Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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New Arrivals: Silk and Eponge Coats
Women who want "Different" styles .
Styles precisely "arrect" surely must
, realize that no local store enjoys such
advantages in Obtaining 'and "Re
producing' of ansto
cratic American
and Parisian mod
els as the Bensm &
Thtrne Co.
TVe are in intimate touch
ith the renowned E. J. Wile
organization of Wvw York,
who are the acknowledged
ttyle masters of this entire
Th newet development ia fine
tost are expressed In the new
' 46-inch silk coats on display here
Tbeee come In satin, change
able uffetaa, Bensalins and Gro-de-Londres
ell ellk lined and
light, ae leather!
$25.00 to $29.75
Girls' Coats Reduced
All broken lines ot coat for
little girls from t to 12 years
are greatly reduced.
Coat for 1 to years, sll col
ors, formerly Mid for 13.60
to 6.00; aow $1.05
Cost for I M II years, for
merly 3 50 to 16.10;
o $2.95
1918-1520 FAUN
Tnnbf Cat lata aa 04 IUH
ladlaae with Llt Hair
i aa fsearele.
Mr. ttefaneeo. Arctic explorer, relates
la detail la the New York HareM matting
with a race ef Eskimo la Vletortalan
whs had sever before teea a white man.
an ae far a he could aaeertaln none of
their ancestor had. There was a tradl
Ilea m the tribe that a aelshberlng people
had eeea a maa with white skin who
wandered there, and M i ber l DM he
eoul not learn to drink seal oil.
The natives prepared te attack the ex
plorers, with knlvo. believing they were
splrtta. hut ewe finally .tobiutled. They
came vp sad felt the arms an the cloth
lag ef the party, as having mad sure
that what they sew was real they bcm
ore tractable, la one ef their villages
was a snail piece ef oetton cloth which
Wee preeerved as a charm.'
Ths party wee received et the villas
an regaitd with choice pieces of freshly
killed seals and stayed with horn flagons
ef blood soup. Even the dogs received
large port lone ef hot boiled meat. The
party remalaed for eeverel daye In this
aewla tAue vllleae which te In the
alddl of Dolphin and Vnloa Strait and
north ef Caps Bexley.
Mr. attfeneeoa expatiates on the dttalll
which be Seat to H. U andgemen an
wnleh bar already bee glvea In the
Herald. He seems convinced that many
et the errang ran which he saw there,
some with light bearde and hair, were
deecendanla of a Norwegian colony ef
sea ecu Is trnkeh disappeared la the fif
teenth century from Oreealand. He aleo
ass eometalag te say a hoot the peeetblllty
ef tfMlr betn deeceadanl from forty
BagHeanwa who were leet from one ot
the Sir Joke Fran kite spedltloa.
'The wietarlelend people." eontlnuee
Mr. gtefenoooa. "differ strikingly from
thoee el the auuelaad, except from the
Akuliaketeagmtat. who were much inter,
married with the people at the north.
They have a definitely Buropeaa appear.
Sacs, eapedaliy la the matter ef beards,
which ate as aaltermly Mood.
mm avea red. I hart sees aoae with
the hi cade hair, but. Captain Mogg ad
other who have wintered north of the
Kaahlrgmlut, report hair Sara hrowa an
Ma eye. I have eaea perhaps forty
Eaktmoe. half. Mood chlldrea and adults,
aad aoae ef them bed heir noticeably
tighter than fall bloods, and none had
light colored eyee
Yeaaa Aerreee Learae a Fart at Two
Theea War ta fovea
A ftve-werd-a-miaeie memory Is the
meat prised point l on et Misa Christine
Nlelata. ene of the Two Uta BrMte'
at the Shabert theater. New Tore. It It
beddte a memory that doee not run down,
but keeps going with clocklike regularity
evea while the words mount up bite four
Hire Is ths wey ehe pat It to the tt
and proved it power. Only leet week
she karat a pen of mere thaa 2.00
words la eevea hourt-five words a min
ute. MS wards sa boar the rest ef the
sum tee easy. ' ,
It bepptoed thet four day before the
"Tee tittle Brides'' opened in Boetoa
the part ef Tatjeae vie etin anfllled end
At a memeate aetloe Misa Kleltta was
called te the reecaa She was glvea four
teea 1sMts ef dtalegue and ate nonet
te leara fa the fear busy day. Ia the
sevea edd hears she aiaaagtd te keep
tree aha completed her tank and at toe
Bret performance did not dip ea a single
-Jurt work and system, that'c ail."
