THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MAY 11. 1912. 17 OFFERED FOR SALE. -. Fes it re. Real Bargain Opportunity We are moving eat of town ud nun dispose of a coal range. iu ranee, two small chiffoniers and three bed, mil ta good condition. A quick bargain tar lm- BlQglBte pUIVtlBW. VBII l-OUg. OUW. Tor BALE-a. good harTi fxUT BCRNKR. 15: KITCHEN CABINET. QOOD AS NEW.AXD CHILD'S BHD. I WILL BELL THE8E CHBAP, AS I ttVBT MOVE BT THE 16TH. CALL AT till NORTH TH AVE.. OR 'PHONE IX. H-13SU- MlTT CD A- pmmIiH.. .( mini chair; Remington typewriter; ell I first-els s oondiUon. cheap. Ill South ijTth Bt. No socond-hsnd nun. M steal untmnti, PIANO, valuta at ISHt mutt he sold I at one. Price Bit. Harney S3. !. Typewriters. ! RENY an OUvar typewriter from tbs Oliver Typewriter Co. Douglas Bit UNTIL oa Mock U reduced we will I Mil BRAND NSW Fox Typewriters at yes cui in sei rga i m new typewriters over ottered on lirt machines. W kandie all makes rebuilt U you don t want a nw one. . ISA Femam. Typewriter Inspection and Supply Co.. WOULD you enow our wholly visible typewriter to your friends and let them sea wherein It excels any Sum typewriter rnade if you could, without coating you on cent, have the typewriter to keep forever aa your own? Then writ us for full particulars. Emersoa Typewriter Co.. Box a, Woodstock. III. TYPEWRITERS for rent, t mo., U. Central Typswntar exchange, IW Far Bam. ' , FOR BALE New and second -bans carom and pocket Billiard tabias and bowline alleys and accessories; bar fu tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Erunswick-Baike-Col lander Co 4M-4 , loth St. ; - IT YOU want a bom on monthly pay ments equal te not. call Q. A. Xckles, tU Paxton Blk. KIDD disk cultivator for sale, practic ally new. Telephone Harney tS. (elf California POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures t bought, sold. Levy. K10 N.. 80. Omaha I OLD SAFE. DKHIOHT. ISIS raraaai as. FOR SALE Two scbotarabipa m (be 1 Omaha Commercial college and one la Boylss college. Business office. Omaha 'Bee. SAFE-Overstocked with safes; all slses and makes; bargain American Supiiy Co.. 1110 Faram St. LARGE Herring-Hall Marvin safe, used but short time. Cliaa. Stors, Webster Us . BEND me ft and by return mall I will send you Boil In Confederate money, as sorted denominations. F. O. Taylor, ill East Pearl street, Jacfsoa, Miss. FINS new runabout buggy, rubber tired. auto seat; new riding saddle and bride; Winchester ahot gun and case; set of , rearly new carpenter and mechanic's tools; dandy weathered oak writing desk; i must sell, leaving town, will sacrifice. j Aqoress AS J. care s s. urk. u be removed. Mil Snsnaaa 1 Ave. F. P. Weed, UKU Famam. LATE model National Cash Register, ' almost new; a snap.' U North Mth St, Bouth Omaha. -. ' FOR 8ALE -Cheap, dog kennel la food Condition. Address Y S3, care Bee. PERSONAL THE SALVATION AsUdY solicits east ' off clothing; lu tact, anything y, do eot mA w collect, rauair and sell at 1st K nth. at- tor oust ef collecUon, to the-t worthy poor, fuoaa Duuglsa 41 and i wagonf-will call. ;tf tC-asi-il-'BATHS. Mrs. Haynea, iuvotiiuaaW7 . Mth St. St-DAY BUJUU rUlUKUX. Olautsh fsarntaoy, lith and rjodga. , A New Truss New ia'vw.iu-;. AOiiuA Afto . sOibUl-Tj. Does not sureati tae tuptun open to temally as uoavea tasds ea. . Vt M tut .trt viios'r.T. writ: CO.. tm Broadway. New JhUjjr. Massaga sjrs7ituanajse." stostoBld Allen of 'Chicago. i U. srf. i. O- YOUNO wuums auug W Uuiaba as atraogers are lavlleu w visit tus Xouag i Women s ChrbUau assoulaubu buudiug where tow "ul diredted to auiuuue boardlBg SMkces, ee esa.m i Look to eur- Udvuiers ad as the s.wua . asms. MAviiilk' Bwedish movemeuu M hejrs&Sit ma yarnam. ti. assa 1 ... .' .1 ... .T . i. ..u ii.tttJ ni uw- wa subrts aau iee . - " , mk mavbuisa. loo. A-kM, lougie Isai, SisMUAOAA CsCLB OU, - . . UtU SJS ommmf VACUUJi iuaes denaoueuated W Mrs? Btiele, Ti Bank sWd.. ac soul, ktmllj OJ wwj. . -n sir u t uvw ocieutilio su nam. Daviuaa Blk., Ayu . Red 4fa. sulutlon; eaamlnaUea Ires, sue o. bwa. lJM7-VSua. -HAL LEAF ! PILE CONEd-sieei remeoy for llcung. bwediaa or proirua in uii. buc Dostpaui; aamplse tree. ' tUierman McConaeU Drug H- UUUU.S Hf Ai"lVJ.,ri'1Piratu tat. . Broit, lis ; - p. --j-w M wtn. m Hour. ; Vital rim-T-i-.' bains, eieetna vtbratory f sns rssMiur neuw" " ' 1 11 Fisher, ll Were oik, Si ltth. P. MABSAiiU treskment. Mis. Steele - Bank Bldg.. 2us lia, to s oay. POULTB- &SD PET STOCK, ' Single Comb Whiu Orpingtoa eggs and Barred U) s. tim fo. ejm or - Bcreemnn UM per MO. Wagner, ail U. Buff Oryliigton, ftrst prise " guar, egss, par MO; baby cfticka. W. MM HEAL EST AT ABST-ACTB Q TiVlM. , Reed Abetract C edee strat et- Bee la Nebraska, aa s N-ALB A CAMPH-LU ITU Faraam"-' .... sea watJuATiuA Electric gas flxtnrea Omaha' Wrver Ca Meal Cement Co, Ktb and Cuming Su, Fuchs, Sod und. pamtiag. aeeora as. H. Orosa. mm. wiesk g. plb. a - Wetncb FIXtttre Co- Uli n. f - - J KKAIi ESTATE " , ACKAU- yk Aa . irst." lU:ilift near Omsha Ortn A. Merrill. stU Olty Nat. Bank B4$. Modern Suburban Home FOR SALB-O th and Center, with It acres choicest lead end fmeet of Improve ments: bouse modern throughout; J noma bad bath; good terms. . inquire Andrew A Furay, station Is. Kouie 1, Omaha. Neb. Tet Harney VT-.' ur ritiirkkii a urn ' DO YOUWANT A . BARGAIN t Look at 3CS FrankUa St- W-roem apart tcent house, saodern. newly painted, ea paved street, cement walks, sag yard, hiack ami far eaniea. ate. Tots Is a snap. , Fries, tl.M. TelepbOBe Bed tW after ( ti evening. TlARfJiTV Practically nw borne, X-UiUA-4 full lot. at Mil No. ru at, strictly nradera. Sacrtflo s sale. Call b. ta or Doag. S' MW La ri more Ave.. T but beat; sot IMS f " , - , , PRICE, .. . : i." f - MTRTLfi DBCBL, J . XXa BROWN. TEL. WEB. Sf. PHONE BEFORE K A. M. . . REAL ESTATE . . crrr pbopkhtt for s alb ; . . FRUIT .... s vs. '4 . " 2 -"L. . .j'j ..'l 'V.,-W,,.. X 806 acres of desirable Fruit fUviiW nnrl nffetwrl ; trartta nf make yon money. Call on . DAY &. HESS and they will ahow yon the property. - Terms reasonable. Fruit, Ranch and Dairy Land. $500 Below Market Price In Kountze Place W are effertn for sale ene of the best located lots la this choice addition on Wirt St.. between ltth and llth Bta. on the south side of the street, MalM-loot lot. with iarme Shade trees, seaos arouno two aides, buggy shed that oan be seed for garage, ea an asphalt paved street with paving all paid, at the very low price ot IUW for quick sale. Look this lot over at ones If you want a bargain. Win ar range terms of tt cash and the balance 1, I an I yean, interest s per eeob par able semi-annually. We do not knew of any other lot en Wirt St.. se well le eaiad. ertth the same amount of Imsrove- menta, that yoa caa buy for less than HA8TTNG8 ft HEY DEN, Hit Harney St $800.00 y Buys alee, t-rooan cotags; terma only UN cash, balance vary easy. Nice shads and fruit trees. Owner will show prop erty Saturday afternoon. Call at 471 South Uth Bt, South Omaha.' . ' Benson & Carmicheal, LET YOUR RENT , PAY FOR THIS HOUSE S n Asaln Lhla kronm hunaalOW With all modern convenlencea, living room and dining room flnletaed In Oregon fir, floors finished for ruga Price. ., cash, balance IMO per quarter. House built In IMS. Ideally 'located, I blocks from Far nam car line, and price Is IMS less than ins property la worth. No discount ipr cash, no traaes.- J. H. DUMONT & SON Phone Doug. ' 1SS Famam St. Dundee SUA buys choice S-room strictly all mod ern bungalow at tut bl sou ve' Aval ICNt buys brand new choice boms well located; full two stones ana large Using room arrangement with Bitty brick fireplace, hardwood finish; sleeping porch; south front b. sol& ft- and navlag paid la fuu. K.M buys Kd CAP1LOL AVE., a new house. 4 large feoma. very fine ar rangement and tastily oeooratea throughout: llvlns room with fire place; bookcases and buffet built ta: HOT WATER HEAT. TERMS oaa be arranses aa all these. Vacant Lots SB each for two choice south front lots, dandy vtw. - Cm buys c baa peat let an Capitol Ave.. curbing pau. pan ot - ....... Inalrt the r.urk. WANT OFFER for sootbwest earner Ust . and Mvenport. a meai Glover Realty Syndicate lr- Cfcy National. Phone Douglas m. BUNGALOW BARGAIN . Five-room strictly modern bongalcw. all en one floor, oak ana wmie ew finish. Large attic: full basement. Beau tiful HriMins I'ziurea. onmuni vuHa. window seat, paneled dining room, plate nil. etc.; la fact everything that goes to make a modern some. Lars lot, esxjw. Id the addlttoa of Norwood, near beauti ful Ulnar Park. Car Dae will be extended Si,H IM ta nark this SDfing. I Am goros to leave city May Bth and must sen beiore ines w - iUl N. ith St. .