Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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Famous leak ami
Suit .
The biggest srrprise ever given to the buying public of Omaha will be Monday and balance of week, when 1,650 beautiful summer
Cf every style and material will be placed on sale. The prices are so ridiculously low as to be almost beyond relief. Some of these dresses were damaged by water,
but all can be washed or cleaned to look like new. Hundreds are not even touched by fire, water or smoke. Never again In your; life will you be able to buy such
beautiful dresses so cheaply as you can here Monday and balance of the week. - .
All the house dressea and street dresses
that got damaged by water, and are
worth from $3.00 to $3.00, go
at 4Sc.
All the pretty summer dresses. 'made ot
the finest French ginghams, sephyrs
and linens, damaged by water, worth up
to $5.00.
All the fine dresses in lingerie voile, the
new linen dresses, foulard party dresses,
etc.'. soiled and some wet, worth $10 to
$15.00, 3.$g and
All the beautiful dresses In shepherds,
allover lace, etc., slightly soiled,
mussed and damaged by water, worth
to $35.00.
All the beautiful gowns. In shepherds
messallne, a I lovers, some very little
damaged, others not damaged at all,
worth to $40, at $(.15, $7.S and
All the ewelleet avenlng (owns, all the
highest priced marquisettes, the very
.wr llest towns you vr saw; some damag
1 by water, some eltghtly- mussed and
eihra perfect worth to to.M. at IM S., lifts and
$10 and $15 Suits,
Coats and Presses;
slightly damaged, at
$20 to $23 Suits, I $23
Coats and Dresses; Coats
slightly damaged, at
to $35 Suits,
and Dresses;
slightly damaged, at
$15 to $25 Suits, Dresses and Coats, that
the damage is very little; one lot of them not
damaged at all, go at $7.95, $6.95 and
Ladies' Suits and Coats, not damaged at
all, perfect in every respect, all go in the Fire
Sale, worth $20 to $45, at $1185, $12.95, $9.95
Most remarkable sale of Children's Dresses.
These dresses are mostly perfect and clean ; there
were only a few that got wet. They go in 5 lots
Values Just as Remarkable as Those In Ladles' Dept. Nothing Can Doat Those Prlcos-ln pur Men's
and Boys' Clothing and Furnishing Departments. Just See Those Astounding Values!
$8.00 Men's Suits, $195
New gray cassimeres,
fancy mixtures tf QP
and new tans .
$20.00 men's silk lined
Blue Serge Suits, guar
anteed fadeless and
hand tail- Hf AP
ored, for.
$10.00 Men's Suits
$5.95-You will be
surprised at these
fine values Mon
day. Black Clay
Worsteds, fancy
serges, tCQC
etc, tt....v9.Vd
$15.00 Men's Suits $8.95
Consisting of fine fade
less blue, also a splen
did selection of browns,
tans, light and dark
grays, spleudidiy made
and fine
material. .
$5.00 Men's Slip-on
Rain Coats, in tan and
$3.50 Boys' Blue Serge
Suits,, full bloomer
pants and tffl) ID
nicely made. . . VaieTO
$3.00 Men's Ox
fords, big M AP
In black, tan and
patent leathers.
$2.00 Men's Dress
Shoes and Men's
Shoes. ...$1.45
$2.00 Men's J (J
Big table full of new
spring shapes and col
ors. $1.50 Men's Cloth Hats,
nice assortment of gray
and light fiSl
browns for OlCj
10c Men's Hose
75c Men's Drees
Shirts for ,
serins returns Just am
Including sot cellar and cut
One hundred dosen of nobby
ittsrns just arrived,
coat style.
