f THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAT 12. 1912. !5 1! TIME DEPENDSON WEATHER Winner of last Year1 Sweepstakes Declare! Condition Ideal HEAT BITS5S UP THE TIRES lt Year Last H..r Mllra Vu l Made la Faster Tlmr Taaa Aar 1 I at ll Preslemsara, Saowlaa ' l Durability ef Car. ' "The chancei are about even that tha armon'i world records m ill sund In tha isecond International aweepnakea race at ;tha Indianapolis speedway on the 30th." iU tha opinion of Ray liarroun. driver ,of the Marmon "H asp." last year's wln iner. as advanced at tha Xortiyke at Marmon factory yesterday. "It is practically op to the weather ) man . no matter what power the cars are 'capable of developing or what speed they intake in practice. "Last year, when the Marmon -Wasp' set the records of . miles jn jjj mnutoii H seconds, and oW miles in . minutes, seconds at an average of TIH miles per lour, tha weather was ideal. . "This year, if It Is just a trifle hotter on the brick speed track It means more itlres will be burnt up, and tire changea take time. "A wind of any reasonable velocity Is also going to be a serious factor for the record brekrs'to contend with, i "TlWre are a good many thing to con sider when you start out to average yearly seventy-five miles per hour for wver sis hours continuously and the easnccs against you Increase for every 'mile you draw nearer to the 500 mark. , "Another point about !ast year's rscs fwMca is most Interesting is thst tha Harmon did the last 100 miles in faster Uma than any other century in the race. Wlien a car can stand the pace and forge to the front In M miles and then m nn nd lead the race at M and then make It be last hundred at an even higher speed (without an adjustment everr condition (including tha weather, must be right" PISTON DISPLACEMENT IS NOT GENERALLY KNOWN ! Tha Santa Monica road race, which was ;won by a car with MO cubic inches piston displacement, caused many motorists to taunt some authority on motor cars and learn just what "piston displacement" (means. A canvas along automobile row .proved that there la a shocking lack of Knowledge on this particular subject. Tha 1 common Impression was that It la tha else bf the cylinders. This Is not so, It Is the .area times the length of the stroke of she piston in the cylinder times the num. iber of cylinders. In other words, the Icublcal contents of the cylinder between the piston at Its highest point and at Its 'lowest point. Therefore the greater tha distance be tween the highest and lowest point of tha piston's stroke, the greater the number of cubic Inches of gas, resulting In a greater amount of power. DRIVING AN AUTOMOBILE CHEAPER THAN WALKING ' DETROIT. May 11.-H. R. Worral, a Ford owner of New Hampton. Ia.t Idemonstrates that It Is cheaper to drive a Ford than to walk. This Is the way 'that ha has figured It: Ha laa driven his Fnrd Torpedo runabout LOW miles. 'using flfty-ono gallons of g&sollne, cost ing CM. This, with oil, grease, carbide land 79 cents repair, will make up a total I of 7.71, or leas than 1 cent a mile. Ba ilors purchasing his car, business required Dr. Worral to walk five miles a day. or 'ltd mil a month. A pair of MM shoes NaMed him but three months, during whlcH time ha covered 460 miles. This iniade tha cost of shoe leather alone aver age I cent a mile, Sit tor LOOo miles, aa lagalnst 17.71 motoring oost. "Ma reason why I should walk when I save money iby riding." said Mr. Worral. MOTORCYCLE NOTES' ! Sanctions for raoa meets at Washing. i ton, D. C. and Lancaster, Pa., have been j gran ted by Dr. J. P. Thornier, chairman of tha Federation of American Motor loyalists compettlon committee for May M In each city. The Los Angeles Motorcycle club la (planning a three-day endurance run 4lang the FacUlo coast. f Ban Jose, Cat, is arranging a series of I big raoa meets similar to those held In .iCreeta Wanes last year, when mora than QJOJ motorcyclists were la attendance. j' Toungstown, O.. wants mora rigid law enforcement and has added a motorcycle lor tha use of one of tha pollsa officers. Tha Botrth Boranton (Pa.) Motorcycle jelub Is preparing tor a motorcycle meet about June U. i - f The motorcycle Is coming Into fash Jon." That's tha