Y 1 10 JE OMAHA SUNDAY" BEE: MAT 12, 1912. Council Bluffs Council Bluffs unci! Bluffs " Council Bluffs A i f i I GDHHDiG FQUURDAY LAW . Hxjvt't Veto of (Hosing Ordinance j Will Probably lill It XXECUTIYE READY TO WITH U He mm llty Solicitor Staert , Are hw4, M Latter As ma Orwtaaace hi Clw LcejtolaMen. t siayor at alone v win he .m. . .. ale veto ta kill the barber' Sundsy elo. ; wg ordnance la now regarded , talnty. It will require Hi vote In the ; omactl la pas the ordinance over the ! " There were tx vote In favor of It when the council approved it Thursday J night, but two of the votes were rather . reluctantly given, and H ta regarded at ( qutta cenala one or perhepa keta of ! thaa member will vole to tuataln the . ; mo. E That the ordlnanoa cannot be enforced ; and that It will only he a disturbing In : fluence. Inciting expensive and annorlnc i " litigation, la alao admitted. The failure " of a similar f((Iimiim ammhI Ium -. !frm oral year ago and attempted to be en- forced la vividly recalled, together with - the depressing effect It bad upon the : ceneral business of the town. Attar two men who bad determined to fit ht the .' ordinance bad been arretted about KM ; time no further attempt waa mad to enforce the law and later It wa ; pealed. . ) Mayor Maloner aald yesterday that no t on for whose opinion he cared a anap i had crtuclaed hi oppoaltioa to the erdl- . nance, and that he waa prompted by what he conceived to be the beat Inter Ml of lh people, t Bfarar Stark Oaaeeed. "I da net believe It la a matter la which the city council ahould tab any part. h nu "Outside of the doubtful pro , pnety of attempting to enforce any Sab j betarlaa lawa, it wilt be oppoead by all ,: liberal-minded persons. Any ordinance the city could paa would bav to be baaed unon the ataca law. and the barber ,;aa Invoke the law If they ear to ' without Involvtner the ellv In their nrt. vt fights. That H la a question of J trade unionism, I alao contrary to the facta. If It la or ever ahould beoom uch a question, there I only en place for in aettlemrnt and that I In tit union ; WMtlnc. There la another thin' that I want to prom lee tight now, and that I . that there wilt be po sxceptton la favor ,of the barber If auch a law la to be enforced. Ra.se ball and att rack things r win have to atop." ., City Solicitor tVuart declared hi con viction Mala yeetarday, a he did at the oouncfl meetlnf when the ordinance wu , being discussed and pawed, that the draft . approved by the council could not be en .' forced, and that It directly confltcteii 1 with both the Mat law and uprm court decisions. II id ction I of the ordlnanoa had (specially fatal defect, and that If there waa any eerlou tnten vtlon of attempting to enact it thla whole ;i" section would bo removed. It prohibit A any barber ebon having draws bllnda on " Sunday er anything to obatruot the full Mew of the Interior from th street. V Claee legislation. : "If I he council ceo prohibit barber shop pulling down lb blind on an ly er at anytime it can alao do th , earn with every etor and private real- uence In the city," eaid ha. "To attempt U mak It apply to barber (hop alon '-would be clae legislation of the rankeat Vifiiarectsr. Thl section would kill the ( ordinance, No erdlnanca deelgned t an- force observance of the sabbath can be baaed on any other section of th state' lsw eicept section toes, which siempti ' all whe observe any other day thaa Bun ' day for their Sabbath. Th iiipreme , court baa sever construed thla aectlon r and K at universally regarded by lawyer . aa unconstitutional. It permit class r legislation Is direct contra vent loa of the 1 states conslitutlo. and I am certain 5 thai If any ordinance based upon It Is X. er carried up to the uprtn court I both will be annulled." The opinion moat frequently iprd "yesterday waa that If th barber want " to close then- shops on Sunday they can ' easily do so by a mutual agreement with- out to Yoking the aid of special law that may cause widespread disturbance. . . 