Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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NSiinim Goods at Brandeis Steres
Among the many superior advantages of this great, perfectly equipped store is this: The new merchandise, the new novelties and the new
styles are always here when the women of Omaha are ready to select them. You will always see the genuinely new things first at Brandeii.
HHIIII II 1 1 U 1 1 1 1 1 il 1 H I II I It t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 K t i
i Those Stunning Summer Hats Just
af"w T tr -. at
i doming into Broadway f ODuIantv.
m -
May Be Seen at Brandeis Stores
On account of Brandeis'
Sale New Embroideries
45-inch sheer Swiss and batiste embroidered
skirtings; also 45-inch all-over embroideries-
elegant new designs in English eyelet, floral
and new combination effects.
The window display has attract
ed thousands, worth to $1.75, yd.
Thousands of the Cleverest New Styles for Summer Very Specially Priced
98c 1
65c and 75c NEW EMBROIDERIES at 39c YD.
27-inch fine swiss and batiste embroidered flonncings
all choice designs in eyelet, floral blind relief and com
bination effects many worth 75c a yard
wonderful values at yard .
-w-w- jr. v m a . -a stav ssssTTs. m m . . . a- mgaw
45-Inch Batiste and Lawn Embroidered Skirtings
.Very effective designs in blind relief, eyelet and floral ef
fects, worth $1, at per yard , 59c
Corset coverings, wide insertions and galloons in Swiss,
nainsook and cambric hundreds of pretty patterns to
Women's Waists at $1.00
All new 1912 styles, tailored
and lingerie ' waists, new
voiles, also many coatee
and peplum effects C QQ
thousands of , I
them at. .. '
Women's Waits at $1.45
Charming, new ideas for
summer, Dutch. necks, short
sleeves, coatee and peplum
r;aj!tr,!.tu-u- $145
uiug ot ito
nt i ' J
Women's Waists at $1.95
The most delightful new
styles, elaborate and dressy
ideas for summer wear.
every correct new A QC
style, wonderful v I
assemblage, at ....
naansooK ana camDinc nunareds or pretty patterns to , . nrM CV i. il AT O " Tv i ttt
siectfrom. Many worth 50c, at yard 25c :: 1 ne omartest JNew bummer Dresses and Wraps
close personal touch with
Paris and New York style
centers, the newest ideas
are shown here as' soon as
they are presented in any
city in America.
You will find the assist
ance of Mrs. Cabus and
her aides very valuable in
adapting to your require
ments the particular new
style best suited to you.
You'll be charmed with the shadow lace and point
d 'esprit veiled leghorn hats. The pure white hats,
J trimmed with white wings and white roses are having
f great vogue.
White Veils are extremely fashionable with white hats Just now;
T Many new leather trimmings are being shown.
i IHIlUt IHil tllllHIHItilHni H-l-H-llll-
Also medium and wide insertions, swiss, nainsook and
cambric endless variety of pretty designs. Worth 20o
a yard on big bargain square at yard 10c
In Our Main Llnea Depart ment Rswment
All our beautiful hand drawn work and hand embroidered
; lunch cloths, including the 36-inch, 45-inch
and 54-inch sizes, that are worth up to $10
' each in our linen Department at, each. . . . ,
$3 Luncheon Sets at $1.50
Pure linen, scalloped edge
: luncheon sets, including 6
plate doilies, 6 bread and
butter doilies, 6 tumbler
doilies, And ,18-in. center
pieces actual $3 values
; at, per set $1.50
Lace Bed Sets at $3.98
Beautiful Mexican lace bed
sets, spread 84x1)6 , inches
with pillow shams to match
priced for Mondny at
$3.50 Scalloped Edge Bed
Spreads at $2.49 Finest
quality crochet bed spreads
in largest size, with cut
corners , for metal beds, -at
: ..$2.49
05o Table Damask at 69o a
Yard Kxtra quality, full
bleached Irish satin table
damask, full 72 inches
wide, our 9.r)o damask in
dainty floral designs, at a
yard . ..69C
The daintiest, dressiest frocks of the new.'
season, at $35, $49, $59, $65 and $75.
An extremely pretty group, made in all the
latest style ideas and specially priced at $25.
Tbey are destined to be very popular among discrim
inating dressers. Actual $3S values, special at $15.
Made In the latest straight lined shapes, with large
combination collars.
'Four groups, at....'. ..17.60, g.8. $10 and $11.00
'Very practical coats for all outdoor wear fine va
riety at $3.98. 13.98, $5. $7.60 and $10
The smart new cotton corduroys, reps, piques, linens,
etc.. at $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 and $&
Practical, attractive new models, at $5, $6.98 and $1V
Many worth up to $13.50, at...... $ 9S
Good, serviceable dresses for summer, specially priced
at . ,, $3.98
All sties for women and misses specially priced, $25
High Grade -Human Hair Goods
Moderately Priced ' Second
Floor and Fompeian Room.