- ONE acre of food land, fenced; aapar- acue bed; truH: good wen water; nice, mw 4-room boose, cellar, dose to paved . -.r itna. aobooL eharch. eta. Call on owner. Dr. Parsons, or phone Be-son M or m. DON'T RENT, uill. PirkRNTl WILL-BUT Sia-reens house, well Jtullt. ta Brat- -iai shane. full to, shads, bam. U.e0O. nre-room bouse, Bwders, except beat IS. its. si.Mt , S eootna. eartrv ew paper throughout, first-class condi tion, fruit trees, para. ... SVNDELL A GRANT REALTY CO.. Phone Douglas CM. tT7 McCague Bldg s jewel ? . m . Mr a-room beusa. new, all medera. eek finish, ftrst class and compsne m every - n make rarma. ijoo as n. CAPITOL AVE. BLOCK TO CAR THIRTY-THIRD BKTWEt! , rvirxJK AND DAVENPORT. See room. . ail medera house. hot water beat, alee lot, paved street. MM. Tenrra. tois is a eargauk P. O. NIELSEN. - tm Omaha Nr1 Bank. Dengiaa bt KOUNIZE PLACE SACRIFICE A beautiful borne of eisrht rooms, strtetly asoseni ta every reepecs. e scucauy ws i. tt anneoa f KouMse riaee. aa spiensud corner toe, paved ea both aides: small asm or fare- Property Is weU worth sTJt. If sold soon wui sacrtftoa at mM oa seasonable terms address C-aa Bee. - - -' - NEW FIYE-ROOM HOUSE Medera except -set, fMt deera. Ti to suit. Lecated an Taylor St, set eehoei and ear. Come out and see it Pboae Webster SO. j - NEW FTVE-ROOlt HOUSE. Modera, axcent beet fO down. Terma to suit. Located BO. Taylor St .aear scMot and ear. Coma out a&d see) tt, Fbone Web. et3e , , , ' REAL ESTATE ' REAL ESTATE city propebty ro s..ti c?ty pbopcbtt row ittt SCENE AT ORCHARD HElOUTS. nnruknn wkiohts Land within 7 miles of Omaha 5 ta 100 acres at from $50 to ' ' ' ' v Ca. .123 Pearl St . 7-ROOM MOD-RN HOUSE A FINE HOME . Hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen oak nnisn, osk noors; a wunwm, nu stk M floor: hot water heat: corner k.i mviiL fmntlna south, at t44( Pratt street, one block to car; tine iijeae yv h ONLY 14.260 W. H. GATES, . m Omaha Net. Ban Bldr Pn. P. UK PRATT STREET SNAP Nearly new a. room, thoroughly modem, square house, full basement, nicely ar ranena ajul located on larae comer lot. with paving in and paid for; handy to both ttth and Dodge car Uses. Price re duced to t.o. Act quick, as such snaps aa this don't stay oa tne nurse. uou K dssireo. Phippen Real Estate Co. Boston Store Bids. Phone Doug, text HERE IS A BARGAIN A I-room houee, modern except furnace; seat front lot. oa etreet ear line; paved street, paving all paid; rented for (3e per year. PRICE tl.Tte. A splendid in vestment or a mighty etasap Same for J. H. DUMONT & SON Phone Doug ML lt Farnam St. unnEHK cottaCib. I am buying a larschouss, so I will give some one a bargain la my six-room modem cottage.- Located In Orchard Hill oa a tosUO-toot lot: high and sightly; good neighborhood; tine ansae trees; atarm windows, screens, etc. Price. tm. but I am anxious to sell, SO Investigate and make me an offer. Need the money, but oan set yoa a loan of II. ad oa the Drooerty. Address F-r70 Bee. ON THE BEAUTIFUL I U till LAN U HillT'l'M HIT 111 Nll&b. u can make a selection from If lota just being rounded up by the sradera Prtces range from p to san, on terma la suit and have a better building site and an Int&stment that cannot be beat at the prices in. Omaha. Cement walks will no put in. isst me -worth car to Bd street and convince voureelf of the truth of the above stats. m.nt w. K. MclCess s palatial boms across the street and many other ele gant souses wui asoa oe erecieu. a. ABION LEWIS, Resident Agent, BARNES ft WILSON, Be Bldg TWO CLOSE IN SNAPS. Lot 44xM at CI No. Mth St, tins for trackage; price. U, a. s-rooma saoneni. close in. at sstn ana slsrrv St.. cost r.Ote.00, reduced to M.m. lnquirey 411 Karbaob Blk. fe?. A-JWS ' FOR BALE Cottage property at Lake OkobolL Immediate posseesion. Inquire E. E. Halngs. Fort Uodgs. Iowa. M.nd BUYS strtetly modern home on Berth Side, seven rooms and reception halt, sot water heat, gas and electric lights; fine cistern water piped to laun dry and kilehen. . Phone Web. 2161 Mall. Ml sea. TO BUT. SELL OK BENT, FIRST IKS JOHN W. BOBBIN d. lam FAR.NAM ST. TWO fine places tnckags aad ware house property, by owners. D. dm. ' FOR SALE TO CLOSE AN ESTATE n on nee it eonnr t a r d, nun Amaha. lot SOxlM feet, with two koueea. Lot s, block 1. and lots I and t, block lb Omaha View. . Lets li, M, 1 snd Is, block 1, Thorn ton Piece. . Mass aa oner oa an ar any pan. : C ft. COMBS, IU Brand sis Theater Bids. Tot D. tHS; A-fTlL NEAR LONO SCHOOL, -i - Price -.Ka ma SALE Br owner a 11-room bousei modem. Reata for- tk per month. Two Mocks from ear line, ravaa streets, ce- mnf waika. Tase a kma at taia oiaca. Bey at Kit rranxnn at. FIVE BOOM COTTAOB for sale at sacrifice, on account of sickness, web. Its REAI E9TAT kabch i.aaua von. ia TS Ton asrrea with me that British Columbia land on the Grand Trunk la a money-maker, employ me to our u. a save and make money (or yoa. leave tor Vancouver May, li. Frank Crawford, ornafla. ... .- ' . CadaraSe. TOR SALE Two homestead reUnouUb men is MS acres. 