Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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    I '
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' Jirm -dtv. fWtkTIl CiTTTJniV WIT 11 101
S. , . I' 1 1 ... " -,
But the Price of Meat . Keeps Jumping Jul the Same
Copyright, WX : AAtlooal News
Drawn for The Bee by Hal.Coffman
. ' . - - T-l
i naBnaairBaaaeeaaeaaem II 11 " " I I
. Dei Koine Wins from Bt Joseph by
. , Fit to Tour.
aHpIs Jlar br Dn Mala Is rtrat
, laalag rIM of Ooat.a
" MeUr ul lavllllas tiet
' Three-Bee HIU
" la MOLVSS, May 4-A baa m UM.
a two-has hit ul a slngla In Us tenth
allowed Kara U icon and Cm Motim
won from . Joseph. Ittl locals
nit four hlu and (our m In the
fourth Inning, tlelng the ecore. A triple
; play by DM Moines tB tho Brit luting
, w a teatur. tear:
... AB. R. H. O.
iahB, Of .....
Curtis. If ...,.,.... i
t.olinn. a 4
A. Kelly, rf ..... t
Thorn, lb...
Korea, as
laonard, Jt....
. l liltU. ...
lluMfon, p
Knrfnufi, p
J. Ktr. tb...
T on. rf 4
, ZwiHinf. c(.. I
JYiioii. lb. 4
. Vch. ib 4
lfink, ..... 4
' ll, I
4 tahbtf, p.. 4
UMlt, 1
..a i
ib. n. k
U M 11 I
4 M J
Rkik1 (nr lnntnl la ttnth.
Hti4 lor t'WtavaLkl In lourlh.
r out ha vlnnlni rua aoorod.
Mntnaa 4 4 4 4
' bt. Juaepb .. 1I4444444-4
.w. ...v. . ...-vt, ..wv . - , jomdi at uaa Moinao.
Mia: i. Kally, n. Brtfiea I , Tooaka at WIchMa.
Standing o! Teams
I -anovxi -uaM. nat. leaocb.
W.L.Prt.1 W.L.rVt.
Daairar ....14 4 .50 Naw Tork..M 4 .
Bt. JVapb..U I .a! CliKHniiaU. 14 I .
Omaha ....I 14 M Chtco ....11 U
Tooaka ....14 I JO Boaton 1 11 .
torn City. I .4 Plttaburgli.. I II .
IVa Molaaa. U .t!M Brooklyn..- T 14 .412
u u-hii ... 1 1' auf Philadrl'a.. 1 1I .
Uncoli, .... 1 II .m ftt. I'ila... 4 14 T.i
AMKR. LEAiitb. AMKR. " ' ,
WLPrtl , WX.Pct
rhVaca, ..) ( .WOnramlnM ...U t .WT
Boaton U i .WW Mlnnaanatla 11 t .S
Phiiaa.lpMa t JHTalatto , It M .ant
Waab mo 14 14 St. pan). ..,.14 U Alt
Ckivaiana .. Kan. oty...M II .443
natr4 It .4J. Lsulavlll 14 .1
at. Loirta ... 4 11 AIM Mllwaukaa .(MATS
Naw rark.. I U JMj Indlanapella 1 11 A44
' PlarattWoa. Prl
Baatrlca 1 1
Auburn 1 . 1 ( ,.
Fall atv - 1 1 .
Nabraaba Cltr... I 1 .
Hiawatha I I
I .
Yaataraar'a Raaalta.
OmaruHUous City, rain.
Rt. Joaaph, 4: Daa Molnaa. I
rnvar-Llnrala, wat (rouaoa.
Topcka-Wkhlta, tain.
Bnaton. 1; St Ixniia t
Phlladalphla, 4: Flttaburdi, 1
Rrouklya. ; Cincinnati, A i
Naw Tark. 4; Chicago. A
S. Iwila, t: Naw Tor, t
Clavalaml. : Phlladalphbj, L
Iwtroit, 4; Boaton, A
Cblcaia. I; Waahlnttao. 1 --
TnlaoA 4; Mlnnaapolta, I
Colnmbua. 4; St. Paul. t.
lAutavllla, Mi Kanaaa City, t ,
Indlanapolla. I; Mliwauaaai a.
Krbraaka City, : Auburn. 1
rail rity, 4; Hiawatha, t '
Humboldt, 1 Baauioa, 4
am Taaay. "
Waatara Laajia Omaha at Stona City.
St. Joaapk at Daa Motnaa, Oaavar at Lta-
, felt: Vkalaon. baaaa oa balta: Off Huaa-
trni, l; oir Northup. 1. etrura out! ny
Huaatnn, I; by Cruicbr, 4; by Northup.
