Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1912, EDITORIAL, Page 11, Image 11

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Boot Tnmt It.
at. M. Clark. jlcns, Kth and rouclsa
Blactri stair Dryer. Burgess-Oranden
Xolowlcalaer WIS Talk nr. Holovt
chlner will deliver ao address Wednes
day evening at K o'clock before tha Yoinc
Men's Hebrew association in the vestry
room of Teniple Israel.
Tirt Wtw Kfemsera atnroUed Flva
new namea were added to the Commercial
club roster at the weekly meeting of the
eaetuttv committee. They are John Mar
tic. John Mellen. Charles YV. Martin, H.
- F Neely and E. E. Klmberly.
Boas oa Aato Suit for a balance of
UlTM. alleged to be due on a IU8 II
account has been started against W. v.
Abbot, by the H. E. Predrickaon Auto
inobil oompany in district court. The ac
count was for a taurine car, accessories
and repairs, according to tha Fredrick
aon company petition.
Taaaata roroed to Walk Tenants of
tha Merchants National bank building
are now walking up the five fllghta of
stairs. Tbe elevator In the building is
being overhauled and equipped with
safety device.
Mra. stash to aWpair oUdlag Mrs.
Catherine Nash, owner of the building at
Twentieth and Harney streets which
was recently damaged when fire broke
out fn the rooms occupied by the Thomas
Cusack company, will repair and
model the entire building. Repairs will
cost 114.000.
rook fie Id Improves Benjamin Brook
field of the Union Pacific legal depart
ment, who has been seriously til at his
home, has Improved In health so much
that he la again able to be at the office.
His daughter, who was very low with
tuberculosis is gaining strength and
general Improvement Is anticipated.
Tightening Federal Window The
work of weather stripping the KV win
do a of I he federal building has begun.
A Minneapolis firm has been awarded
the contract of weather stripping the
windows, the work to be completed In
sixty days. The cost to government Is
Tooth Beta aTlnaty Days The ti eeriest
sentence that a police magistrate ran
Impose wss meted out to Alex Bears, aged
1? years, a delinquent from Kansac City,
who was charged with larceny from the
person. Mrs. Mary Berkermann of KOJ
North Nineteenth street was complaining
witness. Che testified that Sears stole
her purse containing a large sum of
money Monday upon the street. Sears
offered little defense. Acting Magistrate
Alstadt gave the youth ninety days upon
the rock pile. Mogy Bernstein, Juvenile
court officer, says that the Kansas City
authorities want Sears after he finishes
his term here.
Mrs. A. K. Gault is Be-Electcd Pres
ident of the Organization.
lieoesaa C.sacll Meet Wednes
day at Trial! r t aider l
fairs ef the Protest!
Episcopal Charrh.
Invading Boosters
Know a Good Thing
Frolicsome repartee and a little bad'
Inage passed between the Kansas City and
Omaha Commercial clubs when the home
club welcomed the .Missouri organisation
Into the state. This message of welcome
waa sent: "Glad to welcome Kansas
City trade boosters to Nebraska and
pleased to see that you are giving so
much tun to a good stats. Commercial
Clubs of Omaha"
The answer came: "Crete, Neb., May
11, 1912. -J. M. nulld. Commissioner; Ward
C. Gilford. Assistant Commissioner, Com
mercial Club, Omaha Neb.: Tha Com'
merclal club of Kansas City appreciates
the opportunity of seeing such a good
state when It Is at Its best and the royal
treatment we are receiving convinces us
the people know a good thing when they
see It. Thanks lor your cordial greeting
to Nebraska '
The Kansas City trade trip this year Is
confined almost exclusively to Nebraska.
The open meeting of the ladles' mis
sionary society will be held Wednesday
evening at 7:16 o'clock In Westminster
Presbyterian church. Twenty-ninth and
Mason streets.
Mrs. T. H. McConnell will preside. The
reception committee Is composed of Mer
oames Clare E. ganders. Frank Ander
son. Kate Fisher, Florence Olds, Hilda
Williams. A. T. Sldwell, William Ran
dall, Frank Waterman, H. E. Maxwell.
S. E. Howells. O. W. Clabaugh. C. B.
Wilson, Ewlng Brown, I. J. Beard. War
ren Swluier and Miss Harriet Eddy.
Devotional service will be conducted by
Sr. T. H. McConnell and an address will
be delivered by Mrs. Corbin of China
Current events will be discussed by Mrs.