50c Men's Silk
Hose for
One large table full
of high'grade dress
shirts, in all shapes
and colors, 70
worth $1.50.. I UC
Boys' Wash Tants,
sizes 6 to 16, f (.
for ....'.1C
75c Men's Union
Suits, in Balbrig
gan and mesh, full
length, also knee
It.SO nWn Balbrlf
Kan Union r)ft
Suits, the ' Hi
Otis make .... vv
, UUUU.WWwU Will VI v
u 13th and Farnam
Omaha Churohei.-Obiexv Mothen'
Day with Sermon and Song. '
prater Omaha Mtaleter la Charge
at gervreee at Third Fresh y
' ' terlaa Blake. Williams
at St. Baraabaa'.
This evening Evangelist O. R. Hawkins
Sill deliver an address at the Seventh
tay Advantlst church. Twenty-fifth
Street and Indiana avenue. The sub
let will be based en the answer to
tie question found In Second Samuel,
11:30: "Is the Toung Man Ab
salom Safe? Answer. "I sew a Great
tumult. But I Knew Not What It Waa"
the greet tumults In the social, political
Mid religious world. In this country, and
their relation to the ssfety of both old
ind young will be considered by the
speaker In his characteristic forecful
Mothers' dsy will be observed at preetl
atlly every church In Omaha tomorrow.
Ill the Sunday schools will bave exe
gees appropriate to the dey, end st the
tegular ehureh services sermons on mottl
es and motherhood will be preached,
any choirs will give special Maulers'
lay programs. In some of the churches
fll of the services of the day win be
levoted to the mother theme.
Slshep Williams win make his annual
rlsltatlon to St. Barnabas' Eplseopal
trarch tomorrow moraine at U o'clock.
Hie pastor haa requested fun attendance
If the pertf Doners te hear the bishop's
"Rev. Ralph H. Houseman, educational
tapertntendent of the Presbyterian 8un
Isr schools of Nebraska, formerly an
hnaha minister, will be In charge of the
atrvtcee at the Third Presbyterian church
pmorrow. The aonhes win observe
(others' dsy. Mr. Hoosemsn will give
(Wrasses on "Motherhood" and Miss Ul
fea Ashley and the choir win sing.
lathers churches of Omaha will Join
rlth Lutheran Hon ehureh' of South
hnaha tomorrow night In celebration of
he' anniversary of Its organisation.' The
fermon will be preached by Rev. J. Her
I Denver.
This will be the pregrem st the First
kresbyterlnB. ' Seventeenth and Dodge
arret, at 4 o'clock a. as. Sunday:
Quartet Ts Deum, B Minor ..Buck
Tenor , Solo In Native Worth (from
The Creation) Haydn
Mr. Johnston.
TrieOn Thee Kaeh Living Soul '
Awaits itron The Creation)-.. .Haydn
Mrs. bale. Mr. Hunt. Mr. Johnston.
Soprano solo tRectlaMve) And Ood
field. Let the Berth; (Anal With
Verdure Clad (from The Creation
airs. uaie.
Quartet-Thau Wilt Keep Him In Per-
feot Peace West
Mrs. Dale, soprano: Mrs. Ml ler. con
t raj 10. Mr. Johnston, tenor: Mr. Hunt,
pass;, aire Kennedy, organist.
Calvary Branch. Thirty-fourth and 8ew.
ara rtibic school at I.Js. u. n. uweiis,
Calvary, Twenty-fifth and Hsmllton,
Rev. B. R. Curry. Pastor rtervlres at
vM and I, conducted by the pastor. HI
ble school st 11 Voung people's meet'
Ing at 7. Midweek devotional service
uiuihiu.Ii i ..iiij-iuui in ua . 1 1 1 ,
Rev. J. 8. Eberaole. Pestor Bible school
at IX Toung people s meeting et 7. berv.
fees st It end S. Evening topic, "The
Present-Day Theater Examined and
Judged In the House of Ite Friends.'
Monday at 6:30 annual church auDoer.
Annual business meeting at I.
First. Twenty-sixth snd Harney
Preaching at 1. and 7 SO by Dr. Beetty
of Cotner university. Sunday school st
12. young people a meeting st s:su. aji
welcome, uooe music.
