THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, MAY 10. 1912. SAME SUCCESS HERE AS III EUROPE Physicians Delighted By What New Tonic, Tona Vita, Has Done. Tired out, hi down, half tick people ara aot as ntuaereas as thsy war a year age. "Too Vita.- tba great mod am tools haa Braved aa successful tn tha United States aa la Kerope. aad xnany thanaanda of Americana have bam built bp and restored to haalth by this anediclae. Tha physician wha Introduced -Tona Vita" la this country ara enthusiastic over the ren.arkable success at tha med icine, and thoaa who have baan restored to haalth an alao glad to tail what thalr experience haa been. Mr. Bmlth. ot Reohester. J. T- a trained nana for sixteen ysara and a traduata af Bsll avne Roapltal. Kaar Tor City, says: "I hava had ao opportunity to taka sufficient rt and during tha paat year thla haa told on ma. My nanraa began to trouble ma. I hara not ban alaaplnc wall aad my appatlta aad dlcarttaa wara not aa they should ho. I tlrad aaally and did not haa tha vitality ta withataad a hard day- work aa far BMrfy. Thla teate Toaa Ttta' waa raeunntaaaed to ma aad I decided la r.a It a tee. I baa haaa greatly bsn afltad la haalth aad strength ay thla atedJetaa, I aiaearely kali ara tha ton to ta ha highly naerHorreee Judging from my awa sxpertenca. Da yea bach atraaath aad vitality! Do yea taka eeld aaally and aleea BoerlyT Are yoa aw sou and daaraaaadl If aa yoa are a Batterer tram aaraow debility aad yoa aneuld at aaoa fat a bottl af Tona Vita aad aaa haw laical; It wiu build yea aa. barmaii htcConuell Drag- Co, lth and Dodge: Owl Drug Caw Car. ltk and Harney; Harvard Pharmaey. 14th and Famam Sta, and Loral Pharmacy, W-i North lth St. are the agents fot Tona vita la Omaha. Toor money will be retumod to you If yoa are dissatla- fled with the tonic The Approved ror- mala Co-, Dayton. (X BRIEF CITY NEWS slave Boot Mat XI. Bootrla atalr Bryan. Bargeae-Grandea S. at. Olaeh, atana. itth and Doaaiaj Bias till (aatalt-Edward Johnson will auks hla debute aa a reciter PrWay nifht at the Elks' maatlnc under the gsed af tha order.- A clan will ha ia Mated. Steals Bear Caae Richard Nsbor waa diacovarad by Offlcera Hell and Dunn learnt the Htnm Brewing eompany'a yard la tha rear of tha etty Jail bulktlng early yesterday. He had a cut of empty bear bottlea la hla arm. BaeraHa far Vhillppiaea A carload of reoralta are anroute weat over tha Bur lington, routed from Columbia Berrsoks. O- to aaa Pmadaco. Tba routine only provides f or aa far a ths coast, but the affioere la eherfe anticipated that tha ma are to be aeat to the Philippine!. Oae Sella fa a Teeth Par resenting tha ahart and ugly ward which Colonel Roosevelt van upon dlvera eccaaiona Prank Caeey paid a fine at U and coats ta Bailee court. Harry Slack af fill South Tenth etreet laid that Caaey knocked a tooth out wara be called him a "Har."' Old Clock la Korea The last thing to be moves from tha eld to the now headquarters building, of the Coles Pa clflo was the big dook that for twenty five years hung la the mala entrance of the old structure, Thla dock Is built somewhat en tha antlojue erder, marking both a twelve and twenty-four-hour day, tha days of tha week and month. No place haa bean found for It. but It prob ably will go Into tha laboratory that has beea built above the twelfth atory where the wireless telegraph swim is being Installed. Town Lot Ball Game Starts a Lively Row Hard feelings hava existed Between the Chrlotiansen and ateara famines, aear Ferty-elgbth and Ersklna streets, tor soma time, and Tuesday night when Fred Graf, top-soa of Arthur U Steer, called Mrs. Mary Christiansen, "a low Dane' ha precipitated a fight. Mrs. Christiansen Is a Swede and proud of It, and har fighting blood waa us. As soon as C. Christiansen, bar husband, had slapped Grafs face she proceeded to kick and beat tha young man until neigh bors pulled her off. Then Mr. and Mia. Steers took up the argument and a gen eral disturbance