Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. MAY 14. 1912.
Im ot Mat XL
S. V. Clark, aicna. Kth and DougJ as
Xleetrisatal Dryers. BurgeasJrandton
aTaneww, Owaaa Kay as Saturday oe
ara Memorial day la chosen tor the op n
inl at afaaawa. the date belnc Mar S.
Partial aad picnic are being booked, by
Manager Basnet.
Tott oa F. W. Foes, -pro-
prlator of tha drug atara at Twelfta street
and Capital avenue, purchased a kit at
XXghth and Leavenworth streets. Trcd
Krause waa tha owner, who recs lived
CJ58 for bla proper u.
Blda Opened for Asa Xoiat Bids, bava
been opened br the county com:ms4 oners
for an aah holat (or the new county court
house. Fatton A Bowman and thu Otla
Elevator company vara tha only onrt to
aubmlt blda. They vara referred, to tha
committee of tha whole and cootiBcc will
be awarded aa Friday afternoon.
Thraa Waat Xwvoroee Three petition
for divorce were filed la the dtatrMt court
yesterday. In two cases thq plain
tifts were the husbands. George R. Bates
asked for a divorce (rem Helen Bates.
Homer F. Fort petitions for : dlvarce
from his wife Alt. Minerva A, Jarksoe
asked for a legal separation tirom rJarl
X. Jackson.
Blk tolaa Beooad Tlxae 1fhat there
la a "jinks" about the bicycle, of Frank
W. Rocca of 3M2 Caas street Is what he
new belterea. On May c his bicycle was
stolen from m front of the Merchants
National bank. It was recovered Satur
day and returned to him. Yesterday
Rocca rode np to tha Omafia National
bank and left tha machine outside. When
ha returned it was missing. The police
were notified of tha "hike's" second dli
appearaaos. Chorea Class has Social lleloa Tha
Earnest Workers' class off the North
Side Christian church held their regular
monthly meeting Friday evening. May 1
at the church. Supper m served at 30
o'clock followed by their business min
ing and social time. Thor present were:
Kate Davis, Ruth Shirley. Etta Barent
sen, Pauline Hoffman, Fmy Simons, Lola
Wallace, Edith Vaoderhoff. Mabel Frand
aen. Florence Ericksout Marl Ewers.
Ruth C rites, Laura Roe Winifred Halll
man. Marl Coffey. ' Winifred Cos, Aa
elma Overman, Helen Grant, Helen Bal
D. C. DodrM. Ct Walnut street, vaa
slugged and robbed Sunday night at
Fifty-first and Leavi at worth streets while
hs was on his why home. His watch
and several dollars In Changs were taken
from him. He was able to glv the police
but a meagre doaurlptlon of his as
sailants, whom he describes as two
medium slsed negroes.
ll Pewdei? W ...
Mj Absolutely Pure
Ml Theonly Baking Fmmter made
Jjg from Royal Qrapam oJTartar
DaMman Again Mayor of Omaha and
Ask? for Co-Operation.
Flyaa City Clerk, McDonald Cemp
treller Kyder rolls Ceaasate
elaaer aad Alaa la Caere
f Affatra af Library.
Omaha's seven cammisalonera received
then- portfolios yesterday morning aa had
been formerly agreed upon and Mayor
Dahlman sa president opened the first
business meeting of tha new directory.
Charles H. WlihneU nominated Mr.
Dahlman for president and mayor. Th
election was unanimous, as all the roll
ceils were. Dan B. Butler appointed Jack
Ryder to eecort the major to the chair.
Mayor Dahlman spoke at length, ask
ing the people to be patient with the new
commission, which, he aald. weald work
under the handicap of th old admin
istration. Under the old charter, funds
were Inadequate to carry out the desires
of the people, he declared, and until i
the charier was changed, as he hoped It
would be within a year or two, too much
out not to be expected.
