:By Hershfield Desperate Desmond Even When Stuck in a Chimney, & Resourceful Villain Can Find Means of Zscapa CoB-SSA '. CLAUM IS ; UMii lUJsAfDat F0RjyjM6 OCX It Msws , r- ..., CHIMNEY AMD THE. , TWINED. RUSSIAN TUcOM (ARE VRJtOUNMl I -lT Al . N rTHE-SO0rn 0 THI5 ITRjOOM 1 I ffiBMOWO A tlWAL B MM fAL 1 rfOeiWth . KUiMJtJU. WJ I i i I t7tva rt v m - AUB. .vui Tl n - VI - - E.i I I ST ' Ml 'm il T jnv B I ' ' i i 11 I-THE MAN IN THE CHIMNEY, la the tint picture above you pee the bead of Desmond sticking out of the chimney of a house surrounded by sol diers. Tbe reaaoo for thla peculiar action ob tbe part of Desmond le Claude Eclalrc, who has forced the Tillain to climb up too chimney to become a target U t tbe rifles of tbe surrounding troop. Nollcg the crafty look on Desmond a face. WANT ADS i Waal ads raceissd at aui time bat to bestirs proper cUaalllcaiioa must ka areeratsd bctora IK 0 crock m. fur tba areata adltioa aad bfor T:iM p. Da. tor Burning aad Sunday aur tloaa, W ant aua received altar sue hours will bas thatr Urat liaarttua euader Us) beading "low LsUs) W CASH RATES t oll WAMT AD. RltCilXAK CiaaalUCATION OBJ aaaartioa 1M teat pe d ' sat Br word fur astcb aubsequaal tnserutive taaerttoa. r-ara -sa atada oa add dan I V" r.i, auui new Una IX sBOUtb wheal ad la rasi wltuuut cbaaca at aupy. t'NDERTAKERS. ANTI-TBU8T UNDBRTAKWt. Caakvts "c fhooe M. T. Brasa Co., ta or F-lOl and save money. AM18KMKNTS ft ill k W1 f V.Y tb aad Vduuia a. a-i oil A-. 1 Hjus MoUm Btatura machine aad lilm swigalaa. AKXOlNCKMENTa THIS U WORTH las an your bill for repairing carpel sweepers or grinding laws mowers. Name , Address and 'Phono We do the work al your home. Call B-HJa. E- H. herick. KU Cumug. BEbT bracer for men. Gray s Nerve Food flU. 11 psr boa. postpaid. Hhenaaa McConnejugJ:oJJmn. b. jTaTuEiNTLEMan, KgiS; eanaaunsr. lets vnmf " MU wwiw'iv . Mos M. puaUMia. ir,,h'L """"i." awl aallfa:tory muney refunded. tvA tJH iiitliU CO., I r'arnam, tlmaua. Alfred C. Kennedy, ' anra. First Wat. Bk. Bldg. twug. la. iilE TElvN A BllOi' cJ XMaaer Favors, Leather, Braae, Ulass aad aiiver Nuveltiesi atatlonaiy, Iteakata, Uulia-Popular prtots. Omaha's eacluaive in store, laa Karnam. 1'hona U. alia - . . . u.t..ijL.i uiiuii f, itiriM(l S.A l aviif" i" . ......... .-. AMKlhS. M lTH. UWTAItt OfcT your diamonas at Mrooesaaril ia jt7KiratT.rrlll. chine paint til BrandrleTa " OMAliAYa.Nf CO. Tel. KH boualaa. Wevenson. carpenter, cntTlloiu phones. ' HATE Davis clean your wall paper, i CH, A-aaa. 1 live In Omaha. li. a. Griimn. wig mlr.. U r'renaer Ula. M0NEY1 rTO UJAN-LOW ' rata, in sums la sulk lis Bee Bldg. 1 fiuin, 1 kj ujC. taw UNION LOAN CO. IT H A BkAaTLK SILUtli to take candy from balnea. Bui It la a snap u i rv.mnnrfa WdidiM and Jaaralrv al yrad Brodagaard A o. a (rest aaoriflue and removal aala dunog May. Onaha Hill foeting Co. lull liar. U. M. ftlWWUlM MathaUat. bl kanUta, yJl t rift.iI ft t u efl. Ul Uuuaiaa atTVIIV MUMS! Tia and turnaua jjLmji.i work. We wiU a tiles an" to sea all auetooiare al our new location. KM Laav. D. flat, Katimatea f i ea. court-li. sreh't Had am NEW paones A-laa), Tyler las. vara lauiadry. Cul plioaa. Twaaiy per oent leas than Omaha priose. HOME FURNITURE CO, Twenty-fourth and L Bis.. Bouta Omaha. ' tvpojolsivnog. piano, furn. rep, aoi r'ar. CAKi-k.Ma.K repauuig a ayooiaiiy. Haraey lala. NORTHRUP LETTER DUPLICATING CO, kit Pastoa ma., circular tetters, any uavnutyi oide)t eeiabiiebed coaipaoyi ea perta af atunigrapft aad Naootylah OFFilRMAN '"'s4b, mechanical UffUUl&ll man. 1 CarwaOS of bathtubs. Ilka. Ilk) Douglas t CARL JAULl fa'Wan" DOUGLAS Pruituig Co. Tai. Doug. aatT . AXCHOiil'iaNCECXJ, Iron and Wire featee cheaper tbaa wood; last a Utettme. VJ N. I'm. phone Red sit. ED ROWS. Well bonus, Banaoa Ka. Law nowara anarovaad: Darract Work. Keasotiabio charges. J4lh end Corby. B-tsi Ooaraolee Laundry. Fine work. D. Bit, Wadduig ejaoute!nnts. Doug. Pig. Co. k'nllAk'S Kaaimaa Gooda, complete OAJVAEkii atuca. Largeat duaiuag depart roaet la the wast. ilit WOMKalT DaiiiPSTER CO, laU Facaaa at. aad M a latk at. WANTSD-Reeair work of ail eJade; grinding aad eaw filing. Call lad. B-aus, a. H Cole Sign Co. D, r.m. JH Parnaia. "PHOTO euaoilee. Ausco film and paper! 