Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA ST7NDAY BEE:" MAY 12, 1911
A Remarkable Sale "This Week
Tailored Suits and Goats
Worth Up to $25 at
Your choice from hundreds of splen
did new models in the leading fabrics
and shades, in plain tailored and hand
somely trimmed effect.. -
W omen's Lingerie
and Wash Dresses
Worth up to $7.60, this A Q
Week at 92.98 and . . . V.40
Women's and Misses Pretty Sum
mer Frocks in many effective styles,
prettily trimmed with laces and em-
broideries dainty lingeries, : linens,
etc., suitable for street and afternoon
wear. . ,
Including the pretty A n
Peplum effects, at. OC
Vacuum Cleaner
m tf iuvto
Unlrerial Motor, altbet airac
. ..... , ., 9i .luratttas Y.v
, -. . V ;.
. Attache to lamp aoekei. .,
Delivered anywhere la th ctty
Tb cleaner of .
Conaunt Vacuum.
- - ..
The mnELTfQ.
2 B No. gcjf OMAHA
BwaawaaaBBwawawaBB '
- twx.a MO. L.
Th Bee Model T is the cleaner for the. . . ,
' " A twist of year wrist will altaflti It; '
Th machinery In It In lose than minute, .
Will prov that no cleaner can match It. . - i
.. , , ,. 1122-1124 FARSAM f., OMAHA., ... ... ,
. . .. ' ,. Both l"hoa. u , , t
, ! . '- 7" . KO IIODIEMAI'S PROFIT . " '
I wweAew(
Worth. $3.60 and $4.00-
Every new style
and leather
Farnam Sts. Office Desks
is the time
- ; for ; :,
- advertising poultry,
seeds .and 'second
hand farm and gar
den implements, r
Bee want f ads cost"
only a few cents, but
they sell what you
-want to sell. !
Read and use - Bee
. want ads.
Building Operation! More Humeioui
Thn for Sereral Tear.
lata at Sixtieth aad riaa Bellls
ru Another Addition at
Peaty-Elnhth aad Fart
ta Oa aa (tela.
While eome ml estate men may com
plain that their business la poor: blame
It onto politics and other cauaai, building
operations whloti usually keep pace with
the activities of the real eatate market
are greater In number at the present
! time than any time during the last sev
eral rears. ' - -
These operations are confined princi
pally to buildings, howsver. and the hill
In the real estate man's business may be
accredited by them to the fewer numbers
of homes befnc built now. Building per-1
mlts for homes, though, are being given
out In as much profusion a usual and
so It may be surmised that ths real es
tate man who Is complaining Is not com
paring his present business with that of
the past.
As for office and other kinds of build
ings, one may look In nearly every di
rection In th downtown section and see
some structure going up.
Of course the Woodmen of th World
building, being the largest In the city, at
tract more attention than any other.
There are th Keellne, the Ftallron and,
yas, th court house in course of con
struction, southwest of the business cen
ter, wliil th re-erection of a building
at the corner of Harney and Twentieth
I reels t replace th old car ban la
being contemplated. -
On Douglas street there are number
of buildings yet In th minds of .the
architects and builders; Actual construe
lion on one of the largest la now under
way. This Is Btarland Palace, motion
picture theater, being erected by th
Braodela . Interests, tana drawn by
Architect John LAtenser were approved by
A. and Paul L Marquard, th lessee,
only this week, and th rasing nf th
buildings near Sixteenth and Douglas
streets ta make room for th the star is
now In operation, incidentally, th build
ings being torn down are the last of th
frame buildings on Douglaa street
Beside this structure, th Branded In
terests ha in mind a new of tie or star
bulldlnv next to the American theater.
They are only delaying th construction
of It whll other concern are working
out plan tor still another building to
be Its neighbor.
This building on which they are await
ing plan Is to be rooted at th north
west earner of Seventeenth and Douglas
streets,, opposite the Brandeie theater.