8ATURDA ft'ECl A Lei-Lots of trash trawbernea, in quart born, from Texas. J-Tesh cucumbers, each, be: radishes, 4 bunch ss, ic; pieplant, a bum has. la; as--paraau. per bunch, so; fresh tomatoes, 'per pound, l(ci loewe oatmeal. I pound. Sec; loose starch. pouuda,. He; arg bolts oaa cracker. TSc; I pound gin ger snap, lie. Just received a shipment of fancy eooklea, per pound, IfVte; Golden Canto coi.ee, per poubd. He; orange are sweet and Juicy, from x dnsen up. W are still selling our lily Cream flour, per seek. 1 X warranted. U Oreea. 1M Broadway. TeL mo. SENIORS TAKE SEVENTEEN POINTS AT TRACK MEET senior , 17 juniors , ,... Moohomorea Freehmen , -The local high school held the annual track meet Friday afternoon at Athletic park. About 300 people attended th meet, mostly students from the high and graded schools. After the fifth event It rained torrents sad the field looked like pood, and the following events were called off: Pole vault, twelve-pound shot put, SkVyard dash, broad Jump, dlecus throw. Ub-ysrd hurdles, faVyard dash, eeie-half.mll relay bet wees the Junior, sophomore and freshmen teams and baif Bitl run. These events will bo contested some time next week oa the Twenty- first street ground. Harry Crowl of the Juniors waa the star of the meet, getting tn points, a - first In the mo-yard run and sooth sr In th mil run. Summary: . " We-yard dash: Macrae raophmore. won; Robtnsoa senior, second; Hubbard Isenlort. third. Time, e:lV ' tta-yar. run: Crowl ihinler), woo: Warns (nlorl, second; Albert! (senior), third. Tin.-, i V - 30-yard ordls: RoMnson (eenlorl on; Beno irnshmanl. second. Hubbard . teenlor). third. Time. :. - Mil run: Crowl (junior), won: Harris f senior), eeooetd; Owens t sophomore), third. Ttme, ML i .CREEN VIQ STABLES GALORE-It would do roar syes good to take a peep n our window. Radtabee. t buaches for c; giees onions, Ic a boaeh; pis plant t bunches for te; ssteaeh, lis peck; as argu. t banehes for Me. Plenty of "Urawberrlea at Wo quart aoxea; cucure- - ert, t for lie; new potatoes. 4 pounds Sc; six spoons and one package of Korn Flakes, Mc; Easy )1 sad glass; dJan, .c. Tor sous cleaning time we ksep carpet tacka. Ammonia. Mc bottle' Try bur New Tor coffee, only Sc: tee. ale pound. Plenty of country batter. 36e "pound; Gotdea Rule flour, ., Bart- Miller. Telepbene Ol . ' Minor Mention The Osssrfl Slaffs Offtet of Tke Omaha stas t at If Scott Street. TeJepkeae 4. Davie, drugs. Vtctrola, lli. A. Hoapa Co. H. Borwlck for wall paper. Wood ring Undertaking Co., TeL . Corrlgaas. iindertakers. 'Phones 14V NT5W TORK Plumbing' Co. 'Phone rACSt BEER AT ROGERS' BUFFET. Lewi Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 17. Magatinea bound. Morehouse ft Co. CuLrA a mineral water delivered. Tel av. c. aiinnicK. Bluff City laundry, Dry Cleaning and fje worse, new- pr.one .NO. 314. TO RAVE OR RrtRMl'lUr xfr t- R asi ong. t ioan As a., la Pearl. Nest Sundav la liAthera iliv Th Faubla Art Shop for cardc, folder, etc. nvestment: Vor sale a fin isMtarv Dr"' a on Broadway in the center of Coun ell Bluffa. la. Address "A" Omaha Bee, council Bluff, la. BRINO la your disabled watch to our watchmaker, they will out It In as soul cvnoiuou as new. Every piece of work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Left en's PAIS H.-V TUP. K HnKKT on household foods, horee. cattle anit all chattel securities at a big discount of th usual ratea. uinc over a w. Bdwy. Owlne to th rloalns of the trilrnv flower nor o account of the death of sir. vtiicox yeeteroav. the commutation hooka of the street railway company will no piaoed en sale at Camps dm store. Th eiore may remain closed until aftr to runerai. The meetlne that waa en have Keen held yesterday under the ausolre of the t.ivio improvement league failed on ac count or the heavy rainatorm. A num ber or the women braved the rale and spoiled some gowns and lists, but they were not numerous eaouerh to do more man cnat prontaniy aa tney sat in th puhlta llbrerv rooms No date for the meeting was filed, but another gathering will soon be held. Two children ef Mr. end Mrs John Derry. till South Ninth street, have died In the last twenty-four hours of scarlet fever and two ether are dangerously ill from the same disease Asle. the t-year-old sen, died at 4 o clock Thura day afternoon, and at 1 o'clock yester day morning Roy, aged 1 succumbed. Both had been 111 but