the wag she crplolns it. 1 leara a pan
Just as I a my homework, aad when
I'm at heme by the etmpie prncom at act
letting anything Interfere with the eae
duty I have la hand for a glvea momeat.
r ceeeeauate. CoaosaPatc aad there's
There's eeenethraa- mora thaa eoaoea-
tratlea te mastering a rate. If ye Itttan
te Mies tfleiara. Therea method beeldta
' "Who t cat afl that ml tot." continued
Miss Kleleta. "I jaat sat Sewa aad betjaa
te scrteM. f wrote every war ot that
parvaswe. aad. aw. eaata- ea
paper acta ay, room leaked as It tt had
been hit by a paper billiard. Every time
t wrote a word I repeated It and kept
en doing that until every eyilable was
photographed somewhere on my brain.
I ran see those words now."
Mitt Nielsen learna the phrases of ber
lyrics In exactly the eeme way. Ac to
the mnaie. she haa no difficulty with that.
for ehe haa betn memorlalng mutle ever
elnce ehe was W rears old. She thinks
that's a sort ot second nature.
All one haa to do. according to the little
blonde "bride," Is to determine te think
of nothing but words end more word
and In the end all the worde are youre
for keeps. Mlae Nielsen hss memorised
fifty-nine rolee In the tour, year of htr
stag career, and aaya that ehe hunt
forgotten enr of them. .
If you would be mentally -strong' when
grown up, eet vegetables when a child.'
Is ene of Mies Nielsen e maalme.
Mite Nielsen Is a etrong believer in
herd work and In determination end
eurtoutly enouih ehe belltre In lurk.'
loo, Sht It to have a lucky engagement
ehe knows. WhyT
"Ths nlsht of the flrat performenre was
my twenty-eerend blrthday-what could
be more luckyr the ks:-New York
CHICAGO. May Il.-"The links will
spread te every city In the country unites
the Chicago railroads grant our de
mand!." laid ITtsldent Plannary of the
Freight-Handlers' union, following the re
ceipt of newt today that M freight
handlers at Galeeburg hid gone out, and
te he waa preparing to ge to St Paul
and Minneapolis, where, he eald. 1,000
frtltht handle re are anxloue to etrtke.
The railroads deoiered they had a lerse
force ef nonunion men at work at every
freight bouse.
Saeeetatal Job at FteaaelaJ Laaa
darng railed Oft 1 Walk .
Offloere and olerki ot tha l:it a,....
Life -Ineuranea coamii, iin
stery ot a piece of financial laundering"
which haa probably never occurred be
fore la the history of Wall street.
Tne vault la which our company kept
lie seeurttlee wes ths very lowest one la
the burned Equitable building." sat Aa
tletaat Secretary Kenaay. "Tone of
water tillered dowa Into It while the fire
department waa flaming the fire. The
nnenciai institutions which occupied the
vault Immediately above aa, whea they
got Into their vaults after the fire, found
that their seeurltlea wara km.., an.i
But whea we came to open the lerge tin
ooata m which (3 or .000 of cur securities
were keot- wa found that hum .k.....
a bucket of water la each boa. The ee-
cunuta were soaked through, but were
not etherwlae daman and wa muni
taem tafely to another vault watch we
nae urea la the financial district, and
tried to dry them, flrat with Mom in na.
per. Half a doata clerks at cur company
noma ana D lotted away at the wet ee.
earlties for almoot a week, but the mota.
ture refueed to come cut.
ytnaJly Preeldent Wunn laiMhsaaii h
aa Ct the electrical tunnlv
ot the city aad ordered a half doeea
cieetrte fane an half a doata electric
Irons. Whea tbeee were ceat dowa to
the vault we eeeaected the taae and the
irons to the electric wiring at the vault
aad hang the I bond cemtlcates cut
ta dry- The eertlfleatee were attached
ta tea wirec wita reguietloa eletlwplaa
Aa eoea aa each aecurltv waa mail mr.
tlally dry by the brtttt from the whlr-
nn wecuie una one or the officer et
the company, aaser Prvrtdent Muan's
dlrtoUta. would epreed tt out oa aa Iron
ing board and would carefully Iron It out
with on at the electric Irons. About
the only thing we didn't use which a
laundry ooee la Mucin aad starch.
"The Ironing at MO plena ot laundry
hart tkoy eaay work evea far a trained
leundreae. ft took us tea deye alto
gether, and the beads ef meet ot oa were
red and blietared before we got through.