The Br and els Interest anticipate It will
coincide In design with th plana they
have In mind for their new building. The
MeOafu Investment company, which
holds th lot on which the erection of
this building I Proposed have heard
nothing definite frers th owners as. te
the kind of building to b constructed.
All th company can viva out Is that tb
owners are going 16 build eome kind of
office or store building. Th lot la owned
by th Boatoa- tiround Jirnt company,
which owwe properties la aUles all over
tha i'nUed States, . Ths . company Is
known as a progressive concern that Hi
not backward In putting and directly te
. - .
It has bets rumored about from time
to-tftn that s hotel la going up hi 'this
neighborhood, but no Verification has yet
bran, forthcoming. Tb rumor Usually
ta started, real ratals men ear, br
some dreamy perao who think be see.
th need of large hold and believes
th location on upper Douglas street
would be sullabls tor audi a purpose.
Another building Is now nearlng com
pletion opposite th federal building. In.
medlatsly - after th destruction by firs
of th old landmark which stood at th
northwest swrnar of mate nth and Dodg
street th erection of th new five-story
brick building was begun. Th structure
is now almost past the fourth story sni
nay a ready for occupancy this sum
mer. It will be an office and ' store
building. i . -j
, Th United Wales National bank di
rectors 'hav not fully decided on What
kind of a building is wanted at the north
west corner or Sixteenth and Farnam
street. ' When the Ames estate refused
I Mil th adjoining property th original
plan of the bank ware aomewhat frua
trete4. A aew building wiD be erected en th
Amea property, bat will be entirely sep
arata from th bank atructura, unless
soma egreenkUt can be reached whereby
th property may be joined. Tb Mo
Cbwiwr Interests are going ahead with
their planning on th new bunding, ex
pecting to occupy it within a few month.
There ar other bulMlng peratlona. not
so exteastvs, going oa all ovsr the olty,
and still many more ar being contem
While the real eatate man may oom
pUIn, the outlook for some real lively
time In th real eatate market Is pro sl
This I th tlm of year for opening new
addltlona, and promoters ar meeting with
success la settling up their plots.
Half of Elmweod View, Sixtieth and
Pin streets, epened by the Byron Reed
company twa weeks ago, has bean sold
and eoene buyers ar figuring on real
enraa the new property.
Hastlng-i A Keyden ar making arrang-
meats to plat aeven acre of around be
tween Thirty eeitenth and Thirty-eighth,
Brown and Port street. . Into city lota
The lot will be aold en the easy payment
phut. Th plot lie high and I wlthla
four Mock of th car line. The w
ursn Avenue school nouae is within a
short distance from It.
At th last meeting of the Real Estate
exchange, th Say following th city elec
tion, tb political faction of the argantsav
tloa waa at a toes for a topto of dlscue-
aloo. Th many meurueta who have been
opposing making th axebamr. Into a po
litical camp" may not all have been ex
actly suited wnh the osteoma of the bal
loting, hut they wore tboae "I told you
o' smile. They had won their point
and bad bee vindicated in n.
The list of reel aetata sale reported
by Hastings A Harden la the last two
week shows the good demand for dif
ferent kind f Omaha real aetata: '
lot at th southwest corner of Sher
aiea avenue and trane street In Kountse
plane to M. P. Michel eon tor tula.
Uot oa Svan etreet ta Keuntae place,
between Sherman avena acd Eighteenth
street, for CM to W. R. Brsmbiett. who
expects te build a now heme an
oath west corner of Eighteenth and
Kyaaa etreet ta Kmata p-ace to On
Thompson for Cue.
Lot ea Foarteemh avetroe in Sulphur
pring addition, between Lethrop and
Enunett Btreota, to Clarence A. Overtea
for $rt.
Jvana etreet, Kounta aiaoa, to tTaak
Whlppermaa for t at
I Lot ea JEvana aoeet ta Kounta place.
, between Sherman avenue and Elsbteenth
Kireet to j. jr. ui! niuut ror ii.ubu.
Small houae and two one-half-acre lots .
in Vernon Heights addition. Just north
wan of Fort Gmalavto --ttr Jarxeaf-.n
for fUM. . '7.i 4
Half acre lot in Vernen Height addi
tion to Charles R. Hart for Is.
