SOCIETY MOYES TOTE CLUBS' Brides of Early Summer Outdoor Putimes Take the Place of the Indoor Erenta, MATTY WEDDINGS SCHEDULED Cwsvld Baa Basy Month Refer HI . Cauor Claa Baa Bis O Bea ten) Other Cleae Open 318-320 ViSojuTO.16.TH. t. rotliefs M o ) . Sawn fee Sens er. I Social Calender. MONDAT Mrs. June Love Pejrtoa, meeting of Team Bridge dub; Monday Brldca club, meeting at Country club; Recaption (or Clarkaon Memorial hos pital graduating nuraea at Jacobs Me morial hall; TUESDAY Mr. J. O. Robb. luncheon tor Mia Grace Plereon; Mr. J. 8. Becker, meeting of Unlver I Sewing club; play (or benefit of Trinity Altar guild at Jacob' hall at I p. m.; Mr. Paul Thlennnsoa. meeting ot Serroo club; WEDXESDAT-Mrs. J. M. Meteslf, af ternoon brtdre (or Mra. C. E. Crala of Springfield. 111.; Dance at Country club; Columbian circle, afternoon party. THURSDAY1 Reception at Chamber (or Wis Memorial hospital graduating claaa; Mra J. F. Welch, meeting of Saaatlka crab; Mr. Oeorc Print, meet ing of Cooking club;- FRIDAY Mra. J. M. Metcalf. meeting of the Friday Bridge club;- Columbian circle, evening party; . SATURDAY Opening of tha Field club; Th Little rUncse" at Brardcle the ater for benefit of Vltlttng Nun ssso claUon; Ula Ruth Hiurlcbs, luncheon. Th Interest la Country club opening comes ana goes, but the Inter t In wad One (oat on forever. And uch a lot of wedding plan there are (or May and June! -May ha been looked upon tor year and year by superstitious (oik a n unlucky month In whlcS to embark n matrimonial venture, but a number ( Omaha young people have put thl popular belief away with tha old-fogy notion and art being married thl month. Mr. Hortea Munger. ton of Judge and Mra. W. H. Munger of thl city, will be married Tueeday, May tl to Mia Oer aldln Bar ot North Platte. Th Omaha relative will attend th church wedding which will be held t th Church of Our Saviour la North Piatt with Rev. MY. Chapman officiating. Sine ' leaving Omaha Mr. Munger ha been aatoclated with th United State National bank of North natt nd th young eoapl will r!d there. Among th June weddlnt will be that ef nothr Omaha young man and, an out-of-towa girt who will rettde In an tra city sltsr their marriage. Mr. Robert Erie Campbell, gon of Mr. and Mr. John Campbell ot Omaha, will be married to Ml Dorothy Miller, daughter at Mr. and Mrs. John K. Miller ot Lin coln, th last ot th month. Ml Miller I a grtduat of th I'm vanity of Nebraska, a, member' o( th Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, and ha Jo (tudled a year In Pari. Mr. Campbell graduated from th Omaha High gehool. alto from th Unl vanity at Nebraska, where he took hi degree la th electrical sng nesting sour two year ago. While at th university he was prominent In athletic and social circle. He la a member ot th Alpha w nam fraternity and of three Inter freternltl : Th Viking, la hi sopho more year; Iron Bphlns. la hi junior year; and Innocents, la hi senior year. H ha tor twa year held a position wlth th Notional Electris Limp com ' pear ot Cleveland, whrs th young ooupl Vill make their home. Th wed ding wit Uk place th lat ot Jim. Another Jun wedding will be that at Ml Margaret Craig, daughter ot Mr. aad Mra, J. W. Craig who formerly lived la Omaha, but who have recently moved t a ranch ta th western part ot th Stat. Ml Craig will be married ta Lrea tenant Paul William ad et th ! nth Infantry at Cheyenne, aad ther th young people will reside after th Wedding. Th marriage et a popular young Omaha woman ta aa out-of-town maa I . lo scheduled