THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAT 12, 1912. 9 POLK HOME TO HOSPITAL Heirs of Big Dei Moiati tstutt , , Kales Deal with Church. ' i ,TAXE TITZBAKS TO GETTYSBrJBQ PU Tader Way t ry lews 8r- vWors- War to R.U Grm- eral Maaaarer Harris BnliH Paaittoa. (Prom a Staff Correspondent) DES MOINES. la.. May U.-8pecil Telrram.)-Heir to tha Pels estate 'Closed a deal today whereby they will deed to Bishop DowUna and tha Catholic i church the palatial Polk horn for tha bishop's palace. Tha conetderatloit In Totved is an agreement on the part of the church to pay to Mercy hospital the um of tJO.OOO. tola money to be uiM for the bulldng of an additional wins to the hospital and for establishing free beds for the needy poor at the Institution. Papers closing the transaction were signed by Bishop Dowling, Father Flavin and other prominent Catholics and the heirs to the Polk estate. The reldenca is one of the most beautiful In the city. Veteraaa to Gettyabara A bill Is being prepared by officials of the Grand Army of tha Republic of Iowa to have the state pay the expenses of sending to the semi-centennial anni versary celebration of toe . battle of Gettysburg on the battlefield, all of the MS survivors of that battle who are now living In Iowa and who care to attend. A compilation of the entire list has just been made. Mlaera Disagree. The joint convention of coal miners and operators which has been In session here large part of tha time for six weeks Is .likely to break up In total disagreement as to certain phases of the wage question for the next two years. Officials report (today that so agreement Is in sight. Vet Harrleaa's Goat. J. R. Harrtgan today announced his resignation as vice president and general (manager of tha Dee Moines Railway com jany to take affect July 1. It Is said here that Entll O. Behmldt of Chicago, presi dent of tha Cook County Traction com ipany. who served as a member of the (board of arbitration in tha recent wag dispute here, will succeed Mr. Harrlgan. Will to Sena Three slBt. t The Iowa National Guard officers want to send three regiments to Fort Leaven worth In August to participate In army iinaneuvera. The regular army headquar ters suggested two regiments, but Iowa would like to send three it any. Two that will go anyway are the Fifty-fourth and Fifty-fifth regiments. Tha advisory board has communicated tha desire to .the army headquarters and has assur ance thai three of the regiments will attend. The Union Cheese company, Marshall town, filed articles of Incorporation with 160.000 capital; also the Algona Rural Tel ephone company No. M of Alfoaa, with 17,00 capital. Coaveatlooa Caa Nominate. Attorney General Coseoa today ruled that eounty conventions have jurisdiction to make nominations in cases where no nominations have been made at the pri mary, provided some persons were voted for at tha primary for the offices thus left vacant. Tha new provision in the state law requiring 10 per cent of the .vote to be cast in order to effect a nom Inatloo by tha writing la of names where no names were primed does not affect tha jurisdiction of tha county convention 'where there has been fall art to nom' inate. ,'- :.-.:. Manager of 8tree Hallway fljaltm. General Manager Harrlgan of the Dos Moines City Railway company Ibis morn' ing announced his resignation, to take ef feet July 1. Ha placed his resignation In the hands of the N. W. Harris com pany of Chicago, tha owning company, on March X. No announcement of his fu 'ture plans Is to be tnsds by Mr. Hsrrlgan at this time, but it is understood that be will enter the railroad business In some other city, lie refused to make any stato- . ment as to who his successor will be. A tele tram received from the Harris Trust company of Chicago, owners of .the local street railway, late this after noon, said that C. F. Hewitt, now gen eral manager of the East 8t Louis Suburban Railway company, will suc ceed Mr. Harrlgan. Thrift as lewa. The supreme court In deciding s Una eounty divorce esse exposed a One ex ample of thrift on an Iowa farm. Tha parties were Anton and Josephs Hart), and the court states that they were mar ried in Bohemia and reached Cedar Rap ' Ids with two babies and HO In 1887. He commenced work at fLSt a day and throe ! years later bought two acres of Iowa land. At tha time of the divorce they 'divided a family of tea children and an estate of over $30,000. Inasmuch as tha wife took most of tha children she re ceived about tl.OOS mora In property and the court says this was right. Th farm of St acres waa divided. mishta of at Bllaa Maaw Automobile have no right to run over blind men In Iowa. Tha supreme court says so. Ons Charles Mclaughlin, blind, while walking along street In Storm Lxe was struck by an automobile In charge of C. S. Griffin and badly ta Ijured. Tb jury awarded 13 as damages and the supreme court affirmed this ver dict