resulted, ending In their arrest. Toung Orat add that tha row started over a game ot haaa ball, tha ball bdng knocked Into the Christiansen garden Judge William Altstadt heard the van ous statements of the four parties and dismissed the case. Key to tha Situation awa Advertising. APPROVE THEATER PLAHS Starland Palace Rune of Hew Mo tion Picture House. JOHJ IflJCTSa THE ABgHHECT Starland, Limited, Oeweaeattaa Cea trailing stria at Theaters, Will Lease trees Braa deta larervsts. Bailee. Plana tor Stariasd Palace, the - motion piotura theater ta ha buUt by the Braaoelo ' interests near tha northeast corner of Sixteenth and Soualaa straits wsrs approved yaeurday and the rasing we burning has begun. Bterlend Limited, a eorporalloa con trolling a atrtna ot theaters en avee th United States has leased tha new (heater for a number of years. Tha plans far Its eonst ruction wara passed upon by A. and i-sui lis etarquene. partners la tba leas ing corporation. John Letanser. tha Omaha architect, has drawa tha pleas from which tha H. it Stevena onmnanr of Chicane, will build tha new amassment hieua fk. building win have a slxty-elx-foet front aga. an Dnoglae street, eataad US fast ta the alley and have a seating capacity of from J. OBI to 1.62. The front will he r terra ootta aad araamented with poly, chroma work. A grata tile mansard roof wm add to the height of tha struct ore. snaking It si meet eaual ts feu m Lib tha Brand els theater an elaborate arenas marquise will he ssensailsa aa ohslns and extended cut aver tha dda- walk. Aa ornamented soda fountain ta. the loeSy, a ladles' retiring room, a Bursary and a smelting room will hs features of Ha eosamauUoa- Tn a.i. eeaiss may be built la tba theater, al though this hat not beea definitely go dded upon. The Marauaad brothers asaeet ths theater about September L SCHOOLS USE PLAYS OF OMAHA TEACHER Miss Sinaa Paxtea, aaa of Omaha's pleyrlihts. la meeting with much suoosm la the production of har Latin plays In the schools aad callages of tha country. Her "Roman School" was recently given by atadenta at tha Loa Angeles High school and by tha dramatis elasa of the Stats Unlvamty af Oeergta. Tha Mis souri Stats Normal school prism tad the same place some time age. At present Mlsa Part on It eooaeoted with the Latla department of Us Omaha High school. New la tha time t get rid af y rheumatism. Tnu aaa do it ay applying Chamserlala'a Ualmeat aad atassaglag the parts freely at each aPPUaaUoa. Par saw by all dealers. TJERE'S dish -fit for a kin'," and it .y?? JlI coits but one cent a helping Fauit $Wt Brand Cut Macaroni, Ready cut in uniform ( "i piece t0 cooks evenly and can't get Vl water-clogged. Mada clean and kept clean V) in our sealed package. Ask your grocer. t) i 5c a package. Meull Brolhert, St Louis, Mx The Favorite Rye1? ot Six Generation" VfKVIN JVIi t7maa urn 4 times the mellowest 4 times the purest , Because 4 times ctfstiHecl in copper. . Bottled m Bond Each bottl is sealed with the IL S. QovernraaDl Stamp. W -, Its age Is guaranteed by the U. S. Gove)znment. Its purity by the Schenley Distilling Company. Its Quality speaks lor Itself. Whn you buy Rya, buy Scbenley. At sH dlrs. . Scheoley Phwlfflna Comaanyv Laceaoa. 9m.' ESS J0NTZTOLEAE CITY Secretary of Associated Charities to Take Up I.W.C.1 Work. BISHOP K SOTIMt ALSO BXSIGHS rathe Staaaaa la Xaaaed te Tab His Wan laassaass to Bltea Jeats ta Be brassed la Sheet Ttaaa by tba sVeara. Miaa Ida V. Jostx. secretary of the As sedated Cbarttlea. haa raslgnsd and will taka ap work with tha National Toung Women's Christian eaeoclaHoa as execu tive secretary of the central territory with headauartsrt la Chicago. Sea will ease me the duties of the aaw office sent ember L Her resignation take af fect August L No select loa to fUl the vacancy left by Mlsa Jontx has beea made, but several applications are an file. The board Is considering these and wlthla toe next two works will have selected a successor. Mlsa Jonts