Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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The. Mne ImnArltni CaU aI
w fj. i ff w i (vciai w a v vi
en uigi. uiauc ruiuiiiiiiiiiu uuvua
We made big underprice purchases from the leading mills and vL
manufacturers of all lines of Men's Furnishing Goods;
at". .
BaTaBBneTsawr '
eve Bee Mat Be.
BlMtzto Safer 9nn Bura-aran4a
BL a. Clark. ilnL llfh And TOAuslaa
Boar ateetta- Soe1yji CommH-
stonera HunUr aae Wapptoa were the
only member at tn fir and polio board
I idmv for th m serin Tuesday night.
and adjournment waa takea an til Tnurs-
stav fiteM-
Walters tret a TarSlaS A Terdlot wm
returned thia moraine in UnKod States
district court allowing John F. Walter!
in his csa axslnst to afreet railway
company fOk Walter sued tb etreet
railway company for Injuria sustained
villi boardl D( car. , ,
Sayeer M k BroafM Back Boyal
Snyder, an Omaha youth, who, tried to
commit eutcid tn- 81 Paul hut weak,
whan arretted upon a warrant from here,
charctnc him with forgery, will be
brought back. Detective Ring left hut
nick for 8t. Paul to brine Snyder beak.
Addis sraohU a liwl aTelp- As
usual To Be election figur were re
lied upon by th thouaand of voter of
Omaha for early return. The pei with
which the reliable figures war put on
th at reels waa due la a large measure to
r ao I I
i La til
CORQ II I U choice
EakeTSTto,, Caa mar
I 1 '
,. I j. Caeajaai
SO. Mr. tf. -mmrn
' SBrVeaWl ftesT eTssaBsaai '
ClO. faOST CO., ass-ore. "
ROYAL the most celebrated ot all
the baking powders in the world
celebrated tor its great leaven
ing strength and purity. It makes
your cakes, biscuits, bread, etc,
healthiul, it insures you against
alum and all forms oi adulteration
that go with the cheap brands.
' .
the .ye of two Burroughs adding ma
chine. Cadet la B1 mental XrrtlV The flret
regimental dree parade of the Omaha
High school cadet regiment during 112
waa held yesterday morning In eharg of
Captain Arthu & Cowan, commandant,
and Malcolm Baldrlge, lieutenant colonel.
Th nine cadet ompnle and th band
took part, going through a arrle ot In
tricate maneuver la a oredltable mea
ner. ' i ,
Sigh Bosool Biases This Kaata Final
examination! In all nibjecu at the
Omaha High achool will be held from
May Z? to U. Inclusive. Senior student
who received mark above M per cent tn
any mbject for th flret half term and
whoa work baa been graded above at
during th present semester will be ex
cused from taking th teata
Par Boor Kits' Fortsr Benjamin Kepv,
a .porter living at WHk North Twelfth
street, while getting a plec ot tee from
a box ear on a aiding by th People' ice
Cold Storag Co. was (truck by the
ear door, blown off by th strong wind,
and badly Injured about th fao and
shoulder. He waa taken to the police
station where hi Injuries were dressed.
Pie se era Meet Taersday To Douglas
County Pioneers' association will meet
Thursday afternoon at tb city ball to
appoint committee for the June picnic.
A paper, discuaatn; personal experience
in th earlier days will be read by one
of the member. There la other business
to be transacted by th association and
th officer have extended the members
an urgnt invitation to attend.
Jailed for Stealing from Wife For
breaking inio'hte wife' room at ITU Chl
eag street and stealing a suitcase and
dothes valued at tS, John. Joalyn was
given thirty days la police court. Mrs.
Haiti' Joslya said that ah waa separ
ated from her husband. Mr. Alio Mich
ael, who run th rooming sous at th
above a umber. saM that Joslya had beea
warned to remain away from th houaa.
Barclay B tried Bar Th body of Al
exander 1 Barclay, an accountant, who
waa accidentally snot and killed last
Friday Bight at tb Chatham hotel by
his friend. Philip U Dallam, was burled
tn Forest Lawn cemetery yesterday. The
funeral waa bold from Crosbys ander
taktng parlor. Rev. Mr. Amos, a pre
hyterlan minister of Ida Grove, la, of
fl elating. Mr. Amos waa an ancle of th
dead man.