for this month, hut th plan are being kept very seem. Th date has been set for Jun U attar which th younc couple wl:i Uk a wedding trip abroad. Lea tatareat ta Tneetrteees. Why are Mia Carol is Blertnan and Mr. Mayaard Iwarts, whs added a mativ u tha Buoaaa of th parformaao ( tha "Jolly Mueketeer glvaa by th v.iehta at Ak-Sar-Ben. lacking from th casta of "The Mikado," which th Elk will put on at th Orpheum My IT Mr. Iwirti was th loading tenor in The i Musketeer" nd Mia Biermaa i a member at th chorus. Both war sought tor the production of Tn Mikado" and both war loath ta taks pan la a play la which Mr. warts, as leading sua, would ha obliged to feign effect! for another young woman. It Is whispered about among the ama- that these two deserter (rom I heir rank ere tar more Interested Just aew la pretty bungalow which Mr. warts is hulldlng m Dundee than thy i theatrical. Thev have given a premise, however, that they may ting together k the opera for Ag-ear- Sen next winter after the autuma we Mmm aaaana as ever. Mr. awaits and Ml Bterman make a iMtiu aaunia. Ma la tell aad dark aad Bhe I petit aad Monde. Use Btermaa beauty has been made rasas as ue pw ad Lean Boetwlck. She ha posed ... Cora anew e-lrt. th eaaos girl, th aatooioelie glri and la away ether at tractive conceit, eh Is ens eg tne poe- u haJiaa at the Rod aad two clue. Mr. Bwaru at manager ( the Bwarts ataisuf.- a nlncer et meca ahtlity end en et the crack tennis Hay- rs et th field dim. - mt Cr k. n. .iuan. ai Port Crook Friday even ing by the officers aad tedle et the peat ares ee of the moot enjoreot events 01 the week. Nuuisron dinner parties were given preceding the hep end saany guests (roes Osasha attended. Cetooel aad Mra va-niiu. r Battler ktd the grand marsh and th dlffereat flgarea at the gorraan r. aad br Cetooel Battler. Captala . I Ji tenant Orlfflth. Th . -..i-i. tiia kaat et the Sartes for thl seeaea. we. eae et th ssoet elas- orata glvea et the poet. APPM pjuaa blossom sad ether spring dower. m la, aoaaoaao m " Japaaeee taataraa aad Anssrtoaa Beg The guests from Omaha kA - - - i --" Fert Mr. Arthar Cowan aad Iatanant BeU et Fert Oeaahe, Captain and Mra. Bafea htk. UsuunauU aad Mra. Natkaa Post. Meter aad Mrs. Evans. M!a Naeh. Mi- Nor Fertamaa of Lea Aa- g. call Mi- O" UarlJ?Z Whltmerew Mi- KaU-rtn. Moor- heatd. Mia' XUdred Rogers. Ml Iron i-!!"-tt ef Chieage, Ml- Eil-beth Bweet. mZ L-r Jerdaa, Ml- Katherlne Me- Cnahan, Mewo. C uiis, Oer- mil don Kellcy, Robert Burns. Bamuel Dlgh ton. C. I Lord, Taylor Belcher, Colonel Coelidg. Oeorg Duncan, Meyer of New York. Masy Visitor Casalaa. Mr. Charles Whitehead of Denver I expected to visit hsr ltr-ln-lw, Mrs. Allaire, at Fort Crook and later will be with Ml Curtis. Miss Tuck of Chicago arrived yesterday to visit her cousin. Mrs. J. W. Griffith. Mrs. R- U Hsrper ot Denver, th guest ot Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Jonas for th last two weeks, leavss Monday. Mrs. Robert Lowell Parker and mall daughter, Oretchen, left last week for Chfcago. after a visit of some weeks with her parsnts, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. McCon noil. Mr. snd Mrs. Martin Bus, who have been at Hot Springs, Vs., on their wed ding trip. returned this week to New York,' where Mrs. Sexs will give up her spertment and after two weeks at Briar Cliff Lodgs will start for Omaha with Mr. , making the trip by motet. Mrs. C. J. Oreen hss aa her guest Mrs. R, H. Oakley, formerly of Lincoln, but recently ot Berlin. Mr. and Mrs, Victor Caldwell