6areua Drug v.. Mtb aad Amu. w . HA hen. Seed Co. las Jonee. Boia aaooaa. fll AVIVIl CAKPr-NTtR WOHaa A. c. Ieaaard. Trier k7. Vb Laav. lik'l-' HlVV-i-ao"' aad Dye Wocaa DZJU ZUV Xj j h Boooirtrs, Br., we can aad eeitrar. Bota pasaea. AtTOMOBUJOe MurphTDidlt REPAIRING, TRIKKINO. PAINTING DRUMMOND Aats resaire, rukoer tiree tor carnages aad comma rtal tracks, ma aad Haraay. TI r? V. U V. P fi I V i Doo throw ay your Ota urea, ne waaaa uieoi simoet as good aa ww. ttotking but hishest pnead aad aew snatertais oaed. Alt work guaraataad. Ajtaur Saara Asta Saasty Co-. m Far. Tour T1R EXPENSES cut ta !, IC&pert tire reps meg: work guaranteed. ALTO TIKE REP ALU CO, 1J Faraam. HAVING dlacontiaoed aaadling AUTO MOBILKS, we oiler our remaining stack , cessisUitg at tares klgb (rada Fireatoaa touDog cars at Bargain prtoaa. P --- Miuey Co, sua aaa Jonas tola. II-OUARDINO THE FIREPLACE. Below In the haunted house Claude Eclalrc guards the chimney up which the villain baa been forced. Our bero la aided by the bravo Rosamund, who would fac anythlnc from spooks In Cossack by the side of her reliant lover. At laat the vil lain la In a position from which ne can not escape. The chimney la gusrdd at both ends. ALTOMOBUJCS U W A f 'I I M will repair and vulcanise DtiAVUM any puncture or blowout, 16c 22 tg Par nam. Daug. Ula. Auto lamps repaired. Omaha Silver Co. Malarsyslca, afOTORPVr-IJT.A SJK W1 nn Ki from anil I.iil a'i,Kp- ltd' Capitol Ave. bKCUND HA.VD ALTOMOWLKS BEST L1 cr' luarante-d; all aiaaea. Baa ma first low oncaa MeConnac. all a. am. Tel. Har. hut 8EVEN-PAHMENUER 1111 Packard uaed vary Hills: la excellent condition and fully equipped. Inquire office i. 1 Bruno ele A Bona, ULSI.VESa CILANCKk. TO set la or out of suaineaa call aa SANOaWTAD. M Boa Bldg. Tel. D. Hrt. Ed. Hothery, Bualneaa and Real Estate aacnansa Co., itoum ut. Mccaguo Otog. Burns. Bruikar A Co.. Ouana Nat I Bank Bldg.. murtgaga for lavaetmeat. TO get la or out of bualneaa call oa WILLlAMa. Room til. McCague Bldg. To quickly buy or sail business, any kind. anywn'e. Kenaebeek Co.. Ml Bee Bi g. Urn. FOR RENT An elegant turniehed res' taurant, connact-d Willi the beet hotel la Sterling, Colo; doing a thriving business. Ths Annex Cafe, Marling. Colo. FOR BALE Bottling works fully sbh i 1 1 aa ruaif sail nuulara an anhlnar or vwaavsa system, Twentleib t'eatury Soaker. Auto matic carbonator; aw uiaas ana Dollies. Filter, eta, Plant le located In central Nebraaka doing a good business. - Will make terms to right party. Call or ad- dtfia. Charles Maaln, Broken Bow, Nb. GOOD opening lor gvi. muae. store. Bos 13. Wilcos. Nfb Foil MALE The Franklin Moving Pic ture theater, one of tha beat paying the aters In Omaha Will stand Invaatigatlon. F. B. Golf, mi Franklin St. CONFKCTIONEUY In god Nrh, town, uo-lo-data utaoei cloaaat Inaoactlon rea- atm for selling. Address Y li. in care Baa. PAJiTNKK wanted for tent show, also manufacturing business; immense profita; no experience; raeulta guaranteed. 'Fhona Blank ISO. K . rare Bee. WANTED Ta rent. I rase or bur. hotel furnished or unfurnished, in good live town. No aaenta need apply. Address H M. Bee. A OOOD laundry bualaaaa In a live town for rent or aala Up-to-date ma chinery with building, now doing a good bualneaa, tlood territory to Increase. A snap for one understanding the bualneaa. Must apply on or before June k, 1HX tiara laundry t o., ( rote, neo MlinT SKLI, Ul H'K-JO preferred shares Hupp Mall exchange alack, market value tivu. Need nioaey. la Sla, atooMUaa alaaaea las aala. GOOD -r. rooming house; Inooma i month: eloaa In. O JM. rare Baa. BC3INESS PKfWOXALS Altaraeya. 0. W. Shields. Attoraey. UT B. ef Trade Baa Maaalaalarara. PEM1S OMAHA BAG CO, Omaha. Nek B aad Faasuaaa MsMsataalatwra. Wooden Box Package Co , Ull M. 1Kb. Chlrwawalteis, DR. ROY. Hat Fam am. Douglas HIT. Uatblauj htaaalaalarara. Wear Ideal draes shirts. K. Smith Ca. Caw a ice aad Slael Calilaga. CARTER Sheet Metal Worka Omaha! Creasaerlra, Dalrlea aad aappllaa. Falrmont'a Diadem butter. Always food. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Waaelata) Auadeaelae. f AriCI Iwrrdng all aammar. lUAVtV) blK.ULl. fhiM umea a week. Come any time. ISM Hamey D. aJsa iiaatUta, Bailey, ths dentist. City Nat l. D. Mack Mach. ad floor Paxtoa. D Uai. Taft s dental roaaaa. 