Sow. however, that the work It all ever,
we are suite proud of curtelvee. for not
am at the eatire 4SXS bene ta .ta the
Pennsylvania Police Charge Biotoai
Mob st Olypnant
Trewa Ordered te Fire aa FUtal
Kbata Came tram Craw Bay
Staalaa ta Hit Fraat
Var la Kllle.
SCRAXTOJf. Pa.. May 1L-A riotots
demonatratloa by forelcners at Oiypbant
colliery No. I. DtLavare A Hudson com
pany, today multtd In the killing of
George Robareeky, a boy, by the state
troop. The troopers were riding down
a crowd of rioters who ditplsyed fire
arms sad hurled stones and ciuba. The
boy waa standing la bis front yard, the
mob nearby was daring the troopers to
come on. '
The police moved forward just aa a
volley of stones struck them. Several
pistol shots were fired by the crowd.
The troopers hsd their guns ready and
were ordered to shoot. The order was
to tire low and the bullet thet hit the
boy was aot Intended for him.
Gather la 'Sreat Perec.
The shooting for s time cowed the
rlotert, but they gathered In greater
force aa newa of the boy's death tpread.
The police, however, sppesr to have the
eltuatlon well In hind.
More troopers from ths Perkvllle sta
tion and from Wyoming barracks ar
rived at Olyphant shortly sfter the snoot
Leaders of the touted Mine Workers
srs endeavoring to keep the foreign
speaking miners from gathering about
the mines.
Two Killed in Wreck '
Near Smith, Ind.
EVA-NSVIXX.E, Ind.. Msy ll.-Pae-
senger train Na M oa ths Evaasvllls ft
Terre Haute railroad struck a southbound
freight at a siding at Smith. Ind., five
ml lee north ot Vlncennte shortly after
midnight Two mta were killed and tws
Injured, who were cutting a ride oa the
freight. The cngtn of No. M wa de
railed, bur none ot the pasaeoger or
a was Injured.
Saktlety Dace It.
J. Oerden Armour, a Dm not of I tat year.
etld at a luncheon at the Auditorium ta
A cin can take ad van lam of leas year
without beta at ail unmaldanly. Than
art subtle snd delicate waya of doing
tninn. ana eucs weys sre lutt ae
efficacious as brutal, kaock-me-down
'There'c a artri named Jonea. who. hav.
In bean enad altocether too Ion.
took edvsntace of leep yeer to hurry en
ntr waaoma- out cut eocomplllhta tnis
dtllaetely. She lust tinned a latter to her
nanca. -Aa alwava Ed th Jonea.' and aha
sndareoored always' aad Jonee' very
'The marrlace in consequence waa cel
ebrated th aext month." Chicago Jour.
Condamnlng the extortion practiced by
s certain cleat of Itwy.rt, Pranclt L.
I I. nil Ittm k.,bd - . . .. am
'to tht Mttropolltan mustura. said at
. "I htard the other dey ef en old man
WhA brnkt arm t..- tU A
open manhole. A 'thark' lawyer tued
f;T him. end a verdict waa returner fur
IMS In his favor. But of tbla sum all
Vote of the State of Nebraska
Preference, Republican National Committeeman and
for United States Senator at the Primary Election
Rlalne i
Boone ,
Box Butte
Cider ,
Cheyenne ...t
Colfax . ,
Cuming ,
Dakota ,
Iaee ,
Daweoa ,
Iou(lss ,
Dundy ,
Go. per
Hamilton ,,,.
Kiarney ....!.
Keya Paha
Nuckolls -.
Otoe ..
Pleroe -
Red Willow ?
Soott'e Bluff
fhiriilta .......
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fOODX ....
Tr earner
that the char gave the old ataa wa a
miKrtble II bill
-But but where's the reecT the oM
fellow itked. II
" The reet, the lawyer bhtndlr ea
awfred. hat gone In ooeti.'
"The eid man etudlu te (1 bill. He
turned it ever and ever. Then he looked
up and muttered:
" 'Say. muter, what'e the matter with
thai? Ain't It soodr "New York Sua.
fTontinudjd from Pa On.
floor. The personality of the maa ad
dressing the chair boa something U do
with It. Then, of course, it the men ad
dreeaing the chair I well known by th
chairman Ma eaae II materially helped.
Dr. James M. Buckley ot New York bat
neither voice nor a commanding Beat la
the house that would give htm sa advan
tage, yet Dr. Buckley rarely aeeka the
floor that he doea not get It Be It said
to bis credit, however, be never sake
the floor except when he has eomething
of importance to cay.