four dava. The double funeral of the rhlldran was held at 4 o'clock yesterday afternooa at r sir view cemetery. The father Is a teamster In th employ or the Bluff City Lumber company. The dead bova are urvved by parents ami three sisters. Leonsrd Everett he given the Civic league women the right t use th va cant Iota on the corner of Broadway nd South Seventh streets, and th womeei have accepted the offer with hanks Mr. Everett had a force of men et work there yesterday removing ths rubbish. Just what us will be mad of th plat ha not been fully determined. Some of th more practically inclined members of the league see In the offer an opportunity to raise about 100 bushel or potatoes, which mlalit be profitably distributed among th poor next winter. irwins 10 tne central location of the around on Broadway and Its nearness to th Young Men Christian association building other see splendid chance to convert a most unsightly place into a rsil beauty epot. with flower and orna mental plants. Which phase of the pretty Hruistic sentiment will win th victory will soon be decided, but th Interesting tact remains that a pleasant Chang will be mad at that point. Attracted by the sound of someone heavily falling. Mar Bourlclu broke in the door of the bathroom at his home nasi Wash nstun avenue yeeterday In time to save the life of his son. Uuy. who bsd been overcome bv carbon dioxide fume from th sea healer. Th young man had been In the bathroom some time taking a bath when his father happened to pass neer the door end heard the fall. When tne door waa forced the young man was found lying unconscious on the floor. He was car ried Into hi bedroom and th tlectrlc fan turned upon him after Dr. ksrl Bellinser had been called. The nhvalrtan and nurses worksd over him for several hour before he fully rooveed. Ht had been overcome by th fume whll lying In th tub, but retained aufflclent con cuius nets to res I tee that his life 'de pended upon getting out of the room. He fell heevlly when he etruggied to Ma feet, bruising and cutting .-.a face. Hs waa still surfer! ns from th effects of th poisonous vspor lest evsninf , but was out o( all danger. . Children Take Part in Cleanup Day to Dandelions' Sorrow Th reports of ths school children upon ths work aeeompilahed by (hem on "clean up day" made th most Interesting part yestsrdey 1 exerdss In th public schools. The tsschsrs aided greatly In encouraging and dlreotlng th effort of th youngsters, Tssterday afternoon th children mad their reports, hundred of them written form, and they form a mass of literature that la highly Inter esting. Mrs, Donald afarrae, who had charge E th Pierce street district, expressed her delight over the scoompilahments of th day and selected this report medahy Master Harry Sbepard. 71 Grace street, a pupil of th Pierce street school, aa a aampl of th work don by th children Sad ths spirit that in stored them: Wednesday May t. Mil. was set spart for the first cleaning up day by the city unaer tne auspice or tn ivio improve ment club of Council Bluffa la. Mrs, Macraa waa appointed to take car of our dlatrlct and th school board save us that afternoon that we might help clean up. I had mora work thaa I could lake rare of that afternoon, but I filled up holes In the yard and used a common load and a half of dirt and ashes. I carried about forty buckets of dirt from the hill across the road. I aleo nulled Kb dandelions thl moraine and expert te pull t,wt more before 1 quit. 1 n 1 ut at numoer of a enactions ra our room was J7.M. The total work don by the Piere street school chlldrea b shows by th official report approved by the principal, Mrs. Prouty, and prepared by Ferdinand hirsute, a pupil They cleaned S yards and forty alleys, swept and cleaned th street hi front of twenty-seven he uses. snade forty-four gardens, pleated Dower and flower seed in twenty ethers, gathered up seventeen loads of debris. trimmed a number of tree and cleaned a number of cellar and sheds on private property. The attack on the dandelions showed the deal ruction of 23,3,3, And the work at Fierce strest wss repeated all of ths other buildings, sltsough ths children declared they worked harder te piesss Mrs. Macrae