Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1912, Page 16, Image 16

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    i , -
tt J(
fU C-H. Corporation SUrti aa In
mrmica for Sis etor.
wy ef Ik Mm Ss laaiass id iMrf.
to tho Iadtvldeml Merit
' tho Mftmit Btea Wkt
Work far Cosasanr.
Innovation after kmovatioa has com
la th automobile ahops at Detroit, ttt
ther Mtmt to he as sad to them. TM
R-C-H corporation, which makM th
B-C-H ear, teat waak announced that
It will hereafter euppty lt mfl with
. their workine clothes. Each employe re
ceive two suits of everelle, and these
win he kept clean and repaired for
A statement made at the time of Ihla
announcement ay Roeart C. Hupp, the
bead of the company, refirdtnc wse tn
craaaes Is iatereatlnc In the view of the
several increases siren to the amployaa
of astne of the binest motor car plants.
Mr. .Hupp says: "It has bees repeatedly
Impressed upoa mo that man la our em
ploy should be reward! aoosralns to
their Individual merits, and Bet by a
fraaral raise as In other factories.'
; That this Idea to thoroufhiy (rasped by
the superintendents of various depart
ments Is proven by the fast that St ace
January 1 87 Individual Increases have
bean recommended or asked for and eeea
of these have keen (ranted. Ia this way
ll dally avers wife of these employes
fca been raised Z2.I cent.
w also have a system of su-stioa
hose. In which the men are requested
to place slips of paper bearttK suefes-
tloea by which thsy leal that the ef
ficiency of tbe manufacturta- sad eaa be
"The reward for this dees not coma
from the payment of any stipulated sura
for sny suicestlon accepted, but rather
In the way of raises and better position.
It is a system which I aettev brines
better results and Is favored by the man
above a feneral Increase is all.
Light Cars Forge
to the Front in the
Recent Road Race
la all probability the most Inisreeiln
Phase 0 the recent carnival st Lot Aa
(la was th remarkable revival of In
terest In the events fof light, popular
priced cars, llaetn( Id this department
premises to be faster and mora closely
contested than aver. If the Los Anf elas
fields are affording a correct line n toe
sltaatloa. In the light car division of
th bants Monica road race, snd In tin
events for this class on th motordrome,
th day following, representative of m.
M out of the estimated 17V OM to b made
In th United (tale this year took part.
With but en or two exception all th
leading manufacturers of light cars par.
.ttolpated. Bom wub en Car and others
ym more. rora. Muaenexer, wsiwsii.
Ajeaf. Re and Batrk ware all prominent.
i less than sight world's records for
tb visas war eetabllshed or beaten In
th tv dsys of reolng. Toarmaa la
- Maawek won first plao la th big race
of th 4V. (ou( m miles In a llttl
wore than 'klnaty-aavea minutes. Evans
?an4 Tows. h tudebaker drivers rap
I ttired no less Was seven. Mix. of these
' frit In one mess o( fradnenu' when
1 Evans whisked his Flanders "ar radiator
t scraas ths motordrome a chalk Una si
. th end of tn mite In IMS. During
' th flight he had done on mil m tt.sV
two miles Id 1:44.1. thiY In IsM foor
' In fhr in tMM. Both th five and
ten-mile marks were held by Nlkrent
th Los Angeles flyer, and have stood
for a long time supposedly unbeatable.
' Kvans then won th five-mile event.
' which put It up to Tower. In ths twenty
i five-mile rap, th latter, while ahowlna
, bis sturdy Flanders "W rear axl to his
pursuers, beat la a troth the old world's
alsss record of Anthony, who. In fact,
was himself a starter In ths event. Tlie
' Bw figure for th distant are :it.
Jericho Horns Are
: Held to Be Within.
' the Law by a Judge
1 Id view of all the talk' about motor
, floras and the noise made by operators
t ear. K la lntrstln( to recall a -t
? isjoa assda by oo of to municipal
court Judges a few months ago la which
k Jericho bora figured. On of th motor
policemen had aa Idea that soma f th
warning signals were transgressiitg th
motor law and so b brought into court
a eoupl of owners.
, la tb first Instance th Judge Inflicted
a fin on la owner of a oar with an
other mats of bora other than th
Jericho,, Whea th can of th men using
Jericho born wsa brought up Attorny
U Thlbodesa of th AntomeWl Legal
association convinced th judge that this
typo of bora atsd a realty, moataal
sound and was not aapleaaaau and th
Judge declared that the owners bad sat
viols led the law. so be discharged them.