4. WUa pltchaa: Orut.har. k on Imp.
Stolen baaaa: Collnn, fowall. Trlpla
rlay: Tbomaa la Koraa to Tbutnaa to
latowakl. Una! Oft Huaatan. 4 la two
ana a third Inalnaa; oft Nonhup. 4 la
ai and a third lonlma. IMl on baaaa:
la Molnaa. ; St. joaaaii, t. Tlnw: 1.XV
Lmptra: Maakall. .
Eastern Base Ball '
Clubs Begin Active
. v War on Gambling
NEW TORK, May IA Ofttctala of tha
. baa baikt New Tork, Brooklya
; ar4 Jaraay City bava yltt today with
tha poltca at a eruaaaa to Buppraaa pool
aalllns oa baaa ball aaroaa. Platrtet At.
; toraay Cropaay of KinCa aounty hw
lakaa up tha lacal auaatlon of aalUaf
. baaa bail poola. which, ha aaya, ha haa
' boaa Informed waa salaf oa ai whataaala
' ta Brooklyn and Manhattan. Arattta hava
baaa aaatfnad, by Mr. Cropaay to aoUaet
iridene to ba praaaatad to a aran jury.
; Tha polloa eomnuaaloaara la Jaraay City
hava eallad a apaetal veetinc (or aaxt
. Wadnaaday ta cord Id r th aquaatioa of
: baaa bail poola.
;. laTaatlratloa ahowa that Is hundrad
' of eaJoona and algmr atoraa tickau ara
. aold In what to knows as "Mltd'' poola.
' Pool aIUt( la said ta ba solas aa aiaa
' ta othar dtlea.
National Iaaua Boatoa at St.
Phluulalphla at Plttaburfh, Braaklya at
Cincinnati. Naw Tork at CMcajro.-
Ainarloaa Laaiua-DatroU at Na Tork.
Chlca at Philadelphia, St Louie al
Bnoton, Cleveland at waannujion.
link laaua-Nabraaka City at Auburn.
Falie City at Hiawatha, Beatrice at Hum
boldt, n . . -
Dftrinf Bam Suuisf uid Bunched
Hiti Best QucftfO.
xxw tou sxcum roux vm
Aaaoa Kawpa Cabe Nlta WaU Saat
tared Oaa Dawbla flap Twa
Stolen Baaaa Two twa.
Baaa Hlla.
CHICAGO May J4.-Darin baaa ru-
sln( sad bunched hlu ambled Naw Tark
to (hut tmt hClcasa la tha opardas swaa
of tha strles today. 4 to A Ail tha locaJf
hlu ware aeaiarad. Soora:
mrw tork. csncaoo
Il k I 1 I AB.H.OA S
Dante. M... 4 I I aabMbard. HUM
Deri. . 1114 .!. if.. I I I I I
lartaraa, f I a iTtwar. ... a i
Moaia llw.4 4 4 4 P . J 4 111 I I
Kama, a,l I ) I Iww. lb.... 4 114 4
Staler, ... I I llaeaae. ta.. I till
Mm, a..,. 4 ail I aanaar. a.... I I I I I
im, p...i i 4 yi. s- J J
eter 4 4 4 4 4
4ia. u mil Ml i Iter ..... 10 4 14
. geal 4
Tda...M i n 1
aeun for tanoa la alfhth. .
artattad tor Chenay In nlnti.
Ran for Archer In ninth.
Ohlcaso ............4 4 4 4 S S S-s
new lora w v
4-wA.haaa klut Wan. Archer. Stolen
baere: Doyle, Becker. Double playfhera
to Tinker to riormen. lien on oaaea: m
raao,1!!; New Tor. I. Baaaa on balla:
Ofl A me, 1; off Cheney, l. Btrooa out:
By Am, li manay. a lima: a, u
plraa: Klots and Buah. . ,
Twl4 wild, bat Wtaa,
ITTSBUROrt. May Hi-Plttaburm oe-
feated Philadelphia today. 4 ta 4. In a
Hn-4rawa out eottt eat. O Toole waa wild.
Slvias aisht baaaa aa oaita. nroro:
iieeenajia eml.Anwtwti
uaau aa.HOik
pm t...i i i i iKukn !' ! i
Carrr. W ... Ill antM. n... a I J
rl. ft.. 4 I I a ettoeaer. ri.l i I
Wieear. aa. 4 1 I I Urta. tb. 4 in
Miiwr. Ib... 1111 arva-au.
ariiM. el'.. I I I 1 araakett. m..$ t I J I
Mrf-tkr. SI t I I IPeela. t il
MrK'ete, lb I 4 4 achaaaau e.,.4 I 4 I 4
Krllf. e..... 4 lit 1 IBreaaaa, -;'
rrTeeia, ... 1 I 4 ... t
Laack 1 1 f aekHa, p.
iAwfortt foi Tigtn, DefetU Boitoa HintA InniB. .