thsa they would have done for any other person. Mrs. Macrae Is ss fully plaassd and said hut evening that the best result of th movement ar yet t be realised la the higher Ideals Inspired. After carefully Investigating the dif ferent snakes of pianos, we Sad that the beet are the Krakauar. Kranlch ft Bach. Cable-Nelson. Bush Lane, KlmbaH. Fryor. Stelner. Hal let Davis, all of which are soM by A. Hoepe Co., JI West Broadway. Tou find thee instrument lnTiome all over the glebe sad they calrge no more for thera thaa la usually Marges for unknown make. Tou caa iiy them ss eaay payments if you nke Vsy to the Bituatkaa Be Advertising. WILCOX SUCCUMBS TO GRIPPE Leading- Citizen 9f Council Slnffi Diet After Short Clues. SCUT TP VAST- EUSIHISS Heed af Ceeet fietesleuts Located Here Illnees Telle we Sever Cold aa stesalt ef Beeeaa las Owerkemteel. J. F. Wlloox, founder and builder of the vast greenhouse business that is knows all ever the country, died ysater dsy sfternoos at 4 o'clock of heart weak ness, doe to ht grippe end pneumonia, after aa Illness of leas thsa len days He waa conscious and talked with mem bar of th family a few minute before he died. Mr. Wilcox' Illness followed cold contracted early last week. He be came chilled during a ride to Manawa after being overheated In exercise con nected with directing soma part of his work on the home place, La grippe. pleurisy and pneumonia followed fn rapid succession, producing a fatal heart weakness that couM sot be overcome Fcr several days ths heart action had been sustained by powerful stimulants. and yesterday morning nitroglycerine was resorted te the only means of preserving th spark of life. After th last Injection th heart failed to respond and he died within a few minutes. On of th lungs had become Involved In the attack of pneumonia, and had It net new for th weak heart action hi physician ay hs would soon hsvs recovered. Th death of Mr. Wilcox cam ss a treat shock to his family and friends Roy, the eldest son. was completely prostrated sad fall unconscious while landing st to telephone a few minute after hi father's death. The physician and nurses bsd to work with him for several hour. Mr. Wilcox waa bora In Grant county, Wisconsin, on February , list, and was tt 5 ears cod. Before he was M h moved with hi parent to Wahoo, Neb., and shortly afurward cam to Council Bluffs snd entered bit th mpioy of hi uncle. A. Caspar, at til a month for two yr- Than hi, pay was Increased to month and board. Shortly before h was a Mr. Casper mads him foreman and advanced hla pay to tS a month and board. After his twsnty-flrst birthday Mr. Casper took him aa a partner In the marks! gardening business and together they bought what I still known st No. I place, H had avd less than 1X0, th balance of kw anting all going to hla rslstlves. Th young man paid th small amount down and gav hla unci not for th balance. In the coarse or four years thl property became worth IJI OuO and Mr, Wilcox had fully paid hi half. H then bought th other half from Mr. Casper for fa.Mt which he paid m two years. He then bought th horn plac from Cupar for IC 600, paving lea than tan down. Long before th note were due all ware paid. Today th greenhouse snd ether prop, rty accumulated by Mr. Wilcox 1 valuta at mora than IMO.Mo, t aele tpeaka la Kalegy. cneaking of ths character ef his nephew, Mr. Caper aald last evening: "Mr. Wilcox wa a self-made manIn the fullest meaning of th term. H com pelled confidence and maintained tt by honesty snd fidelity that never waive red. He never deceived m In any degre and never told m an untruth. Ml Judgment waa aa unerring as hat enterprise was unflagging. He was aa axsmpl te all young men. He dug out of these bills all the wealth ha had accumulated. He wis a publla benefactor and the most liberal of men In th u of his money for publlo snterprlses. For year he has had on hla payroll mor thaa W men and often employed Mo. lit dseth Is a personal bereavement to ma which word cannot iprs, for h wss ts ma as a son whom I had loved from Infancy and seen grows Into splendid manhood. It I hard that ha should die la the prima of live and when h had Just fairly started oa hi career,' ' Firs (ees.Servlve. Mr. Wilcox wa married In 1M ta Miss Emma Toung of Atlantic nlecs at Mr. Casper. HI widow and flv sons sur vtv him. Thro children, two soya and eirf, died In childhood. Th Commercial club, of which Mr. WU ox wa an sctlv member snd officer, will bold special meeting at noon today to draft a ultabl expression of the sor row all feci and to arrsng for the floral tribute that the club will lay npoa hi casket. It will b made by the sorrowing mploye ,of th dead florist of flown that will b selected by th dub' com mute from th great greenhouse that will remain ss his beet monument. Bluff s High School " Will Give Cantata Th Council Bluff High school will ktv a cantata oa May 2. "Th Miy Queen." by Sir Bterndal Bennett, an English composer. Thl musical win be given under the direction at Mil Grace Barr, supervisor of mode In th public school of this cltv. The soloists are: Mrs J. E. Marshall, con traits; .Mist Patienc Walker, soprano; Dr. Claude Lewi, bsss, J. R. Gerke, tenor. Then will be aa orchsetral accompanlnMnt. Thla cantata will be given la th high School assembly room. Every person whe heard "The Ron Maiden" last year, un der the auspice of th same organisa tion and under th direction of Miss Barr. will know something of the character t th music that will be rendered oa thla ecc salon. Musical critics pronounced last rears entertainment an at th very best ever given la th city. Th cantata to be give this year will b the equal at that a year ago, and probably with the additional training win b superior. It la seldom that th cltlxena of Council Bluffs bar th opportunity of hearing a musical af tela character with ri orchestral accompaniment. We have the exclusive sale for the Brown Daley Absorbing Mops and Floor Brush. They pick ap th dost snd carry it away. Prices tTtt and KM. p. c. DVal Bdw. Os, IN Broadway. Real Estate Trasafen, Real estate transfers reported ts The Bee May 1 by th Pottawattamie County AhafFSM-t Mmmm ne ...i m j vwwiu smukcs: Jorgett Hansen and wife to. Chris tian Andersen, land In J-:?-, w- d. t rijj Henrr WUsoa snd wife to Edwta H,i4Jm. l , , . . . , . . biork It, and e lot and lot 16. block U. town of Macedonia 1e w. d IM W. S. Coopar and wif to A. ray j Smith, lot 11. block 14. Bryant ft Clark's eubd. to Council Bluffs. w. d The Tootle estste to Milton C. Clark, lots 1 and M. block M. Terry add. to Council Bluffs w. d KB core A. crock wen and nuebena to Dors A. Patterson. ra feet and ' ni feet lot 4, block I and ell feet and n feet lot a. Mock t Bay lias' 1A add. to Council Bluffs. w. d. ijml Flv transfers, total...... l.aol! LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL BOY GOES TO IOWA LEAGUE Karl Robinson, a local high school boy. will leave today for Fort Dodge, Is-, hi hem town, to Join the ksagus team there. Port Dodge la In the newly organised Iowa league. Last year Robtnsoa played with Seward tn the Nebraska Stat league On Sunday he played with th Merchants HI position will be filled by Herb Phillips. , call let and bav a Vaccum Cleaner sent to your home; tS s day will do all your nous cleaning. Complete equipment of tool for different uses. Peterson ft dchoening Co. White Outclasses Conley of Kenosha IXS ANGELES. May ll.-Jack White the Chicago featherweight, was an easy victor over Ftsnkl Conley of Kenosha. Wat., at the Vernon arena thla afternoon. After the first round, which wss fslrly veti. White started battering Conley with right snd lefts te th body and face, n ' ecaalng until at th end of the twslfth round Conley s manager. Tom Jones, threw up . ths sponge, H an nounced ihst Conley had broken his wrist In th sixth round. From th beginning Conlsy employed hi boring tactic, although repeatedly knocked almost off hla feat by th Chi cago man. He waa outclassed hopelessly and It wa next to Impossible for htm to lend oa Whit. Only th Kenosha bey's ramenes kept Mm In the fight for a doien rousda. While showed remarkable Improvement sine hla defeat by Jo Rivera, APPLICATION IS MADE TO GET WATER WORKS 1 By resolution passed at a meeting of ths wsler board yesterday afternoon John L. Webster wa Instructed to mak application to th United States district court for Immediate possession of the wster