Frank- Waterman. A solo will be offered
by Luella Miller and Instrumental music
will be furnlxhed by Martha Grimm.
lalared la a Fire
or bruised by a fall, -apply Bucklen's
arnica Salve, Cures burns, cuts, wounds,
boils, sores, eczema, pilea Guaranteed.
Be. For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
SMflNG stick
For Tender Faces
I Indispensable for those subject to red
ness, toughness, and other irritations
of tbe skin. Ashaving luxury. No mug.
no soggy soap, no germs, no waste of
tlsseor money. In nickeled box. 25c, at
stores or by malL Liberal aample free.
Addna "Concurs," Dept.28. Boston.
Saw ffij
ArTerr kTiT
Toothache Gum
' Iiutantly
HaiP'ViP'ifMsttslildNI fo aS VMa
AldrasaMeasereraMa. 15c
C. S. Onrr 4 Co . Ormoer. Mich.
Devotion to the cause of woman suf
frage among tbe church women a as dem
onstrated yesterday at the opening
session of the twent -sixth annual meet
ing of the Nebraska branch of the o-
man'a Auxiliary of the Uptsconal church.
On the motion of Mra Ella Sloan of South
Omaha delegates from parishes which
had neglected to pay their annual duea
were barred from voting at the election
of officers. Upon request a i-pecial recess
was granted to sllow the belated ones to
pay their dues, which tliey did with sur
prising alacrity.
The meeting, which Is h-ld In connec
tion with the council of the diocese, w hich
opens Wednesday, started with cc-mmun
ion m Trinity cathedral conducted bv
Bishop A. L. Whams, Dean J. A. Tan-
cock of the cathedral. Iter. C. C. Rollrtt
of Minneapolis, secretary of the sixth
missionary department, and Rev. Arthur
E. Marsh of Blair.
The business meeting followed In Jacobs
Memorial ball. In his address Bishop
Williams declared that the present meet
Ing was the largest and most uplifting
of any during the thirteen years In which
he has been head of the diocese. There
are between Sal and 300 women in attend
ance, representing fifty-five parishes and
missions hi twenty towns. Eleven Oinsha
churches are represented. Trinity having
the largest delegation of twenty-four
women and St. Barnabas' the second del
egation with nineteen women
Mrs. I.aalt President.
Mra A. K. Gault of Omaha, for five
year secretary of the organization and
for the last two years president, wss re
elected president. Mra Albert Noo of
Omaha was re-elected first vice president
Mrs. A. E. Marsh of Blair at first re
fused to take the re-election of second
vice president on the grounds that a vice
president hss nothing to do, but fhe was
persuaded to reconsider.
Miss Jean Morton of Nebraska City was
re-elected third -vice president. Miss
Dora Wlggenhorn of Ashland was elected
fourth vice president. Mrs. W. a Mil
lard of Omaha was re-elected secretary
and Mrs. J. D. Fain hlld of Lincoln was
re-elected treasurer.
The vice presidents of departments were
nearly all re-elected as follows: Organ
isation and visiting. Mrs. T. P. laving
stone, Plaltsmoulh. and Mrs. J. l Bous
field. Auburn: junior auxtllsry. Miss
Kstherine Illllard. Omaha, with Miss
Edith Earle of Omaha as secretary;
united offering. Miss Jessie Royce,
Omaha; diocesan box, Mrs. J. A. Tancock,
Omaha; babies' branch. Mis. Clinton
Miller, Omaha.
Mrs. J. W. Van Nostrand of St. Barna
bas, the pioneer church woman of the
auxiliary, who for fifty-five years has
done active church work In Omaha and
for thirty years In the Woman's auxil
iary, gava up the charge of the diocesan
library, which she ha had for seven
years. Mr. Philip Potter of Omaha was
chosen her successor. Annual reports
were read.
Luncheon waa served at Jacobs' hall
by the women of Trinity, after whloh an
afternoon ot addresses was held.
Militiamen May
Have Old Quarters
The Nebraska National Guard Is as
sured of Its old armory. The Thomas
Cusack company, who are lessee of the
property, which was partially destroyed
by fir April 34. have assured Lieutenant
Colonel William J. Baehr, commanding
the Omaha battalion, that they will re
place the armory in sixty dsys.
The work of repairing the building.
located on Twentieth and Harney streets,
has already begun and will be pushed
rapidly to completion. The fire com
pletely destroyed the home of the troops
and not a relic or a rifle waa saved.
