"THE BEE: 'OMAHA, SATURDAY, " MAT " M, 1912. 1,1 Sunday Dinner Menu , and Tested Becipes BDKDAT BRJUKFJiiT Carpel, with Sugar and Cream, fried Calf's Usr. Hashed Browsed Potato Rrs Poporor. Cotfaa. CIXXER JtlloBn loop. Imperial Sticks. Boast Bibs of Beef, Mashed Potatoes. Asparagus on Toast. Cbxr lotto Rum. Toasted Craeksrs. Koejuaf ort Cafs Nolr. SUPPER, . -Stytap Wiggle. Horaeruddloa. Brows Bread aadwleaaa. , -Bostaa Cookies. Marskmallow radge. JTneappIs Lemoaad. Beetled lnMoli, ellaaenioe. npe a baofetoah that Is cat thleh, sad teed from twtlio te feurteea mlsstea Borne hot putter, pear ssiiee ewer It sad parol wh goreler. Per the ssnce. wash eneHMlf cupful of batter and drride late thirds. Pot eae piwe m a pmed siiepa 1th ea tebleieeenful of the polks of two eggs. i esntalntng the misters Sate a larger ssottcan oentelnlng boiling water, set es nun and stir mixture oa ateattp . asmg a we wheal Whea hatter Is SMlted add eeoaad pleee ef Suttee, and as mlstnre thjekens, third ptoet, Bemeee turn (ore aad add -fourth taeooa rw ef salt few frame ef eaysnaa. tew Hblneeimfle of twite ptvea aad eae ttsapceotei ef Baetr (hepped perelep. T octal lenata puree, stew saaaad toms ms eats aataesd eae halt nih threush a pel olrtlnot, aad eeek aatU reduced te a thlek palp. This sssce neede treat cars la cocking, tor If left ever tea firs aiiavt tee leaf It trtn atparats. Blooh.eo Steak. Wipe a strtota ateek eat eae aad oae kaif laehas thtek. sad wrofl firs minotoa aad sprtakls with .alt aad pepper. CUaa aae soar ef staaw aad duward tough souselcs, Car steak wttb soft perttoae. sprinkle with salt sad pepper, and dot seer witk eae sad ene-holt tshtespeeefule at batter. flees ea grata a bet oeea. aad hake eats sauna are does. Oaraleh at ads with iprmg sf parol .r. , Beefeteati Pie. Wise eae aad aae htlr peaads ef round ateah wtth a pleee sf thooot Hots wraag at sf aeld water, aad eat beefsteak la eae teak aabaa. Pat ta a stewpaa, add halt aa asiea. peeled aad thinly ahead, sad pour seer Pear owpful ef odd water. Cear and brtg uleb7 te the bourns slat, aad the let Mauser bbUI stoat Is Wader, the tuae reeolted being cheat twe heart. Add eae tiaopwafel at oaH after the An hew ef tothiag. htelt few Utile speeafals at batter, add fear tobtoosooa ae of near, aad sftr aatU well bleadedt Ikea add ajadaadrts hot stock. Week aad para peutsts aad eat la see fcorth aae sHseet there sheaM be eo aad eae half eweMa ParheU kt belling salted water sight attest, drala. and ta aioat aa eeek Uroe snaetas. Tara lata a but tend baMat-dieb. eerer with pi peete a hoktag peader hteoett tntatar, aad bah kt a bet swat, If eorared with pie part mobs ssearel hetlslu bj ana, te admH the eeeeee f geeo. Tale a good wap t eeek tough steak. aattarg Pteak. The gtwtad he shspptd te order, the swot coming fret the rand, Ptoona ea pound ef Mambarg etoek with salt aad peeper aad a few dreas ef athla, If eekes ore greeted to toon portly they wid he asad. Pat to a aUghtly gnttia hat Irea frying pen. tar on eae aH, tara. seer so other slda, sad seek Ktltex Fibre Ctiir (Uka tUogtntlop) To Is sahsuatial their Is head ado of light tough fibre, prao. ticsJrr -iadestraetshls, aot tsetpd by hoot or nelttura. PrttwfS.OQ Ana Itockar to match chlr at .1 4.80 Pettse. Xaltat Plbrs. . . .T.OO Backer, Koltex ntrr. full roll anus ga.oo Baoglng PVower Bssksta, Ka' tax nor $SM he MM Dsk. nUlta ribra glO Or) Coeahoe. Kl Pbre Sit to Sea reeee. Kalee Plkraaaj) a aaS foe Tehiee, Koltex fibre . .00 ood SI Pcnp beaaeta. Kaltas fibre, Svej Pereh gwUge," ' Pjii'te' 'fS'hVe. gl te n .