works Ths resolution: "Resolved, ' That John L. Webster, at torney for th water board, be directed to file a supplemenUl application In th United States district court In th suit of th Omaha Water company against th city of Omaha, commonly known a a specific performance cast, for an order on th water company to turn over the wster works to th city of Omaha upon payment af th purchaa pries." Th Katg 'Construction company wa allow! K 00D on their tll.Sos contract for th construction of th Dundee and Deaf Institute water mala. Bid for I, TO tons of pipe, a carload of valves and a carload of hydrants will be sdvertlsed for and received until 4 o'clock In th afternoon of May X They will then b opened at a matting of th board and th contract let ta the lowest bidder. , , t THIEVES ENTER SUBURBAN ' HOUSE. STEALING GEMS Jswelry to th ralue of about tMt wss stolen from th J. W. Trumbell horn st Fiftieth and Map! streets, 1st yes terday afternoon whll th occupant f th house were away. Th burglars ran acked every room and took every bit of Jewelry tn the house. Among the loot r severst family hehruwm which ar prised highly and Mr. Trumbell feeis hi los greatly. The stolen article consist of on ring set with two gameta and three chip d!a monda; on diamond stud, one lodge pin. on gold ring with three valuable opal set- tlnga, two (gold bracelet snd a breast pin with several diamond settings Three gold chains and two locks Is wr alas taken. DEPARTMENT OFFICIALS BLAMED BY MRS. CRANE WASHINGTON, slay It-Mrs. Carotin Bartlett Crane, k support of Representa tive Nelson' resolution for a congres sional Investigation of th government meat Inspection servlc. today told th hous committee on expenditure to th Department of Agriculture that the chief fault of the service wss In th personnel of th official of th department Secretary WHson, Solicitor McCabe and Chief Melvtn of th bureau of animal In dustry war In offtc when sensational disclosures In th meat packing Industry were made a few year ago, aha aald, and ah charged them with not curing Hut then and maintained that the inspection stand ard bad gradually been towered. To much attention waa paid to the Interest Involved and too little to the health af th people, h aald. The endorsement of th Inspection rega- tationa by a commrtte of well -known scientists waa not accepted at Its face value by th witness, who read a letter from Secretary Wlleoo. addressed to her. to show that ths uteenbeia of the com mission were selected after they had passed noon and approved th regula tions. The committee adjourned until HYMENEAL MeKar-Bird. ' Oeerg IfoKay of Savannah, til., and Miss Mary Bird ef Piattsmoutb were united la marriage last evening at the noma of Mr. and Mrs, Byron Clark la th Hamilton. Twenty-toarto and' Far- nam streets The bride hss been a fnend of the Clerks for some years, being in timately associated with thera In Platts- mouth before Mr. Clark's appointment a general solicitor et th Burllngtoa rail road. She and th groom first met as students three years ago at Park col lege, Parkvtlla, Mo. The marriage cere mony wss pei-forwied by Rev. James R. fsaatbury, pastor of ths Preabytartaa church at Aabura. who came ts Oman, sccoenpanied by Mrs. Sell burr, for thl oocaalon. Mr. Bsisbory. who ts aa alumnus of park col less, waa pester af the PUttsmouth Presbytertaa church be fore going t Auburn. Tabtea Wise Easily. TANKTON. S. D., May 11 -Spe. iel Tel egram V In tne annual track meet with Mitchell university. Vankton ooilege won ea'lly with U Boints ta Mttrhell a The visitors evcei'rd In weights tsking three firsts, aad r.m in to? va tor-mile. Yankton took :be balance. Poor records I we.s im. wwing to Ui aeaty nun. " - - - -- - - - Omaha's Greater Laundry We hare united the Evans City Steam Laundry, established in 1876, and the Model Steam Laundry, established in 1882, and will im mediately begin the erection of a splendid new three story, $75,000 building to occupy a quarter of a block at 11th and Douglas streets. Our Mr. Robertson of the Model and our Mr. Segur of the Evans City Steam Laundry will leave shortly for the east to make a tour of inspection of the larger laundries in the principal cities, in order