111 Daug. U tua. iratewUvea, Nebraska Detective Agency, Iricorper ated and bonded. Interview, oorreanoad ones confidential, aa Bioan Ba. D. ew,e. 1 W. LoNUNaCsU:R. Ut Karbacn Bia. Omaha aacret aarv, att PaAloa Bis. DJalk JAJdt ALLAN -ail Nevlila lUk. EvW aeaoe eeeurad u all caaaa. Tyler lis tula. Terry's Drersmskina eoHage. lath A Far. "pREaaMAMNG by da) " V abstar Blk Draaaraakiag lausol aiguia. Daug. eslA "bteaemakuig by taa day. W ummiiaaaiftu. iai. ttAAAalMa "preasmaaiug aad tallariag. Wea. aft). DRESSMAKING. Tel. Haraay tua, Bk.M I .SO ay day. 1W4 u. DREaaMA KING by oay or at aooie. Good wota guaranteed, let VYeo. aaa. DRUGS at cat ansae; freight said aa tie afdera; cl,oeie tree, anarmaa at McCaaaell Drug la, famous. Nea. a. vrj taiaa, saHr sVaeaa DRESS aleatlaae. battoas covsred, all Sitae and eu.ee. THE lilEAL PLEAT 1KG CO.. ka Dougase Block- BoU pkttaaa. Elact. vacuum cleaner, tl io oay. w aa. aaav Dr. Baboack Co, M wiinnall. tt A liar. Jackais rauoed with aama aatia. at uu aaaaua pneas. r. feverytsuna repsired. Waatera Fur Co, laol lav. Curtains laundered, aire. Caraway. 6 A-IiU. CARPETS aad ruge cleao-d oa fioar without removal, frae eeumataa. Tbe Ideal Aa- Cleaning Co. Phone ioug. Ml and last atvaryaklaa KlaelrSBaa. Eleetrte lighting ftk, wfteleaale and ratall Baigiae Gr-odea Co, 1111 Howard. D-aat STANDARD EUSCTRIC CO. Telephone Doug. tatl. Ul Boath Ukh St JaDWAXtD F. aCHLfUG Mgr. UI-A DISCOVERY. "Ah, ha!" chuckles Desperate Desmond, as ha finds a broom sticking in the chim ney, where It was left by some previous chimney sweeper. A broom Is not much of a weapon, but the resourceful Desmond picks it up gladly In the hope that ha may turn It to some advantage. One broom against a score of rifles is an un equal fight. BUSLVEbS PiiltStlXALS Everylhiaa Elretrical. 2d Hand Electric Apparatus and repairs. La Bron, til 8. Uth St. Feed hUUa aad S tares. Feed all kinds, Glonco Mills. W I sard. .Fiau-tela. A. Denaghue.! im Far. D. 1M1. A-lCdt HEBa A SWOBODA. nil Par nam St. L. HENDERSON. Ills Karnam. D. UU. BATH'S FLORISTS. Boyd Theater Bid. BENNETTS, cul flowers Doug. 117. Feeadrle. McDoaaid brass and brenss foundry, alu auaum, tin. lead castings. MOT Jaoksosv Mavtag, Storage aad Cleaalag. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co-Moving furniture, packing, fireproof storage. City oltlca. ill B, 171 h. Doug, tel. Ind. B-Ut, F-rrln Van Btoraga Tyler la. BUTtt Furs, moving; 1 man, 11 per br. W, ITU. Maresrsae aad See da. STEWART'S, SKEDMEN. 11 N. MTH. RI.A:KHI)LL. white Kafir, corn aeed. bushels or carluta; alfalfa, cane, flax and millet seed. Butler county, Kan aaa leads the world In Kafir corn. C. A. Alkman bVed House. Eldorado, Kan. ALFALFA SEED. Good quality, write tor prices. Samples SCHWABS BROS, Chadron. Neb. Opllnlaaa. B. T. Wum. fitting and rep'g MS Brendan. Oatvopatky, Alice Johnson, tot-t Brand ale The. Bldg. "katharyn Nlckolaa, BH Btandala Tha Palate aad ulaaa. Yon are Invited to come In and gel oo lor cards and talk ovsr your painting and decorating. Complete line Uliarwlu Williams paiuia and varnlahee. BAliiOilt liliUS. jfALNT CO., umik rarnara. Doug. s7iu, 1'ateala. D. 0. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tl. Red TUT. Wlllard Eddy. ItM City Nat, Bk. B,og. Phaiuaraphera, Rlnehart, photographer. l:h A Farnara. Ptallaa OMAHA SILVER CO, til a. Uth. Steaoaraabere aad Court Haaarsara, Myrtle A. Kalley, Taj Bran, Tha P. Mat Fnallaa. LewW.lbrlYinter, ZfTm BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. LET the CENTRAL PRINTING CO. od your work. HIT Douglas St. Tel. D. IB. Rels-Hait Ptg. Co., 10 S. 14th. Ind. A-Klt Lyngstad Printing Co, Uth aad Capital Ave. Tai lad. A-aaav for guad prlnung. . Steal Vaah aad Calvert Cuaaaaulee. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Com pany. Mm sum) Nicholas. D. . Traaka aad Ball Caaaa, Frellng ft Stetnla, UM Faraam St. Wtaaa aad Elqaara, WILLOW Springe beer, HqUor, cigars sandwiches, Alex jatae. Ml-l a llth St. VI RG1NLA DA KB wine. Mo a large bot tle. Klein Liquo Houaa. ad N. lath St. mmm awaiss", OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. td Douglas. EDCCATIOXAD BOYLLS COLLEGE DAY AND NIQilT SCU00L ALL THE YEAR C sen plate asursas la Busineea, Book keeping. Stenography. Telegraphy, Civil Service ar Baieaoiaiishlp. iha atalogua Is Ires tor tha Baaing Call, write ar 'aboae tor It at oaoa, Adoress at, at, Beyles. President. Boy, as Coiiega, umaaa. Neb. TUTORING, lat la ath sraOa. fcL aMa, HELP W' ANTED FK MALE Agraia