THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, MAT 9, 1912. MONTH'S WORK HERE IS 33,000 ITEMS Dresner Bros, Dry Cleaners and Dyers, Upset All Clean in; Records for the Month of ApriL GROWTH IS MARVELOUS When a dry cleaning establish ment actually clean, dye, altera or repair 33,009 distinct pieces o( work in one tingle month, it haa aa anmed colossal proportion!, dont yon think? - Yet, that ia the very record estsb Iiahed during April by Dresher Broa., the Dry Cleaner, at 2211. 2213 Farnam street, Omaha. When Dresner first embarked in the dry cleaning business a little over a year got the wiseacres shook their heads and remarked: "They'll never make it pay; there are too many here already." But at the present writing the chief concent ot the Dresher boys Is to handle the im mense amount of work received daily. They had originally planned and built a 150,000 plant equipped with every device that money can buy, and that master minds could produce; they thought they had built for "years to come," but were work ing "up to capacity" In a few abort months after their advent In busi ness. Oh will easily gain an Insight to the magnitude of tha Dresher bus iness when It Is said that factories cannot aupply the demand tor the coat hangers that are placed on each and every garment delivered: in fact Dresher are paying one cent each for every coat hanger delivered to their establishment and the offer is keeping the children of Omaha busy, for there ar a number of coat hang er about every home. The Dresher methods ot cleaning, dyeing and reatoring everything from a dainty piece ot lace to a suit dress, or even rug, has awakened Omanane - to - the preservation of clothes and household equipment, and the future bids fair to bring forth even larger record than pieces cleaned in one month." . Dresher pay exprea on way on out of towa shipment of ft or over. Dresher also maintain branch sta tion in the Pompetan Room of The Branded Stores and at Dresners, Ths Tailor, 1515 Farnam street ' Phone Tyler laOO; AuUvA-2326. Council Bluffs Council Bluffs n ih t Til mtp H SMS US (III -a Ten "Years' Experience Behind Your Car For ten years we have been building automobiles. Each year we have pro gressed; each year we . have built better cars. So this year the Jackson comes to you as the - crowning result of ten years' experience. Our experimenting is long past We offer you cars you can depend on values you can see for yourself. "What more is there to ask i Pioneer 1 Implement Co Distributer. Co. Bluffs. Iowa. fill tha Original and fiinalna II OR LICK'S MALTEDaMILK Til Foed-drlnk for All kpu For Utnta, Invalid, and Clowns chJdrea. rreNutra op buag the whole body, Invigcnte the ninsigniotrKX sod dttlgeL Rich milk, matted grain, jp powder form. A quick kack prepare! b a miasts. T.i..iHrf .vine host, irrt i. - r.r I Kfeofwn O. Heroer.O W. C Tha TEACHERS ARE GIVEN RAISE Over Six Thousand Tear Will Be . Distributed Among Them. BETHLIDGE GITS $100 KOSE Sasriateadeat tteperts Kasse at Teachers Will Rajay stala TkM Wla Ar . Sradaate la imm. .Assarting that Council Blurts pais Its school teacher less aalaiy thaa any other city lit the state and that tha beet teacher were coastantly being Induced to leave. Chairman Hendricks of the teachers' committee recommended at the meeting of the Board of Education but night a uniform Increase of par. and Bis recommendation ma approved. The total Increase tor the 1M teachers was shown to be bi.flas per year. In the hl(h school the Increase add U a month te all of the teacher with the exception ot Principal Marshall and sev eral other, who set a raise of from ISO to HO a year, ma Ins the principal's pay SLUM a year. The salary of Superin tendent Beveridge was Increased froao C.J0 te In the graded schools the minimum pay of the teacher waa raised from Sat to Sai a month and the maximum from rr to tit. with proportionate Increase for