" As . result many swaers for self-pro-
tectioa have adopted th Jarlebo bora la
pleoi.vf ether sloe than.
Overland Defeats !
Many Larger Cars
, ' 'rjetlng car sailing at a much big bar
tprte and raised with mora powerful
" horse powers, the CMS Overland car eov
' and Itself with (lory la the recant M
t mix road race at Fresno, Cat. covering
' the course Is four boars, three minutes
, and sixteen seconds. Whan ths Overland
' flashed across th finish Un competing
cars war trailing behind at various dlv
' taaet. - , vf. ,
Another celebrity baa been enrollec.
among those who have selected riande
CoDal Electrics for their private eon
- Mrs. Phoebe Hearst, Bother of fH-
tiam Raadolpb Hearst, phitesxbnftist
, and lady bountiful t Calif orsia Sil
Diversity, selected, a flaadars Cotoi
Bectrlcv . - -
-We are naturally quits provd of ti
last acquisition to our roster ef prorr
.sent owners. - mar 8ale Maasgar Joh
.Tokei The Flsndera B3eetrle. tko-1
'elllnx ss tt does for aboar half the srios
. many other electrics camntand; baa
It sometking distlngwo-a combteat
BMOtr and grace with ((fictesr
makes a trrestst-'Me asprat to
lUued and those of good taste.'
-that II
t lit
Gossip T
Along the .
Automobile Row
The lion Automobile company report
the sals of two model H cars, one model
K snd a Baby Tonnsau to buyers at Fre
mont last week, and throe oars la ths 8t
Edwards, Neb., territory.
A carload shipment of Uoa cars was re
ceived by the Lion company last Friday.
L, J. Kyaslla. represtntativ of th
Columbia red top dry cell, was a caller
at tbe Powell Supply company last week.
A recent Issue of the Motor Asa. the
big national automobile paper, contained
a photoaTaph sf.tbs Powell Supply oom-
Pnr's sew store at Kit Fa mesa street.
Tbe Powel building has attracted much
attention from the trade throu(hout th
Clark a Powsll of the Powell Supply osnv
pany has Just made arrangements with
r. J. Todd to sell their Una of goods la
Colorado, Wyoming. Idaho, Utah, Mavads.
Oregon and Montana. Aa aggrasalve
campaign will be carried ea in
Manager Held of the Uoa Automsblls
company to rapidly Improving from
severe ltlness, and aspects to be down Is
ths office In th course of th asst fw
James Merry, recently with the Lining er
Implement company, has accepted a posi
tion with th Powell Supply company. Ha
was formerly la th employ of tb Powell
company, and is wsll posted la th auto
mobile supply Una.
Th first governor and the first aUornay
general of tbe asw stats of Anson bar
entered th big ptude baker run from
Phoenli to Orand Canyon, aa vnt t
owners of t-M-s "W and Flanders "Js"
oars.' ,
Mansger Dotya of tb United Motor
company said a large Columbia car oa
Thursday to Mr. Heeler of Omaha.
B. M. Martin ef Omaha purchased an
B-M-P V- from th . R. Wilson Auto
osmpany last week.
Tb K. K. Wilson Auto company closed
a deal with Elmer Pry at Pander last
Thursday for a car.
Tb Blocs Supply compsny unloaded a
carload of Packard oil last week.
The first shipment of Federal Rugged
Una was received by the Stort Supply
company last week, and ths back orders
for the Urss ar being rapidly filled.
Th Sun Supply compsny has addsd
to Its sideline patch making. These
patches an known a lbs Olant Blow
out atteh, and an warnnted not to blow
A Caduaa truck la now making all th
eity deliveries for the Stort Auto Supply
W. A, Cry holm of Mlnnesots has- bean
added t th office fore of tb Omaha
branch, of the Btudebaker corporstlon.
. A shipment of Lexington cars was sent
to Battle Creak, is., but week by th E.
ft -Wilson Auto compsny. '
Th Mitchell Ultls Sis Is certainly prov
ing a winner this year. Manager Stewart
of th local branch to unabl to meet the
large demand. He says ths fsctory Is
working night and day and It unable to
A Million Tires
Without a Single
That is the record ea oar patent tire on the
GoorJreu No-Rm-Cut tire.
. Thew are used on more cr thaa any other tire in
existence. Yet with all their use, and all their abuse,
there baa nerer been an uutance of rira-cuttinjj.