How the Waaaaw Voter Of
rraaeleew Lint Vp at
Approximately per cent ot the women
who registered voted st the bond elec
tion In San Fr incite o, March 21 Tht
percentile of the women who reclitered,
compared with the men. waa small, but
the f) turn of the woman's vote, so tar
aa It was poaslbls tc obtain them. Indi
cate that the majority of the women who
registered hsd the city hall bond Issue
ia view.
That la brief Is the story of the first
election in Ban Francisco la which the
women took part.' The vote waa dif
ferent la the different districts. In ths
resident sections where the club women
mostly llvs and the ctvlo clubs are moet
active the woman's vols Is n per ceat aad
posilbly S) per cent of ths registration.
Reports from other sections show that
little mors than one-half, of thoee who
registered cared ta cast their vote oa the
bond Issue for a city hall and the ctvtc
center project.
The right of suffrage was sxteaded to
the women of San Francisco for the first
time, yet there seamed to the obeerver
little cut ot the ordinary. The whole
vote oa the election will be light and
there waa no crowding at th voting
booths .The women came and took their
turn at signing the rtgltter, picked up
their ballot snd entered the booth ss s
rule Just about at naturally aa did the
men. The bellote were extremely simple,
there being only one proposition to vote
on, and a stamp under the single "No"
or "Yet" finished the work. To the elec
tion officers and men who hav attended
th voting habitually for years there
were many new things, however. Regis
trar Zcrnaneky had appointed many
women as electloa officer and their In
fluence ta the voting place waa plainly
In ths Twelfth precinct of the Fortieth
district Mrs. Rhode Rlngross. whs wss
sn active worker tor equal rlghta, wee
Judge of elections, snd early In the morn
ing she Intimated that ehe did net like
th smell of clsarette or cigar emeke,
but did aot mind the odor of orange.
On ot th challemrera wa tent after s
bag ot oraagea, and orange were eaten.
While she wss out to bring back t
worn voter who for aot to siga tbt reals.
i if r n f f i' i
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Remarkable Sale
For Women and Misses that 7ere Made .
to Sell for $17.59, $19.50, $22.50 and P
$25.00 On Sale Monday .
This remarkable sale offers you the choice of
strictly tailored and trimmed serge $,
coats in DiacK, navy, ran, goiaen
brown, gray, etc. also handsome
satin coats, bengaline coats and
black and colored silk coats.
Just think off choosing from 1,200
coats that are suitable for spring
and summer wear and positively
worth $17.50 to $25.00.
on sale r.ionD Y ....
1510 Doaglts Street
ladlea," aad two' other. "For men,"
while th middle oaa ber th tlga, "Take
your choice." In the booths "for ladlee"
were mirrors, vases ot flowsra, powder
puff aad powder, hairpin, paper nap
kins, a towel, and th walla wer covered
with picture.
In th Third of the Thirty-ninth th
Judge of elections waa glvea a "vallls
down" whea be started to tell a women
voter tc tak a ballot aad cuter one at
the booths.
"I know all about this." ehe informed
him, aad pasted oa rapidly to th booth.
She forgot th ballot, however.
The policemen who have etood guard
at voting place for year past teamed
to evince the greatect measure et curio.
ter whea shs voted, th mea gav vent
to their feelings.
"We ought to have com Florida water
to aprlnkle around here." said one, and
there wes a chorus ot suggeetions of
swaet-emelllng thing.
The election officers In tht Fourth pre
cinct of the Fortieth dletrlct were all
mea, but they Introduced a touch of the
feminine into their place of busta
for Presidential
Republican Nominees
Held April 19, 1912.
Two at th booths were labeled. Tor
tty aad oaaaera. They were aiodlauaiy
poltt to th fair eurtragette. aad this,
perhaps, ta on at th avral tributes
they win offer ta th aew eotar. On of
then exprtaasd the fearing that all would
ebvieoaty Ilk ta be credit with, whea
ha saM with profound iwlourut :
Toa eaat tea abeox thta. hot I doat
think Ha gotag tabasabedeaallefas
thsaght. I tall you I'm glad ta e th
woama vat. Jaat think that all along
fbcveaaer ignorant ot cur way and
need who could barely alga their names
In Engltsh were allowed to vote, while
theaa good woman, who bare ths tnter
oeta of th city at heart, wara barred
Several et the euffra leaden ex
pi "Sts 1 their high gratification over
what they Untied the good (howlng ef
their cox. Considering the newne of
the thing and th difflcultle encountered
In realstretloB through there being only
one otfloa, they bed met all expectation
they sald.-Saa Francisco Chroalcle.