The replacing of the armory Is received
with Joyful optimism by the officers of
the guard. It wa felt for some time the
men would b forced to disband.
It will cost us about II 000 to refurnish
the new quarters." said Baehr yesterday,
"and with this we can go on nesrly the
same aa before. This 11.000 we will have
to dig up out of our pockets, ss we hare
already used our last year's allotment.
To re-equlp the armory for the four
companies will cost approximately US. 500.
which will be had from the government
next month. We have to tske this large
amount from the total allotment of the
yearly appropriation of a.0 allowed
the Nebraska guard.
As far as the four companies here
sre concerned the Thurston Rifles, the
Home Guard, the Dahlman Rifles and
Company F-we will be smply supplied
with the allotment and the P.UO we will
raise ourselves."
University of Omaha
Prepares for the
Gala Day Exercises
All srrangements for the Gala day ex
ercises of the University of Omaha.
which will be held May :t, are nearly
completed and eacli student organisa
tion which will preeent a "stunt" I
practicing daily, hoping to be able to
stage one of the best amateur vaude
ville performances of the year. The
vaudeville will have all of the charac
teristics of a full-fledged Orpheum bilL
There will be two one-act dramas, both
comedies, a weird and pTiantastle necro
mancer, a minuet, the Junior Musical
trope and the Utopian flower drill.
Each class will have Ms own scenery
and paraphernalia. Mlsa 'iay Williams, a
local artist. Is painting the scenery for
the Junior Musical troupe, which will
appear In an original productijn. en
titled. "At the End of the Pier." One
of the features of this wlli be the Intro
duction of "The Junior Glide."
The feature of the festivities will be
the crowning of the queen of May. which
will be observed twice, once In the aft
ernoon at 130 and again at I o'cluck.
the corontion will lake place on the
south campus and will be free to the
-I V - . f1)
With Other Notables Will Attend
Commercial Club Dinner.
Former I-1 re l kief Hale f Kaaaaa
(lly May Altrad laearaare
Mra Are All lavltrd te
Hear ttprakrra.
Governor Aldrlch, as state fire com
missioner. C. N. Randall, his chief deputy,
and Silas R. Barton, state Insurance com
missioner, will com to Omaha Friday
to attend the luncheon of the public af
fairs committee of the Commercial club
before which Cornelius J. Doyle, Illinois
state fire marshal, will speak on "Fire
Wast and Fir Prevention."
George l Hal of Kansas City. In
ventor of sixty-two fire fighting device
nd known the world over for his fire
fighting tactics, has been Invited to at
tend the meeting. Hale was formerly
chief of the Kansas City fire department
and now is the head of a company which
manufactures bis fire fighting apparatus
and the drop harness which is used In
nearly every city la the world.
C. J. Doyle, known as Tip" Doyle. Is
expected to be one of the greatest draw
ing car, in rtie Commercial club yet has
secured to address the public affairs com
mittee. He is a lawyer and orator of
national repute. He acted as chslrman
of the republican convention of Illinois
before the recent primaries and by bis
oratory kept the convention from turning
Into a bedlam. He first came before the
public eye as attorney for Caleb Powers,
who was secused of the murder of Gov
ernor Goebel of Kentucky.
Insurance men and bankers will attend
the meeting Friday In a body.
New High Hark Established at the
South Omaha Stock Yards.
Herd ef Keeders Lmat Fall for
as a Hiaarea awe After Sevra
frier af .S.
The highest price eer paid for Meers
on the couth Omaha market was com
manded yesterday by Philip Keller, a
young stock raiser of Pierce, Neb. He sold
a herd of twenty steers, realising i a
hundred. The average weight was I.KS
pounds, and Keller was given a check
for KMTS.flS. Tl'.a avrraxe price paid was
123.". a head, a figure thai even torn
race horses would not command.
Mr. Keller bought the herd as feeders
on the South Omaha market last fall,
paying a hundred for them At that
time they averaged !Co pound.-: a head
They gained .'A pound In seven montha
and t,i.t a hundred in price.
Heaaarkalilr Transact Ion.
The transaction l regarded as remark
able In more ways than one, especlally
in view of the fact that Keller is a young
man with lcs experience than other atock
feeders. He started the cattle off last
fall on prairie hav and snapped corn.
changing later to alfalfa and ahelled corn.
The showing Is extraordinary, also, when
the condition of the weather throughout
the winter months la takes into ronsld-
eeral Important aalea.
rrveral other Important sales were
noted on the South Omaha market dur
ing the dev. Ben Turgeoa of Charleston.
