The Omaha Daily Bee 1 NEWS SECTION WEATHER FORECAST Fair; Warmer I ONE TO EIGHT VOL. . XII NO. 2Si OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 13, 1912-SIXTEEX PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. REVOLT AGAINST GAG ROLE BEGINS House Republicans Secure More Time for Discussion of Clayton Anti-Injunction SilL ATTEMPT TO RAILROAD MEASURE It Makes Somber of Changes in Fret ent Pro:edure. FULL NOTICE IS BEaUIRED Orders to be Effectire for Week Only . Unless. Renewed. LABOR LEASEES AXE PRESENT President Gsssscrs ef Amerteaa Fed-e-ratloa at Leber and Several Members af Eifnlln Cesa stlttce la Gallery. WASHINGTON. May It-Revolt against a aa-caUtd '' rule which forced Ira-n-ediate consideration of the Clayton antl injunction hill marked tlx proceeding In the house tuiay. Minority Leader Mann. HcpfcsentaUvea Norris t.Veb . Ltnroot (Wis.), Cannon till.) and Dalaell IPs.) assailed the attempt to ahut off the mi nority from all chance of successfully opposing he measure, and finally suc ceeded la forcing a modiflcatloa gWtn I, renter parliamentary latitude. 8amul Ovmpers, preetdent of the American Fed eration of Labor; Secretary Morrison and a half duxi a members of the organisa tion' executive committee occupied front scats la tlie merobera' gallery. The Clayton bill principally would re visa the laws so as tu prohibit the lasu nee of injunctions except on notification and full Investigation unleaa public pesWK tvaa threatened, and would limit to seven dayj the life of each Injunction, injunc tions could only be renewed when cauai was (hows that such renewal was necea sary. WILL DlsrOsU OK TAItllF BILLS Slaaaaaae Sara senate Will Act ma .ill reading Meaaeres. WASHINGTON, May It-All the tariff bills that have passed the house will be disposed of by the senate before the and if this session and possibly without, In 'terferlng with plana for tarty adjourn ment, a. -cording to senator Simmons, in charge of these measures In the senate. When the agricultural bill la disposed of we will rake up the metal blU again," said Senator Simmons today, "and after a few mora speeches wa will fix a day for a rote. Naturally appropriation bills re given preference when they come up, In order to permit the conference com-' mittees to get to work oa them as soon as possible, but It la not intended that they shall Ions Prevent consHdsraUo", at Uie tariff measures." The senator said that Uie chemical bill amid follow tlx 'metal hill, and after, i-iX"."' .... , ..... mt wv-Ha v-nue lira weui WIL J1V thought the debate on these measures wvuld not be an extended As that oa the metal MIL . ' '. . :, . The genet el understanding l that the progressive republicans will dictate the tariff course of the senate. The democrats kro expected to go' on record oa their own bills and then accept the progressive republican measures with such modifications as Uiey can secure. lSaFF.CTOB ARB ENTERTAINED Wrtaeee P red errs lavltatlee Isml by Aaserleaa Assarlalloa. WASHINGTON. Hay 14. -J. W. Bur roughs, a former meat inspector In the government service, continued his testi mony before the house committee on ex penditures In the Agricultural department today and - charsresl that Roeacha A 1 'a In Philadelphia and Pfund's In German town, Pa. had been granted .government inspection in violation of regulations be fore their plants had been put In sani tary condition. The witness alleged that under the regulations butchers were able to ship uninspected meat In Interstate traffic. ... Representative Nelson asked the wit ness if he ever bad been 'entertained by packers while In the government employ. Mr. Burroughs produced an Invitation" to an entertainment In Washington ten dered by the American Meat Packers' sssoctatlon to inspectors. Chairman Moss and Representative Sloan declined to per mit Mr. Nelson to snake public the na ture of these' entertainments. The Weather Official rsreeasts Forecast till 7 p. m. Wednesday: For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity Fair tonight and Wednesday; warmer tonlrfbt: , Teaape-ratare Ml'l.; at Oasaha Hours. Deg. .m.. it rvov t . - - t. ,., v S a. m a -Vvt . a. m. . u 2 Ma. an 67 M E n e Jfe p. m s P- m M Le-al Weather Keewrd. uu. uii. me. us. Laweet last night...-..- ! 