Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BEEs OMAHA, FRIDAY. MAY 10. 1912.
It Birth. Itching Cumd Him to
- Scratch. Hair fentinMUy Matted
with Blood. Tried Many Rtmedies.
Used Cuticura Soap and Ointmant
b 2 W& aria Half Was Cured.
aramm mm m tarts
aad dta
as a MM sad M, there MM
tarrfher eas m M piece sad at M MM)
less hit Ml arts SSOlkHStUy BteUsd Wtth
mnt at Bars. atskt un nM, M he
could M Map. W. asd great dimcuKy to
tMhtai bit hair, watch net. sat aaatp mm!
profusely. We tried away immilsj. mm m
eatrkofe salve, . Me, Man ws kena
kntla Outturn Sou sad otitmsat. ta
Tha nip looked mm healthy Hd to nnl
were keallag ap. la tw weeks and a aaa
they had amiiileh ly daanpsered aod say
bfotlwtwmMUraty cured." (Saraed) MaiUa
. Mar. . 111.
OMaVaf ad Hm FtaMJ Oat Badr.
I OTMsdlsMD.. NswTsrkCity. -Fe
kMBtka I was enabled with my ccarp. Hot
aaiasd M ay dsadruS m By sous and my
aattfalBBtautkadly. I tried stMy shampoos
anaaaadrafl resMven wna M remits. Ho
' but kaaid of ka (ood drate by Ouarore Maw
, aad Omtatant I i stales. M try tkaav I did
Ihk iat amaai aetata Md M am fully re
nana. IteveMMosllmlfTewikof heat.?
j (Based) D. L. Oatdbarg, Sept. II. 111.
I Outfaaam Step aad ObHssbtI aia Mat
I every stiws. M tapis at each sashed baa,
ilk tt-p. baak. Address, "Catkara,'
Dept. T. Bill a. Teasw-taosd mm sheaa
turn with Catteua Map B4rhxi kuaa.
. Actual
Size , I
V ' ) 1 ' ' "fl
You can hay a full
set of these fine
Teaspoons and
dozens of other pieces
to matchj them all
guaranteed by Wm.
Rogers & Son, Mer
iden, Conn.
The BEE will
tell you how.
"j .'.-r-j;a
the Money
" Saver '
A CAN artaoof Abaorcae
will often tare the coat of
teMpcraar of tedecurat
fag. Besides the same can will
dexn window shade, ait objects, etc., in
tact, a will rcntove the dart and
gTBne froca aBytrnEaj rsrsriaMc.
Wall Pap
er Cleaner
works Jigeieat tlaa the otaer deaatra
it ia a apoBge-Gk aubetawa that kaf
woaderfal power of abawbinw dirt. ,It
Ettrally cala dirt. No aard rabbinf, no
prtpuing, and a nakea as kttcr. It can
not injure either the atada or the moat
oVlicatr fabric. Jt try Abcoreae. Try
it today- Try it oa the amoky ccatraj or
ftc Ttwot 41 1 1 aVpots fraaai ttvf partor vlaMk"
akaaai jMt aa a ast, A auat CMoaly 10a.
Oaaka ilili D-ac V. DMrlkwaka,
W a. Tide A. imiwm Owa
F.M a cm oawr pwiMn a
Cil.ll BMte. BarlHM. Or X. DMtltw-
n. a. km, ot. ti i a H- km
.ww. .m a
at. 1 1 ik. Mi.
V. S, Cirooit Court of Appeals Af
finnt odaut of Omalia Court.
Coart Balaa City Cetaaot Imn
Aar raH C tho OITOO H Waa
FareaO to ray the Wmr
mrw Oaiaaai ktayor.
Taa yvara' DtlcraUoa kaa twilled ta Tto
tory tor Armour A Co. and defeat tor tha
city at Omaha la the taeaoua Banaa par-
aonal tajury damaera lawann. Tha United
8tatM elrcalt court ot appeala at 8t
Loula baa Juat attlnnM the id(mnt ot
tha United tSetea district court at Omaha
la rarer ot tha packlna concern. The
holdin ot the lower court waa that the
etty could aot racorer tram the pack era
for the SlT.m judctnont It had to pay to
former mayor Oaorce P. Bamle for !a-
JurM) he euetaiaed whan he waa alt by
a falUnc Armour billboard.