He thanked the people again for the
result of the election and asked for co- '
operation. He said the new commission
ers are all efficient men and he ex
pressed complete confidence in their
abilities to discharge the duties of their
offices without calling down just criti
cism. Kaalpmeat for Fire Depertaacat.
In one thing ha asked for the help of
tha business men. Ths fire department,
he pointed out. did not have proper
equipment and recalled two fires within
the last month, when the entire depart
ment was fighting the flames. Another
fire at that time In any large hotel, busi
ness building or In the wholesale dis
trict would have proved that the depart
ment needed mora equipment, lie wanted
the business men to help convince the
people that fir bonds ought to be voted.
T. J. Flynn was formally elected city
clerk and assumed the duties of his new
office. H said b would work with th
administration, as hs had in the past, and
discharg tha duties of his office to the
best of ala ability.
H. B. rieharty followed Mr. Flynn
with a congratulatory speech and pre
sented the commission with s hugu
sonar of forget-me-nots and roses, th
gift of the Dahlman Democracy club,
"which la composed of democrats, re
publicans, socialists and those without
any party affiliation." he said.
Ryder Speaka lor ComatBeloaere.
Jack Ryder, for the commission,
thanked the Dahlman club and the Labor
league and th Gala city club. He aald
the new commlaalen was unsalmous In
going about Ita work la the belief that It
had no enemies to punish and no ven
geance to take. "We have wiped the
elate clean of bitterness," hs said.
Friends of the new commissioners
heaped their desks high with bouquets of
roses. Mogy Bernstein and Charley Bp
stein each presented a big bunch of roses
to the new commission, with best wishes
for a successful administration. Several
hundred visitors were present. Including
the wives or the commissioners.
Other commissioners were Installed as
Dan B. Butler, finance and arcnenta.
A. C KugeL street cleaning and main
tenance. John J. Ryder, police, sanitation and
public safety.
Charles H. Wlthnell. fire protection and
water supply.
Thomas McGovern, public improve
ments. J. B. Hummel, parks and public prop
erty. Mayor DaVman also will have charge
of the department of public aflaira
ajeDonald Seeeeees Coearave.
All heads of departments of govern
ment, deputies and chief clerks were di
rected to retain their offices and ths same
salaries until further notice. Comptroller
Fred H. Cosgrove sent in his resignation
and Charles B. McDonald was appointed
deputy commissioner of finance and ac
counts. Rules or the preceding council were
adopted. The new commission will meet
each Thursday evening at t o'clock. The
library board was directed to retain of
fices under present arranxementa until
further notice. The library board will be
under Mr. Ryder's supervision for the
time being.
All requisitions for supplies will be
msde to the heads of departments, until
further direction of the council. Th of
fice of fire warden a as th only office
created at this meeting of the directory.
Edward Morris was elected to th office.
A meeting was held In the afternoon to
dispose of business thst was scheduled
for the regular meeting of ths committee
of the whole.
Births and Deaths.
Births Arvld and Anna Johnson. SM
North Twenty-elaiith street, girl: W. F.
snd Florence Neabltt. Kort Crook, girl;
Gaetano and Nettle funcbianco, 1H8 South
Tenth street, boy: M. B. and Blanche
Newman. Normandle apartments, girl;
Robert and Georgia Ratekln, P1 Corby,
boy: Fred and Clara Sehaffer. loot North
Twenty-fourth street, boy: Laurence end
Eleanor Whitewash, Ml North Twenty
third street, boy.
Death Andrew Christiansen, 74 years,
410 Woolworth avenue; William Barney,
Jr., 43 years, 140 South Sixteenth street;
W. H. Fox, 41 years, Excelsior Springs,
Mo.: Allan J. Lee. 23 years, FUhklll-oa-the-Hudson,
N. Y.
Balldlasj rrrsalts.
J. L Brandels Sons, 1714-11 Douglas
street, brick stores, S12.M0; Charles E.