Oa Tlx th Wtree Wer K tally
Baer, Jfakklea the Heated la
' rtrteea Mtaateo.
How's thi for rapid traaalt cbaalng
a soaa aorosa tare tats by telephone,
and, beat ot all. catching blra Inalde of
fifteen minatest The operators at the
South station pay station. Bolton, evi
dently are resourceful la following cleans
of tale kind, aad the patron must have
departed with a pretty good opinion, not
only ot the opes asms, but ot a company
capable of glvlsg such asrrtca.
Oa the evening ef February a sentle
maa called at our South station attended
pay nation and Mated that oa that
morning ha bad cent a telegram ta
certain psresa In Worceeter, Mata, and
that ha wa very anxloue to communi
cate with that peraoa agala by talepbona
furalpned the name of the party deelred.
bat unfortunately bad forgottaa the name
ot the hotel where the perton waa stop
ping. Th only Information he could give
u Wat that hi wit quit surt It wa the
f '
jti J a Tble week we i
htl will siva 1 tea 1
J.Z: Silver eoupone I 1
Hit' with every quart
it Hlllef a Pure '1
S Food Port Wine: . f 1
, ' 4 Silver coupont i fl
tt . A I with ovary sal Ion. ay
GOOD PUBS PORT WINS is unequalled as a tonic;
It tones the system, dears the blood, and gives one
energy and smbltioa.
In buying Wine, yea want the best, the purest snd
most nutritious.
ia rich in life giving properties, snd bsa a delicious
flavor. Ago aad parity make it a moat peUatable,
clean and vholeaome product. (It contains very
small percentage of alcohol, aot as much as most
patent medicines.)
rtt. 4 AAA We Shin Evervwhawav
Deiw-ry. I OU9 rarnaiTI i for Price Ua.
. ' ' .I"' I
of Coats
1510 DonIn Street
nota! ta Worcester aad waa pa
trni ilwral tty onmaiercai men.
Our attendant susseeted passing 1
tn that manner, which waa dene, 1
report promptly received that the 1
stare loft.
comrmmlratln this fact to the pa
tron, our attendant wa told that thai
. .i..oi.bttdly gone from Wr
:" ' f ovldeno. but that aa he wa
not familiar with the hoteia there, h.
did not know where hs oauld be located.
Information dleoloetd the fact that th.
Crown hotel and the Narragarwett ware
rwtronlied considerably by commercial
men at Providence, and a call waa ao
oordlngly paeeed for this peraoa at th
Crown hotel. Report was promptly re
eslved that the person wantegt bad been
a the Crown hotel, but had been burrldl
called away to Manchester, N. H.
By no meant discouraged, and with'
Sherlock Holme persistency, the attend
ant followed the party Into a third ctatCi
and by meant of Intelllgeat handling et
the call the peraoa waa located la afan
Chester, N. II., and connection eetak.i
llthed. Tha patron, ea leaving the ctatlea,
meraeu, - nnea m eouet, telepnenci
One particularly good feature of the call
la that the actual tint eeneumed front
the momeat the patron entered the pay
nation until conunualcatlen waa ataki1
llshed waa but fifteen tninute.-Me
England Telephone Teplca
CHICAOQ, May U.-Jnde Petit today
appointed tha Fort Dearborn Trust and -Bavins
bank receiver for the area.
Western Cereal company. Followtag th
filing of a suit for tn.M0 against tha
company by Joy Morton, large stock
holder oa vblch hs wss swarded a judg
ment at (2.087.
In the creditors bill filed by Morton. It
ta alleged that stock ef Ike company tx-
oteding th par value of (344.00 waa Is
sued to O. C. Barker, without eoniid
erttloa Barber a said to bsvs prorneted
th company. ,
Every Woman
Should be lntereatetl in
this Grand Free DistrlbtrtHra
of eleant sflvanrar so
should ovtrry woman ba ta
milar wtih th graod beaa
fidai quaHtira of
Nothtny; Is mor xhilargt
lng; and twnefldsi to th
general health than a glsa
ot Para Port 'Win at meal
Uma and before rearing.
For tha
worn oat,
tired or run
dowa system;
tor thoee of
nervous tem
perament; for
the sick and
o nwaleacent.
ran . TSa