to make the new plant the most modernly constructed laundry in the west. No expense will be spared to equip the new laundry with all the latest machinery and labor-saving devices. ' We will equip our plant for the comfort of our employes, especial care for the sanitation and ventilation being taken. We do this not only in appreciation of the loyalty of our employes, many of whom have been with us for upwards of 25 years, but in view of the fact that ideal working conditions mean better service to our patrons. We also desire to express to our patrons our appreciation for their patronage and confidence, many of whom we have had the pleasure of serving from the beginning 1876. We assure the public that we will do all in our power to deserve its continued patronage and support. - ' ' ... ' : . v ' -v Evans-Model Laundry WB ROGERS SOM . Toilet Goods lc Java Itlaa Powder, all colors, at ..i ......It,-) ibo Lyons' Tooth Powder 14o I ho Panttol Preparation la loo Zlska Face Powder (Dorin) W lie Msnnen Talcum Powder, all kind ., lia Its Paekara Tar Soap sop Paint your house and get Wm. Rogers & Sons ' Silver Coupons Free n:n .n i6th and iYiyvi z-junuuu lji DAII1TY FOOTWEAR Par Mlsi and " Children . . Wa ar showing styles In both hlsh and Inw cuts fnr mlseeaV and children that surpass any thing aver shown In the city before. They are the kind that wear, with a neat style like is fonnd la mother's shoef. . , . We haa them In batten and lace, kid, patent colt, gun metal, cloth tope and kid tops. common sense and drees shoes. Children's, S to 11 $1.50 I at M !', 11 H to 1 at $2.00 Toung Women's. ) Cf 1 to v)ss.dU DREXEL 1419 Farn.ni THE OMAHA BIE Omaha' Great Home Paper. THE SECRET IS OUT . SEE PAGE 8 MAGAZINE SECTION TODAY Drug, Soap, Toilet Article and Paint Sale all this week at the Big Drug Store with Wm.f Rogers & Sons' Coupons free with every item in our big store. Very Special Soap Sale Myers- Economy Bath and Toilet fcoap. Full flv ounce rake, Ulv cerine. Oatmeal. Buttermilk, Eld erf lower. Hard Water, Turklah Bath and Palm, well worth ten cents special thla week be Ss.- Myers- Kgg Ter and Glycerin Bhampoe, thla week ...llo 4 lb. bar Imported Spanish Csatlle Bosp ass lie box California Violet eioap. three cake in box. per box . . loo Patent Medicines tl.OO Lambert's Llsterln go Hoc Lambert's Llstsrln ...... 4A0 tl.OO Swamp Root o 60c Swamp Root .46o 1.00 Payne'a Celery compound 10 11 Pinkliam'e Vegetable compound at so Ibc Fletcher Caatorl ....... .33s Paints, Varnishes, Etc. ' Tns tlm of th year to paint Is her. W hsvs the material. Prices reasonable. Quality th best Preston' Fast Color Paint 1 gallon 11.60 S gallon ,...eoo 1 quart toe Twenty-eight color to select from. Kernel to any paint on th market Send for color card. rx iT mt&-zW Old Age for Cafe or Home It's the beer that will please ta the club, cafe, hotel, farmhouse, cot tar or mansion, because it satisfies the most critical and exacting Judgsa. It poors clear, sparkling, cloufllests and pure. - . .The Amber Bottle protects Old Age- from decay. TaJsTLT TaVASa TtrFPUxD BTl oath Omaha wm. JrTrtx, ssoa ar St, Phono, Soutk SSS. , Oaashe tniao P. Btxa, 134 fiosxlae St. Pbeaa, Doegla IMS. I JETTER BREWIHE CO. ffci '. 3 aaaBataxsawxxaBxsx Lowe Bros High Standard Paint " 1 gallon (a.00 H gallon i.os 1 quart sso 1 pint 300 H pint gue Fifty-two tint and shades to se lect from, and whit snd black. Bend or call for color card. Low Brothers' Mtllaton Flit colors For interior walls, wood work, etc. Fourteen color and black and white to select from. 1 gallon , aa.oo H gallon ki.os . 1 quart . 600 Low Brothers' Vernlcot Enanvei white For Interior work, the bath tub, th bedstead, etc. 1 pint ...Toe H Pint toe Lowe Brother" Floor Paint , ,,1 quart can , .60a ' H gallon ...... so 1 gallon gl.T Low Brother' Carrtag Oloas ' Paint. For porch chair, gaa stovs, radiator. Stsnds heat, water and give a brilliant vsrnish effect. Eight color to select from. s pint ,.5o 1 pint 40 1 quart 7a Low Brother' Screen Paint. Black and green. Make screens look Ilk new. Pint :. go Quart toe Ksu. parn rr ffs L 1 djF-ik . I , ,ii 1 mmMMA i MM , ill i 1 ! I a-swsma-aa - .'.:JV VI s .ssHsssssaBissjsssssssHSssMSSfpMBIaj.ypj-