Mr. Baeala Buffered a compound frac
ture of the lea and other InjurUa
April S, 19 when the wind blew down
the billboard at Eighteenth and Far-
nam atreeta and no waa atruefc. Mr.
Bamla auad the city aad recovered Jadg-
awat tor tl.U( and caata, a total ot, la
round aumbera, IH.OOe. The ground ot the
action againat the city, ia that It aea
liCMtly had permitted Armour as Co.
to maintain the billboard ao maeoarely
flsed that It waa a menace to pubUo
The city atartad action la the federal
court to recover from the packing con
cern oa the ground that It wu guilty of
aegttgonoe In maintaining euoh a dangar-
oua algn. W. H. Herdman and other at
torney, took tha oMe for tha city, with
the onderetandlng that ao face ahould be
paid them anient the ault ahould be won.
The peeking cumimn aaawarad with the
defame that M had dlapoaed of tha algn
to ether parooi before It wm blown
down and therefore could not be held ra-
eponalble. The court took this view ot
the OMe and ao ruled. The dry appealed
to the cfroult court of appaalt
New Design Stamps
Are Placed on Sale
New poetage eta rape of rartona denom
ination! are now being aold by the
Omaha poetoffloa and are rapidly re
placing tha old. The general echeme ta
atmptar. making the denomination and
Ineeriptrane en the at am pa more dlatlnct.
The one cent etemp new baara the head
at WMhlngtoa m profile the eame aa the
two cent red. Both the one cant and
two cent atampa ahow the head of Waah.
tnirtoa from Houdoa'a bust, looking to
rha left. Tha bordera of the flrat els de-
nomlnaUoM are of the eame dealgn aa
the eertea ot IMb. The portrait of Waah
tngton appeare within a plain eUlpaa on
end. with braachM ot laurel on either
aide. Above the head In a hortaontal line
are the worda "U. & Poatage" and in
capital lattari below it the word "Cents"
with the denomination In numerala on
both ooraen. Ah la. to Poetnuuter J. C.
Waartoa'a reoollection. la the flrat time
the bead of WMhlngtoa had ban uaed
on one cent poatoge. No change hi made
la the three, four, five and alx cent
a tamps from thoeo ot WW.
The coiora ot the five higher danomln-
atlona are ec, olive; Mto. dark yellow; lac.
gray; Wo. wTeadar: SI dark brown. The
aubject of thee atampa la a portrait of
franklin la profile, from Houdon'e bust.
looking ta tha left, within an elllpee oa
and. In the upper corner, are plain pan-
ale In the form of right-angles. Above the
elllpee and following rta curve are tha
worda "U. tt PoetageT la capital letters.
On either side of the lower part of the
ellipse are branches ot aak leaves; In tha
two lower corners the denomination ap
pears ta numerals and between them Is
tha word "CenU" (or Dollar), la a horl
sontal panel wtnan breaks the baM of
the elllpee. ,
Man With Education
Climbs to Success
The average man without a college
educatlea la like a tan bona power ea
gtnn" declared Chancellor Avery ot the
University of Nebraska, la an adflreae
to the members ot the senior class ot the
Omaha High school In the asaembly room
at the school yesterday morning.
It la ths man who baa the college
education to back him that can climb
the steep hill of sunnasa. wHIe the tea
bone power learning must continue In
lower aHttudea.
Cbaaoallor Avery explained that Ms
visit wu brought about through ths ef
forts of Omaha alamlni at tha Cora
busker Insttution who were deetreua ot
having someone familiar wKh ths stats
university explain the Inducements ot the
soarist and cream to the 1M1 graduate
ot the Omaha High school. Instead of
allowing Ideas of eastern education to be
come infused In their systems.
"About three hundred and fifty dollars
will carry the average atodent ot either
sax very comfortably through the Uni
versity ot NebrMka for one year pro
vided the student doM act Indulge la
fraternity Ufa and extensive social pia
suras," said ths cltaaosrior. "There are
many students who ars working then
way through Nebraska to a greater or
km extent, nearly every one of whom
la doing creditable work In studies."