6 II Si PreciplUtion .a . l.S Nornsai temperature for today, C de grees. Defldency in precipitation sine March X Let Inches. Deficiency corresponding period, ttLL LTS Inches. Deficiency corrarpondlng period. Bl. inches. Weather la th Grata Belt. Cooler weather prevailed nut night In the central valleys and throughout the southwest. Pressing temperatures, with -heavy frosts were recorded In western end central Nebraska, northern Iowa and Minnesota, and lights frosts were general m the central valleys and upper lake region. The weather Is wanner )n the upper vallys and throughout the north west, aad It win he warmer la this vicinity tenlght. Unsettled weather con tinue hi the Southwest: raia ke failing in southern Colorado. It Is snowrnf at Santa y and rains are general in Texas Fair weather srevali in the west snd northwest and It wfll be. fair la this vicinity tonight snd Wednesday, wltfe warmer tonight. L. A, WELSH, ....... 1 steal forecaster, ' 1 auC7 r r t A I m IOWA EDITOR WHO IS CANDIDATE . FOR SENATOR. Comes from Orient to Get Daughter; Mother Hides Girl SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., May H.-tSpe-datv Coming all the way from the Philippine Island, where he Is employed In the government service, to secure his U-year-otd daughter from his divorced wife, only to find that both the mother and her new husband and the daughter hare disappeared, J. A. Kegel has of fered a reward of S10S for Information as to the present whereabouts of his daughter. The mother and her new husband are supposed to have gone Into hiding with th child to prevent Nagel securing possession of her. Nagel for many years was a prominent educator of Hutchinson county, and some years ago went from t-outh Dakota to th Philippines and en tered th government service. Prior to his departure his wife and himself sep arated and he was awarded the custody of th two children, a boy and girt On an understanding with his former wit he intended to leave the daughter with her until this time. Mrs. Nagel, after herself and Nagel were divorced, took up her residence In 8loux Falls and here met end married Carl Young. Not tlis slightest trace thus tar has been found at Mr. and Mrs. Young and th child. Fist Fight'lMvens Democratic Meetmg . in New Mexico CLOV1S, K. M , May 1.4 flatia en counter between Delegate 'Bummers Burkhsrt or Albuquerque And R. L, Wsoten, of Santa Fe, enlivened th open ing ot th democratic state convention her today. . An attempt of of Burk- hart's friends to expel Wooten further delayed convention business. Th attempt was defeated . aftr nearly an hour's beared debate. James K. Paxton ot Las Cruses, tern porary chairman. In his. speech urged a downward revision of th tariff. Adherents of Cliamp Clark entered the convention with sn avowed strength ot r of tha iU delegates and early Indica tions were that New Mexico woud send a de legation to the Baltimore convention Instructed tor the speaker. During the noon recess the- edherents of Wilson and Harmon prepared to make a hard tight for an unlnatructed delegation. Boy and Girl Shut Up With an Insane Woman for Years BAN FRANCISCO. Cat., May M.-A re markable case of arrested development has been discovered hero by th Insanity commission. Jame Crumney, tl yearr old, and his sister, Mabel, 17 sears old, war found to hav been Imprisoned with their erased mother In their home since birth. Their father died soon after the birth of the girl snd th shock affected the mother's mind. The children had been kept In a darkened room. Whea officers of tha Insanity commis sion entered the nous th prisoners cowered aad made Inarticulate sounds. Sixty Bills Against Ruef Are Killed BAN FRANCISCO, May 11-Slxty re maining Indictments and on criminal In formation still pending against Abraham Ruef, tha convicted political boss ot San Francisco, will be dismissed and stricken from th calendar la the superior court of this county under a peremptory writ of mandate Issued today by the district court. ot appeals of th First district Final action Is awaiting th preparation of pec wastry papers by the attorneys for Ruef. who is serving a sentence of four teen years In. Baa Quentln for bribery. Ruefa attorneys la their petltioa al leged Ruef a constitutional rights had been traps red when he was not brought to trial within sixty dart, under any of th Indictments. -The Indictments sgalnst the fallen boss were returned In two batches and K wss held that Ruef had not been arralnged on any contained In th first batch. ' Twenty-four indictments are still held against former Mayor Eugene B. Schmltx. Final action win be taken apoa them next Thursday. Ten Inches of Snow'at Denver DENVER, CoL, May It-Ten inches ot snow had fallen here early today and It was still snowing In many parts of the state. Little apprehension wss felt by Colorado fruit giuaeta The temperatures were generally warm. The storm assures plenty of water for Irrigation throughout the eastern naif of th stats and -the farmer are jjunllaat. - I LAFATETTB young, - WOMEN VOTE ON BIG NOMINATIONS Presidential Primary in California Expected to Bring- Record Number to Foils. REPUBLICAN CONTEST FIRST Interest in Triangular Fight Owr shadows all Else. NUMEROU S SPEAKERS BUST Rooseyelt Scored on all . Sides for Lack of Square Seal BITTER CAMPAIGN COMES TO END La Fellette, Johasoa, BeTeiidare.rin rhst and Knox Make Addresses --Cwnteat Among; Democrats . Is Almost Formattra. SAN JOSE, May M.