Iowa Maa Break Bead Bales la EJ-
Uett, Je, there are no road rales and
when Ralph Jones, a farmer, drove his
automobile Into Omaha he thought It all
right to "cut corners" and rid upon th
''Jay Ma. Traffic Officer Wright at
Sixteenth aad Howard streets thought
differently and Jones waa arrested. He
explained hi Ignoranc of Nebraska law
to Acting Folic Magistral Altatadt and
waa itlarmssed with a reprimand.
CUfi Appelated s Para Vic Prasi-
deat Park of th Ultuoia Central has aj
aouaesd th appointment of Albert E
CHft general superintendent of th eora
pany'a una north of th Ohio river, tn
clodlng th Oraaha-Chlcago line.,. vie
Hobert W. Baxter, resigned, to become
president of the Alaska Steamship com
pany. Mr, Chft was formerly fcaersl su
perintendent of the line south f th
Ohio and Is succeeded by John F. Portar-
British Inquiry Slow;
Nothing New Learned
LONDON, May l-8hipwreck experi
ence consumed th tiro of th board of
trad Inquiry Into th Titanic disaster
today. Only three witness were dis
posed of. No new light waa shed on th
sinking of th steamer beyond th facts
elicited by tb American aenatorlal eo
The examination was significant because
It showed th government's determina
tion to discover what steps were taken
to get off the third-class passengers.
Whatever comparisons may be drawn
by, this "stately and well-ordered tri
bunal," as on of th weakly reviews nre-
dlcted K would be. and the proceedings
beror Senator smith's committee, th
British court certainly 1s anything but
expeditious. Sir Rufu Isaacs, th at
torney general, who Is -conducting th
government's case. Is not uftlotently aa-
qualnted with the dotal la to manage with
any economy of time. Tb result Is that
he has to stop frequently to consult with
his assistants while th Inquiry halts.
Th number of oounset reoreeentlns-
th various unions, who tak a band tn
th cross-examination also tends to
(From a Staff Correspondent J
WASHINGTON, May eWSpeclal Ttle-gram.-Th
bous today passed th bill
Introduced by Representatlv Martin of
South rjskaia to onm fa kin.....!
entry three township In Lawrence county
am one in renningtoa county. South Da
kota, which war reserved for entry under
th act ot UN, because of supposed min
eral deposits. Later Investigation snowed
the absence of such AenMlta anil R I-A
is aow to be settled If th bill finally be
come a law. . v
The two represents tlvee from South
Dskots, Messrs. Burke and Martin, are
making a determined effort to prevent
tb passe so of th Hem In the Urina
tive appropriation bill now before the
swuse u aoonsn in assay office In the
country. There is one office at Dead
wood. 8. O., and several ethers ever th
CHICAGO, May l-Tne Interstate Com
merce corn mission today began an tnvee
tlgattoa her to determine a standard rat
for th elevation of gram from railroad
cars mt warehouses which wm be fair
t both th railroads and th grata ele
vator ewnere.
The question Involves th transfer of
grata from westers, to eastern trains
through th medium or grata elevators
C. B. Pierce, vie president of tb Bart-lett-Praxier
company a Board of Trade
firm, testified a believed a rat of a
quarter of cent a bubei charged, H
railroad her was fair to both th rail
road and tb elevator men. Th hearing
ill be continued in Kansas City.
Wedding Bells Ring
Thrice at Iowa Falls
TOW A FALLS. Is., May l-8pciel.)-Announcement
has Just been madaef th
marriage of thro well-known young
women of this city. Miss Harriet Green
became Mr. A. J. Lombardo by tb
nuptial knot rout. ' Th bride Is a
daughter t Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Groan.
Mr. Lombordo was formerly engaged In
th fruit business here, but Is now located
at St. Paul, wher th young couple will
reside. David Warner of Mara Visa,
N. M., and Mis Myrtle Huntley of this
city war married la Dec Molne last
week. Mr. Warner formerly resided her
and was for a time manager of the Hogaa
bus and transfer Una, He la now man
aging a Mg ranch owned' by himaelf and
brother In New Mexico. Th bride la a
daughter of C' M. Huntley of thla city
and a highly esteemed young woman who
ha been engaged la teaching tor a num
ber of year. Mr. C. A. Garrison ot Wat
kins, la., and Mlas Ross Pterc of this
city were married by Rev. William Hard
castle of the Congregational church her
Saturday evelning. Mr. Oarrtaoa for
eoroe time past baa been engaged as
timekeeper on th Panama canal work.