North 81de. Twenty-second end Lothrop,
Rev. H. J. Klrschstetn. Minister Bible
school at t:J0 a. m Morning worship st
18 a. m., theme. "The Work of Faith."
Christian Endeavor at S:45 p. m. Evening
service et I o clock, theme, "Christ's
Unique GoepeL"
Christian Seleeee.
First. St Mary's Avenue end Twenty-
fourthSunday school at S:V Services
at 11 and a. Subject of lesson sermon.
"Adam and. Fallen Man."
First. Nineteenth end Devenport, Rev.
Frederick T. Rouse, Pastor Morning
worship at 10:91, text. "Carest Thou Not
That Ws Perish 7" Evening worahlp at
7:. Toung People's eoaety of Chrtstlsn
Endeavor at (:&.
Bt. Mary's Avenue, James Alexender
Jenkins. D. D.. Minister Service as .
a. m.. subject, "The eecret of the Steady
Hand." Evening service et S o'clock,
second sermon In the series to young
people, theme, "When He Is Twenty
one." ' Epteeapal.
AH Saint's. Twenty-sixth end Dewey
Avenue. Rev. T. J. Mscksy. Rector
Mother's dsy will be observed at U.
Holy communion at T:hX
St. Stephen's Mission. Twenty-fourth
and Ames Avenue. Seratogs Hall. Rev.
L. W. He ton. Pastor Sunday school at
16. Morning prayer and sermon at U.
subject, "External Evidences."
Zion English. Magnolia . Hall. Ames
Avenue end Twenty-fourth Street. Rev.
G. W. Snyder Pastor Services at t p.
m.. subject, 'Their Thoughts Are: There
Is No God." fluneay school st t .M o'clock
8C Msrk'a KngUeh. Twsntleth and
We Give Away
Ycawfll I
The People's Cseaasea Ssaes Msdsoal Adviser, ie Pleai
R.g1ii7e7 Mediease SimpUaee-. by R. V. riena, M. D.,
od Coweeltsat Preoea as the level' Heol exl Sor-
ana ,-mtiaaa. in P reach casta senttiaa. as say see seaitimt 31 i
atBssps be saver east af wraaaesg sad sssilmg fWj. Over 680,000 eoaise of
rhas eeesolete Fsss&y Doctor Book were sold ss sloth media at Kgolar
arien of Sl.M. AJterwarde ebewt two sad s half million sepias wens dieaa
' ewsy ss above. A new, ap as awes island edidoa is now resdy for sssiliag.
Ratasr sssta NOW, before sH ara Sjaaa. Addrasst Woau's DnrxjtSAr"
MsmcaL Aasotaarnwi, Or. R. V. Pissaa, rVssidsat, BeCsle, N. Y.
THE ONE REMEDY tor srsasaa'a pssaisr liisisn gee1 saaaaf
hat aw mmk srs are not afraid he priat aa ins salsiils sriapast IT
vary iadr.eioat. e
, habtf-fovauag aVaga. Mad ftaas aative mrdwiinal larcet teats
Rurdette. Dr. L. Oroh. Pastor "So
Mightily the Word Grew" at II. "Not
by Mi slit or Power, but Ood s Spirit" st
8. Riindsy school at 1:46. Young People'a
Society of Christian Endeavor at lav. ,
St. Matthews' tnilh. Nineteenth snd
L-asteiiar, hsv. o. w. anyder, Pastor
Cervices st 11 a- m.. subject. "Ood Ruled
Out. Sunday school at IS a. m. The
women s Missionary ana the Lad ea1
Psstors' AM society will meet Thursday
stiernoon st me reatoence or sirs. N c
n.meei. zsu nouth Twentieth street
St. Psul's. Twenty-eighth end Parker.
nev. r.. 'i . vtio. rsaior eervices at 10,
in wnion nev. nr. riugemorr ot Chev.
enne. Wyo will preach. Sunday achool
at U:aX No evening servtcs. ss the church
will join In anniversary celebration of
zion Lutneran rnurrn st Houth Omaha
whsre Rev. 1. Her of Denver will preach.