-..asaa P-t Btaada, JUItea Plbr a te ...pais CnCHARO ItWTLHELJI CARPET COMPANY o ta sum to una ud win. huVinun sooTwiite Sraro hw born "1"' ew SigTT MAM ij KIUJOJi of 1 f . 4 wf.k rarscT bCccke. s rs child, aorreN ox cms: -Aia rL.s; ct tnxD COJ-IC u3 k beat nwir br tlAJUHA. H it ob -, oorw:na a m oe4 k hw -stm. wwew aamtBe; t-t," on too a eteef " J1 UlML I lx mtmrtea If Uked rare; eight minutes if liked well don, tat stead around ods of frying paa ta brows edge. Re- em t bet platter, pet sraao mound ol iulieaae pott to and tprteg wtth moltre- 4 'hotel hatter. Peur buttered cauliflower la foar eerner ef platter, aad gamleh with spring of parsley. Malrre dVetel Bettor. Put eae-teuith enpful of butter la S howl, aad work astll ereanrr. Add ea. half teeapaeafhl ef salt, oae-elghth tee. apoeafal ef popper, and eoe-hslf tahle epeenful ot ehopeed parsler; thoa odd. Tory tlowly. .three-fourth tabloepooatul ef lean juice. Boat lor and Reroera4Uh Craejaetteo, teeai oao-tourth cupful of heariar la eae-half cupful of boll lag water. Bring a double holler, until hominy: ha ah. arbed wot or. Add three-feurthe cupful ef elded milk and oae-balf tesepooaful of aalt and ecoUnuo tb eooklag until the bonnay I tender. Add twe table spoonfuls ef butter sad two teaspooafuls of grated bone-radish root, gpread ea a Plata, eeet, sad shape conieslly. Dip In egg and crumb, try In deep fat, aad drala ea brown paper. Tiiaoe croquette aiar alse be eomd with roast beef. Ptaaked Baeaa ptenk. Wipe a map steak cut two Inches thick, plae la a slightly granted broiler, ad broil or panhreU until nearly dona. Pipe herder ef highly etMened auwhed potatoes areuad the edge of s oliftitly buttered plank, aotng a patir bag sad tsfce, pat tk ea plank, end oot In even te brown potato end finish eooklag meat, GerMe with gteoad Utr-klnad ens, JuUeaas ' potatoe. buiurod efHflowor. buttartd rrot uoat. atuffed greea peppers, aad sautel muohroom. eeaa. Pleee plank ea a platter aad sur rouad with a border of pnrslr. , Ipweeola geeahu aesaoa on and one-fourth pounds of Hut burg steak with salt sad popper, sad term Into one Urge lllptlosl-nsptd oka. Pat la a (lightly greased bet Iron frying pea, sear ea ana side. turn, aad sear ea th other side. Keraero to copper planer aad hake tn a hot area. Spread with eoflenil barter, sprtakld with salt and pepper, sad gornloh with fried strip of greea pepper. Arraags gtasod silver (kkeaed anion at saeh end et platter. Pry strips of pepper la deep fat; thoa strip off the outside skla that bl let art tag the prnim, pMlvor-sklBaed en lout or the variety ta buy fsr glatog. Pool two toiea nlns sad prick sock three times with a two used fork. Cook la holllsg salted water until eoft, the Ume leaolred being about tyenty salauus, sad drala there ghly. Melt ea and one-half MMespoenfuls of batter; la eaMlet-pon. Add ea half taMeapeeafki of susar and the aalsaa, and oeok, taming oeonloaHly oatSI aalOBS are wall glased. with lleomler Wipe sis tender Ma fUeta, out eae aad one-tour laches thleh, aad seats pa -batter bj a hot Iron trying aaa atBrfntlsatoa Arrange oa a hot serving dKh aad sur iwsad with a header ef Sauted Mleed hsaanaa The fat hi paa, add eae dearth lahhtcpcoaful od bttr. and fw grata of salt. Pear gravy arouad flUeta aad gerateh wtth aprigs sf psrsttr. Aeaoa peer with btsaiay aad borssrsdisk ere- quettes, Chieetea mm Rat Paled ta Orange lemeea Mellow out aad hour a strip ea to ear us Beanie, auow tar eaea basket two tabtespooafale of sold seaked spSMfai ef flaely out eelery and half a UMitepeonrai et wajnui atat Mia wits a good SMyenaalet or betted drteelsg. Paadwtebeo. Cat thin