Chancellor Avery wm Introduced by
Prof. Herbert A. Senter ot the blah
school faculty. Mnart Gould, preaident
of the Omaha etab at ths state ontver-
arty, accompanied the chancellor oa his
Nebraska Soil is
in Fine Condition
According to . railroad reports fairly
heavy showers, but somewhat scattered,
vtalted the Southwest era portion ot Ne
braska Wednesday afternoon aad last
algkt. The section vtalted wm plenty
motet for the growing crop, having bean
tborotigWr drenched last ftatttrday and
Reports coming ta the railroad oftlcM
Indicate that there at no place la 1
elate where rata Is aeeded. Ths groand
Is reported to be m prime eaadltioa.
Small grain la said to be making rapid
headway and la the suutheia part of the
state more tkaa half of the coca has beaa
planted, ths arret ga berog toastderabty
ta of last year.
allalas IvnaHa .
Louie A. Kuh. steS Burt, frame dwell-
Ins. tSOnS; at LfM. mi Couth z
teenth street, frame dwelHnc CMS; John
MenauuDton.. 141. aowtk Tweatv-eeventh
street, frame dwelling, t? -. Annie E.
Addlemaa. '( North Eighteenth street,
frame dwelling, $2.: Joseph Behaetder
wlxL U Arbor, tram dwelling. gjW;
Bernstsla aV Kra-me, aws-N) Dodre. brick
Thugs Make Mistake
When They Pounce
on Two Wayfarers
Because they hoked lats two youths
whs had pssd tbstr score to a pair ot
thugs earner la the atornlag. Ruths An
dersoa, sa sna-4oye of the Dempster
Plow company, and Jamee Fife ot the
alcKeen Motor Car works, are hiding
from their friends today with their facea
ao badly discolor! u to make both
Oil recognisable.
Pits aod Anderson room at VK Far
nam street. They were walking south
oa Fourteenth street at rrst o'clock la the
morning whea two men sprang upon
them from concealment ta the stairway
at the Unique chap suey parlor. One
man straok noerenn la tha mouth with
a pair of brass sauoklss, splitting bis
lips and Jaw and knocking him to the
pavement with sunk force aa to render
him unconscious, pits wm struck in
ths left eye by the other man, tnaklng
him temporarily blind. The polio, were
notified and the two victims of ths as
sault were anvw medical attention and
taken to their homea. fife says no words
were excusngea at first, but, m ths thuga
left, one exclaimed, "Hell. Bill. It's the
wrong fellers!"
Fife and Anderson had been exnlormg
the dty and were going home when as
nulled. - No attempt wm made to rob
either one.
Ak-Sar-Ben Mourns
Death of Brandeis
Resolutions mourning ths Ion of the
lats Etnll Brandeis and extending sym
pathy to his bereaved family ware
adopted at a meeting of tha board ot gov
ernors ot tbs Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben
Tuesday night The resolutions follow:
Whereas. Ia ths sreat dlsseter of Aorll
14. mt whereby the steamship Titanlo
waa loot off the of Newfoundland,
our fellow member of the board of gov
emora of the Kntghte of Ak-Sar-Ben,
amu nraaaeia, save up Me life, and
Whereas. During ths Mvsn rear, of his
ssrvtcs m a member of this board and
previous to thst time of the knights we
hsvs learned to value deeply the worth ot
his counsel and to anDreclata his unttrlne
snd generous seal tor every movement
that made for the good of Ak-8sr-Ben snd
of Omaha and we have further learned
to res Mm thst the void he iearea will
long be unfilled, therefore, be It
Resolved , Thst a. governors of the
Knights of Ak-elar-Ben we feel we have
loet In Mr. Brandela a wis. counaelor. an
Mrnest co-worker and an unfailing friend,
elngle minded for Ak-gar-Ben'e good and
ever ready la Its aervloe and that while
hla Iom Is heavy on us now It will njt
diminish m ths days go by, and be it
ReMlved. Thst In beha'f of the board
of governors snd of the Knights ot Ak-Ssr-Ben
ws offer our sincere sympathy to
the family that mourns hla tragic t.nd
and assure them thst ws shsrs their sor
row In the euttlns off ot his useful Ufa.
and be It further
Resolved, Thst a copy of these resolu
tion, be .oread upon our minutes, that a
copy be Bent to the bereaved family and
that a copy he publlahed In the publls
press of Omaha.
