Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE OMAHA . SUNDAY BEE: MAT 12. 1912.
1 -
(Tonu't Club Committee Seeks U
Beg-late Crowded Houet.
Ttwanu a
OsaMa to laepeev
Vlsht to ImrlmU Haw Maay
nui to Oae Rasa, far
Sanitary Inipeotor Edward Bui-eon told
'n apaclal mamma -ef tiia wman'
- ytrday afternoon that ha would
sot co through tba boose of dtlaens at
Wit In order te determine whether mora
persons sleep la the room thaa ara al
lowed by tba city ordinance. "Cap"
plained to tba open-mouthed committee
that "even If you separate bogs with
Rick they win cat right hack la a heap
Tha occasion wu a eommlttaa masting
ken at tha city hall, whera It waa ex.
pasted la work out some plana that might
Help the mayor Id ate work of Improving
the aenltatlon of the dty. Mayer Hoc tor
was expected to take part la the meet
nc tut being called by other business
lepoted "Cap" Burton te do the honors.
Among other things tha eommlttee ep
Soiatod liar II a dean-up day. It la
reposed to have the dty taunt Impressed
la the eerrlca of removing tba aeoumu
tsd traah at tha city, lnapector Burasn
aye tola nay not prove a vary wtae
BMthod for the reason that tha taana
aanaot ha devoted to such work eoatlnu-
maty and la tba and oome oae part of
the etty win teal itself slighted la the
Uspssirlaa ef 1U refuse.
The reoonuaeitdaUena of the eommlttee
will he put p to Ue eouaeU Monday
leatav ataaoMbla Wife aad Cash.
losteraay morning Harry Hehucbl. a
lapansee, residing at Twenty-eevonU and
street waa the poseessor ef an Aroer
leaa wife aad asme fl la cuk. Teeter-
ear aftaraooa Mrs, Harry Hehucbl. nee
Claudia Boobey, departed hurriedly from
Iho oare and guardianship of her honor
able husband. taking with her the boner.
eMe beak ran amounting to Xm.
Hehucbl brought bla troobl to hoaor-
aMa PoMo Captain Shsebaa. . Hehucbl
aid ha mat Claudia Bcooay la a drug
tore at Twelfth and Capital avenue.
Omaha. Heboohl admired the honorable
area ef tha aoaorlees Claudia, Later hie
but Claudia Informed the
ef Nippon that the honor
able law praasrlbed aa honorable penalty
far trtflfhg with the honorable afCeotlow
at an f srfcsa girt
Ouidsd by her monitions HehoeM sari
ha waa moved by the honorable prayer of
tha Ctrl aad married her-Borne week!
Mao. Ha rained bla roof tree la a house
at Tweaty-vaath and L streets. South
Omaha. It waa here thai tha esuree ef
true leva befan to look a It the etreet
eeeartmeat were taking care of II
Clandta threatened to commit narl-karL
Hehucbl. thlnklnf ts pacify the honor
abb? wife at hla bosom, (eve the bank
rail Into bar custody. Claudia thought
better of the hari-kari Must and beat It
with the money.
Hehuchi nays the honorable wife may
remain away If honorable Captain Shea
haa will procure the return of the honor
1 able UN, : .
Pavement Opene TJa. -
Somewhere there la aa account of the
earth havtnt opened to engulf n living
man, but It remained fee John Ryaer at
Smith Omaha to have a cement pavament
sea aadar his fret and swallow him
s M hi sheet -Byner had this perl
enea yesterday morning at Twenty-fourth
aad r streeta. Ha waa walking toward
the baetneea center at tha town when the
pevemnm gave way beneath hla feet and
ha wag suddenly precipitated Into a bole
that reached ap to bla chest. Hll plight
was relieved by Chief of Oeteotlves lames
. Sheeaea. who wag passing at the time of
the aoMeent.
Cerae Cwsaee to Earth.
While aeuwertng through the "MUky
way- yesterday aftaraooa. Char lee Ooyna,
who gays he had aa en saga stent to take
lunch with the man m the moon, dropped
Into the home at Mrs. M. Stewart at
Twenty-seventh and T (treats, whera he
appropriated a pocketbesk containing K
nannies, airs. Stewart, who waa In the
bene at the time, creamed for help and
Charles rtngsrlese aad J. B leasing chased
in aanetMJ visitor tot tL arma of
reus Captain Jamas ahaahaa at Twen,
17-ewreau and a streeta.