all of the principals of the building. The In crease will make the payroll of the teachers approximately IlkVW per year. At tha present time It Is a little than tlt&OOe. Chairman Hendricks i there would be no shot-tag caused by tha Increase for the eomln year, al though tha estimate of required revenue furnished for taxation waa considerably lata, for the reason that there had been a gradual accumulation of money ta the teachers fund, amounting to $.0M hut year and a surplus of 3MM at the end of the present year. Teaehera Waa Menem. The list at teachers for ths next school year who will ah are the increase waa re ported by Chairman Hendricks and elected, as follows: Teachers tor the school year. IsU-ttU: H!(h School J. K. Marshall, principal; J. C. Oraeon. Jet Thrush. Dome o. hup seas, a a. Asqulth. Kate Reed, Mlttle Pile. IT lore Coooer. Allen Sayle. Mary E. 8bo waiter, Edna M. Sprague. Emma Boasche. Kdlth Fllcktnger. Jennie nice, Elmer W. Readlns. Floyd E. Moreen. Anna Z, Rom, Clarence A. Pierce, Mary D. Wallsoe, Paulina X. Rieth. Claudia B. Rlre. Aenta Phanev. Oraea Holmes. Waahlncton Avenne School Mantle Mansum. principal; Helen Ada Tyler, lea see orna. Caroline umt. statu u. ruu lip. Mary Kennedy, nenie m. una am aaesere. Ruth S. Tmplla. Mlna Con verse. Nellie Bonfleld. Marrueiite Or ham. Martha Bell Hetael. Maria Dege. Bead Howiette, an. May ami, sirs. Elisabeth Gleason, Stella Royr. Cora M. Oretler. Rloomer School Nannie M. nam in, Grace Thompeon, Mary Tldhall, Myrt'e McNutt. Katherlne, Morris, May Mahler, lull. Walker. Hasel Arnd. Alloa Walter, Rliaaheth Morrla Margaret Mcroerson. Dorothea Spetman. Jane Howe, Oartrud Davenport. Twentieth Avenue BchooV-Clara Meyers, Mamie Norene. Charlotte Hennlnser, Katherva Putnam. Edith Joseph. Elisa beth Crocker, Hannah Blck, Kllsabeth White Grace Riley. Mary Coaseahall. Sadie Barrett. Hasel Lewi. Dora Lyon. Mre. Eva Lvon. Theodoele Hobbe, Pierre Street School-Mr Mary Prouty, rineinal: Olive M. Hart. Eunice Jn. ora eon. Florence Storr. Ada M. Dalley, Edith .TomcXlBeon, Para- riperle, Myrtl Winter. Aflda McPadden. Orve converse. Marine Morrla, Gertrude Green, Edna If flMMMT. Third Street School Mr. M. B. Curtis, nrinrlnal' Klsle M. Power. AL A. M Maud Walker, Mary O'Connor. Blanche Peck. Ella Spetman, Aurella K. Tinier, Elisabeth Parklnaon. Ida Caaady. Eighth Street School WUIIann White, principal; Minnie E. Clay, jeosle M. Al worth. Mry Harden. Aeat A. M.; Aana Ash: Mr. Roea D. Puaey, Vera Spetman. Maud Meyer. Mr. Adel D. Card. tteoond Avenue School-Elisabeth Graves, principal; Maud McAnfney, Winifred Johnson. Utile Hayden. Mr. Bell Bar. clay. Edith Shugart. Mr. Amy otavely, Margaret Aiken, Uilu Spetman. Marii Peterson, Bell Roblnoon. .,. Avenue B School Sue h. Badotlet, prtn- n. i nam Barclay. Jessie V. McAn eney. Minnie Kupp. Bernlc Elbert. Ruth r,iii Mae Warner. Clementine Guen- ella, Dorothy Cook. Eva Utterback, Stella Graves. Anna B. Mlkeeell. Julia Hughe. Thirtv-aecond Street School Agnes Drake. Biinclpal: Elsie M. Powers, Aasl P. M.: Mary H. Looee. Emily Butler, Anna Moule. Flerene White. LI da Voor .ua orvatal iMneie. Frances Wood. Madison Avenue School-May 81 ma principal; Mary Johnson. Edith B. Field, Elnora Darnlll. Kg. A. M. Harrison Street School Mlnnl Hanson. Drtndnal: Theoan Kendla, Nora She. Margaret Dee, Bern lea Minima n. Kg. A If Kiehth Avenue School-KatbJeen Con nor, principal; Louise Larson. aarsr McNamara, Elnora Msrnlll, KaV P. f . Avenue E School-Josephine Clausen, principal; Anna van Drun. man weir, Oak Bchool-Ulllan Chemise, prindpal; Anna Weinberg, Bernlee MUllman. Kg A M Courtland Schoot-Cora Jones, principal Emma Hoffman. , . 