aad aaseavtwaaea TEN lady eaavaasars; ai parlance uaa aeoeaaary. The Stiairy as Mun hlnsoa Co, Hi, iiarney at. toMI'tlKNi' lauy solicitor for high grade proposition on nouaa-to-boues work. vis laa r'araam. or phone Douglas sum. Moaeekoeawra aad twasealles. THE SERVANT OIRL PROBLEM SoLVED-l oa Boa win rua a aervant Girl Wanted Ad REat uaul yoa gat toe eeelred reaults. Tfcie aiavtaw to reaidents of Omaha, aouth Omana and t4uncii BluOa Bring your au la Taa Boa uuioe or taiapnuaa lyicr aaat COMPETENT girl for general house work, KU Farnata. Haraay lis. WANTED A girl for general house work, as weaning- aw LArmore. ft 1 T k 1 1 A ,ia k.a,i .r, . ' oral housework, in suiaii home; couple eaopiwyea sown town. cq cBuuern; must furmaa seat of retaraxwaa, Gtua wagw, Pkoae Iiarney Ash. WANTED touag lady to aaalal with housework is (ina aome ta exchange aur room aad aoard; ane going ta sen out pra terred. Wouid be lovely heme for r-ght party. Harney aea. GIRL for gaueral housework. Mil Cuming. Harney eas. WANTKD-ExwerleBced white girl tor general housework, la family at two, law B. Sib St Harney last. W" ANTED A girl tor general house work, lad Park Ave. Harney ZMa. WANTED A good reliable girl for gen eral boaaiwork. low S. a. Ik ac Haioey EXPERIENCED girt for geoeral house work; good wages. Haraay sWl Call lad Harney. WANTED A competent girl for general housework, nit Buutey St. Phone Web ster HU. WANTEDA thoroughly competent giri frr seneral housework. Two ta family. SMI So. Sin S. Pboas Hamey ISa. WANTED Otrt ta da caaklng aad laaa dry work; amaU taauy; b'ghsst wages. a aa. au St. IV-A BIG. VAX, IN BOOT. Desmond, as you see. Hods a use for the broom. The chimney soot on It fives aim aa Idea. With, quick strokes of the brush be writes bis name In bold letters across the sloping root, together with bis signal of distress. The big letters can be seen far across tbe country, and tbe villain hopes that the signal may be seen and answered by soma of his pals.' HELP WASTED FEMALE lloaarkeeaera aad Doaieatlca. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework; three In family. 'Phous Harney I'd. WANTED A girl for general house work in famly of two, id Pinkney. lADY for general housework; oonslsts of 2 sdulls, 2S10 Harney. Tel. Ind. WANTED A comoetenl cook at onca. Apply at R. B. Hall, SH Farnam St. WANTED A good girl for general housework. aHS bt. Mary s avenue. Tel Douglas 227 WAVTKn Tllrl tnr ,.n.r. I kflnuwn.k slM) nurse girL Uft S. lab SL Call Har ney sill. rilHI. fnr ,! K.,.A,A.a ttJUt U dvin avve. vaii name sola. UJlVTL'f, 1 .......... I V. -. . work. aiMWl aiwwl hiwn . N. litb Be W'ANTED A girl for general house work; no washing. aB S. lath Ave. Tel. Douglas 1130. WANTED A girl tor general house, work. Call at 90s No. 16th St. WANTED Experienced, respectable din. Ing room girl. W ages. K per week. Room and board. Tha Turner Hotel. Center vllle, S. D. COMPETENT girl for general house work. Mil Farnam. Tel. Hamey 7ts. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages, small house. Apply Ad N. 20th. Tel. Hqrney 2fxs. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. Will Dewey avenue. Tel. Harney WA. WANTKD-Good girl for general houee work. Small family, phone Hamey Its. WANTED Girl to work for board In privets family. Closs In. Phons Harney 47I. EXPERIENCED homo girl wanted. Ref. erencee required. Phone Doug. W, GIRD for general housework, family of three. Apply to Mrs. John Steel, 1118 8 Soth Ave. WANTED A girl for general house work. No wsshlng. Apply 4Ju So. loth St. Tel. Harney 4s. WANTEI)-A while girl or woman for general housework; good home for right party. Tel. Webstar butt or call at 1X11 Npaidlng. WAN TED-A whlta woman or girl tor general housework. Tel. llaraay Kl Good home for right party. WANTED A ndddla aged lady for gen era! housework. 