14 muee of Sterling, I miles of ether smaller town, good, rich sou and aha! low water; land fenced and has well on one place; the two oinoee Joining. We will eeil these places tor ttS seen, no neea ie wnie wse you .'-ii. Just eorae aad see these, as the first nartr tnas sooas w. uus wna win but ,i. MORTON ft WALDO. Sterllns, Colo POa SALE is acres. I miles of Start inc. Colorado, nearly level, slightly roil tag, good soil. Pries $3.10. WUI taks Omaha residence lot worth net ta exceed MM aa part payment, balance rash or part terms. Morten ft Waldo, Stenng, Colo - J - . Flertda. FLORIDA LAND. THB land we are off t ring la Rlllsbore county, Florida, near Lakeland. H guaran teed by the AMERICAN WARRANTY COMPANY, both the Title and the Value. and buyers ot this land take as chaaces for if this iar.a is not satisfactory and worth tne money, ine saiiuta.1 WARRANTY COMFAKI whs pay yoa the purchase pries snd take ta WHY TAKE CHANCES? . LAKESIDE LAND CO. M-M Gait IMm MaBsaa City, KO ' . Postoffice, in Iowa, is now sub- $100 per acre. This land will Council Blutis. REA L ESTATE rtRM A RANCH LAWPa FOIk SA1.B Csvl Kerala. r watt are rntsreetsd la CsUferala tend for fruit or chicken raising, call ea Fixa ft wertoerg. sis wui. v , Bee rale. t CHEAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by tne ATLANTA, BIRM1NOHAM-ATLAN-TIC RA1ROAD. lands adaotad to ths widest range at crops. All the money crops of the south plentifully produced. Far literature treat Ing with thla oomlng country. Its soil silmata, churaS aad scbeot advantage 'rtie W. H. LEAHY. DEFT. X. Osasral Paaseniar AgenL ATLANTA. OA. . Sewa. . THB easiest way ta flan a 1 ysr ta rant ad rsur farm la ta lnssrt a small in ths Dss Moines Capital. Larsest elr culauoa la the state of Iowa. w.w dally. The capital ta read by and believed la By the suds patters at lows, wne stmpiy refuse to permit any other paper ta taett homes. Hates. 1 sent a word a say; Ut per Une per nwniai osunt six arl nary words te toe Line. Address IMa Mmkss capital, use aiotnea. la. BARdAlNS in farms: write tor Hi Kansas Land Co.. Yates Center. Kaa. 1VJ ATTtLACi'IVsi PROPOdrfiOil. i.U auias in Northwettsra iiansaa far sals at MS per acre! land la located when land has bees sailing at double that price and where whsat has in many years yielded twenty to forty buehels per acre Must be sold. Is the reason Mr auotina low mice. Write dames M, Clarke, Hastings, Nsb. High Cist of Living Has est men of modersts means ta thinking and do you know that you can get from 16 to sen scree, three townstts lots and IS shares of stock In our 1 OWSscrs orchard, all for payable tie dewa and tl per month la us Famtus Ozark , v Fruit Lands M Par cent ot these lands are lass I has 1 miles from railroad and are Croat revenue producera. REYNOLDS COUNTY FRUIT LANDS CO., X Karbach Block. Phone D. til. Ind. AatT. jtehesuuuk. Farms Farms Farms Driving' distance of Omaha. Bargains. Let us show yea the foods All slsss, all prices, all terms. OrUN a. MruuL.K Rooms U it-1214 City Nat' I Bank Bids HOMESTEAD dto acres rich term land tor alls, tiling tees sna su. e s bills. 7. A. Tracy. Kimball. Neb. tt-BUSUEL WHEAT -AND, t-t to fii rest st-na We have tor sale over 10,000 acres Cheyenne county, Neoreakas sholceat farm land, where the crop ytelda for veara lacludlna ISIS and tklL Svers with IBs best ta tne state. iiisa, iw a leading crop. Hotter sou; water aao climate cannot be found. Write tjor uU istsetoMMSHO Hnsi. aswis ww.m . j whera 1 FUNDINGS LAND INVESTMENT CO, aidney, r-so. Bevada. OOVERNMENT kosMsteads and desert land sun abumtatwia nf water: eraln. aifaifa, ' fruit and vegetable land; send addressed envelope tor tree uuoratation. nox a, neno, rev. Texas, ' TRUCK' FARMING. Let as tell sou ot the cheap Hvlng aad Ideal eitmata nod the prodta they are maklns In aoutuern Texas; gat started right away tor thla summer's craps; can plant a asylnf crop any time. Call or write us. L'LF COAST DEVELOPMENT CO.. Tit Brandeis Bldg.. WAJIIEle TO Bl'Y Household fds, clothes ft Shots Dn B1M9 Id -band goods Keiser. lftB Center. B. Ml. WE pay meet for ojd clothing. Nathan Loan Ofllce. W So. ltth. Chicago buyers. Id-hand clothes, shoes, k. l. K.t nrloaal wilt eall. Tviar llut. WANTED TO BUY-Good second -bana fireproof ssrs. c tJI Care Bee. OCEAJf STEAMSHIPS. THE ALLAN LINE ' ' ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS MONTREAL, UVERKlOU OLASOOW, Montreal. Havre, 'PiymoutB. onaoa. The snctureeaue SL Lawraaee Route. Four days on the eceao. three day In river aad gulf. Spleadrd new Turbine at earners, galooo, second-cabin aad third gieaa Superior eoe-cisss caota servws Cutslae unexcelled. Courteous attsatioa, tns tor cii-cuara. rates, staas, su. Ailaa ft Co., Ui N. Deerfcora St., cnicaas Anchor Line Steam-hips . Ksw York. Landoaderry and Olasges New York. Palermo and Naaiea. Atuactive raise tor tickets between New York ana ail Bostcn, Eneliso. irtsk CoBtlnenial aad Meditsrraneaa points Superior aoeoaunoua oaa. excellent eel- s i s, efflcle t servkie. A.