The care which everyone Is re quired to exercise on the streets Is modi tried, tb fourt says, according to tha capacity of th person to car for him 'self. Saoreas Cemri Oeeleioaa. William McN'ame against Donaker Bros appellant. Calhoun county, action on contract for digging a well; affirmed. Charles Mclaughlin against C. E. Griffin, appellant. Bac eounty, damage kor Injury by automobile: affirmed. . Julian Hoover as am at Bankers Ufe as aoctatlon, appellant. Linn county, action on Insurance policy; reversed. , Crosby Fordyce against Lester a Emlth. appellant. Unn county, action for, attorney fees; affirmed. Anton Haiti against Joseph Hartl, an . pellsnt. Linn county, divorce case; af firmed. Oeleenste to CooTeotloau . list of delegate from Iowa appointed tT Governor Carroll to attend tb Na tional Conference of Charities and Cor rection to a bold In Cleveland, O, June 12 to II: John F. Wade, Board of Control. Dee Moines: F. J. Sessions. Soldiers' Orphans' home, Davenport: W. I Kuser. Industrial school. Eidora; Mrs. Lucy M. Slckeia, In dustrial school. Mitchell villa: Miss Char lotta Golf, Soldiers' Orphans' home, pavenport: Solon C. Vial. Industrial School Eidora: Miss Katherlne A. Hum mer, Industrial eebooL Mltcheliville: H B. Hawiey. De Moines; Peal T. Roberta, bee Moines: Mra. E. M. Bracken, Burling ton; Miss Emllle M. Wlttlg. Davenport: prat G. P. Wyckoff, GrlnneU; Mis Carrie B. Nairn. Burlington: Dr. Velura E. Powell. Red Oak: Prof. Joha U OtWn. Iowa City: Miss Minnie Fletcher. Cedar F.aptos: Miss Louise a Hennlngson. (ons: Rev. V. B. Sn!th. Ottumws: Mis Jessie M. Key. Dubuque; Mrs. Florence C. McFarland. Dea Moines; Horace B. Kolluursworth. Dos Moines: Mis Jean O. Colo, Sioux City; Prof. F. E. Haynea, Bloux City: Be-r. H. A. Houghton, Boox City; Hoary 1 C Dttasa. Davenport; airs. r. J. Massfleld, Burlington; Mis (homo X. Convene, Oeaoo; to. Jams X. Clark, Fairfield: Fret F W. Bert man. Ames: Miss Bessie A. MrClenahan. Dee Moines, and Mra. Joha F. Wade. Des Moines. . lewa Hows Wetee. ' CHARITON Mrs. Catherine Lusk of Chariton, who recently celebrated her 103th birthday. Is now In a critical condi tion as the result of a traetared hip. Mrs. lawk fell while trying to get off a couch on which she had been lying and sus tained the Injury. Owing to her great as her recovery is considered doubtful. FORT DODGE According to statistics of County Auditor James L. Hanrahan there are i.S5e farms In Webster eounty. The corn acreage Is 1S.MT acre, and In 1911 i.2s7.f?t bushels ef corn were raised. The many acre of land ateadily being reclaimed by drainage Is being devoted largely to corn raising to meet the de mand for stock food. LOGAN' Gaining entrance by breaking a rear window, burglars entered the Boys' Clothing store here last night and stole over $1(4 worth of suits, shoe, neckties and hats, also St In cash. The burglars overlooked tilt In the deek. the money belonging to the base ball fund for tb local team. Sheriff Rock and Deputy Sheriff Mllllman have been celled into the cue. A short Um ago tour stores were robbed here. FORT DODGB-speaklng to bankers of group No. S, assembled In district con vention here, J. H. McCord of Spencer enthusiastically advocated loaning money without Interest to farmers If they, wish to build silos and cannot do H otherwise, Mr. McCord was heard by ninety bank era. The convention endorsed Charles Shade of Rock Rapids for stste presi dent. E. W. Townsend was elected dis trict chairman, and J. F. Hutchinson of Rockwell City, chairman. WOODBINB-Mlss Bamadln CRetlley and Barnard Cromle of Woodbine were united in marriage here Wednesday morning at the Catholic church. Father O'Reilley, uncle of the bride, officiating. Mrs, W. E. O'Connor, sister, played the wedding march. Father J. A. O'Reilley. Rock Valley. Ia.; Father C. A. O'Reilley. Edwardavllle. III. : Miss Elisabeth Meager. Winnipeg. Canada: Miss Margaret O'Con nor. Omaha, and Miss Ruth O'Reilley of KmmeUburg, la., wer th out-of-town guests. OTTUMWA-Peiry was chosen as th next place of meeting for the photo graphers' association which has been In session in Ottumws thla week. Davenport worked (or tha meeting, but was defeated hv Perrv. P. A. Newbure- of Iowa City. present secretary of the association, was elected president at the business meeting. Ah other officers chosen were R. A. stinhaus. Cherokee, first vice preemem; C H. Gilbert, Independence, second vice president: H. W. Flint, Wsterloo, secre tary, ana . - nwa, , urer. vicnTAvnT.A PrMlrienft Strickland of Simpson college has secured Bishop Mo rn ,ii nt rhimim am tit the moat noted Methodist divines of the country, to deliver the commencement Mores at oimpeuu college this year. The commencement sea son opens Juns t with the baccalaureate sermon 8undsy in the Methodist church by President Strtcklsnd. Class day ex ercises will be held Tuesdsy with the olass Dlay. "As You Uke It. given in me new