Four lota Mi Keants place on Erane
street, between cnerman avenue and
Kfghteenth street, to M. B. Cepeland
for M.m
Urt in Vinelaad additioa to George
White for 6-5.
Lot In Mystlr Park addition-, just west
of k'nni park, to Walter H. Iqcke
for tad.
Smell hone aad three lots in frelfhton
Heishta addition, south, of the Dear and
Immb InsUtuie. to F. i. Xillleh for fl.JTi.
Ut In Mystic park sedition, ju west
of Knife park, te Ralph V. Clary for
Reren-room bungalow In Kountse place.
191 Emmett street, sold for W. Bode man
for li.bto.
Lot In Mvstle Park addition, just west
of Krug's park, to E. Bhlrey for tH
Lot In Shuns second addition to ueorge
Crush for 4L
Another lot In Phull'e second addition
to W. Jobaon for Tu.
Small houae and lot In Lincoln HelghU
addition to Rose Hedrtck for tl Mo.
Three acrea and sis-room beuee located
at Thlrty-ntxtb, aad Curtis avenue to &
Hill tor ti.tta.
Lot In Mystic Park addition, lost west
of Krux's park, to Iucy Bh river for KM.
lot in Vinelaad addition to K. C
Oglesby- for T7S.
I'ontrs' t to build seven-room house In
Collier place on Moredlth avenue to R.
a Cllne for H.0D,
Lot on Nineteenth street in kountse
place, between Evens and Pratt street, to
cj. Jonnaon tor awn.
Qaeetloa af " Military Dleetplla
eel re Whew Baedy Want
Over th Rapes.
A story erne from London about a
military riot that took piece at Dong-
moor campC At Long moor there 1 a
mounted infantry school connected with
the Alders hot division.
It seems that certain Scotchmen among
th trooper were out on New Tear's va.
Wnen a swotenmaa go ut on a new
Tear's sve to have a good time, wa know
pretty well where he will fetch up. These
men carried out all tb traditions of tha
High street la Glasgow.
When they earns In tb next morning
Uiey were duly reproved and aeveral of
them were put m irons. Others war
made to carry tubs and shoulder brooms.
Th Scotchmen rebelled, claiming their
right to do aa they pteaaed one day In
the year. Th officers refused to accept
tha round robin, but ordered th men
Then It waa that th whol division
bombarded th officers' quarters with
bricks, smashed every window, broke In
th root and declared that If any one
ot them waa to be punished all must be
punished. -
Th assembly was sounded, and all th
officers turned out to quell th disturb
ance, Th mutineer refused to fell Into
line. Instead, they formed a hollow
cuar around a big Pi of bricks and
requested th officer to com on. Th
officer, draw their revolver, but, of
course, dared not shoot.
Then U was that a happy thought cam
to on af th off! cars a captain who la
a noted boxer. - He got th man ulet
long enough to challenge them' to pick
out any on man to fight him, and they
would eetlk th matter In stna-ls contest.
This pleased th Scotchmen very much
and they picked out their beat man.
formed a ring and agreed to let Uie tw
fight It ut, London rule to govern. -- -
Th men stripped and want Into th
ring. Th officer waa a little man and
tb man they put up against him waa a
big on.- But th Uttl man had acteno
on his aide- Ass "Thrice la k armed
who hath hi wuarrei Just" -
H put It all over th big Bandy VfcOee.
and In three minute th cond arled
that thstr big man had had enough, sod
th soldiers stood ready to fall In Ha
and obey order.
A su treat Ion eome ta oa tight her:
Why-wouldn't it be a ood acheme for
nation to sett I their difference In this
wayf Of eours. fighting never settles
which aid la right-It merely : asttto
which aid at stronger. - And all of th
people In a nation never right, anyway.
W only pick a few-and th fewer th
battar. Thla la aa oM-tlm method, going
bask to the days when David, a youth,
called out Ootfeth aad did htm up with
threes (mall pebble from th brook.