Konntxe Memorial. Farnam Street and
twenty-sum Avenue. Rev. nr. Oliver D.
Beltily, Pastor Morning worship snd
sermon st 11 o'clock, subject, "God's
standard and Happiness-Ths Ninth snd
Tenth commandments Vesper service
si s ocioea. suniact. "Pefvlne nod.
Sunday school st M o'clock. Luther leagua
et 7 o cioca. The Nebraska mats Luther
league will meet in this church Friday
morning ex tv o cioca.
Norwerlsn and uanlsh. Twantv-fifth
and Decarur.- R- P. Petersen, Psator
Services with preaching by the pastor at
li ana eunasy scnool. lea by 8. O.
Dsnlelsea. at I SV. Youna oeoola'a nutx.
ing at 1.
First Swedish. Nineteenth aeri Tlur.
nustsv Ertckaon. Paetor Sunday achool
at i.. rreacning aervics St II. Bublect.
"When Jesue Leada In Praver " r.nwnMK
league sen-Ice at 7. Mothers' dsy ssrvk-e
at . Buoject, " Motner. special and
appropriate music will be rendered.
oek street. Twentieth mnA ra. w.
t. c. Webster. Pastor The pestor will
preach at on a aubjert sulUble for
Mothers' dsy. Bible schot at a. unthm
end fathers are urged to accompany the
children. Classes for all. Touns neonle'a
iiwiuia i i. aiuwMK nreeuna inuraoav
Pearl Memorial. Twanlv-fmipk -
La rl mora. Carl Q. Bear. Putir-n.u
meeting at s:. Horning worship at IS 38.
Mothers' day service. Sunday school at
noon. Junior league et 1:110. Epworth
leegue at 1.
ducted by retiring cabinet. Evening serv
ice at . Installation of Epworth league
First. Twentieth an Ttanmua n .
Milton a WUllama. Minister-Morning
?vlce at 11. Subject. "The Immortal
Beauty and Influence of Uotherhmvii
Evening service at l.m. Subject. "Brown-
a Final Interpretation of the
,' Mre- """day school et :.
EPor,h league at t an. Mothers' ear
be . th. . . . n w .. i
end st the morning servioe.
Mccsbe rnrtlAth - ji w
f01" Orent Shlck. Pastor-Sunday school
f 'trrnln by the pastor at II and
a. Morning theme. "Victory Asuured:"
veening the Toung People end the Fu
ture. In oMISMIIm. . k . .
he newly elected officers of the
IlT " J Te win De installed by Dls-
""' Jonn Lwia Eownrta
'r" sennce at J. Prayer meetlne o.
neanesoay night at t
Hanscom Park. t....i..w . .
and Wool worth Avenue R. e. B. CrmT
ford. Pastor-Morning eertre at Wa
7wk .. B,orT 01 Love,"
(Mother s day sermon). Evening service
?' !J 1?"- them.. "Christ's Message
to the Sinful" Sunday a-hoo. aVTor,
A: Wilcox, superintendent. The
Epworth league will observe the annt
rrT " organisation. Mr. B. A
Pfelffer will lead the meeting.,
SUf"r.iirwt- ,R,T- R Webber of
Alpena, Mich , will preach at M hi
the morning end 7:S In the evening. Sun
day achool et noon.
First. Seventeenth and Dodge: Rev Ed
win Hart Jenks. Pastor-Public worahlp
at M M. Veeper serrlci at 4. ChrUl'an
Endeavor et :li. Sunday school st li
North. Twenty-fourth end Wirt: M a
Hlgbee. Pastor-Morning worship at !
sermon by the paetor. Evening woreMp
at t. eermon by Dr. McOltfin. Sunday
school et 12. Toeng People'a Moetetv ol
ChrlMlan Endeavor at 7. Prayer meelioe
at;: Wedneeday.