-Precinct Twenty two complete, the first In the atate to report: Republican vote, Roosevelt, 1, Taft. CI; La Folletle. 1. LOS AM1KLK3, May 1.-Flrst eight precincts counted In Los Angeles city give: Roosevelt. 3K; Taft, IS; La Toi lette, IS. SAN FRANCISCO, Cel.. May It Women of California wer given thalr first opportunity today to express their choice for the presidential nomination As a consequence the presidential pri mary vote promised at th opening of the poll to be the heaviest th slate has known. The campaign which closed last night with the Roosevelt and La Follette forces making a final effort to swing Ssn Fran cisco's vote was bitterly contested. Sen ator La Follette aided by his wife and others, toured the statecharging that Colonel Roosevelt had tailed to give him a "squsr deal." Taft speakers hurted th. same charge against Roosevelt Close on the heels of La Follette followed Governor Hiram Johnson using his In fluence In behslf ot Roosevelt. He was sided by former Senator Beverldg of Indian, Clifford Pinchot and others. Former Representative Ralph D. Cols of Ohio was th only speaker Imported to aid th president, but numerous Cali fornia political leaders spoke for Taft and Secretary of State Knox made a peech at Los Angeles In behalf of hit chief. Th republican campaign proved of such sensational Interest that efforts mad by the democratlo candidate did not figure conspicuously. Th contest was between Champ Clark and Wood row Wilson almost exclusively, no other can- didste making an organised, fight for the California preference. t , , . , Maryland DeleantHoa Mvtdsiel. - " BALTIMORE, May . la-Tlra Maryland republican slats convention here faced tin -task of -reeoaelling th apparently contradictory results ot last week's pri maries. Although al.ity-alx. a bars ma jority of the Ot delegates, wer boand kn the popular' preference to vote for dele gate to" th national convention who should favor th nomination of Theodore Roosevelt, a still larger majority of the state delegates' estimated by th Taft men eight wer Taft iumpathltera and numerically these wer able to control the convention. ' With a situation. Ilk this confronting them th leaders of tlie two camps of delegate conferred until early this morn Ing and reached a tentative agreement that eight of the sixteen national dele gates should be named by th Roosevelt men and eight by the supporters ot Pres ident Taft. , The Taft men have not tried to avoid the binding provision of the primary law which declares that all these sixteen del egates shall vote at the national conven tion in favor of the candidate who wen tne Maryland preference primary (Roos velt), as long as "In their conscientious Judgment" they believe he can be nomi nated. Some of the law Interpreter contend this binds th delegates only for th first ballot. The Taft men expected to name two of the four . delegatos-at-large and had chosen Governor Golds boro and William T. Warburton. Th Roosevelt delegstex selected Colonel B. C. Coriington, chair man of tha Maryland Kooievelt commit tee, and tha fourth member of th del, gatton-at-large. It Is agreed, will ba a Roosevelt man from tbs western part at the stats. The convention was scheduled to meet s 1 1 o'clock this afternoon and expecta tion was that It would finish Its business before nightfall. Warsw Cantest ia Waeklaartaa. SEATTLE. Wash., May 14,-Two long trains, one known as ths Roosevelt and the other as ths Taft special, will srnve In Aberdeen late today carrying the dele gates from Puget Sound to th state con vention, and all ths war horses of th republican party In western Washington. Nearly half the seals In th convention are contested snd the republican central committee began -hearings oa th con tests this morning. Meanwhile peace conferences were la progress. Candidate for state offices were advocates of a compromise that would result In the sending of a divided drlegstion, Th Roosevelt and Taft leaders oppose thl plan and are making all preparations for holding two conventions. Taft Csntrwle Traaeawec tea vest lea. NASHVILLE Tenn.. May It. -Taft sup porters In the republican stats conven tion today scored ia th first contest with th Roosevelt men. when Foster V. Brown, former attorney general of Ports Rico, was named temporary "''Tttn Back Again Mutt and Jeff Picture It Will Make you Laugh '4 From ths Washington Star. YOUNG MAmACTIYE FIGHT Former Senator Tonng- is Out After Nomination for Senator. WHIRLING CAMPAIGN IS ON Daring Last Three Msslhi H Has Ylsstea Nearly Every tew air asd Has Masle Absnt Two Head red Speerae. DBS MOINES, J May K-tnpeolal.