Heart Magaxlne. ,
t. lee la Doctor' Method! of Treat.
aeat BxyJalaed at Oootora
Cwavwattoa. '
A new treatment of hydrophobia, th -cevery
of which mark the moat aotahla
advaac In combatting tMa terrible dia
eas since th totreduotloai of tha Paa.
tear method in UK. was deecrlbed t tb
physician ta attendance at th closing
session of th twelfth annual meeting at
th American Aaaoejatlea of Pathologist
and Bacurioloclsta la tb College of
PhyaMlana, Philadelphia, April . whll
th treatment In Its resent! ais I atrallar
t that of Pasteur, It ta as far aa Im
provement oa th eld aaethod that It oaa
be admlnltrd easily at every bespit!
la tha country aad even by th ordinary
practicing phyatcMn la th small towns,
avoiding th dangeroue delay and th ex
pense of aeodlng the afflicted pereoa to
a hospital or to a medical institute which
spedallsa la such oases.
Th first human being oa whom th
aew treatment, waa tried waa the dl
eovercr hlmaalf. Dr. U D. Harrla, city
baetertelogiet - of St. Deuia, who owe
hi life to Its use. Whll conducting hi
experiments oa doga and rabbit la hi
laboratory he accidentally birams tn
feotad with rabies from on of the ani
mals and demonstrated th efficacy of
the treatment by making himself lm
man from th fatal reeulta whKh would
otherwise hav followed tbo aecedeeL In
ject! oas of 1.03 lethal doe war mad
oa successive day., ta conformity, with
tbo nperunent that bad boon made upon
dog and rabbit previously, and Dr.
Hunt recovered without serious Illness
er taeravenlence.
. Because af th horrible agonies through
which th victim of hydrophobia
thla dlsasss baa been on of th
dreaded la existence, and until tha Intro
duction of tha Paateor method seventeen
year ago th pertea who had been bit
tea by a dog or other aatmal with rabies
waa almost certainly doomed to death.
Th Paateor method constats af Inject
ing Into ta patient aa eawalaton mad
from th spinal cord of a rabbit killed
by rabies, but th treatment la made fca
praatjeal for general see because It t
necessary to kill a rabbit every day.
owing to th tendency of tha. virus ta
tb sat aer aord rapidly to Mae trata.
After Sfteea day ft praotlcalty use
less. By th Harris mstbnt.
strength aftr mora thaa ft
Dr. Barrto mad a frapalo ompartswa
af to MW-toasd traat-
whaa h said that
awuwlaetared by Bis method bad
smor of Ha arlattal stialsnoa aflsr a
period of M dsys thaa bad tha
vw at tha aad ef tar day. 1
Yes, BIGGER and BETTER values than you'll find anywhere
in all Omaha. WE'RE but of the high rent district and CUTTING
UNDER the prices of other stores to an amazing extent. We'll
SAVE YOU A GOOD 25 on every purchase.
Credit Terms Arranged to Suit
W extend to every purrhaser tha full benefit of our monthly payment Credit plan. Wa'll ult your own con
venience I th matter of payment a JOVM term will be OVaV term. Pay what you can conveniently spar. .
Larg else, extra sis
French bevel mirror; In
rich dull mahogany fin-
len or goioen.
oak. A very
unusual offer.
Priced at
Refrigerators '
Th famou "Whit Mountain."
superior In every wy, all
parts removable, good six,
three door, two food com
partamsnts; continuous circu
lation, cold dry air.
odorles. w o n d
fully economical
Special for
Other make
styles as
Extiosion Tiile
Made , of solid oak,
in Fumed or Early
English finish; ex
tends to six ft 7C
ft This saletf-l w
teur material ta adaptable tor use only
la bospltsls aad tnstitutea wher th rab
bits ar Infected and killed, whll tb
material manufactured by tha new pro
cess tt la powder form and may be die
patched easily to any accessible part of
th world. - - '
Th Harris virus Is obtained by grind
ing np la a mortar th dry brain ot an
infected rabbit ist enough water !
added to tnak It th oontistency of past.