expect ttra. Emit Kayaer of Pasadena, Cel.. to arrive next Wednesday to be their gueat Mr. Kayaer will be remembered Mis aertrude Vlsscher, formerly ot thl city. O. H. t. Laaehrea. Th first thre day of thl week will he busy ones tor the girls whe are en rolled In the domestic claaae at th Omaha High school, as every laart ha a asked te help prepare th luncheon which will he tendered the twelv mm sr of the Board ot Education and asv rsl other educational mentors ot Omaha at the school dining room Wedneeday BOOB. All the dainty edible will he prepared by th girls themselves st ths school under th direction ot Mia Neva Turner, who bb charge ot th cooking claaae. Four seursee wilt be Included la th luncheon. Th table win be decorated la yellow and white aad spring blossoms. Ml Turner ha selected th following eomsiHt f girls te ssrv th luncheon liter Mlssee- Myra Lury, iarahCnle, Madeline Mela, Irma Btldham. At the Country Club Nearly IW member ot th Country slub took part la th formal opening last evening, when aumerou dinner parties both large snd smell were given. An at tractive decoratloa at spring flower and fern were and. Baskets et blossoms be ing placed on eech table. Ob et the (mailer parti waa given br Wlleo Austin whose guest were Ml Alice Csry McOrew. Ml Dorothy Morgan snd Lieutenant Muncaater. Mr. nd Mrs. Harry Tukey and Mr. aad lire. Jerome Mage dined together. Ml Eugenie Whltmor had aa her guest at dinner; Ml Klot Jenks, CUlr Woodara; Messrs: Wyll Hafer, The ma Matter. Lieutenant Wilson aad Mr. and Mra. Charles Hannaa, jr., ef Council Bluff. Mr. 1. M. Metoalt and Mra, Ella Squires dined together. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Doorly and Mr. aad hire. Clerks Powell dlaad together. Th largest et the dinner parti wn gives by Mr. snd Mrs. Victor Caldwell, who guest wars seated at small tables la th green eet and Included: Mr. and Mm Oeorg A. Josrya. Mr. and Mr. Henry W. Tales. Mr. end Mr. C. E. Yost, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ljmaa. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lov. Mr. and Mrs. A. U Reed. Mr. end Mr. J. R. Boobte. Mr. and Mrs. gaauel Caldwell. Mesdaas Mtsdamee Oeroea W. Wattle . Reh Morgan, Dickey, Ottutt. Voea, Mieaee Misses Frances Wees tie, Agne Burklew, Meesr.- Me re- MacMlllea WeksUy. Clement C. Chase. Frank Burklev. Coarle DeueL Char Ma sounder. Mr. aad Mrs. C J. Bmyth's gu u were Mr. and Mr. A. M. Borghim. Mr. end Mrs. T. J. .Mahooey. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Gaines. Ml Mary Muachbeft Mrs, Ben Oallagher had: Mr. sad Mr. Joha A. Meghan. Mr. and Mr. John f. Brady. Mr. sod Mrs. C. H. Dleta Mr. Hudson. Mrs. McCaskelL Mr. Ben Oallagher. Mr. Fa ul Gallagher. Mr. and Mrs. Weetereok entrtalad: Mr. and Mr. A. V. Klnaler. Mr. end Mrs. Edwin gwnbe. Mr. end Mr. Herbert Wheeler. Mr. ad Mrs. R L. Huntley. Mr. aad Mrs. Loul Kaeh. Mr. and lira C. Y. Snuin. Mrs, Eve Wallace. Mr. BnMr Cope. With Mr. aad Mrs. E. W. Dtxea were: Mr. and Mrs. C M. Wllhelm. Mr. snd Mrs. L, F. Crotoot. Mr. snd Mrs. Anhsr & eras Mr. end Mra. F. A. Nash. Mr. and Mrs. C K. Bpens. Mr. BaMwln. Dr. Bridges, Ml Mildred Rogers satertslacd tor a groat. MM Bverett. and aaa Ml- Helen Davl. -Irn Everett, Mary Alice Roger, Mildred Mogera. Meaare. Messrs. Will Schnarr. C. U Lord. Walter Robert. gamuel Dlghton. Mi Moerhead gu ts ware: Csntaln and Mrs. Robert L HamlltoB of Uncoin. Captala and Mr. Bwitser or rort crooa. Mr. Harlay Moorhead. Dr. and Mrs. F. N. Connor entertained. Judge snd Mra W. D. McHugh. Mr. snd Mra W. F. Qurley. Mr. snd Mrs M. A. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Burkley. Ml Etla Ms Brown's gu ts were: Mr. Evans of Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kee.lne. Dr. snd Mr. Frederick Lake. Mr. Lawrenc Brlnker. Mr. Charles Brown. Wtth Mr. and Mr. Z. T. Undsey wre Mr. B. F. Crummer. . Mrs. J. W. Oannrtt. Mr. Frank Colpetser. Mr. and Mra. Joseph Bald rig star ts Ined: Mr. nd Mrs. Howsrd Patdrtge. Mr. and Mrs F. P. KlrkendalU Mr. Freak Judson. Mr. Luther Drake had as his gu ts: Mr. snd Mrs. Wrd Burgee. Mr. snd Mrs. Do Forest Richard. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cummin gs. A Dutch treat party Included: Mr. and Mr. E. M. Fan-field. Mr. and Mr. W. B. Martin. Mr. and Mra Charlea rltswart Mrs. Wild man of Council Bluffs. 1 rm U.imnhMVl Colonel snd Mrs. Butller ot Fort Crook. Mr. snd Mrs. K. It. upragu. Mi Lynn Curtis, Mis May Hamilton. Mrs. C. E. Crsln of Springfield, (X Mi Deny Doane. Mr. E. W. Gannett. Dr. Leroy Crummer. Mr. A. B Warrea. Mr. C. W. Hull. Mr. William Jackson. Captala snd Mrs. Arthur Cowsa et Fort Omsha entertained : Mr. end Mr. Arthur Ouioa, MJor end Mra. Evna Captain and Mr. Nuttman. With Mr. and Mra F. It Davis were: Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Peck. Mr. and Mrs. John French. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Potter. Mr. and Mr. J. E. Baum. Mr. and Mr. Latham Devts. Mr. and Mrs. J. C KJnsler entertained judge and Mrs. J. J, Bulltvan. . rw and Mra J. T. KlftSler. Mr. snd Mrs, Charles B. KUr's gtnata were: Mr. and Mrs. William Poppleton. Mr. and Mr. Oeorgs Prlns. Smaller dinner parti were glvea by If. a Colpetser, whe had severs placed for five: T. J. MctStaae, four: M. T. Barlow, tour; W. A. Redlek. four; T. F. Kennedy, four; J. T. Stewart, five; George Redlck. six; t. W. Orlfflth, sis; Lieutenant Whiting, fear. Hal Brady, tour; Ml Nash, lx; M. C Peter, eight. Engagements Mr. aad Mrs. B. F. Chhstlsassn Boone the engage event of their daughter. Ml Eunice C M. Christiansen, Rat T. Osbora ot Elko, Ncv, formerty et BC Joeeph. Me, The wedding win take petce la June. U. of 0. Notes The sale day festival, which win be glvea by the students et the University et Omaha Friday. May K prumlsis rivsi any mtiir prodoctloa given ta the city. The big event at the exeH win be the crowning ot the May ejueea and th accompanying May poke flower dear. Ml Claudia Gel la war. whe has taken part hi the dances at Welleeley and who la the ealy shrarne et the Meat aatverelty la directing the The gtrbj whe win take part ta the dances ares May pel dance, Beulah Mo Caw, Pansy WUltam. ByhU Wesdrnft LaeUe Heger. Dorothy Brett, Agses NiW eon. Orece Morphy. Stella Shaw. May Y tea, Eleanor Hslsay. Bertha WUson. Clara Hendrlcksen. MMred Fester. Flower dance, al (eaters, Kath: Case, Zella Bee be, Kathertn Mathles, Ethel Holmqulet, Ruth Ralney; petals, Bertha Wilson. Madeline Horton, Mar- amerlt Walker. May Testes, Fern Nicole. Clara Barnes, El nor HsJsey, Mabel Kelly. Clara Bendrlck a, Rhea Lamoreaux. Mary Alice Btdwell. Marina Can, Mildred Foster, Ethel Whltely; fairies, Pansy Williams and Bsulah Mc- Caw, This part of ths program and ths cor onation rites will be performed under the targe mapl en the campua south of Redlck ball. Last year th coronation waa celebrated only In th afternoon and many expressed regret becau ft their Inability te see It: ao thla year will be repeated la th evening. It ht not yet been announced who was sleeted May qun, but will be om time this week. i Ths freshman cless 1 