Com saplalnad tba etnas tba revtstea
wr seaeaua K tha management at Hal
ley's comet had Increased the fare ta all
planetary points west of tba "drpper."
, He wag relieved of bla "ooe" gad piaeod
la the, hasW. ; . ; .
ratfwaa Bar amwtoa,
Tsstsroay wag a easy day la school
ffessea. At Oarrlaaa school. Thirty-ninth
ad X streets, a number of parents at-
aea me aseratsea strew In honor of
raueur any. Tha regular emea work at
the children was applauded and the re.
ulls at thaw maaaai trmmtog departmanu
were aecerded mack prawa.
At 1 lauls acaecU Twantyeveath and
r etreeu, ratrons' day received the asm
aMeatioa aad was msah anoouraged by
Urn ettsadiani af trleads and Bareats wae
am to mspist the work af the children.
At the hla ecaeol the last teat la tha
auitw was head befure a eoia
mlttee headed by SupcMntendeat of In
struction N. SL Oraham. The trml ef yea
tersay wee Us mat of a three days' ttol
tost that began mat Monday.
relHng ceo teats have been held since
March B. whan the Orat eptll down wae
held. The eoond took place April u. The
third and last ended with reeterdara teat
The fmel winner are Blanche Keha ef
luagmana school, winner of Oftb grada;
Uonard VoberU at Jungmaaa schaei
winner ef sixth grade toot; Roe Fried
a ueairai eraeoi. enaaer of aeventh
ten. ana buu Klneley ef LoweU
winner ef eighth grade teat.
- . ... - . .
1 ffjjppjjjtt i
s' tll
. ' J'" "z ' :. t rrV :"T';:.. . -a:;,.:;:..:. :"n; K ' -w I
There Is No Better Place to
Buy Our New Home Outfit
We can furnish our home in a way that will insure the great
est poisibl degree of comfort and coziness at the least possible
expense, by taking advantage of HARTMAN'S confidential easy
paying plan. It is simple, ideal and entirely free from any dis
agreeable conditions.
All we need to do is to make a very small payment down
and meet the balance in small monthly amounts as we find con
venient; no interest, no extra charge and no payments while sick
or out of work. This will give us a splendid start
Then, too, we'll know we are getting low prices, because HARTMAN'S
mark every article with a plain figure price tag and charge only one price to all.
No Payment
Required When
III or Out of Work
( New Design Three-Piece Parlor Suit
Beautifully made of select birch mahogony, band rubbed and polished;
constructed with very high backs and large roomy 6eata, upholstered
in the finest grade of genuine leather over splendid set of steel spi ings.
Offered at so exceedingly low a price that you positively could O A 7 S
a IS
never duplicate this wonderful value elsewhere. Special. .
rTir3L' II I l!TllIW,tlrM!
TlsJJ M lit I '-.Tirf U 1 r. atVe--
Postal NpM-
Colonial Dresser
Handsome Colonial design. Urge
French piste mirror, 1 large sod 2
imslt drawers. Comes In American
quartered oak or mahogany fin
ish, a beauty
and a bargain,
Hosera sseoa-iuoia heuaa. la host real
aetwe black la Couth Otaeha. Tel. a. tL
BIMa aeheol aieetaat the -reeii FVt
i".t tw"twU " soeetai
There srtll be uadur eohoel at at ko
arart s mliaaoa et tM a m hun
al J. Waldo Laar. eaerge
MMe seboei aveets St the RllMale Baa.
tist Hle aoaeol. rsrt,-uu47di
atrwts, at M p. m. A esry latsreettiig
Mrvtcc. la which the ater? af the wrk
at tMe miaaiee vttl he telatad. at I a. sl
lflar Maiaorlal euareb. Rae. Thomee
A. Becshav, eaator. SuBdar eehool at
IS e OocM eharp. Metber-e imv anrricei
at 11 A at. tpwerth league narta at 1
a. at., with Urn Orate Aorreugbs as
lead sr.