Bentley. slteratlons snd repairs to dwell
ln st ill North Twenty-third si reel.
tV.OGO, and the following frame buildings:
Ills North Twenty-third, 4101 North Twenty-third,
each costing K.eOO. and 410J
North Twenty-third. W; Alfred King.
VIA Klllstone avenue, frame dwelling.
I1.UW: O. W. Garlorh, 1IU and 121 Arbor
street, frame dwellings. K.MV each, and
frame dwelllnea at t,31t South Thirty
first. B.WS, 4Mb North Thirty-sixth, I2.M4L
Organisation to Be Known aa the
Junior Commercial Club.
To Be laaeararated aa Part af rae
CarrteaiBss ef Raw Caaaaaersial
Drpartmeat af Omaha
High School.
Th Junior Commercial club of Omaha
will be the name of an prganlsatlon of
boy students In the commercial high
school when the Leavenworth street
school 1 opened for commercial studies.
L, C. RusmtseL the principal, has an
nounced the new organisation, whose
principal endeavors at the start will be
learning Omaha.
Special studies along the Hue of "know
ing Omaha better" will be Inaugurated
by tha principal and the club will carry
Its work stone In similar fashion to the
big commercial club.
Prof. Kusmlset is at present Interested
In the "Know Omaha Better" campaign
and Is exerting efforts to see that the
city's assets are preached to ths younger
The "Know Omaha Better" campaign
is bow well under wsy. All ths commit
tees appointed to represent the various
ctvto and business organisations ars pre
paring their features for the week of
home advertising to be held June X to 1
The special post card committee la
casting about for suitable cards to be
distributed to the world during the week.
The cards probably will contain photo
graphs of Omaha's manufacturing and
jobbing district with Information about
tha clty'a standing in tha different In
dustrial fields.
Canned Gas Plant
to Start Work Soon
The erection of a temporary storage
building for the Nebraska Blsu-Oas com
pany, makers of "canned" gas will start
this week on the company's factory sits
between Twenty-seventh and Twsnty
dghtb street on the Belt line.
The company expects to be manufactur
ing lis product here wthln four mouths
The storage building will he up la two
weeks, ready for the machinery which
will arrlv Jan 1. Bom of th machines
hsv been mad In Germany.
The company will ask ths city eera-
missiossrs for a permit to lay a switch
across Twenty-eighth street. Altogether
40) feet of switch tracks will be laid at
th door of th factor)'.
The Yellow Peril.
Jaundice malaria bllltousness, vanish
when Dr. King's New Life Pills ars
taken. Easy, safe, guaranteed. lac. For
sale by Beaton Drug Co.
Permits ta smeke, ( cents. All dealer.
We offer greater bargains than
Crowe Suspenders sold all over at 60c, OP,
here at -Ja
Genuine Shaw knit Sox gold th world 1 OJL
over for I5c, hero at lVi2 V
Frisco Bilk tubular tics, sold all over nP
at 60c. hero at t -Jl
Superior and Vassar Union Salt, told the
world over at I .'.00 and
bars at
Union Ftcifio and Burlington Pay
ing Expense of Eeconitraction.
llaaared an Tea Tknaaaaa Dol
lars te Be atapeaded In Hrplae.
las Weodwark aa Twe
Bis Bridsre.
Under ths direction of the Union Pa
cific and Burlington railroads, that pay
the expsnae, the National Roofing com
pany yesterday commenced rspavlng
ths Tenth and Sixteenth street vladucta,
the contract price betas- about I110,J. It
will require two months to complete the
work. Neither vladuot will be closed to
traffic, however, aa only one side of either
viaduct will be torn up at one time.
Tha repairs on the two viaducts con
sists of removing aearythlng escept the
steel. The creoroted blocks, the plank
ing beneath and tha beavy stiinseis that
ars still beneath this Will be taken out
and replaced by new material. The ae
ceaalty for ths repair la due ta th fact
that th trlnxars have commenced to
abow alms of decay, although laid leas
than five year ago. Home of the plank
ing between the trlngera snd ths blocks
haa commenced to rot. but the block ars
in perfect condition except for the wear.