""''- m '
Baah Drive Oat Mil Coat far Thro
Baaaa, Whit tjlllrtt aad Car-
Ol tna-lattna ,
- , - Sis Stwleni Basra. '
BOSTON. May l(.-Craw(ord'a hotna
run with two men on baaaa In th ninth
doddad a cloae'rama la Datroirt favor,
to a, today, soora: ,
ii i o i t is s o a s.
k. aa.. I 1(4 inrnv. I I I a a
tvit. ......! Ill aKaal. !....! 1411
Cafce. eT 4 I 1 4ktr. .l lilt
Oraerera, B 4 I I BrMMr. lb.. 4 4 I
tMhaatr. It. I I 1 I aOartUMr, Htl 1 I I
MwUrU, Ik I I 1 link U ... 4 Ilia
i a j- v
4 4 1 a
?tu:. .i.
Nebraska City Turns
Tables on Auburn
AUBURN. Nab., May lA-KSpecial Tat
a-rain,)-Nebraaka City took todays
(Sme frora Auburn by a aooro of I ta 1
Auburn'! two error provlns eoatly. SUH-
wJ1 of Auburn faaturad la tha hlttlac.
Bcora: R.UB.
Web. Clty....l 4S14SSI4-44
Auoura ......I S 1 S S S I S 4 t
Battertra: Nabraaka City. Rhadaa and
C.'.i.4ait; Auburn, Weir aak KranlOfor.
LmKrt, McKhaxtlana.
HIAWATHA. Kan.. May MWSpecta!
TeisTam.V-Htawatha abut aat Fella City
la tb aaaoond game af Um errtee her to
day, I to A Scar: AH B.
rla City ... 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 S-
titawatha j.. 1 S S S S I 4
Butarlaa: Chrlitlanaoa aad
lUly and Harmony,
Other Mink leasoa famtt:
' HUMBOLDT. Kehv. May lA-Rpaeial
Tslasram.) Beatrice won tha aaeoad samO
(rem Humboldt today. Tha pitching
eetta. aad th OaMlas of both taam
vera featuraa of the fun. Boor: R-H K.
Jiumtmdl .. I t t I I M 4-1 I !
l.eiane IMlllllMtl
Kattriee: HuraboMt. Laraa and DlaU:
etrt. BelU and Darrow.
MlwAow Wlai frwaa Aatell.
' AXTEL1 Neb.. May . HW igpadat.)-Tr-
bajne Iwil aaaaon waa opened hare
Wedneeoar with a same batweea Mlndea
n4 AiiwI. All the - euatneaa houaei
rumrt tor th afternoon. Th AxteS
bejxi furnlrbed muaw and led th parad
to tb hall park. Tha same waa a pood.
one. jUMae;n ia aom aoy wra e
reted. TBey put ap a food came,
rvsore: R.H.E.
k.ndea ...... S IMttlta-CUl
Axteil 4BSISS441
Bcrterlea: Winder and Kobb; ABooraoo,
Enabers and Burden.
Back Aftin to lUjor is Lot of the
Xin&etpelu rlsyer.
. - - aaaaaawaa . 4
4VLaT aad OarUy Baok to Mlaece
Maemkar, Chaos with Ll
ola. Us with Beaten
CHtCAOO. May 1A Tb paaatns at Win-
lam Burn frora tha minora back lata tha
major and th optional releeee at Charlie
O'Laary and Joaaph Oaaoy to tha minora
war tha faaturea of tha Amertcan league
llat of eoatraeta, raleaaee and auapewtoaa
taaued yaatarday by Praatdent B. B. John
aon. Tha Uat foUovr:
Raleaaad: By Chtcago, to Lincoln,
Tv.n... rarMw! rkuhiMme. nell Pad
dock: ta Sxsramanto. Catoher Kneta. By
St. Louis, to Baa rranoiec. lennaw, .
Qulney, 1. C Spencer: to Detroit. Bill
Bauy: to HoMe-ornery, M. AUIaoai to
Treverea atv. Anthony Brkrf (optional):
to Dallas. Catcher Murphy. By Mlnne
a nolle, ta Detroit, William Burn. By
Detroit, t ladianapoua. i oanee wlwf
end Joeeoh Casey toptlonal): to Provl.
dene. Ed La Fltta. By Clevelend, to
Seattra. Bart wnaling: ta iew tore,
L.I Ou Plaher: t Naw Orleans, K. E-
Harr: la Lauievllke. John vtananarr. PV
wehineton. te Tounaatowa. Albert
Sheer. By New Tork. to Albany. Priest;
la Wllkeaherr. W. Oalaar: ta Rocbeater.
Gears Ctarka: to llolyoka, J. v,-urry;
Brockton. K. Appleby: to Atlanta, i.