Death Penalty for
Desecrating the Eag
Ths following resolution wm unan
imously paaeed by Grant post No. IN, De
partment of the Grand Army, at tta reg
ular meeting held May (t
Whereas. Recently In ths citv of New
Tork our national fi.e wm Dulled down
snd trampled In the dust by the Indus
trial Workers of the World, he It
Resolved. By U. 8. Grant post No. lift
Omsha. Department of Nebraska. Orsnd
Army of tha Republic, that the congress
be. and hereby Is, petitioned to enact into
law that ouch Indignity to the flag la an
act of lose majesty Malnst the visible
sovereign suthorlty of the United 8 1st.;
thst it Is sn act both of contempt and re
hellion Malnat the aymbol of national au
thority and is an aot ot treason. Any
peraon who. by himself or combining
with others, shall In any manner eM.
abet or aaatat In tha commission of this
crime ahsll be guilty of treason aad upon
oonvtotloa thereof shall suffer ta penalty
ot death.
W21 Join Q. A. B. in Celebration of
Battle of GtttyibuTf;.
speakers Dsclas Breach Betmea
Xerth and Peats, Is Reeled aad
Reaalea Will Wipe Oat
III FeeUag.
MAO0CS-, Oa, May 1-The ' T7mted
Confederate Veterans' annual reunion
here today accepted an invtration to vi
the Grand Army of tha Repuboo ia the
semt-oantanvilal celebration ot the battle
of Gettysburg In Mil. The In-Ht.tiru,
m ta a letter from General THmhle
oommander-tn-chlef of the Grand Armv
of the Republic, Other features ot the
day ware the selection of Chattann
Tarns, aa the next convention dty aad
toe crowning ot Mlas Mary Scrandett
queen of the eom-mtlon.
The big features ot tha reunion win
taks place tomorrow when a commander-in-chief
wUl be elected and the veterans
will march In the annual namie. it i.
renerally conceded that General F. H.
xoung ox Louisville, Ky, will be elected
to fill the Diana of the lata Oenaral flMtrM
W. Gordon. General D. Walker hi still
In the race, hut the delegations pledged
to him are and to be outnumbered by
thoM of the Loulsvllls man.
Ths discussion oa the Gettysburg north
and Muth reunion wm very brief, and
what o ejections were made were on tech
nic! grounds. One or two delegate de
clared that the official endorsement of
the reunion v. a. oat in conformance with
the constitution of the United Confed
erate Veterans and that thsy did aot
think It wlss. None ot these objecting
pert fled the reason for doing so.
Many declared that the breach between
the north and south wm forever healed,
that nowhere In the ranks of confederacy
eouM be found animus towards ths sol
diers of the union, and that the Gettys
burg reunion would forever wipe out any
Ul feeling there might be tart.
The resolution wm adopted with eheera
Poor aDMtlte la a aura aiea of lmtjrs
digestion. A tew deeas at Cbsmbertaln'a
atomaea and User Tablets will strength
en your digestion and Improve your ap
petite. Thousands have beea ben. fried by
taking thsM Tablets. Sold by all dealers.
Dssplts the fact that the police have
caught aae of the bicycle thieves who
hM oonfesssd being the cause of the toss
of a number of wheels during ths hut
tea days, bicycles ars disappearing as
rapidly m before.
last night, Paul Wilson, tm Cumins
street, reported the toss of his machine
tram tn front of the Princeea theater on
Dougms street, and late In the afternoon
William Pape of Booth Omaha told of
the kM ot hla bicycle from tn front ot
the Millard hotel.
CATURDAYyou can buy mens high
grade and medium grade furnishing
goods from Brandeis Stores for less
money than they have ever before sold
in any store in this country. :: :: ':: ::
We bought an entire retail stock of Men's
. Furnishing, at a great sacrifice. Every man in
Omaha should buy his summer supply of shirts,
' underwear, etc, at this sale. See the windows.
Saturday, May 1 1th, at Brandeis Stores
PatrtorJo exorcises were held at the OM
People's horns yesterday, when U. &
Grant Relief corps No. 104 presented ths
home with a handMme new flag, Mrs. a
B. Sargent presented the flag on behalf
ot ths corp. and Mrs. Edwsrd Johnson
sacsptsd It for ths home.
A Mr Problem Served
by that great health tonic, Ktsetrlc Bit
ters, is ths enrichment of poor,, thin
Mood and strengthening the weak, too,
For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
Carpet Waa led.