A Few Monday Specials.
24-in. Natural Wavy Switches,
made of German Hair three
sepaate stems, an $8.00 value
at $5.00
26-in. Natural Wavy Switches,
made of fine German Hair
three separate stems, a $9.00
value at $8.00
28-tnrh Natural Wavy Switches mads
of fine German Hair three separ
ata stems $11.00 values at.. $8.00
J4-ln. Natural Way Switches of fine
, convent hair $1 values. .$13.00
Hair Dressing, Shampooing and
Manicuring. Appolntmenta made by
phone private booths for all work.
POPLINS at 15c yd.
On Sale in Basement.
Our customers have been so well pleased with
the quality and large variety of shades that
advertising has not been necessary to intro
duce this special bargain. We have received
many new shades of these poplins that will
make excellent summer suits. In- - r
stead of 25c the price per yard will be.-LOC
Woven Lisle Thread Tissues
On special sale in basement, at yard ...15c
A splendid quality for summer users, in hand
some colors and patterns we have agreed
not to mention the manufacturer's name and
can offer beautiful, crispy, lisle thread tis
sues worth 25c, at per yard 15c
There will be many other very interesting
bargains in new, up-to-the-minute summer
wash fabrics in the basement for Monday.
Our May Sale of Silks
We have just received some very handsome silk suitings. Styles
copied from the most exclusive Paris styles at half the price of the
foreign article. Crepe, Ratine, Sole Paqulo, corded, novelties and
Victoria silk suitings, chiffon tafteta raye, 20 to fcO QC
36 inches wide, at, yard, $1.00 to .............. ..JaSI0
Shantung Silks and Imported Tab Silks
Soft and clinging, in dainty stripes and plain weaves
nobbiest silks for cool summer gowns, 32 inches wide,
at, -ard $1.00 and $1.25
Our $1.50 Silk anil Wool Poplins at $1
18 smart shades, including black very appropriate for
semi-dress and Btreet dresse's, at yard $1.00
Popular priced silks on
our famous silk squares 42
to 44-inch bordered fou
lards and al lover patterns
all this season's patterns
and choice colorings $2.00
and $2.50 values at, yard,
$1 and 79c.
75c and $1.25 plain and
fancy silks, 24 to 36 inches
wide dress foulards, two
and three-tone printed
warp taffettas all good
lengths at, yard, 39o and
Big Savings Monday in Basement.
This is a well-known brand of reliable qual
ity offered at these prices for Monday only.
10-4 Bleached Reliable Sheeting, worth 30c, at
yard 21c
9-4 Bleached Reliable Sheeting, worth 28c, at
yard .i 19c
8-4 Bleached Reliable Sheeting, worth 26c, at
yard 17c
7-4 Bleached Reliable Sheeting; worth 23c, yard.. 15c
Bleached Reliable Sheeting; worth 20, yard.. 14c
60-inch Bleached Pillow Casing; worth 18c, yard.. 13c
4 5-Inch Bleached Pillow Casing: worth 16c. yd.. 1 1 H e
The above special bargains will be sold In front of
our regular Muslin-Sheet Department on a bargain
43 and 45-Inch Atlantic Pillow Tubing, worth 18c and
20c, on a bargain table at special sale 1 r 1
price; per yard.'. IZJC
Perfect, yard-wide Bleached Muslin Fruit of the
Loom, Hope and other brands In 3, 6, 8 up 71
to 20-yd. pieces, special Mondsy, at per yd. ... JC
High Class Wash Fabrics
Many new arrivals In newest foreign and domestic) summer fabrics. X '
Pretty dimities, organdies, crepe Usee, bordered French voile In ex- T
qulslte designs. St. Gall Swisses and embroidered voiles, bordure
effects, etc.; at. yard fjOt to $1.95
Just received a new sblpmcnt of the scarce ratine suitings In cream,
tan, pink, ciel, Alice blue, new browns, etc, 40 to 44 Inches wide
at. yard 1.00 to $1.75
On special bargain square nobbiest wash fabrics. Silk and cotton
jacquard, 27 Inches wide, 40-inch voiles, dot marquisette, cream
whipcords, worth up to 76c a yard; at, yard. . . . . . .25 nd 39
On Our Main Floor
Creme Serges, creme suitings,
creme whipcords and diagonals are
very much In vogue.