Rack Ulead to Start aa Tersalaala.
President kludge o ths Rock lslan'1
Railroad company Is expected In Omaha
shortly, st which tints he Is sxpected In
take steps toward tha construction of
the company's freight terminals on th
sits west of the north end of the Six
teenth street viaduct.
The first thing to b don la th filling
In of the ground, rulatug it to about th
level ef the Great Western terminals to
the north. This will require 100.0UO cubic
yards of earth, the estimated cost of th
fill being $3.k which will be on of
the largest earth removlnr contracta that
will b given out Id Omaha this year.
Ths earth will be held In place by a
heavy slon ratal nine wall that will be
constructed along the south line of the
property from oear tha waat aids of the
viaduct nearly to Twentieth sirset os
ths west.
Pletarea of OsaaBa Saowa
Henceforth moving and still picture of
Omaha's commercial activity and beauty
spots will be shown to all who attend
J. W. Erwln's illustrated lecture on Tel'
lowstons park.
Mr. Brwin delivsred his Yellowstone
park lecture here last week and esourad
colored slides and reels that will enable
him to give people who hav never via
ltod Omaha something of an Idea of what
this city possesses. At all of his lectures
In the future Mr. Krwta will show pic
tures of Fsrnam street from Fifteenth
west; Sixteenth from Farnam north; th
Union peasenfer station; a portion of th'
jobbing and manufacturing district and
three or four arenas In llsnsoom park
and along th boulevard.
The Omaha pictures were secured and
are being ahown at tha Instance of the
Union Pacific and hi dona purely for the
purpose of advertising the city.
Women and Children
at Council Meeting
Ths smallest feminine spectator at the
Installation ceremonlee of the new city
commissioners yesterday was s-year-
old Mary McGmern, who In a big chair
at the desk beeido her father, Thomas
McGovern, commisaloner of public Im
provements, est right up In front with
I tie seven new commissioners. Mary was
dresacd In her best pink dress with a
pink ribbon on her hair. She listened aad
watched with gravest attention to all
the dolnga
Th wives and older daughters of many
af tha eommlaslonars war presest, ss
ware ala a number of suffragists whs
came out ef ambition to learn new a new
administration la started.
Robert U. Wolfe, dty boiler inspector
was self appointed usher for the woman
spectators snd provided them with seats
Inside the circle where the cobnilaeloa
ers held forth.
Mikado is to Be
Put Onby the Elks
The Mikado, Gilbert aad BuUlvan'a
comic opera, with local comedy Injections.
will be presented at th Orpntum May 17
and by the Ak-Bar-Baa Operetta so
ciety under th auspice of the Elks lods.
Frederick C Msntell. director, ears k wUl
aurpass tha performance ctven of "Th
Musketeers" last year. Many of the
principals and chorua In that shew will
take part In "The Mikado."
H. W. Dunn wm appear In the title
role; Oscar Lie ben. aa Koke; 8. A. Ham
ilton, as Pooh Hah; A. H. Kraeser, as
Pish-Tosh; Miss Inea Lester, ss Tarn
Tom; Mrs. C. H. Boyle, aa Plttl Blag;
Msss Olson, as Peep Bo; Miss EUeaore
Proas, aa Ifatlstia. and Ross Johnson, ss
Naaat Pa.
pedal entry sod esjetuave have been
area, and tee awmer derteed fie the
aerformancea arm te the beaaOt feed
T the Xuts lode, 1
Men's Furnishing
Goods Sale
The best known, and known asthe best
furnishings goods at saving prices
from day to day new lots are brought
from our stock rooms
Men' genuine
Drawers. 60c
B. V. D. Mercerised Satin Stripe I n
Ion Sulta, $1.50 grades
B. V. D. Mercerized Nainsook Union
Buite, $2,110
ft to,
Three Departments
of Government to
Be Consolidated
Three departments of city overnmea:
will be consolidated under the new dis
pensation. Ths office of boiler Inspector,
city plumbing Inspector and eity elec
trician will be placed under ana head,
although tha present official la char
will be retained. Waldermar Mlrhaslaea.
city electrician, win have supervision of
the new department, subject to ths ac
tion of the eomralsawMr of fir protec
tion and water aupply.