First Methedlat eserrh. Tvsntr-foorta
ai4 U etreeta. Re, i. U. BoUeell. pea
tar. 8!y acbool at I a. m. Marnirt.
aorne at U e'eieek. Cimerlh league
t a P- it. ei Brase- uiapet. Oftieera
IM coniBg rear wui he li-aanaa ai
turf. J. m. wiswiii.
yim Baptiat shurch. Twenty-fifth and
H streets. Rev. C. T. nrr , peator. i
ele sctieoi meats at I : a. ai. Tne Baraca
rleaa meet at U .UT B av Merntng war
tup at 11 a'dock. The pester'e aubject
wi.i ee the " oi McKber
hoo4." Baptist Xaung ieople's uatea
nee- at 1 a. at The paater wlU preacg
at a p. bl
St. Luaa's JLarheren caarch. T Kr
Rfrk ad K atraets. Re. Dr. ft. U. Terioa.
pwtor, uilMilMaIAaA Jae
( - Alwaytget ,
( Hartman't prices
v before baying
house famishings
Hartman't Complete Home
of A furnished &QQ
T roomtyY
$5 a month ' -
I China Closet
This Chlaa sloaet la aiada ef
high grail euaner a wed oak,
neatly carved; tha aides aad
doors ara fitted with extra
strength glaaa, aid glass
Elates , being bent:
ae 4 ehelves ana
beautifully polished
Early English Buffet
Rich Colonial design, Ilk cut. In
solid Quartered oak, handsomely
earred. finished In Earl English
or fumed oak; haa large drawers,
ons lined tor silverware. Hand
some mlrroi and colon
ial legs, A world beater
at tha low price ot
Continuous '.
Handsome Brass Bed
Has a two-inch continuous post and extra heavy
fillers. These beds are finished with genuine
French lacquer and guaranteed for 10 years. yWe
can furnish them in either satin or bright finish.
Offered for this week at the price usually charged ,
for inferior kinds. Special
price .
Colonial Chiffonier
Hade to match dresser opposite,
has 5 large, roomy drawers
with wood pulls and French
plate mirror. Colonial bass and
legs. Never sold for
less than $22.00.
For this week at. .
Sellers Kitchen
a-"V: i.
t 1-1 M U IJ 1 D.. VttUUlCt
UlipcriUl l iuiltu Ull ui iusvis ltU,a K proTlde, , convenient placs for
Latest spring designs in 9x12 ft size. These rugs are known the world svery article of daily consump
over for their great durability, soft surface and long wearing quali-' i'o.? 'SSd"".." 12
ties. The colors are so blended as to harmonize with any furnishings.
No matter what rug bargains you have seen you cannot af
ford to miss Investigating these bargains at. . .
Book Case
withstand generations
day use. For this week
st the special price
ot every
This ts without ques
tion ons of tha best
, refrigerators on th
market at so low a
price. It la constructed
of the very beet hard
wood and lined
throughout In whits
s a a m el, interlined
with mineral wool. A
splendid lesps Mr
ssver and pre- )
server of foods
' Strong
Made In a very
pretty design ot best
tempered steel. Haa
heavy cushion rub
ber tires, with 10
inch wheels. All
parts of body ara
metal; has full re
clining back and ad
justable dash; hood
body and dash cov
ered with
fine leath
erette, at ,
Made of solid oak. beautifully
polished ' aSd richly carved.
French plate mirror, haa deep
beveled edgea. Has convenient
desk, adjoetable i
a n e l t a a. etc; run
ewelled front ale
door as shown, price-
Baby Plata
With every
Pure ho.
edThis -Week.
Vp Is
.. ft
Mae I one
pastor win ues for m aw-ing ae- .
t Ta Admoatuea Against Spintual Iala
atoa." Tha annual recaption to B maai-
bera will e hew oa inm
fine program In honor of th ccoa
be be" rnged ...
A MartUi e caurca. iwan;-i'-i -atraete.
Rot. Alfred C. White, .'ertor.
Heir coaimsaloa at S a. at. nunoar
! at a. av Morning prayer ana
aarmoa at It e'eloeh. Or the reetur. Tba
topic ot tne ear on w hi
.X.i.riw MaiietBa.' Tbla la Maaa
duk Sunday and ta rector hopee to eae
the uaiuuir large aiteea-n-a ...
ereesrd. The pertea extende a cordial
Invitation to evaryooa and eapeciallr e
the sa of the eltr la be preeeal. There
Is no evening eervtoe.