Tsea It hi subjected to a f reeling pro
osaa which raiders It extremely brittle
and gives It It ability to retain ao much
at tt virulence for so long a period.
After being (round again to a light yU
krwieh r brown powder, every partlcl
ef moisture Is removed and th material
la ready to be placed la hermetlcalir
sealed glass tuba for a when needed.
BxaHiusnt have shown that tha powder
retains from at tq to per cent ef It
original virulence, but aa It loeee at th
tun nearly N per cent In weight.
It really contain as great a parcentag
of strength as when taken from tbo skull
of tho rabbit.
Dr. Harris said that the experiments
he bad conducted proved to hi tl if ac
tio that tha vtru would establish sbso.
lot hamanlty freaa hydrophobia la prao--tlcally
every case that waa taken In
time. He said be had demonstrated this
repeatedly oa animals in hi experiment.
Because of the recent ese of th dia
esewry wily a few human beings have
received the treatmesL Besides Dr. Har
rla. alaoteoB persons ta tt- Louis hav
keen treated by the new method and la
each case Immunity wa. eetabilarted.
Philadelphia Record.
lvaJ Caadldate far Off ire Take th
. tewtrta taw Cold Poet, auadr ;
. Tkes flasBa.
BtaJoT H. A. Petti boo ot Tennessee,
ta hi rssntnlsocacs ef Piddlln- Boh
Taylor, formerly rivals for tho same seat
k osaaissa. elves a graphic account In
tho New York Tiroes of a typical po
litical fight m th Tennessee aeoim
talna. .
The first eampalca for rongre."
said Major Petti base, -wa Bob Taylor'
first essay ta tha political arena, and he
wa then the earn rolllcklas, good-natured
fellow that everybody knew after
ward. He waa full af tun aad life. and.
after we had completed tb acrto part
ef ear speeches and got down' to telling
yarns aad swapping Jokes, he waa a Ms
wo did. a lot
of traveling together, aad w
were wi
th beet of term I never will
tJsne whea we were travaans
sioeg together from an Uttl ten to
another. I ta a boggy aad Bob alongside
a a but kins, It waa neeeaaary far a
t pass eerteia lack oreek. aad at that
Oxa tb sreek we a
da t baser reins of tha
When we mnhiil ft I happened to glance
at Bob's fee aad tt was tha saost woa-
att 1 ever looked at, HT ap.
asdVatwa that Th abase ot
Wi 1 th I
-a sa axfaw
m waw an bbbw -
ll Slw ) rl Value ta
xir w 'Gas' Ranges. li
Q?jrlV& ' Oedlt Tormg to Suit U
l.lllaHWi..i. M.i
"Unifold" Action or "Pullmau" Style'
We hav this splendid Davenport mad with tho "tJnl
fold" action and also In tho new "Pullman Revolving
Heat" construction, in each case tit bed is fitted with
Improved saklees springs with steel support (you don't
sleep on the uphoiftterlng). In eacn case the mat
trees and bedding are held securely la plac when bed
Is closed. It is made or solid
quarter sawed oak, Fun.ed, or
Early Enrllsh. or Golden, or
-Mahogany, upholstered In
heavy Sforoccollne leather,
fully guaranteed. A massive.
substantial extra durable Dav
bed: tie value.
Sale of Deds
Clearanc sale of Sample Bras Bed
Wood Beda and Steel Beds, all sixes, all fin
Ishes. It's a general clean up of stock and
oxtenslve reductions hsv been . -mad all
along th Una Big savings ar posstbl dur
ing this sale.
"'7.95 ',;.raS";rC3
hi being Uft behind war vary bright
" 'Major,' be aald, "you reckon I caa
gat -across with thla anlmair
" WelL Bohr I said, -you got oft and
get In tha buggy with me, and I will
rosks my driver rid your nobl steed
over.' '-
"This was gTeable to Bob. as down
he got and up he cam Into tho buggy
with me. and. w Immediately etarted
across. Mow, It happened that tha creek
was oven deeper thaa I though It waa,
and by th tlm ws readied tha middle
th water wa way ap In tha buggy, and
w had to bold our legs away up I tho
air to keep from getting aoakad. Par a
while It looked aa If wa would hav to
do Borne swimming, and th prospect waa
none too pi seeing to either of as. pi.
nslly, however, w htt th other aid and
tha diangor was over.'