practicing en a one-act comedy entitled "Obstinacy." It Is a six cast sketch of ths Inner life ot a supposedly happy and contented family. Th' young thesplan are being drilled three tltn a week by Dtckermta of th Dkkerman School of Acting, who Is giv ing his services to help ths school In Its efforts. Ths sophomore els will give a minute. Ths junior els will give a musical comedy with boys and girls rep- re ntlng the peasantry of different na tion. Ths proceeds will be applied on athlello funds. Nurses Graduate Many nurses will grsdusts next week from th local hospitals. Clarkaon hos pital will have one ef the larger class which will Include fifteen young women. The bishop and trustee ot Clarkson Memorial hospital hsve Issued Invita tion for th graduating xerd a to be held Mondey evtnlng at Trlnty cathedral and for tha reception which will follow. Th latter will be at Jacob's Memorial hall. Th graduates will be: Mli Mli Joeie A Robert; Minnie B. Richard, Beatrice nana. Edna A. Peteraon. Alma Bkov, v Carrie A. Kolarlk. Lueila Larson, Nsllls Mulrh d, Ileta Blvans, Anna E. Barney. Helen L, Ouche. Florence A. Clarke Ethel M. Jenklo. Edith M. Pulf. Wl Memorial nospiuu wwi sraduates. Th sterols WIU he st Tempi Israel Thursday evening end th reoeptlon will follow at Chambers aca demy. Th gradual are UUaa Mil Elisabeth NachUgall Margaret McOreevy, UUlan -leienen, rean hm, i Eva Utapleton May. Sad Is HulL ' Pleasures Past Mr. and Mr. E. W. Oetten gave a din- aer at their heme last svsning for Mr. C. Oetten et Hudson Falls. Ths ether gaesu were: Mr. snd Mrs. Chart Cheney. Mr. end Mrs. Thome Meldrum. Mr. snd Mrs. Edward Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fltt ansae - v Margaret Bettcn. Julia Mabelle Oetten. Jesa Flit, Ml Oertrnd Owen entertained at a house party at th borne at her parents. Dr. sod Mr. F. B- Owa for a sumber ot her school frlsnda The young people arrived Friday afternoon after and remained en til Saturday. Ths guests Included: Misses Mlseee VIreinta Offutt Marjory Smith. Claire beugherty, Catherine Baum, Orao AUiaon. Blanch Deuel, Henrietta rort. Krne neee. Esther Wtlbelsa, Ruth Beecher. Mr. John Dal assisted by her daugh ters, Mrs. Frank Dale and Mrs. Fled Dal, gave a moot delightful kenslngtoa t her large circle ot Hsasoon park friend Friday afternoon st her new home ol Georgia gveaue. A musical program waa aiven 4r Ml Ruth Stone and Dorothy Pond. Mra. F. N. He ana Mi Hssel Ralph. Mra, Pnlleo paiusb Tho present m i a.'ea Thorn. M dam- F. A. Thorn. & B. Crawford, J. Sherwood, M. Jones. L. Relcom b, M. Stallerd, J. Mick. A. wsggoosr, M. Phillee, M. Hull. J. Fuuner. J. Christiansoa, J. Stone, M. Dleavd, U Virtue, A. Allen. M. Hobbe, V Berne. L. Deitweiler. R B Miller. it- Stone, U Street. C KldrMge, Oeorg Btoaev T. N. He l P. N. Calls. 1L Shaw. L ghardamaa. J. Boflund. , W. Briggs. Chart Puke, a M. Raj o Ida. Haiel Ralph. Ruth Stone. Dorothy Pond. Dorothy Brigs. Ml Rath Blnrlehs entertained at attractive ttiacaeon perry Batarday at her hems. Yellow oo.uUs torsMd aa ettract- rr deeratloav Cwvers were placed Ice: Mlseee Ml Katharine Senders. Vanes Peer U. Helen Steven. Hele Howe, Florence Rahra. Katherin AUe PorterOeld. Newbraaeh. Elisabeth BerTTman, Evelyn Horton, Louise Hupp, Gertrude Stout. Katharine Harriet Waiter, sxvrtsvaat, - JkAtheriae - Monday We Shall Continue Our Great Sale of Silk and Cloth Suits $19.50 Nvnr have, inch hhrh. daa mita been sold for so little mraey-o-arly in tho season, The collection embraces very exclusive sample garments high class