8upervwor-Orace Barr, Lsroy Hutch Ins, .Racked Thomas. - Sealews Was) Sradaate. Superintendent Beveridge reported these senior class high school pupils eligible for graduation: Petar J. Aleher, Anna M. Lee, Theodore F. Aleher, Noomle Lillian Lee. Viola E. Allea. Pearl M. Mlklejoha. Floyd Bates. William K. MltnneU, Joseph C. Beaumont Oral Paul Mowry. Merlyn B. Burns. Paul Mueller. Mary H. Campbell, Florence L. Mulila. Mary A. Clark, Clara E. Kelson. Jennie F. Cook, William P. Nolan, Mlgaon A. CordUL Oayle U Oyster. Holes Cox. George L Peter. Robt. P. Crawford. Oscar A. Pry or, Robert W. Dan tela Walter Reller, Arthur E. Dempsey.Eart F, Robinson. Robert Ftnerty. Ella A. gandwtck, George B. Ford. Merlon Saunders, Mary F. Foster. Chertae B. asln, Dexter W. Frank. Wullam M. Besalons, Rella M. Freet, Douslas Smith. Eleanor M. Fuller. Jennls U. Smith. , Joseph E. Hadlund, Joka I Sorensoa. Cbarlea Hargen. Alice M. Spearman. Nellie M. HarrlmaivNeva SUlnbaugh. rimer Harris. Anna K. Sweeney, Lottie M. Harrla Eleonora Thompeon, Tnompsom, We Will Mail You $1 for sack set e etc rajet Ten tent as Hlga M ns PM tar si Gets, Sllter, sl WstrtMS. Brekea J0lrf tn Piewlwes 8l.-v MOVBY SENT ST RSTVsUf IUII. riiLA tsunm htm ma run Established St) Tears. Chesrtaat u railaoelpaia. Pa. If iiiii irrrV'i 912 Pf? sidentialCampaifa Keep rp wtta the game from day so day by reading Tbe Be. Myrtle J. Van roes Cor F. Watt. Joseph Weinberg. . Horace Walsh. - Marian Jams. Elisabeth Jones. John Langstrom. Laura T. Larson. Edwin C. Larson. Dtffetwne la Water lias. Enormous dlfferenc la the but for water used at the varkms bondings caused Chairman Lull of buildings and grounds committee to recommend a change of plumbing la the Bloomer and Puree street building, where automatic flushing devices are used. The auarterly bills lor the Bloomer bulldlntr totaled (our times ss much as those for the Washington avenue htdldlnc, although tha latter I more thaa twice aa large, and six tunes ss large ss the bills ren dered tor ths Twentieth avenoa school, which Is eoBstderaMy larger. It cast SM for ta Bloomer building etnas January 1 and only PS for Washington evenoe. The change will be mad daria Tmcaooa. Tha board decided to aeeept the) propu HtMa at the Harris Tras sad aavkacs bank of Chicace s take JKtM rsrandtnc years, with the hut optional after five years. Mr. Clark at the bonding sampany was present sad sa hoar or more was spent la considering the vari ous phases of ths proposition. Ths bonds t be refunded are due an July 1 and have aeea drawing only 4 per cent Bad condition at the bond market, owing to presidential election uncertainties, was assigned as ths causa tor the higher In terest rata. Cadeta Helped Aloa. The high school cadets were given 150 toward paying their expense for the an nual sncampmeat with ths understsndloc that they were able to rustle up the re maining 1 required after aubmlttlng a written statement of the items of coat and the location ot the proposed camp. Superintendent Beveridge reported the following school attendance tor the last month: . Entire enrollment: boss. IKS; girls. .os ,(.) Monthly enrollment: boys, IMS; girl. 1,717 , S,SM. Average dally attendance 1.SU1.W Per cent ot attendance 9tLg! Number cases of tardiness uaoo Number neither absent nor tardy. ..tHe.uO Concerted Effort to Clean Up City to Be Made Today Today I "clean up day" In Council Bluff, and a concerted effort will be mad throughout the city to clear away ths winter's sccumulstlon of rubbish from back lawns snd alley. Ths public schools will he dismissed this sfternoon and all ot the school children will Join In the work. Tomorrow when they return to school they will be questioned by tbe teachers concerning what they did and bow they did it. Ths Boy Scouts will also Join in ths movement, and will hereafter make it s part of their business on their weekly "hikes every Saturday afternoon to carry wast paper bags and pick up every bit of paper they see ss they psss along the streets. When the members of the Clvle Improvement club were told that the Boy Scout would Join In the work, provided they could get ths hag equipment, aa