S. P.. disposed of a herd that averaged
1.441 pounds and brought
diaries Haas received rS u for a her
of distillery fed bulla that weighed l.AB
pounds each. This Is aa unusual price
for bulls. Several other remarkable sales
were made during the day.
Police are Seeking
for Bicycle Thieves
Whether there is a gang of professional
bicycle thieves working In Omaha or
whether the twenty-five wheels that have
been stolen from various curbs In the
last fifteen days is the work of mis
chievous small boys. Is a problem before
the Omaha police.
Since May 1 twenty-five wheels have
been stolen, and of this number less than
five have been recovered. In the cases
where the wheels have been recovered. It
has Invariably been found that the mis.
creartt was a email boy. so as to the
remainder the police are in doubt. The
following are the victims of the wheel
Frank Rocco. 3045 Cass street
I. Rosrnfleld, 2?i fouth Seventh street.
Council Bluffs. Motorcycle.
Joe Hvltak. 213 Dodge street.
F. A. Hennlnger. 300 Woolworth street
(Seorge Johnson. 31 Plnkney street
Hans ry-hulll. Council Bluffs.
Fred Bell. JT Jackson street.
Taiil Wilson. Zm Cuming street.
Hail Currant. 4443 Seward street
11. K. Phillip. SOT North Twenty-fifth
Robert Bchrlver. 80S North Thirty-sec
ond street. Murphy, WM South Twenty-nrst
Bennle Leaf. 17a soutn Twenty-sixth
J. E. Hoagland. 4602 Nortn Tnirty-nrt
J. H. Oreen. 1101 Park avenue.
11. M. Barnes, Thirtieth and Ames ave
Edgar Rotnery. zotc Jones street
Kue.ben Melrher, 9u4 South Twenty-third
Fred MOJregor, postal 'jeiegrapn mes
Harold ragg. ax roum ininy-nrai
J. II. Martin, xszi North i.ienieentn
Alfred Ely. ato Nortn Twenty-rirsi
Robert C'ulf, lin Norm tirnieentB
William Kins, 1141 Wirt street
Stolen twice.
Young Filipino Stabs
Woman With Dagger
Csught with a white admirer. Oltle
I.lttrell. colored, was fatally stabbed at
19 o'clock last night by Matthew Fblelds.
a Filipino, at Fifteenth and Chicago
Shields and the Littrell woman had
been living together at 1511 Webster street
for some time, apparently In harmony.
Karly last evening the woman quarreled
and left saying that she would never
come back. A few hours later, while with
a white man. Shields came upon them
and whipping out a long dirk knife he
Plunged it into the woman', head, in
flicting a terrible gash over the left eye
and striking the skull with such force
a to fracture It.
The deed was witnessed by a number
of residents in the vicinity and the police
were called. The woman was taken to
b't. Joseph's hospital, where Drs. Harris
snd El wood attended her. They do not
entertain sny hope for her rocovery.
Early this morning Shields waa ar
rested. He carried a dagger six Incite
long and a new revolver with a pocket
full of bullets.
Four New Buildings
are Proposed for the
Y. M. C. A. Members
Four auxiitsnes to the Onuvha Toung
Men's Christian assncistion. each with
a building, were recommended aa things
which should he acennipl shed In the next
ten years, by George F. lllmor". presi
dent of the I'X-al Young Men's Christian
association, last night at the annual con
ference banquet The new branches sug
gested were for railway men. Industrial
South Omaha, street railway employes
and for negro young men.
Mr. tlllmore's suggestion raine at I hi.
close of a talk upon the Omaha Toung
Men's Christian association, which had
Its Inception In 1NW.
The speaker said that many of tho-
merchant princes of Omaha today were
the muscle and sinew of the first Toung
Men's Christian association to be organ
ised In Nebraska. Mr. Gilmore ssld that
the Omaha organization waa considered
one of the best In the central west.
F. A. McCormack. a banker of Sioux City
was the other speaker. His subject. "Op
portunities for Committee Members." was
replete with Idea and suggestions for
the various committees to follow In tk
future, as well aa present. He scored
the greed of many young men for money,
and false pleasures, which he added,
were also besetting the Young Women'
Chrlstlsn sssoclatlon.
Fully sixty members of various rom
mlttees of the local Toung Men's Chris
tian sssoclatlon attended the banquet,
which closed the first annual conference
held Here In Omaha.