-'-sly nrempuy for nservatton to iota! asent ot Aacber Ltoe ar Hendersoa BraUart.1 Ueuera. Agsata. cbisaca. UL ' " BKAt K8TATH IX) ASS OMAHA pioperty aad Nebraska leads. O'KItrt REAL ESTATE CO.. Wit New Omaha Nafl Bank BulldlnS. MONEY to man on bust ess or lesv dence properties. H.SUS to Mo. w. r THOMAa. sss mret r.a i nua awe WANTED City loans snd warrants. Famam Smith Co.. ax rsmotw DM to HO Ore made promptly, r. Vead. Wsad Bids.. IStb and Famam. GARVIN BROS, Loans, tut and Omaha Nat I Bank LOAXS-Farm and cltv property, . Dumont ft Son., HBt Famem SL WANTED City inane Peters Trust Co. RC1TY LOANS. Beinls-Carlbars Ca, U-U Braadets Theater Bids- REAL ERTATK W A XT ED wa VT FD Te trade for eoulty la or -reom reeidenre a e-eylinder t-passe ngee auto In (ood condition. in. ttee. WE have buyers tor all classes at prap- erty. K yuu are anaioue te seu ana our price is right, net your prupenr with O'.Vell's R E. sad Insurance Aceacy. rhonee Tyler 10K A-WA FOR SAI E OR EXCHANGE irn irstil Havee county. Nebraskai smooth, well located, (ood sou. Knee rirht sna tsxe in gooa sutomoone. . e. Hill. Brownell block. Lincoln. Neb. wli.t. take Onsaba bouse or clear lot on my half-section; J miles to V. f. main line, western Nebraska; black soil, do sand: raoulres SU.M per acre cash, la t annual install ante; oeserioe jrr house or lot. Address F sen Bee. WANTED Bm'ATIOtS 1st class laundress. Mary Hunter. W MoT LACE curtain specialty work; guar. Harney Hit. FAMILY waenu.a or bundle work; day ork : house cleaning. Webster snxy Mrs. Gertrude German cleanaall kinds curtains. I pr. tl. can sveninga v. i . LAl'NLiRY work taksn home W 1-s. WA8H1NO and Ironing done. T- H. to. Carey L'Bdry. cut raise Tyler la). A-1MI WAFHlNil and Ironing; also nouse- eleanins. by ths day. by white, rsiiabis woman. Phone Web. em ntTMni. we hies, so cents a dosen; rough dry, cents s dosen. Webster tlA WANTED, by industrious young man. position ss cook. IB or out at tow spring housecleanlng. Phone web. MAN wants position as Interpreter Of some other position, ten speaa e ou- terent lansuagee Instantly. tJerniaa. French. American, tiroes, ususs s i a Yiddish. Call Pong B70. tx-ANTicn A noal Hon In lob office or ad alley by competent floor man. Address "H. oars ot u v vatisy eu. ew sl i Iowa. Family ft bundle laundry; g-uf. W.aU LIVK STOCK MARKET OK WE1 Ship stock to South Omaba. Sav h.. .a ssi shrinhaaa. Your consign ments receive prompt and earetu) sues. uon. Live Steak Ceasmleclsa Meas-aatft Brsrs Urea ft Co. Strut and reeponslWa WOOD BROS, m-U Exobangs Bldg. Great West. Com. Co., Omaha ft Denver. Clay, Rouinson ft Co., JD Kxc.angs bllg CLIFTON Com. Co., SO Exchange Bldg. Cox ft Jones Com Co.. bunch of hurt lei L. B. ROBEHTd ft CO.. tB Exoh. Bldg. Martin Uros. ft Co., 4-l Each. Bldg. TAUO BROS, handle settle, bogs, snoop. Denoslt pruceeds of shlpmenta IS Stock Yards v-t'l bank. only aanx at yaraa LEGAL KOTTCK-. NOTICB TO CONTRACTORS., Sealed bids will be received at the offlos of the undersigned until noon en Men dsy. May U, for the construction of a bam tor soaooi ot agnrunurs at inn Nab. Plans snd sued fiostlons are oa die at the office ot the oommlelonee ot public lands and buildings and the secretary of state at the eapltol building, jjoooln, aad also at ths office ot Burd F. Miller, architect, Brandeis locator building. Omaha. ADDISON WAIT. BeeretarT or state I m- d-b-t. ;mCt Oh THB QUARTERMASTER, Fort Logon, Colorsds, April li. 1111. Sealed proposals In triplicate wll be ra oetved here until M a. m. Mar 1A lilt. tor furnishing Fuel Coal required during the fiscal year ending Juns N, lilt, St Fort Logan, Colorado. Information fur nish t on aDnileatinn here. Envelooes to be marked "Proposals for fuel coal, Fort Logsn. Colorado." T. T. Frlssell, Caputs ana W oar ter master, u. b. a. Ais-ts-av-sis- -is OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. STO. tslasrsst sed even -4sale sslecr liisiw. ss s-Hsalsss seaty ' W. B. BOOK, lilt Faraam St. . ITBSSB. First VaUoasi Bank. 1. B. aVSTsTO-OS. ISOt raraam St. AU staau-srs of the undermentloh- cd Una will follow the NEW SOUTH ERLY COURSE Kutbound ssd Westbound tbus svoldlng all poeal blllty of mestlnc lea, snd eacb itnain- sr will taavs BOAT AND LIFE RAFT capacity (or every person oa board Including both passengers and craw p WHITE STARO Dominion Canadian Strvtc WlWTEtl-QuCBgC-LrVfBPOOL T ONLY 4 DAYS AT . SEA Taslsak.SsIIUe.liJ.. (-eaMaMJe-JrJS CsseeaJses HssaarlcJs.AJy. AAag.t First MM, aacsasrt-r OseCUiaCHisaHSMdttl rtstd imm Mi-t Arrange Seekifsrs Mb LecaMreete er C spear's Oltis, f hsrsgs. 