea.
Gtdeea rrltta.
LYONS, Neb.. Msy 14. -(Special. -Oldeon
Pruts died lata yesterday after
noon at his farm home adjoining town.
He ha beea 111 for over a year and
barely able te be cut of bed. Sunday
afternoon he was stricksa srith paralysis
and never retained consciousness. Ha
waa about IT year old and had lived la
this place since 1K7. j
? r V-
aSgi.'a.iilit'li f -''kldat'
The Perfect Laxative
For Elderly People
Brandeis Theater
Friday Night
May 17th -
RociteU given br . .
The 100 Pupils of Metropolitan
School of Olaaslca - ruoar .
the direction of
W. E. Chambers and
Mary F. Cooper
Aesthetic, National, Folk, Pan
tomime aad Character Dance.
AdmiMioa 2.V to 91.00. .
SeaU now or sale at Bog Of flea.
Axe has Its attractions ne lees than
youth In a more serene and quieter lift.
But it Is this very life of rest without
sufficient exercise that brings with It
thoee disorders thst arise from in
activity. Chief cf theaa are a chronic
persistsat constipation. ,
Most elderly people are troubled ta
this wsv. with eocofriDenvlne eymptome
or omening, arowsinees sfter eating.
headache and cenerai laaaltude. Fre
quently there I difficulty of digesting
even light food. Much mental trouble
ensues, as It Is hard ts find a stilt aMs
remedy. First ef ell the sdvtne may be
fives that elderly people should act uee
salta. eathartlo pllla or powders, waters
or any of tbs more violent pumtives.
What they need, woman ae well aa man,
la a ailld laxative tonic, one that ts
pleasant te take and yet acts without
griping. .
The rem ear mat mis ail tnes re
quirements, and has la addition tonic
properties thst strengthen the stomach,
liver and bowels, I Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin, which thousand! of elderly peo
ple use, to the exclusion cf all ether
remedies. Trustworthy people like Mr.
J 8. Martin, 11 80. Main St. Center
villa, Iowa, and W. P. Meeter. Missouri
Valley, Iowa, say they use It at regular
intervals and la that wsy not oni main
tain general goog health, but that they
have not In rears telt as good as they
do now. Tou will do well te always
nave a bottle et It la tbe house. It Is
good for all trie family.
Anyoos wishing to rusks a trial of this
remedy before buying it ta the regular
way of a druggist at fifty cents or one
dollar a I arte bottle (family site) can
have a sample bottle sent to the home
free of char re by simply addressing Dr.
W. B. Caldwell 403 Washington 8C.
Monti cello. 111. To'.-r name snd address
on a postal card will do.
Try Thia Dain'y Lunch
at Our
Soda Fountain
Oa af Oaaitae Dutch Hot
Chocolate with Whipped
Cream aad Educator Toaat-
CAKES, ETC, la bakery drMrtmeaf,
ea mala floor.
(feurtney (So
Saturday Matinee and Sight
MAY 18, 1912
for the benefit of The Visiting;
None Assodatioa. Beeancd seats
oa sale at box office on aad after
Thursday. Prices: 1.00, lie,
50c aad s5c
Base Ball
MAY 13, 14, 15, 16.
Today is Ladles' Day.
Cars leave 15th and Faxnam 1:1a,
C antes called 1:30. ,
Mat Every 8ir, g!ls. aVery TgighVeUg
Lcutee Iireseer; Welter Mampden dt
Oa; Chlako: Ths Msrveleus Millers
Brown A Ns-veiTo: Hon. 8. N. Leek -Minnie
Kaufmans; Klnetoecope: or
pbeum Concert Orchestra. Prices: Night
Is, lie, sec, 7Sc; Matinee, lac, beet
seats lie except Saturday and Sunday.
"Know This II"
The awteqg cf the teteettaes le isxagned ef radmeaa ef little ewetioa cekm,
blch suck m the aetetclea from the a-aw a .
It the food
ensms-n. it
tlon. TatX
dee aet
ths apse metre
testes ef entrv-
feellrjg, week a ess.
BlcknesB end gnrtors bills.
Xw a,el aaenai toe hewer by
taking BisckSurs's CesealtoysA-PlUa,
rrrLrlU '
LI haySueaT'-
J nrnvmummmrrnxua.
BOYD'S aruag Thara, Twloe
t. "? LJJ.Uxl rncmi Pigbt, aae.
CblUrea. lac
Burial ef Kalae,
'Japaa, awttsec
lead, Xawail, M.w
o orata rsArtrus.
Tlisnail Inelodee M c x I e e a
Bamorea, Trapesis Trio Alqnlmer; Rich
ard Burton. Ban tone; Moor Brcwa
Ing. Black aad Tan Talker Ptetaree
ehaaged dalle. New Vaodevflle Thura-
ooara Aar rmi btt tbtm xixcre.
wo '
Toaight, as to suae
Orlgtaal Tew Tert Predwctrsa Cae.