Hoaue. H. Ruaael. H. Joynee. H. Davall,
H. Bailey. By Boatoa. to Spokane, John
Wuffil: to Jersey City. Kalliiav.
Cootraata: With New Tork, I. C.
biertin: with Boaton. L. O. Nunemakar.
iMtepended: By Naw Tork. (fallara to
raporu, K. E. Elliott.
Ttala,..ta tlf
TMeie..,.. h ar u a
Batted for O'Toole In ninth. ,
Sal ted for Bronoaa In aigkth. -
Plttaburwk 1 1!!!-!
Philadelphia 11 H M
Two-baa hit: Donlln. Millar. Threo
be hit: Poniln. Saorlfto hue: Carey.
WUaon. Stolen baaa: Graham. Doubt
play: Byraa, McCarthy, Millar. Base on
balla: Off O'Toole. I: eft Camnlte, I
Struck out: By aToel. J; by ComnHa.
t; by Bran nan. 1 Left oa hee: Prtta
burgh, 4: Philadelphia, Tl. Plret baaa on
arrora: Philadelphia. L Hlta: Off p'Toola.
4 In ot Inning: off CamnltA I In three
IrmUm ,rf Brenneji. u us even Innlnga:
off Snhulta. none In on Inning. Tim. 1:11
Umpire Johnatona ana fowa
SI. Lwala Coaaaa ta Mfa
BT. LOUIS, May 10 -After loatng arne
riMlai nea St. Lout cam 10 in
thl afternoon and woo from Boaton. Two
alnslat and a aeon flea la tha fourth In
ning gave th visitor th aooro. Tha
hem team scored It Inning run oa
twa ainalee and a sacrifice, whll a single.
aa error and A sacrifice fly brought an
other. Score;
On of th aotabla character tn th
automobile racing game Is Caleb Bragg
of Cincinnati, who. dosplta tha poeatastoa
of several mllllona of dollars. Insist on
hurling hlnuelf through apace in a rac
ing car st th rata of ninety mil per
hour. Brags Is named with Teddy Ten
lait oa pilot of th Flat entry la th aeo-
sad annual 104-mile International sweap-
atakea race at tha Indianapolis Motor
Speedway next Memorial day. Small
stature and alight of balld. thl Clndn
nail driver offer s Strang a contrast ts
most of tha ether racing driver, but hla
past perform ocee prove that tt IP not
th else of tha sua that cuta a serious
figure la motor car racing, for ha haa
sees th wm nor of from of tha
famous track and road record la tb
country and always haa been a driver of
a foreign ear. Tha oar which Bragg will
drlv In th long rae la entered by
E. HtwleU of Los Angolas, Cat.
Grade Schools to
. Have Field Days
Omaha schools will celebrate th etoa
of th aehool year by holding field aaya'
taottad af "claaa day." Wlndeor achoel
will abeerv May M and Bancroft en th
ana dot, dataller aad Lathrop win
hava A field day, but the time has not
a fixed. Pupils of tho Caawllar school
will celebrate tha doss of th year ba
caua It will mean tha last year ta the
old building, aa th naw ana wtH be ready
for occupancy ta. September.
iii.Aii unit
HeaHaa. htlll ''', sV Ml
mJlZJ k -a e I e enunialL rf 4 I
H.W. b.llll IHJIla-. It.. 4 I J
K'aelckT, lb I I M) 1 SiKkem. II.. I I I I
ma, it.... a a i iwrn, . Till;
tank, I asaatt. m...4 I I I 1
n.-T -I .... 1 lit OMataw. 1 . 4 4 4 1
Wa e.... I 14 4 MrDea'A !
Ilea, p.... I I e a eaine. e...-
Partea, 4 I
. Taste.. ...U IDll lT.aar Hill
- 4 a) I
Batted lor Perdu tn ninth.
a t Ante aSSSlSSa
Boatoa a I o a v-
Two-bass hit: Huggtna. Racrlflr hN Safrtflce fliee: Oakea. McDoa
a,nl.n heeee: Miller. Konetohy. Jack-
aon. Doubt ptay: uakea to nun
Konetchy. Bases on ball: Off Perdu. 1:
an flaiiae. A Struob aut: Bv Perdue, 4;
by Nile, j. Tim: lit batpiraa, auier
and rtnnaraa. ,
Gopher Squad on v
" aa. a
Way to Lincoln
tala taonard Prank, with alovoa ether
athletoa and Caeek Dick, Grant of
Mlaneaota traek oauad. are ea tbatr way
to lAnoaln. Nob, where tho teem wis
aaat tho Uatveretty of Nabraska tomor
row tB a. dual meat..