Commissioners have keen scouting for
secretaries, but only on appointment
has been announced. Miss Nsoml
Pchenck. for more than twenty years the
Journal rlrrk of tha city clerk' office,
has been secured by Commissioner Mr.
Govern, of public Improvements, far his
Commissioner Joe B. Hummel aald he
would retain Mrs. Cells Jewett. present
secretary of the Board of Park Com
missioners, at least until other arrange
ments were necessary. Mr. Jrwett has
been secretsry of ths park board for aev
arsi yesrs aud has a tharoush knowl
edge of the board affair.
Not all candidate for cmmlalmr
hav filed their expense sooounls. three
of ths Cltlsens' union endorsees brlruj
among the negligent Those who have
filed their aeeounts: Kucel. fM; Dahl
man. M; Wlthnell. ; Hummel. tl.;
Ryder, KM; McGovern. (AS; Butler,; Punkhouaer, KM: Furay, tM,
Redlck, $tM; Thummel. ttnt
Burlington Depot is
to Be Visited by the
Commercial Club
The seventh home trade excursion ef
ths Commercial club will bs held the
afternoon of May 11 when the new Bur
lington freight depot, Eurhth and Far
nam atresia, will be Inspected and for
mally opened.
Th sxcuralonlsts will meet at tha Com
mercial club room at 1 o'clock In the
afternoon and so la a body direct to the
O. W. Holdreg end C. K. Spena, as
sisted by the full staff of the operating
and traffic department ef the Burling
ton, will eecort the party through the
new building and ever the twenty-three
acre of new terminals. The Soar space
ef the building bow la frUst square feet.
but when completed will contain at, as)
aquare feet, with capacity for 1M cars
YM.C. A. Board Gets
High Praise for Way
it Performs Labors
George 0. McDtll of New Tork. one of
the associate secretaries of tha Interna
tional committee ef the Toung Men's
Christian association, addressed a body
of Omaha association directors and stats
oommlttesmea at the local association
building during the neon hour on "The
Reeponstbtllty of Directorship.'
"Reeponstbilily In this esse," said Mr.
McDlll. "means opportunity; the oppor
tunity lo throw the beet of your time,
means .and talents Into a great enter-
Mr. McDlll complimented the Omaha
board of directors, on of whose meet
ings h bad Just attended, upon the busi
nesslike expedition with which It trans
acts Its work. He said good busier
men were needed on these boarda and
could be had only If board pursued thelr
afaflra as this en did.
Mr. Mcntll ta out here te lead a atate
conference la tea dtlee ef Nebraska on
tha Importance of the world-wide Toung
Man's Christian association movement
Automobile thlevee ere ea active aa
the bicycle purkaners. A. J. Stubens of
ffls Park avenue complained that Ma new
Ford machine had been etolen from hi
house gsrsae
The police were else informed that a
machine bad been stolen from In front
ef Wick Moor e Saturday sight. The
merhlae balensed to the Oray Boaaet
Taxi company and was found at Eleventh
and Fierce streets a $ o'clock Boaday
aanratng. The apssiomatar showed ft
bad been drive
Fred Barker, candidate for president of
International T pograpblral Union, will
Want a Tonic? Co To Your Doctor
hakoholatonic? No! Does it make the blood pure? Not Does
it gtrerutthen the nerve? Not It Ayeft SarsapariHa a tonic?
YesI Does it nuke the brood ptue? Vest Doe tt strengthen
the nerve? Yes! By skto& your doctor yoa caa learn more
about this famuy medidne. r oltow his advice.
ever from the
B. V. D.
goods, here at
Shirts or
grade ...