161 C-N. lith rtt WANTED A girl for general house work, a good home lor tua right party. Tel. Harney . MlecellaaaeBA, YOUNG women romng ta Omaha as strangers are invited ta visit tke Young Women's Christian association building at at. Mary s Ave, aad 17th St, wnere they alii be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwlss Bssisted. Look lor our travelers' guide at tha Union statloa. HELP WANTED MALE Ageaia Sateaaaeji aad Selivitere. WANTED A man to solicit subscrip tions for Ths Twentieth Century Psrmsr. aalary Ml a week. Address Circulation Manager, Ths Twentieth Century r'ar mar, Omaha. Neb. COLLECTOR on aaiary; a. so ill McCague Bldg. Muat be live wire. State Furniture Co, 14th and Dodge. FIRST CLASS solicitors wanted. Good money for right man. Expenses guar anteed. Call Herman Balkin. calif urola Hotel. AGENTS wanted In every county in Ne braska to write health and accident In surance. Liberal commissiona Address World Accident Association. W. O. W. Bldg, Omaha. Neb. Good mea are hara ta get They don I wander around ths streets looking for signs la windows When you need good help ad vert; ae in Ths Bee. Baa Want ads are read by keen, energetic men who wish te better tdetr condition. Rates la par word If run two ar mora times osnsecuuvaiy. Tele phone Tyler km WANTED Dial Hct managers to estab lish county agencies: poaitlon god tor EM per month or better. Act quick. Ull rarnara, upstairs. W'ANTED Experienced salasmsn In our carpet and rug department. Apply at ortoe to superintendent. Hrandeta tores. EXPERIENCED salesman wants poel- ttoa in city or nearby territory, employed now. H-x. Bee. AGENTS Start earning ta a day. Easy, profitable work. A new article. Sample free. Write today. Aa Interesting propo sition. W'llgam Company, Prowers Co, Lamar. Colo. W'ANTED Thoroughly experienced shelf hsrdware and elore salesman, at once. The Bennett Co. Clerical aad Vfftee. FT7U, dress sails snd party dresses for sale; also for rent, 11 46 to S at a Bight. JOHN f tU)MS.. J- W. im, V. alaa. Farlary aad Tradea, Drag store tsnsO ioba Kaieet. Bes Bin a FIRST CLAIMS painters and pa per hang ers wanted; steady work it satisfactory. J. P. Poecaas Co., hB Mala St, LeMars, tow a JOB PRINTER wanted: must be tasty. ?urrk. accurate sober; married man pre erred; must be a union ansa. Address P as. Bee. af-teea? ttaaa see, TELEGRAPH positions guaranteed yoa by the Union Paeilkj aad Illiaoia Cos tral railroads if you gala your traialag ta aur evhooi. Practlca oaH.lL wires. Ad dress for particulars, H. B. Boy las. Prea Royles Csllase, OsnsJav Neb. PHYSICIANS, rag. Neb, Iowa: liberal offer. German doctors. Council Bluffs, la. WANTED More people e raise poul try with tbe Old Truty lacuaator. Writs for tree catalogue. M. M. Johaasa. Clay Ceater. Neb. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY Abe bodied unmsmad mea betweea the ages at M aad at. auaeus of United States at good character and temperate habits whs csa speak, read and write the Eaghsh lacsruaga, For uttormatioa apply te re eraitaag sfflcsr, llth aad Douglas Sta, Osaaiua. Nee., ett eta St, Sioux Our, Isvi Of M. sttk St, UiMxam. Nek, , HELP W AXTED MALL Misoellaaewas, YOU ARE WANTED for government position. IMI per month. Send postal for llet ot positions open. Frankun iiuilliue. Department M P, Rocheater, N. Y. MOVED TO OUR NEW TRAINLSG SHOPS. Tha largest, finest and best equipped plant tor automobile irsinliig. Do you want pleasant outdoor work, wltu thousands of money-making opiiortuin tlea? Wr! e or call on us. Day or ingot classes. I slimlted course; liberal terms. NAT1. .L AUTOMOBILE TitAlNLNG ASS'N, kit N. 2Mb at, Omaha, Neb. MAKE ,V) to tU per month sell Ing i and 10-aore ORANGE traota, M per acre; easy paymenta alia Bee Bldg. 7.000 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN. Write tor list. Franklin Insti tute. Dept 114 P., Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. A good barber makea good money and makes It easy. The Moier system will make you a good barber In a few weeks. Soma m. earned while learning, call or writs. Moier Barber Conege, 11 S. 14th St. INTELLIGENT persons, either ssx. Why drudge lor low wages? You can make M or more per day with our spe cialty. A postal brings proof. P. O, Box at. East Liverpool, O. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Moreea aad Veklclce RrFPI' 'S Barn. Horsts and farm lU-ili O mar. for arHft ,nd wagon horses to let by the day. tvll Shur. man Ave. Phone Webster IIS. nUftODO men s barn, Mth and Clark, Horses and mares bought and sold. HORSES and cows. Mil Cuming SI IDEAL PASTURE For fine stock; running water, shads treea; woven-wlre fence. Address A. H. Baker. H. F. D. t, Benson. Nsb. Tele pi. one Benson 747W. ONE horse tor sale cheap. 