will be executive secretary (or the Toung Women's Christian associa tion la the ststes of IlUnola. Indiana. hTlehtgaa and Wisconsin. Shs wtt! hava several assistants, wha win derate their time ta field work. Bat ore taking ap har work at Chlrage Mias Joata will go to Lake Geneve, Was, where aba will be aaa af tha Instructors at the conference to ha held there August 11-3. IteeetBTtea af Kegrot. Uses tha rasignatioa af ktlsa Joata tha Board of Cbarttlea adopted tha following resolution: Pieeotved. That tha directors of lbs Assoclsted Chanties ot Omaha express their keed regret at tha resignation of Miss Ida V. Jonts. who for four years has held ths of flea of secertary -manes pr ot said association, la placing upon the records of the board aa acceptance ot ths resignation we feel it to be a duty to add thereto a formal expression of ap prectauon, shared by every member of the beard, of the remarkable efficiency and ability af atlas Joata: of the mane aiinouu proaMms eaaounterea and solved; of ths rare executive force and wisdom displayed: af the fine Christian seal which always acutated her: of the gooo lasts ami atsnness aoumea shown by her m conducting the practical work of ths board: of the man acta of kind ness and mercy which It was ever her pleasure to do. m value far beyond ths Possibility of neeunlaiy reward: of her countless mmistrationa to tne Mel, to the unfortunate and to the distressed, to whom shs earrlrd the consolattions of tha Christian a faith aa well aa material aid. for the lack of which they had suffered. la placing this rsaolatton uimn ths raeords of the board wa ara making dus iTOfniuon ox ins nigs womanly quali ties ot our secretsry and at tha lama time wa extend aur beet w tehee for her welfare In the new work about to be ane aereaxen. eonrraent tnat shs wm acnieve ta that field a success no less marked thaa that scored during her long service wiie uua aoara. Bishop BfsQe-eera Beetense. Bishop McOevern's restgneUon (rem Ih. ... - - - . . K James N. tttnson has beea aleoteg ta the The following roaolutlaa re- ( ret ting the fact that Bishop MoOovarn sd to resign haa beea pssasd; Resolved, Thst It Is with a ssaee of prolouad regret that wo accept the reelg. nation of Bishop MoOovsra, whose long term of eamos upon too beard won the unauauried aamiratioa and respect of Ita members. Called to a wider flsld ot use. fulness la ths bishopric of Cheyenne, he severe his reletloM with the board whose lntereete no worsts so sealoualy and ae Intslllgoatly to promote. Taking aots of the loss to Its sfteottve force by hla de parture, we, hie colleagues on the board, join la this expression of gratitude tor tne many acta ot cnnstiaa charity and benevolence performed by him In the nsme of the board; (or the gentleness and mercy and patience which characterised all his activities In behalf of ths many nelnless and destitute Dersens wha an nealed to tba board of substantial re lief; for the generous, selt-eaortfleing spirit In walsh hs labored unceaslnily to oemfort the affacted and ta afford material aid to the Indigent and dis tils kladly ministrations hava resulted In Brest good to this community and his work with the Assoclsted Chari ties hss been of Inestimable value, and we unanimously and most heartily asm mend him to tha clUssaa la hla asw field af labor. Cooking Class to . Make Poison Squad of School Board Tha advanced class on domestic science at tha Omaha High school will give a spring luncheon for the members of ths Board af Education at the school dining rooms next Wednesdsy aoen. Miss Neva Turner, domestic science Instructor at ths sahoot. will have charts af tha affair. Aa extensive menu has seen arranged and all the edibles which will grace ths tables an tha eceaslon will be carefully prepared by tha girls. A committee af four white aprontd least as anil serve the icothsoma dainties. la addlOea to tba twelve members af tha Board af BSucatloa ths following hava beea Invited: Superintendent K. U. Qraff. Principal Kats eicHugh, Assistant Superintendent Belle Byaa, J. A. Burgias, C. . Herring and W. 0. Urs, i Printers to Greet Candidate Barker Mast Tuesday afternoon, from t e'deek until T o'clock, the unlea printers of Omaha will bold a reception at Eaglet' hall. MM Haraey street, la honor at Fred Barker af Spokaaa, Wash, candi date for the office af president of tha International Typographical urnoa. Mr. Barker haa beea oa s Hlga tour af ths east aad will wind ap his trip la Omaha Tuesday, the eleetlea oc curring throughout the jurisdiction the (allowing day. May la. lavltatssa have haaa Issued to all print era and ampler aaa la this vtetalty ta meat Mr. Barker and partake of the refresh stents that hava been provided for the accaatoa. Mr. Barker will be at ths haa during tha satire afternoon aad will make aa address at J e'deek. BIBLE CUSS GIVES BIG RECEPTION TO TEACH EH Tha Bible class of tha Methodist Wrlin pal Sunday sob eel. Fortieth aad raraaat streets, bald aa Informal imopttuai hi the eharoh parlors Weenesday - evening fn hoeer af thalr teacher. Dr. D. C Joha. aad hla ants, wha hava lost retamed froaa their winter real dense at St- Peters burg, ria. hMartalaaMtU oanalstad af ahart iiUnasia by Bsw. i. O. Balsa, paster-. J. TtiHlniih. ataaa jnallii I. Dr. John, and vassl meats, a sale by BRs Esrtrahta. asm a tree, seslsaal as- hUas aUtrtkm. hDas BB and Mrs. Tha aksaa baa a sitintlp as ahoat twssdy. aad arranaanjanta hava beea made ta caavaaa tha aslghtailiusd aor raomllng the ehtarah far those who are aot members af afher slimn hi the hwaa that they aaa ha ssduaed SB lata thla caasa. An who are aamsBUd sa Bibas study ara aardmlky swaahad to haa Dr. Jssm. Oaap Time is Fixed for Trial of A. W. Gross Arthur W. Grose Indicted by the 1st grand Jary aa a charge at bribing Johr A. Keaamarling. a petit Juror, ta tha ta terest af ths street railway company, will ha tried May SV Mr. Oross says hs wants the ease triad la a hurry, aa he la getting tired of bearing the stigma. Ha aara he baa aa doubt ha will be aoaulttsd la short order. Trial at the Kara K roans murder n has beea set for May 17. FIXING THE MATION RATE Is tents tg Commeree Commiuion Befins Eesrinw Here. UETATOS mn ON TEE STAKD Deetre to to r1s staaewrd Rata twr Blevatlaa of Grain from Care ta eVarehoasee aad Elevators. A hearing la tha Investigation by ths Interstata Commerce Commission to aa eartala tha scat of grata elevation is being road anted ta tha Berth court room In the federal building betora Special Crammer O. A. B. Pugh. Tha commis sion wishes to ascertain a standard rats far tba elevatlsa af gram from aara lata warehouses aad elevators that will ha fair to both the raureada and ths eievs tora. Tha Inquiry covers the rates at points oa ths Missouri, Mississippi and Ohio rivers, at lake points and other Tha following grain aad elevator men wara oa the stand today: t. M. Sturde vant. secretary and treasurer of. the Cavers Elevator company; Edward Por ter Perk, manaxvr of the Omaha Eleva tor company: r. S. CowglU, manager of tha TrBAsmiaslaslpnl Oraln esrapany; Oaorga C. Johnson, manager of ths CrowsH Xlavator sompany, and J. H. Wright, manager of ths Nebraska-Iowa drain company. Tha witnesses testified to various rates which they considered Impartial. As low aa " -cent a hundred to LI cents waa claimed aa a aarreot allswaans for eleva tion by Omaha man. Hearings wars begun by tha Interstate Commerce commission at Waahrngtoa, D. C, ApurU K eontlnusd at Chicago May T aad I aad haa beea brought hare. Tha Investl gallon will ha concluded at Kansas City May M aad 1L Tha hearmg at Washington waa hold by Commis sioner Prouty aad at Chicago. Omaha and Kansas City Mr. Pugh haa charge. Travel Club Has Splendid Program "Madams D'Partmont'a School." a aaa- act playlet full of humorous detail of sorority Ufa. proved tha feature ot tha annual senior student program of ths Unlagar Travel dub of tha Omaha High school, which waa