Conn try Club to Opea BesjoATo
. itj with Ku I vents,
Tea a Is, Calf, Baaa Bali, Dlaavar aad
Daaoa Will Mark Opaalag af
Saaaea Mappy HIIow
- - Open Mar BS,' r' " 1
Today win be tb big day at th
Country club when th 111 season will
open. A toad program has bean arranged
for tho member aad R la estimated that
over K4 will be praaant (or. tha after
noon and vaning sporting event and
feetlvtllea. . . -
Tho feature avent of th afterooon will
a 'flag" eon teat tor tha golf en
thusiasts. Ths oontaat will ba a haadl
oap affair and will laelod about aeventy
entrants. A. V. Klnaler, ehairmaa af tha
golf oomintttee, win have charge af th
aventa. Tenme mate bee will ala earn tn
for their share of tha afternoon program.
Th golf links are la great aha pa as ara
th tannla courts, and If It doe not rata
thl morning some good matches wul ba
held. , . . . ...!
Following tho sporting ovsnta of tha
afternoon will como A large banquet.
which will be ea elaborate affair. Tha
large din leg room will ba aaad (or th
dinner.' After tha (east aa hoar or as of
reet win be' la order; following that wtu
coma' a daac at which over MS soapiaa
ara aapaotad.- f '
da May tt th Omaha rwd elub wfU
hold Its spealng eaarcUMe. which wilt be
similar to those of tho Country etuht A
"Oag eoatoat (or tho fotfera, aside from
tho regular scheduled metch play, tanma
matohe. ad a ball gam' wUI eomplete
tho aftaraeea fun.- Th dinner aad daac
than come la tbatr regular aaAer. Uaae-
oal tatereet Is being taken la th opantaf
thla roar and a largo number of mem
bers win be araiiat for ths aftoraoen
event and aaor Is tha veoJng- .
la. 1114
STerriMS. a. 4 1 4 1
4 4 tO BrUe. p.. I 1 S
Benaea, Ik. 1 I
!. e.w
WIIMt, ...4 1
Tua.....B is nu i Taa.... i rr t
Boaton ,..,..; 1 t S 1 S S 1. 4 14
Detroit .....S 4 4 4 4 4 1 4
Two-baa hlta: "Wlllstt. Gardner. Three-
baa ehit: Buah. Homo run: rawrora
Stolen baaaa: Engl. Vltt .(!. Cobb,
Bradley. Speaker . Double plays: Brad
ley to WAgner. Speaker to Carrtgan.
Wagner to Engl tn Bradley. Left on
hasee: ' Beaton. W; Detroit. . Baaa en
balla: Off O'Brien, I; off Wlllott, A First
Boaton. it Detroit, a. tut oy
pitched ball: Kngl. Struck out: By
O'Brien. I: by Willett, t Tim: 1:1A
Umpires: Evans and Egao. . .
haa Oatplar Ataiotle. .
wlldnssa and an error aided Cleveland to
defeat Philadelphia today. 1 it I Tha
Aroericaa league pennant, wntcn the
home, team won but eeaaon, wsa raised
before th gam. Manager Da via waa
presented with a ailver eervtce by the
Philadelphia player and Murphy was pre
sented with a diamond pin by local
frtanda. Boore:
nuLADBunna. ,'. ciavbumh .
aa. n o. a a 41 H.O l I
Five 'Bum in Lat Inning- Brinf
Defeat to Blnei. , '
VUltcrre Kaack Heraaby fraaa Boa.
Recelrlag Two Basra oa Balla .
. - aad Mitt tag Heae Baa
aad Tbrro Doable.
KANSAS CITT. May 14.-A -ninth-In
ning rally, tn which tha .visitor received
two bases on balla and hit A nam rua
and three doubles, won for isMUsvr.jKi
today, 14 to A . Tho locale got a load of
thro In th Brat, after tha visitors had
scored onoa, and maintained tt until
Hornaby waa knocked out of th box In
th final bulng. Boor: ' ,
LooirrtuA. SAirsAS crrr.
". .4I H.'l l AB lbl.1.
Barbe. Ik. Si 111' IBtrkeaa. hi 1 I I I
U i i i ei-area, v...a i s a a
Hareei. it . I I I I asckaiar. If.. 4 111
Braaefa. lb 4 I i Sclera, lb.... I 111 I
Be'aUler, a 4 1 I I lCerrMea, 41 I I I 1
Belt. . I 111 Slaaee. S....4 lilt
eualer. ef..l III IDeeaey. la. I I 4 4
baamr, e... 1111 K'eelaoe, it.. I 1 I
Craaa f S 4 S t tHoroaar. a..'l 4 14 1
1,'earatlk, 4 1 1 I SUaSael. ..l Mil
Mateae ...114 aAJUeck. p... 1014
Menkes, ..l till ..
T4ek II II It M I
Totala... U It p) I- , , .
Batted for Lotrdermllk In the ninth.