The bride la a daughter ot Mr. and Mra
Qua Pierce.
stAnON CITT, la.. May l-iSpecla
Telegram.) Mora than a eoors of strikers
wen s treated last night on charges of
ltlng American engineers, rioting
carrying concealed weapons. The
strtk has extended from the brick and
tile plant to th street aad sewer de
partments of th city, with eoroe 71 men
Express and railway companies
bav been notified not to deliver liquor
to any Interested In th labor trouble,
and dealers in firearms bav bad notifica
tion not to sell weapons.
Emptor era will not concede to demands.
To eemeat eompani granted a raise
from It to TO cents per hour aad averted
th strlas.
KANSAS CITT. May S.-trtperlal Tele
gram.) Fred Ryden. Jamas Cogrovand
Ernest Lmrlornan. aJ It, of Omaha, war
arrested her. They were on a "hobo'
trip, and ar being held for officer t
eomo for them.
Absenos of th boys waa reported to tbe
police yeaterday by their parents. Fred
Ryden Uvea at Sfc Otto, Kraeet Unde
maa. KS OtuA aad Jams Coagrove, SfTS
Mast Pee la Patasa
t th dyspeptic Electric Bitter soon
relieve oyspepsia. trver and kidney com
plaint and debility. Price sac For Bale
by Beaton Drac Co.
liv wreg sank, Ptmtla. t cents, J
City Funds Depleted and Authorities
Hast Tackle Problem.
Two Brother Satherlaad Rasage la
geaffl and Jaaaea Mmers with
Broken Leg Buya Are pa
lshed for rilfenag.
Clly Clerk Perry Wheeler' recent re
port show the condition ot several Im
portant fund to be very near depletion.
As a result of this stringency the police
and fir department have already beea
cut dowa and the number ot street light
have been reduced. The water fund la In
such condition that property owner (n
th west section ot th city can not ob
tain mains to conduct th water to badly
needed hydrants and fire plugs. Beside
all this, th fund of th street depart
ment are beginning to run low and all
together th mayor and council are be
ginning to look forward anxiously for th
beginning of th new fiscal year.
Mayor Hoctor. sine bis election, has
stood for a policy ot retrenchment tn
the hop of getting th finances of the
city back Into a healthy state. Ho much
ha he adhered to th policy of strict
economy that It la being used agalnat
blm by men who expected that with hi
accession to offloa svery hungry place
seeker In the city ahoultf be satisfied at
th expense cf th public fund.
Th serious men of th city and th
members of the council ar nevertheless
loath to see th earn condition of
stringency In public fund recur year
after year. Ia particular this la deplored
by th property owner who look with
concern on th reduction ot the police
or fir departments or the necessity that
make light and water difficult to obtain.
The men cite recent instances of fires
In th western section of the city wher
th fir department waa unabl to find
any water supply at all except what the
men were compelled to carry for blocks
to th scene of th blase.
The ooadltlona are to be deplored."
aid Mayor Hoctor to th men who
pleaded for asm remedy and help. But
economy la necessary and tome one has
to do tha unpopular thing and attack th
problem. I shall endeavor to get th city
finance on rich a basis as will not com
pel us to tact th same deflclenees svery
The following report of the clerk shoVs
th actual condition of th different
fund to dale:
Fund. Ri-'-eiots. Balances.
Fir tJl.-i.i H) S.MU M
uenerai xi.sw.u , ll
Salary J1.4HI.M S.9K.M
Publlo light ; 1ii.770.Xi I.18U.5
Water I.. 17.IWI.M .
Ktreet repair M70 M tSM.Tt
Police fa.isa.ll lot.!)
Library - MM 73s. It
Int. and sink 1X. M.7U.S
.street cleaning 1 wo 4 XXJ i
Park 4.493 M lls.ol
Judgment 1.7M.M . 1M.s7
Totals Dtl.Ut.U $1(0,111.04
For Bale.
Modern seven-room boose. In best resi
dence block In South Omaha. Tel. & 44.
Broken Leg la Teesle.