way the Burlington (re.) Motoroyola club, which was recently or ganised, viewed the matter, ! Osorge liuby of Denver, recently re turned from a nine-months' motorcycle krlp which carried him In nearly every state from Colorado to Massachusetts atnd the south at total average expense ot VM a day. j Tha Vallslo (Cel.) Motorcycle dub has oted to affiliate with the Federation of jAmerlcaa Motorcyclists. Tha Minneapolis Motorcycle club has iplaoad an official baa on the naa of the Imuffler cut-out. Three Washington motorcycle clubs are going to build their own roads. Members jot the Aberdeen. Uoaulam an Monte sano organisations have voted to co-oper-iate and build a three-foot roadway be tween the three dtlee for tha exclusive use of motorcyclists. ' The first summer event of the Toronto Motorcycle club will be a hilt climb about (May 11. ' The success of the Central Jersey Mo torcycle dub Is sttrlbuted to the stria igent rules at the dub, i ' ' M.nrv Crow of Ashton. N. C, recently icompleted a motorcycle trip to Atlanta, Ga., and return. ! Chief of Police J. W. Jenny of Des iMotnas la snxleus to add two mora mo torcvcle policemen to the squad which has only two riders now. . mnA aeroolane races win 1 BBWJ" JX probably be added to the coming Galves f tun iTex.) cotton earnlvaL C5E OF THE SKIVERS OF THE BIQ " BECO&ATIOff SAT EACE. Eddie Hearne of Chicago. III., will ap pear as relief driver for the Case raring team in the second annual HO-mlle inter national sweepstakes race at the Indian apolis motor speedway next Memorial day. Hearne always has been a driver of foreign cars In the past, having been a member of the Bens racing team In many of tha greatest events of the country. He finished second In the Mil I. rand Prlxe race at Savannah, driving a Bens car. This Is tha first Urns he has appeared as a driver of an American car In any of the greater events of the country. The Chlcsgo. driver will encounter one of the classiest fields In the history of motor racing whan he starts at the In dianapolis motor speedway on May 30. Auto Development and the Speed Bug With the development of the automobile came the development of the "speed bug." It has Inoculated many an Individual whose sanity In other respects never has been questioned. After all la said and done, what fea ture of the every day factory product Is proved by a maker who Bends Into a reel a specially built car, more closely resemb ling a creature of the dlnosaurua age thaa tha present day car. possessing power four times as great as Is needed to dlmb the steepest of the Alps or tne Andes and on Its day of speed achieve ment endangers the life end limbs at least of Its pilot and mechanician? . Races have long since been tabooed by the builders of such cars as the Packard and Mitchell, so that the popularity of these machines csn in no way be attrib uted to race demonstration qualities. A Horrible Death may result from diseased lungs. Curs coughs and weak, sore lungs with nr. King's New Discovery. Mc and tl. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Racing is Sure Way to Test Out Autos "There Is another side to raring quite as Important as the trophies and pub licity that come 'to the winner. In the testing of the various parts of a car to prove their strength and efficiency." say Mr. H. H. R ce, sales manager of Kordyke & Marmon Co. "Road racing, track racing and partici pation In various reliability tours, all play Important, though different parts In the testing of a car. Let the maker con fine his attention to only one department of the sport, and his product Is certain to develop unevenly. It lias been our policy, in the Marmon factory, to eater every sort of competition by which we believe we may be helped In the development of the Marmon car. and the fact that the are stand the test In the various con tests shows hat the plan is a good one." BIG CAR MAKERS SELECT WOOD RATHER THAN METAL Metal bodies versus wood bodies Is a prolific source of argument and conten tion among the makera ot motor can. While it "is true that many cars sre built with metal bodies, some ot the manufacturers are swearing by wood, and offer a number of convincing arguments why Is should be employed in preference