Batted forXeudermllk In tha ninth. "
LoulavHI I t
Kaaaaa CHy 1 lllllMtrl
Home run: Bureh. Three-bate hit:
Corrldon, Clarke. ' Two-base . hlu:
Schaller, Burke, Hay den, Beaumliier,
Bell. Sacrifice hiU: Bchaller, Corrldon.
Hornaby (2), Burch. Stolen bases: Burcn,
Bearbeaa. Baaee so balls: Off tries, II;
Meddox, I. Btruck aut: ny lyiuuernuis,
oft Louderrmlk. 4; off Hornaby, ; off
a. a. M Arthur, 1: bv Hornabv. L Hlta:
Xer rHaL x-ln one tnnlna: off Louder-
milk. 4 In aeven Innlnga; off Hornaby.
In eight ana one-inim mra,e-. o,,
dog. A.- none retired. Wild pttch:
Hornaby. raaaet naiia: npencer, jam.
Hit by pitched bell: By Hornaby. Burke.
Ckerka. Ia.1 I I 1 IHsatar, la.. 4 1 4
Lnta, I III IKaiaar. rt. I t I
Casrsa. W. I I 4 aOMrke, lb... 111
Jeeae, I 111 I eoeealer, d.lllll
Clara. Ik.... 4 III tlmartoe. hi I I 1 I
ckaik. -..4 111 aauiiaaa. B4 III
Keel. a. I 44 la'kaa, .... 1 11
a. -Wake. f U It U 4Ceaer. e..... I I I 1
OMiUrt. p., 1 1
V Kuakail .-!
TMala.....M M 4
Batted for ebb In seventh.
Milwaukee- ...A I I I 1 1 M
Indianapolis 4 SSS1SSSS-4
Two-base hlu: Lie bold. Ingorton. Threo
baa hits: Ingerton, Goullat. Horn run:
rrialk. Hits: Off Whit. In flv and
two-thirds Innlnga; off Webb, t in one
third Inning: off Goullet, 4 In two In
nlnga Sacrifice hlu: White, Band all.
I Stolen base:. Capron, Heboid. Double
,playa: Lawlato Char lee to Jones, Ingor
ton Hunter. Left on bases: Milwaukee, 4:
Indianapolis. A First on balls: Off Noel.
on wmts. I: orr oouiist. v Hit b
pitched hall: Kaiser. O'Laary. Struck out:
By Noel. I: by White, 1: oy uouuat. x
Paasad balla: Caaey, i Time: L4A Um
pire: Bier halter and Connolly. . .,
St. Paal Beats Celaaabaa. -
ST. PAUL. May JA-St. Paul won tha
final gam of th aerie with Columbus
today, 4 to A Tho game waa featureleea.
Score: -
rr. rAtru j. ooLVHsrs
- aB.H.O , AB.S.S.AB
rf... I 4 4 S trkettee. 4..II I I I
Riravrt, it.llll IHl'ckaaa, 114 4 I 4 t
Hevara, u..a sea v,.sa'(aa -MeC-sYk.
allll terrtna. lb.. 4 4 I 4
Aetrar. lb.. 4 lit 1 tMllr.Tb...4 4 11
oeoaaaui. hi I I I IHuhnrttt l I I I I
Leela, Ik... I 111 (oerbaf. ,... 4 4 4
Bleak, ...! 14 1 bKaMk. .., 4 ill
Deesa, p..... Ill IPataarA p.. 4 4 1
tux......uji u injia
ZZk H .-.l I I I IS'p.ncVr Oowne7 to Corrldon to O
uSXl. li U l tStSTrt-'-S J I aT1me"'lA6. Umpirea: a.rguaon a
mm a a m a aa-iL ak I 111 IHendlboe.
Iraau aVlT 111 STareaT, .. I I I 1 . . Brewere Beaeb Hlta.'
... Ii n 14 i
H.rtaa. a... I 11 lSrlag, p.
Derrkk ...1 4 4 4 4
TaUb..r.A4 I tt II A
Batted for Morgan In ninth. -
Cleveland . 1 4 4 I I 1 I 1 1-11
Philadelphia 1 IMIIMi-l
Two-baa hit: Oraney. Mom run:
Murphy. Bacrlflco hlta: Essterly, Ryaa
tel. Stolen baaee: Lord. Baker. Double
plsyt Baker to Colllna to Mclnnea. Left
oa base: Clovaland, 4; Phlladslphlfc 7.
Baaaa aa balla: on uragg, a, on oa-
pan. a mat on error: .'!"..,
Phlkulelphta. A truce out: By Gregg.
1; by Mar gan. A Wild pt tehee: Gregg.
I Morgan, 1 time: 1:10. Umplrais Con
nolly aaa nan. ..'
Irewai laae ta Nlath.'
NEW TORX. May .-Nw Tor
feated Be Louts today In the only game
played of an Intended four-gam aeriea.