The t nlt.a rreepMe en v. " r
ty-thlrd end streets. Be. W. A. P-4-loch.
pastor. Bible echool at a. m.
Tee eublact of the morning eertaoa wtii
be. "Wltoeot caaatieataam -v.
Sana of -od." am Baraca ciaao at
i- m .'rhtk Touag People Chnatian
ealoa at 7 p. m. suae tuba Madaao tw
uae aa oer euejeci o.
Value of lnluetlon."" PubUo worship at
a Th will be latber day
sere icea. aad all awnuera and friende ot
the eaereh are aaked to come and bring
your mouiara or te wear ua -ww r
klenatt et the aar-
Btagre l tr aa
H. B. Cashing, a brotner of John O.
Cuahlag. raturnad yeatardar ta Cbiesgo
srtsr a plsaaaat rlatt vita an arotaer is
tale dty.
Ta rlaa etuba a the hlsa school gars
a mla et the Auditorium leat i-t
The emertalnmaot waa for the beneul ot
the athletic eeaev.
gunerlataBdeat of lastractloa N. M.
Cra-ern returned reeterday tross Ash
lead, where he act Ml aa Judge la o of
toe echool dehatee Tkuadey night.
Mm. r. C Cummlna-e of Lrncola Is
vtaltuig snth her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
t. Breen. Mr, cummtnt was unui
bar rerent marrtra a mam bar or tne
teaching foroa at lb South Omaha eehool
Tha Meat- oat 1 ronaacted with St
Martin's eartsh sr planniBg for a greet
BU&au- aoaw q be girea la the a-oi-
torlum at tha South Omaha High eehool
oa s'ridar evening. May U. Tba show
will be given under the general auepieee
of St. Hulda'e guild, hut they will be ee--ted
hy talent troca with la aad without
the parish.
Eicheson on Knees
. Begs to Keep Cell
BOSTON. May IL-Whea Informed by
Sheriff Qulna at the Cbarlea street JaU
today that ha won Id be removed tomor
row to Che rlea Iowa eUle prison. Clarence
V. T. RJcheeon. the lorirr Baptist
minister wha Is nader eeateace to be
electrocuted the week beginning Mag
for poisoning his one-time sweetheart.
A via llnnetl. weal down vpon hla kneea
and bagged to be alkwd te stay at th
Jafl a few days aaor.
"It would have fecea bard to rafuee him
and I told Urn that be would hot be
mo red tomorrow er Bonday." hberttf
Qui an saM tonight
A sUtcmeat given out tonight by Gov
ernor Foea accmary runs la part, as
-Tne goveraor raartieo. af onraa. that
oa hla dectMon may rwt the life or death
tut tkt man. He has aaked Dr. la
noa Brlggs to atake an xhauarrr study
of th case and ta aew awaiting the la
port turn Dr. Brlggs. But tha governor
haa also called late conference Dr.
Heary B. Stedrau. Dr. Mortoa Prthnee
aad Dr. FrraaM and their oplnleog win
als be Important factors la arriving at
any roecruatoa which the geveraor may
Key to the cuuavoa Osa Advenisiaft
Judge Travis Says
Officers of Sarpy
' Are Lax Over Case
Charging that neither County Attorao
William Jatnlaaoa er Sheriff Oraat
Chase of Sarpy were upholding him In
tha matter of proaecnrlag th two otO
cers now charged with tha killing of Roy
Blunt. Dtstdct Judge J. D. Travis at
Papillioa yeeterdar Indicated that saeh
randact on the part of the officers waa
the greatest reaaoa far considering a
change of venue which la being sought by
the aocuerd.
Th attorneys ware gathered In th
Court roofa oa another caa wnea th
radge delivered hla lector. He Instated
that be would discuss the appolatasat of
additional counaal this OMrniag. The
mottoa tor a chang of venue Is act tor
May IS. Tha court la a tarn words told
th tw officiate that h wanted advice
founded oa th law and would not tol
erate the Introduction of political enmity
Into hla court roesa.