shot of broad, batttr and epreed with ereoat cheee aad th other half pith mtrmelto Pat together aad out say deeired chape. Egg-ehsp wul Oaaago aad kttat Cap. Ptsim palp treat aa eraaaa. Iprta- kle wkk three- uortert of a ttaopoentul ef powdered sugar sad add half a ktble- epoeaful ef tlnelp chopped mint aad ea tatspeeaful each ktmea aad ahtrry. Chill thoroughly and serve la high sherbet glasses. Tie a dainty yellow bow at tulls o tb (teat sf each glees. Proper a sHuty orange ta the above moaner at headed. Meet Cgpj Salad. Make little ashsod holla ef Muu ertsja cheee sad piece la a aeet of orlop shredded eelery or diced eroas or grope Bruit, serve with any deeired dreaetng. Mia twe or thro cooked reiki at ecu with two tlpoeBfui of butter, sdd r th earn aaeaot of la ttr aoa. Porua this wtth teesoa fuic aad aaroad ea sstatt pleeot ef brood or battered toast eat la doiatr haee Oever with the white ot the tsk (hepped fine, - aad piece ta the etniar of sock a tlay saouvber curt Ts maks these cut a tlay piekl la alkaa sot aolta through, leering a strip, thoa put the cade together. - Cklebea Carry aaadertehea. Cut white breed la vary thla illcet. out ia destrod shop aad set la the ovea (slightly butter e4-ie brown Spina to ty, Mia esaal pans at oklckaa or cweet breede and muohreem and bad wtth a stiff ereoat esace siighUy eoeema with salt, popper, carry aowder and tames haeoi Meet theough aad spread a UtUe hetwesa two pleeee ef prapared teoet. Serve very hot ee a dleh decorated with parsley aad lemoa sooas sr wtdgts, rook toot Bgaa. Make Utile seats ef hot hetled rice aad break aa asg lata esoh aeet. carve ta th ovea astil th set are set. Pdatpoe Btetnt. KauDtr a aaartor at a plat of rtee at eae avert at snUk tttt very soft sad thick (ate doable heller to prevent bun htgv Add half a r ipe naful at sail, tear Uetesposafois of sugar, sad lot ak cock tegother for frro naanea Pear mto a paddiag cash, add half a onpfsi ef seeded fBlejna sad bake aeui set. read ever the pnddtag a thick layer f rang atensnlad sad eerva with place two tobiicsitufoia of oil oil and twe taelerpoeafule ot batttr tn a pet on heat very hot. put la ahent three pooae of beef from th crocs ribs, sdd tw car rot, two onleea aad a grara -twpx.- cut Is givea to th particular and eo em leal honsebeeper that oho trill he Biasing ao mistake If ehe seapo la touch with caw goods aad oar petite. Alto that wo cell aBTTSn) aWOChuV tas roB lass htobTST. Sugnr. 17 I be for... ...tlAS Beet 'Em AU or Swift's Pride Soap, 1 bare . tee Ituh-Ne-Mere Soap Powoar, tlo stee for lee Ivory Poop, g bars for IPs Drape Nuts or Bhredded Wheat 10 doom of Bra or Algrala, I pkga, aa gktnacr htacaronl, I pkga ..... M Klngeford's Silver Oloas Starch. d-lb. bos . Aoe Aego Btaeeh, S phga. to loa Three boa Matches for loo Our canned good are lwy froth. Good Corn or Hominy. 1 can for IS gaiatCS Pork aad Bee. S la oa for SAa g saa for .... Oea datea eeaa. tttKtl SO .10 ...,.... Pour eone Pet Milk for Queen dlvee, auart Jar . . With every aaek ef Floor w eell we will (Ire. free, one Breed pan. Thl pan la a very ueefol article la every kitchen. World's Pride, ee ah Bell. Bunktet FWec si.es XXXX Flour, seek Bomferd's or Dr. Pteree's Baking gewer, pat stee. SO Mb. pall seoelutely purs lard for too hour mora. Add a Utile water If noot eory, but It Is aot usually needful. Ptaaked Striata Steak. This Is prepared on one of the ap-to- date planks that fit Into a elehel fromt with alekl-ndhony . hsadlos. Bo mev flank nd frees alrlout steak. Wipe steak sad brell sr pon-hreU until nearly done Pipe a border of highly toned