101 Leaven worth street. Phone Dougias Ho, ALFALFA bay, fir ton. nanm-v. sul N. It, GOD work mule, til); leaving city. Uth ana atanaerson rits. LOST AND FOUND M-ti'f . ; i.. ,,- ..I... on No. Uth St. car Thursday afternoon , li e ui., Ji l w wi nw, .tia, reward. LOST One Boa tun bull pup. Finder re turn to ill S. Uth SL fur (sward. Har. MM. LOST Gold cuff link, monogram, "G. L C." Tel. Douglas 47H. PERSONS having lost aome article would do well to call op the office of the Omaha Council BluUs Street Hallway company to ascertain whether they isfi Il in the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug lea 4B. OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST Pink cameo ring. Thursday evening ; liberal reward. Telephone Web ster and. LOST-Engllsh bull, tan and white. Phone H. li, or Brandeif Theater, Re ward. LOST Pair gold eyeglasses Saturday afternoon at llth and Faraam or West Farnam Car. Return to W, . wiikina. Union Pacific headquarters Reward. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. AC R. Tarty cures Pile, Fistula, and outer rectal uieeaeee. without surgioal spa ration. Cure guaranteed and ne money paid until cured. Write for book oa rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARKY. Bee Btdg, Omaha DR. RACE Specialist, nervous snd ail chronic disease, m Harney. Doug. OU. Wesnen e eilm'ta. Dr. Bursa d Doag. Blk Ladles7 guaranteed remedies. l W ars blk. Dr. Babeock, specialist; both sexes. M Withaell bldg. isth and Harney sta. MONEY TO LOA.Y. aalary aad thattele. ATTENTION. Leans oa REAL ESTATE FUR. MTURE. PIANOS, WARE HOUSE RECEIPTS. BALA hUES. ETC. at usual rataa, he red tape. No delay. biUOl-nT. BEST AND CHEAPEST. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. M Floor. Paxtoa Bik, 1T S. Nth St Phones: Doug. UU: A-ltU. Money on furniture, piaaoa aad real estate at a very low rate oi interest, .Nebraska Loan Company Doug. USA m Bee Bldg. A-Uts. MONEY aDaiMl aaiailea oeooia. weraaa oping houaa aad ethers, without ee- anty; easy yaymenta. Offices la i pna elnal cltiea, Toltoaa. Ul Omana Nat'l giaak Biflg, tonnerly N. Y. Lire Bids. CHATTEL LOANS. to HOC SALARY LOANS. Yon caa get It today ef STAR LOAN CO, set Paxton Block. DIAMOND LOAN o at H end I ur erat. rLATAU. 11,4 Dooge St. Tel. Red. Ulk OFFEItED FOR RENT arwaad I O. at. E. hauls tranks. D. CO. A-atll. tl N. SST ST. Rooms aad board. Phone Tyler 158. Set GEORGIA AVE. -Strictly modera borne. Can aoommodate alx young men. Comfortaele and reasonable. Harney eaak LARGE recca. excellent beard, private. West Farnam. Hamey as. TWO young men or married couple to mora snd board in private family; mod era; walking distance; eacctten soaro. 'phone Hamey l&I. ROOM for two: malk.ng distance. 24.4 CapUol Ave Phone Doug. km:. PLEASANT aouth room and board tor two gentirmea. Ka per week; private family. Doug. Wat Fwe-aiakeH aai as HARNEY ST Desirable room, in private family; suitable for one of two persona; strictly sawders, iwferews ex changed. U34 DODGE Coot, wiesaaat rooms large porch, lawn. Reaa. rales- Douglas eald. V-THB SIGNAL ANSWERED. Thanks to tbe alert watch kept by th nihilists, Desmond's signal is instantly sees by their scouts. When word is brought of Desmond's signal the fighting men of the nihilists gather at once and advance to the rescue of the famous vil lain. The small force of troops surround ing tha bouse will be taken by surprise and Desmond quickly treed. OFFEKED FOR REST Board aad Meeass, xltSVi Chicago SC. one or two rooms, with or wiuout lurulture; reasonable price. -td CAPITOL Ave, dougbiful summer home for one or two people, easy walk ing distance. Tel. Doug. 127 FOR RENT In Hanseom psrk district, one block from car line, a large nicely furnished front second story room, la a good neighborhood. In a strictly private family. No other roomers This Is a first class proposition for a man who wants a good room and pleasant sur rounding. Best of references must ac company ansasr and only first class per- tirs need answer. Aoarees eu. nee. sai N. Central Blvd. For rant. Fur- nlshed front room modern with board for two young men. Call Trior 1x77. ail DAVENPORT Nicely furniahea room; private family; gentleman, ta-W. Front rooms, IS and up. 2X6 Farnam. CLEAN room, private family; suitable tor one or two; closs In. 12 per week. 1021 So. ad St. bL'lTE of trout rooms, elegantly fur nished; shade and lawn; rent reasonable. 