gymnasium. Tb dedication of the new UO.OOt gymnasium presented a an abso lute gift from Harry Hopper of Indtaaola will take place Wedneedey. June 11 On Thursday BJshop McDowell will address the fifty-six sjraduates. fifty of whom com from th college of liberal arts. The Isst year has been called the banner year of Simpson college. There have been HI students enrolled during the year. Permit to smoke, I cents. All dealers. Level 3 .1 Another 1913 Lozier innovation--one of the many valuable new features you can get only in the Lozier. High oil level at high speeds low oil level at low speeds a smokeless exhaust at all speeds. ' -3 Aside from the many mechanical advantage of this unique system, consider the desirability of a motor that cannot tmoke. No worry about city ordinance against smoking ex hausts, no offensive odor, no greasy smoke, no carbonized valves or sooty sparkplugs. Mechanically this new system is a marked step forward in motor car design one of the greatest achieve menu of Lozier engineers in recent years. Note the illustration showing top and sectional views of the lower part of the crank case and a sectional view of one of the tilting oil trough. As the throttle is opened or doted, these troughs automatically raise or lower the oil level, so that the motor is The 1913 Lozier has advanced features of design you will not find in any other car. Make an appointment for a demonstration of this remarkable car. It's well worth your time. 32-page catalog on request. &se J.T.STEYART, 2nd. 2050 FARNAM STREET ENTERPRISE DITCH !0 COURT Supreme Bench listens to Argn- stents Upon Irrigation' Law. T1I-STATE' StfGHTS JJV0LVLD Dreleloa Will Fix Whether later Coasoaay I to Be Able to Seeply Water to Persons Who Have Coatraeteel for It. ' (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, May lL- Special. -The su preme court put In the entire day listen ing to argument In the case of the Enter prise Ditch company against th Trl- 8 tale Land company on appeal from Scott' Stuff county. Aligned with the Enterprise Ditch company In the litiga tion are practically all the companies hav. Ing water rights on the North Plstte river except the Trl-Btst. The Enerprlse com pany and Its assoclatea won in the lower court the judge making an apportionment of th water m the river on the theory of priority of filing and amount of land under ditch. The Trl-8tate bases Its con tention on the adjudication of the state board of Irrigation, which awarded It 1.141 miner's Inches. This allowance waa on th bast of water for 10,000 acres and It taken would require all tha water, prac tically. In th river at Its low stsge and when most needed for crops. It Is claimed on the ruling of the supreme court in the esse of William Frank against the Farmers Canal company. predecessor of the Trit-Btate. the water right Inheres to the lend, the company's contention being that the stste board of Irrigation was right when It slotted water for 30,000 acres snd that It Is entitled to thst much irrespective of whether It has been used all the time, but the right existed to turn it onto the land whenever the ditches were completed. The other ditch companies base their contention on another theory. They ad mit the Tri-State right to water for lands under ditch when their own filings were made and their ditches were constructed, but assert their ditches wer constructed and improvements made to utilise, water which the origins! appropriation eras not using at th time of th construction of th later ditches. In other words, that th right of priority Inheres to land which waa under ditch or In process of being ditched at the time of th later tilings, but doea not extend to lands which were not Irrigated at th Um the lter ditches wer constructed, v Th Trl-Stat theory work out In the North Platte valley, as follows: When that company waa Irrigating only a tew thousand acres there wss plenty of water for men under this ditch snd also for subsequent approprlatora, but when the Trl-8tate concluded to extend Its ditches snd demanded the maximum amount of water there was nothing; left tor those Automatic Oiling System getting just the proper amount of lubrication under all conditions. In addition to eliminating the offensive smoking exhaust and pro viding perfect lubrication, this novel oiling system is also extremely economical 300 to 400 miles to a gallon of oil under ordinary road conditions. ' - You may not think you ore interested in mechanical de tails, but one thorough demon stration in aType 72,1913Loz ier, will prove what Left-Hand Drive, Center Control, Automatic-Level Oiling System, Triple Ignition, and other Lozier features mean to you in comfort, safety, convenience and good investment. who for some years bad obtained plenty out of tha river. The lower court held with th Enterprise and other ditches, overturning the rulings of the State Board of Irrigation In Its