method petaettt areuad edge ef slightly buttered plonk, sad make nest ef meshed poutaoo, as shown la the Ulvstratloa. Pleee sttah ea ateek aad put la hot ovea to brown potatoes. sad flslsh cooking (took. Pill sas sasts with ssaaed pet sad arrange areuad, at equal dtetaneos, pile ef bull trod carrot mbta aad stuffed to no toe Breaded Park Cheee. bolt aad sapper ear tbop, -Hp lobe bee tea gg which bos a little mi's added te It thoa late dried bread oruibki Bnely around. Fry hi hot fat astll brows. The Oeaaatedl Caallfleoiee. Cook sullflewer aatd teaser, then pear over It a dreerlng aiad as foHews: Mtt hsMeepeonfvl of butter ia a Bauer pen. add aae tablet pooofHl of flour, aad whea thoroughly smooth, add half a enpful of milk aad one gg bewoa together Shipments of Tea , ' Coming from Japan Shipments sf has from -lapaa era being received by Omaha trhol tenters. Tb eeoeo runt from thl time ea onto about August and September, the heorleet (hip meals owning la the summer Booths. Tea Imported to thtc coon try at routed t or weat srouad the world soeording to th gvographlcal peettlea of th pert tram which It le shipped. . AU thlpmetti et the leaf ooariag from th mikado' emptr b transferred ea the Peetfto eoost snd seise by rail eeet. Coyle tea end tea from other ports of southern Ada la routed through ' the Sues to England, whence it I (hipped to Ijw Xork and Omaha ts s large distributing center fee tea. Wholeiale grocers aero handle 1 to p radius of from ew ta isa) mtlea Three et theee erhcltoslocs have a special head for the tea deportment, th aanaol dMrtbutloo from these source rnanhig Into huadreds of theosead of pound. H. So STUDENTS TAKE AN . . INTEREST IN DRAWING Ctudeat st ths Oraaha High hav tokoa oontlderobH Interan thl weak la the treehtnl dropteg poet ere that hove beea ptcd oa enhlbltlea la the bsll by tb Uterary eacloty clecttt. "Th Mold at the FouatauV' by Mint Bulk Koch of th Browsing elah. end -Sprta aceao,"' by Mies Merle Vernon of the Blaine society, sr two of the moot attractive drawings. niLLINERY DELOVJ COST Cress tail Street Hits $1.50 to $3.59 Worth Up to $10.00 IUmKbf Wi Art SotBf Od i Ushm Ju 1st PEIiriELL r.:iLLi:iERY: CO. pjizns ueci Blslttsth ttroot BatrasaawM Q. QfiZ&fy :. Saturday' Specials run rmvrra ajtb wbobxabub English Wolante, per pound .........lie Freah ftooeted Peanut, par quart... So I Lomotil, per de-eon sue Bedlond Oetnceevper doeea SO, PO end ewe eirawkomeo. Bleak Cherries, Pineapples, Grape Fruit and Fancy Applee. Largs bottles' "Lotus" Extracted Honey... ..................... tft ito ottie -btUWe- ChiU Saueo too 10 Jar Jama, Jelilee and Pitooivoo, aoorted -S0o lie or "Lotuf" OUvo Relish ISO Freeh. Criop Otnser gnasa aad Pratsela. ser sound. .So 4 nounde too Jon Rica. Bvoporoted Cranberrtoe. per tln.. Imported and PornooU Macaroni, nor nookaee. PCs can "Lru Lf Scouring Perdr.. . I to Invported Coetlle goap I "Brows Del.T" Wall Bruchoe, "Brown Dolor" Duet CkHha. each loo to See Floor- Mope, each TP to asoo le-oo con "knew Drift the new ehertenlng) So trtetlr Freeh Xgca, from Brondeic form, per dosea SO (The Dor Thar Are Laid.) Fancy Jar Photic, aeeorted .... lea, la aad SM I Demettlc Pwlee Qiooet. per pound... son Lej-se, Rich Kdora Cheeee. eooh.. 4 Cotton Cheeee. car eackoso . loo . Chow-Chow, Sweet Plcklee, Celery Merte eisngnaa. per ooun eve UOOOB aWTAMTttMWt. Warwick Whiskey, bottled la bond, full asarts gl-c , Duffy Pure htalt Whlekey See ICollfornila Poet, full o,uej-ia.... toe Collfeniia S Sorry, full quarto eoe California Claret, torn bottle .. t SO Orope Jute, Concord, large bottle.......... ...OSe Orape Juice, Catawba, lores bottle.. ...................