In a dispute last night at all North
Thirty-third street, two brothers, Charles
and James Sutherland, ar said- to bav
engaged In a tussle that resulted In a
broken leg for James Sutherland. Two
stories are told of th affair. On says
that tb leg waa broken by a brick
thrown from the hand of hi brother
Th partlra themselves told the nolle
that tha accident occurred when Suther
land fell on a brick walk. Th right leg
was broken Just below th knee. Dr.
Jobn Koutsky set th Injured member.
Boy taesht Plllerlsg.
Three boys. William Markovlts of Nine
teenth and J. Louis Jsniahelt ot Nine
teenth and M, and Fred Kastner ot
Eighteenth and M streets ar confined In
th nolle station under suspicion of hav
ing been engaged In petit larceny plot.
Ths boys were arrested yesterday aft
ernoon by Detective Bheahaa and Me
Quire, wbo recovered some of th good
said to have beea pilfered by th lads.
At th polio station last night Probation
Officer Paul Macauley declared that th
plight of th three was th result ot Idle
ness and bad company. Some of th boy
have been In trouble before, but were
released on promise of Improved behavior.
Th article recovered Included some
cheap women' bat and millinery.
Doa't Betas a Look.
Nearly every reader know Ftynn' sa
a bouse of good qualities to a degree al
most Impossible of Improvement, but this
spring w will make a record that we
could hardly bop for eur selves six
months ago. Our line of young men's
suits has brought earnest words of praise
from svery one who has seen It. There
are so many good things ws could not
begin to describe them, but you will find
Try Thia For Faded Hair
Toothful Color aad
array or Streaky Talr
of bow much or little hair
a woman possesses, h must be of rich,
even. color end hsvs a silken aneeu
others-tea bar beauty anJ attractiveness
are seriously imps! red. There la a cer
tain element of danger and uncertainty
with dyes aid hair "shader," whoa
used on gray, faded or aueaky hair, and
their as often ha a ruinous effect
When brunette hair turn gray or
fades, get a small, original package of
bare! cms and with on pint of water
make a tea, Moisten tb comb slightly
with this and comb harr each alght until
youthful color and lustra return. For
faded Monde hair, wash In arban tea,
and to restore th former color to
auburn hair, wash la plain eambia tea.
mad by putting on ounce of cambla tn
a pint of boiling water. No harm re
sults from thla treatment and tha affect
la entirely sstuifactorjfAdK. ...
It more than Interesting to look through
this Una and th piesiur It fives us to
show you. you would not deny us It
you understood. Respectfully.
Officials Go Semth.
City Treasurer John J. Gliiin. Fir and
Police Commissioners Jobn J. Ryan and
Joseph Ptvonka and former Councilman
John Fraaek left yesterday for Teas
nd ether southwestern points, where It
I understood tbey may be Induced to In
vest la land.
Maarlo City Geesl p.
Mr. X J. Rhode I visiting friend at
Beatrice this week.
Mra K. Cushlng and children have gtne
to Denver for an extended visit
Mra Isabella Levslle I quit III at her
residence. Thirty-fifth and U streets.
Mrs. Paul Chad has as a guest this week,
Mra K. A. Burneaa of Wichita. Kan. -
John Mclntlrs left Monday for South
Dakota, wher he wilt look alter hi prop
erly. Mr. and Mr. Albert Goodman, Mt South
Nineteenth street art rejoicing over lb
birth of a daughter.
Junes tllennon left yeaterday for hi
home ia t'hluago after an extended visit
with South Omaha friend.
Th birth of a daughter Is reported at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chrla Hansen,
Albright and th oounty Una.
Leonard Koberll ot Jurnrman school won
the honor of being the best speller m the
sixth grade ot th south Omaha schools.
Th womea'a auxiliary of St. Martin'
church will hold a meeting tor election
of officer, at th guild ball this after
noon. Th Olee club of th high school I
busy preparing for the musical concert
which will be given Friday night at the
high school auditorium.
Mrs. Wllllsm Routt will entertain the
Willing Workers of th Christian church
this afternoon, at her home. Twenty
fourth end K atreeta
Sir. Ben Davis. Fifty-first end TJ
streets, will be hostess for the kenslngton
of SoUh Omaha grove No. W ol th
Woodmen circle, this afternoon.