48-inch Creme Serges; worth $1.35,
at, yard 87 Ho
6 4 -Inch Creme Whipcords and Diag
onals; worth $1, at, yard ...$1.60
44-lncn Creme Tailor Suiting Sergei
worth $1.26, at, yard 7e
64-Inch Zana Creme Suiting; worth
$2.00, at, yard , ..$1.96
IX you select the materials here you
can get a smart tailored skirt made
to your measure by one of the best
tailors In Omaha AT A SAVINQ OK
ONE-HALF our epecial. prices,
are $3.60 and $4.00
64-Inch all wool suits In new grey
and mixed effects, worth $1.60 and
$2.00, special, at yard. ..79c to $1
10c and 120 Dress
Ginghams at 5c Yard
Beautiful Dress Ginghams
in scores of the newest
patterns and plain color
ings that are excellent for
street dresses and house
dresses every yard is
perfect and worth 10c
and 12V2c
special at,
rirlast Marhtaes Oaa. la Large
Area far Hick Ralltag
Ilr. MoornetiM, Mm Uuntlncooa aviator,
fecently amiued hlmaclf by chatmc a
tavroB. A heron la a (airly prar flyer,
at Mr. aloernouw's earopiana I capable
of dotnc nor than a nu a nlnuta, and
b eutlr avrhaulc4 the loag-)eKe4 Mrd.
Mr. Hamilton, tb American flying man,
aaa sune Uw same thins, ciuulaf a crow,
and XoMoirtns the luck teas bird aa It cir
cled and swouprd IB a IraaUc Xtart to
;ua Its sissntic pursuer.
. 'ibis kloS of thins seems to opts up a
brand Dew field of aport, and tbere Is a
tout that la a year or two, wben the
aeroplane has become a safer meaaa of
tocemotloa taas It Is at promt, H will
se tn area! demand by sportsmen all the
for Id over.
: Hawking without hawks VID be flret
ItlaM fun. One mea will drtra. and a
eenpmoioo will nse suss sort of long
handled net. They will tear after a
fltsM of wild duck hurtle dotrs wind at
sixty mi lee aa hour and try u net or
peoae one of their aumher. Such a feat
would U for the very highest aualttlee
af servo and quickness.
- Mtill more exciting would be a chase
after, condor or a tammcrseter. taoae
bugs vultures with a twelve-foot spread
af ertoc. ssd such streestb that If one
tented om bis purs the comwqueneas
might be dietlnctly awkward for the hu
SuftJI birds.
- For btc came snootinc the seropiane
avlil e Ideal. Is the tint place It will
enable the sporumaa to set a view of a
tut stretch of country and are exactly
Vre lite rame Ilea; and. In the second.
It wUl enable btm to travel at aJnwst
anj" speed bs plcsees ever country which
would othrrwlee be totally Inacceeelble.
That It Is suite possible to actually
boot from an aeroplane haa been proved
y St. ltham. When be was In Cali
fornia In December, nt he artmllv m.n
bKk shootlns la his aeroplane, and uc-
ceeoea in kuiins one animal while flylns.
When partridge, are wild It la a com
mon practice to fly a kite over the field
where they lie. The birds take n tor a
hawk and Us clow. An aeronaut would
be fifty times more efficient than a kite
for the same purpcee, fur It could movs
about so much- more rapidly, and aleo
Its occupants could attnal to. his friends
below where the coreye were situated.
Mountain cllmblns by aeroplane will no
doubt be a sport of the future. There are
plenty of mountains so steep and Inacces
sible that -man has never reached their
summit, and probably never will without
the aasUtmnce of the flying machine.
Apart from sport, aeroplanlnc will pro
vide us with new games. Some have
been tried already, as at Lanark, when
the late Mr. Cecil Urace and Mr. Ogtl
vte bad an eranie-droppins competition.
The target was a circle marked out la
whits chalk on the turf, and the prise
west te the man who, flylns; over,
dropped most oranges within the circle.
Think what fun would be afforded by
aerial bars and hounds! The bar would
drop paper as he went, and would try to
dads his wursoers by flylns through
mountain valleys or by hldlnc emon the
Air pom wfjt be a popular same. The
ball will be a small hydrogen balloon
stoutly made, and a calm day will be
essential, or the wind may taks the ball
out of the .field of play.,
But the createst game of all wlibsne
aerial smucsUnc. IrS tooes days mark
ships, such as Kipling describes, will no
doubt be anchored high In the air
and provided with enormously powerful
Imagine the excitement of running a
cargo of diamond, silk, laeea, tobaoco or
other light but dutiable goods past such
a barrier ns this! Hoarlns to a tremen
dous height, the bold smuggler will en
deavor to rise above the very clouds, and
then come planing down a hundred
miles an hour rate safe to his destina
tion. Pearsons Weekly.
Memorial Tablet sad Tribates te
"Father of Ether Anew
In the presence of three daughters of
the dhuinsulshed physician, a score of
physicians and surgeons of national repu
tation, and several hundred students of
the University Medical school. Philadel
phia, the gilt bronse medallion of Dr.