Clifton HIS. Forty-fifth ivi rant
Thomae B Oreenlee. Pastor-Bible srhool
at r. Public worship et U. ser.lces ap
propriate to Mother a dev. Rvenins wor
ht at I. sermon subject. -The Weeds hi
God's Gs:d."' Weoneeoay at I service
for y.sjc. and felluaauuii. s
Third. Twentieth and Leaven worth
Sundajr achool with Motheva Aav anw
gram st SO. Publla worship and sermon
by Rev. Ralph Houseman at nVtS. ("Iirls
tlsn Endesvor prsyer meeting ' at T,
leader. Mies Helen Vara Weg. Evening
worship and asrmoa by Rev. Ralph H.
Housemen at i.
Lowe Avenue. Corner Fortieth snd
Nicholas, Rev. Nathaniel McOlffen. r. D.
Pastor Morning aervlce at Ml o'clock
"Mot here Dey1 an eppmprlate sermon.
Sunday school st noon. Junior Endeavor
at 1:30 p. m.. benlor Endeavor st I p. tn
evening serties st o'clock. Rev. M. V
Hlgbee. D. U. pa. tor North Presbyterian
cnurcn, will occupy the pulpit. .
Church of the Covenant, seventeenth
snd Prett; Chsrles H. Fleming, Paetor
Morning worship st 10 JO. subject,
"Mother." This Is a special Mother's day
service. Bible school st 11. Endesvor at
1. Evening worship at 1: it. subject. "An
Appeal to Reason." Mld-wsek service at
Wednesdsy. Mrs Fleming, leader.
Falrvlew. Pratt Street and Fortieth
Avenue; Charles H. Fleming. Psstor
Bible school st 15 Afternoon worship at
J. suhjeci. "Mother." This will be a spe.
del Mother's day eenrtoe. Service of song
in the evening et L Mid-week service
Thursday evening at I; Mrs. East on Is
the leader; subject. "Why Everyone
onouia Be a cnrutian."
Westminster, Twenty-ninth and Mason;
Rev. Thomas H. Mcconnell. Pastor SerV'
ice of worahlp with sermon at 10 10. ser
mon subject. "Some rhsracterlstlce of
the Ideal Mother." Sabbath achool and
Bible class at If. Westminster chspel Sun
day school at l:ai Toung people s society
meeting st 7. Sermon of praise with ser
mon by Rev. A. E. Lehmenn. pastor-elect
of the Parkvale Presbyterian church.
at E
Flret. Twenty-third and Central Boule
vard; C. M. Rohrbough, Psstor Sunday
school at :46. C W. Thomas, superin
tendent. Morning worship st II. subject,
"He Ascended Into Heaven." Christian
Endeavor at T. Preaching at I. subject.
I no universal Presence, Wednesday
at . Toung People s class. Thursday i
to t, dinner will he served by the ladies
auxiliary In the basement of ths church.
Called Preebytertaw.
Central. Twenty-fourth and Iiedgs: H.
B. Sneer. Psstor Morning worship snd
sermon by pastor st HY10. Sabbath achoul
at U. E. E. McMillan, superintendent.
young People's meeting st 7. Evening
worship at I W. D. Graham, director of
chorus choir.
I'altarlaa. , .
First. Rev. Manfred Ltlllefors. Pastor-
Services at n:30. subject of sermon "The
Utopia, of the Ages." Sunday school at
HI laeellaaeaaa.
International Bible Students' associa
tion. Barlght hall. Nineteenth and Far
nam Sunday achool at t; subject. Ths
Testimony of Jesus," speaker, W. M. Bat-tenon.
First German Free Evengelieel, Congre-
gstional. Twelfth snd Dorcas Public wor
ship and expository lecture at nr. hi and 4
conducted by the superintendent. Sabbeth
school at i.m p. m. Thursday at s, pre
paratory examinations.