to any other material. One of the principal arguments against tha use of metal Is the fsct that, unless It Is employed In small panels, there Is a good chance for the finish to crack and drop oft at the and of the winter season. The explanation Is that metal la of course, subject to contraction aod ex pansion according to the changes of tem perature. When there Is a difference ot many degrees the paint cracks In conse quence of the contraction. Among the well known manufacturers of high grade cars who are using wood fur their bodies Is the Jackson Automobile company, of Jackson. Mich. I'nusual care is employed In the manufacture ot the Jackson wood body, every opera I to a of which is carried on within the plsnt This company has the distinct advantage in that the men employed In making the bodies are experts of long training and experience In carriage work. Aate steeerel Brokea. DETROIT. Mich. May IV Another world record tor automobile manufacture and shipment has been smashed by tha Ko'rU Motor company of Detroit. Tor tha month just closed this company manufac tured and shipped K completely equipped Model T cars, exceeding Its own record of the previous month of ,uM cars, which, up to the present; had been the largest shipment of cars ever mads by an automobile concern in the world. A Bachelor's RefleeMone. If It's the unexpected that always hap pens. It's a wonder we don t get to ex pect it. It's swfullv tlreome for a woman to live In a neighborhood where everyone Is above suspicion. Be sure you understand a subject be fore you talk sbout it then you can cut out most of your talk. The bachelor who thinks a youn" widow Is an sngel and Is Indiscreet enough to tell her so Is ss good as married. But for the somber manner In which some ministers sre garbed lots of people wouidn t be able to recognise a good tning when they sea it. new ork frees. 31 !& j t rc Aulisobii You Want the Best Not the Cheapest Wsaiirs'WHislilM.im Don't be alarmed if somebody tells you you can boy aa automobile for less money than the T7S0 Studebaker -Flanders "10." You can, but you better not. The Flanders "20" cor responds point by point with the beat and highest priced cart sold. Cheaper cars at every vital point arc built on ideas long ago discarded for good cars. Don't take our word for it. Make comparisons and are. The Studebaker-Flsnders "20" it a marvel a high trade racdern car at a low price. If you pay lest, you buy much less. And the cheaper car today will cost you far more in the long run. The competing car isn't sold which the Studebaker Corporation, the greatest automobile manufacturers in the world, couldn't reproduce for less money ; but we won't build cheap car, because the name "Studebaker" meant the best for your money. . If you aro content with a car that runt today and diet ' tomorrow, don't buy the $750 Flanders "20." It will wear . for years. . Remember this the Srudebaker-Flandert "20" will outwear t to t any other car under (1100 and give you double satisfaction, confidence and comfort into tht bargain. W csui pro itSnd It nm catalogue The Studebaker Corporation Detroit, Michigan it! Omaha areata, tola Taraaas Street, U A. stellar. Mgr. m. a iruaoa Arrroatoscua oo., Local Ageaus, aoiolsVl-ia Xansy treat. You can't match Courier roominess in any other moderate priced car No crowding here ample space for your passengers to ride in com fort. Plenty of room in the tonneau, and between the front teats and the dash. The seats are wide and deep, too, and just the right height from the floor. Thisplaneviewof theCouriet tour ing; car it made from a photograph not a drawing. Its size is real. In no other car within $300 of its price can you get such long wheel base, easy springs, large, roomy body, and deep upholstery. Look at the lines of this remarkable cai its proportions as seen from above are just as pleasing as its appearance from the side. It is clean-cut and substantial. Everything in place nothing unnecessary. Numerous refinements in design and appointment - make the Courier a car you'll be glad to show to your friends. Courier sSrj$ii50 The Courier is fully equipped, too mohair top, boot and curtains, windshield, gas tank and lamps in addition to usual