-Formsr United Ststfs Senator Lafayette Young la conducting a most vigorous campaign for tbs nomination for the sen storship, - Mr. Young has bean In th field delivering speeches practically every day and sometime two and three a day for ths last three months. During the Isst eight months he has spoken almost M) time and has visited practically every county In th state and some counties two and threw times. " Senator Toung spent Monday of this week In Lucas county. He made an au tomobile trip throughout the county, vis Itlng Russell, Derby snd Lucas snd wind ing up with a speech at Charlton In th evening. Mr. Young has been doing wpedallv effective work the last two weeks. Dur ing this time he has visited Missouri Val ley, Karlville. Waterloo, Hampton, Ar lington, Mason City, New Hampton, Ex tine. Moulton, Centerville, Cincinnati, Mystic, Stockport, Birmingham. Fairfield, Story City, Marathon. Gillette Grove. Ayrshire, Kmmetabucg, Webster Cttv, Tabor, Red Oak, Corning, Crest on and Orient. The meetings In three placet have been largely attended and enthusi astic Lartr Crserds Everywhere. One ot ths best meetings wss st Mystic In Appanoose county, where Mr. Young addressed a large audience of republican miners and business men. At Weterloo, on April , Mr. Young addressed the Town Criers' club. The msstlng wss a great success, as evidenced by the flat tering seeounts In the Waterloo news papers. A greet meeting was held at Em. matsburg In the court house on Wednes day sveplng. May S. Th big rally at Webster City Thursday evening. May , at ths opera house wss on ot the most enthusiastic of th campaign, fenator Young visited the Webster City factories. several of which stopped their machinery In order that their men might listen ti brief addresses and shake hands. Mr. Young addressed a monster good roads rally at Tabor on -Friday afternoon and another Mg roads meeting at Orient Sat urday afternoon. This week will he a very estiva on oa th part of Mr. Young. His program in cludes a visit with his workers In Cedar Rapids Tuesday afternoon, aa address at Independence Tnesdsy evening, a day Is the factories at BUmix City Wednesday. an automobile trip In tha country In Dn buque county Thursday morning, a trip through the Dubuque factory district Thursday afternoon snd sn address in Dubuque Thursday evening. On Satur day Mr. Young will make an automobile trip through northern Taylor county. Confident of Wweeeas. Before leaving Des Moines Monday morning for Ms Lucas county trip Mr. Young said: 1 am confident I ana going to win. Reports from every part of the stste are very encouraging. I believe thst the majority In nry favor on primary day, Monday. June X, will be decisive. I ex pert to cheerfully abide by the decision of the republican voters In the primary." Marylaad fee- Rooeevrll. BALTIMORE. May la.-Marylsnd re publicans today elected sixteen delegates to ths Chicago convention oa a platform which pledged undivided support to RaoseveK. Th piscform praised both tbs cotonet' administration and -Press-dent Taft'. ., Tjv" ugering Blasts top Tin Plate Jobber Says Combine Aimed at a Monopoly NRW-YORK, WsTil-Jamas T. Mae. Fertand. a tin plats Jobber of North Philadelphia, was called to give evidence In th steel oorpo rolls ii salt tseet" t euppurt th goYsrnraeol'a contention fhkt tb American . Tin Plats company ' sup press, d competition. Mat Finland taM he had handled many special private brand of tin plate, which Independent companies manufactured for him. Thee brands He was forced to aatlpn lo th American Tin Plats company In 1st with s stipulation that he would tint buy hit tin plate else where. According to a -letter from th tin plats company to his firm, which th witness Identified, It wa the "trust's" purpose to protect this company In the exclusive manufacture of plate. Several Villages in Transylvania Razed by Cyclone BUDAPEST, May It-A number of villages. Including Belranljes, VarsIJa and others. In Transxylvanla, were practically raxed to the ground and many of, the Inhabltanta killed or Injured by