New Thought fellowship meets In the
Weed building, southwest corner Eight
eenth and Farnam streets, on Sundsy
morning st 11 o'clock, end on Wednesday
evening at e clock. On Sunday morning
tnere win oe a ronierence in wnicn mem
bers and others will participate. The sub
ject Is 'Ths Influence of Hope Vpon
Mind end Body." On Wednesday evening
the regular mid-week lesson end asrvlcs.
Oscar A. Albrecht, leader
Peoples. Rev. Charles W. Sevtdge.
Pestor Morning A dtlsen of Omaha has
asked the pastor to answer the followinc
questions: (1) "Do most ministers tell
Ilea when presehlng funeral sermons?"
( "Where do Hera enf" 3) "Do yon
believe In a hell of burning brimstone?
noes It last forever?" lit -if so what
do you think of such a God'" (5) 'Can
a murderer who confesses mr.A asks oar-
don on the scaffold be sevsdv" ) "What
will ha the final d tiny of a ood fet-
lowr Evening: "What We Owe Ou
M others." Sun4sv school s noon. Tcine
People s Society Christisn Endeavor at 7
o'clock. I
May -pels da noe and ether appropriate
celehrallona. All young women are cor
dlslly Invited to come, whether or not
they ere members of the association
Wednesdey The "Hospitality Circle"
will hold Its mssting. preceded by suppsr
aa uaual. on Wednesday of this week, ths
meeting being postponed one weak from
the regular time.
Wife Finds Hubby
With Another Woman
Sherlock Holmes has nothing on Mrs.
Margaret Adamson. When shs waa In
formed yesterday noon that her husband.
Oscar Adamson, had been esea sn la ring
the Hubbell -hotel with another woman
she intuitively knew that something waa
Believing that Adamson would probably
abuae and strike bsr If she broke into
the room which he and the "other
woman" occupied, she called Officer Cura
mlngs. They want te the place and ar
rested Adamson and the woman, who
gave the name of Stella Hlgglns snd her
address aa Council Bluffs.
Tne trio was taken to the police sta
tion and Mrs. Adamson released. The
Adameons are separated, but bave sot
entered the divorce courts get -
Havana Dockmen
Again on Strike
HAVANA. Cuba, May U.-The steve
dores, lightermen and coal handlers who
resumed work today struck sgsln latsr
snd ths traffic of ths port waa once more
completely paralysed.
The longshoremen and lightermen
signed sn sgreement last evening, but
the firemen's union refused to return
to work, alleging they were not Included
In the agreement. They declared also
that they were : striking to compel th
recognition of the union by certeln of the
coastwise lines. The longshoremen and
lightermen thereupon started , another
sympathetic strike.
Negotiations for a settlement bave been
suspended and ths strikers new threaten
to make the sinks nationwide.
By far ens of the most Interesting "See
America First" lectures that has been
given In Omaha this year was at ths
Lyric theater last night upon "The Yel
lowstone National Park" and a trip over
the scenic Union Pacific by J. W. Erwln.
Mr. Erwln poasessee a fine voice and
because he has made over forty trips
through the country described he was sbte
to unfold to the lerge audience much off
hand and very Interesting Information.
Ths stereoptjeon and motion pictures were
very fine, and showed the wonders of the
Overland trip and, the beauties of the
Yellowstone and the side tripe In L'teh,
Nevada. California and ' other western
stater . .
Wisconsin : Prof euor : Talks st ths
Metropolitan Hall '
hew puci ' m ' racimioa
Speaker gays Sraat Problem la
Whether People Caa Make ties
In tela Their . Of flelela.
aad Civil Mechlaerr. . .'
""What la everyeodys business la no
body's - business,' Is no longer true, for
the social center la ths h sac quarts ra for
everybody a business," said Prof. E. J
Ward last night In his lecture at the
Metropolitan halL Mr. Ward spoke en
the use af schools aa social centers and
traced the history of the movement from
Its Inception at Rochester, through Its
various acoampllshmenta ' and what ' it
may yet affect.