With old-typ tirfes with clincher tires statis
tics show that 23 per cent of all ruined tire are
- , .
1096 Oversize
Saves .Another 25
No-Rim -Cut tint eav (3 pot
coot by auk lag rta-cutUce im
possible. They tav aaothor IS par coat
by being 10 per osnt over tb raisd
is. .
For 10 par coot orertb mesnt
10 per coat mors air 10 par coat
added tarrying capacity. And
that, with th aversg car, add
11 par cant to th bra mileage.
Eo No-Riia-Cut tines which w
control on cut tb tin bills
right ia two for toot ol thousand
st users.
The Proof
' Ko-Rlm-Cat tins sow (ar out
sail any other tir that's mad.
Is two yoar tb datoatvd baa
NoJtim-Cut Tires
10 Oversize
- Tjamw CasajBaaajji mm w mmmmMimm 9mi m fjrt mmt ttkm "
Jai -ta. ' r- - r
, , , Tet DoeglasT 4UW1, BoU. ,; , .,
T. A. Worman. formerly advertising
manager of the National Carbon com.
pany of Cleveland, beoame associated
In the same capacity. Mar I, with ths
Baker Motor Vehicle company .of Cleve
land. Mr. Woman Is wsll known, both
by his msgasins articles on advertising
and selling snd for his const ructlv work
in those line with th Addreaeograph
and International Harvester companies
f Chicago. After leaving college, Mr.
Worman associated himself for a period
of five years wtth' ths National Cash
Register ompsny. Since ooralnc to
Cleveland bo has beoams closely Identi
fied wtth th development ef classes In
sales and advwrtlstnc In connection wtth
Twins Man's Christian association, work.
H it a toroeful. convincing lecturer and
writer on the subject of his profession.
turn out can fast enough to supply
dealers in all parts of tho oountry.
r. W. Toung of Stanton purchased t
Lexington car from the B. R. Wilson
company hut Frldayi A deal was also
closed with J. B. Msg! of Brunswick.'
a. it. Pack, director of the Velio Motor
oompany, who vlslttd with ths John Deere
Plow oompany. was very anthuelaslK
over the large salsa being1 made by thi
Meal branch.' H says that ths factor)
Is making to mors cars than was lntsndec
to manufattun at th first of th year
Ouy U. Smith has returned from a vie!
at the Peerless factory at Clevelsnd, 0.
Ths Inter-State Automobile company d
llvered two can to th Brown Auto coir,
pany at Fairmont, Neb.. Isst week.
General Advertising Manager Carl f
Portlier of the R-C-H factory waa
caller at th Llnlnger Implement company
Mr. Poettger bat been -visiting in th
west and he says th demand for R-C-'
cars In that territory it very large.
Two of lb handsomest automobile svt
sent Into Nebraska were delivered m-
week by Ouy L. Smith, The can wet
six-cylinder Franklin and wsn a
duplicate in color and fittings. - Ons w.
(ho fsmous Violet "M," which was t
hlbltsd st th automobile show: It.
other one- has Just been received fro
the factory and by special request i
Its purchaser and by permission of t!
purchaser of Violet "M," the two ca
are Identical In appearance. On car w.
to Mr. Fred Free, an attorney of PI
view. Neb., and the other to Mr. Wo
Cones, a bsnker ef Pierce, Neb.
T. K. Oirsrd of the Appenon fsctt
rial ted the local branch Isst week, lis
increased J00 per cant. It bat
trsbled. ia to past 12 months.
That tcQg tb vordlct ol motor
ear owners, after testing out
mil Uoa Goodoar tires.
The proved that tire which
eaa't rim-cut oversis tir -reduced
avwaga tir apkorp by gj,
par coat. And sow out capacity
of S SOO tin dally cast keep op
with tb caUt for tbe tire.
Those atsn an sot mlstaksn.
What they hsvs adopted you ar
bound to adopt whoa yoa sad oat
what tay know.
- Oar 111 Tin!
IS pssn al tir ssekweg-is filled
as ss ssaai stTs too,
' pajaasjbswasaajljps
oa his way through the sustain terri
tory to )ook over- ths condition of the
Appenon agencies.