The Loyal Mystic Lesion of America
held their flret charter meeting last nignt
at the Kidmen's hall. The nest Initiation
will be held at th earns hall. May S,
Mrs. J. W. Jordan with Sir. C. M.
Martin as aaelstant hosiers will enter
tain the 1 .ailles' Aid society at the Metho.
dlst church, at the home ot Mrs. Jordan,
Wit I street. The women ar asked to
bring their fancy work. ' .
Ueslle H. Whlston. the t-monlha-otd son
of Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Whlatan. died
yesterday afternoon at ths family koine,
ISIS Mlekourl avenue. The funeral Will be
held Thursday afternoon tram St. Mar-
tin s church to Laurel Hill cemetery.
Arthur Brandeison
Board of Governors
Arthur D. Rrandels, brother of th late
Emll ft rand sis, waa elected a member of
ths board ot governors of th Knight ot
Ak-Har-Ben to succeed but brother at a
meeting of th board of governor last
alght. -
First Inltlatloa for tha year will be
held In th Daa Monday night June .
accSrdltif to a decision of ths beard ot
governors. It bad been hoped to bav
th tint Initiation at an earlier-date, but
unavoidable delaya hsvs mad that Im
possible and an Initiation satisfactory In
all detail cannot be arranged ktfor
June Is, ' '
Eagy to Have Fair' , '
Skin and Pretty Hair
Tb hair and scalp can be kept Im
maculately clean and sweet by occasion
ally shampooing with a teaapoonftil of
eanthrox dissolved In a cup of hot water.
This quick-drying shampoo dissolve
every particle of duet, dandruff and as
cess oil, and restores ths former even
color and brlltance to faded, lifeless
hair. Becaus of Its Invigorating action,
eanthrox will encourage' the growth of
long, beautiful hair.
A highly satisfactory lotion for the
skin Is made by dissolving 4 ounces of
spuntiax la H pint witch naael tor hot
water), then adding S teaspoonfuls gly
cerine. When applied to tha akta tt la
Invisible, and It regular us will banish
tb oily, "muddy," blotchy look ao fatal
to any complexion. When used on the
daintiest skin H will Impart an added
richness not thought possible. Adv.
Cadlllaqua (pronoaae
1 1 Kadll-akwata) gala
bra tea tbe foundlnf et
Detroit by Cadillac. It
ig to be) b whole world's
. fair crowded Into a week,
Jul 22 to 27th.. It Is
going to show the world
that Detroit Is snore than
the greatest automobile
city oa earth.
Incidentally, w would
Ilk to shake bands with
you at the front door of
the factory which built '
ulna-tenth of all the add
ing machines la nee.
Bmmmglm Adding Afar ha G
B. W. SrXLOINO. gslss Hasasar.
OMAHA. - - - - - NI
Tat Douglas 7 SSL
TKe Final? Factorj
in all Good.TypCvVTilirigJs
the ribbon. ' r
Ribbons! : .
insure the best typewriting
of whichyouTimoxhineli3i
capable, ., T
For clearness and 'bEIuryl
of impressions, as well as,
lasting qualities, their. leader j
ship is recognized
Made and guamteedjbyjhei
Typewriter Companj
Southeast Corner Nineteenth
and Douglas Streets,
Omaha, Neb.
Hotorists, Attention
Cylinder troubles usually
are due to carbon deposit
Trace back the carbon
de-wsit, and, if you do not
find the fault in your mix
ture, you will probably
find it in your lubricating
oil. . ,
POLARISE OIL practically
eliminates caroon oepoaita.
. . . ... a
it aavtva you irons, iuuitc
spark plugs aad valves, scored
cylinder, etc
It keeps proper lubricating
body at high temperatures. It
feeds freely light down to sero.
Tbe Polanne Brand covers
Polar! ne Oil; PolariBe Trans
mission Lubricants (in three
conslstenclea) ; Polar! ne Fibre
Crease and PolariBe Cup
Standard Oil Company
MuVistw-! Sootbiko vcr has beea
used forever SIXTY YSAR3 bv VIUJONS ot
MOTHERS tor tbrh- CHILDSEN nll a
sluts en raiK ; crass wi n colic ea3
la the best masily.Sjc It V.
ohsfcrty- bene less. Be eare aad ask to - Mra.
Wralow-e esotbtas; evnrs,1 aad tea a etsiax
Delight of an
a iiKI.