hold at Jeoob's Memo rial hall. About fifty members aad hi ends af tha alab wars present yester day afterneoa. Tha following program waa carried out by tha senior members of tba organisa tion under tha direction ot Miss Florence Uka, president, and Mia Mary Qulnlaa of tba acsjoot faculty! Ptano Soto. Utaabath Kroner Whistling nolo... Dorothy McMurray Vocal Solo Has Williams Violin Solo.n.. Madge West Headings Marguerite IWpenter -sHins irDnmm ncnoot. ' play let In ane a4.. Caat of characters: Madame D'Portmoat, dean of sobool.. Umise Hsitfetd Mahal Frolics, a senior.... Morenoe Lake uenruoe smiles, ins first school gin.. i i i uritis aojutn Jeasts Lowe, the third school girl.. .Bertha Pratt Miss Bridget, the maid Brelyn Maala Accompanist. Marie shook. Aa America aatlag Is ths sreat king ad cures. Dr. King's Nsw Discovery, tha quick, safe, sura cough and cold remedy. It and fLaX For sale by Beaten Drug Co. GERMAN AMBASSADOR TO GREAT BRITAIN RESIGNS BERLIN. May t. -Count Paul Wolff Metternteh haa resigned as Oerroan am bassador to Oreat Britain. FRECKLE-FACE Be Bsmady ha SMaaaeaa Ptsallss aa isaato srsthuag. Here's a chanes. Mlaa Vrscklo-Paea. to try a aew remedy tor rrerkiea with tha guarantee of a rsUabls dealer that It will not coel yoa a peony us lose It removes tha freckles, while If it does give yoa a riser ccenplexlea ths ex- Dense ie ermine. - Simply get an ounce of othino double strength, from Beaton Drug Company ana one nigni s treatment wut enow hew easy It to ta rid yeareelf of tha nemeiy rracxiea aaa get a seaatirul complexion. Rarely Is more thaa ens ounce needed for tha worst case. Be sura ta ask Beaton Drug Company far the double otfwngth othiae, aa thla a tne only tiroecriptioa eoia anoar guar antee af money bach If It talis ta ra- B.ova rrocsiea. im iiiu cn A FILTHY Di; A Cbmmon BeoM Treatment Qnicklj Believes All Dia treeero,' BTmptoms. If yoa bawa agar gjuxptouig of catarrh, swab aa searfed ap an sag ta the bead, atufuaa discharge trees tha bobs, phlegm la tha ttowat, renal ug hawwhaf Best apst hag, dan paia la tha head, or rtnglag la tha ears, tost anasst tha aaatrus or rah the throat ar sheet artth a Metla Cty Oeam hmlsn. aad aaa hew gal toby yea wis sat rssVst. lm tost a tew ailawtos yea sets seel yaar hand claartog. aad attar astral tha aba aar a dag ar aa tba nasty esaargi wear win be gasw. aad yew wis as ssnsr sr as iff ii a i to iimiat aad trtoads aTsrVWaaaC. Shake adf tha avap of asaarrb bafara aaaaa af taste, amall i year whola sys- laspairs your Hss. la a ah ait Urn yea aaa be eared at that llBtUBBtog dtoaaaa by asasw hay's Craaaa Baasv Thai hss line anttospisi hwJto aaa aa fast yoa wtoa sheet, ae- sad ttoiat afsM the) soak patses!'si irhss, heals gasl sarwsgTheas tha raw. aara aatarrb. Oaaa Wftl 9tOf09 vMbV sad a fifty aeat beetle wis generajly af - tost a easapasto cure. Get it from year BSPat aad atari tea Ndsl AaawsVanaamasa ak FTURDAY, MAY 11TH The Most Important Salo of iSVtll Sllll wdllkldW B WllllSarllSIIVS W VSs ;j We made big uoderprice purchases from the leading milla and manufacturers of all lines of Men's Funushine Goods. . WATCH FRIDAY EVENING'S PAPERS tirinaCa MONEY FORJATER BONDS Urt Gets ths Ssfti Xilliont and D poiits It la Omaha Banks. iisnx or mnr.An sale Bamda, Premlass aad Aorraed later oat Brlagjs tha Tetal Berelved to ST,ldl,tg, SISS.OOO Lsas Tsuaa Ever. City and County Treasurer W. O. t're today received and dsnosltsd la local banks tha money for the 7 . water bonds privately disposed of by the Water hoard. Proceeds from tha sale af tha bonds, ths premium and the accrued interest brought ths total amount received by the city up to 7.uU,. This money has beea deposited ta the following banks: First National, lUTtXtS. Omaha National, tJJDMW; Merchants Na tional. tl.IOn.On); Called States National, a X0u. These bond wars Bold to Kouatas Bros, of Ksw Tork at private sale at a pre mium of t&LMd, which. It la understood, wsa several thousand lower thaa the