a cyclone which swept over the district, last even ing. Out of US house 2.K) wer re duced to ruins. Four bodies havs thus far been extracted from the debris and th number of . those seriously Injured Is very large. . Other villages Including Crsba, UJfalu and Batonya, were also greatly damaged by tha storm. Count Bethlen. the governor of the province, has ordered all the troops sta tioned in the district to assist ths fire men in salvage work. Woodmen Factions Discuss Compromise SPRINGFIELD, Ilk. Msy M. The war ling Woodmen tactions talked compromise today. Th leaders on both sides of the rata question were In ror.fetenc with Senator Dal ley and atveraj ether senator following the adjournment of the legisla ture, becauao of leek ot a '(Wrum. The compromise plan under considera tion provides a direct i-f.-rrdum rot on tb question of changing ths present rates or leaving them ss they are at this time. It ths compromise plan mature the rets wsr will be v .-v'ced by direct vote of th Woodmen, the requirement being that a majority ot total membership of the order must rots on tb rate on way or another In order to decide th war. Madero's Brother Captured by Rebels fcL, PASO. Tex., Jlay It. -Colonel Caesar Caoelea commanding a band of re bell at Des CubriJora, Durango, Hex., telegraphed to Cludad Juares today that the rebel In capturing Maplml. Durang-t, Sunday, mad a prisoner of Baoul Ma dero. brother of the president aad com mander of rural es in that district. . The National Capital Torsos r. May 14, !. The Senate. MM at noon. hesuiucd coR--M?rai!:n of cultural apf-roprtutloa LliL the asr.- The House. Met at 11 a- m. Considered anti-Injunction bill. Agricultural sxpendtrareff eommittee continued Its Investigation into obarges against against meat inspection service, , YOUNG FIANCEE THOUGHTFUL Bride-to-be Flans to Sara Money : . bj Bee Presents. MAY HAVE SILVERWARE GRATIS Keeeeeavy Balr ta save Certifies tee ."' Md-'fe os,. aad Mar stB ' lira Set ay Weddlag Tits 'In Jaae. - w . '"''' IT - Frfrft, on ef th young bfldts hst 'cams question regardinn th silverware which Tito Be and sev eralOntsha merchant are giving away, Thla-particular, young woman, who Jutl now 1 busy with her trousseau snd olhof things pertaining to marriage and hr.JlVymoon and. housekeeping, has asked whether she can obtain all th pieces ot th slity-flve-plece silver set within ths next month. Hh wishes to us It whea she goes to housekeeping. Th fie haa replied that ahs msy hsv It within a short time; Th Bee will ftv her all th teaspoons end Mho mer chants will furnish her with tha other pieces. It is necessary, of course, for her to make enough purchase of th merchants In order to get the certificates and coupons which are required for the silver. She can do this In a very short time. Th certificate are Issued by the merchsnts whose name appear In a sil verware ad which Is printed In thla paper. Only Five foapoa Weeded.. It Is not necessary to hav the first five coupon of th series In order to get th teaspoons; that Is, In order to get a coupon one dees not need lo have th first, five coupons, numbered from t to S, but msy take any five that are consecutively numbered, as tram t to W or S to 1L These coupon must be pre sented at - Ths Be office, where they will he exchanged for- the teaspoons. Ten cents must b added to cover th expense ot handling.. Whenthe merchants' eou pan are brought In no money 1 required. Richeson is Taken to the State Prison BOfTitlN. . Msy. 14. -Clarence V. T. Riches, th former minister under sen tence to be electrocuted . nest week for th murder or Miss Avis Llnnell, was re moved from the Suffolk county Jail this afternoon to the stste prison. A meeting of th executive council, which slone has sower to savs Kicheson from paying the extreme penalty, will be held t7)trrow. When Richeson left th Jail he was handcuffed lo th Jail clerk, who with s court officer and deputy sheriff rod la sid th ran with th condemned man. On tha seat beside tb driver was Sheriff Quins. i , . Class af rear at Oxford. OXFORD, Nrh.. May 14-8peeiaJ.)- Sunday evening Dr. E. K. Bailey preached th class sermon fcr th graduating eUsa of th Oxford High school to a crowded noi'se. Th cias this year consists ot Lelle V. Huff, Alfred H. Nlssen. Harry D. . But aru Fred D. McMurran. The class exercise took place this afternoon In tha high school room. On. Thursday evening Deputy . State . ttaperlnteodcnt Robert I. Elliott ..will deliver, tha class address . , rsratal Thieves see reacted. ' HURON, " B. D.. May M.-8pectai.)