The loca) won In tha ninth when Woiver-
taaa af..
ton's double, Blnn trlpl and rratt s
fumble on Doiaa bouos two runs. na.
a a t a nvaftw-ttsm. tt.. 4 I
M.rttmv 4 111 xamub, sw-..
Crw, U 1 S "a-""! I ? I i
HkraBBBtl. rar-,a. m - - - -
at. lb, 1 1A t Sjl IbTli Pf.. I M I I
aartear. . 4 1 I J !
ml. a.... till aouaaaea. a. 4 1 t 1 4
riM. e...l 4 14 aaagia't, pi
WoKae ....1 II I I . .
14 11, Tiaia...iaa
I I 4 a
MTf.WAUlf.KTS. Mar 1A The home club
bunched It hit in th fifth and alxth
Innlnxa today, giving than) enough run
to win. I to a. Booroi -
. AB.H.O.A.B A M O A g
UebaM. at.. I 11 ICrtaaiT. a. I I I I I
3Uaau. ..l I I I IWaoeralf. Ill 4 4 4 4
V, Mata tail a a a
Batted for Doak ta ninth. .
St Paul er...l 14IIIMM
Columbus ...... i. ..4 1 1 l.S-O
Two-baa Bite:- AUtrey, ueroen aon--,
galton (2). Double play: Lewla to Autrey.
Baaea on balls: Oft Dauaa. 1; off Pack
ard, 1; off Doak, 4 Hit by Mrhed ball:
Bv Deuaa, Hulawltt, Hlnchman; by Pack
ard. Dauas. Struck out: By Dauaa, I: by
Packard, & Faeerd bail: hiock. who
pitch: paues. Socrlflr hlta: Rlggert.
Dauag, dacrlftce (Ilea: Dlrirtrt, Lwl.
Hlta: Off Packard, 11 In flv and ona.
thlrd innings; off Poak. 4 In two and
two-thlrda Innlnga.' Umpires: Chill And
Anderson. Time: 1:04.
LINCOLN, May M. Gene Sullivan -af
Butt, Mont, last night knocked out
"Taxaa Harry" Lawia In th second
round of a boxing boat before th Lan
caster Athletic otub. . Both man ara
lightweight. - " ,
A C$9$(tmi Stiff
a? &ory in Pietmnt hy "Fmm"rN IS '
Oataa. ..
. iii uibi in rii i r.iuc
I ll inillhaf-ltfi aWnikvaa. vnniai
I' .The CTelghtea' ArU team returned Yte
pajDrtous tram Harlan. Where they detested
Kb Waaler Iowa Vocational col lege by
a score of f to A To gama waa bard
fought throughout, Creightpa taking th
lead at th at art and holdlag it to tb
finish. Crelghtaa made only sot hits oft
Swan, but be received poor aatpearU Mad
Sea of Crelghtaa pitched a beady ant,
alrhCAarh ba waa hit -oafely eight tlmee.
Ha atroek act fjrteea men aad received '
good support. MM?- of Creightea waa
tjao Uadar with tha arJck. gettlDg three
wallop, two of which war two-baggara.
Th acore: ' - R.H.E.
Crauih 4 ....f 0 S S 1 S t 0-$4l
w. v. c.i Mtiiii s a 4
Tho Metthweotsrm and TJnloa Paotfi
taam win meet at th Bod and Qua chih
SToanda Saturday artaroaoo to play oft
tha gama that waa pestpaesd (rota a week
ago. Th gama win ba called at I N
o'clock. Thla Is the lineup:
Northwestern. Poettloa. Unlcaa Pacific
Crmevr-outUe...Pfteh . ....Halinte
RrtcrOe. ..Cetch Patton
Roach............. Plrat.... Ooodman
Bradford-.. Stcond Lov'tTea
Oarvev bhort Davb
Lunoel! Third McCarthy
Batted for Fisher In ninth.
Batted (or Qulnn In ninth.
Ran for Wolverton.
Two out when winning run ecca-ed.
St Lout ...S 1 S 0 1 4 S 4-g
NewTork..... 0 0 0 I 0 S S S3
First on error: New Tork. I: st
tAiia . A Two-base hlu: Simmons,
wolverton. Three-oaa nits: neuiaci
n, Hansen, Zlna. Bacrlflc hlU: Hogan.
Vartin. Simmons. HarueiL. Bacnnc ny:
Unnn. Btnlea baaaa: Shottan. Gardner. I
Austin, Pratt, Zlnn. Left on baaee: New I
York. 10: St. Louie, a DOuM piay: aim- i
tin to Pratt to Stovaii. Bases on Bona-.
Off Ouinn 1 Struck out: By Quran, t;
hv Rejimasrlnar. A Hit bv pitched ball:
Rr Haumeertner. atleaa : or uuinn. ato- i
vail. Time: .ISA Umpirea: Wetlerveitl
and O'Loughnn.