Mr. Ward opened by saying that the
memories which are the most pewsrfal
are those which fasten themselves around
"the old red school house." That the
school house In olden deys was ths com
mon center ot democracy for the coneld
erstlon and discussion of political ques
tions. The speaker said that the great
trouble with the poOUcal parlies at the
present time la that neither la willing to
admit that there la any good , in the
other, and that the open achool gives aa
opportunity for the people te deliberate
and to look at both, aides of all ques
tions. . Ths school as a social center
ought not only to be a place tor discus
sion ot pressing affairs of the day. hut
should furnish a place for recreation,
and should be the center of drama aad
folk customs,' said Mr. Ward.
In speaking ot the commission form -of
government he said "Omaha's problem
and every other city's problem Is not
whether the commissioners nuke good.
the great question la whether the people
i make good In using the efftctala-'
Mr. Ward alas recommended that ths,
schools should be used aa ths voting
ptares and said, "the real government
headquarters la la the polling places.
The logical step Is shifting these from
livery stables to ths schools."
The lecture wee held under the joint
auspices of the University of Omaha snd
ths educational department et the
Woman's club. 1
Following the address, .a motion waa
carried that a Instituted In
Omaha to bring about the opening of
the schools sa social enters. Dr. D. E.
Jenkins waa made chairman ot the com
mittee aad Mrs. K. D. Cameron, escreary.
Brilliant Cotillion
Given at Fort Crook
Instead of the weekly hop, a cotillioa
was given last night at Fort Crook. Ths
gymnasium where the affair waa given
waa elaborately decorated la keeping
with the spring see son." The decorating
committee was composed of 'Captain and,
Mra. Dorey- and Captain and Mrs. Van
Ouyne.1 Though the weather waa not
propitious most of the officers wore their
whits dress uniforms.
Tbs cotillion started at I o'clock.' led
by Colonel Butler, assisted . by Captain
Dorey and Ueutenant Griffith. The
favors were numerous and beautiful, ail
being made by the women of the post,
among them being farmer-style straw
bats tor the men. pretty net honaeta tor
tbs wotnsn, not to mention the beautiful
fans, aprons and handkerchief holders.
Music waa furnished by aa orchestra
ot the Fourth infantry band. Preosdlrui
ths cotillion there were a number of din
ners given fa the poet, the hosts and
hostesses being , IJec tenant Colonel amt
Mra Allaire. .Captain and Mra. Nutuaaa
and lieutenant and Mra. Davla.
A number of guests attended the ce11
lion from Omaha and Fort Omaha.
Key U the Situation Bee Advertising.
Pane t. Fedrea reslgnsd from the pres
idency of the Nebraska Publicity league
nttjMlav ttMMnr at a meetlne nf tit
Y. W. C. A. Tfetee. . ,.. u .... .......
Sunday The vesper servt.-e will be he', t : ,
at 4:S snd Mrs. J. M. Xkir. the pre.i-i' his ten other cfP.cea ss In. reason
d-nt of the awciar!-r. v!l the ad- for tr.i withdrawal ills re-lsn;t.on asa
dress. VoraJ eoloa be furri'shed by 11. ' ,-ccei.ted and dutr. F. Won, vioe pretl
C. Johnron Tt-e b-.tld ji Is open en Sua- , th4. ire. TOOe p.wan,.
Cl-"al rr'fafTI 7 to fs. t1. :
Mor.ds-MiKay everirg et .'eV ! The, office of vU. president will be ktft
t'-tre v-lll he th moiMhlv rert- fn? ..ijivetait until 'b e&r.y put if Jin;, when)
e-fccaltlci ir-ier- t. A '' fHcr I j u . .., rr'. u. f. I .w-
I?1.' iTr SlVv-.-J,',' 1- Pen to vt ler tue CUU-ha-a,
rasa of a liar festive! and will m ImuI
fa. the armaaslum whsra there will kw 1 01 a state publicity law.
I .J. ',! S'
, JO To SCPT il'u !s .