" 'Bob.' said I after that, -ain't w a
bit wet about the feet- -
" 'I think w ar, major, b aald.'
'Well. Bob.' I said, 'getting my feet
wet alwajs fives me a bad cold If I don't
take something. I hav a bottle of good
mountain whisky under tbo buggy seat
and - ,
"Bob beat ma to tt by a second!
"The wa goof led.
"A Utile later our feet began t get
cold again and wa goegled aaaia. Before
we got to our speaking plac Bob put hla
arms around my neck and with genuine
tsars la hi eyas said: .
" 'Major, forgive me; I ain't worthy
God knows I ain't to run against a
noble a xnaa as you ar for congress. I
admir you. I love yen, major, and I
hop you will beat th vary Muffing out
of m
"I returned th embrace aad we googled
One of Miller's Bungalows
t Home that can be built for $1,00 up. Some of the moat nrttette
and moot complete bone In Omnia and suburb are gbown lit our
new book,
"Bungalows and Other Thihgs'V
wbieh la now ready for delivery. Plan and specification tor' tie
boa may be bad at a very low cost if ordered from thi book. Call
Tyler 1321 or mail aa a card lor aample page aad full Information.
Thla mean a bis aartig to pott la tb coat ot roar boa. -
An amstlng value, larg
is.' colonial deaignk ma-
nogany finish
(some also In
Circassian wal
Other at .T8, ffltJO,.
14.Ta. IS4.00 and t7a.OO. '
Maaaiye, Handsoitie
BU-FIT-Quartorad Oak
A high grads Buffet, heavy
and substantial, quartered oak.
in rumen or Early English
xinian, jinea draw-,
era, French bevel1
mirror; real val
ue Ms, sal prlc
' AH styles, all is, splendid
hewing, aanaual value. Oaak
or asoathly nayaianta.' .
we hands the
Htandars ,
Make of Guar-
anted fiaa
Range from
i TO" " "
By far th beat showing
In tiis city, all. deelena
Hsvsral one-motion -col.
iapeiDie carta.
Me cart, aa sBiea
hood. H- Q Qfl
tire special...,
again. '
" Bob,' said J. aftr a whlls-thla time)
putting my arms around him 'you ar
mistaksn about that Utile remark you
mad Just now, and by gad, aah, Lam
going to toil 'm so at th next meeting.'
" 'Oh, major,' said Bob, hugging me
again with tears In his yes, 'don't do
that, for God' .aakt don't But If you
do. major. It would Just confirm what I
Just . aald about you and your aoble
nature.' , . . .
"Well. I doa't remember much about
that next atop except that wa drove up
to a viae where hundred ef noon tain
poops stood retmd t hear tha twa fa
mous orator of th Wautauga, valley.
By that time neither ef us could hav get
oat -of th buggy to savs our Uvea- ex
cept oa our head. o w Just sat where
w were, and I put my arms around Bob
and aald:
" 'Pel low dtlaena. thla man I th Hon
Robert b, Taylor, my honor; opponent
In this race tor congress, and I want you
to elect htm, for he ia a genius and th
beat fellow that ever lived. Th fact bv
w are both great men, and ao It doa't,
make any difference whom you elect, be
cause, anyhow, yoa will elect a man a
darn sight too good to represent such a,
lot of fools aa I now see before me.
Whooprah, Hurrah for me and Bob
Taylor! . , ,
"And I grabbed ap the reine and drove
off (for I didn't know what might hap
pen). And tho gaping crowd ot.dtllU.
billies stood there wondering what la tb
devil tt all meant. . , :-,
I found out later: They took me at
my word, much to my 1 trust, and voted
solidly for Bob." -