30 So. 3fith St. lot S. 25th Ave., well furnlah.d room, suitable for 1 or I gentlemen. Tel. Doug. mi. NICE funtished house at 4211 Farnam; reasonable, Harney till. FURNISHED rooms for rent, 203 Har ney St. ifta) rarnam. large front room tor two. ' MODERN, cool south snd east room; high class location; to block to Harney car. Walking distance. 607 North aith street. Phone Harney am LARGE front room with aloors. two closets, private lavatory, also single room. Large, shady porch; excellent board. 'Phone Harney 13. raralahed Mowsokeealaa Roesss, THIS MANUEL Two-room apartment, tt Ths Howard. 1-room, private bath, pa. list snd Howard. THREE-ROOM house for light house keeping, gits range, electricity, no chil dren. 19 No. 37th St. NICELY furnished suite of housekeep ing rooms; kxs for cooking It desired. Tel. Doug. sa.. lin VI ami, OT "Th livht hniianeniiir rooms, semi-basement. Phone Tyler lkj rooms, lavatory, second floor; 230 N. gTORE at Cuming St, 19th St. At ore at Hot Cuming St TWO nicely turniehed rooms, complete Store al Ml N. Mth St. tor housekeeping, IMS Davenport. Store at Ei7 N. Uth St. "ST! MARY S Ave, IMS-Two nicely fur: J 8 nlshed. modern, south rooms, complete g;0 J OmshA. for housekeeping; refrigerator and cooking Blon g ? RBrcV Attorney. S 1517 Fariun St. ParaUked Hsaeea, ai an EIGHT rooms, all modern, finely Mr- OFFERED FOIt SALE nlshsd; east front; good shsde; West Far- Faraltare, nam district; ons block from car . Tel. Iiarney Hiss. FTrtNTTfRE. 14) rooms reasonable, K NICELY furnished house In Hansoom No. Sid. Doug. IMP. Park dlstriot for summer months. Har- xu RUGS, damaged by water, 16, also ney S274. . upright piano, aloclrlo fan, wall case W'ANTED For the summer or per- snd furniture cheap, I3 N. Mtn. man-ntly. a furnished cottage or small CHERRY WOOD sideboard and dining apartment by family of three. Best of table, black walnut cheat of drawers and references. No attention paid to answers library table, golden oak bookcase, parlor unless sll particulars and pries are given, chair, 801 Park Ave M BM. Bee.' Typewrltera. FOR KENT For four mouths Furn- Ished apartment. New Hamilton, two TYPEWRITERS tor rent. I mo. It, rooms and bath. S. Burns, ir, Omaha Central Typewriter exec ana: e, lam Far Nat'l Bank Bldg. CM, liafaralaheS atseaaa. UNTIL our st' is reduced we will . seU BRAND NEW Fog Typewriters at FOUR ROOMS and bath, upstairs. In- sat cash. The biggest bargain In new quire all Emmett St. typewriters ever offered on llu machines. Hatala aad Aasurtaasata. Vi handle all makes rebuilt if you don s ustets aaa ABeurtaaeata. went a new one IMC Farnam. Dewey European hotel, llth snd Fartaxm. Typewriter Inspection and Supply Co, "OXFORD and Arcade, special wkiy rata WOULD you show our wholly visible - r: typewriter to your friends and let them Oltden Hotel S'rS'SS, Z aoTwherein R excsls any fl9 lypewrlter v V to V' wo- made If you could, without coating you DODGE HOTEL all requirements of a one cent, have the typewriter to keep S rat -cisss hotel, at reasonable prices. forever sa your ownf Then write us tor . ..... full particulars. Emerson Typewriter A Bertsate ma a Fteia, Co, Box a, Woodstock. 1U. THREE and 4-room aDartmsote, mod. RENT an Oliver typewriter from tbe all S. 22d. Oliver Typewriter Co. Douglas s?UV FOR RENT 4-room flat, all modern. Mleaellaaeeaa. Call Web, tm. iroR BALE New aad seeood-haod S-ROOM apartment, new, ut-wern brick; carom and pocket billiard tables and steam heat; short walking distance; gas bowling alleys snd sccessoriea; bar fix stove, refrigerator, cupboard, wardrobe: turM 0i all kinds; easy payments. The blinds; laundry; tine leaner ear vie a tirunswlok-Balke-Coliander Co, R-eJ a. Douglas Mot lotb St. 1 snd S-room modern flat. Scargo Bldg, POOL tables, store, restaurant fixture UM N. Mth SU, si. Omaha. HsiV bought, sold. Levy. ttlO N, So. Omaha. Ramre Bldg. D. 79si A-ttet. : , r2 - OLD SAFEa, DEK1GHT, talk Farsam at. STRICTLY modern a-room apartment la . Devldge Bldg, Uth and Farcam. Mk FOR SALE Two scholarships sa tea JOHN W. ROBUINS, Hx P'AKNAM ST. Omaha Commercial collage and one la - -7 boy lea callage. Business office. Omaha Central, unequalrd. e or t-r, flat, all nee. snod, good condition. Tissrd. HO N. fed. . . . ; r . . , , j HA E two complete threshing ma- Fine brick flat of 7 rooms, all modem. ehlnes at Bradley-lierriam-KmitnCeun- tn fine condition. 