took, etc. No other car of its size, though, is so complete. It is finished in rich and last ing deep coach blue. You find this picture interesting it shows the car as it really is. If you could see under this exterior you would find a highly suc cessful and well considered chassis. Stand ard in design and refined in construction. It has a 30 horsepower simple and eco nomical motor, with self-starter; a multiple disc dutch; three speed transmission; large brakes; strong frame and axles. You know that these are right, for the Courier is made by the United States Motor Co. When you consider the whole car its spacious body, thorough finish, chassis, equipment you'll see it is a remarkable car for the price. Courier Roadster, $ 1 120. irnis DtKmO A riie it youn lor the asking no obligations, eitktr. 'Phone us. The T. G. NORTBWALL CO. 912 Join Street 0.1MJL, NEBRASKA TIig United Ms Tiro Company believes its tiros aro the lowost-cost tires in f ho world. No Here are other tires the reasons: world are made in the under conditions so favorable to the greatest pos sible tire durability. In no other tires is there combined the tire knowledge, skill and experience of four corps of master tire builders. i In United States Tires only is the motorist , protected by a four-factory "check" against de fects of any and every kind. tremendous facilities of the United States Tire Company are devoted exclusively to the manu facture of superwr grade tires. And the avowed purpose of the Company (a purely selfish pur pose) is to build tires that will positively and appreciably reduce the season's tire bills for motor ists who use them. I Mark that word season 's. 1 lit is your season's expense, and not the purchase price, that de termines how much you actually pay per tire. Don't overlook that fact for a single minult. vThe more experience you have had in tire-buying the more fully you know that last costs are the real costs, and the less apt are you to be influenced by the "cost less'' argument You know i'ust as the makers of United States Tires know that the stronger the tire the longer its life, and the lower its per-mile cost. And it ought not to be difficult for you to believe that four im mense factories, working as a unit are better able to put strength and wear into tires than any one fac-. tory could be expected to put into them. Take your tire question seriously, and select the tires that your best business judgment tells you are most certain to give you the big gest mileage return for yourmoney. The tires that can do this are the chtaptst titet you can buy, regard less of first cost United States Tires offer you in a single tire a combination of the strongest features of four world famous brands. Mad In Cllnohar, Dante? (atral.M alga) ant! Qlk Dataahabl Style. Sold Ewiywhm UNITED 8TATE8 TIRE COMPANY. NEW YORK UNITED STATES TIRES are for sale at THE OMAHA RUBBER CO. E. H. BPRAOt'K, rr-e. V f sa MMaAalHast f-s. aft sTltn Alt 1608 Harney St, pVERY automobile driver, maker, owner, or agent, knows that a used car tells more about material and miking than is ever told by a new car. If you want to know what a staunch car the Mitchell is, take a ride in one that has seen hard service; a Mitchell.6 cylinder, 48 H. P. car, that cost new $1750. Look it over; listen to the motorLJun it slowly; then 'pick up" quickly. It may outwardly show lots of wear; but you'll find the ritals sound; you'll tee that the engine, trans mission, axles, steering grir the things that mean service and safety are all right. You'll appreciate the comfort of the 125-inch wheel base; it doe nuke a lot of difference. Mitchell cars ire built for the man who cant afford to make a m'utake. Compare the looks with new cars, compare the service with used cars, and the Mitchell wins. The Mitefcasl X H.-T t stU T saassagTS, SMSO I Tee MitofcaS 33 H.-r4eyL. f asiiagira. S13SO The Mstdsssl 48 H.-P.. 6 rU S ass. gars. $1750 Tea MitoSMU it H.-F.. 4 art- saasaagarm, $1150 Tea afitaaaa.30 H.-f .. 4 exfaader. 2 passenger Keashset, wfcfeoat toe. S9SS Mitchell-Lewis Motor Company 2050 FARNAM ST. O OMAHA DISTRIBUTOR t v I Tbe Persistent JudicJoaa TJse of v-wrraper Advertising is the Road ta business Sweees ( tfota-jt. - i