-too Vlrflnlt Dare Wine, lor re bottle. SoO Vlrglsla Dare Wlae. smoU bottle .....See fyl3$Sfy Q53yw A.dnit Substitutes GtthaWeU-Known Round Package . hawa" kaaM MM . " ' - dav locr cant rtt thai map m4 "tung'ia tw poJkinjr without th right tpit. TONE SPICES KaWlahip pats as. M ahtngm. oaaeiitatdeyeera.ckaaoj oej aoTUal bp msewa aurhmap aJ 8 4s miawissi dbycSoboe. kataeTaas a" awil at si few at I rasa et a enaee SM LAST CALL OF THESEASON! FOR SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY! . ..... . , ... ... Chorrioa I years old.. IPs pot , Plums losskart thlppsra pride, g Ceo, g fee goo. Apples . Rssnsd Tsrtettoa t rear old. goa, g for SO. Currants. (yooMberrlss. Black brrts. Grapes - So, . g par as. . , Honaysuckld) . . . few ana, , Snowballs .- Us, par asa, Aatitrs, Floats, eroatami Jlanglag Beeketa, Caboace, TeaLa toee. CoaUflewor. Peeper aad Keg Plosta. ; . rraah Xvery ta. Ths ReirnkiSssjC). 1613 Howard St. (mK (x SSo 10 VermlcelU. Spashettl 10 and lb ISO each Rollea, par quart ..........Soe Qftfty wf A.intt - Imitations MALTED MILK Mad In the larwt, bst rqulpptd and santtary Malted , Mr.k plant In tha world ' Wa do not make "miZi products Skim Milk. Condenied Milk, etc Oriffinal-Genulne HORLICK'S MALTED MILK Mi frota pan, full-cream milk ad th axtravct of slat xrultec) frain, PMoOwd to powder form, aolabldi ia vrater. Boat food-driak lor all ajea, 17 ASK FOR HORUCICS Usad all ovor tha Cioba ' aj2asS- M the Purest Milk til in win M Alamito Cn Don til snd lee re your eruar. & : 't' I a ijt( a nmtf f w 1(51 5 a. I (layden's Heat Dept. Ecomomy in Meats Saturday Special! Genuine Hindquarters Lamb, Genuine Forequartera Lamb, Mutton Legs, lb. .... Mutton Cbopg, lb. ........... Mutton Stew, 10 lbs. Pork Boast, lb. No.'l Pot Boast, lb. Boiling Beef, 4 lbs. Veal CboptJ, lb Veal Stew, 4 lbs. ......... No. 1 Hams, IK ....... . . Bacon, lb. No. 1 JBacon, lb. Ground Bone, 12 lbs. . . . Klayden's Pig Pork Loin,: lb., 1 2c 8ter Pot Roast, lb., at 9 l-2d and 8 1-So 8taer 8tak, lb., at 11 WoV'V';.';''.. . Young Vaal Roaat, at lOo ; ', ; Plf Pork Roast at 9 t-4o '7 ; Pork Butta; ib.; til t..o Lanib Lift 12 Wo " '"K Lamb Chops ; lief : ; : ,'; : :. '" Sugar Cured Bacon, lb.f at 12 l-2o v . ' No.1 Hams, lb., at 141-20 ' FrosH Dressed Chicken 10 l-2o SELIYEIT VTA8CXS LUTE AT 1C:JwJLtl I8.IP.U If gour grocsr Is act supplied, tale- rh s s s Seuglea lit snd a pack. age wlU ho eeitT ejfedl to yott. ' Try Bath's Way Tea Win Btnd a Bawiag Te BUY FOR CASH BO CBBDI. Thoi our war of aro BaxrraaT doing buolnote. Wt sell th beet meat In Omaha, we ell ooiy aotteo com fed beo. Mut, ton. umh veal na tooololtp I our Pork, Our groat own Drewea Don't forsw wo evrr a ntr elee took of choice grocerlo. . our price. srs right too. JOS. BATH'S GASH MARKET im Taraaav . TL B. sag wg. :. NEW ENGLAND , BUTTERNUT BREAD. is good all "the time. The Bread the children all like. Pare deli-. -. cious nutritious, Abso-: lutely pure, and reliable." Insist '. on having it At all grocers. -.. IS each. . e. . .h. . ,75c each ....... . . .35c ....,i.u......;.8c ......12V2C andlOc - edp.an- 2oSO .. 8c ; ..12V2C, 10c, 8c 25c 12C and 10c .25c ooi v-15c ..,...12c .......17V2Ci120c ..25c Cleat Dept. lill HAS KEY IT, laiA-!144 Order a for breakfast tomorrow win - -,. Blended from.. .Wheat, Bioe and Barley ' Omaha Sales Co , Bseloaal rMetttp Bhtg, WsswaTB Wetirhabuta, . . ,11 I M 'Telephone Your Want-Ad ' : Tyler 1000 ; , ' . ' awat7 " n II I . J si U 1 i U i m 1- - p One, soaeea and cook elowty far two SArnsAT wmwormm. V