206 North Cld suesL ell Bluua, la. Look at tuem and make Call for key at office. D,e cask oiler. George D. Rover, Gove. F. T. WALKER ft CO, Kan. Peuglaaiai. 1 Brand... Theater Bldg. FOR BALE Bell panorama camera. 3w MODERN 1-room heated apartment ea 11. new. W. H. Ferns. 7ai Fine St, City. West Faraam St.: very choice. Bell 'phone Douglae liii JOHN W. KOBBIN8. MM FARNAM ST. alut trows, sumo, pink, with deep em. KESIRABLE APARTMENT IN THS broidery ever silk aad lace and white CALIFORNIA. SEE JANITOR. DOUG- opera coat, a star, for sals cheap, faone LAS ta7. Webster 7 before 10 a. m- Heaeee aad Cottages. SAFES-OveratiKked with second-bead - eafes; all sisce and makea; bargaina, MOVTNO, peeldng ead St on eg ef house- American Supply Co- ill Farnam St. ota-he00?..41. fe.UC ne-04".' TZ $o?lt iT. S qs" Cm, A-UM. FINE goat for sale cheap; wiU drive. MT 'strictly modem t-room boms In mi Leavenworth. Har. Iw. Walnut Hill for rent or sale. Phone ORIENTAL rugs, genuine, rare designs Harney Sat. for sale. Cheap. Leaving city. Tel. T-ROOM new bouse. STl Evans. No Webster gOC . children. Harney talk FOR SALE-Large dairy ham to be tlnneoa la all parte of tbe city. removed at on-. Sixtieth street a Uttle rtOUSeS cmiii Bone ft Co, Boo Bldg. south ot Pacific. Call today. Phone t-ROOM modem house, 1010 Arbor? "' Phone Dougias lk 11 11 211 MASON ST.-Brlck house, close te PEBSONAIi Partita Phone Harney m a HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-Bes, . -r-s ., , . " . ,. , 1 ' r T remedy for itching, bleediag or pretruu- I s-R. Molh.N, wellocated; beautifu, lB pU postpaid; aamplee free. yard: X. 7S hooth ..;h Web. SW. 6hennaa ft McConneil Drug Co, Omaha. I MODERN t-room cottage, beaulifui ' 1 lawn and shade. 1124 Miami Bt A V pW I TIJCC i BABWAIN-s-rooro. all modern house, vswvwItliv Trtv Tsn bard wood Onlsh. bars, ES. Tel Webster v, LNVaWXACTlON AND Does aot spread rupture opett internally - Ilia he!, Aw. tou. ; -rooms modera as convex pans do. Write for booklet. Vacant May Mth. Thoe. F. HaJ, ad THE TYRRELL TRUSS CO, Ramge. Both ehonea. sTtd Broadway. New York City. FIVE reams, bath and water rent, 111 St-OAY BLOOD REMEDY. Two blocks to Haraay car. Owner, 2a Ctaxitsh Pharmacy, llth aad Dodge, a-ROOM bouse modern, act Vinton. tiler A tBseags. Mms. Call Doug, las Allen of Chicago. KB 8. 17. 1st li. D. Mas. VI-OTJT OF THE CHIMNEY. 'Tin too boy ski!" cries Desperate Des mond, 'though I am covered with soots i.' i The nihilists bad but Uttle trouble la dls ' posing of the troops, and. rushing tnto the houaa they surprised Claude and Ros amond. Desmond, who bad seen their approach, descends too chimney and !a now master of tbe situation. Tomorrow ws shall sea Claude' s fate. ( OFFERED FOR RENT Ueasea aad Ceitaars. T-ROOM (new) modern house at SHI Dodge St. S-room flat, Id floor, Cuming St. a-room flat. Id floor, K7 N. Mth St. 1-room house at 156B N. 17th St. O. C. RED1CK. ATTORNEY. 111 Farnam St. Six-room, strictly modsin cottaca, everything in fine condition, nearly new. Bear three ear lines, fins shade, close in, $37. BO. Telephone Douglas 3770. MAGGARD VAN AMD STORAGE CO, pack, move, store and ship H. H. goods . .1 nlanaa: nn eharaa for return drive to office. Doug. 14 or B-sOt HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed ai d for , warded; cheap freight ratee; moving sad storing. Kxpressmsa's Deilvery Co. let, Douglas Crt. City uflice, AU B. L'U a. Bee Biog. MODERN, almost new. 7-room house. tm Miami St. ta. 1211 Leavenworth, 7-r, part modern.. Kt WOg N. Mth, pert modern US last Roes St, 1-room el BEM1S-CAKLBERG CO., CO-$11 Brandela Theater. D. tW. t-r, modern, lu Chicago St. Doug. 1717. ktaraa aad Offices. No. HO B. lath SC. xt8. Tel. Doug. SBd M'CAGUE BUILDING. liTH AND DODGE, Attractive offices, modsiats prices. APPLY OMAHA .LOAN AMt BUILDING ASSOCIATION. OFFICES or salesroom at Uth and Har ney, new. Third floor at UOI Hamey, hew. Office at 1617 Farnam St., second floor. Store at 1411 Harney. New centrally located hall, second floor, 150S-1S Harney, Weil equipped, for rent by Bight. O. C. REDICK. Attorney, 1S17 Farnam St. 1112 Farnam. story and basement, will remodel to suit. i. N. Hnltser. D. list. OFFICE with use ot reception room and stenographlo service. Very reaaoa ahle. Wis City National Bank Bldg. "Steam heated store room; suitable for small factory. Ill S. llth, 124. FELL ft PINKERToN CO, r