Ws require the servtoes of experienced
salesmen In carpet and rug department
Apply eupermtendent
Key to the Ktuattoa-BM Advertising.
Noted Educator Wire This Infor
mation from Bed Oak, Ia.
Billed ta Spesk Several TtssM la
Omaha, l.ake Fersst PreteeMr
- Is Compelled ta Caaeel
All Kagatrsmeats. ,
A telegram from Prof. Laala ttluart.
dated at Red Oak. Ia, received by the
Board of Education yesterday morning.
1 the . educator would be unable to
speak to the Omaha High school students
or keep any of his engsgements here. He
wm taken suddenly III and Immediately
started on hla way bark to lake FornsL
Prof. Stuart said he believed he was
losing hla memory. II waa to have been
the guest of ths Palimpsest club at
luncheon at tha University club.
Superintendent R. U. Graff and othsr
friends of ths Lake Forrest professor
wore surprised to hear thst Prof. Stuart
wm 111 snd In dangar ot losing his
memory. Many telegrams of good cheer
were Mnt him.
Prof. Stuart Is ens of ths most promi
nent educators ef ths country and hM
been sn Influence a a speaker. Ha Is an
slumnus of Lake Forrest, which Is auto
Superintendent Graffs alma mater.
Chancellor Avery of the University of
Nebraska took Prof. Stuart's place as
speaker at the high school yestsrdsy and
discussed ths advantages ot tha state uni
versity at Lincoln and also ths value of
a college education.
Although he fell under the car, Jos
Csrdena. Med 11, of 1111 William street,
had a miraculous escape from dMth yes
terday morning at Thirteenth and William
atreeis. He wss going home, snd left ths
car before It stopped. He slipped snd
fell underneath, the wheels Juat missing
hla body. H wss rolled several feet, and
sustained painful cuts about ths head,
fans snd arm a. Dr. F. J, Swobods at
tended him.
Mrs. Rushton Sustains
Fractured Shoulder
Mrs. J. H. Rushton. wits of ths presi
dent of the Fairmont Creamery company,
Buffered a broken shoulder and what
may prove to be serious Internal Injurtea
yesterday morning, when aha slipped sn
a newly waxed floor at her Iwrme snd
ML She being attended at her home.
North Thirty -sixth street, by Dr.
Rodney W. Bliss and a special auras.
Mrs. Rushton bsd lust awakened and
d raised whsn she fell snd whsa picked
up the was unconscious.
Ke laetreftleae la Cody.
CODY, Wyo., May (.-(Special Tele
gram.) The democratic county conven
tion Just adjourned selected Msyor W.
J. DeegM. George T. Berk, W. U Simp
son and Secretary of State F. L. Hour,
aa delegatM to ths state convention at
Cheyenne. May 11, To delegation la an
Instructed. '
PM ree mm i
tfl Jesse... w
tsl e art.kMa
.ZJ MM el tr
Wrinkle Remover
A Mew Moms Trestmsst That Bell tats I
Taa i ao muiui no staa
Saqbi an MSDioiarasi ao sua-
Tks Seersts ef Pair
maias MS atatroas
Ia ais xmb e.u
' , . 1 esertive m ser I,K? . '
far, fra. tnm wrl.siet. Por la. fins IIbm la
AiMrta, la. PrleoeM TOSt. IreetsMat la teles
M4. Iinewe. US H S a twalalte . N.m Se
tae save fferlttUa waa tees atle t. aelve
Um ewret. .1 tlieae artefital SeMtlea, vheaa teres
an. Smn. save hean ta marvel threes aaea.
Stil at MS UM Ireewre-lreve he. has. .nhtl. K ' (
ana tsar is eat hetera every Aenrtr.n ItAr. hn
erlu. Iieieaeiamr, the tall hriMs eaaet
thl. woaarea. aew aiahnil.
The mama Tekle Wrinkle Beat telle all
atnea the rrlaee Tohle aew treataant
U'" '"i"1 mos wke wisk is rsmovs AU Par-
' ' " " sVagtlV . aBrH a, klsMi WrM
Ha))tMijj IVrai til vrmr kmmim Kw MejeiH
tlB Ih MMmi mxvlmm mt thai mMrh
mbf mm irmxmmnl aa) 11 la pf mnomn4'
H tlW tnaPUsaVaawa mt sMtarfw btlaVf Pt4
frosTt trtltU wtwNtssV. A MtM UtUy fraea
Mr. H. B. iapiwil iUUi mhm w taia trwl
aMsvl fee twa wrwaa a4 ar wmahlaa ara all
alt Nribaar autaa ihat mmr tea la aa
Get a.