Crawford Williamson Long, a (rsduats of
the school In m vbt first made use
of ether as sa anesthetic,- was unveiled
tn the msia lecture hall of the University
of Pennsylvania March Ml The tablet
was un vet led by Mrs.. Frances Lone Tay
lor of Atlanta, Ge-. a daughter of Dr.
Long, and addressee were made by Dr.
J. Williams White of the university. Dr.
J. Chamhera Da Costa of the Jefferson
Medical colleg and Ctongrsasmaa. George
R. Triple of Athena. Ga. Provost Edgar
f. Smith presided.
The tablet waa modeled by Dr. Talt
McKenne of the University of Peanayl.
vanta and represents Dr. Loaf, as s
young men. administering ether tor the
first time. It has been placed la a con
spicuous pUce In ths aula lecture room
of the medical school
The speakers paid a glowing- tribute
! to lbs memon of Dr. Lone and with
tacts and figures clearly demonstrated
J that he and not ths famous Dby
Morton, whs patented ether In 1M tinder
the nams of "lethero," waa the first to
use the drug to deaden' pain In surgical
operations. Dr. Da Costa, who made the
principal address, declared Dr. Loos used
ether as an anesthetic aa early aa 1M2.
Dr. Lone made no official claim to the
discovery, he aaid. until IMS. when he told
the story of ths discovery to the Georgia.
Medical society.
Dr. Da Costa said Dr. Long success
fully performed ths first authentic opera
tion without pain on 1. M. VenaMe. re
moving a tumor. "A few years after this,"
he said, "a heated controversy took place
among; several prominent physicians who
claimed to bars mads the discovery. The
claims of soma were recognised In Prance
and It waa not until several years elapsed
that Dr. tof, whs was of a retiring dis
position, could be persuaded to assert his
rights la the matter. An Investigation
followed and the claims of Dr. Lona;
ftnally were admitted to be substan
tiated." Dr. White declared that ths discovery
of Dr. Long wss the most momentous
sttack on !aln and suffering ever mads
in the history of msnkind. "The dis
covery of Dr. Lone" bo said. ;"1s the
greatest since Harvey learned, of ths
circulation of Ins blood.
At ths close of the ceremonies Con
gressman Triple, on behalf of ths family
of ths physician and ths state of Georgia,
thanked the University of Pennsylvania,
ths physicians who participated In the
ceremonies and the students for the In
terest displayed in .immortalising the
asms of the Georgian.
Dr. Lone was born la DaBleisrtlle, Ga.,
In MU. He entered Franklin college, now
merged with the University of Georgia,
gradnatinc In la 1 he received
his degree) of doctor of medicine from
University of Feonfylvenia. Upoa
Men's Furnishing Goods Sale
Monday we bring forward new lots of Men's Furnish
ings from our purchase of a retail stock. Everything was
made for this season's wear and at these special prices
represent the greatest values in Men's Apparel ever of
fered in Omaha.
Men's Negligee Shirts, smart, new
patterns; worth to $2, at 98?
Men's Negligee Shirts, many with
soft detached collars and soft
euffs, worth to $i.50. at $1.39
Men's Pure Thread Silk and Im
ported LUie Hose; worth to 60c,
at. pair Iflf
Men's Night Shirts values np to
at 49s d 75e
Sample Belts values up to
each 35
jj $1.50. at
mf' Men's Sam
Men's Negligee Shirts, new styles
and patterns, worth to $1-25,
t 69s
Men's Lisle and Balhriggan Shirts
and Drawers; worth to 75c,
t 29
Otis Silk and Lisle Undershirts
and Drawers; worth to $1.50,
Mens Ribbed and Lisle Union
Suits; worth to $1.00, at,
each 59
randeis Stores
his graduation bs entered the New Tork
hospital, subsequently ret trains to
Georgia, where he practiced his profes
sion In the town of Jefferson. Ho died
at Athens. Ga, In H7S. Philadelphia
Record. - ;
Kaew Tee Mark.
Having sredusird from a business col
lege with honors ths young man thought
himself competent to tsckle any problem
In banking that could be learned without
actual experience, but Uie old clerk knew
better. -Can
yon make an erasure so nestly
that It would take as expert to tell where
It had been doner- he asked.
"Yea. sir." said the young man with
consdoua pride.
"Well, for bea;eoa aaat don't tell your
prospective employer so or yoa will be
looking tor a job this time next year,'
the okt clerk said.
Employers are afraid of too much skill
in that direction. It given such enormous
opportunities for fraud that they mill
right ahy of hiring you.
"I found that out tn my young- dare I
also waaan expert with the Ink eraser
and proudly proclaimed my accomolian
roent. Finally, woen I found myself toe.
Ins the starvation mark I ced n .
and hare held a good position aver since."
.T. son ftuoes.