appeal was mad for ths donation of suitable hags. Ths Tounker maa Bead company responded with an offer to supply twsnty-ftvs grain sacks. snd these wars yesterday turned over to the workers at ths Toung Women's Christian association, who attached ilioul. der (trap and otherwise prepared them for use. Council Bluffs lot 15 ta block as In Brown's subd. in Council Bluffs. Is., wd . Two transfer, total 17.11 Physicians Unable to Benefit Wilcox JT. F. Wilcox, who baa been critically 111 alnoe last Saturday, suffered a relap late Monday night and for severs! hours his life was despaired of. His condition waa vary precarious throughout ths day yesterday and showed little or no Im provement last night Sevsrsl consulta tions of physicians were held and but little encouragement was given of Ma re covery. The best the physician could ssy was that there was still hope. Dur ing tli greater part of ths day bis strength wss sustained by artificial stimulants. Mr. Wilcox has suffered, from Poor -alth for several months, and tea days age waa attacked by a severs type ot ths grip.' While It was at Its most crib. osl stage pleurisy developed. Steal Karat Transfers. Real est ala transfer reported te The Be May T by th Pottawatuml County Abstract company of Council Bluff: Clarence E. Dillon nd wife to Peter Nielsen. n H n of 17-76-41, and part nsli sets of 17-71-11. wd..HM H. G. McGee and wits to Adah Glle, Minor Mention The ComaeC Bluffs Offles of The Oavaaa Be Is a IS Boost Street. Tslsphsas 4. Davis, drugs. Vktrola. tli. A. Hasps Co. H. P or wick for wsll paper. Woodrlng Undertaking Co., Tel. XI. Corrlgana, undertaker. 'Phone Ma, NEW YORK Plumbing Co. 'Phone SS. FAUST BEER AT ROGERS' BUFFET. Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 17. Msgsalnes bound, storehouse A Co. COLFAX mineral wster delivered. Tel. . E. K. M In nick. Bluff City laundry. Dry Cleaning and Dye works. New 'phone No. Sll TO SAVE OR BORROW. $EK C. B. Mutual Bklg. Loan Ass'n., 133 Peart. Next Sunday Is Mothers' dsy. The Fauble Art Shop for cards, folders, etc. Investment: For sale, a fine two-story brick on Broadway In th center of Coun cil Bluffs, la. Address "A" Omaha Bee. Council Bluffs, la. Ws hsve the piano that has Just tne tone to suit you. We will save you money on it. Easy terms. A llosi to.. en West Broadway. BRING In your disabled watch to our watchmakers, they will put It in ss good condition as new. Every piece of work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Letter! s. SAM BNTDER LOANS MONEY on household goods, horses, csttle and all chattel eecuritit-s at a big discount of ths usual rats. Office over St W. B'dway. Miss Rodger snd Miss Eddy, two Bos ton young women who are en route to the Pacitio coast, arrived tn Council Bluffs last eveulng and have consented to give a number of character sseK-hes t the First Congregational church this evening. The young women r graduates ot th Greeley bchool of Elocution snd iramatio Art In Boaton snd have fitted themselves for th professional ataxe. They will give a series ot skit with makeups, which are (aid to be exceed ingly Interesting as well as strikingly original under ths general title of the alasouers. ' The women or th churcn were very busy yesterday afternoon pre paring for the event. Kind words that are being said about Rev, Dr. O. O, Smith, former pastor of the First Congrexatlonal church. In hi new field at Fort Pierre, S. L).. are regu- isriy sent to council Hlurr by lr. Smith's new friend The Port Pierre Journal of Monday, speaking of Dr. Smith's successful efforts to establish a regular "Fathers' da' service in the churches throughout Sooth Dskots, says ot th service cendunied by the former council mulls psstor: "The Father day service on Sunday evening were in every way a splendid success at the Con gregational church. A large audience was in attendance sna msny were tne words of sppredstion for