stock. All custom lish whipcords, French serges, imported novelty fabrics and silk t that range from plain tailored to fects Suits that would sell at $50.00, $55.00, $59.50 and $65.00 at . WATCH REPAIRING AIM mmttVBy Cxvorts All Wsrk QMrtintssd. Prises Rsaeenibl. CDHOLM a ... Helen Vn Dusen, Woodworth, Minerva Fuller, Margaret Wearer, Mary Halter, Margaret ixwrcis, Ruth Hlnrlchs, Th Diets club gave a May party at the slub bou on Carter Ink Wednesday evening. Refreshment were served and a large number wsrs prent. Including: Nettle Schooley, Row Houska, Alfle Johnson. Wilma Bouce, Judith Pelra. Evelyn Spellnun, Carrie Edward Myrtle Dillon. Gladys Baldwin, Rose Oordy, Lynn.. Evans, Ro Prather. . at rears. Rueeell Evans, Fred Ersna AL Blaufuss. Otto Nlelson, R A. Nelson. Emar Berg. O. A. Richardson. George Graft, I,. S. are-;. Meryl Gregg. H. Los. Fred Whltmor, . Osie Slaughter, Hoover, Clarence Hall. wl riHnhut Margaret Kellogg, Oertrude Martens, Msree Norgard, Edith Kellogg, Irene Hlgby, Corrine Strayer, Odette Jackson, Florence Dooley, Ida Mchollman, Fran It le 8 pair. Cunningham, Roberts. Estell Lore. Messrs. Frank pellman. Percy Gsrynne, K. H. Hswley, Claude Rife. At Kellstrom. Lb E. Johnson, W. F. Schollmsa. Dr. Lue, Dr. Gaantner. M. L- Conkllng. Claud Whitfield. E. F. Bass. W. D. Craighead. Ed Johnson, L W. Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haywood, Mr. end Mrs. O. O. Hall. Mr. snd Mra R Qoft. Mr. snd Mra C Oordy. Mr. and Mr. John J. McMehea; Mr. and Mr. W. H. P lamer, Mr. and Mr. AUea Jones. Mr. aad Mra. A. Andereon. ' For the Future Monday. May h baa been aet as ths aaia for the opening et the swimming pool at Metroeolltu building. Mrs. t. a. Robb win sntertala at hraea- ejsuaata at her home la honor ef Ml Grace Pier n, a June bride. Ml Rath Hlnrlchs. whe Is giving a aeries ef luncheon. wlD -itertela at the gaeond et the ri next Saturday at her Cards ars sut for the annual May party te a given by th Tom Moors dub st Turner hall Thirteenth end Dorcas etreeta. Monday evening. May 11 ar alHte 4t1 Mttareala In formally st bridge Wednesday sfteraooa st her bom for Mrs. v. a- y-rmiu. wo. hi rlattlng her parent a Mr. and Mra. B. Waketer. Th gnssts will be restricted ts friend et the honor guest. The Columbian circle wUl entertain ta their ban. Twenty -second end Lecust Wednesday afternoon. The hoe- tess will be Mrs. Thomas Boyce end Mra. B. Dennelly. The name etus gtvw aa ontertarament Friday evening. May V. A galling gun. which eras the only pssce et Canting machinery left fro th tire which destroy ed the aroaory et the local -Jli,.r. eeasmanlea. Win b th principal taster ot decoration at the sUhorat Mar party, which the Omaha oenras made models in Eng will glvs st Chambers' academy, Friday evening, May 17. Tha Stars and Strip wll( bs everywhere In evidence mingled with th purpl snd gold ef the company. State Adjutant General Phelps has been Invited to attend, aa have also the offi cers ot ths two Lincoln companies. Ths committee busy preparing tor th festivity comprt : Entertainment Committee Lieutenant Eugene T. Herri. Musician Aubrey ft Kenworthr, Artificer Arnold O. Stevens, Private Robert E. Elsfelder. Decorating Olnunlttee Corporal Adal bert J. Mead. Sergeant Frank D. Mn mangh. Private Glenn Smntta. Floor Committee Lieutenant H. C Stein. Sergeant Dennis M. Murphy, Pri vate. Ralph E. RusselL Reception Commlttee-C plain E. C Sterrlcker, Lieutenant Eugene T. Harris. Lieutenant H. C Stein. .n4 Ura Joha 1. Donahue trill enurtala thl svsning at their home. IK South Thirty-fifth avenue, la celebration of the twenty-fifth birthday annlvsrsary t their daughter. Mrs, J. F. sorgnou. r., formerly Ml Alice Donahue, and nr twin brother, John J- Donahue, Jr. White carnations tor Mother day will nai ! Aaeoratlon. and the evening; will be mat Informally with gam aad masts. The guests will Include: Mr. snd Mrs. Willis Barber. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McDonald. Mr. end Mr. Michael Byrne. Mr and Mr. William Rlchllea. Mr. and Mra. John J. Donahue, sr. Mrs. Guy Lorkwood. Mrs. Michael a. Mrs. Kelly. . .. Mr. and Mrs. John 7. Donahue, jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Borghoff. Jr Mr. snd Mr. Thome Donahue, Mr. end Mrs. William Bowea Mr. and Mrs, James McDonald. Mr. snd Mra. J. F. Borghoff. sr. Mr. sod Mrs. Frank Bonrhott. Mr. and Mr. Fred Borghoft. Mr. snd Mrs. Joha Bymee. Mr. snd Mrs. Thomas Byrne, sr. Mr. snd Mrs. Thomas Byrne, Jr. Ell beth Borghoff. Ulllaa Brrrle. Julia Byrne. Oertrude styr Meesr. Charles Michael son. Ibmm Rvnwe. as Come hue Kirk, Paul Bowes). Will Bewen. jr. J. Q. Adam. John Borghoff, Personal Gossip Mr. and Mra, Mel Uhl and son. Oeorg. are home from California. Ml Cooler et Summit. It. wkdt Ing Mrs. Watson B. Smith. Mr. W. Farnam Smith la ta Hew York and 111 he home this wees Mr. George F. Eogler retorned yester day from Esxelstor Sprtnga. Mr. and Mra. Joha A. Dempstsr arm lenT Monday tor th Oread Army ef ths Repoblle etsriiupss nt at Beatrice. At son, W.niam Franklra Ksehttt, Jr. wee bora to Captain and Mrs. William F. Kesbttttt Fort Crook, starardsy snor- "atra. Triy MoerTswl end eon hav. and suits from our regular IS OUR AIM Highest Quality at Loweit Pricei Bhampoolng, ataalonrlng', Boalp Vreeaent, Ms sglng and Ball Pre a slag. Our 14-Inch Pur Hair Switch SS.00 Our to snd 21-Inch Switch B3-00 We make Switches from combings Headquarters for Natural Gray Hair. SCHADELL laaa bouolab left for a two weeks' visit with her mother, Mrs. Wsllln, at Grand Rapids, Mich. ' Mr. snd Mrs. Charles K. Levy end son, Ernest Levy, of Minn poll srs ths guests of Mrs. Emll Gens, 222 Harney street. Mrs. Char! Kountn and children srs at th Moraine In Highland Park, Chi cago and are expected borne early thl week. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Webster and son. Jack, whe Is recuperating after an op eration (or sppendlcltls, will leave about May . Misses Mollt and Sara Aehtenberg ot St Josph. whe have been visiting Mrs. J. Schlaak and Mra, H. Maroylta. re turned horn Friday. Mr. and Mra. Morris Joeeph and daugh ter. Silvia Lee Joeeph, ef D Mot nee will he the gu ts et Mrs. Joseph s parents. Mr. and Mra, Le LothhUd, thl week. Mra. i. W. Thomas left Saturday for Denlson. lav, te spend the week end with Mrs. Eugene Guiles. Mra. Leslie M. Shaw (OaoUaned on Page Three.) A Distinct line of Corseti Ve carry a distinct line ot cor sets (heme, specially oMgised for tho purpose of meeting toe re quirecat of all types of girlish figure. Xasndi an assortment of cor aets to be found elsewhere. Corsets Qeuei iii Featirei Ida C. Stockwell Beeth cue antra ef , Phone for Appointment Douglas 474. "6LAD TO 6ET BACK" to ere I cas get aomethlng te eat Id a prominent traveling maa who has been away for six months He further save, "la all my travel I must say that The Betsaoss Bestaarsat ta a little Better than th beat for the money, that I have ever strata. Tshle DHote dinner Sunday, 11 a. m. to I p. m, 40e aad tee. 151S Dodge St. Opea All Mght. Cm IT RaLsLs, Plop j Look for Largo Electric 81fn. V