111. lmi anw aw ttls te ez as sf a F. Ttetgwa, Star 1 trans tats a, aayu Ke-lg OUT, Jaaa S s( su Osaar u. see et m. a T. Tletgea. dnaaST Umissd SUtea, Jaly ruwt e us, WT7M NEW YORK OTY m Frwa ser sslsHsl prie r1 . is eseered B dssssls Hivfl Itsass Is RtVls la 1H ksets. kr mniil traia. leery nsery aa vaysss. Caeasels. -sees seaaias. ssur peesra. eras- sssl-a, liksssy, .. mshs bass pass all lis ajaisk. leery sissiirt hsilinasis 1 QaxMitW-IVtrrtriYiS I 1 French Line Steamers J TA st sad ssast sssaAsset Csetiesetsl F Oi Art,. la tn Tar bios Stsssscr ' All Steamers Take M llJt X Sout-rrly Cotee Tk TO Ujall tseeSlsW PjjHC Jrrilm. astsr ssd sverp ssssrs by papals. Tkas . FSas-a as U sssis - I "" ta au i asii win i a see sisal imp si u as use satis-1 rres aiaaag77 -ao ap A a john so if a oo. ut taw sa. Cs sea. BL. er ear Isvsl sss a. BAILWAY TIMB CARS I'hlOM gATlOX Teatb aad M sea. Uasea Paetf te Beesrt. antra Isa Fiea. Owtaag itnnsda a ssi e i ts wm Caisa a Jssss Feat Mali. ...a tet pm a I t Attest tsrsss lists .......... SU B MS Si liM Urn AassNe La allst ell SI rm lilts Date Sssrtsl s l:M ssi s I fl aw Casisaala 1 aisle tsl sll tt tm all a aw asatww . ism e s as pa O-ces-a stklasMe tlalM. sU ss sw SIM pm Kens nstss u sssi. .......... .e lata t wm Or .4 hsaas Lssat ...I I S ssi sis M aa su si pel s i n pm Chlea-a, llwek tela ad Sk Pwelfte -BSST. Rsekr MseaSats Umlt4 sit pm at M pm wew SIS a aas SIS IS pm CkMses Day S una.. J t a ssi lISM Cklcars Sierwa i-U pm a I 14 IW Da mmpm CaVsas-Ni I Psi wesw.-s 4 n sw sit U sw iisiuT.. 4t sl tSsw WBT. Ckisass-Ksb. tte. te Liacsts-a I at set a l a pm rtniass-ienes atri w a i pm iish stlsksew a Tease Sis-ss.. I 44 pm ell t sw neckr St seats la Uallet an all M ass Ckltaso, Mltwaakea SS St. PaaU Uwnsd ..a IB pm a i n aw ai 4 at sja ui aat CeMsSs ipiiss a let la HIM .s i a s v n s IM1 Pm eis.w pm isea tsalis d s l a ass s list ..j t as ssi s l is pm laisiasw A. BertBteeetec ISOAT SUUSTD. Mis sss set Is-St. ti Sasnsaa II aa stiasw anils St. rest Hauled a 1 es sat HSis rls U a.0f a .s i sa an a pm leas Cits el I pas lists isassssis a oassu m asms as sss Tela cf Us lias. IS pm Ills i .. au i ss Bastt ouaD. Caneil Lets! .s 44 ss Ills tHsltskt C-Mseas ' w mm Ckltass Ucsl -ISie I 114 IS Cauasa-Oslsfeae ............ a I IS ss Ckh-sas sesfisi A I 41 pm a 4 u ss rwins osst -t3isse s m pm . p I. , - . Un.Ht .S IS SS Sll S-T. J. '""-i 12 im -set a. fast MsU ..4I.SH a IB as Our XU Slses City ssd ",. OSSbS ........ S I S fS cl tuts H-i-t ....... n.Bsm Uttis wastaotisD. Immm Visa ...1- lies sun risrtslk Usllss less Plss-usssts... .. I S as all 41 aa ,.mtpm lists ,.k l l sb a It M SS PaaSeeoS-Hst Iprlass Cassw-baaas ... PrssssUAISIsa ...... ,...s lips s ISIS as is s I B s blBia nVasB ftw.ia n teste on SS....A t as class Uuli ud Sree........a t B ss su a aa S7ae il S4..lna W.B aa Mieeeart raeti K a S St. ts-a Bvprass. am stSJas Lttk -sale Sise-s.aUia as S 44S ss cieata- Beast weese rets my usts ......- a i ass Tela C3lr Bssesss.........At sS a as Webetwr Stsstli -tsth aad Wsbeiss Mleeemrt Paeltlo-- Baseft. tfftse. Asksm basal - btuiat Kl . sa Chtoasa. Bl. P. tt. St o s City mnwe s k isa ss we as i.t City Pissiw ills a cue Psuisaii. .. I t ass SIBS I rm e a s ss e s w wm sl tallf. M dally ssaaal taaAu, IS Maasr BarUaasea Statlsa TeatB dk boss BarllaaTte Bssait. Arrive. ft Osltssaia. a s sea a I S ss rsaet taesd Bisasa s ....4 Silas lllie ....a I a as a i t is Blssk BlUs 4 HIS IS I a s Pm b I t ss aU pm srtbeea all m pm new .1 I t sa s I II pm .tt.aps ss as jp 4 14 ss a I w sa sktssss Bis as csailsr-rtsltsi asalk Usssla tessl. ,... yiattass selk-lsws .Sll S SS S 1.41 V- .s I II pm sll U pm .ail a sta s j 44 ss sis is s a ss .s I a pm s l a ss Chutes seseisi .....i....... Psavse aoeaiai ... Bisnaa -.. Cticsss Psat Bssrae C sios Us. I -Mi.. It. Is na Bis ss.... ,s a m pm na s ss .1 4 a sa su sss au a ra a I a ea AtMpm 14 a Kssss citr a si. Sasss Car .ft M. Soldier Darvin is Anxious to Marry Miss Ida Miller Fellowini the arrest af Mlohaei Albert and Harry Allea for Inducing two girls under ate. Ida Mlllsr and Emma Walsh, to come from Chicago for Unmoral tur ns. William Darvin. a soldier of the Fort Omaha slgnsl corps, yesterday de- Srarsd ha wished to marry the Millar 0rl aad save bar