ths services. Miss Ids Anding sang a solo in keeping with ths day and the message by Dr. Smith was one that will long be remem bered by those who beard it. The pastor Wore on the lapel or ma ooat a red car- natlona, saying this seemed Is him to be the most ennroDriate flower, ss the white carnation had been chosen for the mother. and ne susKtstea mat inose wnoe tam er and mother were still living oould wear pina carnation, in doctor ex pressed the hone that the first Sunday In May might be universally adopted a Fathers' day. a the second Sunday had been adopted for the mothers, thus Unk ing the memory of father nd mother as their live no been. Tne wnole ser vice waa beautiful, touching and Inspir ing and th auditors srs looking forward to ths moiners service , nest nunaay evening." I Call Ml and hv a Vaceum Cleaner sent te your home; ! a day will do an your house cleaning. Complete equipment of tool for different uses. Peterson a Schosnlnt Co. . Ws have ths exclusive ssls for th Brown Daisy Absorbing Mops and Floor Brushes. They pick up the dust and carry It away. Prices tl.o snd 11.50. P. C. DsVol Hdw. Co., Mi Broadway. Key to ths Situation Oee Advertising. Permits to smoke, ( cents. All dealer Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription b tea ksst of all medicines for the ear of disease, eworders and weaknesses pooolisr to women. It is the only preparstioa of its kind devised by refalariv (radu ata parsiotaa aa sxaarssnosd sad skilled apeoislist ia the dinsm of worn. a ears sssdioia as amy ssadirloa the systesm. THE Orsst REMEDY vaioh nalsiai aloenol aad a aajarioas SMt-forwusg ants aasl wUefc THE om REMEDY so food that ft auk era praxt its vry lolredisot osj aetti -wrapper aad attest ta ths i of ma esase aader eats. it is soM fey laioine dealer steivaWeie, snd eery dealer whe kssa't it saa let it. Doa't tax esbstitw! of nn knows sompoaitioa for this ssedioiae o tnowsi eosssrnoi. Ne eomatarteit is as food sa the gsewiae aad the dragisl vrne ssy to irtilaf else is "jost ss good at Dr. Pierce's" is either mistakes ryBenaivyvaloTaisem far naa is aot to b d. He is triiing with roar most priesiess essaaiiu I seat goal tar ' III MaaH. 5sr aVat ysa fat Bras' see aaf r. ATNEAh5T Fast daily train service from Omaha and Council Bluffs to Chicago, via the Chicago fi North-Vestcrn Ry. connectintr at tht latter nnint xtriih all 111! O. w" - " l"l lines for all twints East. Tht "Best of EVervthinsr. . Pullman drawW-room lleeoino- cars, comna L ,1 .- . . . ... r - j , opservaiion, Dunet ana library can cookloven UDrary tree reclining: chair cars, sUodard .coaches and superb dining cart service a "Carte. TUMI aW (tJI l.!nm.Ha innlinil CfTY Tsovtir osnccs. leejlasw laos Fsraaa - OSJAHS, HSSV, sad SIg I a, COUMCM. LUfTa.lA. BRANDEIS STORES GREAT ANNUAL May Sale of Waists Begins Next SATURDAY. May 11th This is the annual event th&t tbous&nda of Omaha, women await each year. For months our buyers have visited the factories, securing; , special purchase at a fraction of their actual value. Waists of such ex cellent qualities in such clever new styles and exquisite patterns and colors were never offered before at a special sale. The Bargains Will Be Remarkable. See the Windows AMD LH03 ST MEET TO ORGANIZE MONDAY Commisiionen-Elect to Try to Con form to the Law. DEPARTMENT FOE EACH ONE itaror ta Have t'har at raklle A flairs Olker Departasrata ta Be Allottra at th Mretla Nest Meaaar. James C, Dahlman. Charles H. With sell, Thorns McOovern. A. C. KugL John J. Ryder. Dan B. Butler anO Jo B. Huromsl. th eommlssloners-elect ot the city, will meet Monday to arganlaa. Electloa of s mayor ana ot lirad ot de partments may be held then by the new directory of seven. City government will be divided Into seven departmenta as follows: Publlo affaire (mayor). Aooounts and finance Polios, sanitation and publlo safety. Street clawing and malntenano. Publlo