B. V. D. Nainsook Union Suits, $1.00 ?Q
grade, here OaC
artve la Omaha at tM o'clock this morn
ing. A reception will be tendered Mr.
Barker this afternoon from 1 to I o'clock
at Essies' hall. MM Harney street
Arthur J. Kennedy, aged tt, whs has
been - enrrespondlna clerk at th
Cudahy Packing company offices . sa
South Omaha, haa been promoted to be
broker's agrnt. with headquarter Is
New Tork City. What makes Kennedy's
promotion seem so remarkable was the
election of him from an eligible hat of
JM other clerks. Kennedy haa already
gone to New Tork.
Marrlaae Ueeraaea
The followtns couples nave
licenses to wed:
been issued
Joseph Doner, Omaha
Ada tu. Uses, omalia
Joasph Rentier. Omaha
Teresa Kayih, Omaha
Oabntt a. Ohlmen. Omaha....
Pearl el., Buah, Omaha
Robert W. T.onf. Omaha
s,Uaa belli Funks, Omaha
Got Thick and Broke 0 1 Into Litt!.
Sores. Tried CuticuraSotp and
Ointment Completely Cured.
DsveBport, Wash. "Two yean are t
bed aha dMesee ea sty lee. At aral them
war asj taw small ssd puopKs aad I
est Bos pay aay -
to stead M. After ;
wa BMOth she slaw
aroke eul bite '
est, Ths sty
saner sold ass a try
Cuikur Olstmeat '
and Soap, a I get sm baa of OuStcura Oanv
SMi aad a os. o( CXilk-ura Soap. After
weak I ma that lb Otaunaat and Soap-were
doing bm goad as 1 ooattaasd te u taeei end
altar satag Ibaa tare awaih I loans bast I '
was sompleksly cured 1 stta dkMsse.- ( &tfi) .
Urn. inUkMi tatabaaberaat. bavnv at, 111. '
ikaasgWTbl. SaaCeaUNatSUsB.
1ST Coffey at, Brooklyn. IT. T. "aT
baby lac, beck and arras beexas al amiss
snd th ftahiag was terrible. 6ha would
crsich uawl k was bsadasg aad a man) af
an. Bo eould aot keep aad I bad te walk
aooorwna bar nKM alter alcha. losodad
te try Cakeure neap aad Ola unset. AIM
Win Ihsai twe moaua she wes eared eon '
KWieir eod sot kerelrkt fc cloac." (KgxeaJ
Irs. O. Hoaba, ewpi. a. 111.
Culirure Soap and Ouilaeast as sold ,
eiwiabai, kempa ef each malted tree,
wtta t-p. soak, address. 'CMfcana,'
Dap. T, Bostoa. Tsndaadaosd Bass should
soer with Cutkaua Seep Baavkeg kuck. .
Is Yon
ntiseptic Powder
aerares year swOVUwt far yea. R w
eshMstr nenau terseUs,
n sena II :
stastly la water. Metaas
1 1 TTUZ, CW, Vaeeiattaa. D.C
9 www wa w af " J
"r."""T a j
Mas. Wiiaews oorai!e mnm baa area
ased (or er S1XTT YXARS by MtlXIOK al
MOTHP.kS tor their CRILORE.X nUeJt
TEETHINO, wit rEantCT bCCCEss. n
ts the best remedv for OlAKkHlka- U tm mh.
vehrtetr ksrmlcea Be eare aad ask lor M.v
iosmw s aootBuaj ernip,- aaa laae aa stser
uac swcasv-BTsecaise sa.'
TJX. aMenaoa as tbsex, .
' jzfcZli. hat at leas shay to
sTrCIN as thiak aad ther
JfciiJ VTrV etarsad a kok and
f sS3Krr bare el anal soma- '
Srfr ) Usoaa 1 thought I .
Kswarte' sever weald he able -
aeale ance. , aad s aw
MOes by PkrsMaaa, and am aLfchy
entslels eeerywbw.
sea let lioiiet