TsJa book Is ealy for per-
wrUkles. Pot
Seat ts ealldrea er
eaJtoatty seekers.
vbaa aae waa a SH ea.
' . S Hotel Tested Popularity $
J TiW hattk aorj TcataJaTa Fl) for BjrffT
V 1 If CerlaafteAiDrskan-hrd andirjtBri tW'astfuuJi.too. - lJilL J Jtl '(
& h Post Tavern Special 1 &
'8 -a for FOOD M
UpIk i WaafwwerJ for tiaTiKXiuSs ai the Port Tarcrn in Battle W WuM
U.i II Creek kcose it wu pt op in cartoos kr borne roe. Ij
1 1 Uy TTbs wekfaa corrsbnatioa of wiwst; corn and rice (i
v W ITsalaa tsavtaVi jfi I
j popsjarirj waaPsDstaat. fl
I jf) Wlaak k Kto fTjerpir boiEng water and terre or- m
Jfl Sutcj pwrant ft
P cmornW' breakfast
eneatt M K
thai aha la aa aster that
much la pralee ttle raaaarhable aew ueai
BMat. .
Sea ralvllle el Teiaa atslaa last ate asea tie
traateeal eight Sara and her fees a entrjely
tree ef enatlaa ana ah la a. aellthlea Ihat
ah. taa reuaS naaraias that will tee, bar
r... lenter.
S lellar ta rereltea at thle efflee ffea Mm.
A. I Mem., awar eft la CSaa. etalai that
aha wee esllshtea with thle see eeattlaauoa
wnetl. tfaatoiaat. That R imiiiI all aer
erlahlte an4 leavea tha fare aa aaMeth ae aa
lafaMa ass Mhaa lee akla (rest sad yeses
Mrs B W. Jeaea la her tarter stelae! T
Prletaa. Tehle wrtntle traaueeet to Mnallaet."
She faitkae aatM thai R tet eelr leaieiel hw
snatlas, tat Base kr laea aa taft a4 eauett
ts velvet. u4 Ilea aha sever tefeea teeaS a
reejetr wtleh we.14 tiaha he rasas leekt
aS that aa tries ChMs sad Hew Tan tmat-
aaat vtthwst saama
KVaw the siewUs
eaaaiM a.4 furar.
kL f"' "at tkla reaarkahle
'' a enuMI
a 'a. taaaiMaale I
asa aatreakM ada ,ki.
aialas yssas-tseuag, taalahjas all slsas ef
look Tonag Again if l yes are s sm.
Owt Md ot WrtnklM traa- " ree like
Md Orows Feet " "he s s'rl
? " rea wlah t leek Ilka
e epleasis rasas eaaua et teeaw-nvar If
US "?"' res lite la leek Use a
Strt jaet eat at her teanat Ttes t ra this
toot lll ha ef sreat mm
"I, saoastaS ti ta Svtaeess
Bestial aheiri wrlatla. II Mil he ties. I
ever va rra av, la. I ,i,. 41, w
ts e U tn ut far PRE! anr. .
raaal rruweet Tntl. San. t14, Ctairal Bask
PelNlaa Daevw. CMe.. o. I A.
II Ulle tee t raweve svtaklas tr eattrelr
sew treataaeat ta aalr alatt Sara
M. . Artaagsmsats have beea aaaae
wbereby ail oa leaasrs stay twasiva alt
that la offered tree, Md yoa mast ssv
swap ve prove yoa are really la
at a alok wrinkle remover.
' you OEM A
r -
TeL Doaglaa 15M
Local Rotailer, Omaha, New.
Rcsvr 1313 Douglu BC
Omaha to Kansas City
Morning and Evening Trains
Broiler Buffet Oar on Daj Train
Drawing Boom Pullman Sleeping Cars on Night Train.
Thos. F. Godfrey, PaMeiiger & Ticket Agt
1423 Farnam Slraet or Crilca Station.
aoartmenta. Ml. one. Henry V. Wmu.
iodge. bnek store, M.