Bdgais. Defeats PalrflaM..
EDOAR. Nob.. May A (Special.) The I
Edgar High school ball team beat 'thai
r air field High school team her Tuesday.
The features of the game was ins pttcn-
Ing of Fowler (or Edgar and the borne I
rua by Scounca. Tha la th first game
la the counts' field meet- Boor:
r!rrtent ..1 M I 1 I I 1-4
Edgar ... I la 1 t 1 1 1 I
Kitterlea: Fairfield. Roberta and i
Wood head:. Kdgar, Fowler and Moor I
Umpire- Roberta and Plka
Kay to tbo- SituatbaB Bee Advertising.
Batteries: Creiabtoa: Madden aad Mil
lor; Waetern Iowa Vocational eotteg.
. Tdot groat aiajorlty of poTBaca noed a toBki tn tts Bpgtiig or aaaty
gosjoor. tha trystam nscWroes A changa at this Boaooa, sad ths rctiro
chvaacai mahtaorT-u disturbed. Tbo general -bodily wtaeas, a tlrad.
ua ""-.'.LerT rj.'lV-Tvb.ui worat toeUhf, rickla appatlta, poor ttlgaatioB, a bAlf sack feelin, and a
'" ir" .r 1 - ew. ...lam. akivar that tha Maori ia sreak- or
lUgna ,.A.w..M.acae I gnatTTI ri. SAQ Bt DlOOa pajmyiBBt avauu SB aaim aaa anaaau ai mmtw viaafc-.
SuA .......... Carrier : , .-4 eartak tha bkmd. Tha ass of B.S.S. at this tfma margBTtj
IJS; ! won trm a loAf sp-lj - bWtmsa, d f.K.,3 iZl
saavw in, v. awaiia wuau mmmt .
, Sub. .....
. SuA
i tnaa. hat Buma at. Maav oocml haTU But otfssing
Triple flay Caaeoeatad, -! bacama BO woaAanl and deptetod It oouiq not sjicoosaTUIiy mrow on omeaaa
WOCBTON, ' Tag, Mar A-ltoy Altetprsa, and havapsid tor to ssgtoct with s spU of fevar, BaaJaxia, r somo
thud haaemaa of th Waco dub af tht; etbag dobilltatisr sksaaa. B.S.S. Is Natura's Idoal tcatic. It B a
Taaaa league, retired th Houston !" : ccmDOBi tkrn of th axtracta And Jufeos of root, barbs aad barks which,
tn th first lamas of tcaiay jn saawith , ITZU ud anariaraa bats Dravwa ara beat fittsd tor a tonic to tho hnoiaa
. ."r ..TlT-. ,wi TtCSZTIaarataai- Tt oontaiim no mtnaraia of anv kiad and a tharafora rarfectiy aata i
ml. aa.aad (or a "aoUeaaV otsr. Ha I if. ..eiaiaae nf am aaa. 8. &. ft. tcBsBS CD tha Stomach Aad tUgBBtkin. rfatsT 1
bunted tha ball high. Tha runner fr tw.Wtam af that Crad. wajm oat faaLLlg. aad tjapart Tigoc sod BtrangtA , W. C. HTTDW
third racad toward home 1 and th man g1 yTj. Tnf tha it Tyariflas aad aarkxhaa ths bkaod, ajtinraiatas J PWaaea. Bea
at aeeead baaa caune 10 third, bat Aiken P 01 lam """T- " a. rrvTSzT JTZ "eV"''V" ! -.. rilBTM. r
canght tn Bant aagasa tn ama m m aaauiwauag aero aauni T, "".T . -a r 1
oecooa ana m. um, l i
ansa vat stteiapte to score
J TiaaaiaMQa.amaaeaM.
AA euN Ta VlaVrO) St 1 1 ma raw giaaa. To aACBWD 1
PICNIC at IWaVNTToI r I fkl paa peat aa -vats rxv Xr)
bo. -tha hit op, tywQ T4WhA'l?J A
"" "
I aA &Zm ' J' 1 - I
For living up to his refutation Sor originality,
you've feat to hand k o Brur Badgar in thi pictiira
Also Aaap fat Balks una xacx max
hss for auxty yArsBwed vip to Ha rcputatatm
for real down right rratee. A battar bearki bb
pcaaibls, ica better ktalnns? Barley aad aeasar Hops
then we ase 00 not (row. Oar half ceotnry 0 brewing-
has given as a oerfceted kaack of sginf. Ws
want yoa 10 know tt go J 1 lata, 00 cadet taws ds
fivared to your aaaoa today. Bawarad, Bfad and
bottsaiooiTi. tbs -.'
. 1
balm aad Mar