from confinement ta the county jail. She It being held as a wit ness sfalDst Albert Albert and Allea eenfeased upon thslr arrest Tuesday a-enlnf of having bought the (Iris from s "white ilave" syhdleate which Is eperaUnf In dltfarsnt wattsra cltlsa. Howell told ths ratine man that be cause Ids wsi BBdsr sga, the eonsent ot bar parents mast first be srantad. If lis oould get ths parents to do this ha could make Ida Ms brute. When arraigned before United States Commissioner Daniel yesterday afternoon the two young men waived bearing and were held to ths grand Jury, (mil was fixed at ,0M each, but neither was abjs to slva bond. Last Bltht Detectives Fleming sad Dunn leer aed that the (Broth girl was ta hiding at PlatUmouth la the home ot Joe Hlflay, a yeans farmer, sod the was arrested there and brought ta Omaha Hlgiay came to Omaha last night and be too was arrested. Now tbs entire crowd concerned Bra being heldaPendlBg actios of the United states attorney. According to s statement made In their confessions, Albert and Allen paid ttt for the Miller girl and 4 for Bams Oroth, ths purchase being made for the purpose of ipeeuletle . ' ' Whea they went brought to Omaha, the two ilavars had a hard time placing the iris because of the Albert law and tt Mi their persistant efforts ta rid them asrrea ot the women that led to their ar rest. . Dundee Men Will . , Run to the Tires Dundee will have a fire department ot its own. It will be of ths volunteer kind and whea at heme the men of the village will run ta all Ares, hauling tbsar hose cart along with them. This boas cart la to be a chemical, and the following named male elttsens have sired ta run with the machine: It. u. wuirx, urns ss. n , -. Newton. C. O. Deems, H. K. Johnson. Charles Beetel. J. Van Dorsn, W. B. T. Rett. Chris Ft. Franmn. Karl Pott, A. E. Deema W. L. Prentiss, Paul K. Byrne, Charles P. Marks, W. O. Moore, Martin R. Marks, W. O. Do Vrtee, T. 1 I Teen, D. D. Long. B. L Hume, W. . Shepard and James Tromicoca. : SNYDER BROUGHT BACK UPON FORGERY CHARGE Royal Snyder, colored, who Uvel at Sit Lake street, was brought back to Omaha last ntsht from St, Paul to answer ,chsrge of forgery- Early In April Snyder is alleged to hare forged a check tor tit en the Courtney store aad alea ene oa a local hotel, and passed both en dowa-tswa saloonkeepers. He waa arrested is St Paul last week and while arrangements were being made for his ret em. he M tempted aulctds by catting bis throat with a sharp suspender buck si. Quick action upea the Part of the St Paul police surgeons saved bis life, bow ever, and Monday the Minneapolis police officers telegraphed Chief Donahue that Snyder was m a conditioa b travel. ' Defective To t, Rtng enl nfter !';, DENTISTS JOfflM BANQUET Seven Baadrtd Kembcrs of Society Participate st Des Moinet, FAT0ES 0H&X HYG-E5X ILLS Only Llvlsg Charter Member af Ore gsalsatlea Gaest at Hoaer Police Pleee Baa e Slrea Herns. (From a Staff Correspondent 1 : DES MOINES, I-. May l.-pec1al Telegram.) Ths annual meeting of the Iowa State DenUl society closed with a ' banquet thla evening. It was the fif tieth anniversary baneuet and was ths largest meeting ever held, then bslag ever til mem hers In attendance. Bay Townsend, the aaly II ring charter member ot the society, was a guest of J. B. Moafort af BarllngtCB closed ths st salon with an hiitorleal rs vlew ot the society and the progress eC dentistry la leva. The organisation pledged support of the oral hygiene move. ment and the Owena Mil to create a da partaMnt of health at Washington. , . Fat Baa aa tlreaa. Ths chief of pelics today tsiusd orders for strict enforcement ef the ordinance forbidding oaa ef horns on autae la lmi-. tattoo at the Are department signal. This applies to the siren noise makers snd the order will put hundreds ot them out at business la ths city. Witness Starr railed False. Ths story told to a congressional com. atitloa la Waahtngtoa reiattns ta the ale leged reprimand et a government meat Inspector for failure properly to label meat la Des MUnes Is branded bare as a fake aad false. I. W. Culver, chief In spector at ths local packing house, declared that nothing et the Bart ever hapiansd. It was told ta the committee b? Caroline Bartlett Crane that the In spector wss caught falling ta mark as condemned a certain meat canned sad) packed here. The republican itats eonvenUan data was fixed today by the state committee ' to the clerk to find out specifically what for July M la Des Met sea At tall con vention ths principal business will be tbs sslectioa ef tws candidates for the su preme court, as