At rapUUon thta ssorning It Is aoder
atood the defenae wUl file oeer 1SS affi
davits attesting the feeling that prevaila
against Hyers and Brlgga in Sarpy
county. It la said that neither the prea-
ent aooaty ettomey nor th eharirf ef
Sarpy are very saagulne of a eeavtetloa
against th two accused an.
thieve Johnaoa ilow hi n
to stand la treat eC a residence at Twenty-fourth
and Lake a treats, aad when be
returned tor It ha found that th thief
had beaa there first.
The asms ef Oeorge Johnaoa. SO! Pink-
aay etreet. waa last night added t th
teoc IMt t cpn at thaer t bkyeia
Professor Stuart's
!'-r Life Despaired Of
Prat Lewis Stuart ef Lak Foraet uni
versity was taken tram a Rack Istaad
psssingsr trala at Molina. L. yeeterday
afteraeoa when he was snddaiy stricken
with acuta stomach trouble. His condl
tloa was precarlou by th time he wai
placed oa a special train aad rusbsd back
to hi bea ta Lata rarest and Ufa hops
were given up.
Lata last night th prufreem wag re
ported as crttkal and phyMciaas declared
aa would net survive tha night-
Prof. Stuart Is wen kaewn -oogheut
th country and tn UUnola a ana of the
M. noted men at bla kind. He has
dona much at tha untveralty aad his daath
wui cause thsuaanda to unite la sorrow.
He waa to have spoken before the
etudes ta at tha Omaha High edttool Thora-
day. but aent a letter from Bed Oak. la..
to Supsrlatsndant Oraff that ha had been
taken IB sad eanoallod bis engage enu
e- The nofeesua s evidently takea
111 ea a yooraay home.
made oft with his automobile.
valuable Chalmera, which waa staadlng In
front. Ho suspects that tha machine was
taken by youths who were also attending
tha aanc.
S. Montgomery. KB Olenweod ave
nue, told tha aolloe last night that while
ha waa la the Cham bare Dancing academy
at TwsnQr-fg ao4 Parana
Englishwoman Sent
to Russian Prison
WARSAW. Russian Poland. May U.-
Mlaa Maiacka. aa English woman, was
sentenced today ta four years penal
mm 1 1 rude en a charge of being affiliated
with th PoUeh revoluttoaarlea.
LONDON. May IL The libera) morning
new spaaars pretest strongly against the
sentcaclac of Miss Maiacka. declaring
ah was convicted oa th flimsieet of evi
dence. They demand that the British
foreign office take strong action against
Bnaata In behalf of Miss Maleraa.
Miss Maiacka waa arreetad July 4, uu.
chars ad with complicity in plots of tha
Perish revolutionaries. The British tor
sign offlo mad representations to Rus-
ala. whleh replied that although Miss
Malacfca's mother was EngUah and her
father a Pole, net -rallied tn Knglsnd.
tha father never bad received permission
to change hla nationality and therefore
ta accordance with Brttleh law his
aatura-satioa was Ineffective and ' his
daughter waa a Bussisn subject.
BOSTON. May U.-A fund of S3.a
tor the Massachusetts Insdtats at Tech
jmiegy wu provided far !n the will of
dty, which was filed for probata today.
Tha fund waa designated by Mr. Pratt
tor a Pratt school tor naval architecture
and marine engineering, providing that
the technology trustees erect a sultsbls
Pension Bill Passed
Heady for President"
WASHINGTON, May 1-Th houa to.
day agreed. IS to K. to th conference
report ef the general aansion bin pro
viding pensions up to n a day for veter
ans of th civil and Mexican wars. It
bow gore u th president for his stgna.
ture. Many democrats voted for th bill
with th republicans. Representative
Kent ef California cast tha only repub.
-can vote agaiast H-
Presideat Taft advisors think ha will
sign the MIL
Th Mil win Increase the pension rail
about &.-, a year.
iChariee H. Pratt, aa
High School Girls
Visit Packing Houses
A party ef thirty girls of th rlr11.11.. '
scienc department at tha Omaha High
school visited the Cudahy parklnr aiat
at South Omaha Thursday afternoon,
whera they wer shown the
u through which uis
e-ope and ether meat aencaclea muat
before they are ready for the boueewife.
a Turner and Prof. I- cl
of the eehool i-
of this charge of th part.
.m-.semen.nt 1Wrc ; wv-