Improvements. Parka and publlo property. One councilman will have charge of each department and will have power te discharge any or all smployes under him. Hs will be held absolutely responsible for th conduct of his department and acta of his subordinates. It Is probsbls ths seven commissioners will assume office within ths next two weeks Th law apparently la not very clear tn designating at what data sffloe Should be sssumed. City Attorney John A. Rlne has been requested to Inform th commissioners at what tlms thsy ought to go Into office. Present city councilman say they ar willing to atap eut any time. "They eaa't get In to early tor ua We're ready to tura It over,' ssld President Louis Berks. Change tn th official force of several departmenta aad a raedjuetment may a made, but none of the newly-elected com missioner hsve voiced their wishes and nothing definite will be dons until Mon day, when the first areetlnf of the di rectory will be bald. Prisoners Complain of Meals Served Complaint of Thirty prison ar In th county Jail that thsy are being Improperly fed by Ed Oardlpe and lra Flanagan, prisoner feeding contractors, has been placed I th hands of County Commis sioner Frank C Beat and Petar S. Kl ssaacr by Chalrmaa Jobs C. Lynch ot tha Board ef County Commlssleaers. Ths committee will Investigate aad report st a meeting Friday afternoon, at which time a full hearing probably will be bad. The prisoners go ints detail ia their charges .that the food la not good, but their statement are leaked vpen with suspicion. Starrier Meeaess. Name and Residence. Age. Han at. Nielsen. Bouth Omaha M Oerda atortanaen, Houth Omaha S Joseph Halbgebsuer. Fort Crook. Neb. a Frances St. Kllswortb. Ft. Crook. Nab. It Chsrles W. ftmlth, DMney, la Fiorsocs E. Hanger, MarshaJltswa, la.. Joseph R. Bensk. Omaha B Mary start, Valparaiso, Men w III Russell, South Omaha IT Mllka Babih. South Omaha M Peter Palkovse, Omaha. , II Katie Buba. Omaha.. II Births aad Death. Blrtha Rosea no Ethel Homn. M Houth Twenty-tlith street, girl; William and Blanch Klokly. KM Poppltn ave nue, boy; Hammond and Helen Osnts, IMS Hickory, girl; K. C. and Anal Day, CURES t.. OLD SORES If an old tor xtttxl glmDl beoanss th Aeh waa diseased at that Partloular spot. It would be aa sasy matter to apply soms remedy directly to th plso that would kill th gsrma: or th dlssassd flash mioht ha removed by s. gurgioal opera tl on and a our offectsd. But th Try faot tnat oid tore resist svery form of local or ztarnal troatmant, and svsn return after being out a war, shows that back: of them 1 a mnrhld nan as which must be removed before a curs oaa result. Just as ion aa th pollution continue in th blood, the ulcer remain an open oasspool for th deposit of impurities which th ctroulstlon throw off. 8.8. . sure Old Dor by purifying th blood. It remove every trace of Impurity and taint from th circulation, and thus eompletaly doe away with th oauss. Whan B. 8.8. hs cleansed th blood, th or begin to heal, and it it not a surf so cure, but th healing process begin at th bottom; won th dls charg oessss, th inflammation lsavss, and th plaoe fill tn with Arm, healthy flesh. Under th purifying and tonio ffot ot 8. 8. 8. th system la buUt up, and thoss who health ha been Impaired by th drain and srorry of an old sors will be doubly benefited by its us. Book oa Sots hod Uioers and any medical advio tre to alt who writ. THS SWIFT SPEOTIC CO.. ATLA1TA. OA. Wiry Waato Time With In. possible Methods? Breathe H yomei and Catarrh and All Its Dismasting Symptoms Will Vanish. There is only ana way te cur catarrh, Reach the raw. tender, taflsmed mem. bran that Is Infested with catarrh germs, and dsstory the gsrma. Ton can't reach ths nooks and crevice with liquid preparation snd water won t go down ths windpipe you know that. Thsr I only one way breaths ths ana. sspllo farm killing air of HTOMEJ (pronounce It