aU ths other candidates far stats office will unquestionably be , selected la the primary. Judges McClsia and Shsrwia ars candidates for renoml aatlon, but will be apposed by three ar' tour others. Tbs convention trill also select the state committee aad transact ethir business pertaining to Urn - came palsn- i . Prwadfaat Starts Casspa laa. Senator A. V. Proud foot, who Is to maJtS tbs fight tor nomination for governor as the Taft candidate and supported br the Tart forces, will epsn bis speaking cam paign In Williamsburg. Iowa county. Bat' urday afternoon. He will dsvots hlmaelf purely te local Issues, lis has a campaign headquarters open and Is at work te cor ral the votes. He came In rather late, as Governor Clerks, the sther repubiloaa candidate, was announced last year and hat been at work a long time, and Prof. Holden. who Is running Independent, but for ho ml nation oa the republican ticket, entered last December. Bryan Leagrwa ta A stive. H. O. Que. Secretary of the "BryaB league" et Iowa democrats, Baa Issued a tsttsr ta members of the league calling upas them to stand for a delegaUos ta be selected at the state convention st Burlington next week tor Mr. Bryan. Ha Intimates that Bryan would accept ft democratic nomination tt tendered him aad declares that Bryan has not at snp Urn Intimated he weald refuse to run if nominated. The Bryan league will under, taks te prevent Instructions for Clark and ta leave the delegation la tuck shape that tt oan support Bryan If ths national can vent I os tails to maks a nonfl nation early. ' La bar Troubles Settled. The board of control has learned that there will be no further controversy aver prison labor at ths Hate prison. The board soma time ago received from the stty elsrk of Fort Madison a resolution la which ths city council called upon tin board to prevent prison labor from; com ing into conflict with free labor in the city. The president of ths board wrote the trouble was, as the warden was un able ta find out. No reply has been re ceived sod It It learned from outside sources thst them will be no further criticism of tbs board. , May t'ee the "Fes-las' Law." Tbs stats board ot parole has this week tor IS first time been called upon ta de cide whether the Perkins law which was placed an tne statute books, shall be en forced at the slats Institutions. The law authorises heads et Institutions, upon ths advice and consent of the parole board, to treat Insane, feeble minded and criminal wards so that reproductions of the spec las will be tmpoaslbls. .Ths law has been an the statute books over a year and tbus far bo steps have been taken, to make It effective, but this will be doue very soon. lass sees Bnelaeee Grows. In the forthcoming report of State Auditor Bleakly It will be shown that ths insurance business is steadily Increasing In tows, also that ths business sf the Insurance departi-iat la on the Increase, as shown by ths money taken la at that depaitmcnt. The Insurance fees received in 1101 amounted to tsi.OOd and last year to ratui. In the same tea years the taxes received Increased from t4.tM to taHOO. Iowa OBtorw Stadeata. Qualifying sxa ml nations for ths Rhodes scholarship at Oxford university will bs bold ta Iowa Chy next October, accord ing to an announcement by ' President Bowman of ths state university. Each state Is entitled to have two Rhodes scholars la attendance at Oxford. The scholarships are for three years and bava aa annual allowancs st fUM. an amount sufficient for ordinary expenses. ' Ths present Rhodes scholars from Iowa ars William A. Zleglcr of Giianell and Jacob A. O. Larsen of Luther college. The former's term expiree la 1111 and that of Larsen In Wit The next scholars" terms Will start In October, ma. . lovra ewe S tea. . IDA GROVE Mrs. George Saunders was instantly killed by a stroke of light ning at their farm home in Douglas town ship. She was standing in the kitchen looking out of the window at the storm and had her arm resting on the telephone. when the ngnrsing ran in on ta, wires aad killed her. Her husband and four children were la tne same room, but were not injured. IDA GROVE John W, Smith, the mil lionaire earner of She big Bmtta ranch lust west ot town, shipped a special trainload of twenty-four ears of cattle to Chicago, for which he was paid tM on the Cntc go market. During the last few weeks the ranch has been feedlnr l.KM head of cattle and i: head ef bogs. There are still some Ml head of steers en the ranch and all of the bogs. The Persistent aad Judicious Cse ef Kewspsper Advertising la the Read ta trn-ln-ea Success. ,