Those wn bars slsttad Ssa Franc Ions
have beard of the (Twtn a peak)
tain at tho and of Market
ITvtH a few days ago this lull had
rarer been aegotlsted by I
priced autossobile. Ouy L. EmKh
lust rscetved advice that ' a Bit
Hudson ,' carrying four psssnigiis.
went up the ntouatala with great esse
and setting a record for can tat ths
dlum priced else. The Hudson not only
climbed tho mountain, but stopped k th
middle of ths ettmb ss have a phesoaxapb
Out L. Smith detlvend a seir-stertJae
Rudsoa " to Mr. Chartes Johnson, a
prominent building coo tract or of Omaha.
Friday E. H. Wilson delivered a Lex-
lugton 'V taurine car to th CI tt sens'
Oaa snd Electric oompany of Council
Bluffs. Tho car win be used by Mr.
Englfcb Waaoger of th oompany. On the
afternoon of the asm day a stnnger
by th nam of A. M. IlUlsr went into
Ur. Wilson's place, tried out a Lexing
ton and befon h left wrote out his
ahaok for a forty-five horsepower Lex
ington to b delivered Immediately to his
heme at Wemlngf ord, Neb. Mr. Millar U
a banker la that to. A net her car sold
In sanss day to R. Coatee of Orand Isl
and made eight can for the week up to
Friday night for this ooaoera.
tM roll's first motor ear factory to be
demeS entirely lo tb manufacture of
u -cylinder ears is the new piaat of tho
Lesisr Motor oompany. which recently
selearatoS th seoood anniversary of Its
establishment la that city, "fata aa
neuaeemanf was' made bv sn ,r.
flslal of tho company is verifying the
rumor mat the Losier bad dlecontlnned
th sonstruatioa e Jour-oy Under oars.
Ths following telegram, addressed t
th chairman of th contest board of the
American Automobile association, apeak
-or itself:
"It la a 1st season snd weather liable
:o be bad, therefon w offer to lay oat
.Ms ysar's Qlldden lour rout from Cht
:ago, Detroit, or whatever point is se-
What The Rambler 10,000 Mile
ThU map give yoa a graphic idkm of wttattba Rambler
tPULrantee means to you in point of mileage.
HIS tniarantee is backed by every
one of our Rambler dealers and
branches. One of them is located
nearby and is perhaps known to you.
, Back of them is a factory employing
eighteen hundred men. with a floor area of
twenty acres and proaucing ninety-six per
cent of the parts that go to make up this car.
This factory has produced twenty-two
thousand Rambler motor cars and the aver
age cost for repair parts on-each one of
these cars last year was only twelve dollars
and ninety cents.
' , x
V ,
Some of these cars have been in use
eleven years. One-half of them have been
in use five years or more. These are the
facts which warrant our confidence in the.
Rambler to the extent of giving the signed
guarantee for ten thousand miles.
The Cross Country sales to date are three
times those of last year.
lected. to New Orleans, with a Ftanden
Colonial Electric. Besides beans; a noJ
elty. it wUl tadicate to tba general pubUc
The Car of Power and Beauty
This Beautiful Touring Car Only $1,060 $
Fully Equipped
The enormous demand for this splendid car is an l
indication of its merit It has all the refinements of cars., J
costing twice as much. When you take a demonstra- $
tion in this car you will wonder how it is possible to V
sell such a jreat big, beautiful, powerful machine like
this for so little money. K
Visit our show rooms and . see the com- , , . v, : Is-
plete line of Buick cars or write for catalog. ' I N
& E. Sidles, Sen. M.r.
Rambler Motor Car Company, i
2052-2054 Farnam St. , : !
Omaha, . Tv Nebraska.
the dagrea of perfectioa and utility to
which electric vehicles Mars' beta brought
up to this time. Th effrctal pathfinding
Lee Huff, Manager
See the car and you will learn th first
reason its appearance.
Ride in the car and you -will know the
second reason its comfort.
Ask your banker about the stability of
this company his answer is the third reason.
This ten thousand mile guarantee is the
fourth reason. Appearance, 'comfort,-sta.
(bility and the 10,000 mile guarantee.-. - -
i . .'
Are not these reasons enough? . ,
Write y our name and address on the
coupon below and forward it to us immedi
ately that we may send you full information.
rVamMar Motor Tar rnsnnsnfi Onaatia Maawasaa. "I
! we moee Warniatioa aboat rae Cross fiinm. Ptoses sand sas
a ssSssbs sod Sm asass ef soar ssesaat dealer. I
I To : : - ' - ... ...i I
Vlri b working under more favor-,
f able "conditions and will travel luxur
iously." .
: !
S. C. Douglas, ftp.
Have Yoa Seen
The Rambler
Cross Coantiy?