assignment ef water and making the basis of appor tionment of water priority of filing and use of water. Vnder this rule the dis trict court 'apportioned the flow of the river, a fixed amount to each of the com panies Involved, the first filing sufficient 10 water land under ditch and in process of being ditched at tha time th second wss Inaugurated, and o on down the line. Under this decision the Tri-State was granted only IS H Inches Instead of the UQ claimed. Involving as It does practically all the large Irrigation enterprise In the stste. this case, when finally determined. Is ex pected to settle the principles of Irriga tion law In Nebraska. Th case Involves vested Interests of several million dollars In this slate. The attorneys la their arguments set out tn detail the history of Irrigation In this stat and th briefs give the data of each filing of a water right on the North Platte river, as well as the number of acre actually under ditch In each one of th projects. It the Tri-State wins ths other companies will be forced to go without water during tha dry seasons or obtain R from the government's reser voir project, which Involves the payment of considerable sums. If the Tri-State loses It will not only be left without water enough to irrigate all th lands It has purchased or contracted to serve, but. In fact, without sufficient to water all that la now under ditch, according to the statement ot attorneys. Jury Finds Bedford Man Who is Accused of Dynamiting Insane C RES TON, la.. Msy ll.- Special Tele gram.) Ths jury In the esse of Thomas Maxwell. Jr., charged with dynamiting the Bedford opera house last December, brought in a verdict of mssnlty.' It la believed th Jury was Influenced by the declaration ot a St Joseph alienist that Maxwell was Insane. Judge Maxwell ordered th accused mas taken to Clartnda. Grand Army Chaplain in Critical Condition MARSHA IX TOWN, la.. May ll.-Rev. Jess Cola, chaplain ot the Iowa Sol diers' home and ex-grsnd chaplain of the national Grand Army of th Republic, I seriously 111 at his home In this city, suffering from uremia. Rev. Mr. Cole Is on of th best known Methodist mlnuv ters In Iowa.' He hss been chaplain ot th state home for about ten, years. Limousines Latdaulets S6500 'Complexion Secrets Of An Actress" in a recently Usued volume bearing the above title, the author savs: 'Von tlnuous use of grosse paints, roue and the like, had ruined my complexion. Mr skin waa colorless, wrinkled, flabby, coarse and punctured with large pores. In England I heard of the virtues of sner colisnl wax; my first experience with this marvelous substance cunvlnce.1 me it was more valuable than all cuemettca com bined. Now whenever my complexion be gins to go wrong I get an ounce of mer collsed wax at the nearest drug store, spread en a thin layer of It before retir ing, washing It off next morning. The eax. after a few auch treatments, seems literally to absorb the worn-out ruth-le. when a brlarhter. healthier, younger-look-Ing skin appears. "For the enlarged pores, wrinkles and flabblness. 1 beK&n using s solution of saxollte. one ounce, dissolved In a half pint witch hasel. Bathing the face In this soon relieved the condition most wonderfully." Adv Every WOMAN should know about th wonderful Marrel "Whirling Spry' SYRINGE Best safest meat convenient. Cleanses instantly. If vour druggist csnnot supply toe NAKVIL, sen stamp lor illustrate. book sesl.4. Coaiams dlrecooe lavaluabks to ladies. MARVEL COMPANY 44 E 13r4 SB-set Si li.1 nw Yeta gee S.I, bs eiiee a, ssoweaaaal Drag O. Stall Nin seUelte. TUB OMAHA BEE prints clesn news snd clean sdvertislni. of ffsi-l ft V'n if 188, kSmt mm if si Id. Is : II F-1377 V. j sjssssa 14 M-sa HAYDEfJ BROS. Trousers Sale Men's Clothing Dept. A "Big Scoop" of Two Thousand Pairs of Men's and Youths' Trous ers go on sale beginning Monday and will continue throughout the week; $5.00 $4.50 and $4.00 values all at one uniform price 8 3 Hundreds of patterns to choose from pnro wool and worsteds; cassimeres, treeds, etc. Young men's trousers cut full peg with three-inoh turntip bottoms. All sizes, all lengths. It's the best proposition we have ever offered. Men, get in on this. HAYDEN BROS. J 'l THE BEER YOU LIKE A Superb Piece of verware FREE with each case "LUXUS." See Bee's Silverware Certificate Page elsewhere in this paper. Hereafter a easa of sparkling "Luxns" will be accompanied by firs Rogers Silverware Certificates. Tha exquisite Sugar Shell stiowa in tils illustration la glren 70a free upon presentation of four and on-4tslf Certificate, giving; yoa a half Certlflcata abead on your next piece. (Uce Certificate equals ten coupons.) For full de tails see fail page Sogers SllTerwars Certificate announcement 'elsewhere In this lass of The Bee. Fred Krug Brewing Co., Omaha, Neb. 5 "iear over i Brewed by The Fred Krug Brewing Co. Omaha, Neb. Roger's Sil & a n f vfivm kaw I I