board bad beea offered by a syndicate of bond-purchasing nausea. TRAINLOAO OF MEAT GOES EAST FOR EXPORT Tha South Omaha parking housea sent out over tha Oreat Western yesterday a train of fifty-one cars of fresh meat, meat of H bains for asrport. It goes to Eagiaad and Oanaany. BIG SUIT FILED AGAINST MRS. PAULINE M. WHEELER . Laura McQueen aad Faunae X. Wheeler, who several months ago at tained soma notoriety by getting into police court with a auarrel ever tha ownership of aome chairs, ptnowa and , other tiouseheld goods, ara arm! a In court, tn district eourt. Mrs. McQueen haa started suit agaJast Mia. Wheeler for Cl.llt damages for false arrest. , At ane stage of tha dtsputs aver tha goods Mrs. Wheeler filed a lereear som ptalat against Mrs. McQueen aad had bar . arrostsd. Mrs. MoQuasa allrgca that aa a result of har arrest aha loajt a clerical pssltloa which paid her Lla a day and five boarders who patronlied har house. Kay to tha Situation Baa Aswtlstac. I Als:h:l Remedial Formnla OUTBir POOT IPltniesis Srl.stMsL S TON S BOOT . a ... T. - ... .. .. BUACI CHXaaT BAPJC (rreeae ViratelsaaT. OOLOBN S SAL BOOT (KverastteCoau oaaoow otars boot usersette eelsalnusl. No Ikrcofics LOOOBOOT . Oeasnuaarie bmsaeseis) MAMtlSAXt BOOT (PedashrUem r.lliMsJ. t-KsaiM.SA.1T PUaS OiTCSSiMB hasaBBsaMassi On every wrapper of every bottle of 1 UDe. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is printed, in plain EngajLth. a full list of the ingredients com prising it and in addition, accompanying is a booklet, compiled from many standard medical works of various schools of prac tice, containing extracts from the writings of leading practitioners of medicine, endorsing in the strongest possible terms, each and every ingredient of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, Dr. Piercg's Madical Wscfrrgry had btea fwomrnoodod for forty - v jrasrs tor stfatithnirs wsak stomach, whipping into Ufa a torpid ttrer nd ermofjairif bilkwsiisss ss wail ss atairtvU 4isswst wbcrtaer located. Thronch its uss Dr. Pverca haa &mnd in his prarskinal sspstiencw that ths blood It purified and aorlchtd, diKSsa-produdrK bacteria ddstroyed and sxpelkd frora tha body, thaa catarrhal, scrofulous and Mndrtd sffcctioni ara 0TaTCOfac,srd sound, wigoroo health established. , You can team all about hygiene, anatomy, medicine, etc from the People! Common Sense Medical Adviser, by Dr. R. V. Pierce, newty rtrrued, up-to-date edition of which is now ofFered, in cloth covers, post-paid, for 31 cents In one-cent stamps, to cover cost of wrapping and mailing ny. Address! Book Dept, World's DUpensary Medical Assoctotkn, R. V.PWrcc, tl St, Pres.. 663 Main Straet, BufiUo, N. Y. , I KM III 1 bave driTroTMajweflo-50,000 mile b illll1 1 hays tiriyeQ my MaiweO over 50,000 nules In the hardest kind ot service, and aa conruiced it will last forever. "After I had driven my Maxwell about 45.000 milwa, I took off the front cylinder to look at the bearings, and they ahowed absolutely do wear." J. r. 0NEILL, Klttts, fm. Maxwell "Mascotte" $980 has the established Maxwell design and Is within tha means of tha msa ot raodersts incorne. Comperiaoa with htmdreds ot can estshlished its exeeptiosal TaJue. Vosi csa btovw ta ywursttf thai car' merits by ia vestlgstlon aad a road iriaj. Coma in today e tall us to saad yoa tha 191 2 rata leg da Lax a. Jest st as a postal : "bend Boeka-" ' OtW MaeWs JfssieaB'Spselsr-WsoTseoawer, I ssaiesgar T.rsg Car. MJy ewsses, Isili flag isll aiarsw, Ksswaa -Marrsry tiansln. W hersepewer, SUA VsxwsB "Meaoette" leads isr. MaxeaS HsiMmsr" Bsadsajr. am. saw .a.sw rseesry teyawav United Motor Omaha Ce. 2118 Famam Su Flood Aata Ots Oowadl Bhtffs, Iowa Brothers, Takamah, Xeb, KoU Haaaaa, ITalaaa, laasa Strattoa Baaaoa, aTaaoo, Xak. A. E. Beaaoa, Aabara, Iowa Raw Hoishiaa, Fraosoa. Xaa. Deoisoa AmUt Cav Irebs, Iwwa laatg Hotor Ca-, David Oty, Jfb. Bert rkOpot, WorpiBg Water, Sab. Workmaa Rosea n. Aubara, Xab. i MAXWELL WINS GLIDDEN TOUR