)jt i.
$15 $20 $25
Thr hiiihr-4 rlaM kiftnrr cutter tailor that la possible! to procure
make these clever jroung men' clothr. Every garment leaving their
hand is aa perfect In conception anil finish as human minds and hands
ran make them. At gtl5 $20 $25 ' are showing exceptional strong val
ue e make the claim unhesitatingly that they ran't be equalled in qual
ity anywhere in the city at our price. In proof of this statement we want
lo submit the suit to your most critical Inspection. If we fail to fully
convince you of our statement we don't want your monej. It's an open
fearlesa fair propoation and joa're to be tbe judge.
Because the villain In tha pictures wss
too "dsrned mesn for any use a 'tall'"
Carl Fergusen, aged U. who lives at .117
North (Seventeenth etreet, snd Willie
Baldwin, aged 14. who lives at 111! Far-
nam street, thought It Incumbent upon
them to call a halt to a motion picture
show at the "Princess" theater last night.
With the aid of a sling shot this waa
accomplished, but It ended In the arrest
of the two lads. The boys had watched
the show "two rounds" and they made
up their mind past all recall that the
villain should be atopped. When the ob
jectionable part of the reel was flashed
on the screen again, one of the lada left
fly with bis sling with resulting disaster
to a vsluable screen. At the station each
blamed the other for the act, and Tues
day morning they explained It all to Pro
bation Officer "Doc" Carver.
This week we offer at greatly reduced
prices high grade dining tables in gold
en oak, wax, fumed or mission finish.
We sell a good round oak 6-ft. table (claw feet)
Special low prices on chairs and buffets to match.
Get Our Rug
!7x54-lnrh Velvet Rugs at 5
:"i54-lnrb Aimlnlster Hug.. 91.45
6x9 Seamless Brussels Ruga... Jt-i. 75
!xlS Seamless Rrusael Rugs . $9.75
9x12 Velvet Rugs at $12.50
8x12 Axminlster Rugs at..., $15.00
Manufacturer! Do Not Want it to
Claih with Know Omaha Week.
t Ity to lie f.lvea lrr to the Boost
lag of Hosse Prodaels Daring
Ike Week Rlartlas Third
of Jaar.
The mun.-lpal show tentatively planned
to be held In the Auditorium during
"Know Omaha" week. June 1 lo , has
been postponed until later In the year.
This decision wss reached by tha gen
eral committee In ehsrite of the Know
Omsha tampalsn. there being a fear
among manufacturers Ihst the show
might Interfere with tht window displays
plsnned, the one distracting attention
from the other. Tli committee desired
the unamlnous support of all Interests
and some ot the manufacturers have not
displays enough for both the municipal
show snd window displays at the asms
After the plsns for the campaign wars
gone over by the committee and more
details woiked nut. the members de
cided to band themselves Into a perman
ent organisation to disseminata know
ledge of Otnahe. They announced thai
the postponement of the municipal show
would not Interfer In any way with
the plan of Ihe campaign.
During the week of Jun t, rai.oon Boat
cards advertising Omaha wlll ba sent
broadcast. Preachers of all denominations
will be asked to start the week with
sermons on Omana, while lectures In the
schiiols on tbo subject will precede the
Know Omaha week through several
weeks. Manager I'arrlsh of Ih public
Ity bureau of the Commercial club, la se
curing and compiling material for these
As for th municipal show, no definite
srrangements were made. The members
of the general committee wer about
unanimous for holding It In September or
A nwwtltif of all Omaha, boys who art
ntiYretttftd In modal aeroplanva wilt b
held Kiiday vanlnf t the "Y" aiwocU-
tion education room In chary of J. W.
Mlllcr. aecretary of educational tralnlnc
Thr meeting haa bx?n called to arrange
for forming a permanent organisation for
the purpoee of encouraging model air
flights and meet which will be held In
Bremer Wlas rrwi Vt Inrr.
BEEMKR. Neb.. May lJ.-4Hperlal.v-
D . . . : 1 ...... .. -.4 - I
public. Announcement ss to tbe identity (the home diamond. From the first th.
or tne qieen am be made Wednesday ; Btem'r roys mo-ea ineir superiority
or Thursday fov-r WiMier. !': to the fifth Inning but
one Wlsnr man cot to first. This Is the
. , second t1 '.''' that Beemer has defeated
Too judge a man not by what he prom- Wisner fu' eaon. Keener winning the
Isea to do. out dv wnat lie has done. ! nrst smic or a score oi s to a. playing
That is the only true test.
t 'hemberlalo's ' .TT,
iwign iwmeoy j'rosea oy statidaru i ijremer 4 I t
ha no superior. popie everyweere sprak Haueriin: W.-ner. Kyan and Thomp-
ot tl in the hizhtt terms nf I..- I ""r- """-'"" -catmiea
Is Your Skin a Source of
Embarrassment to you?