Hlgh-o-ms) directly over the Infested parts. , H TOM EI contains no opium, cocaine or ether harmful drugs: It ta made ef Australian aueslrptus, thymol and other Uatarlne antiseptic, it will end th ml aery ot catarrh, croup, coughs, colds snd oatarrhal deafness. If used as dts rested. a A complete HTOMEI eutflt. which ia eludes hard rubber pocket Inhaler, a bot tle n IJVIllirl ..1 .t.t- I . .1 - per use. coats Extra bottles U srtsrwards rsqulrsd., cents, at druggists sverywhera. Do You Want to Learn Anything About Advertising? Go to Dallas with the AD CLUB BOYS. One new idea will repay you, and you'll tret hundreds of ideas. Can you afford to go? It's trite but it's true you cant afford to stay away. , Leave May 18th, via Q. and you want to be aboard when she pulls out. Victor White, Chas. C. Rosewater, J. A. C. Kennedy, R B. Wallace. M North Thirtieth, boy; Hans snd Mar garet Molts, bwedlsh s rse Mission hospi tal, girl; Uanaa aad itene Atotsby. MX urant. girl. deaths-John Thomsen, a years. Thirty-seventh and Cumins; i. A. KoDlnson. I years, !, south Ninth street; Charles N. Johnson, h) years, M1 Pleroe; K. M, lisnton, 1 years, MM South Thirty-Soeouei stieeU Aa Aat Callletaa meana many bad bruises, which Buck lea's Arnica 31 v heals quickw. aa It doss sores, cuts, burns and Bliss, tk. Por sal by Beaton Xru Co. CATARR! TASTE.Sf.lELLAfiD HEARINGRESTORED A Simple, Harmless Remedy Quickly Believes Ca tarrhal Deafness. ' The thousands who suffer the mtsarts of catarrh, and claim thsy bars nsvsf found a euro, can get Instant relief by shnply aaelatlag the nostrils with Ely Cream Balm. - Unlike internal medicine which upset th stomach, or at rang snuffs which eoiy aggravata the trouble, thle cleans ing, healing, antiseptic halm Instantly reaches the seat of th trouble, atop th nasty discharge, clears the aoee, bead snd throat, aad brings back tha sense et taste. It strengthen the weakened, dis eased tissues, thus protsotinc you against a return ot th trouble. Nasal catarrh Is an inflammation ot tha mesh bran lining the air passages, and cannot k reached with mixtures tsks. Into th stomach or with snuff aat powders which only causs additional Irritation. Don't waste time en them. Oct a fifty cent bottle ot Elys Craani Balm from your druggist and after using It for a day you will wish yea had triad It soeasr. 8 pedal scant, Sherman s Me Conaall Drue Co. Omaha to Kansas City DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE Morning and Evening Trains . t Broiler Buffet Oar on Day Train Drawing Bxm Pullman Sleeping Cars on Night Train. VIA THE I'HSSOUBI PACIFIC tejltj The F. Godfrey, Passenger & Ticket Agl 1411 Farnam Street or TJaio Statioa. A HARMLESS WAY TO DARK- EN THE HAIR Who doss not know the value et Bag aad sulphur (or keeping th heir dark, soft aad glossy snd In toad ooadltlonT As a matter of fact Sulphur la a natural element of hair, aad a deficiency of It la the hair I held by many scalp specialist ta be connected with loss of color and vitality - of the hair. Vnquastlonably n h sa better remedy lor hair sad scalp troubles, especially prematar gray ness. thsa Ssgs snd Sulphur, If properly prepared. The Wyeth Chemical Company af Nssr Tork put eut sa Meal preparation ef un kind, called Wyatas 8s ge and Sulphur Hair Remedy, In which Sacs snd Sulphur are combined with ether valuable re ro se lea for keeping the hair aad scajp ta clean, healthy condition. It year hair la looetng it color or con st tly oominc owl, or If yea sr troubled with dandruff r dry. Itchy scalp, gat a fifty cant bottle et Wrath's Sag and 8a shar from yow druggist, use It according to the simple directions, and see what a difference a fW days' treat meet will make hi the appearance of your hair. All drug gut ceil it, aader goarutee that the saoasy win be refunded It the remedy ss act exactly aa isiwaaeulail. Agaat, Sherman a McConaeli Drag Ca. at s3 at! cent Be aa ta sen