-Jodg Taylor la circuit court here tuday sentenced Frank Roger to a term of three years and nine months In tne pent tent'ary at Sioux Falls, an-J his partner, George Stanley, goes t thc's-imj Insti tution for one year. Thaw ere th men wb robbed th dental offices of Dr. Whortoa and Dr. t'Hom of a tjuanity ef geld. Roger Is ths older of tb two men and Induced Stanley, whs la a -met youth, to assist him in th Job here. The tw . men had never met until 7 they chanced to get together bare. CO CRT SUSTAINS SPECIALFINDING Judge Monger in Federal Court Up holds Report of Special Master Thummeil in Appraisement, ONE SMALL ITEM EXCEPTED This Will Make Total Amount Paid ' Little Over six suUionj DEEDS MUST Bi. TURNED OVEB Decree Speoilies Water Company Shall Act in Short lime. ALLOWANCE FOR IMPROVEMENTS Several tlaestlaaa Raised by Cssui aaay are ts be Takes urn la Sep arate halt as Advised br . . aladae Manger, With th exception of 11.3. an ad ditlonnl Item allowed for beitermente. JuOfn Munger yrstrrdsy sustained thd findings of Special Muster Thummel In hi report on the appraisement of tha property of th Omaha water works. Tb amount th city will pay to taka possession of th work by the addition ot thla Item. I tL? According to Judge Munger s decree filed February ts. llt the Omaha Water company I required to turn over deeds) snd releases ot mortgages oa th prop-, erty within ten day after the decree la handed down In the present case. Tha city is then allowed thirty days to ex amine the deeda and till wtilt ten days to bring any- question before tbs court It might find concerning them. Then the city la allowed ninety days upon which to pay the money over and taka ths propery. It Is not believed that thla full time will be taken by th city ta v. Ha mauImJ of I, hAvsvsr. SS the city hss already sold Its wster bond snd ha tb money on hand. . - Jadae adds Five Tboaaaad. Judge Thummel found that th amount expended aa corporation capital for Im provements sine th appraisement July) . 13W, and due the company, was SIS, IM.M. Judge Munger adds to thla tr-.M1.TS. a figure representing Improve' ment made by th water company, be ginning with October M. IMi. and up ta March :. BOH. In th thap of rip-ran) work. On th amounts represented In th sup-, plemental bill whk-b the water company look exception to, Judgs Hunger advised, them that they take ths question of oc cupation tsx, - attorney tee and exces sive use of watsr by th city up In a twfwraee'sult, thus allowing tha findings it Thummel t stand. ' ."To th eititna, at th company to ba allowed reimbursement toe legal serv. tvea aad disbursements la th rata and) hydrant rental casts -h tha- amount of, Uas.St tb JuJIg also ruled hi tavor us the lindlnrs-of th master. , .. A claim ot th water board for allow nc en depreciation did not meet with. ah ' affirmative report In th decision handed down. The city had asked tha an allowance of approximately twa.oni be subtracted from th total amount tha city will pay to tak over th worka an the claim of th property depreciating) In value si no th time of appraisement Another Battle j With Auto Bandits ! - is On Near Paris PARIS, May M. Another battle between th police and the automobile bandits who! recently terrified Pail Is In progress at Nogent-Bur-Marn. four mile to th east) of this city. Oarnler, the co-chief at Bennett, who waa killed with a eomnana ion at.Cbolsey-Lo-Roi. on April IS after a desperate fight.' has been surrounded! with a confederate named Valla In building-deer the railroad. s Gamier and Vallet kept up a. cootln-. ued fusillade with liflea fromth win J dowa of th building. A polic sergeant! wss wounded. Louis Lepine. the Psrtt prefect of police. with a large body of policemen left head-t quarters hurriedly In motor car tor tha WOMAN KILLED WHEN AUTO RUNS OFF BANK KANSAS CITY. Msy It An early mor ning joy rids brought death to on woman and serious Injury to ths flv other member of th party, when an) automobile ran off a twenty toot em bankment In tha ootshirta of tha cltj) today. ... iiasel McCrary, aged) . wss killed. Carl Benday, chauffeur, aged 22. wa In jured. Four negro musician who wars with tha couple returning from a blue river club party, war Injured. Two at them probably will die. Tha autuntobila waa demolished. Rent your Yacant house end rooms by placing a small ad in the classified column of The Bee. People who are seek ing houses and apart ments for the summer are daily reading - The Bee want ads. If your offerings are advertised t there . you will get the kind of ten ants you arelootingfor. . Try an ,ad for- a few days. . Bead the ads ia this paper now. Tyler 1000