A bad complexion, blotches, pimples and eruptions on the face can only be
removed by purifying and enriching the blood. Perhaps you have tried
many so-called "Cures" and have become discouraged. Don t give up hope.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
Is Recommended in Your Case
That which it has accomplished for others it can surely accomplish for you. More than
forty years of experience has proven its superior worth as a blood-purifier and invigorating'
tonic lor the cure of stomach disorders and all liver ills. It builds up the run-down system
as no other tonic can in which alcohol is used. The active medicinal principles of native
roots, such as golden seal and queen's root, stone root and mandrake root, bloodroot and
black cherry bark are extracted and preserved by the use of chemically pure, triple
refined glycerine.
Tha "Golden Medical Discovery" make rich, pare blood, and so invigorate
and regulate the ttomach, liver and bowtU and, through them, the whole sys
tem. Thus all thin affections, blotches, pimples and eruptions, as well as serofa
loos swellings and old open running sores or ulcers are cured and healed.
pxTM treating old running sores or ulcers,
LfJ it is well, to insure their healing, to
apply to them Dr. Pierce's All-Healing
Salve. If your druggist doesn't happen to
have this salve in stock, send fifty cents in
postage stamps to Dr. Pierce, Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y.,
and a large box of "All-Healing Salve" will
reach you by return post
ND to Dr. R. V. Pisrtt at Buffalo. H. T..
for frca booklet which Quote, extract from
F. well-reaxrniied medical authorities coca a
Drs. Bartholow. King. Scodder. Co. BUoswead
and boat of athera. aoowinf that th root can be
depended a poo for taeir curative action in all weak
atate of the stomach, accompanied by indigeetioa
er dyspepsia, as well aa In all biliona or liver com
plaint ana m ail "Tr sauna disease - wnere were
i lose of flesh and (radar
strength and tyitem.
ni rutin; down of the
Send 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost cf mailing only on a free copy of Dr. Pierce'.
Common Sense Medical Adviser, IOCS pages, cloth-bounL Address Dr. Pierce, as above.
the near future at th Fort Omaha bal
loon bouse.
Several alsnal corns men from Tort
Omaha will gtv short tslks to th lad
Friday n Is lit.
Manjr high school snd grads school boy
sre busy after school hours msklnf model
sir crafts and Mr. Miller espects to en
roll at least twenly-flv as charter mem
bers of the club.
The Bee la tke Ideal Paper for th
lloaa eed Reaches the Hosse
of OaAa.
You will tone up your
system and feel better for the morning, glass of
uanus t
Beat Kenedy tor
-f all varietiea cored I
few tfar without
sin or loss of time. No
r vUl be accepted un-
J U patient Is eared.
Writ or call.
TMelrtr- Rattan Csr
hut N. Wra M a.
?w i. oI
919 KAIL rmmn
Yew Nsbm srlm4 la wmt Malt-
Trtrtx-tonr 4 mm tm flrM
M er ih wofK ao Urr tmm
p-M roa Vrm lumpl. Cataloci.
KrV-aS. P-PT. alMUtS, !,
Pes 3 l mm coat f fMint.
tBfl ytmt an4 yam'W raatlfa
tt mii moor
lotrrasa. Vi., Mar L UU. 0m
Hvs -I aa aJraafly roti4
3.M aarvala atail. an4 at ill
lovry mapa. smt af twaartv aui.
alt. RatjaUtwdaa. tr. lor kira 1 asl ot ai4
t ( 3c aark iv T. JAMCs-
ftfad La Bi Ms'l . C I 3 W. VrU Am,
IHHalW, llal.
UWia aTa.4V W VwSWlOIaVD'
turcr f Incb Krutle mattiMbMe pll
lowa and beddinc-
)(? your old
,tWim. ratbr bed mad
Into nrnimtr
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SOO Fee Eaas ef Brcaxtwav.
A nda fireproof hotel la tne
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with private heta 3.a per aay.
rrosa tiraad Central Btatloo. Broad
way cars Wltoeui w ri.i
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